Lucknow Sentinel, 1911-11-16, Page 3A 4- Alit - M 177. 7 7:7 or i�7 # vy Ritill! 112%J111lip py; jj� I f IF _7 TO TAP C, 0" . L 40? 0 N R 4 1h 1P T Itt Ral nj m5c #IF -111W A`X "YO S j7p Milt, MX orvp foe 3, lor -14 f4 r 1 410 V, Italk Im"T '4fla�. 0 F4 4, .6ng-, 'gj and q_:K.;jMiaf, r as O'n tile I c !_ f '' �4 A123s.J001c to Th e pan, -Qlq.s Like Of 'Pip, A4,goW arti0es 409®r; w0ter W, jo 11�1 rp9wertiratid Ilery closl 1; nz . P pr .0)� irylitatbd, I Ave It 11 y qopeCI Iwo W c A 4 spill 4 inst4pee ons a; ld 4 to WJ.5e Matter Qom, our Wd musc, t A. 3T101jigaii a- V# P rdlAn" imit4ti sp on 044., R $a, ports Nol-t1wrij, lo4 I.,, "ill, -1 Arld', To 0111itoW wlie M J ix 4c moos n BROW LEX-A Noi 3"si, 0 e, Q red lio, ec Ine, to, 44;cvt 'Lye w kilo., ag rid d" at : 110' At k "to be� aR t* te-n years, 7 1101y, 87 to r�sentQd . tQ b­tll_ h'ri f -T r Is re o," (.,b PICkmg� p�eket�, "Or. -Ere I As �-Ci oil, rivetor. FUk, Dr l0, .011WOe, 0 F_ pq wpa,thix,, -. Ont-iria' "I' o r W1. I _... t;� . IJ 9 U V, 09d " Was 1 2 At,44 our jy1j"A'eV - h to 44 c)f -()� n thll�llng* Wft e 1 Is You, ai to 411 Igo. at e Parrej (,lf w ot, k,j -an Will 'of olyi t r;wk, 'I'o r o r I t, 47' 1�2 10 ry go �1. hat bag bee 45,,c tot (4 Qf U May L)ur- A' Sui"cess f14K.. Jmjta-� a 4.40 4t 44c tors' are, h6t, rclj4�jp peop that t bsoi�ttly f roin p 'At w he 6L." IVO X]Mr4ett ob Lit tf uq& kind 7— 40,11d Offis, are Ii. eed 1, ey., Oils) so IIly jiP 0� �th every �t;ule nthe voty, oil t I WRITE afoR GILL ETTCOM IMITF does rl It 1, . : , . L2L .15SENCY To RONTO - 4 4. 1: rq, 46 bags.. k 'I . tLIS,5011 the Bond' ull our r01 n"Was Innath of :6r 013f and '411411,00 A LU ilfor. YIUIA sold' bas orY: =44d lititurn if,u at 14,50 to y 25 clibice ottIckerl;1 f 26(!;, to 9004 sale a NURS*F"i do yoli to % 92 , to 174C. itt $4.75. bi j4rty We ch.ift. W6,;t;f 28 to p -British t0 27c fdr,lltifi C)trse of 01, were �to h. ul z c ox O -W T AG, 8 . h LAIR G a L OF 25(" J)Lr' Ilho fox'. -our catal BE A P"P;sC141 at the 15c L01"d 3 -orl's U R RY 0 K JN7 , , - p . - C, I I I . . - I s at 15 1 4� banquet.and. WA 40' ' t 'Tal- 0 ALE '$3 iwitt �Qr 1 emen por 0' r e reo 60.1ty; t A o qrdtl�j 6, -Imo .,Pri �5 Ila Q from says ab s- aild It rjj 6t Th 'D A r f ritm (Id I _. . P lIV to jj�l. RATLI IiVV Kot-rg, distiq* f �liolt - 'X . I I I . . I L ellartment' of Q'on�l. Zspapt �rrorri 41 , .. , . 12, F ri 1VQ I;! Cal' d oto -so. 01'c��Ign ip Qoadj capital <)f tle�njeritgL ha� 'but e bQt b-ceii. di�tj U1, Hays ataining ttId Coll - and ed 13111T I IN' ffineA hak-d b en out" , : -.. , in sereral in in a 'rectiotLs of . th t, the, "t. cikv Ob e native city t $7, or n� : . . 1.�., SSRI h 0 Do t �a W, ;ba hAt th like, to $to- nd 1,00t etop;. : fl r e S. flad-' -ing. a of n. ton th 0. a 6.1a filgrl d - d oh ly, Ill ; I I .0 n, a('11 t1le 14L"JILlit� oq fof Tibei I it 0 12q 1)j�r 1), �QafltfjLh j.. 'L And f e 0 to' iLl DL sSp 10 1. was ka" 19 ;to T:fto 51ye.ela for and tilt p a a -,S Ion its, ___AL W41 LI. bV an a er W af -d IStatti !Jarge ldlryd6ck hPinm`Qyi.� 'q WMI16' d' nd Ho (ISd-, I" ley yve pate I' f ridl�U. 'PCI, I -ted a, naval"st, j- 0, U U,l d e ''t eve 'by .3 I.j.t,i8b a ion r inbrt� ht ces of Supply;1 is &4Ltg� o'tit Forbi ner ,e oU14i tit I tak ddel". 