HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1911-12-07, Page 12-
Mut OWE .41P DiaDliNitrre.-At
$31441424, Con. 3." Ainloss (near
) on Irrider, Dec. 15. An m-
ule. A. V, Milne, Proprietor.
1500ii14417 iliOley on
elkiilirasTi Dec. 9,30 good dairy oawa
Tecrna; 101notitlia' rediton appeared
tiaribea., Wesley Boyle, Proprietor.
AD Purvis, Anctioneer.
litottsimorou Lucknow
on Saturday. D60.
Oki1ock the househeld effects of MM.
giutitbs Mr&White107‘ end 3- FL Alex-
ettuar, Wireserved.Terme; cash. Et.
Lot 31. COD- al XinInsal on •T000dv.
Dec. ..ta, 3 horses, 4,years old; 1. 'horse,,
Yews 1 driving mare, 8 yearn old;
driving mare, 10 years old; 1 hereof3
pare oId,;,. 1 blood colt, riling 2; 2 elyde
Volta, rising 2; 1 heavy draft colt, rising
airedsht L'OrcrAfacett;1-milch Cow, 8
- years, 1; milch, Ow, 7 Years, 2 mita
cows, 6 years, 1 mileh cow, a years, all
suppoeet1 in calf; 4 yearling heifers; 2
yearling Ozone; 5 Springcalves. Terms:
11 montlisor per anti= off. Wm.
litlitsUm4; Proprietor. • !TOW ...Purvis,
Per Sale ,
A "well-hred Xisfasui Chief colt geed
size. 'Rising Z. year 014.. -11iVI • sell
cheap., pp1y to • •
rani Reed. 14n440w.
NovaiRER. scuooL RePoRTs
S. S. No, 9, 4,1411,1SILD "
NotheS WO 10 Order ilaerik •
Vt•-:/esaie Stothers.
1000 ilas. 'of FONVI,
Wanted Weekly.
1.7'0.1v,1 ilibe ree,eived every' tiny
except FiidaY aftimoons
, and -Saturder.
Get our,PrIcen liefore
W. T. NOLMES Lucknow.
If made at. CLARK'S' will
ve rpm ,-leAting.,eaulefStion.
SPotch Tweetli3, 31101tons ncU
Beavers, Fahey. Suitings and
Overeoatings, of all kinds are
here in plenty awaiting your_
inspection. .A11 work first class
and eatisfaction guaranteed..
Prompt attention given to all
orders. Give me atrial..
(One -door west Of W. •Comiell'S)
Snap in -Boys' Suits
lot of
Boys l Suits, 3 pis with bloom-
er, pannts, 'regular, $0,50;* ingat$4.!S0 -
.Men's and Ladies' All Wool'.
. and 'Fleece Lined Underwear •
Man's Overcoats; lined' With
• Astrachan'and 'with ,German,
Otter Collara. Beet quality at
Lowest 'Prices. .
Itadiee' Furs. A speeisiLkimi_
I.. with storm cellar; large,' Made
of Black Sable,. regular $10.00
and 1100, Clearing at .1.00 mid
800;" '-
gentleinen,_111inter,a and trap-;
Peek' we want' your. Puri, of
every- clesdriptithi. Get the hes' t
.prices in your'own town...Don't
depend On outside buyers;
Geese Feathers Wanted 3,0c.
pdr pound trade. ,
TAckoew. oa SattudaY.' Nov. 2. a
good leather driving mitt, Finder
please leave at the Sentinel office.
For Sale
A VerY. cU5.iitsine. 4Welling-en
Havelock St Will be sold at a bargaile
Owner leaving. Apply to,
Geo. A- Siddall.'
:Sleighs for Sale
A number.of sets of -A 1 hand.made
!nib Sleighs, shed with best English
spring steel
W. J. Scott, Langside, 2/-12-c,
kowf Wanted' .
