HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1911-11-02, Page 64- ...... ..... Is- 40forrea. VtI o-wover SCOTTISH. Q: PER. FIND endvii' 4. TU S. und a - nn Italy vn aho bo proventa f*Q odas 84al- senoling ap arpw �acro , he, rich , mineral-beain reef has, t L 2 i. 11ml I -S TO- We. Ill ly What is deverib, 0 D
N 171 tu 'The h 01 Covered ejotletol, o
Balkan 0i4o boon dis 4 Yne, ROME is 13 O'LHO.MR .4 811 and although Owl " It" Ath 1= 11alady, o, wouldavQ to desln FO!t THE eral February,", My 'informant A has. not yet. h been, ,UND RELIEF IN This rt TILL M IFQ can use h; for the migg oi ther-oforp., thinks- that� -another and pronounced b or-ior.iced iner�. 'who *149ers * from D66 y ex. SMALL INVESTOR, ma� jilj)NE PIJ�L -0 AM, �Mog Theti #04m mor k ongist. Aflay be� expeqt,:,�, rcent4 0 a;eriou to oonfai'a A large, PC be, curO,� not -merely LSI bndassuredly to retain who WA04, q We
um, 81hp ll* im.-De";Inber 9� ��nuary-,, co 43 well." gold, ilve ppottinually havo draperies. of r and the rolivved-�-b actuall, red. 'The. tit y c u offerings insinalf.dengral on 'F 4; ft,snagis, i qJ4 mQo A rlieumatfq sufferer.'gall 11 of, the, systematist e4 -the de ay. :a jib-21tod, sun rubbing something on a h t,4AAl4r' - MA, .ho orli tEe by' to. 'inve#
4 waists, t efv4p�lrq been going on ,owing -o.. becau,; aria �Congista of 0od�- clothing and, .�immunition S044 4 MPMUC 0. Oem to thso I which has t ;e it 'Places the. small in t ,,en4p!, Aching joint, 'it little r* the "cidefitzil finding of the r th h4v4p,-b",n accumulated, and even Who feel the wedriness a d 414-' f, - - , "f estor onan, oqual4goting wl e ..some n�ontbsr qgo,.,' the large one so far as interest S'The reef - baa Wo, lotloa or liniment 4im--nuraes have, been kep c9uragement th t from
i! e tnl:�ke a cure., v. 'I 14 i3omes did 4r` "U.- hq,r ri al surg been Proved: to. over, 1QQ ft, . in. And s curi�y are ppertied. A it P busy propa, ICA 14 btoken,rest L 11hiso 000ne Piece oisgiviv. ro0od io tile depth, and .a. there much. r lior q If your capital, Whatever th cal, supplies.. of c4lul F.MENT rJND.S than a gino6t ls eaiming loss than oria, es eon won on Sosk,,,-Oct. 123, (Secial) of,400 ly be cured, w4to this p olpokli:,i Q ah, alpaCA, blood. Thei�fbre,, �heRmAtism, aa ha b out, t6 -the Mackli 60 ft.' k(k Oilk wai6, gl I bY' paig W 19 otiffe ' troln ii)'e,opless you wl, be interested'16 t e rph tail' a, -driven out o -he;b od, last dotail an4.13rit, �s read3; —Those . h r facilities we havelor the safe Qrs. . ribbons, ge acid i and, , got up, in the, with. the SAME 006� COFFEE 7 1 ; , I - IS That's why. rubbing, and.'Iinimdnts nnand Profitable. lnyq�stpient o, 'Side- plaited . f t, lo oral Within a weex of the de' �r"Atiop. of 'nights rr f with colored e war to throw an 12 U.Sed d�es,.aro A. nw aid. iO..O,-fee.;ng tired - and disclourged. will' The a s as� well is large. other mp Ina am and -9#waid appliat rnang, At the break —&—esges-and goOd—they can't reach re -findroW.VedhqP6-i-n--fhe --gUO&ent- -fast-taVle, 3Tr.-Sk1Ili`ugs,.l%vho.,iyaA T Wben you introas6 the. e4ruing powe t I % . -1 - the pebted .80 -ht�� in -Ason in a, �highly -s�lt - -'�'bfyo"Cap'tail'% , M; r on lia s. the blood. Any 4 �ou . nA iest. 2; aide. by red. Swa of this w#hout-$z%,q.%-Ln9RnY- q�toi will, tell y h two ihi 'is tru, I ing w. o sleep atni hts. r 6ina in, the.mitter of secu tyi. ou avo que and turbans.in 'If you Want Something. e place. place. e could not to� his'wifo,, 9� s e. accomplished- il-giI ' strQke usluess. Ira, Gener, P,,-disbovrea the It Was I -t � .. . an' -of thos� hug�- We will be giad to talk over.with. yet, NE C, or, re-ifiv4tmeht of. your Q �ra gm.art and� may 'be of till that vi�ill, go right tb., he rc�ot of the, r e ented John Fr b., - *ho. H' Ahe ioveslpitnt
