HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1911-11-30, Page 7. • ,
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HE Gillette beats everY"other shaving dc -vice
in a. lot of ways -it's safe, it's quiCki WS
C01101211.coi, it shaves Clean and. easily, it
requires no stropping nor boning, It's always
ready and it can be adjusted to suit the faCe of
any ;nen who shaligs.
• ..r)
The toughest beard and tenderest face each
receives a 'perfed shave.
Get into the Gillette ciass and save time,
trouble and money. • •
A.Slc your dealer to show you the Gillette. It:
he has neither the goods nor our Catalogue,
Write us, We will see that you are supplied.
Gillette Safety Razor Co, ol Canada, Limited,
OfUce and FaciorY-63 St. Alexander St.. Montreal.
'No LratopPino NO HONINON
lb Stropping -No Honing
-Triple silver pInted, with
t blade boxes, arid 12.double4
edged blades In neat case.
Standard Set, $5.00
Combination Sets, $.50 -Sso.00'
On a •Pro-po$d by. Proxy g
CHAPTER Go, nt'd) the rletnrn against .whieth Dr. Gireg.'
eon had warned them as a danger
He looked at her, stal.gra;sping
airi• arm; the flush -Which IThale- to
. mounted 'to his forehead beginning
. to fade. Having said ea -mach :as
this, she must say more. His eves.
compelled it ; whether' his lips
• spoke, .ProbetlY none al them knew.
"I Ought to have telcl You when
you came to MO at High Meanie -It;
a a3' my shame that I was Silent;
but Otho .I loved you, I could not
It was so long ago. I -was so
-, 5r.e\tIrg-,--1-was-Anee.
rt\, was at: pitiful story, told even
‘thus;\in a dozen Weals; gasped out
in agony, like a wretch •confessing:
on the'eack. , . • • • .
. ran Away from se ool.. I
\ ,
. thoeght it Wits a marriage, but the
man pas a villain-. no got into a
serape , and deserted me, _werit &Way_
abro td, and . then it was found; to
. .
he ntainarriage after all. Othe., I.
: Was wily sixteen. It, was all hushed.
was. 'slier t� -know. maa sent to a
' .aP:to gave -Me froris, halve eno one
..faimheuse in Walepa ander another'
name, .and there Hanalei was born.
.Think of the years that had gone by
_i_when yea:panic' to nee. kaa I loved
you; you were not like...W.8a other.
-"Ne,..iele," May fetid, baring to
Console her.':aYea•Could have done
nothing else; he -was bound to hear.
• /t Was ehe effort a leaving. hisleed.
That, wae eneughe you ,eauld aet• ,
help the redt. Let us get him baCk
-into the other room, 'and then I will
.call help." ' •
,Oolerrel Sevayne was a, tall Man,
• large-feamed •though lean, • end
heavy to .carr . But the ;two be..
tweea t em . lifted and half
dragged back, and led -him
again upon the 'bed. Annabel was
so distracted that May thought it
Well to eautien her- ."a4 nothing
but that he insisted on .getting up
There is .no need for More."
. So for a While longer. the secret
'would be a Seeret still, -as -the
other 'repository was itman.uneen-
seioue, eperhaps 'dying. , Annabel
Wag' hanging overlain, clasping his -
cola hand to 'her breast,' loved
you," she sobbed, loved you,
Otho. Say that ,you forgive ,mel"
though She kne* that there .eculta
•taraaace and excitement frealethe
d & nurse
first thing. 'i.fa the morning," Dr.
Gregson said to Annabel, they, two
being alone with the patient. And
then he asked;. "Was there any
cause for excitement V! and She,
answering, knew she must lie, aIt
any aa-tarayesaipp
"He was very mnele excited'. He
seemed to have Waked euddealy
from sleep. I had, gone 'only into
the dressing:mom, and, before I
could return, he had get out of
bed.'" . -
"Ay.? Well, youwill have the
num in the morning, and for some
hears there lane likeliliaed that he
Will move.. Mrs. Ilartapp. will 'be
wafeli enough till then, end in the
meal -italic I lansi have yolie'rest."
Mrs. laktatopla Was. e'stabligiaa in
charge, but felie ceald.drop•no mere
poison into that deaf eek. Annabel
lay. clown apart, but fottrid a sleep:
less pillow a she 'can:e ii now and
agaii to look 'at her husband, and
see with her own .eytis ho:* he did;
eof the. old ,servant she a -hod no
quest.iroiia lie ease
was stirring inthe morning, and
the hear such that they costal. Meet
without eMark, she; aeel May were
'closeted in. Golonel PAva,yue's study.
