HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1911-12-07, Page 1110.1.--etyr.'ff 1.1 . V' Jae? ___-`1111PaaFie•Naltglliaraaaraar. 41941,-.......04040014/9111F, 40' vi mut, W DISPLAY ADS. • THIS WAElto including changes of old ones by local advertisers only. (Most other. display, ads, are changed regularly. according to it pre -arranged schedule) P. J. McCherles...a, -.Page 1 T,Arteetrong Spence , 'Murdite dr Sutherland. ' W. G. Andr8w a. 4 .4'. ca. Muidoch dr. CO.... , Frank Tate . , , . 7 J. Q. Armstrong...9 61: 12 McIntosh dr Cameron, a. 12. -Barrett ta .Armstrong... 12 Read ahem- ads. patronizethe ada vertisers: Business men who pay for' newspaper space have something of value to tell you and pay you the complimeut of phowing. • that they think your patronage worth soliciting. • I 4 , Watch the Sentinel next week for our clubbing otters. Hold your -subscriptions until then and save money, - LOCAL AND OPN4RAL • James A:Lamb was in Wine on Wed- , nesday evening, a Hoge are going "downagain.-.--we' mean the four footed kind. L. LaChapelle was in the city yester- day, buying his Xmasstock of aewelry, . Don't renewdfoi your city papers of any kind until you see the Sentinel's ' clubbing list next week. It will be a money tearer to you Lucknow Hockey ateam sent two. delegates to Palmerston on Wednesday and Lucknow has been entered as group 3 in the Northern League. • ..___a_a_Rereatat-MeKialeyepiekehedi-eatiniveitt sag sermons at Blyth on Suridaire hart. Rev: Mr. Fear of Blyth`took Rer. F. -M. Mathers's„work in Cheeky. 'Dr. ' Brown, Eye, Ear,- -Nose, and throat, will be at the Cain Hotel Luck - now, Deca12 Hours 1 p. m. to 7 p. m: • ' • Eyes tested and Glasses reapplied. Frauk-Tate-last week received an ..order. from Oalechio,' Ont, for ' five' • barrels of' now famous American , (al Oil sells at . 2 gallons for 2% P1.90,-,aeaa ',a:0 a? a - 74241 T. L. Treleaven-81(14as. ad.. was 1001 late for this mine. Watch for it next .week. In the meantime" he invites • everyone' in to' •inspect his •splendid showing of holiday goods. Charles Dalton, millienaire fox ranch owner, of. Prince Eduard Island, re- cently purchased from J. C. Catkin, of Gaspe, three black foxes for . which he paid over nine thousand dollars. , While trimming the wick of a lamp, Miss Dolly Tindale, of aHahover, was nearly burned to death. In seam man- . ner'her clothing caught fire,- and Wore help arrived she was frightfully burned about • the body. It is said that only her corsets 'saved her life. 'Hat" face a Will not be disfigured. ' • ,• . The Kincardine Reporter has this to say regarding the Lucknow orchestra, which played for the play, "Facing the ' Music" recently put on in th it town: ' The work of the Lucknow orchestra was one cif the pleasing. features .of the evening. ...It rendered a number' of tee overtures and the audience showed its appreciation by splendidly applaud- „. jag Lacknow has. a god advertise- ment in the • orchestra and 'shOuld . 'proud of it. They also played for 'a little dancing party Which toplace After, the plea. • ' • A Sucesalls1 &WOW " The hot fowl supper at Bethany -churchaon-Taesday--urgataar bounced success. A sumptuous suyipnr end a good programme were provided, and something like $60 was realized therefrom. Teeswater supplied a liberal portion of the attendance. • . Jubilee- Singers Coating ' The famous Canadian Jubilee Singers have been secured to come to LuaknoW, and will appear in the town hall here, under Methodist auspices on Monday evening, Dec. 18. Tickets '25 and 35. cents, 'Plan Of hall ...at Armationgat jewelry store. See posters issued. -Christmas tree A Christmas Tree and Entertainment will be held in Hope Church on Thurs.