Lucknow Sentinel, 1911-11-23, Page 1VOL XXXVLI--- LUOKNOWv ONTARIO, THURSDAY* NOV: 1911 LOCAL AND GENERAL Hon, McKenzie King will speak ,in Walkerton on Nov. 28. • , Mrs. (Dr.) Tennaet and daughter have been visiting friends in Ripley and other places. , , A. distinguished actress says • that $700 is not itaexbrbitiatit sum to spend for a dress, Wouldn't . care to be married to her, ,. • , Clare Agnew has entered the Molsons Bank as junior, and his position at . the CI. T. It. station has been taken by Fred . McLeod of the 2nd Con. • Dr. Ovens; London; Surgeon, Eye, ear nose and: throat; will beat the Cain House, Laicknow, en:December 7. '•Eyes tested and glasses properly fitted, -etc. • Dr. Cla pp, of Mildmay, • .spent a . ceuple-of-days--lait'Lweek-M-7-Ltfehoow and vicinity. Being. a medicalman he •• was probably feeling the pulse of the , electorate ' . • ..• ----J T; Diolly1f iiji�in±iil one of the Ontario whips ,in the Dein- inion parliament in the .stead of A. Claude MacDonald who. has resigned the position. . ' • .. • • A,black fox ranch is • being stcated . hear Arnprior: James -Gillies & Sons• ' bought, 49 acres for this purpose. • Gil- . lies his purchased a pair' Of the :very- •. rare black foxes which, it. ie Said, cost. him 85;000. Don't forget the poultry days, .Thurs- ,clay of every week. We payAnehighest •._,.cash_ptices.-Jas..T....Lyons. W. T. Homes 'shipped a ear -load, of produce, comprising butter, eggs; apples, .potate•ei and fowl, to the Soo, on. ' TuesdaY morning.' • He 'himself took: ticket to the seine place to -',see to its • unioadlegand disposal. • • • Dr". R. F. Parker, of LiatoWel-; 'visits McGarry's Hotel, Lucknow, :Wednes- days froin 12;30 to. it t). rn., Fridays •'from 3 to 11 p. 'nr'; Diseases of Respir- ation, Nervous and Alimentary systems, female trouble,, joint affections Rheu-; ccs • u yrea • d, • , . 3142-p. • Lucknow Orchestra played at the . Kincardii-felhpe -BIM-dance in Kin- . cardine'last Thursday evening. ' They • havealse been engaged to play at the Firemen's. Ball in the mine ;town at an early date, :and Were -:-offered another engagement , which •.,they may later accept. well ramie ., for LucknOw's • musical. boys: • • . • The xnonthly meeting Of the StHelens . • WOmen'e Institute will be held at the L.:twine of Mrs....D.,':Todd_..2:onThnreda,y: Nov. 30, at 2.30. The meeting Will • ..take the firm of a Quilting Bee to finish .up the autOeraph quilt' in aid of the 'piano fund. All the ladies Are request- '70(1- to be Present as important matters N are to be discussed. • The markZt quotations in the Sentin: - el are revised weekly, up to noon and asmuch later as possible. Tribes on- live hogs are 'those which. were paid on the local market on Mon- day of the .week of publication. Quota- • Ci ons for the following week are napeaci- .. ible; be‘auSe the local buyers do net re- ceive then' .until Friday ofeech Week; Lucknow • it again •distiagnishing Kieft as i' business town.. Word .comes from the BritishAmerican Oil CO. Ltd. that Mr- Wank Tate of Lucknow, • has, •the distinction,of having handled more • ,American Coil .1i1; during. the 'left -six Months thanany other retailer handling their oil in thte Dominion of Canada:" . This speaks well for •Lucknow and also . for the quality of the oil.: . , • Sometimes oven a fish Story is ,true. Here's one: ,Dr. Comfort-, the veteran. , magistrate Of sp: Catharines; is A great sportsman. . Tie usually gets • the first'fish andthe last of the season • thoegh le is elOse to 80' years of age. One • afternoon he was fishing for the ' . •last time on the end of the pier at. Tort .