HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1911-12-07, Page 7•
cce n , MI
Page 7.
Can su l ou needs in 'a ,th°in' aloin
_ .. , n ...... _ _ t•he Line of O. OCERIES�.
�• � A
fur Grocer
►e artment
1s•stocked with all the latest and best, New Raisins, New
: Currants, Newed ma 'Cana ' - T
, Tomatoes,: Corn' and^ :Penal. Pickles,' : (bottled
or bulk) Choice Mama* and Santaa. C
Maria' .' Oli.ves ' New Candied
Peels, Spices of'all kinds,• in fact everything' that :is required, for
Baking Purposes. S tda Biscuits ' and Cakes of all kinds: Golden
• _
and • Lily White Corn Syrup. ,Brusher, ,Brooms�Shovels,
Sifter.,; Lamp Glasses, Lantern Glasses; Matches, Butter Bowls,
'Butter.Prints,:etc.: eto:
ur Fruit
i t
—IS G.led.vp -with. Tavel range afi1-`sizes" s '
s � . , es inn e�lhmobs;
�'Amera •Grap s,:.Dates, loose or package,Table Figs, Raisins,'
frbit, Banannas, Cranberries,: etc.
our and. Fees
ur Confectionery
Department •
:Holds all that the Human Heart :could desire,' Chocolates from
20 cents to 60 cents per pound; Panel, Bon •Bons from 10 cents to
4.1.50. Christnias Candy to; no . rend. ; Wax . Candles, tic. Etc.
Words fail to describe our •stock in this 'line, .' ,See oar : Holly'. and
' Holly Wreaths,,:Special Reduction' to Public Schools and Sunday
Schools that require large quantities for Entertainments. ,
ur Crockery;
In Crockery we can save you Trnoney. ' We are ,offering some big' '
snaps in DINNER SETS.', This is• • worth while "investigating=A
• fine ltanti painted ?Bite:ror a choice Fruit: Iiowl :vrou;d -. make . a fine
Christnias Present 'A goodly assortment of Butter Crooks, ,Fancy ,,
Toilet Sets, Etc,:
Airs. Andrew. Nelson was the guest: '
of -Mrs John Spindler last Week.
Shelbnriae is or s Age,
the charnpion telephone town of
Ontario. The Bell Co. has.263 sub;
seriberis, and rural• lines connecting
'there have 319:; making a grand total
' 582 handled at this one :.exchange.• •
' fxhe~rcg i1at--nr ting"of l\'FotIL's
Institute will lie held at the homnee of
frs •WVm- Nadiasin Frig Dee. 8th;
at 2.30 o'clock; there is to be of display
of •Uhristiitas gifts 'an . fancy., work.
Pleaseconventicubic prepai ed. Visitors wel-
conte.. A report of the recent 'Toronto
rin will lie given,
Dr, O - •its, T,ondon; Surgeon, Eye, ear
nose and throat; will be at the ,Cain
Eio.use, I ucknow, oaf .December 7,• T.yes.
tested and glasses .properly fiitzd,. et¢,
Latest reports received from Prince
Rupert,:the Pacific'Coast .'Permii-ius , of
the GrandTrunk . Pacific 1t4tlieay in:
''dicates that•shijiping from that point is
•carer an ;the • increase,. ,.I1u.rinn the
:month of Getrber there K;etin• :seventy-'
nine arriv"als aha" evwr t g
.s e t y eiQht:,dc.•Iitrt-
•ares 'Phis is a "spleniii i record. for
this season of the
'':"Telegraphic advice has been received
at Grand `gunk Headquarters. to the
'effect that the maid line of steel n i
'an r Pacific Railway ' had
passel the, Great 'Divide between
Alberta, and British` Columbia. • Rapid
'prtess is.ill ;tow be ,.made with the
line in B1itish.Co1L1mIJia as this exten-
sion. carne. the Work Well into the
mountain, tI:vision ctpd cam pietas. 1,044
miles of Wain line track. west of Wili
nipeg. ';Cite Great 'Divide iia 250' miles•
west of Lclittontotl, • •
Thos. Watson has received the .agency
here for the Persian Steam Laundry.
Alllaandry must be brought in by Tues-
day•niglit in order'to be received again
'onSaturday of thlit week:, t, f. c
Recently ,a,dramatic .ciutpacty • was
left stranded.at Sudbury, owingto:•the.