-day, 1:)ee.:21st, 1911. .4 -good program has been prepared, also an aildreaa will be given by Dr. Newton on his trip .to the Old Country. Admaleitha children 10 cents, adults 25 cents. • 14-12-p concert in aid"rca the Y. M. C. A. will be pat on here next Thursday even- ing by the Francis Firth </concert Com - 'paltry. It will be a high' class concert at a reasonable pride, and should meet with 'general patronage. See ,Posters aimed this week. TwIrets' 25 and 35 *cents. Flan of Hall at Armstrong's •Jewelery Store. •• ' • • . Spottsn's School Students receive the best Positions Andnhe-demand-for them is many times the supply. • Tamarinds. of ambitious, young WO% Who Work during the day, are preparing for 'useful careers. by studying in the evening. The Winter Term of this popular school begins Jan. 2nd., as will be seen by an advertise- ment on ,page 5. Spotton. Schools .are located the towns of • Wingham, Clinton., •Walkerton and Orangeville and the cities of Londe; Welland . and Peterbormaaaa The spirit of Christmas is beginning to show itself, aad the beat evidence' of that fact' is a handsomely illustrated catalogue now being distributed by F. T. Armstrong. It is adepided .advance oyer anything previously attempted in a local way, and is equal in prieting.and illustration to the best efforts oftheabig Mail Order Houses, 'It is intended I to emphazie the advantage of aoing ;Ian your buying at home, and shows by ac- tual comparison, how you can - save "money hy dealing with your local Jewel- er; This catalogue suggest the appro- priate thing for, everyone's -Christ-male" and gives you a chance for deliberate selection, with everything guaaanted precisely as represented. ' . The Late Mrs...Gordon. attanypeople here will learn: with re- gret of death in Wiiiiiipeag.'on Octo- ber 25. of Mrs. James Gordon, .farmerly of Lucknow. She and her husband cameto Lucknow from Exeter some thirty-six years ago, For Many years Mr: Gordon wait butcher here, and that capacity became .vera Widely and. favorably known. Six'years years ago they moved .. to Winnipeg, where there Children had already gone; to reside. Mrs. Gordon Wail an invalid many years, but. was bed fast Only a short time before her death.; ,The end came , peacefully - She leaves to mourn her lose her hus- band and five Children, the latter being Mrs: T. T. Smith, of Ocean Park, Cal.; Mrs. R. E. 'Stinson, of Carnd,uff, Sank.;Mts. al': ',,It. Fletcher,. of ,Winnipeg; William of 'alaphilat, and Frank, of Stoney -M' Latest Picture of Borden. The recent change Of Government has irmae Hon. Mr. Borden the central 111E0 • • KILIPATItfeft-it Mataing on Sunday, Dec. 3, Eliza Jane Treleaven, relict .. Joseph .Kilpatrick, aged 64' years. • Funeral from the residence • • of her sop. Samuel .Kilpatrick, on -'-.eriday=t1YOutiginnitn cemetery; -4-CO-r-fatit laaalwatataknowi On Sunday, ' Dec. 3, Peter Corrigan, aged 91 - 'years. Funeral to Hofyieod cern- - ' etery on Wednesday,' Dec. 6., '--, , on,Men4.,, day Dec. 4. James Smith, formerly of Lticknow. Funeral., from the residence. of Mrs. James Sandy, Lucknow, On Thursday, Dec. 7, to Greenhill. cemetery. Lucknow. on Tuesday, 'Dec. 5, Joseph Little, aged 90 Years. 8 mos., 19 days. ',Funeral from the residence of his son, W. J. Little, on Friday, Dee'. 8 to. Greenhill cem- etery. : 801IN WnsR -In Ashfield • on Holiday, Dec. 4,, to Mi. .and alas, Robert , Webster, a son. , • Mogaraetta-In Lucknow on ".Monday,, 'Dec. 4, to Mr. and Mrs. P. J Att. Milian, a sem • • d • MARRIED ' • STIERRiF10-01tAICAM.-111 St Andrew's ' Manse, Blyth, •on. Wednesday, Nev. 29th. Miss Mary Ilelena Chu.; '. ham, ..,of Lucknow, to Mr. Sohn Shertiff, of Winghant... Ceremony . was perforrnea.lby Rea, J. L. Small,. 'figure of Canadian Public •life: .afeny ple-WOUlctlikeibtain a picture or :The . Sentinel, we are glad to say, has -made -arrangements-.'