HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1911-12-14, Page 9• v • urM'y• 141h41: • vsigarysignipwwwwwwwwirriww— • rig Lt kKNOW g N'i'INUL a: .H. Page • Can supply your ,needs in anything Along: thes line of .GROCERIES, FANCY FRUITS, CONFECTIONSRY OR FANCY CHINAWARE: -. ur Grocery lepartment stocked with:all the latest and. beat NeivRaisins N tNew Currants, New,.Caniaea Tomatoes, Corn uric Peas, Pickles (bottled •dor. bulk) .Choice Manzailla and Santa Maria Olives, New • Candied Peels, --S' ices -of , , p : ,.all kinds, in fact everything- • t at is for h. --required Baking.'Purposes. ,'Soda 'Biscuits . and •Cakes of all kinds. Golden,' and Lily "White Corn .'Syrup. •Brushes,. Brooms, Snow Shovels, • 'Sifter°, Lamp Glasses,' :Lantern Glasses, Matches,Butter Bowls, Butter Prints, etc. ete. ur Fruit ' ed up with, Navel Oranges, ail:. ,Messins .Leriious,. .AYm'eriaE iq , Dittos, loose or package, Titre—Aga,Raisins; Grape- fruit, 13anannas, rapefruit,Banannas, Cranberries,. etc:. • • Our,. COn!ectionery Dp e artmen Holds all that the HumanIlietrit could desire Chocolates froth: `'O cents to 60 cents.per pound, Fancy, Bon. Bons from 10 cents to 01,50. Christmas Candy to no end.: Wax Candle' s,' Etc. Etc, Words fail to' describe, our stock in, this line :See Holly; Wreaths, Special Reduction. -to Public Schools and 'Sunday Schools that require large quantities for Entertainments, ►�ur Crockery lepoarnien - ' van:sa •=�� � �` *iuy- Wo `a�es�rring-so»~- •�.. anapsfn'DINNER 'SETS.. This is worth while •investigating—A fine hand painted Plate o a' choice Fruit Bowl '.avgu•!d make' a '"fine. Christmas Present: g:dlY assortment of -Butter Oroeks • Fancy Toilet .Sets, Etc. 'l�urandFeed -epartmen iy. Represents the best grades of Flour anil;Feed obtainable In :Flour we 'stock .PURITY, FIVE LOSES, FIVE JEWELS, LISTOW:EL, PORT ALBERT FLOUR, and of course our own LTYCKNOW'FLOUR, 'whiehgiles satisfaet'ion to every Housewife:., : 'IN' FEEDS ,we have jus • t: uploaded a car of Bran anu, Shorts, for these our prices are right. We.also handle Linseed Meal, Oi1. Cake, ,Cotton:Seed,Meal, Rolled' Oats,. Oats;; Wheat,' Crushed Oyster. Shell, and a .full line of Pratt's Regulator and Conditioner,, ., Bibby's Cream Eq, uivalent Ete. Etc. al 4i1 As we have one of the larg st ;Oil Accounts in Canada : and buy very' large quantities,', we can.;sell you the very, best Arneric ;Uil ..at -the' rate ofr 2 n e.. also handle 'Ga oline 2 talions ,for 5�oe t . ¢ � s , Gement •• • We -are for Canada .0 ate aiid.handlle • it in season.' If yon.' :agentsy require any:• next season let. us giv .you our prices. 'They.. are the lowest.. • R rash, WaterHe%, ring . =Salt.;Water sHerring '. • ,ak 'Trout,:..Fi•n•nan Iladdie,' Cod Fish, Ftc Highest :Prices .. ��ash r Trade for wall- g � � • ��n�Is of Produce; o'1yrood` . Miss E. White is visiting IM �•ipley, Mrs. Jas. Ross is taking in theWinter Pair at 'Guci hr this .week. isa•sitinarg areher a wersister, M, o ' insrs, pineThos,. is vi. Harris, . We are pleased to se Mrs Albert Thompson•around again after his recent illness. • fii5slrxnlem-Gomrltry;--PLfxcknow: spent last week with her sister Mrs. ,Fred Johnston..: The remains of, the, late Peter'.Cor- rigan were interred in the R. C. (iemetry hire on Weinesday. Some .