HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1911-11-23, Page 5Thursday, , Tovembe s3rd ,• xgt:r
John Denholm shipped via. G. T.
•• . _R.15 carloads_.of', • yirom Bhvth and
Rellra.ve during the fast. week;::
Mrs., Daniel, Trpemauer, wife 'of a
prosperous farmer living near Dash-
wood, committed, Suicide icy banging.
f l3
Na '- sonr Lebean, of Zurich'. .h
purchased .a fine 230 acre farm near
Clinton! for. $'12,100. • It is said' to be
'one: of :the" finest: farms,- in• :Huron
County. • •
. The Clinton Motor Car Company
which is scarcelym
isalreadyaccepting orders.. The.
first to be booked was for a $3000
,motor truck for a bi,j housein the'
While putting, storm windows.on the
Bank of Uonalnercerat: Seaferth,-Wiilian
peas felloheavily •.to• t e ground. *loin
'the ladder on Which
P. w fie was standing,
and, although ' not seriously injure
w is badly shaken up,
Oliver Jerv's'recently dBliveired to
W, .Marquis, of Clinton, twenty-fqur
erate•fatt;.ned chickens: whi.3h averag
od 7 1.6 lbs., :each. 'John Crich of
Tuckersmitlral-se delivered a .very 'fine
bunch of 42 barnyard chickens which.
avelage"e% 6` .13'"lb ; Rothias we're
third .of an acre. he recently gathered
47.7 -11F
BarredPlymouth Rocke.• leg badly between the knee and ankle.
Item, James
z was inducted as He ' w:tis removed to Wingbam
pastor of. Knot Church Clifford, hospital .and. ' Pr. Kennedy made an
by Rev. Mr. Currie moderatotOf the X ray examination which revealed
Saws -Prresbytey., ev. r. the fact: that b'oEh bones of the leg
Holstein, p weebrokep the larga one
'in two
Rev. Mr. Cranston of almer ton Oar-90o
addressed the congragationi
,and Rev. .A,' DANuunotts COGLI$ION. A8 J.
Mr McCulloch, of • Harrirtop, ad- FI►.rrish and his sister • of 'Leeljurn
dressed the • for
Two. boys, Harry oyle. and Gordon.
McDonald, near Colborne,: undertook
to pick 50 barrels of apples'in 5'hogrs
They commenced at 12.30 and finished
at 4.47, filling the contract with 13
minutes to spare, the. average time for
•1l1;E't'u.N anis Bi$IDQE -L best eight
o'clock one Thursday night, as Wm;.,
Currin. was, going into Wroxeter, he
n1et,Thoa. Sanderson: on the bridge.
',The nigh�be'iri"vtery 'da-rk they did
not see each other 'until their buggies
met, Mr. Sanderson was thrown; :out,
but fortunately received 'no, injuries,
Mr. Currie's horse, however,• made a
•ever r-etut-ning from►. toil -in .. . ' spring to Set :away, tearing the shafts
s. week t w r rem the u gyand� prn1 ig ltir. Curr
let hog e e met Wy a double;, out. He held on to • the horap,;
team, and :a heavy wager' going at a bourse a held • ainedofoot
furious rate. •, he wagon wan driven - pi '
O close to the u llat onthe 1. AP!D TELEPHONE: 'DEYELOPEMEN'I,'.
s, __. b g8y t e of t
tem ay, Township telephone •sys:
wheels :on.'the latter :was. blokes Off'. :--The weak . ,
It was ,a miraculous c$cape. for Mr; •n P extension
. last Com 'completed its. e
a barrel being flue anuutes, 8 second's.. Farris : And his sestet•,• Such ire• lines, having .built 32 Miles during
. �. h _d ..
