HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1911-12-07, Page 9T in • Hit L/ . e NO - w. ........:. .....:.. • -.--DRUGGISTS'-; • THE SILVER BQ f4. It Wes ..Full of Water, ,and .It Fouled the. Wok End Guist., A rising young politiclai r in Nevi► York tells, this. story on himself, He Waa'Invited recently_ to spend •a• wee*" end at a• ,country house, where things were' done a notch or•:two more• elab- orately than be was accustomed 'to, and he. stood hi not a• iittie awe of the solemn person who" was assigned to. act as ,temporary •valetto him:, The _.climax..,.came•-,wheq• Chia•..-functiona tapped at bis. door on. Sunday morning' and told him it was $ o'clock. "All right. I'Il, get up," said, the vie !tor, and, the solemn man disappeared' into the bathroom, 'trot which pres- ently the noise or "Water running Into the bathtub wag .audible In half• a minute more theSolemn person emergg,. ed, holding a large altver bowl 'fall of, water, with which he approached the'. bed. "He must, have seen• the astonish% went in my lace:" said the New Yprh; er.. '!I .Eonidn't conceal. it. it was a,•, Wholly new game to mer.and l didn't • know whether I was expected to dip my head in it ,or.": to drink `it :It, was an awtnl •morent Out that Man was.'a diplomat:; He realized `my:embarrass-.: Merit, and• be just let drop in. a cold and aloof tone,: ars If be 'had outsiders to deal with/every day,. the simple ex- planation.. • ,• " M� a temtnre er �Qnr b^ awth ,_ sir. "-New York Sun. . • Make'. the Youngsters appy; with a• • .:. • to. look . over our :list: ...Of the man beautiful ...Bro:w le' Ca n _ xnera.e • ,then vve haYe.to.-offer' • . ou -•fore our help in O l . '' Simple to. utider`stand, `easy � � ' .. to . Operate, , and .they _ take. good Pictures. Ask for Catalogue Prices I oo, 2 o0, ` 3.00, 4.00, When you You have read ourSutgestionsl come and see the display of goods. You • Will enjoy looking at them.' It will be a pleasure to us. 5.00, 7.00, .:.,:8.00 'w 9 oo,, 10.00' . tO ,S and $12.00 , ow y0u.. We btty•all our ":.Goods .fnimport Orders '. rom serman'France, �nland .and other.cou.ntries and can how 'ou a class of goOds retnot to be. •,: seen: •elsewhere'. in' town., :Buying Im � ort as we deo rn an bu...in -• ch ....a ' e •.. . .• .• p. , a s y,: g, ,e_pr.. )1.Kpdal ooffers: more Pie • ' asure: in Winter Wint- _.: than in'Summer-. ;Think of all t.he'win'teramus: einents, the beauty,. of Winter Scenes, the indoor ..pictures by daylight o r. , flashlight. Would a Kodak suit someone gsu-s now? Prices $5.00 to 20.00 .1.A ,fedi.. One. for- Each Ailment r Pricesl are as haw as Possible • y^ One for . Each Ailment Cherry Bark Cough .Syrup -eticea-•,Coughs -sad- colds- Prices,26and 50' cents. e/cale.' S for Ladies Gifts for Men.. yne Boxes, . -: "What 'Can 1 Get :for •Nim" Prices X25 and 50e to:$2.00 The list, of ' ossibil ties ' is sometimes surprising y . sma . ,; e : ave given - House Gifts %r Ladies... Handkerchief Boxes,. considerable`ai<tention to Men's wants Prnces 25 and 50c to, $2•00 ;thieyear Toilet Sets -Brush and Comb;' Baby Cough Syrup -•;T Eficient and p PleaeaTit ..; ,. XMAS FORGIFTS' , Make Suitable Gifts. for ' Old or Young. We carry .a full 'stock of. the . latest copy- right opy-right': books; Padded Poets and Gift Books Al ler .gHent , : and Y . other Books for Boys Bessie, 'Pansie " Mil- dred and other series of Booksfor/ girls.' Brush, Comb 'and Mirror; also, = some with Manicure pieces; Leather-and,Leatherette cases, $3.00 and 3.50 to 10.00 and $15.00 , Card Cases, in ,Seal and Seal Grain Laather, and dressed Al.:,'' • Shaving Sets.. ,,; • .Prices • 1.00, 1 50 and $2, 00 Prices 251:and, 50c to 2.00 and $2:25 'Shaving Pads .. Ps,• e & 25 and 500. Ladies' Pocket:•Books ' 7 VanitHair 'Brushes; Ebony arid` -Rose= Gillette Razors... • : Prices 5.00,' 5 50 and $7,50 T •ii• Straight Razors Prices 1,00 to2:50.. $ Purees -Small Change Purses, .Purses • etc' wood r .. Prices 1:00 to .