• claim there would be more rummy in the bakery business than in oresaniar•Westforkingd: . ,P.rove it by'killing a box f. Great .preparations are being made •'for the .School Concert and .Christmas Tree; which is to:heheld here On .11-11103: day evening Deo.'21. ! } . Angus McPherson,' of ;Wingham,, whoa ' has • been visiting •his brother, Murdock ,McPherson, left on Saturday for Ouelph to renew Old acquaintancesjind take in the Fat Stock'Show'• ,+ ';Quite a'number 'froni .the 8th concess`: ion attended the 113tlany Tea -meeting on Tuesday evening.' They report the supper—good, the concert—better, tnd. the best of all. • Miss. E. McQueen has tendered, her resignation of S. •S No.- 4, Kinloss, the awe to take effect' at • the cnd • •of the year. To correct a false rumor :which L aa• got around, it may besaid' that the Inspector had nothing whatever 'to do with Miss McQueen's resignation,' She resigned' ofher pwn free will; and she is gualifi_d .by. her certificate to teach in this school for as .long 'as ;she made• her .agreement With the trustees. Westford Election • lay here was very rtuiet. ' W: C: 'Smith was in. 1\'inghani on Thursday: . Roy I3aidenby .made a flying trip to Kingarf last, Friday. :' Miss ,Nettie Stanley is visiting at Harry Haldenby's. • Russell and Clarence Haynes have. 'raturn d from the West- ia Ruth lras returned `after alitinding:'. the past year in Fart .Frances; , Chester Haldcnby. t spent a, few .days the guest of James Stanley; at fags ' .ioseph Murray is hoine after spending a year as hired •heln.for ,Duncan Canip- •:YOUR. NEW ..SOIT .0. oVERCOA " It made at CLARK'S wi' give you lasting satisfaction'; ' Scotch Tweeds, Meltons an4 Beavers, Fancy Suitings; sail_ Overeoatings of . all kinds arty. here in plenty awaiting you{:; inspection. . All •work first pias; and . satisfactiQa. guiiranteed • :Prompt attention given. to ai orders, Give me a trial, •' TEMPLE •CLARK` MERCHANT TAILOR (one d'ooi west of W , ;.Connell's OIV.R US A, CALL,. -- —^-foc ally c,f the foll wing' harness.':Blankets Robes, , 'W Rugs, Bells, Trunks, Valises, Col Sweat Pada,'(„all Cure, Skate: Str aad'all necessary repairs. • Skates put. on Shoes Shoes repaired" ' promptly. •' faction guaranteed. . AR MST ROI'VG & BA • RR$ (In the old Gallagher stand.) OTTON Misses Margaret Lloyd and ' i3e tanleyspcnt-a' few days-visitingfriends • There:will.be a : box social here • on Dec. 20 Everybody come if you •.want a treat, , .• Mr: and Mrs. W'ni. Hodgins attended - the Anniversary at Mr. •Thacker'sast Thursday. evening. SUCCESSFUL' Woos Bg A' very. successfulavood bee was, held at Fred' Haldeniby's last• Thursday: • About thirty men Were :'present - In the. eiening'th'e House was ,opened •to a large number of'invited guests and , the trine was: spent in dancing and , gaines until the,small holds of the morning. • Second.'. Con. Alex. N.reholson:' is "fn' Toronto' this week. " , • • , a•, Dan. McDoinald was in •\Walkerton last week attending the County. Council • meetings. Messrs. John;at d:Herb Miller -ha' e -returned from the West,:,both 'looking hale and hearty , _ ' John 1'f atson of ,Lucknow, , was busy cutting woxdforXis. Irwin for aifew days this ;dee k: • '• The •brick. work of the' new church here, has been completed, And the pias iiiirtn"the-ii side` ')Sas I eeare ni, meneed. ' John Barber of St. Ilelens, is • stayfrig at the honte of Jas. Irwin, and understand he intends niakin•hishome, there=for -the -winter. ' Among ' those that attended' .the Winter Fair in Chicago last week were: Messrs. Jas. Henderson Dan. \feXa_ . and Miss Annie McKay. 