P,very WeclnesdaYaMITIlnradaY ?Para-
ing up till 9 any qqantyof or dresSed poultry, forcash oitrade,
Also top prices Int eggs end butter. :We
aim to keep thelie: st goeds reaSonable
•prices. Kindly di:exit:hp:get us.
11., El, Woods St. Helens..
' •
. Legs Wanted..
Vive Mindied thousand feet of all
kinds of logs, Maple, Beech, Birch.
Basswood,.' etc:, for which highest prices
wiflbe pald, Apply for particukfr' o to
John Button, •
- Furniture Fact.97t-f-c.
Au kinds of furs, fox, mink, muskrat,
etc.,* also scrap iron copper, bis,
rags; rubbers, horse •14ir, feathers, and
kiwi. •Best cash prices -paid
in l4ick-
now. See .me before yottsell. 'ReSidenee
And storage, -Ross Street, ' Liicknow.
28-12-p. Harry Goodman, '
Ileifer Lost
About s -weeks Iwo, strayed from
Whitechurch, a grey. '„heifer, dehorned.
Weight, about.950pounds. Reward for
her return or for nforniation that will
lead to her recovery. ., •
Miles 11.1e.Millan,
. • oicknovr. - 7-12-c.
. Clover Threshing
}laving • pureliaCed T.- W. Pickle's
clover threshing 'machine, I atnnow
prepared to'do clover threshingland will
give all w'ork intrusted to me prompt.
and carefuliattention. Write or phone
ttir-Fluron .1.1tone Line • 191;
g - j. G. Gillespie; '
1442-p. .WItiteciturch, O.
C011ectors Notice
, . ''
. "
The undersigned will be it the folloiv-
ing. place& on the' dates- herein :after,
mentioned for ,the Collection of, 'taxes
for the tovinshipoflOnloss:.Whitechurcic
Tuesday,Dec. 12,.frciiii 10 a. m. to 1 p.
m.; ,Thos., Gaunt's frinn 2 p, m. to 4.
'p.m.; Larigside on Wed.,.Dec. 13, from.'
.4 to 4 P.' m.; Blackhorse :oh: Thursday,
Deel .14 from 12. tr. 441. m.; LecknoW eVery
Saturday afternoon All taxeir payable
, ,
on or before Dec:15. , • '
John Purvis, Collector.
'1 -Expense of.R... 'E Truax
Additional expense for R. E. Truax,
one of,the candidates at,the last Domin-
ion election held on the.2.1.st Sept., 1911:
Livery account • , •2 00
3 00
..3 50
, 3 :00
Rent of hell
Printing .
Making a to 1 of. 50
. . dRichard W. -Lee, ••
Offitial Agent. .
nter Term.
Sr. IV:--Elchn 1 wakeyi George
Twamley, Charlie Twandey.
Jr. Alton,
Sr. III.;.--11'-rY1 .fohoafort, • Rata
J.r,„ III: -=--Peter Glazier, Irkpe
Merge, jolin .
- 4ohnirriolc—fletne.
•Glenn Bernardino O'Loughlin,,
,.vey Anderson, Laurette flaekett.
Pt, ,Hackett, George
Twainley. •
Sr. I: --Lennon Frank
Jr I; -Madeleine 4 41instan,, Thom-
as Glazier..
"A" Classi:L-Thoinal 'gennedy,
Bruce Shackletoo, /laeltett
Finlay Shackleton, Myrtle Shackletim,
Esther Glazier, , •
..AenenT4 Dutups, Teacher,
•S. S. NO. 7. ICINI.Oss.•
IV, -,-,Rena." MiKenzie, Jennie
McKenzie,. Willie
. McDonald, Verna" Earr, Dongins
• Sr- 'Itrion Fisher, Mildred
Little, 'Angus McLeod, Mex. Nicholson,
John Mcanald. '
.Tr. 111. --Anna Nicholson, Jennie
McDonald,, Sadie Henderson; • Sadie-
McDpnald: -
11.- Peter McLeod, Frank ;Millar:
11. -May Melmles, Archie
McDonald, Gordon Little, Martin Mc:
Innes, Clarence Irwin'.