-7--Ditlirousta:----Heliturph-116d-fra-Ceifple7 of Perch, and. was about t6 reel up and . go home when around the corner of the :.„: pier swam a big, fat, Wild duck . Before . • the...fisherman_ the latter,. iteting with the geichness of thought, „flopped a noose with his line ()Ver. the duck's neeliand.•jerking, it . up, was _Able to . grasp_the fiehtingLflapping, bird before ,the noo'se fet got • The doctor irtys her never knew of wild duck to taste better, • The duck 'twilit in the harbor and was : ' 'Wong quiet little Swim out around the pier.. • Farmers and ()theta interested in. fine , harness should visit the show room of Mr. A. Ross end inspect les display of ; heavy diuble, light double, anl single harhess. tifie set of heavy team • harness • is, • deserving of,.. particular mention, it is witItOnt doubt the finest and moat expensiVe set .of deuble har- .nes4 ever turned.out in this part of the 'country and shows 'that Mr Ross tan , turn -•nut Avork-justra-little--better -than. the best. Mr; joynt kas purchased the three Sets for use on his farm. They will be on exhibitien all week. • A MAN. IN.S. 'WELL, -.An • Oil :Man. .natned Wakefield, who Eves -near Ben- adopte 1 a peculiar method Of reeoncilation toward his slater, Re. . had disposed oi his farm and he and his slater Mid HOMO &Split() over the settlement qf affitirs. In a pique, ho tied a rope around his bodyand lowei•ed himself into 'tlie welt, 'With, the water up to his chin, thinking his • sister would come and rescue him, She did not conie for nearlyr an hour, 'at the Ona of which tithe ' she found hi tif nearly deal. She alatined the neighbors:wh) rushed: to his amist-- anon . and pulled lila oat... Several .doeters worked all, night .to revive hint -lin will ,recover: : Thos. Reid expec_ty,e_ffeithw sestauranttr&-SatiredaY. ov• , • 1 a full supply. of 'oyeter- stews and hot drinks for winter purposes. 'Use stoke entrance into restaurant. . A -1911g -haired genius who called hini- iielf Professor Alejo Cine, a native •of Chili in South America,. paraded and megaphoned the •toara last week and g Fe 4 couple of evening entertainments inthe town hall. His forte smug -30w the balancing of -things on 'his (lin, He balances chairs and .tablee and wagon wheels ,and Other convenient things; and does it with ' an ease and certainty which reveals long experience in the circus ring. One of his 'tricks was the placing of ahoy on a chair and the lifting and balancing of both. How any human jaw bone can stolid .'seeh strains wonici . be jneomprehensible in arty-egce--.but--thep--weit:-• one, when polities have done SO Mtleh to strength- en that portion Of thc human anatomy. But the professor, falling right inline With-tlfe spirit-Ortimthe-es, halreilirs living by thecuse of. his:jaw; and, being an otherwise harmless fellow, he is probably welcome, to all he can get that ' • For genuine novelty and genuine itioney_saying offers, J. Garnet...Arm- ntrong's big ad. in this issue has had :few equals •locally. It 'goes to show that when a local store has sufficent enterprise behind it, ' it leaves the city stores little ground to stand on Read the ad. orrpage 4 and learn how 1 cent -only 1 cent remember --will buy your choicedt.more, than two dozen -articles ranging in price from 5 cents to 50 cents each. And watch for more announce- ments from the same store. " • Lucknow merchatits