HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1911-12-07, Page 10IM R 4j� I.. ..... .. . MEN.s' IMAKING �Tli,E, PU A 4 ICA r oumanera. t4a 09T1440 T"AN I all XA�iI .94TATE. M49,14TOAQ.44, IF LETT'S P IL ERFUMED YE' MAP", "Ilia R10-fiX, VA OF ULETT'S CREAK TAI 01101 CROOR, IS ENTITLED.J4 CHARGE, 5c L04 ADYAKE,; RTAR IM 131 lop .1 lExoq as, pt However, tp M 440* Whe r d. ajor for aLny of the P09 this Tr4@--4nfts1r1als" Forin a p, yo"'asK you e U -�u goods "d. he r 0M reApheo, a a0stiNtep.," -PO CANADA. 0 favorable. Tile, &St�,Of'All teas has been in QA, hallroad, '18 nd.q 4r& t 0 It, is too. latle, f ocigar s become.in re. prag0gall Un, STOP HIM. That is Ill e due to WD sh _4e, use, o tte d obtinves to increase. advancing iapidly.for maty,mbnths, past, Qrtage of sup- Wfter.yqu nave use Otjoix o' te Ipai of it with P9 f do th suhfti now issue, kst Oucepoop a WAP tW"Ik. 1 11r1l rice until abk at t we hAvP.-dPlAVqd inceasing the ... )lutely s is al the ca*p wi coi�,bd O %tta�iva Aies and the trer�en&u§;i .i. �r% thro, lacrer(ge, .JR. consump ugh-Qut Ut. to r I 11 be, carefully 4 ptaiined, The is ever. reason, iffhy. YOU A0414' be articles, contrLbuted by ­Invaotor'.' ha� been ban�shod_ from 8jr,�.fot on Gilletes, .dOgda 'alli Uuq; the world, but eqcs ' The high-ogtaae q�iA ity, �vi insa, y SPWP40tive of 8 pury9se 0 KU P ina pr,'4 nsr �i. r1a. table V Dr., nd, na. toMLT from vat Mr&,. P OU T J;,, Iat aqv,- die er Iand. it poaal 11 why you should per;_nit al Pkillail. to b, "Just Tlle� D uk-p of Connankti will_ 4oter of t�ztt 0 substitute-s6toethilig be'!;�'j and xol%bla cltXr t4r I v bw rolled uro in it VIc, 75 Front, TorontoIr kt- Atiformatiqu loa. an honorary, LL.D. degreb 1'r ats, goo A as. the article tis writer of thosp articles and the -Univergsity in thei opviiig�, of this paper bafe I tatores in nomieWou with hii matter. ts 10 oHONEST.TM I.SL TH r&.4T- pdLicy other, rt�b -ton ratepiyera will voti on, b" Ithe dealie a Hamil 'g those 'at,, the'. read Th," itin ooi,,00 in;m .4r. P; u b -laws 991 , - ' " -'; vog puhlic,W �ril, CknoW y $650, ge, '4 eluding 006 fdr. water w6xi*, A the ", uperior quality of Pilletfi'Goods. bab r The Pope 4has issued '6. JjQticc� 'Why Ac6ppt s i ethin, interior when ko 'a *c' an' .0 (13y Invest I or.) om, persons. who ath , olic, tesp, goods lit clergy to coi xcom-: 1$4i - irt-&r­ popul�rity -of investmonta STO P,- H Ure theallinkeprice., In Canada 4iffeFs ver unl.atl' :TT MPANY� I JDL. Dalhousie Uni'vrsity; Halif=, Vkat In the -UDItOd MEMM. Iter his ,6f An K assistAin w Uf AR too $5,'0100. Winn Opeir t ample; railrQg4L. 'Ponds are r un- in ou offortis to Torbn 0, 0"t. samp o wan" fat,: th.-endowment, koadp.' - The 'Union sti L64 .bY, X r. Bonar 'Law knowq.. One c4n carefully scan the ptiror�' PROTACT.YOVRSMF 11t REFU�ING SUPST fund..' I 1. 