Sr. 1.-Bertie McLeod, ,Cliftan
ider Kathie McDoitga,),.Allan
Cnel1, Archie Graham, Aldo 'Mc,
• Jr. I. -.--Verna McLeod, Isabella
Stewart, May Jewltt.
• A. Class -Gordon. McInnes Earnest
Schneider, Etta Met/ousel, Ross Mc-
Donald. -
• Average attendance 28. '
• .• A. ErAprnv, ;Teacher.
ine.11ANtIOF DEATH .
•Peter 'comgaa Passes.. Joseph Little
Away. Two Other. Deaths.
• :The Inna of, deolit-41.1.--heallil-k-i
• Lucknow ancl.vicinity during the past
week: At ;the: ripe. old' of 81,
years,. Petet Corrigan,. one of thenceit
known men 1,n Xinless township, passed
. to his reward, on Suhday evening last
aftsr "an' illness of sonte, two months;
The funeral .was held. :from the It: C.
• Church to fayrood cemetery en Wed-
nesday morning: On the same day,
.Mrs. Kilpa,tricir died at the
'residence of her Son, Samuel Kilpatrick,
at Mafeking: ' Ozi Monday, hales
Smith, a former butcher Of, this toWn,
• died in Marquett, Michigan., His
remains were brought to Lucknow for
interfnent to -day.. On I'lliesday morn -
Joseph Little, the oldest luan' in,
Lucknow died, ' aged over 90 years:
• Fuller particulars regarding these well
'known' people are forthcoming .ind
have been . deferred . by request until
the next issue of:the Sentinel,
Inthe Central 'Busines4. College
o Termite begins Jan. 2nti, Cone-
CiVil Service Ceurses--;-.26 teaehere
typewriting • maohines-
niultigraphs, roller Copiers fil-
cehineta-everything to ,thor--
4'3ughly equip' our • graduates:
Write today for catalogue.
. •
W. H. SHAW, President.
•Xenge d Gerrard Sts., Toronto.
You tisk nothingnothing' by
attending this college, Its rep-
.• utation for snperier training' and
square. dealing ' is absolutely
clean and it wiil remain se ,
Teacher Wauted
For 0. S. No. 13, Aslifielci '(Belfast. '
Second' ..clas.4) • professional preferred. .
Duties to commenee alter New ;Years.
Apply, stating salary, to •
14,12-Lp • Wilson Irwin, Belfast; Ont:
for any of thii
• Harness; :Blankets. Robes, Whips,
Rugs, 4361104 -Trunks, Valises,. Collars,
• Sweat Pads,, Gall Cure, Skate Straps
•nodal1 neeesSary repaiea. •
Skates put on Shoes
• Shoes "'repaired peomptly, ./' Sods -
*thin guaranteed • '
. •
Stands or all that is tnodern m
Business Tr Ming. A. ehain of
Seven CollegeS in- leading ;towns.
and citieS. Ilwo Thousandstu-
dents in our Colleges and Home
Study last Year. We train from
ten to twenty students fee .every
one trained by most. schools..
There's, a Mason. It is freely "ad-
mitted that our gradnates gethest
positions,and the demand for
theni , seven" times the,snpply.
Exclusive right fpr Ontario of the
famous Bliss Book-keeping
tern: You may study at home'or ;
partly at home and, finish at the
College, A Business Education. ,
•pays a dividend every, day of your
life.. .
2, 1912.
Call Or Write for particulars.
Spotton Business
egis. W. MANS, Principal.
is iti a. class'byit.self when strict-
ly first-class work. is, considered
raduates are sure to get good
pOeitions owing to .their proper
• trai ing. Write for catalogue.
• T. ELLIOTT, Principal..
tOt. V. age hod .AleXander,Sts,
S1'fliyl*ORD0 OlskT*
*tends to the front as the best
school of its kiwi in the province.
