HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1911-12-14, Page 3•"!• .•••••••••--*,••••••Verata • • , • ••• n, .• , HR Gillette beats every other shaving device in a lot Of Ways—it's safe; it's quick, it's enPuolatical, it shavesclean and. easily, 'It requires no steOPping no honing, It's always ready and It can be adjusted 10 Stilt the face of user-mau who shaves. The toughest beard and tenderest face each, ,recelveaa perfect sheife. . „ Get into the Gillette clads and save tlirm, trouble and money. . Ask Your destler.io rihow you the Gillette. If he has neither the goods nor oiur catalogue, write us., We will sees that; you ate suppliedal • 7 , • 1 Gillette Safety Raw Co. of Canada Walled i •Stace and Factory -423 St. Alexander Montreal. • • 10t:boxa. Triple atieki12doublehited, with 13d ' edged blades n neat case. • St11/14110 Sets $5.00' t)oriet Editions, 45.00 to $6,00 Corraviisation Sete, $6,51itoS50.00 312.. rete . . No smeepeia- NOHONING 111.04114 TOG RID oviuo choly, type, which is nude up principally of slight, slim, tall 'figures,. large -foreheads and point- ed chin, dark eyes end sallow !kin; those who thin •quie y, re- act rapidly, aro susceptible, bet easily get (atiar their emotions. These tend to suffer from nerve storms, not infrequently ending in insanity.' • . And lastly,--theephlegniatie type, people with bulky •forraa, light hair, pasty complexions, slow movernenta rnentallv heavy on bend, Clow arid plodding, a type which tendo to dementia and dis- eases of a slow course. r, , . RULES FOR Tat KITCHEN. • All busy housewives shoeld know the followinggalden rules; Haug them in your kitchen ; you will.fiad. them invaluable, ' , 1. Cleanliness and punctuality are the royal roads- to good coking. • ° 2. Leave nothing dirty; eleaa ,ead • THEmitni ()DU nr. 141 dilLIILUbRuroffinum rItYSIVIAN WtO READS ONE',S fIlfAl!ACTER IN A, iifo,K. •Fuer Basic Temperaments, SeagaNersou8 or rhiegmatic., • * • Fon' those of ne who have at- tempted character reading thrOugh • the'mediuni of chins, • foreheads, • jaws', hands, end even the color of e. peison!es eyes and hair Much' Of hiterest may be ' gathered from re- cent reseatehes .of Roberta . jones, F. 0, S.,, Superintend- ent 'of the Loaden.(Englantd), ty itaylurn: in addition -to being considered erie Of •the most dis- tinguished ;experts on Menal(Bs- . ' . ones la hun iorouely credited with being .the Shertock • Hohnes of tho''inedie,al profession in • that,it is said, he .ean read anoth- er person's idoeyncrasies, trotiblea, history, , habits and. thoughts Sim- ply by looking at Jena ." • "We know people , as , tall or ihort, fair Or dark; square oi shrn" as Dr. Jones,: ' ',and • we knoW. ' eaperience' that • one • man's, meat is .• another's ,poigota‘. and if • we •e'en discover by some special means Of ' abeervationthe distribution of en- . dowthent.' the eapaCity tor 'etitlea-' tion, the suitability for octupetion ene fitnesa:foe after life, the taste, the disposition or tendenek to act, .or even :the susceptibility to dis- . ease/ iri'other;wiatels, if tee can as - Pertain the temperament Of the • individual, we and he, :en she, ritaY - be saved, much.' dissappoinkinen and Serrow.," • ,. • ' ' • THE •AvoRD TExPEAAMENi:. It so happens that tbe word tem- ; perament. ,old one,.Dr 'Jones eaes whi in use More than 2,000 yeitrs ago. ;Other authorities -have declared that '• Hippocrates• origuiated the veard 400.B.' 0.