1 I I . ITUTO ho4o dealers' offerings illo A.d. Paulin.e.16.1indon.' thLlnilia�n of V 'vertliemonts, in. the finalloia, Proso, 1vitute is in poor 08d. Vrantford", f Re t in aL but railway; bonds,,,o and ficre4 gr rieA4. have.. §aio. -inthe states, I . I I , Qn, the contrary, they her spurse, of $472, a nndespatch, flr�m London, sitys in the estimation of conoer. Five,imen we 3r burjd A nt. ao. n the f 11 tand first U. s vatATO sZousj,- 6fCommons on Thuysday -mortRs, a bonds' come - railway equipment and the hmore or - ess, ii�jured. e o-ve 'bonds. In Cauadai investors -often have antire O�posi %�hea, on the Sp6aker putting' the A m the w.hp 'There. was r6mirkabl se " e iri ill re�Wrs. Ahd after railroad .rf: at Papina 0 en e me�lnber ' fa d . amonedmentj_ GES- OF, FARM R00% -n th aght, whie G kninentapplied -OF S F �iL fitst am6ndmenl, Oki F1 Thomas Moore a f his, -mido -a dramatic exit' opportunitios.tv invest,in railrOAL4 CQUIP. In td guillotine to 470 imendnie�j�L n tion rlseand in 13 aE ritq-m ''T ir.. hildroji were bui 6d death t e, report t, e, -of the in-guran66 from the . House,, b y C pri- mgikt bonds, but' a a ,rule these ate Si L L I . .. a... . ' ' E th�i of r house &n Licuten"t,-:(�ov�rn -ngi Then in� aunts Oise. r!. N i Sh is eri eagerly taken ill arge. am h i PattertoZi's' rant iq Brit Sh a "evielpeake'r be, io'� 6�fiAdi"a aive MiI, Bbnar Law, I Odc� v the Opporsition". he . atedly accused oto, a dreary1non where; and g CON b- A�m 1". It I A. in Ia. tile p6sltl U n in' their ,scho�ne of in- amonod, the . . % . - the. Mlnisters� * b ience A Burpl d $It -192,730'. 'hown in the, 1 acting-ja 9 dd refused the request o g". f6imally putting he 'The 1) A' �be United 1�)Aho'Rojfiiondites in thug,flouting gu� Sominip Goornmopt** ha,i' )and'w.hen. he oti that tlley,� Deputy -,S 0 n . the ProVinei. iliminqlat in "order to clear the e& the &ake!r joliev, d� v 0 tates, to id -tri, in they li��A i Mr. him Tho- 'entl're',,4'70'ix.ipe'�ndihents at' , leep. -or, ra f ruf ill. *41 down I rank of ie. 1.0 U ebo e r n were t � A Ithe-Chanc;ll �dopt-d in -only zin I' popula ity, - �Lfter Ia 61tulation of lhovin'� picture elidws. or.of the US' &ad OP'lor U(!e a$. ]QD=6, f 4�g, hotly, replied that y. rials, an, even millionaire ox d 'I estate mortgages Cbas, -Dalto case-was.the division 9 &nd,'Abr6idI;- i- despitbli"froin Ottaw�a sa;ys - The li� $1,188,404, 'and the expenditurl) ran wakd., 1-t the 0overnment was only following in estment., �00 not iii of4P.rin6e Ed -security, ch orilev 1 Y. L. b , $738,8W ostage, 5.0-2 the Lab,6rites. This annual report of i ! PoSi.officeL P. b d frorn J.. C.'C I V ]be-. . stain 'L doursb, but on y - in, opu arit lie tiiL. P an, h&spu th, 'example eet by Uiii�nist :.QO I I , * , , y d, part onic, -of 'the� bil (OfL ed'toallc4�648,764,669, as a r e' erfiment., par.tmdj he 'not re- th e at thows. that t tFcating, these so- Toronto, Dec. &�Flonr-7Win�o� whea.f. 34,264,774 hile th�. value creas4 o"06, And so, as wL' 5i r a 9, 146,652 a idw rd 0 rities irk zoo i4ance �vith. their rela,' go. ber� L ' ht. atents, $3.50 XO 1L3.5 6.tot'lled $ na. the ed . from- $9 k2 435 to .$11;011,042 is �%aid to'be 00 Sir E -emp A + + h,� i; d,' I '�e tive,meri, ts a cow Q,," second. patenta. es OM in je;�'ei;n 6 n w -to t 'a Study F ist. I . . . 0 th r there *a dnerewie- a IIn -rha pootoffi* t. Of U ' I ' i6 ay 'L -be P -�dlo Bil fig Fau of "nj "'Indust bft a� a . aQk, TO" 437 ift,the, number f -post ;offioes. ,of 'PIC tea! aria V. ei-edith will I?