HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1911-11-23, Page 4•r�
i` 1400.11(NoW $EN .r I
Ladies fur lined coats, never were more 'popular
-than -now. ---'idle-rangever-carry-han—ever=
Prices $35.'O0, $43.00, $47.0, and, $So.00. Curl lined -
with ll?'arit of collar 520.0o. - Fur . collar with quilted
))'ting ,$20.OQ,•$25.00, and $30.00
- We have everything in neck Furs and Muffs in the
leading lines of furs, IsabellaOppossum Muffs 56.00,
tiffs to -match,;•- 6:0o, -•—Best •quality Sable Muffs . 520
and $25.00, Ruffs $15,06 to $25.00:_•
Flannelette Blankets in grey or white, $1.'
• 'Extra quality. ,All Wool•, Blankets $5;00.;
to -
Men's and •Boy s' Swe;3iter� Coats at close prices,'•
• _ •
.Blue -and
Mar.s Underwear in Sia foie Red, B1
Black Label. `' • Bu the' be• t,
S lineof � die'' v rappers, sizes34 to 40, at
�' .. .a�,►.2a^.16� aaiia. Ladiel' 7: , pP I . ,..
'll` ' e r is still busymaking, and .trinirnin
. < The Milliner :... .. g
hats The stock is well' assorted, ,with new goods.'
Issuer Of : Mari -Inge t cen'ses
Tile OntarioTo f=Zifrsuly
The Ontario '. Foot -Lift ' Gang,
Tkta, ,Beaver Sulky
The Beaver Gang.'
We. also;se l all kinds o• Watkin plows -.and. -repairs
made byhWilkinson. Cockshut, 'Telswater and
, Frost & Wood, Companies•
Winter is:.Near. The
i .e Prepare Ahead
Rayo Lamps
Ge�1 Gil is•che ' :ir t aa..: e-yes.i •.ht-porc-hase.-one'
• of these sandyou will be delighted.
P ,. g
Perfection. Oil ' H eaters •
' ce�ahe.�.cis-early-earl ;-to�corrimen oa fis
get one :of our Oil Heaters and 'take the chill off W
, the
•'i he are very' ec
onamcal •when Yo,
-:_-carr buy,the- -bestAmerican Oil at 1cents, er.• al -
'Chains and Stall Fixtu•rees.-
GiTi• soon be required ' make sure
sufficient of these.
u have:
Ditcbling, +Spades: and Shovels
We have a good stock,' the 'latest patterns
lowest prices. •
Furnaces- a(nd Plumbing.
We 'have an established reputation afor the above
line of work. T,he...best advertisemenr is, oulr many
satisfied customers who' have entrusted their work
to us. Let. us figure on your job.;
'Heating Stoves and Ranges
Wehandle the latest in Range • production, • The
Imperial. Oxford” and Oxford Chance'lor, the stand
.without an equal. The Alberta Heating. Stove is
the most: popular double Heater on the market.
Barb and Coil Spring Wire
Slna1l quantity ,will be soldat reduced prices.,
urdie & S1tlerllJ1d
,Scranton Coal, Durham Cement, Paroid: Roofing
u.Iisbed '
. Every Thursday Morning at
/Lucknow,, Ont
>9111B4CR;PTIozI xEIcii-$1.25 per anonm
If paid 'in advance, $1,0Q per annum
41.4. "S-subser'iptions- eT
'strictly in advance, '.•'
W, J. WRasxa
Editor and Publisher
Advertising Rates... Legal: and other
casual advertisements: 8c' per nonpariei
line for first insertion, 3c per line for
each subsequent•insertion.
Advertisements in the ,local columns
are -charged 7c -per -line ffr+first insertion,
and Sc per:line for each -sb1Y�sequent in-
sertion, regular advertisers 5d per, line.
The boys, who were caught in the
Paisley carpet faetory, were brought.
before the magisterial bench and given
a reprimand and sone .excellent ad'-'
"Tic . hit th"it charge' willever
be brought up against them again de-
pends upon. the future conduct. of the
boys, -5
n ,Condyof Greeuock,,•brough� into. the''.