-waereby such a picture may be obtained abso- lutely FREE. Leave one dollar arid sixty cents at this office. }743.1, that sum you may .obtain. the Sentinel and, the -Weekly-Mail-ancle-Empire-together-for- one whole'year are lax' an in dition • as, a premiuM you., will receive the picture of, Borden: This picture is on fine 'piper suitable :.for framing, in photo' tints, 18x24 inches,.. and • is in -itself r• a work d- art easily worth. the price of ' a year's subscription to either , paper. Leave 'all orders at the , Sentinel office; and leave them adore Dec. 31 to make sure of the premium. • Public Onsarstee. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, THOltSDA7, Ripley alloaaldeatnahatraa-rrilaed-IMM from Radvers„ Sisk. , . Misses AL McGillivray and E.• Me-, Brien were Wingham aisitors 'recently, • Mrs. J. M. Horton. and son Donald, of Burford, have beea visiting at Dr, • MeCrim noon's. , • Rev. and Mrs. F,' A. UeLennen, of Lucknow, visited at Rev. 'Mr. Mc Lean's last week. • A miscellaneous shower was giveo at the home of Mrs: Harry McMullen in honor of Mate' E Ina Jacktion. 'St:Helm Jahn, Phillips has returned. home 'from the West. Hermon Phillipa is visiting friends in Goderich this week Sem Garton of Whitechurch is visit- •,: mg friendeaaretainah r Mr. Burns ,of Lueknow, dug a. Well for Frank Todd last week. . Mise Saekeld, Of Goderich, visited at the home at Mrs. R. K.. Millar. John McLean 'left. on Monday'. for Michigan to look after business there: 'John Millet, of Dresden, is home for a few holidays • aftee, las recent attack of fever. •"''' ••-• Miss Murray entertained the clakiree of tne village at -a taffy pull -on Friday eVaning. - Stewart Rutherford entertained his boa friends' it a party. on Tuesday evening.. • •. Thos. Phillips spent Sunday with his brother-in-law, Mr. A. Fox of White- . EC, sUccEssOuL. SERVICES erY a s ac ora ennivermay Celebration.. The - Anniaersary • Services in the afethodist Church OP Sunday last were of a specially interesting eharecter, The congregation, in the Morning Was, large, •while in the evening the • church was pecked, the Aerviae in the Presby- terian Church having been awithdrawn, Rev. F. AL Me:there:B.:D., of Caesle,a, occupied the 'pulpit both morning. and evening and 'delivered two taou.ghtful and inspiring seimene. The Choir under the able leadership of' Miss Rinker furnished excellent music ant lidded much to the, interest and -success CA the services,' The appeal hail been made for $800.00 to wipe off- the in- debMilness of tae church and the officials were delighted , to receive in', resporaa about .$950.00 to which another hundred will be added by the ladies' Aid This will leave A snug balance when all treara-area•paide-a Oe Monday evening a good sized audience gathered in the chtnch to heat the • lecture on "Our Songs and their Story" , delivered by Mr: Mathers. The lecture wes -certainly 'en able one and eloquently delivered and those present were both entertained and prefited. Durilig the, evening the choir assisted in the program and the solos by Miss Allin, Miss Freeman, and Mrs, Young, Of Kincardine, were very much enjoyed. The congregation am pleased over the succesa of ' these services and ratefala to all who contributed to Make-. them such. They appreciate the courtesa of the Presbyterian congregat- ion, joining with them. in the aunday evening Service. • • • church, wheats ' The Ladies' Institute Autograph quilt was quilted at the home .ofo Mrs. Peter Clark's oe Toesday. „ 'Ma and Mrs. McClinton, of Goderich, visited their daughter Mrs.' Robert .lorfoa1ew..,dat&J The Wises ,..Chrisie Miller and Annie Rutherford • of •Wingaain, High School spent Sunday at their, homes Gem Ward wae has been suffering with an abenss on hie :breast . is not •amproving as quickly as ,might be ea,: _added. • 011yef. George Scott returned home fioni the West laat Week. a Mr Cecil and •Miss Edath Campbell' ndayawith friends -at' new. . a a • a. Miss Ada Weadee iS • visiting her - slater, Mae. •Rciy .Hildred of the South Lane -this Week. • Ma, and Mrs., HI•avell Fraser. 