.She was dressed with her usual
:exaotnesse net 6,-..baateawei; out -of-
place, and it made, the desperate
change in her all the more con-
spicuous. She .had been dragged
through. deep.waters, that was plain
to see. But the abanderi of' the
night was g.gne. ahe meant te
.fight till. the last, fight for a lost
cause, as .she told herself. bitterly,•
,reaeating. the Same to May.
''Not „lost,"a replid. "He may.
fergive you aaten' he. con-ieS to him-
Colonel ,Swayne ley in the same
state, bat signs of 'improvement
eeuld hardly be expected yet -so
.atid th-e- docter„at his morntag v'ialtaa
Tho trained aurse was iastalled,
taking eon -tread the sick room, and.
-4,010.1)01 free. 4 inc..
less freedom she felt it, fer, she
could net resa• She wandered up
-deaen theellellea and into the
nursery; neatly ordered and vacant,
as if the darling in whom the family
life had centred were lying dead in-
deed. 40A. hapaier ' wernan. might
have been Movedete. tears, hut her
burden 'was too great for any ease
• of weeping; a mean came from her
lips as she leuleed, round, 'and 'sae.
pressed a hand ,a,gainet her aeart as
if to. etald the pain there. If only
she could set back the. clock of
Time '-set 'Male,' say, to the
Thursday of a e ek ago., She re-
memadred, : hew Ernest .romped
abeitt the ramie with the toy 'horse
nea, set aside • in the earner,. and
"Jlow aia father Steed and watched
him !---beth here with her, and not
cloud on thethorizon; even of the
bigneas of a nien's hand r
During' that .day • inquiries were
many; tialingS of the, • loss -and of
abroad. . Most .of these were an-
eveered at the door"; cards heaped
the teble ; but in tie:, inetanees An-
na.bel was..suannened. First • collie
fiengerforet to knew if . the drag,.
glaig .should be contiaaed; and to
hem she 'confided that a elite had
beete received, in purseit of which
May had gone 'up to toWn. "We
dare not wholly trust, toeit," she
seid to him, "and My hualeand can
be told nethieg'; but I am begin-
ning to= let -myself :hope, '
(To be .continued ).
A nitAIN,..wroltliElt,
self. Orae-'!. . ' • Must Maye Alm Rind 'of Food.,That
Annabel knew .NV],l flOW the. sen- oariShes Erni '
tenCe would • have ea lea, bat that .: "I am a literarY man whOse.nerv-
ens- energy is• a great pert of •rily
stack in trade, and oeclinarily have
little patience iwith breakfast foods
ahem. But I 'canxitit ithliold ' my
eeknewledgment of , the debt that ' I
OW:9 to Grape -Nut food. • . •
,"I diseovered long -ago' that the
very bulkiness of the seditiary diet
was'. not caleulated :to. give ,one,
\clear head, the.Pe*er of austaiimel;
accurate thinking.- , I elwaya felt
heavy. and in. Mind' as well
as ',3iedy .after eatbag the. ordinary
meal, Which diverted the bio&:1.06o5
the brain ti'2. the digeitive, appara-
ths: • `
.' tried feeds'. easy of digestion,
but foiled them ,usually 'deficient in
nutriment. exPeriaieriteel with
Meat breakfast feeed•s and they, to.
prafed . sa tisf mite ;reached
Oilipe-Nuts:: thea. the probe
.lem• &sawed, • ' •
May hesitated to spea out, There
might be no reyisial. r ausbaad
might •die in his trance, and leave
•be no answer.. ,
.."You ainista try -andatenanaand
yettiself-befOre I. go,' May:Warned.
It was wrong of n.2e to have\lirold her, "I nth hound. to rouse the
lucre e but he was• going' away,, and 'house and fetch the doctor., -Yob
7 1 -wanted to nay goadsbyet \ ' careful what you say
The fluili had faded by -this time, She leaked ap; and, e'rith a sigh
and the pallor Waa growing of heartbreak, strove to gather back
-but still Colenea'Swayne held. be \ -her' eelf-Cexitrol. She Was teed ,to
ting a part., she had acted it for
half her life; •:ebe Must, assume
a6cia the Mask which,had.becn-tern
aWeae was.a neeisiitynow, she
told herself, for the sake :pf her huS-
band's honor ras well ah' ler, her
own ada
vilage, It rieed never 'be.
spoken, t e tragedy of • that last
_ • '
hour, ettlesee, reeeyering, chose
to speak. '
'May. ran • down. it) call, the ser-
vants; .bells Ware num, the alarm
spread •quieldy,•thronah the house.