• The antients. had no stethoscopes, thee- Monieters, •WAtelieS instruments for measuring arterial pressure, ria, plie,seilogree/ and butelittIe struitom- -eiearVkatewledge, irtrt, the) -knew:: :41 - great deal about. ' teenneeament. Th e'y cultivated a knowledge: of ei- ternal signs as a 'gttide to the men- tal moral. eharacter of theta . withwhom they had. dealings ' wen in ie remo .e. pes • elates Dr. „Janes, "dark and • fair • persona were known to be .predis- ..puieed to diseases of different tyties andclasses and, the same disease' , were ' known 'tri affect them 'differ'. ently and needed different treat- ment let their' Experiene- physieians.and s,tirgeares-in-aneiree modern 'timee, , relyipg oxt the, Ina:Y(4n that we are .Often hetier 1:••iio•*fi by our lookst put our s Or '(;:s, have, followed • iaest•keenly' the • . , study of resemblances Jana differ- enCes in, their patientscertaiply keenly in Saint BartholoWeeV'S Hospital, Leanlon, ia the One of .Dr. Patrick track,. who, ; without exarniriing them-, grouped • hia. eiii- deer •Patiente aceording to-theeilna elegnomy uf their disease. "There is a danger, however, in depending too much:upon physical character; for mental' traits. •Wo knew. the. impulsi4aeis, THE LOVE OF CHANG.E, . , . . and the. unwarranted hope of blue- eyed, red-haired peeple(the sangu- ine tenneerament).; a' contrested <ear With the caution, ,P sittence, And ,ambition • of the , ark -eyed and- .. black:haired' (the ece. ed biliotni temperament): :: Yet surrounding eirearestancet (melt te Modifv,. so natural Mantises and •tendeneiea thet•.A. carroty -haired girl 'might be 1 tatin.sformed into the unernetional and simple.. nature. of •her blak-. hatred sistete .:' ' • , ' 1.41olin.SteArt: Mill .. clearly ire, cognized 'that q iPrpuoes.ef bodily Strada re were J ceirelated With' dif- ferent mental:statee; • arid George Eliot went farther ' and • declared she never knew braina and red -hair associated. - "4,s to whether lemPeramerit • is ,•ahy,sicaI or meotal, 0 neither, 1 probably -no ltiao. '. autleqrities Are [fray' *greed. .' We...cermet fail 'O. ;recognize that the -re .is a eortelae tioa between certain bodilk States' .and certem .mental States; shown by the 'appearance: of the brain in certain Tonna of insanity, and there is else a eorrelation • between ,cer- • tain:bodily.statee and t'ertam mor- bid states." ' • ' ' ' t• - e Die Jones has pointed out thec tem Perament• May be divided ipteafoui• 'elasses. 1 :In, order faricifullis -to 'delineates'ihem they liaYe . been •conSideredanalogotts ta the agesf 0 man and . tiv the senaties of the year. The sanguine teiie, for 1" cor- respondsEto Childhood .and spriinit,, the 'bilious type to youth and. supa. met, the nielaacholy to middle, age And antemn,„ and the phleginatic type to old age and'wintera , • ' W-ITH THESE:FOUR TYPES • , . . . , as at basis ta Work on, A Stewart and others who : have Written On the gnirjeet 4.'tit-erturreintxon of. the fohn chief typee have claSsified there as followa; . The •sangnine- type, consisting:. of pers.ons who are short and . often - stout in -later life,' who. have* fair• comp extons; . ete eyes and , red hair, .mentally aative,' ,'"emotional and 'excitable but lacking' in per. stst•enea- end steadmees AM show: ing a' tendeacy to acute illnees. • The hilioits or' cholerie type, these who"are ,.thiek-set,•, rather eltimsy folk,: with dark eyes. Itair',, and 401aPtens's,- peatile ' whereate 'often gouty Or 'rheumatic. and 3viee are. mentally' unentotionel* &Mier,' ate. and Jealous. . • " !The neryoite, S. titntqitrres; Inenh- a, • clean: as „you go, :•• .• Take ear° et' your pa is, and the pets Will take :care of therit- selvbs, • , 4: Stewboiled is-,Stewspoied 5. A goed eook wastes nuthing. G. 'Boil- fish quickly; leuil pleat . • 7. Strong -fire for eoasting; clear fire for boiling. 