'of Reid's Corner spent Sunday ipsore with • Mr. and Mrs. a. W. Thorr; • 'Westford Mancel,Hodgins of Winnipeg,- Made a flying visit here chty last week. • Quite a number from here. et-teaded ,the sale at W..Rorisonia on Thursday: Me - Haldenby and Reg. Mc- Bride Sandayed at Jacobiackenswiller's. -Messrs. Milton Donald and . Hairy Brown. Sundayed at 'Harry Haldentaas. Preparations are going. felward. for a' box -social to be held at an early ; Mr. and Mrs. .Alf. Ifeclgins and Mies Houston spent One :marlin last week at, Fred: Haldenby's. ' • • \ Quite a number from around here . attended- the 'presentation . at W. Ron - sow s list Tuesday. evening. Chester Haidenby has aetureea from Gilmore, Sask. He likes , the Wes' t very 'much, and • intends .going back again in the Spring. ' ' • . Langside Joke McLean Of St. Paula visited, at W. Youngs lest week: . • • Leslie Howe of Teeawater, visited , at W. Mclaenzic'e on Sunday. essrs, hearer and "Harkness are busy plastering W. Becirieg's new house. Joseph Tiffin 'plirChased a;fine heavy= draught mare at thict •sale in; Winghana 'test week. / Messrs: N. licCallithe J. Hudson. and. W. LobkhIrt havehaketi the contractaaa -elittiog*ood-firc. Niotatt. • ' A PAINFUL AOOIpENT.-Th011laS ItOSS• met' with a very painful accident last Week while chopping Some 'light, Wood. A sliver. flew kfict struck hint in the balrefthe eye. Dr. Jamieson of ,White- ellureh, aatiaat-onceattelled' it1 awl. tended to the injury. Ross is do- ing as well as could be expected; an the' Dralaaaaw_hopelnl of-aievieg ahea: WO are autnorized by the publishers to guarantee that . every person. who, during the 'month of: December, pays. 'a 'year's subscription to The Family Herald and weekly Star of Montreal,. will receive a copy of their valuable. 'padialum picture, entitled, "Home Again "Time Family Herold and Weekly Stara subscription receipts in November were 00 per cent. Over November, 1910, almost entirely owing to the picture which is admitted by alt who have seen it to be the hest premien' ever given with a newspaper. Those Who fail to •secure a copk "wilk have themselves to blame. 'The Fainay Heroldand Weekly Star and such a beautiful picture all for one dollar is such rare value that no person can afford to nliss it. The picture is given' both to re- newal and new eubscribe,se. The Sentinel anel the Family Herald and Weekly Star together for one year for only $1.80 Mrs. Thos. Moore and Mrs: Joseph Black spent, a day last week with the formers, daughter . MM. S. R. Haldembv of Kialouga. ' . . : Misses Jennie McGuire and at'auae n or' an essrs, Wm. Huston and Wm. MeGaire spent Sunday With friends in Goderich. ' Olivet Sunday School will hold their anneal ,Christrnas „ Tree' and Entertainment . •Wedneadey' even- ing, Deeembe'r 20th,. A good program is beiaa previdech Everybody we!. ,Single Copies 3 cents, "LOCAL OPTION COLUMN. aTinrepat-e-is contracted for and7-Pad for at current advertising rates by the Local Option Committee 9f Lucknow 1 • The following is from a „recent issue of the Toronto Daily News: Mr. James Mayfair, the well know!; business man of Midland, who is at the Queen's te-day, states that local option been verY successful in that town. "It's the, best thing that ever struck the place." he said. • • . From The Presayteriao of Nov.. 3tith, 1911 we take the following: Last week at the Toronto. Assizes • Mr. Justice Riddell sentenced • to the Kingston Penitentiary a prisoner Who ' had been"found guilty of mensal:tight- , '1711ile 'intoxicated the man hal at. uck his wife a blew which, acting upon her. weak heart, had reSiated in • her death. The follovaing paraeraiai from . the Judge's, address . ter' the ' King deserves to be reprintedaa,. remembered: "This is another added • toathe long and hideous list of victor-, ie'of which King Alcohol can boast --A woman dead by her husband's hand, a man behind prison '.