$5.00 Prices 26 and 50C to 3:00 and:$3 50, Mditary. Brushes, ..:: , Prices .3.p to $5.00' a pair Military Brush Cases, 'Seal 'grain leather . Priee.$1:00 ` iful .Alligator and Genuine • Seal; Pocket Combs in leather. cases ; •. front 5.0.0' to $15:00;• down to, •• :.cheaper lines at 25, 50e •and $1.00 Prices 15,25 and '50c Hand Bags -We :carry a• very' large stock from fine • . quality,: Suede and Velvet Bas; Beaut= • • • Travelling or Dressing Compare, .., Brush and Comb ,Sets, in leather' lona in'Silk. Rubber and'kaney and leatherette: case's . , Prices 3 leatliere ce .0' 0 . to $10.00_ Price: 2:00, 2:50',to• 5:00 and $6.00Pocket Pencils Watch Wristlets . Prices 15 and iso Price :500'' 'Manicure Pieces. • ' •.Priees50 and 75e Veil Cases ' + Price $1.60, Collar )F2oxes... Prices 1 00 to ;$?1.00 'Music Rolls and Carrying Cases,' , .Prices 1.00, 1:50 to: 3.50 and $4.00 Clothes. Brushes ..•. : Prices 75c and $1.00 to $2,50 kiting:•Portfo•lios Tie Cases • Prices 50 and.eeo. Candle Sticks, . Brass, Oxidised Silver and Nickel:' •• Prices/50c to $3:51) • . Brass Kettles , :. , Prices 1.25 to 8.00 and 412.00 "93" Hair Tonic; Oures w : neltu€€ :nd•-=-stops• allip: hair. Price.50e:...'and $1.00 Brass Jardinieres and Fern Pots Prices 50e. to $6.00' Braes•Vases Prices '1 50 to ;$6,56 Flowers Pots in fancy .Metal • ' Stands, two Varieties........ Price 75C • • Glass and Potter ,:'Vase§ . Prices 35c to $2,00' Rose Bowls, ,something new.:. Prices 75e to $5,00 Ink Stands . Prices 25 and 50c to 1:00 and .$1.2,5 Bon•Bon Dishes for Candy; Salt- ed Almonds, etc • Prices 1.00 to $2.75, Fruit Dishes: wA. CruwblT.ray and Brush, in Brass and 'Woods,; • Price 1.25 .to $3.75 6,93'' Shampoo, cleanses', the;. scalp and leaves the.hair soft and.9uffy:. Price : 25 ' cents, • � hri 'm • • C �t as stationery Don't fail to see' ` the Big . Display of Pa et'r P ... ries. The Paper. and Envelopes to . the E epea areof t e. usual' high quality., the 'boxes more es are ore l beautiful` and the prices are a�ya Y. low- er than we ever ask- ed for these goods. A large: range at 25, 50, 75, 1:00 to 2.50 Kidney Ping,- cure' sore, irtwiNiz So 42; acme OM AT • I • Prices 25;35 and 60e ewel Caws in plain' and fancy Glass, Oxidised' Metal, Bright anddull Gilt Metal.. Prices 50e to 65.,00 Prieeir 1.2610 $5.00 Silver Mesh Purses, Best- quality Sterling, Silver fine Mesh, .. . A Pure Glycerine Soap Large Cake 15 cents. • Prices 25C te $1,00 • Prices:25, 35 and 50e. Prices'50 and 75e tcr $6:5C1 Nanicure Pieces -Ebony Wail, Bair Brushes ifi Ebony and II,ose- WoiXli French and. Japanese% Cod Livei Oil Emulsion for Tubercular trouble& Chilble,iti Remedy, soothing itlicl.110aling, SUM 'CUre. 004 Ebonite Brushes and cheaper Hat'Brushes, 80in0 :very fine lines.. Ebony Hand Mirrors; round 'and% oval,,also. some fancy shapes, big range of sizes, .. Priees.50 and 75e to• 3.00 and $3.50 Perfume, choice packages.. price p5o to $3.60 priees 75e to $1.c9 • • nisi -stain Pens, Waterm' an's Ideal the•pen that gives perfeet•satis• • Prieee 1.5.0 to $6.50 Smoker Sets .... . On Brass Tray r Prices 3.00 and $4,06 . Prices 1.25 and $2.00 Priees 25 and 35e Dinner Gongs,. in light•and dark Tooth Paste, antiseptic and .cle;dorant, whitens the teeth. 'All prices Tobacco Jars, in Erass Pottery -and fancy woods; ' • Prices 25 and 50e Prices 75c and $1.00 to $2.25 Pipes in Cases, Single Case Pipes ' , raid eompa.nions of two. and Prices 1.50 to $9.00 Box Cigar, 25, or 50 cigars. in Pricea 1.60 be $3.50 Change Purses.. • Prices 25 and, 50e Prices'50,, 15e and $1.00 of large arid 'small pictures, from t .15e to 43.75 '''Library Ink Stands in Cut Giese, 'and beautiful Hammered Brasa , Prices 1 00 and $1,25 Sunday -at Home, a book of the containing. scissors, thimble, needles, bodkin and several other useful pieces for sewing Prices 1.00 ki $5.00 Plow -ire for decorating, „ Prices 5 to 50e a spray Beef Wine__ and Iron Builder Blood 'Purifier Price $1:00 IRheumatic' Remedy, prempt. anteed cure. Priers 50c. $1. Mucu-Tono-a sure and safe remedy for catarrh, tOc, $1. • THEATER' SEATS:; • VerY : Annoying Indeed It Waa Before.' .They Were Numbered:.