are preparing for a record breaking Chrisimaa trade. Enormous stocks of ,ChristnetS goods art - on Order or already on heed, ready foi display at the psychological moment; and in the course of the next . four weeks the public will learn about them in some of the biggest and most attrec- stores have have 'tnidg 'ihrpugh the press. To the:people who buy the nee: essaries of life_and •seeuretheir,-niedical 'aid and expecttomarket their products in the home town it is surely not neces-, :scary to gay, -.Buy Your Xmas: goods there( tee. In the home stores you can see and examine the geed& you require; you can get accomedatienon-their pur- chase if You want it; you can get values puch as city stores certainly do not offer; you can get personal :'seggestionsfrom the dealerwhich may be dr ihestimable value; and all, you can get what you Want when you Wantit, with all danger of delay or disappointment eliin- inated. Read, then, the ane.ounceineets that will be Made and: remember,eveh inyour buisinessrelationship, that good will toward all hen which is supposed to be characteristic of the merry Xmas. .tinie - • : ' • • • ' --Miss Miry :Swell. returned home Mrs. Wawa' Webster.' • , • . IRESOLUTI,ON—OF—SVM-THY-- DONGIC,NNON I Jefferson, a highlY respected citizen of West" Wawanesh, died at biS home.. • near Dennybrook on Sunday, acre(' 83 .year. " 'Itober t Hasty, who -recently. pur- chased a house in, •the village, ,has -moved his household- - :effects . into it from his faim :mai- Crewe. " Wilfred Brown, a...young man wbo tesidnear'here, while' .1111,40141g , a '12 calibre' rifle on Tuesday aeciderit,-- elly discharged. it, and° the Iiiill'et pierced one .of hi.; fingers , The 'wound is painful but net dangerous• Mrs, Bailey, beloved wife of . Reeve Bailey, Of West., WaWataosh,' died her tome on ' Friday last, aged 55 years. She had b --.ea. ill for . a cOn- „„atiavived,.;.by-heiz---husbanci. sidere,ble • length_of time. ; he is .44 daughter.' Her funeiTal to Dungannon • temetery on.' Sunday . was'. largely •at tended,• • Aniberley., • Winter has arrived. • Sandy Mc Donald. arrived home. from .the West last Saturday. • . Peter Campbell,: 2nd. con., arrived home from the West last Tuesday., -.--As-a-reeult-'of-the. stein -V. -Sunday night several •telephone wires -were • Jack .Bradley, I.,aurier, spent Tuesday' evening w•ith frie•nds on. the • Side -road. , • . Robert Walker had a eery. „success- ful sale last, Friday, disposing of most of his live 'steak • , es. Campbell, of .the beu nd ry , • • arrivsd home a days: with friends in Ripley, Rural Mail Delivery has been established batWeeri----knaberly 7and-- Kincardine and will start the first of: December. ' • '• • einhber from around • liei•e took the-6-ary-Bi-o-e. eet-m--ar 1%-icard- inteenSat al ed ay- e port-- -•-• „having a good 61110.1* Midas& council. does on Reeerd• TOward Mr • . Peter Corrigan, Township Treasurer, Whatlas. Been Very ill RESOLVED:' That we, the Mem- . hers of Kinloss Council, now in session, express our synapathy to Mr. Peter Cerrigae," our esteemed treasurer, Whose familiar face we have missed during the last twohatintlis owing to sickness, , And the prayer of this Council is, that the Lord in his infi- nite wisdom, may see fit to 'restore him to health ' again. Signed. ee half of the Council, . • D. A....MODesrax,n,' Reeve, 4 'PIP foregoing-regelution-was-pa,sseck ty.Kieloss Council. at its last 'regular meeting at Holyreed, on Nov. 15; At the same meeting, 13y -law No. -fia'7131-1Afitiff-fffil sale of lignour by retail in the .town- shilf of Kitiloss, was intyoduced, and on motion of J. AleDiltrrnid and H. Mathers, was duly reed -e first and second time. The following cheques were issued, after Which the council ' adjourned to meet again on Dec. 15, as required by statute: . • Geo. G. Moffitt; 'fees and attendance Oourt of Appeal, $13 44, Peter Car- ter, 2 lead&.geavel on culvert -lot 10, Con. q, $2 Ote Donald Melienzie damage to engine, •.'