& ci� ermiti Iustrial rial lid 'Strong, bakers*, �4.8 on 'tir f 284'in p6stal nto a$ i; the co, %ucbieA,hirn1f'he do6.' are bqb#s aeoured by, mo I tgage of ro, . me cas,; ndjW'n aggregate bLal to tb..' pibviae y ffiL.ees. 'Ippogitors at. thi' end of iPaili - nufitcturiilg,�. mercantile o�--nlisc�lianc- allitoba" lFheat-No. I'Northern'. $1.0 in ta A despitt -a from Wo.. fjaya L:. A. 'despatch fi6la. Ottawa gdys* L.. to,. 'T L he r� L in the'�: number of I was 44.3 330P99 ora eorese fl tL QUS company f a private ohariL6 . .. No., 2 Xoriho;n, ji�64, and,'14o., let of! penbties, for 'theft 6f, lag.5' oati-159 lumbr It .0 , to., Conp6ming Ontario'4 . 1010 Understood ifiait, as a iesul top.s. is, 52j357,000,.:orj $255,776, :, The accounts nuinbc j t io Hindli , b,naidetation oran u parts. JOL per The reven4;q incre' s;' TV 7 de' fild'si iii. bond �'as niii lidibdrsor in Qoast, -b a ed 04 .8) rease. of.1;4l5,',' the For6stq, Bulletin sa�4s that of '6nier` c 41 _ __ ,eiie; , etwpexi he -joint' tt, of, ��-No. 2L white,. red lit-Iro,F-the i�d Ontario Ontario. Wheat delegati4.45waik Uttawa, bugh in*�estli; ,..,,n fresh wators. 'One-third.df the quantity Of the lum- Golumbi b v safety i0voles, a: nior6 L tyl ;to Govern cut as I gista. . ii.c 6 'to -the 0 in a mem r ish , L. e s to beir cut aiiii=Wy in, Canada, but its gatOn that �ot a -municipal. Tlie -;-Goqd� inilling $1".12 to hard, �$I.6214;� No. "i- Noi�iherii,. $1.02 io ]BAINK. TELLER HELD, - �P'1' -good; roaas 'movet-nenl Rj4s'. Min- eas jV. L. $1.0f 1.2 t6. $j. . I ' t - hl g -is in-. %office of H -6n obei dats�car :It to $1.021-4; 10- arr a annua ileo,increasin �s 'On the Success. 3 V; No; 2 cp , w, ister of, the, Safety of cour a, its Of NO., Z 0 itarlo 4 Ar' 'Siecur s �$I,OW at h :Interior,*. on Wednes-, the '�rriv' pteasing-mbie',slowly cap year. brtgage .43 II26 S�ad, at 3 I i; 42d; � Ott ta4cli, med . . r Je incei I ow ma.n Of t4o security oj 5b construct ii .11DntariO, Aurin day mo�.ninj fis POSSL L ible that an t�� $I. Corn­Xo. 3 yellow,, 69 to the prov. g 1910, ;1,642,191,0100, '113 based ,4�vcr. the amount (if- th� on 'Toronto, 46o;. No. .3 Westerra Canada oata,' b �mrraAp en May S.L. I . I . I I L . . .1 . I v6int''-Of Re Ivelf . igb--,�.ays� oi- 6et, of lumb '; L 'be' -'arrived at is or, -irunk hi em t -to 400: Ry e,.ng* iYatS­;;a, Z,white. 45 t si"dfngL abligatin pt th rgi "a,' Day" parts. t Th.cross *h 33arl 5,. eXtj jild"OtitSIde' 861-2 to 87,6. Bran_.- ;2 -A ae'�pafdh' fr .-.bbpQ now exis 1139, orth $3%011,00O.- Tho.,d under ' iOli -the Hindu people now s 56 to Flour-, oin Vancouver. ildbe left und& 4iuneipal in by ho * mezqi-s bask, to deteirmine.. '%ven cod $5.30., dL" *S -the -com - d. oil a man .Of Ontario' have enabled it, 'in BLritish Columbia will'be illbWed t m4n road woi datorminod..".'Sayl a, writer on this �b FiAt Datehts,. $5 "to ec6nds, a, reV0 ur ic ion. cY'- UP tD. t L 0 un r strict'. iregulati-6no, to. bring, arley� 70. to 766. $4.90; fir I at, 'cleard 1�zo -A: the 'supr6mai er, T�ller D li6 hold h 1v Ontario -subject, ',the rule -is 'difficult Oi. -'ap,plicd�-- -Xe* 6orn,.-I A y parts. -$4 66 to to W of . . 