Help was iirirnedintely at. hand -the
servants,' Hartopp, 'Mergaret, and
even Duleie e but Colonel Swayne
knew none of them:Maa hails
reusedthe stableSand S-q,ot foth
nieSSenger e early, in thee'aiew day•
1514. dregsrei was at tae beds:ale:
alee-attteralrirealarefarrnialasaith iri
and. looked at hem -he looked at
MaY no more. , ,
"Otho, the wretch VI hc;* betraYed
me is beck again in Englend, want-
ing money: It is he Who hat taken
; ErneSt. Yoe may be ,ceinfortail;
Ernest us alive and Safe. I Wail tell-.
ing Herold, now, this moment. Ile
is going ler atis; he will get the
These last words fell upon deaf
ears,. Hi a ,graip -relaxed, and :he
'dropped senseless to the flOor.
May caught him, breaking the
fall. Annabel, spurred by necessity,
wrung by the, agony cifaher., se ,
had !oat sight, of her laisbaria's
danger. She was forced to ,sagek,
though. coaaincedshe destreaecl
'herselfby speaking. •And Ow it
'-she had breught destruction or.
'another. • •
al have killed him' she •erfed
:out in her -misery. "I ought to
ref:nen-1100.CA. I should. have wait-
.. ed.," •
'0 Another attack had come one
There was. -again- the starterous
breathing,.the fixed face ;-here was•'
creased severitv. and the doc r no
longer attempted to disguise freral
tho wileandetheeliters the preeenee
of Zianger. Nothing could lie done
in thie ettige. of .eneonstiotisnesee
they: Naiad only .wfut and see whe-
ther Natareretained ariffiriebe Testa
aeain to rens.: They Meat watch
tins dpn,th in life,. anakeep all dis-
, in the -night love h d been.
paraitanufte ad her anguish \ real,.
Now •cante the whaper of. die:ether
thought : his death Might be better
for her -than his life., She Would not
listen yet; she turned from the
'suggestion, but ttiil. it was present
beside. her. Lost ornot, lest, .,
would •
No further "came faola
Virica :but May's 'appointment with
him stood • for that day at noon-
'' CIOn't- nand what • is. paid,"
•Anna -bel said to him, "At any cost,
get Ernest away. Will 'yea' ;take
the securities?. I have kept the -key.
Surely sixteen htindred pounds will
enongt.11" z ".7
- "If, I -.have my will, he shall not
have sixteen • pence. He made 0.
false move in ekidnapping eth the child,
though it waa •*a• Vold one...Kid,-
nappin,,,, is felony.; bht.,-you..see,' he -
is co'nfiderit we dare not aer9Secute.
He holds thaaecret against .as, and
he holds - the , But. when he
finds the. .secjiet is. 4 secret no lon-
ger, that you have told your hus-
band, his security ,is broken clown.'?
'''Harold, I bavce been thinking.
The sect -et must still be kept, .for
the sake of the $Waane 'lentil
aearitia'I know what n. likely to
happen. As. you .say, m hasaand
may forgive Me. I cannot 'give up
(i.st, Ch4/1q0.,: • • '
''V -on shall net give it up,, but'I
shall try to bluff it aeainsthim,
'and so will Glenna,: ahave Olen -
hie to back me, and he knows more
than Vincy thinks for. Leave it to
Inc ; I will be carafe], upon my soil
will forget nothing. Etit. I am
eonvinead the hold: way isthe. safe
Nvay- now!' t
•X on,will til -e the .money. witlf
yen. Have it at hand: Suppose he
will net give up Ereuest unicee so'rnee
thing ,s wed dowe "-ea
"Jana°. that to allennie., a will
tell aim on are geed' for sixteen
ateadred, ;and that I can famish:
eetenething beyond. You may trust
a hint not to part With in anneeps-
'stay snaeraign ; andwhat ismero.
ampertent, still, to ledd his tongue.
wsSe afraidYiney Might -shy at
the familysolicitor,. but it 4 -neared
he did not. it now, oe' did Were/tient-
ber, N't'ho acted for .the•
The firm was Bradley and Glennie
ti'venty". a gl.) fl OW it: is .G.leta
nie • •
"I Shall be tertiblv anxious: You
will. enme ?"
-''if 1,ean "Ind any way yen •§11.111
*N'e a, meserige,,•as, nine!' Oceania-.
etiateits-a-aertrwefelY- 'you -
had better mektsat keown we have
a clue, Sts.yelt1 reasOnto
.beli•eve' the boy has been stolen, as
a letter came tcy y4ti. offering to.