• Our eourses,are beyond thotSe of
the ordinary busitieSS tolleges, This
• sellool has a continental reputation
• for high-grade work. We have
'three flepartntents:' Colattacre..,
SHOlerilAN'ti and TaRGItAPtlit and\
',the dettand for trained help great- \
ly exceeds the supply: Students
are entering each week and the
sooner you •enter the better for
yourself. Get our free catalogue
• at once.;
;ti '4nd return from'
Tiekets good going via p, m. trains,
' Dec. 9; and all trains Dee.' .10, 11, r2.
Return Litnit Dec. 13, 1911.
Through train service and Pullman
Sleepers ,between
VorthbouildLeave 'Toronto 8.30
p. m,, ertiviag:South, Porcupine 4.20.
p. in: following fated:Wert ,
Southbound -Leave Sentit, Poreup.
ine 12 30 oitrivInig' Toronto:
730, qt. e. following rnornin,q.
•Depot Agent.
• .
(correctecl ilp to Wednesday noon)*
Wheat ..... tit SO
NW! ••4* •••••OkkAtt • 1.05
044 P....11.1..P16.A .'11.4* p • t *PIP P.* k 41
P040.00• •••••.Prk.• •Pttt.P 75-
Btittet ***,*•,,t*.* * rs.* PI 2*,
Egg; 25. 00'
Irlagt141 fr 1, t' • • • • • .; t .10
Chtekemi ir .0 P P '• I!, •
Gee$.0 •11.•••••.P.IPIPP:.1•11.10%, 10,
• • .1. .5.9J
' ' 13 0..)
Here Are Facts We Want You to 'Prove at
Our 'Risk
When the roota ef. the hair are en-
• tirely dead, and the,Pores of .the scalp
are glazed over, We do not believe that
anything ean restore hair growth.
But, when.,the heir,roets retain 'any
jife, We believe there,is, 'nething that
willa°seuxi:tlellY '13‘Lt:5F.141aiTonic.hrilirgr°" To
will Re
prove that, statenient, WO promise :to
• promptly return all' the .money. yoy
pay As for Atekall• "93" Hair Tonic,
should it not please you.
Ilexall "93" flair Ticdestroys
the germs which afe .usually respons-
ible for baldness, It penetrates to
the roots of the hair, stiniulatins and,
by proinoting citetiation, , nourishing
them. • •
Resell "93" Hair 'Tonjc. helps to
relieve scalp irritatiop„ to remove
dandruff, to 'prevent the' hair from
falling out, and to promote an increae-
ed growth, of hair. It conies in two
sizes, !prices 50 cents and' $1.00; Re
metrber,. you can, Obtain it at our
store -The Resell Store, ,
miss Ethel Caisley spent Sunday in
Ripley. .
••• Mr. and Mrs. William . COngi•am and
daughter, , Phoebe, spent .Suecla.y with
William .Scott, Kinlough.
Jack'says when he gets e "bran 04
gurr he isgoing to get a :new cutter.
You will know there is, "Something, do-
ing". when the new.cutter imam its api•
Dungannon '‘,••••-•
Miss Florence Ped di' visiting', talk
gyps at Auburn. •, .
. .• ,
• Wm. *Knight has reiiirtied to his
home at Wile from the West. '. •
• ;Mrs, Albert ltiverti 'has pee to'via it .
with relatives m Stteetsville,
, .
Mise Godfrey; of:Mountain Grove,
is viiitingrelatiVes in this vicinity;
'Themes Oilibeet, i;"k Wesi Wawa -
nosh, entertained a nuMber of Young
•people last Thursday -Si** •
R. M. Staples, df Toronto, is
now the intik)! c1erk in Elie local
branelt, Of the ' Sterling -Batilt:'.• E.:
Whittaker has resigned:
; :the Church at; §t. Augustine was
the Seene of a geeat celebration on the
oeeision of the annual banquet and
.concert of, the St.. Augnetine Ride
Association recently held,' The leSing
aide furnished the supper, and as•apleq.:
did program. wee put on, both of which
were thoroughly enjoyed-
The Methodist Church Anniversary
services on Sunday, and the entertain.:
inent on Monday evening, of last week,
were very successful: Splendid stir-
mens1were delivered by Rev- 8. jolt
ersoe;----of ,Aahfiehlircuit, and the
MOnday evening prOgraitune by the
Iniperial Male Quartette was beyond
eiteectition. The proceeds' en Mon-
day .eveningwere etre! 4200,, '.