•bars, children nibtherlesa ' arid worse than fatlierlerta: • Such eases aft yOurs might almost cause those 'who see no harm in the sale and use Of intoxicating liquor to be Willing to be themselves d deprived from the use of these liquors. in moderation, if only the use --which becomes the ,abuse -might be forbid- denathoseaavha eLnnot---nr will not-' theni without excess.' • • • Mr. J. M..ThomxpPcson,••Maneger of the Union. Bank in Wheatly, Essex? Co. has this to say of Local Option in that vile.ge: ' , "This is to certify that, to my mind, Local Option has been a decided success in this village amid I should regret 'very Muck to again see the town s, fall to licence: Past Dire Bills and Accounts' rand'Iloss Accounts have ,beelirilimirt-I receivect- ,in full, customers deposits have ' increas- ed and business in general has shown a decided improvement?' • Mayer Pearson, ,of New Market, Will . be here .On -Friday, Dec. 15th, to address a public meeting on the matter of Load Option. ....Neaaalarket-aas had a. full experience of the working of the by-law, and the testimony of the Mayor of that thrivipa. shoidd. bo interesting to all. Da' not fail ti come and hear What Mayer Pearson has'to say. , " • ' oric,4.Avii...No:1,1,. .1.11... OF THE :1/.1141.„AgE' Of -141CKNOW.. '4 By -Law to Probileit the sale by retail .' ;' Of- spinttious; fermented • or 'other: : .. f MantifaCtnred.Muots in. the Maraca ,. . - pality of the . Tilla04,;. of LtickrieW.' The,Municinaf.council of the Village •„ of Lucknow hereby enacts as follows': • , •• .1. Thaf.the Sale•hy 'retail. Of spiritu- ous fermented,' or other . manufactured liquors . is .ancl- 'shall be prohibited' i,ii. every tavern, in or other house ok place , of public entertainnierit iii the said tuna- . fcipality, and the sale thereof, 'except by Wholesale; .ii: and Shall be ..•prohibited . in every shop or place Other ataxia house • of public :entertainment ..in ', the ' .aild.' municipality. ' • • , , • • • ...',.: ' . , . 2. That file. vote, Of the ..elictOrs • of the said Village of taicknow will be taken on this By -la. by the Deputyrre-•"' ifirning Officers 'hereinafter'. named 'on ' For the North pelting in of ... Monday, ritst day of January, Om; thousand.. Nine' ;hundred and Twelve, commencing.:. t nine o'clockinthe morn - big and continuing until .fivc,O'clOck /in the afternoon' at ,tia.e' tinderopioriod 'places, naniel a', • :: ''.• .. . • • , . the Village Of Lticknow in Robert Gra- hant's vacant stol-e,• Situate on the North, ,Side of Campbell btreet with H. J. Liatl-•,• . •Say, Depute -returning Officer. 'For ...the. 7ganth polling sub -division Of the Village . of a:Agatha/v. in :the Council Chambers in• 7the-taffiegre i'Dia---ry • Building wifh-7T" ,E. Agnew,;Deputy4tettirning Officers „ , ' 3. that.oirj4ie illirtieth day' .of De- Centber A. 13,..:„ 1921, ' at. the, JCOUncil . Chamber's ' in the .Carnegie'Libtary Briiiii 7. ' itig'iO ,ihti Village' of laiektiow. at the • acne of elettn b clod, in tire -forenoon .. the keeve . °take: 4a.iii, Muni. itvlity., 0101 appoint ill writing, signed by hitneelf, two persons to attend, at the fi.ral slim- . ruing up of the.votes by the: el&-ls., and one- on te-L-attend-r-alt-7eacl,t4'polling- plaee