• People; who now s 4 p e *day T book 'their seats beforehand .for the 'play• cannot conceive of •the • discomfort of ,other days, an instance of which, is given by John Fyvle in "Comedy Queens of the. Georgian Era." "One of Charles .Matthews newspa per cuttings," he says,."contains a let- ter front a disgusted .playgoer'' dated. January, 1776, protesting against this custom of `permitting a'. footimlan to.. pit for:an'act or.•.two of a play:next ,to,. a woman of ,the .drat quality by way • of 'securing a place for his absent nnas 'The indecency • of the practice ' is saidto be• aggravated ;by * the • uanal • choice of the :dirtiest servant of the - !zanily `for this duty.:' for.. the men'of •para et , and '6'g ii e` o prance �''b tore the . lady's' chairar. 'with Ilghtede flambeank. or hang like a tope of on bus beh1nid. her eoalh:- -": "As a remedy for this nuisaa'ee the writer of this letter • made, the revolu- tionary'saggestion :that the sittings in the boxes_should be numbered,_a_pl'an- which 'does 'not seem 'to.` have• Occur, red: to any` one .previously • and•'.whicl Ware not adopted till.. long, afterward.",' ,-London Gentlewoman. Women In Tibet. Concerning.the' manners of Tibetans'• a' traveler writes: ''The ` malepart; of the Amdb p•bpulation is fond .of meet: Ing ;together for. frivolous 'conversation ou all suitable :,and unsuitable occas skins. . The most the:men do is. to go !hunting, and .:robbing. „The domestic work. inch, as 'tending the cattle, coli lecting . tnel., drawing water and, In short.%everything, falls ;on•the' women. While the 'wife is working incessantly all day long the husband grows weary with idleness and does *not .go to -her • assistance Unless she IS physically 'm,.• capable of doing any work at alL ' On• hor'seback'the women are: as dexterous, as: the men. To;'catch any horse she •Likes out ¢f the troop. lay her.'band on Its mane and quickly sprinng on to• the back of the barebacked steed and' ride Off in any directipji:, she ° wishes is an ordinary featfor any young,Amdo wo- man." -!Chicago News. •'Th. Oil Bird. . One of the animal, curiosities of •South • America is the "oil bird," or guacharo. It breeds in rocky caves, and one of its favorite haunts is the laland of Trinidad it'•lays its eggs In a nest made of mud. and the young birds are • prodigiously fat.: The . na-•: tives •melt the fat down in clay pots and produce from it a • kind of batter. The eaves inhabited by the birds are usually, accessible only 'from the sea, and the hunting of them !s sometimes aa. excithig 'sport. • The word' ‘,t,'alchits" on board a Corn- bric fishing smack arousesihe ire of the crew. Should the bated Word' be .nt- tered as the boat is leaving the barber . would Stand a fair chance' of being hurled overboard, Tha Mere mention "rabhlts" destrOyS'all chances Of OsVii hard job. loot 41s your father at hcimer' "He's trYing to be; sir," Said Joininy, 'bet you 'know. ?dr, Scitilggs, mother's here."-HiirPer's Weekly. The fleiri Sorrow. "Did yOnn operation 'cost yon Muela ".'es. but didn't niind that 80 much as the dollars it 'cost." Baltimore Liberian. . Able arid. Willing: The Rector-PreddY. do Yoll where little' boys go who' go fishing On. the Sabbath day? Freddy -,res, sir. Fellow me And I'll show you the place. • • Her Sacrifice. led ID life? NiarJorie-Sbe hopes to marry a millionaire rind save him from the die- grace.Of dying rich.. -,-Life. There IS genius as Well in virtue its Tn Intellect. 