.8011 information: Y•on We sent no
to Iandoe to inquiee iete it Se
spitalt as ,that •niiist needs be . made
public, for it will- have to he az-
counted for --the . brio ging
well as the ,takitig away." • .
-,so the .Luilhaiskkr • went forth,
and this 'anxious -eyed wean was
leftbehind in her ,suspense. She,
would haie preferred action to
1,16(4 the man herselfand demand
her Ohildl to teat hiin With her
hands, had ;that teen possible,. till
grpost was restored. Instead .of
'this she tad' Pi. trust; ane,wer to
sit sEt home in allow till news
Oveuld NO) ever the wireq'. eounf.
hut the slew aniinutes' which . ti' tide
ass that .lerig day, ,
Mari Headactie
• vim vanish II you take •
"ISTA-DR. 1.17.CO".11eadlicha w. ators.
Give uttielt, sure relief, and We guarantee they. contain. ncelloir
harmful to the heart or nervous system. 21o, I box. at 601. clTasellY4
National Dini tockhemicall to. of Canada; iJmita4, Montreal?... •
All Stmarsas not look alike If placed: alongside each other, .t,ety.
Grocer knows, this; .wo wint au), .0neuiner to know' ft.
on tuoinic • •
You will not only hav igood Sugar, but the' beat on the Market.
The,elear white color prove, the suPorioritY .of "HildPatV Suits*.
NtliSti.bttying tont Segni ask *tOr nanPartit.* ?AA%
Luattla to 1lEn SEAL' dust, Proof eartotts,. and the
ITho nada A'‘..saar Refining Co,
• , MONTREAL, 0;4N'ADA4 1•161itte!"'
• eittibiklied in nitstRetIalh
''arane-Nnts agr_ecd-withnie per-
fectly ,from the aegineing, satisfy.:
ing hunger' and stplaing the
rintriiinent that se many ether area
paa•ed .feeds lack.
"I had: not .been using it very
long before a found that I. was turn-
ina out an unusual quantity and
'twenty of work. •Contirated use has
demonstrated to My entire :satis:-.
'faction • that0 tape Nuts food Cori,
talus the eleinentsneeded by the
brain' and nervous esatem of the'
bardworking public enter." Name
given by Posttan Cea Battle Creek,:
Mich. ,
"There's a. reason..", ancl it,is
pla•ined in • the. little book, "The
Road to in akga..
Ever read the above. fetter)/ A nine one
cl tmears---from-t4ine-t-o-urn . TheY--r•-;•
genuine, true, 'slid full of human. interest
. ' • ,
-.AM" A SHARE. IN nig pRopirs
A Safe Investment in a High Class
Security on which 7% is guaranteed and
paid twice a year. Your money back after.
one year on days Notice: Write al
. once. for particulars. Business'established
• ov•er 25 year. Dividends have Peen Paid'
to date and will be continued regu,Jaily.
GonfotleratIon 7..tg Board. Qi..Trqe IdEs1
gicizzatiapasizowrgam,ation.uthi. . • At7Emzxo.
. .
.44PrOpe ie.reated and. • IStarted 41to
Atteatien has recently been vali-
d kt a wonderful telescope their
lee made: it possible to •see the ea-
-,eal formation of •a sun from an
ettennated aebulaathe distance af
, expressed Milbens Pt
"ailee is so great as to ae, heYead
seemprebensien; the best idea of
ts renagteness being given by the
aaternent that the light we 'see it
'a., started on its• iotuney through
pace toward us- one hundred and
twerf tyrfive years ago. and ilea been
ravciling at the rate of 196,000
ailes a second, • . . • a '
...When we ask how this* wonderful
'nstrument came to be called .a
"teleeeope" we are properly' told
hat it comes from two Greek '
-words,. "tela.v., meaning „afar, and a.•
."Shopein," to behold, • These
words aitcr their Meanings long De.,
five -Galilee's little telescope . made..
the Wonderful discoveries of 1609,
lereg-befere there was. such a thine .
,as a Greek astronomer .:and ten
thousand years .before theItaan
astronorner was born:, Away 'hack
there these two, words had been
given tlieir first forms, ip.; the lang-
uage werkshep of Eurofte, and aael
started on their long • acturney
through the ages, '
They. cattle from two Aryan sects
long aefore they were united to • •
fearet oar W.Ord . "telescope," and .
went into the Greek and other •
Aryan tongues.'One r6at is "ta','
which was the 'sound by which the .