'departure` of the: business manager •
and treasurer• with its fiends.., t'I'he
'Mayor, with n. thing t:ut kind intent-
ions, opened up a subscription„ list •to
assist' the la ries to• their° homes; but
he met with a'disheartening response
from the • eft izens. The secret is out.
The male. population ;of •Sunbury. out
nombe s .!•hP--feiaa " , -• Ji
one, It is whispered' that se'yetal•' elrery year .except"Where', they
wedding; a int soon take placesheld, in 'cheek., by the British govern
intent; seit out onThe d bunting. raids •'
A number • of :12roriiitenb' Canadian; pare and:simple.; Although. cannibal-
writers' and "artists are'. contributors• to' Lam ''Is still: •practiced in,' wilder:,
the .Chri:stinal nuinher of Thi: Canadian parts • of the group,•.: it hi nowadays! "
Magazine; which is as usual, a,' m`.cst mostly. a religions eiremony and not!
attractive .Issue. The miters include 'a matter of diet. • Thelslanders do Dpi
<irthur, Stringer, Isabel' Ecclestone .generail.y. kill and. eat•.people for ea.,
Jleliay, Newton..11aeTavi.h, ' ' Virna ,joyiaent, but either. because their. re-. .
:Sheard, . Frank •L. • Packard, George ligion demands. a, htiman..sacfiece ,or.
Herbert Clarke, . S. A. 1S'htte, llarlre manse. a .bead in needed':for, some;
Macbeth, .. R B'nrgin"n. Feter .tile Arthur, ; ceremony.'• • '
Ethelwyn .Wetherald, (nave Cxntiii; 1i, ' , In' Ysabel, one of the largest islands •
T. Allinson; and A. Clarke J1e('undy.. In the Solotnon gronp,•the:natives buflt>4
The rtists•include C V. Jetleys; n., houses• in' the highest trees to escape •
•Heleir arter, ; Arthur Ii elor with' from the 'attacks of head'bniiting
•frontispie. , by Hosier W.a. Mson , '}less, who sometimes come -as -far aa'Z00
Big Redact +tr illiner' =25 „per :miles in their' search •for skulls. One
,Cent Oft all trim cd
See the line
'rib we ,are
se lt
atandunrtniued; hats.
of these tonnesw.builtln a tree 150:. •
latents per yard:. 40
fancy. articles
suitable for,Xinas gifts,Nat
hiss Arne �trong's.
CEREALS "GoIs•r Up."-T'iie>ri 'of
'cereals hasp rta• es
gone'up and unlc.5s i��akes
a drop pretty • soon it . may becoitie a
mat Betiou s a r
e to keen
the breakfast
tables supplied. `:Phis Was the infr,rmat.
iven .out b . the wholesale houses
t;. Y.. as s
':lately. " The;. increase Covers oatmeal, t'
and.pearl b'arley,..beans: and • split peas,
and) several• other commreodities .r: fills
irides of these articles is, higher :now
than it has been for thank. • uiociths•
and the,'direct catese is not "known. -
.Whether ,the fariiiers 'have been, too.•
busy totake their grain...to the nulls.,
or whether it is : being .with -hell for
speculation linrposes is chit known
The:.Most Treacherous: of Mil!
South $e4. Nativea ,
Titre 8olomon_.lsi-an.dere' Kill. end Eat.
Ther Enemiee.: as an Incident of
•Their Weird: Rcligiou8 i4itert-8torma
Ina a Hanna ;In a. Treetop •
The•'name. Papuan is -that glvea.to
the •dark: skinned; people who inhabit
the greater number of innings In • the
part: 'of. the Pacific bcean,.known a>K.
Polynesia and,. Melanesia and whose
headquarters, •^as It were. are in the
great island ;of Papua or New 'Guinea.
Under . this deer'ription crime the:' ia•
habitants o1 'the Sutoinon •islands,' '
•So evil, bas been •'the reputation o!,;
the Solomon. rslauders that until quits: '•
recently ,they were carefully avoldedd
and very little was known •aliout•them.