'Vs the doctrine Of faltb age ..9. Kinlough. Wesrey Boyle• was in; ClandeboYe :and, London lost week. Mansell, Hodgins of Winnipeg visited .friends bete this week,. t. A nunmer ..roan. our burg attended Moss Johestpn's .sale on Menday,' ,• Mr, and ;sirs: Geo. Maines, of G {dime; visited at the. store last Thursday Mrs.•.R lig Ifodglrioson is visiting her brother at Whitechurch this week, mss• K" 'eItte Fitzell,• of Toronto; is visiting her parents here at p3•esent,. A number from here attended the Fowl Supper at Bethany on Tuesday evening. - Wesley Boyle is having an auction sale of 30 cows in Ripley Qu. Saturday, Dec. 901. . . Mrs, Haldenby Sr., is visiting her daughter Mrs. pec Haines of Ulamis this we. Mrs. Those• icore and Mrs. Joe' Black, of Olivet,• •visited the former's daughter, - •Mrs. S: R. Haldenby; on Friday,- s• Did yorrnot' a that smile' •that, Jack: wears1 Well b'u see the moon was shining and •.the Rites have . had the desired effect.. A S•t7CCEs$Fa L�p •SALEA'large ;crowd attended•Mr, J. W. Rousom's sale last' Thursday, The live stock •was. of good quality and brought good prices. The. proceeds of the sale amounted to almost, wenty- ve undyed dollar*. : fl WEST WAWANOSH COUNCIL N... TOwxslilP .Cotrrroii,.--=Counttil ' met n°, ;• November 22nd, as per adjournment; fl' members' all present; Reeve Bailie' i P , n 4 n the chair. Minutes of last meeting • read and passed ;on/motion.of A:itche- sen wind Murray. Treasurer's' state inert showed balance on band ` of` .�• •$1416.18. Moved by Wilson and Watson that Henderson be paid $40 on account and balance to, •be held overtill work was completed. On motion of, Murray and Wilson,. orders were drawn on the treasurer- to cover amount of taxes ,charged to parties in Dunganrion for Statute Labor and that Mr, Wni, Mole be asked to -give a statement to. Council at their next meeting. ''The taxes of Mrs, • Hedley, $5.15, and Mrs. Stitt,for.$3.06 are :to be refunded on notion of Watson and1 i7 on. • Moved•iby'', >: son an )li ur- ray that the, matter of Youn '•s .drain bee lf .,r . g t.oveuntil after elan. 1st. 1912, seeing that it i mpoiisible tp make, a survey and proper examination.. of .the work in dispute. • The Guelph Junc- tion By., questionwas left over :until -the' next meeting on motion of Watson and A•itchie'son.. Cheques, amounting in all to $436.66, were.; issued in pay .trent of. accounts. It was ;moved by. W. A: 'Wilson, and sec.. by D. B.` Mur- ray; that we,the members and officers of the. Council board of West Wawa- nosh,'eictend to . Mr. Bailie and 'Mies. Bailie our sincerest' sympathy . in their. recent sad bereavement. Signed by all the numbers of the Council. Board, 'Council adjourned to meet accord- ing to. statute on' Dec:•.15, 1911.,. W. G, M,cCrostie, Clerk, pro tem. WINGHA.M • The Ladies• Auxiliaryof . the W in' -' hani General ,Hospital held :a• every •. successful .kerchiefand: apron bazar intim ecuncil chambers. • . The' •Wingham Boy. • Scouts have completed their course in semaphore signalling, and laat Thursdayevening had an exercise in the morse'.code. The, shipments' , of . turkeys: from: Winghain for the Christmas• markets are much larger than were, the :ship- inents'of last year. The majority of the birds'are shi. •ed alive. Principal ; Stalker, of the••. Publico. school, • has been giving • his : pupils exercises in fire drill, and• to_. such. purpose that the. last• time • the' alarm wa ;given;•the • school was cleared in 50 seconds. •-------- ' The bearieg:of the :charge against ;..t.,14.._ Schafer in connection • with an"' ' information said against hien by. Con stable Pbippen, charging • him With '•havingsold.liquor toan Indian Lister, grad again adjourned, on account of the ' "absence of a witness' nainei Lewis, who cannot 'be located., . Afterwards, we.,understand, the action'was ,dirt- • missed., .• AN01Ilan '1.NDUsinie SeetrnI:D.- Wingbarri his secured another in= SIC