8. Good cakes are not cooked. in poor owes. ' • b. Too Inu,cli seasoping spoils the soup: ••• • . • 10,: Sparc the currants, arid spoil the ea.ke„ • ' A AMAIN W9IniEl; 314t Rave of,'Fenicl, That Nourfshe8 Drain. • „ . • • am a •literary man Whose, nerv- ous eneegy is ' a•oeat. tiara ef.nly stock in trade, and ordithirily, I have little patience With Oreakfest foods and the eitraVagent elahria Made:of them.' But I taimut withhold. my , iickneWledgment e.g. the' debt -that oWn,, to Grapetits„feed, ' "1 -discovered 'Tong age that 'tlie`” very bulkiness, of -the ordinery waiTilot calculated to 'give. one a plear•licad,• the newer af smite:ale& • accurate 'thinking. • 1. always felt •heavy ivaid Sluggish in'titind as Well as• bedy after eating the. ordinary Meal, which divart'etfthe bleed freni the '•brain to the dkestive., appara- tem: • • . a • 'I.fried.food3.eaCY qf Jgetiyi but fund them •deficieete'irea •natehnent.', •experimented : with arnataabreakfast:feeeltaand they, toe, waived •unsetisfacteity, reached GrapeeNuta: , • And then the pr lust was solved.. • • •• • "GrapeNets egrneeteitli me per feetla • from the beginniag, setWv- ingany hunger' and •Supplyieg the nuttiMent that so Many ether pre- • pared fends • leek., • , • had net been' 'using it Very. long liefOreaI anted that Tanis turn- ' .ing: mit en. imesual ,entaatits. and haality of .work, continued use ha.s demonOtreted to eite- entire 'kills- -faction tht4 Grape-Nata fara theelenienta *needed b'y' the btain ,and neraons ,systent ,of the-: ba.ra.werking•nablie *rite : , given PostninCe: Battle Preek, Mich: . • 1.1-11-.4(aliattetfan,.10•411Vey 131.10S WORSE THAN FIRE, erpeare....intectaLwhoee-amotho �f attack 'ere so Obscure and covert that they are not usually' discovered at all by the ordinary farmer, who !limply knows at the end uf the yea' that his..erops have not done wel •aria the year has been an unprefit- .able ono kir him, writeF, Webster • Perhaps sortie of the wheat straw worms lieve attacked bis wheat and the, result has 9rily shown in the shriveled coeditiou and light Weight of the kernels, -.with no •apparent CenrieetiOn'betweea the two. His cern has not- grown well, the ears- are short; Area not melt filled out at the tips, •precisely as if his land was lackik.injertilita "ter a drouth had Peevailed„ and he May lay the loss te eitherthe weather or his land, whereas it was.the earn rout worin that, ruined his crop, •a Pest that he luight • easily. have aruidede - His timothy ;meadow has died out, and ,he does net. know Why it theuld have done so, when had he loeked, carefully about the mots he would have felted the short winged fcirm of the chinch beg present there in myriads. • • Stich losses as these are notecon- sidered tit all and do not miter •into consideration. either by the farmer or statistician, unless they are of sueli magnitude . .as to devastate large areas, of country. ' • Here we have A financial loss,' ,falling upon ,a single industry near- ly three times as great as, that caused by fire, aad to ask if such a factor should be reckoned upoe and carefully .considered bye , thes' engaged in that industrea apPeers almost ridiculoes. ' it would seein to go without saya Mg that such' elements should, not only receive.most,careful.consideraa tion, but yry eTfort, ihain be ma -de by :farmers • to.. theinselyes,' with the minutest, de- tails in order • by every •possible. raeri.ns- proteet ' theaiselyet eatiltiat la.sa. ' JTORSES AND COLTS. • • Ey ery cOlt shinild be taught a fast walking gait.' This can be done by gently. pushing hint 'while *alk- ing, but he shoulilniever be urged tuu long at a , time before chang- iaghisga • If the colts arc to come 6„tit sound,' lively and reaclY for Work or Market next 'speiag they must have gaud •feed, plenty. of exercise in, ellen air every fine day and 'warm 'rpiarters 'at night all a inter. , The first. test to be givep a neW workman on the