HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1911-11-16, Page 5. .r rage S.n. BRUT; E• NEWS •: Mr. and Mrs. Owen Webb of Glreen- --" CI rec n 1 , 41-i raMd—their golden- oc ., e tY . wedding, A.n 18-months•old pig. recently: .by Wrn.,�bpa row of Farriers weighed 615 pounds 3'he local .option, ..campaigri: �i' the Walkerton district is .said to be. one of the bitterest. elver waged. Both . Bides are.stialiniag_ Q'vgry i nerve, to carry the electorate,, Jos. 'Keller, • sif the 7th. concession, of' Carrick, brought into. M' dmay a which weighed. pounds •fellow was pretty ..black radinh e l; . � rem, The little and was, of appalling. dimensions. One sick for some time afterwards, says snore evidence,- •says-- thv Mildmay, the: T'aisley Advocate, tuts,iii°. now,. Gazette, of the remarkable fertility of pretty well recovered. Carrick soil. .. Wiarton, lost one of her most promi has heen•ctminenced on the eenstruc� int citize s,recently, in the' person of ion. of a branch line .of' the' South bent �► I'Mr, W. i. Cross. Mr;• dross was the Bruce Rural Telephone Company, ••publisher; of the' Wiarton Echo for from the Eters Road; South, ,to Mibi ,lirany:.years, and. has were, `recantly , may. A dozen' subscribers h.4ve • been " been iii. the furniture and undertaking secured, which 18 suilicient to. warrant: basil oss• t<1:o way a member of the. the Company in erecting the•lin-, and • Whitton Masonic 1•id�ge and the; Chap • it will not be long until, most of the toy and offanto Preceptory, Owen residents' of the, Elora Road fall in Sound line. It is expected that the �lnew • prOeYtY of .Harry Rogersravas .stolen tittle woof •Wm. •Schwalm, of Vkild- ' , kicked on the head'. from 'the • Pacific _ .. Wiarton. High conatable. Ward was by a horse• , He was leading th ellinal ue i 'n tracing the t•) the water trough when ,the notified and auccee red i . a ! r eS ' _swum __round . anal: kicked the ,lad in. robe to• a farmhouse -aabattb_t-wci nil i, from. the town. The man' was brought. the ferebe. • ad, j+ st abiove ' ti1''e Y�'' •'fore Magistrate Millers and vas: i The,boy. was . renderer , uncenscic�iis,, i �' � Stored and the doctor was immediately celled f h p if' Hotel sheds in •may was recently k e to it owner,- The robe was r e i to-- aciminister.__r nelrtgtl aid. glues to its ownor. : _ - _ _� � _ _�_ of • hours later the boy re,arned ,conscious S'rUNO BY BLEs, -The little son Derr, but foil several days be was in John: 'young, of Dunblane,, while an extremely critical condition. lie" playing around in , the oechard d c c s the Gazette, rbed-.the•�tarne bees. "The enraged' : is now out of danger,, Y to went and.will be- alright_..ag:rin soon.. • insects at'him" in full force; YOUNG MAN'S TERRIBLE Cr:A?ri•— stung him in every available place; was,. ,finally rescued his. Russell. Brooks, a young; roan • ,emploav-• and. when he ,, hair, mouth,, and. nostrils were full'of 'ed at; the •farm of 1V Il am s B ie , near Lion's. Head, m8 d terrible death a few' days; aga. When sl► ivi in a load of roots: from .the field, the site board an the wagon box became Loosened an'l the boy lipped_o( the lead in front." He.was apparently ilramed by the toot for a hundred yards or. Diose Later - a neighbor saw the team standing.';ei l,, and, .on approaching to .investig , disc over'ed the. boy lying face •upwards. in a ditch with the front wheel of ''the wagon across his body, : •.R,e had. been dead half an ileus or mere. 1 RURAL. PHONES EX:LENDING.