Phis is 'a record, and he time was hav'or as that Oft the occ an of the the,•last few weeks.; A :bite froom.
kept by five of.- their friends: y wagon deserves to. be paints le ;severe Exeter to Grand Bend }las been; .front..., p P
The sudden coining of 'cold weather •lY'
pleted having its• central at Dash
found ' the fanners of this district Btu ()AT Y.t tu,•-Last P : Cl
wood.. •• Many' ,smal!er lines, on the
a 'resent Of nine. bu3hels . of Siberian, xo i 1"•, penes
small losses in connection•.. with root p. ,,
spru►g lap' •concessions join this line ; on the 'Lake
I, pretty:well reared: Manywill have Cook, of t,odeiich 'township, received
prepared, i as In the 32 nlileg 100 h
f 1z l'7 1 f the M 7 ] are being installed in the. fano ers's
tem but thea are only etnenal Farm Guelph .. he yield therefrom
crops which could: not: be raised in oats, ern. , i ose ex o e oce homes making 300. hones:. on. the
et,. thole'
n y n wholes ate►►�. riled over i05::milesof
Cold: weather Comes to ' Heron earlier he thresh0 ,on . Wednesday .last and • y, `
than to'Southern Ontario!). and ,most. found. he had ' two `:hundred;... slid:, • p'
ole take, pree,aution' aecordin l . twentysix bushels. •,As' , the' past Nubs RIO PoiAioss. John Bayl'.ey
4 O•-�••' g n it r w 'h best: of tho 2nd,Ycoricessiun of :tiull o has''
Lin BODLY iJRvsi1ED'-Gleo.,•Smitil .sur me as not. . the for •oat . ett
growin ', the result is considered vet^ had ••emarkabin success , in potato
of Turnberry, met with a bad accident g Y . , ,
on Saturday He working is satisfactory ; Mr. Cook, purposes. growing this year; On. a pieoe of land
Ywase having a• bi s field: of the Siberian next where tho'wheat was killed last. ,oar
a,.the;.„bu�h, wit ,< j4hA Mut�.+�.i>�.. ellen- a g��,.< �.�...,.�...,....,�:.�. �,., .�.,;.- - saw logeli d •and crushed his left year, ,` • ., ,x o�__,rtie Plante liii7iber� s: a'n°n�f rem one
kPe .
one hitnriceci_and fifty bushels 13u -t
the size' of the potatoes Was more
remarkable than the quantity. One
of t,.em measured ' 18* 22 inches, and
weighed3f. pounds. . Another `meas.
, tired. 10x221. inches, and a third
o a 16x13'f;-W ea* h of . the'latter tipping
the•srales'at''3 pounds, .
A cvRIOUs +. r11, A nurn.her of egg
curiosities have been reported from
t l uron County within' the past year:
Hers.:is the latest. J. T3. 'Miller of ,
Clinton ,happened on' a..—large and
healthy : looking egg, which lie had his
good wife boil •for his , 'lunch, On,
attempting to cut it open, ,says the
Clinton \'ew.s•Record, he encounter
ed ;unusual' resistance; and on 'forcing.
his way, into the enterior' .found that
within. the large .outer shell was 'a
perfectly formed smaller egg. After
all, the old fashioned eaas w' h 1.
of.meat and a; dearth of .shell are
•perhaps the most suitable •
Ghnton. News=Eecord reports • 'the.
• discovery of a peat bed on the farm
of J. K, Wise; On :the. Huron Road,,
;Walking over ' his fruitful --fields •one-
day with aivisitor„.t.he...latter.....retnac
ed , "You have a fine, peat bed here,'
Mr. tV se. The •latterwas., much:
surprised, as hewas unaware of any-
thing of. the kind.. But.a shovel was
procured, and 'after 'digging, to.a depth
of eight feet theabottoni of the • bed.
ws,s not reached. Mr:.'Wise has since
had a, quantity of the earthly::ma terial
taken -out and- -kiln, dried -sand finds-
:that it makes' -excellent fuel.',; He: is'
now independent of al; other sources
Winter Coats for Men..._.. •..
DressyM1ack ` Beaver Cloth: . Overcoats with
warn; Fu � ollars and Curl Cloth or. -Plush-linings,
are always suitable for winter wear for Hien. We
have a 'good . assortment of sizes and qualities 'in
stock as foliows:-
MEWS' BEAVER:.OVERCOATS, Fur ,• Collars and-., Curl 'Cloth .