farm is to send him out ‘17.itha team. If he handles them kindly and sleillfully 18 :pretty . you find Nvorktnan kieking sitre to be 'a good all-round man. beating a horSe bad; him up into a COrner • aqt.1 give him a sound lee, Tt.re.e•him carefully. art! if lie,rep.eits the it send hhn . adv!ft . , Never buv a .horse 'for familv .use ‘viiere the women falk ate to •(.1`rWe thriiii . If 1.11111;t r7ect'llgleli-Zifel'hi:5;" paceS and sent up againat steain'r engines:and *.4 t Cr earey •things he will develop his. ,,":Pr` or' flail thatatime. • , • There"s a •reeeenn'.' and it is ex- nlained tha beak.. "The Read to Wellville," in. pkeasaa Ever read the above lettere A new ena appears Item thne to time. They are genuine, true and full of human interest: • ANDA SNARi IN THE PAOFITS FROM MERSY,OLD ENCLAID NEWS• lar 'Liu; AilOUT aCalai BUI;14 ANH PEOPT,E,. Occurrences itu The A Safenvistment in 4 High Class Security on which 7%- is guaranteed and • paid twice a year. . Your rtioney:back after one I. year on 60 days Notice, Write at once for particulars. . Business established' over 25 years. Dividends have been paid • to,date; and Will be continued regularly. . . NATIONAL SECURITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED cont4deMlon 1,14104On TORP's TO .34 BOard Of Tri,de Bldg:, MONTREAL • CAft,E:*OF FARM IMPLE111.NTS. . One of the most serious leaks on the .farm It in the poor care taken of farm implements when net in use. As seon as the season is oyer, binders antt ether reaChinery, ire kinger needed this year, should be 'arefully bleeped; the grease and dirt should be remo,ved from the bearings, arid theseshould be care, fay oiled and all bright parts greased, .to,prevent rusting. ,• Pre- parations should bp made .for re- placing any. broken or defective parts. . If time - does net : permit •of all this, make a• memorandum to be governed by on some stormy day,, and then see that everything is pet in readiness for the next harvesting or having season. Get the repairs land place them on the machines at I onee. • Take -care of. the Phews. Get: • • , theta under. eeyer. Clean awl grease the bright' parts; .so .that, •when wanted net spring, fbe:, will .scour . and save the time so. many farmers- lose 'in ,putting their imple- meets into' working.'orde-r: . . COMPULSORY FRESH AIR, .The. council of Paddington' bor- ough ie England has agreed to aeie public health ,by-laws makieg it eompttlsory„ under a penalty of five' pounds, for 'the occupants Of tene- Meat houses'to sweep the floors of their rooms once •a. day, CO wash them once a -week and to open the windows of sleeping apartments .for at least one hour a:day.", .' • . • - Do•you 'h'appee know of, arty - thing more inciu'strious than' ''sn „idle .rumor 7 a .7; : --- A woman often does not notice What a Cold day it, is so long as ' she is bustling around .the house. But when,she sits down to her sewing and • .mendulg, she soon ;feels -chilly.. It is then she needs a Perfection Smokeless Oil -Heater.. Its quick, glowing heatwarms room in next to no tiine. That is the beauty of a Ntfe.etion. SmolFelest Oil Heater. It is always ready for use; you can carry it wherever you please; and you - :light it Oily When you Want it: • . . • • .. The 'Perfeedon or Heater ia'smokeless and odorless" a Patented automatic rkviee insures that. It teliabk .sale and epOnomical—hums nire hours on one Flandsome, tad ---:drums finished either in blue enamel or plain .stq, with nickel trintraing • Deailers eterrithere: or wri!e ferfifiscripdve circular re any agency d The Queen: Citibil Company, Limited / .eaeceae • •• •LA ND'S° :ON. dittnestie science7" iniplired the engitzeil girl. • „ 111;'Ilking of' the 'lert-oiliq'" i.neat,• and •-•re- quette's eat' of. the left -aver aash.