—Work AecIDEN'rs'A'i. WILLISORO'FL --J It. Craixford, of Williscroft; says a .cor- e,�--Enter p reisa,... recently. had Iia nose broken in peculiar manner, When letting down the roof of an old- woodshed, IL m1twe of scantling; fell• and.struck hi... on his nasal organ, with the stated.' ace,—a+n8 horse belonging. to Thomas Peaaceck got its foot caught in the roots of an oldtree stuband fell onto a hemlock tree 1 -yin; on the groUnd. Knots nn the, tree.,trunk cut it from the head to the breast, necessitating 18 stitches to close the wounds. The veterinary said it'wa;;, the worst case of the kind ... a:« that he' was ever- railed' •to` •attend. Jco:ltuNsHits ,IpoozD.—For many•. moons it has been .c,in►m'oir, gossip.. arou,rrd. Southampton, says the' Bea- con that clown :around'. the termnial of the. G. T. .R. was not. a very Y "dry,, spot -for a locals. option . town, I cense Inspector, Reany •has• been around: and went ,down to see the late train cine in at different .. ti Ines but to hill it always appeared his dry as any other • •portion . of', the town. . omplaints" reached ..the railway authorities and .last Friday a stranger arrived in`townand that• evening' at the stiction • "happened" 'upon three young Men' of the town who were ind'ulginn the cup which cheers and also inebriates. Justice of the .Peace McIntosh on Saturday 'disposed of the matt �i 2 and•' its' 'i one case andAl and costs ill' each of the other cases. • • INVADED TIIE FAcroav ---A number Of young boys were caught rustling thii,s about in the Paisley • carpet factory • building on Saturday. after-• noon, says, . the ; Paisley Advocate. They 'had opened a. window and after getting inside were 'disporting then selves by throwing loose articles around.• A. member .of , the Council; -who heard the-r-acJket, quietly made his way in an 1 'came upon them un- awares. He was able to corral a majority of Abe bunch, and before � ixEu >•os `Tibl�;i~�f:=0ir^�-a�eptem••�ljraneli�vwll: be-c:i►,mp>et�+d thly__' � °' • bei � res �o �oni't't5�lrrs` d d 1 P p se•�• 31,, a fine Saskatchewan, robe, the SICKED BY FioasE. —E war ,, tie • EEKLY STORE N E W KINCARDINE Itecen,tiy,, when preparing to take a shot at.some pigeons on the farm. of It. ,McIntosh, near Tiverton, Dr. W. t,-,ucr�-aiipped-o thor frozen earth. and. ftaetured a bone in his leg. Rev. Malcolm MacArthur will be ed as pastor of the Knox Pres- byterian Church here `on " Nov: 23. There will be a special meeting of the. Presbytery in the evening'' after the induction. h The G. T. R. is overhauling.. t....e freight sheds,'.and putting on 'a new roof. •Apparently it is the Company's. i itentiion tit fix up. this building ao that it will harmonize with the neat, clean surroundings of: the station. ' Mrs. Margaret Hewitt, relict of the late Christopher Hewitt, died on Fri- day last at her home, concession 5, Kincardine •Towi,ship. She, was fib; y, es,rs: , ,old,, •and • one of the ' earliest self in Bruce County. The funeral was, Mild on Monday afternoon. Sanitar The-most-se-n,sible.Cap is the one shown in this _cut. 1-§-tdarl,e-like-tuostrother-eaps-in-style,. but_ for winter • ithas 'a worited knitted elastie attachment that hugs the ears -and overs- the lorehead;_keeping every part warm 'hut not too.