Aryaas signified to stretch, though
the stretching has been far beyond .
anything they ever had any
aa• - •
tenditig has given •us such Words
as "table,''' "teacher," "tenee'a:.
•"tent," "tain,??, and many ethers. •
In the Sanskrit ;it is "tan," to -day,, •
meaning to ptretth and also "tan -
45 thread.
The other root, - from which :came
the ''scope," is •"apak,"• which '
'Menne to see or observe. In the';, ---
Sanskrit it is: "space," sigff.ifying
, itt-the ins. la,,No at, lu
•• The C001.14"train subscribed for by
Irish ladies as a eoronation gift -to
Qiieen Mary is now finished and on
exhibition' in kelfaSt. The train,.
which is said to be the finest piece
of point' needlework ever mad -c, has
occupied fifty seametrespas in,Youg-
hal ever 'since the order was given
six. months ago.lt :fear yarda
-long and neatly aye yards wide at,
the bottom, talieriag fa elle Width Of
the -shoulders at the tape It is
worked in. aepobwebley design of
fueheies '. and..roses; and contains
more t le and a . I
lion' stitches and 20.000 'Nerds of
thread. The' ladies wife are mak-
mg t1”5 pmjsentation intended -that
the train. should be ready for the
clurbar, and Queen Mary -has ex-
pressed' her inter:1:6bn of.taking it
'th•licr for • the festivities-theze.-L-
specere," Signifying to ate, ....alsca.
'specieeal. Teening appearance,
kind. Tha:t sortie "speeics" has
'Come to tag, as also a eeere of ether
words, including .."spectre" and •••
: • ,
Se we ..eee that, the "te," and
'snalc'.' have retained tleeireerigie
nal meanireas facial the 'begienine of
language and finally became united
•sianify elm of the greatest .. of:
eseieras wonderful a., instrument,
Paraguay ImIlans. Seldom Laic, .
• ..Their Good Humor.
The life of a ehaco Indian in the.
Paraguay eouatry. of Sottta Ameri-
ca would be•almost intolerable .were
it not :for' his Characteristic spati-
enere and .selfecOntral in :the face of
the. Most adverse circumstances -
Mu. ,W 13. Orobb.,In ''An Unknown
People in ITtiknoWn Land," sais
that they .goosi,
Inimer, pada ate eleW to take of-
They "are . remarkable for. making
the best of their circumstances, and
for extraCting all the pleasure that
they can from -lives • of conetant
hardship. ' In theirwild eorimdie
life they ofteninear serious:lossee,
• as, foe exanapli, 'whan a man loses•
RAIMENT. AND root); .
But with whatever met:Ives the.an-
nual sacrifices are' made. here, one
Cannot isit tht spot without .feel-
ing the itiS'holy greund. • ,'
e Groves of eyprese teees surround
the altar inclosure, except to • the
north, where .a. seriee; of 'triple
gates marks the *ay to the Temple
pf the Universe; while in the dis-
tancebeyond. the roofs of•the,Tem-
Pip of Heaven can be seen. 'Never.
had. imperial, worsbip a More per -
feet setting. In his annual,',
grimage to the altar the einpeeer
eartiee on ;an immemorial cestern;
. . „
headed down through generations,
and by -sq doing he publicly cleans
by diving right, answerable only to
licateri for the meaner in -which he
' performs his inissidn- as soVerign of
one of the 14;rgest'impires of the
world. '
The dampness which cl.dstioys lumber
Only iiitensifres-itre-:strength and -hardness
of Concrete.
You can impair a wooden trough with
comparatively little use; but it takes a
powerful explosive to put a Concrete water
tank Out of .businessi'
is your choiee—e. k_pensd-ProAu' ding 'Wood,„
or, money -saving Loncrete?
We'd be glad to send a copy of our
bbok, "What' ilia Fanner Can Do Wall
• . ... • — Coacrie,f 1 —
,-7Freeif you'll , ask , for' it. ,
Which is Your Choice .
, . 'T It tells the Many uses of Concrete in plain, .' •
simple language—tells how to make
Sloppy, -leaky wooden
, ,. . aiarna ' Hein& Notti ' . *Stabies
troughs, Cisterns Hitehing Poets' •Stalre
.' or cleati.,•.plarable.Conoret&? Dipping "rankis H tees"' • 'Stens'
battles -Ho Ise stooks ' Stills
Wooden drinking irOugha • are Ai;sont
As reliable: as the weather • " :.