Walkerton Telel! ope Moe the largest
turnip that has ever been on exhibi-
tion in Walkerton. This turnip which
is of the ,Greystone 'Variety weighs
24 lbs and is 39 inches in circum-
ference. 119x, Condy states that he
had many turnips in this year's crop
which weighed from 15 to 20 lbe., and
that the 'crop wan thebeat.• he had,
ever known,,
•Cur.Ros,s. B olsitku GoNE.-There
passed away at his. home on• con- 9,
Culross,on Monday of last week, ' en'e
of the oldest of the pioneers ,'of' Cul:
rosy,in the, person. of Donald"'Mc-'
Donald, •Deceased had been in fail-
ing healt'li /or some: time and his
dotal was not unexpected. He was
aged '•83 years, 1 month and • 14 days,;
• The funeral service ° was held at his
la esidenee �n---Th-ursday' afternooic-
at 2 o'clock and internment was made(
•-ict tliezreesiytyterTemeteCy,: ••--•
FR$ IT To vx.--(The;; .Tees -
water News of last week had. the. fol-
lowing; A couple of gentlemen stopp-
ing in .town, one at the Vendome and;
the other at the Grand'Union, are tpe.'.
subject's- of - Much: --talk these da �3•s:-
They are supposed to be spotters: The.
•forwer's business is said'• to be that • of
buying up. land for .a' wealthy ,Am-
erican firm, and, the latter is said to
be desirous of starting' .a factory in
town We, heard something about
Americans buying sip farina near the.
border'. before Reciprocity' Wail; de-
feated, -but
e-feated,'-but why they should buy now
and as far north as here, is' -something,
that we do not understand. As re-
gards ': Starting a • facto'ry here, . one
would think that ' the TownCouncil
would be interviewed at .once;' to 'see:
what' could 'be done in the 'natter.
We only wish he was:in earnest'about
his• mission; a factory here is nee
:and we 'believeded
a movement. along
that line would 'be encouraged'•by, al-
most every one in town. L.et these'
fellows get' out an l ` get. ;busy along'
their respeetivo lines instead of loung.
ing about the, sitting route Of •the"
hotels.. They will never dig up busi-
nese there.
.Contract rate made .known,on apoli-
Tll hand, set display advertisements
and changes of advertisements must be
in the printers', hands . not, later. than
6 p,m. .on Monday' . of ' the week for
which. intended ,.
AlY '• LL
A .
•On Tuesday last, according to news-.
paper :reports, representatives of the
Hydro -Electric commission, of Ontario
invaded - the counties of Bruce, Grey and
Huron, °,•end portions of • Wellington
county, to prepare fpr the dispensation
of Hydro -Electric energy to %wary ' mun
icipalty.that wants cheap power. The
plan of the commission is, to' utilize the
Maitland and -Saugeerr•rivers•-for=power
develomeat in'conn connection with 'current
supplied directfroni Niagara. Trunk
lines will be built: one. from Seaforth,.
to in • the chief towns and villa es of..
PP g .13e
Huron county;another from .Guelph,
tapping the chief towns and villages': Of;
prey, Bruce county will ,be, served 'ly
branch/ lines ' from these:: - At least
twenty-eight''municipalittes will be given
e: oppor urn y o, vo mag bei accept
ances or rejection of tills proposition, -at
'New Years. • : • ,
' Perhaps ;no more alluring' proposition
was ever made in the .old Queen's Bush
territory than this 'To have natural
energy -.which -will light-our=streets 'and
turn the wheels of tour . factories, which
will perform ,the labors of .our far'tns
and 'rsii iplify the methods of our house-
holds -to, have this delivered at .bur
very doorways- from a source-gone-hun--
dred miles away,'•always' on ,tap, at a •
cost considerably' less' than that of 'the
cheapest power now available -there is
something in that which appeals to th e
iutagination • and• . the business instincts
of every: than. Or perhaps not to every
Mari.; fbr, incredible .as it may seen';
there:'are those who are not yet • awake
to•the wondersaof'the century, and who
would oppose anything so hovel as'; the
betterment of. conditions., Ten years
,ago, people sneered at the* suggestion'
of rural telephones; but they have lived
to see the telephone in practically 'every
house in the country. Less than ten
years ago, when the. 'Hydro -Electric,
.commission proposed cheap power for
south Ontario, people denounced ':the'
folly of the thing, bat they liave lived
tel see the wires from •Niagara. extended
as far north as Seaforth. ,Are ,the people
in this portion of Ontario province :wide •
enough••awake-to-their nwnrtlinterests-to-
etnbrace 'the opportunity now offered
' them, 'or'*ill they turn it do wn as . se
many other good things, have been turn
ed down before . - ;
Unfortunatel yY this is a matter which
cannot be'dis-associated • 'from polities:,'
It is brought before, the country now as
ati'e7eatre scheme. ]#`cit kis something-
omethingmore than that. It is a question of
service and Y
utilit to the.P_p rovince of
Ontario. It is a question of the equal,
ization of industrial privileges` and the
giving to etery municipality that which
has heretofore been the advantage' of
the few:. So, far as Lucknow isconcan-,
ed, ht is very largely a question of wheth-
er slie will step out. of :the march of Pro=
greys or go on 'to a more satisfactory
future. 'On this tiiattir every citizen;
should be•united• irrespectiire.of politics,,
-.ready-to•grasp•`the. golden .opportunity
that is offered for industrial develop=
mens: • . ..