BE .'"VirirRIDES'..Ai-
th°ogh qp),Iluron County watdonehip
for 1.912 islargely a metier of coajec?
figure liArgely in the:matter, and as
Liberal held held the place this year, it is
that Thos. tothers, 'the. popular. reeve
Mr. • Stothers is'an Old membets. of the
council. ' •
, • Geekr, 'SnOoTine.-At the , gra.
2ontest for the Doininiou Salver, not-
w,ithilanding that the weathercondi-
tions were unfaverable, loial riflemen
made soinet splendid scores:Jacob 'Me
Gee Was the topnotcher with a Seem
Of 99 out of a possible,105, with seven
shots at each of the three range. Ile
was folloWeci 'by tWo Scores of 97,, ad
• six Other Scores Were made • over 90.
Ik1cGee's Boom' was, possibly, one of
the highest made in, Wettern Ontario.
Below am the scores: J. McGee, 99;
II: Bellamy, 97; llalpb .Disher, 97; 13,
J. .Crawford, 95; Dr, Bice,. 93; W.
Wats*, 92; C. Elliott, 92; W: Crozier,
johoson$:90; B. Simpson, 89; t
G. Allen, 85, • 'r ; •••.,
• Agency, tor various lines
of Insueatte, Fire . and" Lite: '
:First clogs Coinpanies gait* •
anteed. Only resident agent •
of, the London IctutueL
a number ,ot ' Village , and •
enrol properties, for sale.
H. J. Lindsay - Lueltnow
A.G. NE't4/ T OPI
Block, Lucknow.
All' modern methods • used .•
Materials furnghed, dram and
bridge Work. Painless extracting by
the 'nee Of the Utast, al pleat and
safest rermidy, 80MNO110 New-
13,ler. OM Name, lit a Clever Man
from Mrssoehuitetta.
• powning strer. 1001011014 beTe' are
the ihiltish ee,oma and foreign °dices
nal. Ike etticlai,..r...0.1ence of the fleet
hied of' the trepaury aud wherore4otoot
Minas are held, perPetuatee the nitme •
041 rievar Man from. 1aas*ebnsette.
These were the days beforetito Einirtit
or July had'ilnY 14410Mo:ice 4rneri-
eaa annals; and,,George Downing. the
dret-seholtinin the'nes4 _nalitio,-.thlund in
Mitssfiehusette and tbe first grartimie
gent out by Harvard college, vowe to
England and. beeatne achaplein in
GrOmweire army,
OY a feMarkable *trot° of fortune
be wie pent- to repreemit England et
,The Hague when Enrone woe treta,..
Ming heron) Oliver, apf1 diming three
distinct . eras in Ongland's Wstory ,hp
• held thcV office. Of Reitish arebeesador'
at the Dutch court. He witalle 'nonlk•
• lator as eiever under the Merry Mon.
arch as Under gm protecto'r and:the
coninio*- On:m*1th: tied it came. to passim.