• They, arc short -Jived 'and requite re-
• 'placing every feW, years—net to mention
.poundationa • 'Poultry Houses 'Tanks
Fence Poets .Root, Cellar's • Troughs.
FG'euetc:';71, Floors
:Illl:rter :Walls 1‘41Visle:Ilseurbst.
mita 4,..Cement Com
continual patchin i to keep them n repa r.
Tht best of wood cannot 'withstand, 3035 1'101110mM 'Bank
' 'Builc1in
for long, constant dampness and ioaking.
Its tendency to *rapid decay soon shows
itself in leaks and stagnant pools of
water around trough. . , •
Contrast with • this *the durability,
cleanliness and well -ordered appearance
of Concrete. 9
• 6'
his only ho'rse 'from, Snake -bite, Or
their, flocks .stiffer severely,fvom the
ravacTes of wild . beasts, oe their
gardens are comp etc. yestroye
'by a. night of hausts. Butaall these,
calamities they beer theet-fallai
" Their Patianee a:nitre:sets strange-
ly. With thea'leak cf endurance that
we eometimes ihow in iMilai cafe
cumetaneee, a,mt the Indians are
eery geiak to relnark on one-pear-
epirit ell' haliaeleia *
One. dav.,*.when travelling. with
of Indans, we plimped'cluring•
the Midday liPat near a forest. The
meeiettitoeS :tad staid flies, werre Ma •
b'eztreaha testa' ). eeeld net eonceA
irriteaan. Tais greatly anieSea.
the Indiana alid the y askcit_ma-why
Ivas....ang_ry_,' •
I told them. the .reason 'was- ob-.
k. /4la4
4 .alrf
On dile: they asked the if I knew
the language of the feeequitees.
"Beeauee, if see; do," they said, "it
Would be wise u speak hard, worda.
te them." :
'rhe 'Wee to Hai et re te . wier.
eenaim wheal eaca India)) ful Vs in
his tlairy 1:fe, ;". What, • eerniat be
cured west be •endure,da.'
.ter had been at, a perfeteethee
• of'"Itehi ltov," and hi,; slumbers
• were disturbed in consequeeee.
• Setelaienly ho.mutte1Ld',. in his best
tragetann atyle: • •
'My' faet .nntivo ,Itenth,
enemy trine it is•alnegreger '"
• '- But hlre, Foster -heard him, .and.
giving Mtn's. %harp dig in the rias,
' save t et! :
a.leertr'' Y.,er twit's mu
nun' o' .my aaek, and yen- name'a:1
,leerne ,Foster
t ,;c•I •
' • . ...v.h.tt," •
ot Luelt.
rich pritno
is new on
xs holidays. -
her meats,
kinds of.
%Amu table/
tit 00)&14
.,'-•Il ' ' '''' •
.:..L..,,=:: -.,i, 1 •
e-4,7' a •.••• :,.:. ,....t4,..n1,...a.: ,i.,..e.
'''".....: /
i I
- 1
-::” .
- ---il
c• -'7.--r4 Pk.
'3Y,' .
, ' . -
- ,,-1
.. I
3 titr
..4 . .,00...4t, , _.,,....
aka .ae, e -a• „„aeeee.seeee...efreeee ailiaaaailaa'a4a • eaaeneia:., /. eaa--
. . ,
• 0,-,"..0••• ,
No Mere Cold Hands
...0 .
"...••• 7'''',E FECTIn
,,,.:, ,:.„,, s........
. 0... At:
- I , , . .4 / . ..
.... .!; A woman otteti'doeS not notice ,
. .
what a, cold day it is 0, long - as she
. .
. is bustling around tne house.' • But
•• . • . - •„.
wh'en'she sits down to her. sewing and
. /Mending, she soon feels chilly: ..,:‘....*.f.:
. •
It is then she needs a Perfection Smokeless 011-Heateir .
Its ul k glowing heat warms up A mail in next to no time
. . . .
a That is. the be,auty of a Perfection Sinoiceless OA Heater. : It ;is .
always ready for uSe; 'you cart carry it 'wherever:you please, and Yea '.
. light it only when you Want it:,
''' • The Perfe.clion Oa; Heater is sreAelesi and otlerless---'-a patented Manmade,:
,device-•::insinds'-that_ ..10.i tellable: sate gricl'ecenomicalburna,nine.hOurc on one ,
' 'filling.. Handsome; too --.,.drem4 4rii.led tit*. in aslee enamel ..qf 'plklie-itiel."-i-,4#i, -.-
nickel triennings. ' ..„ . , ., • ., • . • ., .. ,
, .- . , ,
• DeIersoeiywhere:.et 'write ler do.sCriiiiii.e 'circulci to any akency....1 4
The (liken City Oil Company, 4mited.