•They have ,.the :Dante •of . beteg' the
Most, . treacherous • of atl:the south see
natives, »'y' et, considering .the treatment
,they have received in the'past et the
men.. s no
wondered. at. • lnrrerd, • the 'wonder 1s:'
;,that they allow',any. white man`at.slla'
in their country. But now that •thej
ilave• bad a. •cbazce of seeing ,sums
More •,favdrable ,specimens than' the.
dregs• 0! •bnmenity'.wbo formerly drift.
ed .to the ••south seas. they... are nuuclt
improved, and a man who treats them"
fairly . may, as a rule; go among them ;
without fear. • . •'
still. ,even now. there ,.is ,a• beatztifut
.nneertafnty about 'the life, .of a sop*
sear'trader. One day ha may ba sur.
rounded; by, .eringing natives•whoobey.
his every word. An. some night, it•
he has cheated the Papnan,•too gross•
Iy, there is murder in the moonlight,.
and the: trader is, never• beard o!. mere..
Often: however, there seenms''.to ''be no ;
reason for the natives turning against
the •whites... It simply that they"•ob
ject to baying a' trader .in their midst. .
• So they burn `bis goods and end by,
iw1luk biro: • •
The Solomon islanders: are. ars •keen.,
u ts• and buyn,
.As we have one of the largest Oil : Accu . ll inCanada_ ieipartrrient . '
very large quantities,' we can sell you the ver, best Americ n Uil at. the
Represents thebest
grades of Flourand Feed obtainable.
In Flour wsstoek
PU1tITY,. rate of 2:Ga'lhons.:for 25 cents: '"' We also handle Gasoline.
l�LOUR, and of course.
otii'r own LUCKbTQW FLOUR, which gives satisfaction to every .Housewife.
IN FEEDS we have just unloaded .a=t;e:r of Brim na Shorts, ter these our prices' ace
een m ,,•�
right. We also handle Linseed Meal, Oil Cake, Cotton ' ed' Meal, Rolled Oats, Oats; Wheat
Crushed 1) seer Shell, and a:fall line of Pratt'a•Re alai r
.9 , g o and Conditioner Bibb 's Creatit We. are agents for Canada .Cem'ent, and'l:andle it in season: If you:
E trivalent Etc. Etc:. ,. , y „
q require an• .: me et season let us give.you, our pricps, "rhey, are the "IOs est.
Lake Trout
-e °fliT at g,
Kini n I-Iaddie `°' Cod F sh .Etc.'.
• been ;out oft, so tlat the stern • was 1 j
quits . • bare until the ,platform, Rome •
eighty.. feet fromthe ground, was
reached. ,Access was ,bad to the house
by: a rickety ladder composed of twigs .
' lashed to. -a 'stout ,pole .With tope o!'
#wised cane. 'When 'an 'attack. Is. ex-•
tpected..the:• women • and children fake.:
refi ge tn'these houses. while the men -
keep watch.: ;They warn each other Of
the appre 'eh: 0! a• fleet by , a curious '
dry Which•O ce heard is never. to be'
forgotten. Th _ e houses are 'snbstaa-
tially, built, as often the inhabitants
have ,to witbatandlong : siege iq-
them. The floor Is m e of • plaited
bamboo laid on'a layerof'kark which: •'.
rests upon the• platform. ',The walls
Advertising is'an, investment, "•riot an ..eard'-e 'w'ofithbamsabogeo,'; ,paldm.thcativo::
• ' t s r ovse o w. c, • ' Iave re err' eaeat
interest to readers and the inwstttient . Dred 30 by ,15c
5 feet, and f'orfy persons.
will acve good dividends,' Thnt 1 e Syntihad been known to ,take refuge in it.
,= goes into.a thou,:Lnd •honer s right in U the atta flung,• party' land and the
this distrit:^111r. hi
Merchant, Make your en' cannot resist 'them'. suceessfnliy .,
adverts r:nicnt talk to the Iittyta,4, not they -toe.-asreud-to_ lie tree house,. A
in .t -:general way but with the right .pile .of large, stones. Is •always..kept
oCls.:i1L he_re ght- bee, -son: -,at- the -ri-,4tt, rev y -Per eniergencles outside the door'•..