the ,reigit of Charles ti. that the. Maul
from, Massachusetts • was '-'grapted`,.s
'great tractot land at Westminster,
• where he built huge nianslons
out -Downing stre'et • •" . •
TO this day. Vorining'a id -reit 15
Downing street ;tie!, and. 'though
George Downing is forgotten, there 18
P0 name in•the Bettie!) empire which
is triolv .remillat to nit than '
Imes' �azett'
•Tbo.! YO.....rAfifstteeroiesllin.afiHatched.viia.Pirteue Time
.Concerning, the great turtles' et the
sOntifivest , Indian. • ocean a .troveler •
,87178: cbelohiso. or green ,tortle
(Ohelone fitydas), is an animal of con-
siderable economic Importance to the
atoll,tor it still', ocenrs , in the vain
hordes which are so often described
by early ,voyagers 'in the troP14.1"'
•Ttiere appeoeto be two distinctgroups
.0).ie resident and Oman 111 numbers,
the ,other Migratory and '.visiting the
atoll to breed in numbers 14peresible,
.to eethitite. , •"me letter arrivesiln Deceniber.04,
• tioni then te ,April the sea seems alive,
with turtlee. , 'Thctentaies seek'Abe.
'emelt 'tend •beacbes ' and then ascend
them 'with the risingtide, pushing
tbemselves laboriiinstY abOve high tide
mark. Hoes are then...dug in the'sand
by meal*. p,r the fere flippersuntil, it
• eatisfaetery •one is .Ototained..; and. the
eggs.' 200,' In ninnber; are .burled, the'
turtle returning lnsea inrneWfltey.•
• "After torty days.' theeggs; batch
sininitaimeusly. and the young
tiirtles dig their way, 'up ...Mit of.' tile,
Hind and go down to the sea in'.a long
•Proeee.sionin the retiree of which* they
letter' On easy prey to, theireneintel).''
the frigate birth and herons."' Once in'
the, sea. ,iherite and other large fish"
eat 'them, anclionly 10 per Cent ee.a,eli
ecuitinity."-OhicagO News.-
• ' A 'Strong' ReeornmendatiOn.
"We ' are .net ta kink/ on any n
•traveling men jai* now." Ahe safe
,t Manufacturer said. ,'Busineeslerata-
�r dui) in our tine.* •. „„ ••
you need one 'let me know,"'
said the.atiplicant for ejob. ."tidinths
ersell your 'Rite , than any there
the nieritet.. IV); the 'best" '
"Are -yoh.an ,eitriertr'
"Yes, sir. I know td.1 there. bi to bis:
• known about safes.q
, .
deal. in theitir.
• wk.!. • •
• "Ever *oft in a tech:117T'
"NO. air."
"How; do you • know one& .10 BO
best?" •
• "Beceniti , It takes 'longest .to break
intait:"" • .
"How do -you -knoW thatr,--- •
Axeformed burglar." •
HS got the' joii.,-Clitcego., tribune.
ris' alas :tin
'CHRTSTMAS- 5.ZASQN- close. at .band .0.04
Ave wish.to draw .your :attraction, tt)..the fda that
-the-I.4rdware...-Sk-Oro...lsr-tite-ver3i 'place
Christmas. Gifts of the mostiseful and lasting kinds.
CArp0 Sweepers
1847 Rodger Bros. Silver Plated Goods
• :Parlor and Hanging Lamps
. •
Carving Scts.
Bread Knives
Packet Knives.:
Ravi)** 500. to $5.00
Skates 50C: to $500
Hockey Sticks'
Hockey Gloves, Pucks, etC.
These are goods .that are suitable for each one in
the family and a 'visit to our store will further eonven-
ce you that .these are Suitable for Christmas Presents.
Try Our Gennin4 Water White. Anteriaan Coal' bit
: •
Remember the place
• The.Lawrence Eetate
7---""shee=P• INCORPORATED 1855 v
Capital P‘aid T.Jp .
' •
Reserve 'Funtl ' $.4,400)000 ,
. •
. . . $44, 009)000 ,
Has 8o Branches in Canada,, and Agents and Correic.iondenisI..,
in all the Principal Cities in the World. .. . • '
.at all Branches. Interest allowed at hiOiest ctirrent.rate
• , •
•• An immense .Flower:
The -largest. 'of,till„ the Rowers of - the
%world is .sitid to lie the raffiesia. ft. Mi-
. Bye' of Sumatraso called titter Sir;
Stamford Itoffieb. Th le • tin men se !IOW. .
e.), 15 Compoiefl er fire • relied petele of
.Cbrichisli.Color,,earli measuring' 'a toot
eeress. These are covered with nu..