Ott behalf of. the persons. zraereatect in AO dggirthiS of in ottiotitig •th., passing Of aria By-law, lead a• like 'number :on behalf of the 'persons interested . in': and desirous of Opposing the pa'Ssing of, 'this' .13,k4.7.1.."' That '. the C- led': o'fithe,said atituici- pal Council of the •Village . of • '14Chnow shall attend at the Coulicil OnankberS in the 'Carnegie Library. Building .at the ' hour of eleven o'Clook in the forenoon ,On theSecond day of January A. U. 1912: to' stitn up . the :number of .votes giVen for and against this By-Livv. • . . ,This.11Y-law Shall come into force and ' take.e'ffecaas trout time First da,y of 'May 'next after the final. passing thereof; ' Council ' Chamber;..1.;fftit day of Deeeini, lii'ir A,. 1), 1911.a1; afrieria. t.-' a. Reeve, • 'rake 'notice that ,the above: is a ;trite copy of a propose'd Ily,law Which has been taken into. •constileration •, by •the municipal Council of alla Village of. 'Luckno•tv and. Which will be filially pass- ' ed he theatitt•Cetmcil (in the event' of the lissom of the electors being obtained ,..otiettel,r4toAtts)praoftIrlecoli'iney .otticjietitttil• lea, refTf4tOttl.trki It it,oiisi:-, . :first publication their,!pf in Sentinel:the date of *Odell first. publi- cation WAS Tlittraday tfie Seventh. lay. of 'Decentber,AWIL. 1911. iiti(1' ' that at the bour," day' aluV4tittees therein "fixed for taking the votes of the•elecaors the polls,. Will be held.: - aa • . Rea- W. Bremner . of Knox Presbyterian Church, Ripley, assisted , Rev. 9. w, Rivets with ' the Service held in Olivet. church Oa Friday even-, ing. The services are being, continu- ed tin pughont this 'week, • ' sight. Kinloss 'Mrs E, Harrison of Winglia,m, is visiting at Mr, E. HarrisOna. Mies , Rae Armetrong. of glamis, spent the week end at her home. • . • The, W. M. S Meeting was held at the luirne:ot Mrs. J. Black on 'Wed- aesday. - Mr. and Mrs. j. -H. Winteratein spent Sundey with Mr. and, M,,. J G. Colwell, Mama Stella and Maggie Mena iOinery spent Sunday watt friends in Walkerton'.,'• ;1 itars.7Pricigeop is not improving in health as rapidly as her many..filenda- woUld like to see.. Miss. Myrtle Stanley of LueknoW, is speeding a:few daps with her par- ents, Mr. and Mita A. Stanley., A large crowd attended MIS; )oimn. ateldasale on 'Monday it rat her • hou4e. hold effecta brought a good price. Mr J. Howitt andcatUgh tee Mabel rettarned to their home in Clinton, after spent:flog. o, Week visitin f i d , To the Electors , . North . .. . , , Nonni ' .• . . Qkiareee iNy.-•, .,'" ' , ,, • ____,'A.t. a large Convention held , at Whiglimm I was nominated as ; it-Stu:nria-rd-Bearet: for the. North Riding of liar*. and hoped to have eetet ea upon . A ' Vigorous campaign at ;mice in visiting the various., inunicipali,.. . 'the -Hties:gree4rig -eleetors---a-ntl4- holding Publie_nieeatinga: _This .., Para -grata rania-e been . unable - ate carry out owing to ill health arid .• adtbaugh,,,aarne better , cannot :. now cover. the ridieg, :especially . at Mich in:element, season of, the ' year, ience epee hroagh the. , . presu. , .. 'coadialay• ' . • a s.layearta-tlie , pl o- .g.eanr outlined by Mn, • N. W. 1 lowelk-betieving-it-wetild7tentl--.- 't Itatholiettertneneof Agriculture, • Educatioe, Manicipal .iaiprove. merit and time beat • enoral inter- ests of this fair Province., • If • elected it. will. be ,my pleasure . and purpose teservo you 'Along •these lines to time best of my , „ _ , , -• ability. • , • •• . . .... I •appeal to all who favor sea legislation to get earls' to time .polls, ort 1)ecember 11th and Any- mark your ballots far me, •Aiiy. .. thing that can be , honorably ' done to farther my • campaign, Will . be ' regarded 'Ili it, Special , favor in my iftabeitv to be More active in . it ' myself: _ Wishing N ot•tl is Huron electors pi•ospoil, ty. I stu,,.)