•-• 'explained :11,,.7 .21wre •,.s.xperiviwel That Spilitthig• 'lleaciacite, Vint rakteit rzt; tali* - • • ' "NA -DAIS -CO" Ibla.d.a.cite Vingero Oise aulck: sure te:lef; and yte £4741'3.14144 t1 -4.y annvin hatellei to th6 hearter nervous tyttettu•2..o. az. o i4tabellas• • ,Idational Drug and Chemical Co. of Ce.micl.a.,,t-iinico.f. fla.aia.mcv . „ „ . ^ • wELL t p E ) . 1 ' gi%e !an, a' (1 mo for, My ...three ! • ' ' aea.."11ei1'1 need (in,i. reerie that; k • ,E1''FIt'101atatianNtr; MH. Bowers •``laa think thlt the :nving• ,elte“ ' . • • :eaea,..• Ain Vetlea .•iti'LI Xu .1;4Ittinv of 'the ...ii.vtrefte ." • #ZVA!..:11rY 1.N ,.SUGARS All Sur s do rot lueL oAllic. it nlarell alongside each othet. Eterk Orecer knolvs this. Wo want the Consumet to ,kuorr 1 Tosist ou eayipe ' EXTRA GRANULATED SUGAR, • tOn Tan not: Only' hare e rood Sugar. but the best Ori the inarket.. Theclear white Color enireselia'euaertorite or. '.etlednath" Sugar. , When htfying. Leaf Surat ask .•'• for REDPATI1 24.1ttil Lit/UPS in RED sEAL, dust oroot Cartotts, and by tho • eotnie. • Tho Canada Sugar Refininiz' CO., MONTREAL, CANADA,. taiiittimf es:biennia:inn uts4 by John Redreth .torsd.4.4osidesponnuralikisommliimpoomnaiir N't..rr AS IT ,• °Does your wife boain when ,y4:ni come' iti ltite• • a. , eaagai 'You're "Not at all .She diesn't bei i • because she'tiever stops?) . BAFFLr.D. Tin 8tar, Defeetive.--:"TheTtilea't ; a problem I can't eolve•.:": 4 • Mr. .Angus,-.L'ATo it me Nally 0,.,ea* pound man it afraid of. hie ee wife*w orronrcfm • ' 1 ''Jet's drop int, this rt.4010111;c. "Oh, I don't *1..4Iier.e: li 40411 4' t. anything!" • • • .- , ' 'Well, COMO in And 'hat for your ola one, - u „ • • „eaceeae • •• • xxl&V...'lzar, .• . . ... • .• • ea•aeacte . • 44t.v.r. :•• • , S.* i•kk*U.14. 4.36diara. - '.4rk • . At3 q.. • r-7 • • .,••• 7,44 17.. ,71;., • " off Choke ? le.4k); wooden frOzzgiis, orGican,, durable -Concrez'oe? . • ' • abOut . *relialiie.' as the weather. Theyare short-lived and reciuire ring every feW years—nor to mention cot:L/71.14i' patching to' keep them . The.'hetrt. of wood, cannot cvithstancl, for long, constant dattipness and soaking., Its t,•,.m.(.enc!.• to rapid decy soon :,slio‘vs • If 'in I eaki " and ttadnant pools of 1,4-,:ttrr trbl7S',1. • Coqtrart .stththis the. clura'bility, v-1.1 *svell-ordered r p / • The dampness which destrOys'litipber 'Onlyintensifies' the strength and hara;tess Conc.rete. Yocap impair aweoden•trongliwrth .comparaive1y. liti„le 1.:se; hutit takes a, pewerful exPlosive to put a Concrete water: . tank out Of burncss. ia •,,i5) -our choice--c*use.producinz V. , , or.money-Sa,ving. ? • We'd be glad to .end a .copy. of or book -IVIrat the. Firmer Cc:li?;Dd. H. 'COr4crete.,"-,Tre-Li you'll asl. for it. It tells the Many Uses 'of Concrete in plain..., Sint.)lo how to make .'. 'earns. • , Hens*" Net ,Stablea disterns ; Hitchtrig Posta Statrs P.Altqes • • Home Ello'oks Stalls Dipp;no Tahka Houses Steps Fo(tndatIoni Poultry HOUACt '.rah Ferl:C.0 FNets .keot Cellate •Trouglts resd;no FloorS silos Wa . Guttera shette't %Valls VVell g Our'es Canada Cement Co. T.Icalted 0 30-35 Nintionst ranult Puihilflg, .11:cirttreni or" a. •:".ecca-eatetiaascusices•— — O • Reigns Sultreme the Coni " • inerciat World, The Earl 'of 13,osee has -given two acres f 18.0 on his estate at Brad- ford (Yorks) to theeorp9ratten ler • a eecreetioe -ground. - • • • Captain jaeksea, Aged 103, was :present • at the annual service for sea-farers-et St. Paul's' Cathedral. Two men Were; killed in an amT. nienia tower at the ehemieal Worka. of Messes•., Forbes, Ahbott and pot.