.$00 00 ' Peter, 'Kenny, takingstonesoff read, • 15th. sideline, Cen. 6, $2 00. Wm. Con - grain, repairing • washout at Milvert Jot 3, con. '8, 41 25, Thos. White,. 80:reds of ditch, 10th sideline; con. 6, $10 00. ,Purves Brothers, pereettage .0n. wire feticP $2 50. John .11c Ken-, zie, 50• yards gravel; •$3 50. Jas. • FiSher; 5 stringers .23 feet lang_at...24e ---`WiTfoot, $28 75. jag. Fisher, sta•inger, 16 feet long,at 25e. per foot $1 ails Fisher, 500 -ft. -elui'plank at 16c.„ South boundarv48 00. Wm Kennedy, cleaning culvert and ditch 30th. sideline; .81 00.': Win. Kennedy Clearing brush out of ditek::',Otb side 'inc. $1 50. . George. Haigh.,.. 8 days ufspectiOnetlot 14; Con. 5, $12 00 *Donald and McKinoon ' right ' o • Single CopiieS 3 cents. The folkiwing programmewas adepl. ed for the remainder 0, November by the Bold of Directors: .innlott PuowtAIVINE Wednesday, bloyeraber 29th, study, ' . • 8:00 -8:45: -Free.' Arra ExereiseSi- Geoi Smith. •, • , 8;45L-9:00:-Ta1k on "An Histori- ..cal Character," N. J. Wraith. .9:00-L9:30::- Games. . • - W, J. Wraith, Leader. • SENIOR FROGRAMME: •Friday, .Noyeraber 24th. • 730-8:00:-1-13i610 Study. ' 8 :00 -9:00: -Open debate, ',Reside: ed that Base Ball is more preferable is a National Game than Hockey"' A ff Captain W, Anderson; Nog, pap- eliosere on either side Speaker an Critic, Mr. White: •- 9:00--10:00:--First • of, the 'Basket Ball Series.. ' H. S. White Leader. Teesdayoe._28.1.h. r- .• 7:30 -8:00:--LViestiAid4/e,-Spence, 8 00-8 45 -F1oo Work, ..Geo. Smith. ' ' 8:45 9:30: -:-Basket Ball. 0:3010:00: -Games, Robt. Jehnston, Leader, Friday, December let. :• • 73Q -8:0O: - Bible Study ,8:45: -Floor Work, ' on' "A Character •Sketch" by Rev. Mr: Duncan. • , 9:00. -10:00: -Games ' and Spoilt) .,.* A: P. Steve t; 'Leader: •. NOTICES . ' 1. -Junior nightie' are for Juniors onlye.-boys.fror_aL 1_2_ to 15 inclusive, rs- 2. -Senior nights are for Seniors orily=beys 16 and over,.a.nd Men. will be open only . three - evenings a week, and never in the , daytime, hnless for special purposes 4:-Rulee a the organization mist. . be obseried_by all memixers, When in th rooms ' • ' 5:-.=-Roonis are open. '":1 -F417. -:V30 -1,-o f Aida onlyt� boys who are ..tagi, .11.eV.• r. Darli ng , of, I3er vie, preached Ole Methodist chtietle last Sunday. ()Wing to the stormy ‘.4:-iay the congregation was rather atonal • Lothian D:' :McLean.. attended the North •Ruron Liberal ebnYention in Wing ham On the 14tli, inat.. , way and pitt4ng up fence, $5 00. Alex.. 1VIcKinnon, 22 -yards gravel at 34e. at lot 25 con..2 $8 50 • George _Haigh, Widening road lot.14, con.. 5, $15 00: Jig. 'Stanley, ditch and eel - 'vert at lot '18;. 1st s., $10 00. Richard .Thompson, ditch at lot 9.: 3e1 R. 5, $7 00. 