,price, with a, btr;,"nisi day, thio11 .tits of; the platform, and': the men
and yoti will h'zce no need t. r worry • hurl' down on their foes. Sometimes,
bowerer; the. enemy construct.;a'sbelter
beneath. which': they can work away •
' and crit the tree down,'and they have '
even been 'known to •'ascend the tree
• 'u III • -II t , • : 1 b -were--oft ,tbefr.- :
guard and set lire to the. ho'ase.
..Nowadays,, however, head hunting IS
'y y indulged in only on special occasions::. .
1Iz E,arrv's- FT::/wyi, ]ri t lYtIt3�4y �{ LltnC'7C1t1C s Often. indeed, when a head is required''
the chief gives notice' of, the fact to
H hP
at rices Cash or Trade for
g � • all kinds of. Farm: Produce,
ve or ,Dress = d po-u lt-ry.
arrel Salt
Your Potatoes
`�O LEASE.G�ve us a 'Trial a. � d ou• Will. soon become one. of .our . Regular .
Customers • Come with the
rowds and ' do your Xmas Shopping here.
We wish ;ry one aria all A 1VIERRY M
Pf-i(NE ...
about 'the Mail' Order, :Ifni+es, Thu
two big ads in •tlti isssuee' are,' evidence
same of the faith of sair.tnen in local acl
a re. do, riot ' huy digit ,Space
jti .'for the firer Of th
it to , get minkfind their faith is
justified. •
Dr. R. N,: jarker, • of 'T,istowrei,. eisi'S
fr1tri 1230 to H. p, tn., :Ilriilays front 3
to 11 p.' • in, 1>iseases of ' llespiratitiii,'
Nervous and,Alimeutare Svstt nes, .frnitalt;
trouble, joint affections, 10teuntatisut;
Sciatica, etc , suce ssfally treated. • '
A•letter rrevive 1 by the Grand Trwtnk
Pacific ly: headtittattei:s froitl and
the, leroniiitent arfi•- t3 itf Neit•
Who has jit••:t r tttrintd •ti•"t(t a trip friar
the Grim(' Traltk 1'at itis its t• tr "its the
Canadian llrillkit'..; 17;,0titttr tlte' fttilott.-.
1 went i. tt to thr'• end :.tet1 on the
Gr'andTruyik Patt,sil, thin to k '
trail si,ver • to 1lalit nt•''Lake 'Which 1
• found to bre Om to t.t,. j!toa=ttifnl l.t1v�• I
ever. vv in' iffy life. .I• li;at(tt Ili'li;,tlittttl
trip, and titatle several k'tt lif•i,. • lit'-'
turning I ,..topped off' at it elitt�t't•i..',ht;
;utel from there vtent'&itis •fhi Iti ali„r'titfg
in ditferent ni+t:t
delightful tithe . Next year 1 •lillne try
be able to get away earlier and see
more of your tetagtti'iit`eli't ct)tjiitr"y.'
the different tribes arid offers a reward
for one. The chiefs of the village!
look • around, and if tit any of them •
there is a native who has•made.liim-'
self objectiona6Ie 'tor any reason they:
decide. that tits .head shall come off•and are
the reward be earned. The. vlctfl Is' •
not told of hls,lmpending fate, but 1s t;..
'care±tiliy watched by a maid' who has ,es,
been, told to .secure his head. '.Heiera`
watches every movement ,of' his Vic- tt
din and when a favorable opportunity �
presents; itself' 9nickly and remorse- . - ;ts,
lessly kills hfn1, cuts off his - head and • SIC
carries it to tpe•chlel, who pays for, It, •
in shell money. This even .happens to
white men ti they have made them- •'
selves'unpripular." Money is paid aver
for the skull. which goes' to join the •
cbfef's coltcctlon.--John poster B1'0.*in New 'Si`ork Tribune. . • l•
• Proud of it.
: 'olleetex'-'T m going to print t. bo* -
of deadbeats" „pictures, and you're gp-•
ing to be on the front page. ' Egotie.' ,
ideal Sfpat-Say, bolt .natieh would 1
have to owe•to get -oil the car?=Ch1-
cage News: • . t
fia'ppinettatiovrte at octr own',f7restdei
inti fi not to be pit'kc•d up in strangers'
ta'.ttrlet••••boughs Jerrold. .
oris.. Thesii:
of Luck'
rich ' primo .
lis now on.
asholid'aps; :.
her meats
It kinds : of
lliteatit ble
�5r' 0o0•