- . maro,,.Eatt GreenWrch. • . Worknien exeaVating, .,on -the . beach at .Clatori,lia•Ve found the hiwerejew of an eletilranta part of the backbone of • an elephant, and '• the antlers of•a, 'red deer. • mr. Pea Cas was -fishing in•the. River Nene at Peterborough hen • he captured largo black water " - otter. in addition tAD aix pike. Edith 'Ages • Baaaham oollaPsed• twice in the dock at .Laneaster, -while being ' tried for the murder of her father, brOt•her and half- sister by poisoning them, •• • The .inastei of the Epsom Work- • house, states that a recent adrais- sien WELS the first C.O,se he • had known in thirty years•of a Jew be- ing admitted toa p ro vincial'avork- }loess.,, .• A•Suriderland'tailor has the . lowing :printed in red, letters On a bright green barrel; which , stands in front' -f hie sf•op k "Stied in my barrel while 1. press year suit far 2s." • • ' ; Mr at the age of seventf-nine, lived all • • • ,Blythe, a farmer': of • Iayng Eaathaugh, '•Norfolk, //who has died. his life ' in •the house in . which; he , was ., born.: ,. • As the • reault of A fire: on , the • premises of a wood turner, '1"i High • a street, Bloomsbury,' a tbree-yeare ale; child -ermined' Issac Kuslizieider; was. burnedto death. • Coseley; Staffordshire, has been." 'rendered' Ian:ions by a wind..tnia 'bine 'which- drives a 'dynamo and e . • suppilies eleetricitY. for lightingthe church apel'.hlOwing the organ. In- qairies • haye been , Made .from alf - parts el the ,world As :to the work- ing of thedesice. .. • .n-year-old:Matforli .boy nartied Kenneth, Page; borrowed a gun for the purpose of seeking.. birds: ...He' 'vas found:dead from Wolltld. It iS Sitrimiseir that the trigger qaught.lo rietwig as he as cliinhing Over a hedge. • TrQubIe", a(iNs:etrrikne°.use-fPriniin lf4riiill-nir re- re"ii Hull, 2',000 menbeing affected, and a. threat has been 'made that ,the• transport work-eyseWoUld co-operate • evith the strikers and para13-ae;. ,if necessarythe trade of the ports. Eleeen af the ciwenty-te'vo mit-, • vieers of the Light Horse harge at . Balaclava. .werepresent at the fiftyeseventh anniversary dinner: • held at the Holborn -Restaurant, •: The King sentaa message of thanks' in replY to a"ley-al telegram from , the veterans.. . • C.1LENDAR 1 14 118 •Year lo be That- of 'Western Nations. • Fropi Pekiri it is announced that the Chinese.Government is about to 'drop the triaiblesorrie moan feernite • 'Calendar .and follow the praetice of , . ' western nations in . using.' only - the The present Chine -se year • began •on, January- MIS and, is. the „year 48.10f the seventy-sixth eyrie, Cycle .consisting o.f sixty years,. anti the first year of the first cycle occurring B.C. a637, But ewing,to days In the 3 -ear yaries ceersider-.: bly. Ordinaritv, there are' twelve lunatione months. but once • in l'tinations h thirteenth lime-. , tien is addea to .,tlie.."r ear, at a rySitlt, of which the Year •ean be as. ehoet :iet,de:3•4.ee as long az day a 7 The •ineeths are •zadre'•ree- ' • Weir then one elan. elterniiting be • - te aaa teenneenineatrel thit4y dee:. • Tliti taldia•ae ii *1 oemoletely 111 1, t•ea;lr,,t 1•••••,:eida AV,e4tnin,ter' ((aerate:, ' I:I-1101)1•:.\NS•To). gAI.T.. • ,.. tnatelani• ale p•", p,d it ioal 10)1 f•et• trtaity treita paat leee ,' loon makieea -taila •ef the anot•i-t :f..11ie4 'in heel, bleel,e-af • ,\.its• • trail A, found. 4 1.411ibrit. -niece . di•:theelv RI' /iVe 1T1,t• e are • fec .14'41 ,f , . elnringethat it, • A pc.).,*.S.11ifIl.I' I•1,1"-A1N• Nt7 4,1 '1 1 • 1 4 ' . :44 •AILI. *4, ke rat 1 ,•• eatete to. ' num,. Catiee,". said , 1 '•Tia -3,a. pt's ‘1,4, 'AVI;10 .TKI,TraN -ea • sehen0,- 'Metal'ene',;ing • ,144,.. an i Ito routonliorg everything he iearee. espeeitriie in hietery. Ho to:id itto. • the •sto* 11 ,ther,l.ty.ah,,to ln tocktion •Pot.crty 0; No credii.'s good.