7 • , �1 AIM, TO PLEASE. Give us a Trial: andyou'; will soon become one of • our Regular Rg We. wish and,all'DERRY MERRY CRI STO& • • ., -1t mime .•r .4- PtiONR 27 ANDERSON BLOCK ` LUCKOW. -CONNECTION CONNECTION .>• Olivet • MissMoore--is visiting relatives, • Pay; C. 'W.. Rivers will rierupy the pulpits.` on the le1grave circuit next Sttnd iy,` . ysacranieirtal •' Sei vice 'Was hold in Olivet ciaarrcdi ori. Sunday. Four new metiibers were received into the church, hlr. Walter Brown bf Auaber•ley, and Miss Campbell, of the Lake Strom wore the guests, of Miss diary Walden 'on, Suniiay. !Olivet Sunday School will hold their attlival.Christmas Tree and��".ntert•tin Menton Wednesday evening December 20th- A. good , program is being' provided., 'Everybody welcome:' Lanes Thomas Ferris s home from the West. Ernest Sheravooi is home froth dile West for a short time. . 'Mrs. Dunbar of Blyth, is the ,guest - of her sister, Mrs. 1\`nr. ]3aldwin:" Mr. and Mrs, 0. • W Lane ':visited friends in Port Albert on Wed''nestl<yy Brat. • W e are pleased to hear .that David Ferris, who has been :seriousl'y ill, is improving Miss b"itrgl is preparing the child- ren fora . Christmas enterfatntent •itt S, S. No. 10; • tas .;nli Ira 4--- lirisdeti .., Bossiness: Tr,�ining: A•:.chain of t Seven Collages iu: leading towns .{ • mitis$,----Two.41iRlisancl—stii--t dents in our, Colleges and. Hamet'fj • Study last year. We train nii•ttefrom: i ten,to twenty students for every LI one .• trained .by most. schools. There's a reason , It is freely ad c tha••t--our• gr xdnTi et best -•pesitiensaad---the' demand • fog fq thein is `seven" times the. 'supply,: 'Exclusive right for Ontario .of the); famous Bliss` :Book-keeping .Sys- , tem .You may study a • home, or' ;. partly at-home and finil3h' at the, College. • A `Business "Education' •pys a dividen4 every day'of your WZIN'p ER' TYRM FROM JAN. ;i , 2, 1212. - Call or write for:particulars. potion Business College WING HAM • enAs.. W BIIRNS, Principal • 0 $.4.. oo. and-rett rti front FAT *STOCK SHOW. Tickets good :going via Yp;''.m trains J.sari"-a11`tra"xna'13ec. ID, 11;71' Return Limit, Dec. '13, 1911, ' Through train. Service • and Pullin Sleepers between : :TORONTO. and• PORCUPINE Northbound ---Leave .Toronto 8.30 veil., arriving South Porcupine 4.20 .p. in, following afternoon. Southbound--Leave.Soiith Porcnp. ine 12 30 . p. m., arriving. ' Toronto 7,30, a. in, following morning./ O•w MAR TN ,;DepotIAgent, .,WINTER TERM PRIM' JANUARY. 2nd. 'dot risk nothing nothing: by college, Its' rep Citation for sni erinr training aid square deal,t . is . absolutely clean atut it will remain so LEA OTT . TO IONTO. ONT. is hi a Liss by it lf, w hen stri'rt.. ly titer" rl:r work ,is considered .. • (4rattuates are stirs to get- good. positions owing to Muir l,ropei" training. -Write . for. tatalogue,• \1, T. r~"tot tOTZ', Principal. Cor: env 'and Aexander Sts. t.