'Donald McDonald, attending Appeal Court, $5 70. Geo: G. MOFFAT, Clerk. • The ,commenity was thoelred to hear on Sunday morning Last of the death: of. Mrs. Wilbur ' Webster. Death came to her With veiling,: suddeness On Saturday evening, as she sat in her Olkff hone, playing organ and .singing to her children, she suddenly ' fell' back with a cry Of pain.. .Only a few hours afterwards she passed . away, . having never leg tined cOnsciousness. Death was due to _acute kidney trouble, the presence Of which :she had prcibably ,never suspected, . • Mrs. Webster's maiden '''nanie was Ada Button. She was the adopted daughter of Mr. and gra. John Button,' OlLucknow. She vias married 8, years age to. her now bereaved husband. Sadder even than his bereavement, is that of the children of their tWo bright little girls of whom the elder is only about six years of age:Sym- pathy-in-unbounded-Meaatire-gOestout to these stricken ones, who mourn 'a wife and nipther departed. • , At. the time. of her death Mrs Web• steelve.s. scarcely past. thirty:One years of -age. The funeral �nTuesdayafter- noon to Greenhill cemetery was one of the most largerY attended • of recent days. , Pled Suddenly of Read Failure • From the ;Mail; published in Mile.' stone, Sask.., is taken the following para. 'graRh referring ;to the' late Edgar. M. MeClere:, Edgar McClure, night operator at the 'station, died suddenly on Tuesday morn- ing anent' 10;30 of heart', trouble. De- ceased hadlbeonin his usual health and his sadden canape° eve& a complete sur- prise. Entering. the office of the' Ogil- vie Milling Co. with goy McCracken, who had been employed in the • barber shop here,. he engaged in a friendly scattier iitirmr-Whieth "AfeCraCketi7-Wits- throWn by his frizrid. rho. thing McClure sat down in a chair exclaiming ."Witit A minute till.1 get my ,breath.' lid was cameo out in the air and 1.)t, , W.. Tyerman celled. . The Dr. • was quickly on the scene but life was already - extinct. The District Coroner, Dr, Mc- Lean of Lang, was Sept for, who arrived in the afternoon. Corciner made the usual inquiries but depicted, no• in. quest was necessary '.1.18 he co-iecided with Dr, l'yertnan in that the deceased had died • through over strain of Iiis heart MeClure had 'beeii here but a short time, having dome from Rouleau here, but was well liked and his, sudden end unfortunate deatle18 a shoek lila Mewls. The body was embalmed, and sent by the evening train td Menge :4Tuw where it seas inet by his brother Who would heed the sad duty to proceed with it to their hoine'in Lucknow, Ont. after ,a to montha' • visit amend Acton and Georgetown; •' Mise Dorthy Barge, who was in the est for the past two years„ arrived nor a couple of weeks ago. , Mrs Win, Regan is spending a, ethiple 0 noriths visiting her. claugh- ter;; Mrs.' „ ady,. of Strathroy. • ,Fred °aloe tt, who bus been in the employ Of Tom ."andy •• for the pa,et Season, loftiest week for Southanapten, Where he has aecurecl'\a, positihn in a chair factory •theee. , „ gee. James, who has had ergo of the Parish 'lit 'Ripley,' has been ap- peinted bishop to the parish • t Lion's 1 -[cad. He Will take overhiS nes duties ileonce: • , • ' • , Mrs (Dr.)__TanneeLrind daughter, a Miss Agnes; of LucknoW, are 'the gueSts 11 of Airs. (Dr.) McGrointion. . Mr. Thomas. Meagan, :of Ripley, has been appointed -returning ofileer..fer the'. Tiding of"Ciairii lruee iii the awning provincial eleetioe. Ift'S S. T.