69 9*to 70c, B, t -their wive am %. . . I - . Lbod. of -the McAn d re-�r.: branch of �14, I. ll may seem ih: fair -6ffer, With. o. 9, secon s;I . $2.40. �o, $2.?0. Canadti§ cu tioj2,.bec;WSe.'a m.qrgin., w ic it16tg L per con o 13uffalo r. 6.�Spring wheat -No. I' the Rov' I Ba.11-i 4 Canada oi� Woa-� GREAT RITAIN!. blsufftc�ezlt -frolit the, p6irit of view of phy and nearly. half. of, ilie"heinlock cut ANIERIGAN: BILLS., quoted at goo, o'utside.. nsday '.handed over., $1,000 6as Northern.' eat leads. store; $1.09;'Winier,' L h' London' 'provi 0 sical-valuation may be. aitistactoryL When Buckj �vheat�60 ' to - 62c, O' tside.; agettes. invaded P - the r'o beiI:�ma6 �hva escape. city- an - p oveii ftmc� ince. ntario. I.. I %, I � ' ' - ­ .0 SlIffr .. Quity � Noi 2.red; 99c,- No. X -red', 67c, 2 White. -and. .,b bd ki * d 'ir M pyo -vied .96 eat 6f the red in 0 bollitt, arad:-�Manitobw bran�,, s.23 to $25.6 Government Only' -a clef r' w-vere 0 cblislilered_aB the' of in wo 14 :P ge bii COL - . is. to%'jay)* d' 99c.. Corn -2 .2c; No. kLO t" ern." That 69 I Inc. pek.0 As il� frond speil,io� PC bags, Toronto. freights;.. Sharts, $26. Whe qui of One-thalf uld yew68c'. all'! all. track,: t rough billed. n the straiiger entered. p. % .!. 6 [ bAnk Will': Log an active bdidness, while it shb I I . 1. f - c; - li& 3 A be ioqkoned as a couxTAy' PnoDucr, Give me .,A thousand, L i� F TAL,.-A C Idespatch'. from: Ottaw- 9,: says proper se ity or .Oats�Xo. 2 yih.iteo, 511.2 A CIDET�'T AT OTTAWA not ourage, '.th INo. 4 wh ite. 50, 1_40. ere D ASTATES, UNITE In order. to disc a. inert may be of suMqjent valil.b ))ar� 6 ' IL , 14C' ally ord d) .;and the teller. oqra q�ge, Applas�lfflntor stock,p, tAi �4 lied.' " The .. stranger r.. I 4 I 4 .. .. .. I . . Y7,) .. I . -T culatiL onal ank, to when.the of ew w i1ttle B:oy�s Were 'trim pled by. ion. of American Natii B' )6hihg the' :to fender the bonds amply Sa L Little arshall v et,,hurr"ed. Hor e! bills and .,sil er deitificatesin ea V-011. 6f bills into his pock Coln go a in Inal, securl[W-. LIVE M k'M le� there" e - S Hook. oliwar stands as B -pie' 25 KARKETS. nmittbA -suiti' -Small lots of hand ked j I . .. ' '' I , The I scrbe'd s A cause away.. is rs I a teeli 0 W Then, too, mAc 111017 Is Sal., Deb: 5. -Cattle uto er at. f,:)r ?I m t has'issued a ost - eigner, 30 ars of age. gCr .thaa'her was, at t" elve� and hb L from Otisw ' hi tr B 'h I e h as no big-- I er�n Ontario,, th� Postoffice� I)4epar bans mn i despatch a, 116,Ys en n order to p to, $2.3011pdr bushi::, *U I A negative �cx- 26* or Two litile'boys allding &4`0 mMterp in trUcting them to chb�i where it is boing'.USCL� *`­Ektiact' In'tins, Al to 12c, tie. Choice. .75 to $6; dd,.., edluln,,O to ed, per, rl h 4c lov8d.�,to a illy, street - air Thiirsl gc, f tills may.,bo adon iii the tin HnqY #0;, He Wore' ho k a,gi Common, $3.25 -.to '$�,50., canto ra, b. 'halt pelr'.oenC, amp 48 0 �1 -Combs,, $2.50 it). $2.75. adiscount bf bhe- him fortunato osition of the boRdlioldeft of ttle, -lid ii�&k the, feet -such m''anoy prqse ialed liak� I at %0 to .