,, V titVanil A ;.i.",, e Vi;AMVIEgg'4Ziiti'404•MtariV,M.:1V 4 4'6 4...?a,%' i i ' 4 ' " '1 ' 1 ' 4 r Ai ,•',::' ','i j ITZ: 5 f • -
.44PrOpe ie.reated and. • IStarted 41to
Atteatien has recently been vali-
d kt a wonderful telescope their
lee made: it possible to •see the ea-
-,eal formation of •a sun from an
ettennated aebulaathe distance af
, expressed Milbens Pt
"ailee is so great as to ae, heYead
seemprebensien; the best idea of
ts renagteness being given by the
aaternent that the light we 'see it
'a., started on its• iotuney through
pace toward us- one hundred and
twerf tyrfive years ago. and ilea been
ravciling at the rate of 196,000
ailes a second, • . . • a '
...When we ask how this* wonderful
'nstrument came to be called .a
"teleeeope" we are properly' told
hat it comes from two Greek '
-words,. "tela.v., meaning „afar, and a.•
."Shopein," to behold, • These
words aitcr their Meanings long De.,
five -Galilee's little telescope . made..
the Wonderful discoveries of 1609,
lereg-befere there was. such a thine .
,as a Greek astronomer .:and ten
thousand years .before theItaan
astronorner was born:, Away 'hack
there these two, words had been
given tlieir first forms, ip.; the lang-
uage werkshep of Eurofte, and aael
started on their long • acturney
through the ages, '
They. cattle from two Aryan sects
long aefore they were united to • •
fearet oar W.Ord . "telescope," and .
went into the Greek and other •
Aryan tongues.'One r6at is "ta','
which was the 'sound by which the .
Aryaas signified to stretch, though
the stretching has been far beyond .
anything they ever had any
aa• - •
tenditig has given •us such Words
as "table,''' "teacher," "tenee'a:.
•"tent," "tain,??, and many ethers. •
In the Sanskrit ;it is "tan," to -day,, •
meaning to ptretth and also "tan -
45 thread.
The other root, - from which :came
the ''scope," is •"apak,"• which '
'Menne to see or observe. In the';, ---
Sanskrit it is: "space," sigff.ifying
, itt-the ins. la,,No at, lu
•• The C001.14"train subscribed for by
Irish ladies as a eoronation gift -to
Qiieen Mary is now finished and on
exhibition' in kelfaSt. The train,.
which is said to be the finest piece
of point' needlework ever mad -c, has
occupied fifty seametrespas in,Youg-
hal ever 'since the order was given
six. months ago.lt :fear yarda
-long and neatly aye yards wide at,
the bottom, talieriag fa elle Width Of
the -shoulders at the tape It is
worked in. aepobwebley design of
fueheies '. and..roses; and contains
more t le and a . I
lion' stitches and 20.000 'Nerds of
thread. The' ladies wife are mak-
mg t1”5 pmjsentation intended -that
the train. should be ready for the
clurbar, and Queen Mary -has ex-
pressed' her inter:1:6bn of.taking it
'th•licr for • the festivities-theze.-L-
specere," Signifying to ate, ....alsca.
'specieeal. Teening appearance,
kind. Tha:t sortie "speeics" has
'Come to tag, as also a eeere of ether
words, including .."spectre" and •••
: • ,
Se we ..eee that, the "te," and
'snalc'.' have retained tleeireerigie
nal meanireas facial the 'begienine of
language and finally became united
•sianify elm of the greatest .. of:
eseieras wonderful a., instrument,
Paraguay ImIlans. Seldom Laic, .
• ..Their Good Humor.
The life of a ehaco Indian in the.
Paraguay eouatry. of Sottta Ameri-
ca would be•almost intolerable .were
it not :for' his Characteristic spati-
enere and .selfecOntral in :the face of
the. Most adverse circumstances -
Mu. ,W 13. Orobb.,In ''An Unknown
People in ITtiknoWn Land," sais
that they .goosi,
Inimer, pada ate eleW to take of-
They "are . remarkable for. making
the best of their circumstances, and
for extraCting all the pleasure that
they can from -lives • of conetant
hardship. ' In theirwild eorimdie
life they ofteninear serious:lossee,
• as, foe exanapli, 'whan a man loses•
RAIMENT. AND root); .