...ours truty, . . • W.. ,n,' 1.: !mt. ' Liberal 0 ndi lae for North • . . . .lIurokt. ' Brussels, Nov, 29, 1911. _ ' TheAtiding- Executive' urges that no stone be left untamed to secure Mr. i:' err's eleetion. . . ' . ' H. B: EtAtere, Secretary, North Ilur in Lib. ' 4..iso.. . • I Around if, ,you like before' investing Jewele.ry. Examine each peace care- fully and test its quality Then eome here aUcl look at our stock. You Will :find When it, comes to jnaliing 3:gift there is nothing' quite so', nice as, good .jewelery;: • ' We have a iargC. assortment'. Of Jewelery suitahle., for ChristrnaS Presents for Mother or Sister such as Brooel es from $0 cento us to 915.00 •Pobs &i,. up See Our line at a4.Q0 Lockets, 50a tin, Latest designs in alt. styles of settings. Pendante, a2 00 up-AMethest ad Pearl' Settings. Call and niake your selections early. F. T. ARMSTRONG JE-MELER .AND OPTICIAN Gm dora Eilted from. any Jewelry Catalogue.;-• , , ' 4 . , We find ihat after l000king.through our stock 'that we have still a, number of articles which we 'can. . . ,. .. ,offer, at a special price in addition to ; •re , . those offered, last week.. • , . Choice Dry Domestic Onions, per, beet*. ........ a: ........ • $1.50 , Rolled Oats, per sack ...'.. ...,.... ......." .........r.., ' $1.00 'Grit awl Oyster Shell, per, cwt. .. a- . '.... : .,...: .. ... : . :. ... $1,00 • Ueld Dust 8 packages for . , ..... ::.... 0... . : * . „ a. .. . _ 25e No. 1 Red Salmon, her tin ......a . .. - .,. ..., . 10c. Bovril Ccadial, regular SI; size foa -„ ..... . ,.... ...... 76c. Laundry. S.pap, regular size ;se: 7: bait for ..'. . . '.' : ............. 15c. - Mince Meet in glisa jars,- reg. 30e. size for : .-, : .. .......... 25c., Heinz Malt Vinegars, quart bottle, regular 35e: for .... . ..etod..- Heinz Apple Puttee, regular 15c size, .....,. ... . a: a. ',‘'. a; 10c. • Unfermented...wine, reg. >50e. size: ..... .. : ...: .. . ... : : ...:. 25c.. , Anti .Dredge alearling Powder. reg. 10e. size .for ..........: .... • . 5c. Black Pepper, ipure regularal0a. per lb. ,for' ... : ‘.........,.. a .25c. Jelly Pow deata Clear at lei: ........04.-............. . ..... ... 5c. • _, • Our Stock Of Groceries is csmplete but we are Over-' Stockec in some, lines, and as, busin,esg after the . 'New Year is; generally,, -quiet we wish to 're- ... • duce- surplus stock now, . In. order.. .. . . , .. . to do .§o are Offering the these specials . . .: . ...along With those of . last. week, • " . , This offeris good for Balance of the 'Old. Year • , • I . . , DON.. IcCHARL . sTAR_GtocERYAND1-. MUDaL----REST-AUR-ANIr Ilighest.casti Prices paid for Potatoes and FrOcluce, , : : Keep this, ad, for future reference. _ NELLIE-E-RINICE T' M CONBERT SOPRANO 'Pupil of Arthur Blight, D'r. Ed- , Nt'ard FiSher and • Harrison, TEACHER OF VOICE PRODUCTION AND PIANO rupils,preptreci for Torontn servotory and 1, iliscr,it' . • ExaminationA. Ikt. the .C4 Itottge, ListeknoW, rriday, to Monthly weekly:» 104, , GIRLS :WANTE0' .$5.00, per week to stat I. mtm lot girls, eighteen and over Apply' at (Mee to 04 S. Peirio. Co.; Ltd. London,. Ont, ' J1 Clerk, yospol . AS before:our store, is stocked . full . for Christmas and New Year buyers -New Good s atrive ing daila;•:-.Booki end Christmas 'Cards in.. great variety, Poems .ElYmn and Prayer Beaks., Bible ' Mid Pitture I3ofkt, etc, Post ' •Catil areal; ()ragtime Violins: :and Violins 'Oases Toilet Sets i •Marticure• Set's, :Ansi& heiclers, Brushes of all Snow Shops ihd Hockey Sticks: II 11111 $pencO'g- Drtio Stop& • • ore es; kers ES, of Lueack. tra:ide shr oTpv ihaet asholit %Ye. :Ltheingtt Lkindtolble, 000k111311int4