$16,50 On natdr Lewis Em nodii when they. a all inted at_thetr $125 to $2.15,. butch&3' �c No. tate, Se the m. algaoatcd.: Aob6stQs corporation. MeXcan, Con offices� The'action is due to COWS' $5 to ium, $= n ty;, Penii., a horse, ossing the STILL f & the' rer: $526; do, �med track, -and No. 2 at, $14 to�$14.156. Neither theL 'little ' Ones. no .fiasil of the Bank Of Montreal to :ac� Th a company-primatak: a mining con- " ­ 6 j L OL milk r thq I7.50 to $8, . on tr do., bulls,, $3.6 L . era jr.;'4Df' -�i Bradford Of�. d 0 give! arge' epoax i er a public a 'horse -ed.* The I 'd of,:- 'American but with inany common, txaminadom y HedItli, M116er a6k, To .$4,75; $4 opp -points" in' alod , �: 'to I - I .. chdibe, each'. ..$75; do., 6mmon_an me. ran feted I id men ��ach the fref> Killiant Johii 4 inr -hits bidd, ,fiult was.,' . L. I . F* 14 490 bills from �the' department. he4 ordinary' industr, litim positive 10 acre, 'of� land if tb( t wih.�. t Valfio - Mum' each, $50 to $60; Sprilikei &� $Zo �o S Use of )y w was. .pr -e otatoes Car lot.g,, in bargs, uoted at for .4 a, ically trample able � brop ties and good machlneKy; :but buck or 1.20 t, '$�.30,'and;.out ok. st o' r 6. smo to $4( death and''.his brother, -:Albert $ 7$3.75 4o, $4, a and -A. despatch - from Tor6 Itivate Wind. raise 0 .-REVENUE. c . irl I Is, $3A5 to 11to - nfra; e OUST 31S its, .biiaipess is one. IA whi6h `gobd-wil, 00; lambs, $5.60 to L $5,7S,* R,cCept-. �-�aminiioAs have lis6164-ed their a Use Hen , ry',, 6'ged-6, 16,466i likely!to r4j��L n, is� ti , � I . - $I 50 ' , , , , " " "L., ... . . . 1 . . , . , . I ., .. wn o , . I : . buslne�q' conneciio .. I riled bus of dressed .6. b,,.; $6 to $45 , CaiVeis-'ss. t.6 th Of - here w�te_more violati,68 6f,the cover, e prices 0. -n Toron.- T Iner6ase pi $1' 1,002: Over. Noicni- for � 1-ittlo. Collso- e pi eva ence jabies i tre food'a.nd dru-9 law in o torietSp Ctd.-counis� 'roi Ontarl' Dr.LJ.S Fderal-pu poultry:-7phicketis, U a r Last Year; quently when the "demand for asi)esi;03� tntp, L_x6dluln eat to,and'th aghopt. 0 inoi-s last year t6fi-iA.aily other, Dec., tic were- e. AI b 8 to 10c: ducks 10 to. 13p; gee se, ­ en W M�n � I.. q . . . Vo poi.altrko $6.1.0 was the" highc p 0*111 Of 't -few picked, Steers ' fetched; that, 'of 016 rovince, ed -ade pubic by -the isec A 'despatch from Ottawa says,,: products fell 04.�Me eorpoiadou *.wnp;, n. -tiho.-way—f-ro4a ';�i Offiq� th,e!-wixion -says' a rePOA 7 :12�,, turkeks,', 16 to ISO Ll -at figure !ro T34,yba st�i * -to, a of'.. in AilFlo-Gz . iman Shipbuildin alry Continued' and, rapid growth 6f able output . in, the face bout.2o lower �than Ahe*_-aboye ly'a G( . >ad fat *cows, and 'bulls were . a sday that a sum.- ioilftiir6i "Twenty4ight' Illinois t Wedne' d-oi which d agr b ginesa- ;'Prosperity throuillovt tb� obilipetition,. liabs -of its auatomer��. pre- ' I 1. . . 3Iay,.Lead tlt. ..strong feature. at $5 - to $5 4b co)nnion and- bitten !a � , 16, ad, an WoT4n iri Rose 1% ufactufer� and. deal M1111nion.is- reflected by the. CusI, &tring,.',aPp�rcntlY,' to . buy from any.