Mr. Hopper's 'shipment of apples
from Port Elgin this season amounted
to over 1000 barrels. .
Walkerton' creamery churned: the
last butter of • the season en 'Friday.
The total make for the seasen was
between 80 and 35 toe, most of
which ,was sold in Toronto. atprices
ranging fiohr '26 to -30'. cents ,per
pound. ,
Southampton's ;petition for the re.
peal of the local option bylaw contain,'
ed 138 namos;•but after the ,otineil
had weeded out the ineligibles, tisere.
wore only 119 left;; which was . '-1es14
than the required number, ':Renee:no
by law will be submitted, :this year.
tintail • '
11fr :Bain .McDonald has returned
..home':frocn_.the-West .:..
Mr. Pat.' Dineen a Hinghton, Mich:,
visited here on Sunday. •
• Last Wednesrlay'some young people
-made -a-flys =visit to London -
' Mr. and Mrs. 'Patrick O'1Loughlizi.
have gone to Goderich• to reside. • '>
few -of the''yonng-peopleswere
present at the O'Rilley--Connor Wedd-
ing in G.oderich. •,'
' Mr..James'Sennett, Jr, entertained
a few of his gentlemen triends , one
evening last w, ek.
Mr: and Mrs. John: J. O'R llev.„have.
returned . from . their '•• wedding tour.
We:extend heai ty congratulations.
Stands to the front as the best..
school of its kind: in the province.
-,..our courses_ace_beyond,.-thr se_of,:._
the ordinary business college. This.
school basa cbntinental.,reputation
for high-grade ' work.' We have . -
three' ''lepartmehts: COMMERCIAL •
the demand for trained help,great-, LL.
ly exceeds the supply. Students.
are entering each week and • the •
sooner you enter the -better for
yourself.. 'Get our free catalogue
• •at.cincer•
D. A. McLAtH1l;,All
-Principal. •
Our Seven Colleges have been
established „during •the: past
thirty years. The largest train -
era In Canada. Owing to our
connection all Over Ontario, we
do better for our graduates than
1 •
Thor$.- y, 'November • x 3rd., 1913.
5c.:10c,. 15c•
25c. and 50c,
•What ONE CENT will
buy, Saturday and. Mon-
day, November 25 and 27
5c. 10c. -l+Sc.
25c, and 50c,.
Here'sIow it's • Done: You pay one cent mo thanthe
• 'more_ � ,
rekular price of anyarticle listed,. '
. helowand you get 'F•we
or you b • < one at .full rice a d
u a et: the second for
.1 ceut
Y p'
50c, Articles,for c.
CArticles for -,1c. ,
50c, Nature's Cough 13alsann ,
colds. 'f
2 cir , •
130c: ee%y'ss tol --ream
Egyptian Lotus. and 1
R se. 2 for . i? j' e
tiOc. Premier Piper, best . - n.
Briar . ' , , ; 2 for uo
be. -Writing Ink,' -black .-ee'
and' blue black. 2 for VC
5c. .Dr, Shoop's', Laxets
small 'size 2 for •�+•
,•5c. package ..Epsom Salts
regular package.' 2 for
5c'' -package of• Dr. King's ccc
Pepsin Gum, • 2- for V.
Sc. ' package Tooth
Picks, 'white hard ,
wood : ' • 2 for Ce
• bc. Scribblers, our regular •,
line..........:.2 for . .
5c. Petroleum• 'Jelly
2 for
25c,-Wricll IlazcT,4rean , for
_..clhiiuuesi..hatlds,� e
and':lips • 2 fai''2�(.. •
bc:� Nstttre's�C?rl, g
stitnulatin L. nin pa�verfitl'�*��»•�
g t t -
out, .
. ... .... for•
• 25e, Fig Pills ' z •
2.for 44.‘"J•
• 25c. Days', Iron' . Blood. Pill's,.
an "excellent- blood ' ,. . `:
builder; . .2 for 21C•
25c: Days' •Inrp. Cathartic
Pills for the stomach
. and, :bowels :.•2..for •
25c.'Dr; Shoop's... x-ets t e�
for rho bowel .2..for ,
25'c. -Dr.'ShPoo 's Headache
Tablets:. for neuralgia
• and headache -2 for
25e. Dr. Case's file .Oinment
for internal ' and ex-
x- cc
tternalPile;•.'..:2 for �V�+:.