-linings:at $15.00, 23.00 .and 22
MENS BEATER OVERCOATS, :fur ,collars and; plush linings
at $25.00 and 30:00 . :.:
MEN'S BEAVER OVERCOATS, Imitation "Lamb Dollars,.'quilt-
ed linin s•at 35.00: and 30.00 '
.MEN'S•OVERCOATS, in. Beavers, :and Tweeds great range bf'
styles and:"•qualities, Plain, Prussian Presto or College Cedars,;
prices 7..50, S.00,• 10,00;_ 12;50, 15 00; and $17.00. • • '
Men's. Coon Coats
Very fine: quality; Made ofchoice selected skins, : prices 60.00'
65.00 and $75.00.
Men's Calf Coats -
oats` •
We havelhese ;'iii Natural: and Black colors;, special at $20.00. •
The demand .for. Velveteens is still, as great as ever, , and they;
are picked pp. as they .appear on the market. We were fortunate
in ,scouring earl ,•good stock of our special lines at 50c1, in Black,
• ,Brown and Cardinal.
� Navy,. Green We ,. ..: , . ,may
still' have a• fair supply of these,' but they a going fast, an 3 by� the way the `• quality
'ofthese.is just as good as some of the big city stores are asking 75' and SSc. for.,..We
hope_toJ1ave; l3ighor .prii ed_Chiffo i finished blacks_. .1).y,the end, of this. week:•
Boys Knacl£er,'n-d - Bloomer ants
We have just placed in stock a larfie range of Bey's,'Knickers arid ' Bleoiners, all
made from pure wool Worsteds and Tweeds in nice dark shades and neat . patterns
'-- These com•a-little higher -in. rice -than.- rdinar .lines -• bu the-:.�d'rfiareiice--ii'-iirore-
th n made,u in extrwear and appearance. The range of• sizes: iuns, from 26 to 3•I
Ladies' Tweed: Suitings
There is a growing demand for Tweed Suitings • fir' Ladies'
Costumes,and we have a nice range of shades And prices .of these
in ,stock at 50c. 75, and 1.0o, I 25, 15o, '20.o and 2 5n per yard,• .
with ail the linings and"trimmings for making them up,
allies'.. Plaid S itings
We have•aiso'2 iaree stock 'of plain suitin s in Ilraadcioths,
Venetians, Cheviots and, Berges in all the best colo's and a range
of prices. ,.
N. B, -Store closes at 6 p.• my except :Saturdays.'
taken' up in *be : partaking of .a sulnp-
tuous repast in the form of a fowl'
supper. , After doing ,Ample- justice
to the many dainties providedby the
ostess, the remalning pairtof the
evening was spent in friendly: con ver
Dation, in singing and in playing the
genies popular at the time when Mr.
and Mrs. Blackwell, firstagreed, to
share one .another's .burdens. ,. The
p:r ' brolceirghurttralter njrd=Hilfht
and toe, guests dispersed to their re-
-spective homes* The host and hostess
'were the recipients of many beautiful.
and useful presents which go to show
the high: esteem in which theyare
held by their many acquaintances.
Your correspondent joins with these
friends of Mr, and Mrs.. Blackwell in,
,wishing them many continued ' years.
of united health, wealth and connubial
bliss. . .
Olivet •
•Miss'Mamie 'Roulaton is In Brant-
ford at present. '•' .
Wm. Borden returned home' from
the' West last week
•• Special services are beingherd in'
P .
Olivet church this week. ,
Richard; Scott leftlast week' for
•Bufiaie where ire will visit' 114 sister
fora short 'time.
`Duncan McTavish lef,'t for Brant-
ford last week.' ` Duncan may spend
the winter there
Mrs Austin Solomon �.of, itoderich,_
visited her parents, Mr. 'and Mrs,
Saris. McQuire,,t'his week, + . • •
A number of ladies met' 'at, the
home of ' Mrs. •:Josephs , Colli.ng en
Thursday' of • last' week 'and . held
prayer meeting ;. Rev. Mr. Rivers
was present and conducted.. the
Olivet .Epworth League had an
election Of officers on .Tuesday evening,
No've►nber 146., • The' following'
officers were elected:- '
'President; -Wm.•. Hust n. ,
list. Vice Pres.=Wajter'Walden.
2nd Vice Pres. -Laura Colling.•'
-3rd Viee Pres. -Minnie Coiling:
4th: Vice Pres. --Chea. Wilkinson
ecre , ry. izzie. McTa sin h
Treasurer: -Percy Ronlsten.