- - �medlum anclng- down t; U76. Cangen -;-BUTTER, EGG�i, ClIlp�sm eso from , Londbli, says:, toms revenuo for the morith � just., otjk�r company thail the - 04alled woke steady at $2 %6 92,75i � Milkers. woro had beeh d6stroyd,� had been -ex;-. fou 4�- y .:,A* a atch� still sarong -At $50 to $90.' Lambs were,a aziiin�44 sign� of Th6L pi�obabiliiy of- a'big nival,joan closed, Tot6f . cdstoms ree.elp ts, i1r, wortiby $he Rutter-D&iri_ choice, i� *rappers, 25 o . rabi-131. be- ?w I I shade firmer at -$5 o. $5.40; but dh6ew 1 rease . of store.lotai 2Z td 23o; knd interior; , ere dull an'd about 16c obeza or. Calves 9 Anothek. j d 'in 'the near U Ure is revive Y, were $7,332,085-# � an 'ine' na a, it have -tidec f t d b ltdd-it had a ',good L over the d . ull.- td'270 ilf fo)�hd. o9% hoa' 1�1 '11 GaZctte, whi& ftntiw -$a,, The I. og. Xxilkot sen he a $1,bo7jW2,. or over twent. -It must be 17 to 180. CreSin ' Y. 4 uenal%a4t $3 to P, t to. fl! or o ry'. by 11 r A v percenti -tiXnes - in theF ajbqsfos ti�ad or oted at .29 ea 70 nged: e lab at e. w --cipates that $150,006;'000 and poii- as compared, wAh Novoniber ho*0gr, 'th&j 'good -will I afor oolidet NV Reilly' V S 'Grind Valley, had' �'China, hs'mieceedeA' in obtaining of last 60 W for'r�lls. d 27 to 28c raised, lars- ty ear. ,F;0­rf-thFVtiht, -ffldkhi"f bqne - in ind. ql� Amy ff bor 6i thir .-Milljon-Ag v ren: a-prosl XvV anaj -iT.— y �i' to, t e Usual 'naval� -0-sti '6nu6 hits not. -a 'proper a bond, blit I 'Per If)- V fiscal yar the Customs tev ILL 'MiN GR 11 It. -StriottyL 'new-1sild. quoted. at 40c# . I . . I :.I . an equity Eggs bi ba. t i's arpiued /that bee�,§56,�36,708, ahiharease'o f �8,_ vaillabla'-on,y as. . .. .. :. . .. .4 d B, and fresh 6t 27 ta 28c�pok.. ozon, in'e., sURI) rat J%, r. S PO 91,Ali RAT'J" It 6 e ca ai ii in 00 compared Wiib�the corrog- Icc . I i avor of an increased navy' for that I . 4' ing period, of last Y�ar, '_Kurso in tab* adbr., In est. 'fli 1 Iimating the. Safety of indilgtrih r country it is 'nce'ssary. . ior Great t po Cheege-Lirge, -2c,.. and "twine, at-, $hot !)'own Durhig Prog nit�d Siateg'and Gt' rabohdR,tbo,most easily estimated at�rot '10 . ­ XL dSpat� ' !" N h ftom Boston, Britain. to show that -she is deter , �l 8-40 -per '.lb. Mass.,, its , real estate'.." lklid, first pointi.theref . C).& Olifelof'l of. Dru ukeil 1161w. yuxury )111ti to I I in rrangesliet He S 1090818d -mined tovreservo thi " It-wo-in-ane sion 'of 16. 010 I ' of' t bb det6rinined is -the- VA11146 of the'ooid,. '!gtandard. 'The provi becom6 a n 'te Sy HOG, PRODIICTS. and utsd in one'.of',] A despLa b hiom dncy4 N. *y docks for the 'Dreaidnougbt oany'6 'eeal. citate )loldings, oil which, 6f pit,.% n A denatch. fi urfi, GtenfelVa'' Vos '�'dcr 3. a Bacoh. long �.cicari 12, to, N Wo fkorm lb., Wilfred. T ;sdys I The e co'n & m 11 r Postma'si�r-06n.cral, er first; mottgagg. batlesbipS also necessit6tes hed Y course, thd bond. is a V. coug. yrup. or 50c 'in daie lots, Pork, short out,. $22,50, &, h�bra,dor.is'the,'pl�ij of...Miss Ae- we6k bas occurrect in, th nianuf qb , ,lid, an �s somptirabs care, the., amuel antiduneds that as mess; $19:66 Raina-Meditlin' to. lia Forbs daughter of the la-te 1.1 Wring 'district," Durinj.-:a dr-unkoli Unlied jXojUSivo agL d $20., TV Quikest, $urest Coudh Remedy YOU value' of the reaf psta� -.41 . -ro f)f ribIgotiiitiobs ith 0-, C , ljghtj' i6 th i6 146 heavY. 