25c. Swansdown Face•' NW-
, der, White -and bruit- 260
nett ,• 2' for: •-
X 5c Articles for lc._,
1.5c: Camphor Ice, for'
sore "lips :2 far
+ a 1 -ti ii °Brtrsl ns; gget t
bristle lc .. ..2 for
1Bc• 13ottica Verfume;, as
sorted od•;rs . ' 2 for'+•
100. • .Castor : Oil; - Best
•"Itai;lian• . 2' for
lOc. DyoJa Dye; for wool f'. e:
or cotton ..', 2' for •1• •
' 10c. Sewing' Machine 04'.: ,
'guaranteed not. to 11"•
lee.' 131ue Jay:Corn .,Pads
releives the pain, ro-'
moves the 'corn.. fol -•
10c° , Petroleum` Jelly',
(letroleumA 2 for. . A1"
10c Comp.' Licorice Powder
fresh made.- :1' 1 c.
.2 for. •
Extensive retail's airs to our store : already contracted • for
new flooring repainting etc., to,._ begin at • the first of the
year makes ' it -necessary to reduce stoc ..:even -ata loss.
If we had to keep moving goiids out of the road : of the
workmen. 'labor and to goods would
•mean : a greaser .• ss, -L Thhsis—probably—the—last
obably-the la t special
shall havetime to arrange
before the Christmas'-- rush.
Alex; Caskanette;'has 'moved •into'.I
his new house •,• !
L. 'McDonald is home after spending
the Slimmer at • Riversdale. ( .
• Nrs° E. J.•Ai dersen went to Clan-'
deloye on Friday to visit hersister:
Chas: Bonnett • wa% married ` last
Wodne 'day to Miss .Jackson of Corrie_,,
Geo, Colwell• returned on •,11'onday
from visiting his brother at Battle
fold, Sask. • •
Messrs. Ed Montgomery, Roy Cole
an 1 Ortofi:' Stauffer ,returned from
M atitoba last week: •
`flee. .Father Capps, Teeswater,
spent Sunday' here.
,Peter Kenny, :'slid' J'arnes.,Ke .enni
y re:
.tu:rned-turned-the_ West; ''a' short .time
Mrs. Nixon,. Blyth, is visiting , at
tho home of her cousin, Mr ,:Wm.
Banicett - •
Several from here attended the sale
of the late' Mr. Bail's Chattels on r
tIortday. -0
Tarn.Anes 'wife•.and •
daughter, Carrie,' spent Sunday at.
:vlr.. Haines.'.
Miss S. Pct.rviq spent ' Monday ' in
Teeswater Mr. Wm. Ball' also'spent
theday in that:town.. -
jVlra. T, J. Gibbons, and two child
ren, of Bathweli, Man:,, is visiting her
father, Michael •Kenny. , •• .
Ur. R.ichar°d Elliot,' who bas been
ih the west for Ole past three inontlis,
re timed home Friday night.
__Mate, Wines, W-ao ..hakixto.c.ao
iously'ib, is at present very low . 1lcr '
friends aro anxiously awaiting' tr.' fav
oiralllo Changer
The .services,', which were._ to h•LLve.
bean held in the It. Q, 'church here en
londay, A have been postponed
owing to, the fitneral:of,Mrr, Wm.
miller, ftiversdale. ' •y. J•
A Lirrr.r. SUPaILST 0:v. -Say, What
about those einnamon apple pet' Socials
in the West? Young ladies, don't you
thinkyou could make the young men.
thick as inuch of oar eastern Country
as they do of the Wesst, if you would
only muster up sprite' !dough' and havo
a stnnlar affair "1 This would he the
chew' a of. your life to display your.
dornt'stie serrate, knowled Vie and
along: with the others, .feel that none
of we..youfg men Would slip out. thee'
Capital Paid Up , $2,750,000
Reserve. and. 'Undivided Profits'
Total •Assets ': • '
It is not easy to alter the Habits: of a
lietiuie-no' small . natter to forsake :
extravagance. and learn to save:
Ston will never learn': unless,' you have.
the incentive of a Savings Account:''
"Do rrnt"proerastinate-call at`tlie Bank
' ' of,.HanTiltcu-and openan account. , •'
J. +.. McGU11F
Aget(r.: • Ltteknow •
Head Office:
HA- 1;r i4
. This is the' tiinn ,of. Year'when you must ha:, e
good foot wthir.. It will pay you to buy shoes
. • need+of our customers and give the very best
. valnes for your Money, A full stook of •
Heavy Rubbers and Sox LeggingS:
foO3stsyS. thia Ilen;.-Oir:ershoes
Shoes is emnplete. Our Ladies' Rubbers are
• tini kind that won't slip olE Ask to see nu r
Tea. a feat/ to At feet. iLet us fit you witl
pair ot our line Plioes.
• ril.g JOYNT 411TOE. :STORE