Organist.,' -Vine Coiling.
Assistant .Organist; -Milia Smith.
of fuel supply.
'B -AIR . EAurFIE1-
. Every.women knows that: there is
nothing so' good for: hair and scalp
trouble as Parisian. Sage.. If Parisian
Sage is: used two .,r three times a week,
;it'viwill"keep° the scalp 'nice and clean
and remove dandruff. • Tt• makes the
hair lustrous. and fluffy;• and keeps _it..
'from falling` out. '
We urge every woman who loves'
• radiant and fascinating hair to go'..to
J': G. Arthstrong's .,to -day• and get a
tarn 50.cent bottle of :Parisian Sage.
-.Be . guarantees' it.1°--pule clan,'dr?i£f;_
falling hair 'and itching scalp, or money
back. .
Kinlougll' '
Dr -L1app`••sva r .in•our-"bu'rg-last -
Friday evening, •• ,
Peter; Hodgkinson. 'returned from.
the, West last Tuesday." '
-•--•3de-Gitest•, vir-r-hasubeen--harvestiri:'
in the -West, cetui ii—fiiome last Tues.-
;fay .'_
Jas. Bailey of ` North Dayvisited
at'"O{le°"'•Tweedy..ts the beginning of
this week.
Thos:' Irwin of Lucktiow, pressed
ihr►nt 25' ton df hay foi• • W. • Boas° to
the beginning of the week.
Messrs, 'Ryan and Pinnell are busv.
these days getting "`their choppinh,
infill in shape for; the winter trade.,
Miss ICe'rr, - who for the past tee r
weeks has' been visiting at Thos. Mal-
color's, left •for her home '`last, Siltur.
J W:`.1touso n is having a Clearing'
Out sa'e of Farm "Stock •and Imple•
• manta on Thursday., November, 30th..
Mr.'R;ousom is moving' away in the
near future and everything will' bei;
sold without reserve',,;,
: The' Adria iniitiatbrs's sale in cbnnec-
tion with the Thos, Bailey estate,
,rev a good crowd on ;Viondav, The
live stock brought a goo,l fair price,
hut the two .farms (oti3 within, one
half mile of 1 itilou h 'and the other,
situated' near 'North 3a'q) did .:opt'
reach the reserved: bids and souse=
quently Were not sold,.
WiurDINn ANNlvsn8AttY;4-Thursday
eveplOg Df'last we.ih about Oh:V.fIva
friends and, neighbors assembled 'Itt'
the Nonce of Mr, and Mrs, Vii,. ' IL
Blackwell to celebrate with ,them' thein
Twenty=fifth Wedding: An,nivertary.
4'�Tho early part of the eveni ig was
$ally Altop_,-ot Lueknow, is ::visiting -
relatives here • •
Those who attended the Crewe . tea.
meeting Tuesday night, report a good
Weare, ;glad tac'see Mies Mabel' Alton
outagain after her recent severe • attack
of"typhoid. fever: •
. Mr and 'firs. '' Wm. IfcNal1,: and
daughterof Lucknow visited :the.
house of -.Robt. ' •Irwin. Blast ,Sunday.;
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hanson of East,
:Tawas Mich.; are spending'. this' week
Kilpatrickr •
with` the • latter's : moths -mfrs.- Jos.
Many Cailiardcs Tend io Casae •injary to the
, Bowels
ou are subject to . constipation,
you should avoid .strong -drugs . and
cathartics.: They only.give temporary
relief and .their reaction is :harmful.
and :so►netimes - more annoying,: than
constipation: .'They in no• way 'effect
a cure and' their tendency is to weaken,
the 'already • weak organs with which
they come in contact:
• We honestly believe, that we 'have'
--the-best-eonsti pationHtreatinen t -,•Ewer
devised. , < Our faith in• it is So strong;.
that we.sell it on the : positive guar
a,ntee'that'it shall not cost the ':user a
cent' if it, does not give entire satisfact-
ion-and--nompletely remedyion-conatipa.t-•�
ion: • Phis preparation is called Rexall'
Orderlies. . 'These are prompt, sooth-
ing, . and ' most effecting •in •.: action:
They.'are made .of a ;scent chemical-
discovery; Their'principal ingredient•_
is odorless, .tasteless, and colorless.