14, to. 14i.2c," M&I4001in Vorbeg,,the *61.1-kiioW he 6,01bred r..' cq I t�* , - - LOOKOO.' i.N vet. Usdd, at iobney,RefundId. St,60S go-requal or 6xcbed the amount of w among t L Stites, Potal' authorit"_-3 the, )4il, EVgjj Who6pino qOugh QU[ckl tollo, 103-4 to Ito; breakfast b�vcon, 16 ta litsman and the- coke, ov�cns,,.,on Wcchwu dy, G-eO- jr,,, parcels frni 'tho 11tift6d,: the W.04gage the security is - annPid, and �Oht Miss Fo es cl . f _17o; ba'olrs,, i9 -to 2 p r es rb is trainihg lfotdi 0 ed, Plib, o, 11 Vpitod,: Sta -may, ;iot fid6d 66 $f ivhloh IbC, bond has oil the gdbd- .' features of Lard-Tiercesi 113-4c, tubn. 120;' ));ilia, son pro,essio Tip . I I - -ho f' ­ ii ekIlled, -by 'a O it Itchme to blille by gropmPlit T Yo011 for'] her c n th r 61 6 m ('611t bottle of 111hex sav6A You, but.you, h I none 'of It all 'duct�d'-o� Deb. -I as fllb%A's' do need, thb w6nderful effectivenes .a . r real est! I to t4c,409Q, .w.it in -or Nurses " a -4d- w, _anj ig Ao. AValffia' ' Home f whos' name is n at n.' �.ho three p.ou'nds, , 20 6ntg up to qeV,311. Ger.� this famous qough . remedy� it Will drawbacks. Of - cottrse, se- a . . . li .1. A doipatch from Borlin, Nirhen sho coniplefes, her.4utse, 'tsted five t. po I ice nC0111100' putt-ndg, - 54 4 0 n110. Usually stop the niost obstinate deep- k�bkjng,L house afidl ng an" sta'rf for the'Rorth lie * cc up to'. el.nV( lnany� DUSINPSS AT TRE );j6kof b il industrial it of g IL' Ion with IM00 A(lated tough Inside of �4 hours, and hag issliq will notbate this dkerr inati6n, �m( ' Il- - metal trarlei b6came, no equal for whooi)ln cough; V tr al. Dec. 6.-oats_qanidlan West- h 17 gklmoi, 4 in the $1.02, .'TJ1t,I . exndtig 'ffcctjv6 Ott Tlinndav night ensu- A 50 -cent bottle of Pinex, value at Which cri 'h na fishermen, Miss Vorb6s mixed with thq costor the.land,or the home-made sugar, sytoij, gives, you.�io . I I , , Iis orn, No. 9, 48 to, 41-9t;t.dd.. NO, 47 to. a' -a jt"%�GE 01 ing on -their PC ail stands in,tho'companys bpo II are . 84 cent Q nces-a' family Supply of the. -molt 6 in the w'Ork COU '�71.2c; oxtr& N'o. I, food, 46 - t4 -4 SpoetiVol awn. tip -by pleasant and effective cough't0mody you ftf� the'apprala6d value Which in -9f ally �mc,dfcal - MiWon, joit com �of the Lab? ein' zpa ever use(L HAsily prepared in fiv * Ift iplo,, the property 'No. 2 jz)6�1 b . Ite, 47-1;2c; do., No. S. , t yer' a in - imponafiee. -For exab hil g� a. lceture,. by�.' ) r. X ' P 4.1ra0long in package, Ao., No. 4. 4614c. w. i e 'a a. nj o B6 or F1191iters'llit Says Th tho out- ut08- The way this takes. field of a ti ed Asb�Ithh Ad thoF volunteered' h )Ugh -and' plant 6f the Aidalg eolne of the failure to - uld glVe'6L L Institnt, r6ltdf will mak ou otpotat%O on the books last - yea Whodt patents, firsts, strong y IY n'ko6d services. SMIL I JAO, .. in O� Ober las ba Wiptei ' atents, choice. - 11 ctriko started t. by regret -that, you pever trim it before,' koke.:. $4.0o, p ;it $17,000,000, Lot US Sdk� that plant A despate _1M Pekin,, gay Rtimulittes the appetite, 18'allghtly laxa. cypessivdr figure, of i6; otriight "rollers, to $4,- of Qll(, 4,000 �liltAl WO1 tive and tastes gooti-epildren take It �sii,16 to Gol, Willoughby�- a British M "rij 1 $jo,000, . 