- Jaci-soe . who has --been visiting at Gnissy Lake., Alberta re- fereed yesterday, accompanied by her datightee• Mrs;' • Alcerestic,,and young Son, . • . KINCARDINE . ,William Kellum las' boUght. :the butter. factory at Bak•vie Whieh has •been lying i Ile for seine' time. •He Will commence eperatiuns at once, William ••Klinstuber 'and wife, from Prince,.Edward,Cotinty,.. hare settled. on Nelson street. ' '.Mr.'Klinstuber is employed in the works of the Hunter Bridge and .Boiler Co: ,'' • Captain 'D. ''Aiet.eocl, of Sontb- impton, was • the guest. of John Tehnie On, Saturday. . The Captain is thejether ef Dr. McLeod; of Kin - Cardin° and is Manager of the . North • ern Fish: Curing mid ,Exporting Comolo painEO Y;: of il4o outhinit.ttpo: EE,Ea...i.riv:e • ly pung men and boys were brvught. efore Magistrate Baker on Bloilday. - on a owe'en eight,. There are fifteen - tiler, -who have yet to appearbefore le no, cietrate in .connectien with Iallewe; a outrages hut. :the-thits ave been •oStp.oneu on .acCount of ie absence f • the town•ehlicitor, tie expected iat other charges- Will 0 laid against• her- youtliK-trt-ls ing Bible Study and:First Aid. • All others Must reinain. away. until' 8 o'clock sharp, when the. remainder of the evening's programme will be put 011. 6.---11,00ms will be open to all boys -an•d_yetinguien uatil whetbee you have yet joined the Y. M. C. or not; but after that date. ,to "Mem hers onlY:",:t Join now and help feral the-groeps:and team -9 -in the '-earious. activities, The Board is desirous that. eveiy boy, and young man should Jinn the organization, boost the organization, and live up to the oreanigation'e ideals in manliness and eitizeriship: • • MARKETS. " , • .. • (Correeted up. t9'Wednesday noon) - Peas........,... Oats. .. .• .. ".Ba.eley Potatoes • • . • - • •• 13utter .. :' . . . '. Eggs, fresC .. Ducks, Chick.ens 2 Geese . .. .. .. .. ;Turkey -8 '.... :- 1192,-s. , .... . : •: . WEORING BALLS ne The 'telephope • 'convention hold iii Toronto was ;Molded by Alessra. W. It, McDonald, T, E. -Morgan and (1.• Goa - directors of the Heronaxel Kinlosa Telephone company, and keel genteel- , tor, N. Lytle. • LOCK:NOW MOH scticfiLlic?pitit. :04SAMAN"Hts.in1Y, 1"61664 XI. • • •N"..Nieleils'on; 70; E.'Atatlicrk'OOLA, Cinieroui, 56;1'. Fit 'rii171,52;L. Ag7 tieWs:47:; 1)..AfeKenzie, 40; t.' 40;'u. Mitchell, 46; Greer, '44; E. .S0theriand, 43; L;:111akei•lii;',F. Haines„. 40; 1. Xikon, 40; IL McMUlaui, :30; 11. Gardner; 39; 1. Switzer, Aide- tesa, ;3; -At 111111*(41, 29; V. Johnston, 24; it I), McKinley; 25: M . cDonald, 24, • , ' . , Apfi.:1111,,t; Nion•ison, 90; N. Graham', 74; A. Spindler,00; ALSinith, 51; 11. Gordon, $5; j. Cook; 54; V. Halms, 58; W. Anderson,,6!20V.. Confrell,'.49; D .2u1cr Intoih, 47 E. Wilson, 45. 11..Andersole. 43; A. Webster 37; M. eackett, 35;: L. Ituritere- 0.1,Stothers 30* °,1. Newton, no; rwm, .22; 'A. Carbort, 12; E. Mcgairtig, • , A week from. etxt Sunday Will be Atniiversary Services in the Methodist ;Churcb:, • / tl li ti Said -that the du age done topro- . pertythis, year is G 6 greatest 'ever perpetrated. ou 1Xollo‘ 'tea fie :Me eardine, and will lunette to several hundred doltars: • A Evral, Eoirrusre Sher itfr. •:hearing,thite he' and' other mar ict 7.s. of the family !nay he the le heirs to' a fortune of 814,006;000. %VilJia,b. Mall?tw died at his home hare Sunday.,, , The money was left by an •uncie who died some :timeago, at Buenos A.yres. "William Male,* and his 'brother John who, died seem tithe ago,' had. oftee heard, from bine; and it was eurrentlf Xepoeted that he •wag lin- menselV rich. The first word they. had oflis death was when an adVer- tiseineritapp:eared asking for relatives, to Whom littabeen. left $14-,000,000, • The, two McGaw (amides wrote' at. (Mee to.those.ln charge of the estate, and ate