But with whatever met:Ives the.an-
nual sacrifices are' made. here, one
Cannot isit tht spot without .feel-
ing the itiS'holy greund. • ,'
e Groves of eyprese teees surround
the altar inclosure, except to • the
north, where .a. seriee; of 'triple
gates marks the *ay to the Temple
pf the Universe; while in the dis-
tancebeyond. the roofs of•the,Tem-
Pip of Heaven can be seen. 'Never.
had. imperial, worsbip a More per -
feet setting. In his annual,',
grimage to the altar the einpeeer
eartiee on ;an immemorial cestern;
. . „
headed down through generations,
and by -sq doing he publicly cleans
by diving right, answerable only to
licateri for the meaner in -which he
' performs his inissidn- as soVerign of
one of the 14;rgest'impires of the
world. '
The dampness which cl.dstioys lumber
Only iiitensifres-itre-:strength and -hardness
of Concrete.
You can impair a wooden trough with
comparatively little use; but it takes a
powerful explosive to put a Concrete water
tank Out of .businessi'
is your choiee—e. k_pensd-ProAu' ding 'Wood,„
or, money -saving Loncrete?
We'd be glad to send a copy of our
bbok, "What' ilia Fanner Can Do Wall
• . ... • — Coacrie,f 1 —
,-7Freeif you'll , ask , for' it. ,
Which is Your Choice .
, . 'T It tells the Many uses of Concrete in plain, .' •
simple language—tells how to make
Sloppy, -leaky wooden
, ,. . aiarna ' Hein& Notti ' . *Stabies
troughs, Cisterns Hitehing Poets' •Stalre
.' or cleati.,•.plarable.Conoret&? Dipping "rankis H tees"' • 'Stens'
battles -Ho Ise stooks ' Stills
Wooden drinking irOugha • are Ai;sont
As reliable: as the weather • " :.
• They, arc short -Jived 'and requite re-
• 'placing every feW, years—net to mention
.poundationa • 'Poultry Houses 'Tanks
Fence Poets .Root, Cellar's • Troughs.
FG'euetc:';71, Floors
:Illl:rter :Walls 1‘41Visle:Ilseurbst.
mita 4,..Cement Com
continual patchin i to keep them n repa r.
Tht best of wood cannot 'withstand, 3035 1'101110mM 'Bank
' 'Builc1in
for long, constant dampness and ioaking.
Its tendency to *rapid decay soon shows
itself in leaks and stagnant pools of
water around trough. . , •
Contrast with • this *the durability,
cleanliness and well -ordered appearance
of Concrete. 9
• 6'
his only ho'rse 'from, Snake -bite, Or
their, flocks .stiffer severely,fvom the
ravacTes of wild . beasts, oe their
gardens are comp etc. yestroye
'by a. night of hausts. Butaall these,
calamities they beer theet-fallai
" Their Patianee a:nitre:sets strange-
ly. With thea'leak cf endurance that
we eometimes ihow in iMilai cafe
cumetaneee, a,mt the Indians are
eery geiak to relnark on one-pear-
epirit ell' haliaeleia *
One. dav.,*.when travelling. with
of Indans, we plimped'cluring•
the Midday liPat near a forest. The
meeiettitoeS :tad staid flies, werre Ma •
b'eztreaha testa' ). eeeld net eonceA
irriteaan. Tais greatly anieSea.
the Indiana alid the y askcit_ma-why
Ivas....ang_ry_,' •
I told them. the .reason 'was- ob-.
k. /4la4
4 .alrf
On dile: they asked the if I knew
the language of the feeequitees.
"Beeauee, if see; do," they said, "it
Would be wise u speak hard, worda.
te them." :
'rhe 'Wee to Hai et re te . wier.
eenaim wheal eaca India)) ful Vs in
his tlairy 1:fe, ;". What, • eerniat be
cured west be •endure,da.'
.ter had been at, a perfeteethee
• of'"Itehi ltov," and hi,; slumbers
• were disturbed in consequeeee.
• Setelaienly ho.mutte1Ld',. in his best
tragetann atyle: • •
'My' faet .nntivo ,Itenth,
enemy trine it is•alnegreger '"
• '- But hlre, Foster -heard him, .and.
giving Mtn's. %harp dig in the rias,
' save t et! :
a.leertr'' Y.,er twit's mu
nun' o' .my aaek, and yen- name'a:1
,leerne ,Foster
t ,;c•I •
' • . ...v.h.tt," •
ot Luelt.
rich pritno
is new on
xs holidays. -
her meats,
kinds of.
%Amu table/
tit 00)&14