--warmijas it. is perfectly sanitary' and folds inside when not needed ' Prices .5o, 75 and t.00. ' See . • alsar oui Many other Specal line, with -fur -lined ear . . pro_ EASTERN !miff BAND tectors at 50, 75._ and. -.00: Do.. NOT tow LINE f'Uct SAND. Ladies .Aviation aps. 75p., , 11" ,their names. An interview with t e town :magistrate be the next • pro For - One Day's-, Work MAcL,EAN'S MAGtAZINE an.nounces that they, will LU or in ani serieunding tewn.?rvi!lge, an art • from their new 'catalogue of premiums., •, • icle Which may be seleeted resident of this yieinity; died at his ' hon -ie on Friday. About .a week ago . was stricken with paralysis • and never rallied. T45' was widely known as a thresher, but - latterly had been employed as fireman and engineei at Rea!! Mills. ThrliiiieTarTortreld- on Monday, RObert McKay, son of Rev: Dr. MCKay; of the eolith side, while home holidaying with • his parents, was rendered very. ill, in conseqUence, it is believed, of having eaten .some kippei.ea herring. ...He was Jot some time under the care of 1)r. Ferguson, but has 'Made a„gooci recovery. -been Organiat Kriel! church, Kin eardine, for the past seven months, has been:appointed to 'preside at, the ..organ in Central Methodist Chareh,- rapidly going te ,wreek, bet the condi- tiernof,' the plape is not altogether .due to 'the depredations of ainschieVouv of Adainsville, is 'not' a small man. He tips' the; •-scales, somewhere when landing,..,with a party. of deer They are called Aviation Caps, bitt they are ,j-ust---ns-----pretty Li, , knittd in all whiteand in color coMbinations, pried 75c. and 1 Q0 • FASHIONED MUFFLER • iris Toques with Pompons nil re • gian pa,y, Managing in .his descant to .e.stch hold. Of the end of the wharf; and. there lie Was. '.11e Could:not' pull himself hp; hevras too heavy to lift; he Objected to being drmained; and no life sushi,:, appliances, 'Were near te who, goes to:Mount. Pleasant Pres r. Fruit shipments ,frein Kincardine 'this' year'do not indicate ,so had a PeaSOn .as •prophesied: -1—. The National tand, Fruit and Packing atiation 360 baskets of early fruit to Toronte, '2400 barrels to their storage plant in' TrentOne andfuur carloads of mills to their—evaporator and • rider mill at ,Ilerald and ' Wir.tkly Star" in this district haVe • received their copy Of) the 'beautiful premium pictilre entitled, Canada's leading monthly phblication, Canada's leading; monthly public ati9n, A few of your..,,,spare hours: dei'mted ,te the work will be, sufficient tO earn ,th-,e article you, want. . t MabLxAN's .MAGAzork forwaid OW premium you earn, absolutely free • Among some Of the sp:endid, prernitiros.effered are effect his reeene Finally, however, a,. • were hitenght,. to bear; and the 250-- . or pounds: of, humanity was, drawn. •,t beautiful work 'of art, all • ready f suitablei•hea,d covering for Fall and .Winter., they are ma:de of 'fine various colors, with large white porepen• oii the side, prke 00 cents •each. The ',4iew style Motor Scarf is bounl to be popular this season. It knitted in pretty shades, fringed.at the ends and' makes. a': handsome neck wrap far gentleman or lady; colora, Freriel: Grey, ohampaign, ' We have also a good stock of the popular 13ra.dley , Aluffler in the best shades at 60 eta. , •• • . . ''Ovelitoat.p „, ...Welase a niee Stock of Boys',, Overcoats and Rsefers, : just the thing' to keep them wiriri-dnring-- the cold—weather : Little Boys'Overcoats-siies.2:1 to_26, prices .50, 3.00, .4.00,, rAA edict:Iv:Echo, it Was discovered that - the. water, where be haa heVri in mortal terror cf dreWbing, wee only • Crewe It•looks and feels like .winter. john Kilpatrick'arrive 1 home from the West recently:- John thinks the , and Percy' Finnigan Obtained a fine' wild goose last ,Wed- neaday weighing III lbs. Good for . Herb. Curran and Andy, CUlbert are somewhat tinder the weather at present. We hope to. see :them out again, soon. Qaite a few froin 'around here took in the goodtime at Mr. M. Saunders'S nivciraary service here last. Sunday afternoon.and eVen.ing bat on account of the rough day they were not very well attended, • . evening' q, one of.ltobert, Trelbaven's after, baing in about Six feek 'of nearlY aft day,:she was rescued safely. Pig Beys!