tilixionsly awaiting fur ther word; The late uncle was a bachelor„ • and they had not seen him , itt many years.There ere a fitiniber of other brothers and sisters, ',eh% if the .news. is correets. will shere in the fortune. Cate' of Thanks A11-.1111(1 Airs. P. AtcClure and Wilily desiro to eXpreSS their a)prepiation .of theinany.Itindnesscs rendered 'them during, their recent bereayement., ' ' , , ' , ,. • SCRM4S.On1t--JO1I1,TSTelsi . . - ' - A very pretty wedding took place 'at high noon on 'Thursday, November,16h, at theT6iii676rMi.71.rid-Ifig: 1.1,Telicird JOluiston,'Palmergton, Ont., when their youngest daughter, giitqe,. vets united. in niarriiige-.W.Williailf.-Scrungeour, a 'young •G;12---.11,;'-engineer- of Palmerton; formerly of Lucknow, -The ceremony was performed by the Rev. W S. Jam- ieson.. Pastor of .the Methodist Church: The' bride enteredthe parlor,' which was prettily decorated with crysantheduins, an'l cstroations, leaning on the arm. 'or her father, to the strains of LoheugritY8 wedding niarch, which was played by jail Johnston, brother Of the bride. , The bride, who wat.euattended; ;looked charming in a •Champaigne , Paillette t„ -extended ). the young couple, thegueits Silk costume trimmed With lace and in. ser "Onto mateli and • carried a shower lboqtat. of bridal roses' and smilax. -After -t e UStial tongratulatiobs Wei.° retired to tl e dining-roein Where , a dainty wedding. die= Was partaken .6f, . The happy colt' te". left on the 4'clock train for Mot,t,-i-al. aed Ste. Therese, Que., where theywill pend their honey - moi. The bride 'tray led in a grey tailored 'suit witli liat to match: •pit., many useful end costly pre, t\its receiv- ed showed the high esteem irt which the young brideis held, atiaang them being a kitelich.shower front the Methodist Choir, Of whiehtlie bride Was a mother, , mga • •-- WelLeree: =Itt kinlogsen Sunday, ...Vor 10, Ade,. beleved wife of Wiltett Webster, 4tged 31 •ye.arg-; 5. months, 1,C) days. • Funenti to ,Oreenhitl cemetery at 3 o'clock on Tuesday, •NOV, 21,‘• NEW DISPLAY ADS. THIS WEEK. Madding changes:of old ones by local advertisers only. (Most other display ads. are Cbaxiged regularly according to a pre -arranged schedu10 • MoCharles. , W, T. Holmes.. , ; • 1 F.J.• Areastreng . . . ; 1 • Arnistreng Barrett. - ,: 1 '• Menaelsee fii:•113fitzatein. L. LaChipelle : . . 1 Connell.; • -4 Joynt Shoe Store,', • 4,,' J, Armstiorig... , .4 J. G. MurdochCo,,. 5 - • Read these ads: Patronize the ad- vertisers. Business Men who pay for newspipet space 'have soniething Of value to tell you and pay you the �ipTrii&iit ofaliother'llTer X think your patronage worth soliciting. , 1000 lbsyg FOWL Wanted Weekly. Fowl will be received every day. • except -Friday -afternoons • and Saturdays. , Get our Prices before Selling. • W. T. HOI1/4MES - Lucl5nolv. '•,. , Dry WOOd. for Sale ' . . First-class ' beech an,d Maple. .Wood, Apply to James Forster, . " . , . . • 71-1:i_eie.. ' ehial and Puldionery Troubles • TICK TALK There's many a •time when a few rninutrs out of the way May mean a big differende you. It won't he the fault of the watch if you miss your train or:appeint- ment, that • ,is •providing. it is a Regina' The prices' of these Watehes fitted dust .proof Niekle cases Are 57,00, 19.00, 13 00„; 20..00; 25,00 36,00, and up. Every watch .-guariateed-fur Years. -Iftyou are. thiliking of buying -a *etch soon, come in.and let us shay': them to you. '' F.T.ARMSTRONG • JEW,ELBR AND,: OPTICIAN. • Special attention given to . repairing. ' I.r..,1114.