• mennis irregular Yellowish.; white
strolling*. The .petals Surround ti-ctip',
'neatly Ai toot =wide. Lhe.,rnargtfl Or
whieh Ivaco the stamens; • The etip
the 'rnfflesie is tilled .with - a fleshy
disk. the upper internee 'of Which., hi
covered . with, projections like mini*. •
ture enwe! hems: The cup ivtieti free
.tronr its 'contents wIII held about ,
twelYe'pintn. 'The tloWer Weighabeti.P
fifteen:poutids and is very thir.it, the
petals beintthree-quarters ot. an bleb.
, -.-Selentille A inericno; • "
Rhinoceros. HOrns,
Tbe hetes of the .Afriean rhinei.ernir
Nornetlmes 'grow. to the. length et tone,
feet, : in olden times rhinoceros borne
were emPlOY!'d for drinking clips he
royalpersonages. the notion -being
that 1361.90)1 pet into.thetis would "thew •
'Melt by, but:tong.,• There enty have
been 'some truth in tee Kies. inotantieb
as mabP. of the ancient 'poitioni were'
iscida; and these acids would deeOtit.;-
Sae the horny, triatertal very .qtlicklY.
-London retegritpe. ,
Adoptable. ,
,Cllent-Before We dedide on the
boils° iiiy nuSbend Asked rtie,to)nquir�.
It the dish -let ill 'at air unbealthy.
Eionee ;Agent -Er -what' is icitir bus -
band's' profession, madam?
fle is it physiebin. House Agent-11nm •
--er-well, l'tn afraid ittith cOmpels
.adrnit that the district, is: ,titit too •
healthy. -London OPInIO11,.
* Vete 14 an aecount ,ef ',rein:irk-
Jable eildlitance test." , '
.Ah Endurance Toilet
n Marr
est thing in artiiiiial teeth. Mum.: ome n cOuple beeied
inuM*Plates, tea breakable. tot ‘'Dinlitpill St7 Yeatill•
rfaraltf. ,y
Christmas Cheer. is in the air and the the puzzling
question with many people at this season of the year is
What to Buy and Where to Buy
Christmas Presents- for Friends:
To help to solve this prob:em we ommen.d to you our.
large stock of goods, where you'll find . many/ 'articles
that will make suitable -gifts for • 'at_her or Mother,
Son rlDa.0 ter,--Brotheri -Sisteri!Sytreethftrt-or---Friend.
e are showing Special .Values in t
following .articles.
, Silk Handkerchiefs, •Linen' ." Handkerchiefs, Fancy,.
Lawn Handkerchiefs, Picture 'Handkerchiefs, Ladies
Linen Collars, Ladies' fancy Collars,' Ladies' Ties
Kid,:Gloves; Cashmere GloVes,' Suede .Gloves, Woo.
CIOVOS Mitts..nd Gautlets..for 'Women and `Children
Plain and. Fancy 13eits, ..Fancy Back Combs,
Wool Mufflers, • Sweater .Coats, Aviation Caps, Silk.,
Waists, Lawn .WaistS, 'Fur. Ruffs; Stoles and' Muffs,
• Tweed and Fur :lined Coate, Table Linen; Table
• Napkins, .Fancy Table Cloths, Bedspreads,: Comforters,
• and Blankets.
IVIen's Collars, Ties, qoves,, Mufflers, , Shirts; ,Brices;
Hose, Sweater Coat,' Sweat Ts, Sweaters, Cardigan
'tickets, Underwear; Umbrellas, Hats aid Caps, Over=
coats, Fur Coats, and 'F'Ur lined Coats:
cordially. invite you to 'Ses, our goOds,wben making .
you Christmas Selections. .;
& CANIE11(iN
.Highest Prices pai,d for Butter an