1 Y a rc,� 'I a a 111�a s 4� breach� of thip,1jus,1 to ling� in gf�eai eut, $ZZ. 50 '4� r'IC13 "an d e . aw. so an:- Oecfri Arng, and'Otber'stqr6. i7lagot TU II lei, It is tilat lbal, To -0 had -b I 0H I n I gitini has Ili 1poptlIa- � i � farltij-r ail .1 !, i '900,090, and da.va ry. t theL Cajja�dja'n Jr 700 sIlIo,3:4 4,q j&: 's nes.: :baek hlan6hu' Fir t on'ibf- 1 h '14 'i;4 I IX iwes in th� trjj'if6.d �Iat U 3 U &Uj itle, f y st ed. f af 'inAt niang, 17p; is'quite �Nrho 'nit�ed, tateS", , , ract o, muril" t1lt . - "' ' ' e . . . . st d 'f libih. A oofof thig Oud tji�� Publili s4s Thti Lt,-Lti, onthiieefld ! , 91% or� h Or! '6: Bag u t nd 4�nt6 With f, flThe" IN -pf Ftj pil TJIjjyi,dj�' A tile The -a I-,(-? 0 n�th' C 10 shed itt iL b �14­0.3tts iY Jiok� -110 -a ca Ion', ald 40 to 48 I;zc I&AS of 1wo 0. ail prij e,fit $ all in L . I .. oso'by. 1 ; ol' t "a e0d... 47112, t0 ­48c_ go,, I Ui Ill" espatel 2 ')g'o a' i, %,-h ji anj quesrjon to- 46 t jr 47 W 47 04gh ilgwo 47- .0be httlrtdj,�ed JJJL all- the:.jjj i nd-L q �th IL;O,. 45 1.2 o6 is 'd ap res� rj of . callud. . beeil to .4 d d Ile cati,,� 4X fi i h- ':b X11 - e:Preqatc beta n V n":OrSL t,6 I loll t rip iat" of J�'It oui, ha:ve- t h a ..tlilat, oas�jldn Y f Uitlo d ay ;night. gutted which I �-o IT I 113, .. - ;. 1 ; 65 j, ge <1 ULj I to([, "j;tt wint -1�, li� e"(14 L pw�o, ff4 gin lie, all: .111 X0Ijt oil, of tho t th� )Jsr pi Y, rg '10d, o The iw, I Th e� app L jilt n c.e8 ra E. Y o d til00 Geor cd It Filed The 1% ge mOr - :- , oy-st,,yre 1411114 I . 1, F vlo� . . ill I r A er Ca jVhe �.L_ - . . . . hmnie)rit m arIL na it --'d' ale n t� or' -Ij k� IE, G, ttio C tie t,jlo 1)6, +catly 'to Ca:), at q;dLo Of 'j ag. .0.1, city IVI.S 'allit Th IT mak-p m $26 to err fiec's Ti ee.SSa I. 04, .26 1.2 fd'2S err( er .;n-4_4ted Tlie, Pe bt;' Pto(1. -22 j.� to cta6 �Uot, beg "1110' 't It r -lilt t7w boll 'o1`t'l`%%Iluit'r,(Uo Lire 14 tthe G t 6 andiwb or_ je, ted (I b D t If t ly, fiI' toy -Ili d ft'Ind lldt`bnj�f if iP- 4K 0, (A) li I, - , e qjrI I1�(" VII ori UiLp, I I -u . x., F I L;,*' tk Inli I. I , I , .. -j 'D - j. ir iq , , , I of. L A. b' .0 k' t oto. oterns. lZ 5-8 of ra is p(T 'ptj�� q , f)llilding t1eqtion L Ill cl ?I,: �foeo the I T13 tilt-, L 'V 1) .44�rATX.4 _r f03 Lite t th � I I Y' J)_., , i. are loff lIebalf ts to F7-0 " p I �f , . 1. t) 1,:, :110 it ak4t f1j. LUWUSL. till r tt Rif L L tjtjjjj() ' -1 :)7 7- lilitword dutt if t L fir, '. " �j 'L ". - - N tj� q aiS Tiyilit Is all Of uPat-* IT. �Xrxt, n Iilk tit J�f , -, , tf 1� , I , f t h it thin dithupIty., ))if, d 1"Ite ti TJ tk,i SIT )4 7. Uft', 40. i'a"t, of, abt6a(' Co. Vvc-lo, (jut) '14 of, tiltint I(qt; V11 I tit 512' 1"o, fie to- 45 litol, e�' Of 01; rid of cod 4ultd saro WffhL a: btx of goad �5,�S trow'$4' ourr.'dr� tile Pa k, it V Dro t 9 fkhd 4t%q lit, "hit V., ouw� ling theivitritio, $S. 7� 1 6t �JJILr Cod S,j j iA A OR With J�-,trdtt Lr M, oil, ralr� kt�t o�e "t"act Of Wift! ri'llill 45 to 46�, k' T h Ina j1V rur t Ior 2' tif. I0;1 0 MIA IA tit, tIlii1ill'"I Who 141 lit A;'t AO fit A APF,` .,a$, Thd of of ,Aick. cil)[Ict ON il,NdLfit'� "A ii?. flet A L 14,4t 1 L ptilm, if,l k4 t6w bit NPRICAL IJO ti�yjf to ntable furl #Ar