000 tat thb pro- 40',, da.,, in bags,'$05 to $2.06, Itolled N, /R# SECTIO 0 It It D 0 ce willingly. it has a. 'wonderful ive0fil in v who h�s jut,arrivd here fiom Cases of lndfplent� long trouble, and is bi.. $2.66. r Tf ''O tile t�,`Stand -behind a, bond Issue of most enthusiastie as to' the kow, is Splendid for croUp,,,itsthma, broftchlds� Vs op ver Transcon, 'A & tinentoil RailWa Montreal say's tbroattrouble, etc. $7,60 the, tepre- 1111feed-trzi, sm; 61 r 16 r Tts, $26 melt b6ld!Qr% ort both sides. 3patch' PinexAs d Sealkl an(l highly. �&Icen- 21 to U1111 ititfcd-�patd $29; me' Ie, $27 . to $34, H -X6,, Grand Uunh' White Pine' 5�,nt the.,PXtt hc'to'Baild triateA'cbrilpound of NorwaSr ty - e21. per ton, car lots. $14.60 to 11M 0bee0o A despatch from eytract, tio:'Irk gualacol an'd other nat- -t�o ProDo . r oncton,, nedfite sfor at the onTo ring the st,%ttmc g' to� the og.says: "a, fl,.,,n pine elements. �Sfrnply mix Y have -Finest .' western, 141-4 '14 t4ci. do,, says The' Art through tri A dbtteh 'from Winhip amatga' ationj while' those 1311i .'Ver .60ila nt With" sugar, kivTup, o*t trained bone3�, th on a tajud of only 'So LedfitA On casternn, 14 , to A Me. DuttCr_.CjIOjto9j� the n-ew transcontine 1-r supeirior discipline of the tniperia, f8mallpok thi's Owing, to fhd larp number 6f .'Is -ounce bofile, ami it 15 kLea,ay for URS, nn dy been gi-v 64 Creamery, 30, bv tho Used tit more: homes in the TL i§� �and the, dpllai. "'Ift this' *ak thd actual co,it to so 1-2c, seconds., 28 to d -it �gew 11runswidk4rom s branelf , . d on Wed. soldiors., He"gays the, best troop I r "Shad, thn Any othel c6ugl $5,006,000; 46 to 45�1 G L No, to gotioton complete PaMe fbis',Nyear� the rty mo.7, luro�e, ard.. no better (4Qd , ical Oealth. 0 Poe In t�ege �XL asW, but c� bajI car, Pin( �.Vedn. linititto 'I stook, 241-26,*­'Potatb��`P f, Ag' �Iae wIlt' wherena the,t&I worth of.W property dA s odh(lltid� company �as had W, build no 1089 never 111:V,, fat' b6thl I a a 4D gin mion , . n Ia. Of ihot v6 'b I n to the, contract ' tha, 0,w Statiof the, Same results, The, genione ViInd lots,, $1,15 to' $"04 'or6 of'tho road passed . . hrough hj� tN, 69 produce P, 46 a7nro ha kilted fropi the, OiM' Is 'guaranteed to give, absolute satist -61A avAejunt. bzV6 'alrody b�011 dg�abli-qlll tion or money refInded. Certlftoafer`co�f be mu&h 10�ff 6an e'ven t t6'Aniliotst X. for repairs. 'T 6 N eou . MO -of c6nsthictl6n, '�hilti #uarantee ti wrapped In ibaell, paclunge. tmn,.. the apvraigo& value of. rOl e8jtgtO 8 NAIMETS ' many tal L I tirlim'se,ontinehfal in this Proiiiae, is nivipalitica. are I be balance of tho, numb6r- oontrct- Your druggst�haq,,Plilex 0 will gladli. the mortgage the ln4esto 3finneAto U. A.. ll�- got it foe you. if hot., tood� to fte Pinex Is less than onow c6mplete 'a�vai the buildhig-of Q I CUPES Ob Nd,),y goes 4,w� OUICKLV PA do t k9AC6 TH il ILU14 d for will be finished in tho 9pring, eo,;, Toronto, blit,. mit" o.onalder $1.061,gf jtlj� $1A 8-4 146,, 1 gn ilia .......... 7 OF