--.,.it446-::.-.. ' Winter Season AS.- Yot!. 4.11..K4'.0‘.. 14 is the time when yeti need - ; • ' 'protection againt ',Throat,: Oren- ,•• Dog Lost, .„ Several ;weeks. ago' in Lucknow, a young Scotch collie dog, yellow, with white br5at.,,whi./e strip down his nose, and long tail. Reward for his ' return, :or for information that will lead' to his .recoyery. • Thos. Strong, Lanes. 21-11-p, . , . /-I eifer ' oat About ,. 5 weeks ago,. strayed from Whitechurch, a grey heifer, deliorned. Weight; about 950 pounds. • Reward for her return or for information that will 'lead to her recovery.' Miles McMillan,: ,ticknciwT • 7:r1.2 -c.• gams forf Sale, .. Putebred Oxford 'Down • Ram, Lambs' for,Sale=prices right. • • - - W•m T Thompson, •' „ • Lot 19, Con. 9, 4inloss, Holyrood, 'P P. 0. 2.341-p. Stocic' Durhamhuils and 'Leicester Sheep - 6 young hulls, 6 bhearling rams,':' num- ber- of ram Iambs and a number Of slieatling ewes and eWe' limbs. Alp a ,number of Oxford -Ewes and ram lantbs. • PURVEs EROS., I.4Ot 43, on. 1, KinloSs, Situation Wanted . After first week in November,' by lady from Dungannon as helper, companion, or general servant in or near Lucknow,_ Address inquiries to ,Sentinel Office; 26-10,c.• • • , Rot Sale • Choice Barred Plymouth Rocks and White • Wyandotte 'Cockerels: • pric.s reasonable. Greer Bros t Trout Creek 'Farm Lucknow, -Ont. • ; Logs Wanted1:-...i. nye hundred thousand' feet of all -kinds-of- Beech, -Birch:- Basswood, etc., for which highest prices will tre paid. Apply for particulars to john Button, . - :Furniture Factory. 11 Have you used Vinol? Itis a -Palatable and 'Recon- structiVe Tonic: -Na Dru, Co's, Nyars„,....SeoGes _anclEgg_Eirinl- sionti are all .aelling.,now.• Pure Olive Oil in bulk. . All fresh and good at r. Spence's _Store ru SATURDAY SPECIAL.I40. 7.. Soniethieg for e v'e 'housewife anteveryone • whb has baking to do. Extra Special Saturday . Special one of the best values we have yet been . able to (ler. • - Saturday, Nov. 25th. . , "EGG -0 BAKING POWDER • . Regular 25 cts. per fie' _ To clear, at .15. cents each. ,' • Absointely .Pure, Full t. eneqt1allei17 Quelity..• Come early white our stock 'lasts. Fcir Sale 'rop buggy; Afetatighists cutter,' with small seat in, front; harness; robe,' -mid a • cutting box,. Both vehicles•in good re - pan... Price • right for iminediate:. putr- chase Win: Armstrong, • • • ' • Furniture Pactorv , '• • Lucknow. 31:11.p. sso.o.o REWARD, • Por anrwatch that I clan - "riot fix: Satisfaction guar- . anteed. Give Inc atrial. ,LaCHAPELLE SHOES, REPAIRED • Promptly; • Neatly • Satisfactorily • " . ,Prices lowest possiblo. •GiV,e US a trial.. AilliiSTROiG86 BARRETT (In the old Gallagher stand.) _D. J. McCHA'RLES Snap in Boys' Suits • JUST AkREIVED--A lot 'Of Boys' u its, 3, piece with.bloOlie.' er points, regular. ,t6,50; clear. ing at 84.50 . Man's and Ladies' All Wool • and Fleece Lined roderwear Men's Overcoats, lined with • AstraChan , and with !German_ Otter Collars, Best quality at Lowest. Prices. ; Ladieg' 1 ur-, S. speeial kind with storm.' collar, large, Made of Bleiek. Sable, regular ::;:•10.00 •and 12.00 cletrine- at 7 00 and • 8 00; Gentlemen; hunterand trap- pers, • we want Your Very of every description. , act the best prices in your own; town -Don't .depolni on outside 'buyers, Goesi, reathers Wanted ..30e. per pound trade MENDELSON& BLITZSTEIN Thesnt of Luck :Joh 1)6110 now OTC, ,S1161idaYar et aneat4 kin& oe • tom t&bIe cooma, l4