Coni•bored-�with�~-•o'ther �=-=weil..kitov
ingredients,-longLestablisf ed for _their -y.
'usefulness' in' the treatment of constip-•,
,tion,. it 'a tab!et'which is eaten
just.like-candy, They -may -lie-•.taaen
at ;:Loy ' tine, either day or night,
without fear of their causing, any in-
convenience whatever. They do not;
gripe, purge, nor cause nausea, They
act ,without causing any pain or . ex-
eessive looseness. of the bowels. They
are ideal for children; . wreak; delicate
.persons, and• aged people, as well as
for the most hearty' person. .
They come in. three size packages, 12
tablets 10 cents; 36''tab1ets,.25 cents; ,
80 tablets, 50 cents, R'me ober, you
can obtain th,ern only at our.xstore
The Rexall Store. J. G. Armstrong.
$728.1$„A-,. YEAk
Is the present salary of Miss
Ruby Long' who obtained her
business traininein, our 'School.
Resultst snug. sasotrigs account,
bright outlook, and promotions..
Would you like to` earn $14,00
per week? Send for but catal-
ogue to.day and learn, bow.
e eaence or
r= J
thousands u�
oT , .
..ome coos
HE present Huge 'd'emand for PCItIT' ' FLOUR..
shows. the ,confidence in which it is held by thousands
of home -cooks.
Those who, have used PURITY FLOL” have R bve come to
believein it They look .on PURITY as'a friend:: l'hc',v
feel they can trust it, implicitly,
because' eah and every• loC,
of PURITY FLOUR '• has
always been uniform -always
up to the high standard of..glal-
ity that has made it famous.
Wouldn't you, too,. like to.•:use'
a flour. you 'could always ,rely
on.? Wouldn't you like to feel
certain that your bread, cakes,;
and pies • were:. piing' to turn
out exactlyright? : That's.• just
boom `ou 11' fee" w -hen• ou-`
Y Y '
become a user' sof PURITY •
—:FLOUR, - the • -confidence-: •
creating •hour,
IItN`�-11:4B :it"cam.' t
utisr3f F FC -OU
' Poets .•
PURITY FI QUR gives •high-class reeu14 because, it'conszsts •
--exclusively-of -the--high-grade Portwns`of the --best Western
,hard.. wheat. '. -
• • •On account of the extra: strength of PURITY FLOUR please.
remember, when.'' making pastry, `to add, more shortening
• than an ordinary flour
ore bread and:
better bread''
And. when making,
jiread 'add more water,
FLOUR: Will expand
into 'more,.loaves, than
the same • weight of
,ordinary'' Noor :can
produce;' thus .making''
"more bread''a.n-d bet
"Make your next, flour order spell 'P-'U=I; r4 -Y
It' costs slightly' more,. but it's'. worth the, difference
Add PURITY FLOUR to 'grocer)" list right now.:
104 '
-For Sale '-rt LneTknov - by Franh, Tate 'Grocer.
Capital Paid Up_
•Reserve: Fund.
. $4,4. ,ono`
Assets '
$44, . ,ono .. _.
Has 8o Branches in` Canada, and gents andCorresP ondents
in all the Principal Citi s in the World.
S A'V.I/N GS' B -A N,,K ; rp 'PAR?
pAR? ?i E N T.:::
at all Branches... Interest allowed a highest .current rate:
It is a wonderful patent device, the Oxford. Economizer, and ,s licensed
This marvellous regulator keepa the oven at a given temperature, We
-heatis ivasted-Incithing goes tp the flue but bad odor% steam and smoke.:
The fire is held for houri withciut attention -7 -ready. for immediate
, and all this labor, time and, fuel saYed by simply turning the crank:
With the Divided: Oxen Flue Strip yeti have 'everi baking, because of
The Reversible Grate
is provided 'With strong,
interlockini teeth that re-
duce teals to by
and design the 'Chancellor
is an oniametti as well as;
a necessityin any kitchen.
The Range liere rep-
resetted and other Gur-
ney.Oxfords of every sOrt
played on our floor.
i...kttida of