•Iteefets, sizes 29 to 35,:priee8 3:00, 3.50 4,0( and 203 We are selling lots.of Ladies Long CoatS. •and have had to repeat many lines 'several times alr.eady this season. We are well assorted all the best shades: Our Speciarcare priced crit 7.5o, to.00, 12.50 and ts.00., Besides these We 11.—Store 'closes at. 6 , except 8iturday.s. (meat family paper for such a, small sum of one dollar a year is,a niy§tery. f!The'Fairdly Herold and Weekly Star" slionld 'add' thousands of new sub ' soribers this season. They :well de- serveit, for:each value has never be- fore been given. • There is a:big stir - prise in store for those who receive the pictiire "Home Again." . Daniel' Dineeri cued on NOV, '10t11.1911 L Mr. John Griffin and family have moved to Goderich to live. ' fist, suffering from Neuralgia. Mrs. Pwen and son, Ohartie, of 4oderich, visited at is,Teil McDonald's Over Sunday. She -Was accompanied. by, her uncle, Wili McDonald, cif Al - St. losepli ,!3 Chu nit, tougs ridge,. was the scope .ok ti very pretty weddine, Wednesday mornieg at 9•• o'dleck°,, when Miss. Jennie Griffin bleame the bride of 'Timothy Gritlip. The. bride was giVen 'away by her, father She wore a very pretty dress of grey and large black picture bat. Slit WaS. at - .tended 'by her, sist4 Miss ,LiZzie G ,fin. wearing cream with brown hat, • • Mr. Ted. Griffin Cousin of the grobin was ,groornsmaii., Gold Watches, Bicycles, Hand Bagss SUR • Casese Cameras, Skates, Boxing Gloves, Books,. etc. Write to day•for one of their catalogues. , .A. • post card will do. Be the first to win one ot these splendid preiniams, s Magazine 143 - 149 Un'iversiiy Avenue. TcTON;ro owrAmo lietink—no small 'miter. to forsake 'i i extravagance and:learn, to save.. . ii ii ""' ',Von will neyer learn ..nriless. You have the incentive Of a Savings ..keeMult: Do not pibcrastinate—eall at. the Bank ..-et:liamiliOn.r-•atid Open an ladcount 914 The Home. Paper ,-Giv'es Y" the reading nutiter,Iii —the hotne news. , Its every iSgsue will prove a weloothe vnator oven, rueriber of the fandly. It should head your list of nditspaperr and periodinil e man ree Meals a uestion- 99 This is the prOhlem confronting the average housewife—a problem of : trip to Our...store and the .pureliase of. For the Woman Question i's not onlyik, ,Gtirney-Oxfords are the, only sto.vei the answer in, Thaney-Oxfotd7-•firs:t in con- (needs only to .be set. at •a .pro,Per ang e t StructiOn, as well as convenience first in ''hold heat for kolas witho?it izttentiol,t.. No. !co The O'rate is. 'Reversible' with strong ••• teeth that •save %accumulation of clinkers and waste, • ,; In point of aPpearande---nickel Oxford ha.q not a rival.- Come to our 'store.' and •find the' best ansWer to the Woman. .. h t eat biii• h w to cook it and you find licensed to sell with this wonderful patent, It o facilities for control and readiness. , The fuel is wasted -::a s,ving' of 26 per cent? Divided Oven, Plite Strap assures , perket baking because of its even heat -distribution, and&in. every detail the perfect construction; Of this Chancellor R,ange asstlres`satisfactory cool.;:ing results. • Ario4ier phase Of tile. citlOstion economy) and we inVite a visit to our store, expreSsly ,that you mayexamine the Marvell- ous fuel -saving device the „, of Luck. kg how 00. is holidays. et meat.% kinds •of