V ere
eloith, or or combined h Brit4io at'the recerit Kidney troub, Ile disco,�,�red. the bands, .bar;. who'.1ge trouble in the, my� no matte all t tip,0oss rho, am. the amount' 'Pill vely I et or hes r. . Williams` Pink ry, il�l� take, pres army m4peVverrs, as.. ro-' c'ureil It,ii D�dd':s iift'loy. Pills. in the moir6g, bang things rund, .vy ribbed silk yFrench h Yes"" in OL AN and SIMPLE tg tfike.- a ltY—,'mAke u h; About Mr.. Swans6n. fie t1,16 cof -is cold 7i" turped: home ent usiastic Aki, I "'d kick bedEju ew, ric, blood which drives 94 I NOchanceefugaIrtheMIRONG.D ase "responded X t lin,gq ures is ope. was tr . p.' Y A L Both theumhtisnic to -,stay cu u,bled �4h. my-'Kidneys.for 'Tito Johnbon4l"Lichardsou Co., Lituite, W h " I should make, it hot for a intorviek 'regarding his - h a' 'Slcii
outh-IFirench.ioldiers-, who, he�'s 7d fo
-.a acid and th�'best fightifig-man in Eur .stance wfth.gray�.00Td�. I sweetly, rdd, This IS Heialso has a you Uow,,, too, come',in -plain ooloro,' 7 a othing but.praist.for, olver,a.yeari,so bad tliht'I could not Solemn tritth ' whigh. has b6on i 4 .1 I . the- cirg&hizAtion o t 6 sleep at, nights., After using. one -SECU R-I-T.IjEs velvet is, Aik-ely f -h j�ronch CORP Iproved in thousands of cases, And army and RIGHE JEUIS to b& extensively Used f there isn.'6 tfi�,sljghtest ox of Dodd's Kidney Pills n L QRAT Arl"c- oub thit lie has c liey-' greitt -rellf.' You�' or evenin g the following is a Striking inst ome tolan.unc T=Dved Bta,*t-esiften -,who -tak iLl M-1 are so rai in . ..... ain'. and --iXN1C-OF-'M0NT49At-BUMD1NW Ox. zcne generals now t 'AND QUM' STS. &ce",-6r]nine,' or. wite f says:."I feel. it, -duty to, recom- s eep.well 4am-Mi!]i Has Cured. I V41 of artificial fl a Out a military pa Briitain: an I.4 as. ationg in, my Kidneys Of whom Mr. Bloundei YQNGE Tliw row rV WCrs mend a, Pink r " P1 I Friction -on the hoinirli6id -�eins TORONTO Dr., William . ii tells. in'-hii recent bo,6k, as I I . 'bt 4uet, and. karlands will P1 the coming stru .5 ..a. il an.?' The i npys -w or cqrs4gq� , wo ggle. a . . . � , 11-0. WUITS werg ,op'. evening e enry o.. .Wavarre, they completely* 6urod me Of,. rkeu- I 'do of, k � f are - swollen' 'inflam6d --anti' war, of ' -If t e te wrong the Of ..H s th.
of., small fie seem 1-61460N gowzip� matism at ter I 6d b"n almoA an me goried'w h bl' wha� c ourqe, w6u, bl rit further -commemortion. IS becoming a Popular fad. ihvil be, coutrollod'from. 'jged,.,with impurl� id for three years. I'doetored becomes cl uc d'E' ,rible. ai-id London. [the t(k I an a inging pain 'doctors, And. t0Ok4 nd, nat.ura impossi- The D Pernon had fallen i -01 s The fichn, drapery of the bodice is I Vest is an iruarting ,o - pil -Buk F,ARIVIS` FOR -SALE Oft; RENT. hj-wo skilled Z6fil ap -it... is-suxprisi jItfe :bility.- -Strong, h6althy--�Mdneys (fisf ay r *1th King Henry. b'4c Being us'ea. ror. evening and - even for electri. � t n bow.briii 0 t end-. ereatment 'but without fo ing On the iube itifig the'. reat' stairca plied at hight will. be tin to OV6:1.— QA.WS0h, HE i(INJOWS afternoon,, w4lar.- Withj -shaped with mean ure blood, now I e, all ovbr' se -of the ease before morning. A$K tar benefit. On gbing,io a ilard dqtor Gei;�� has Chang d the the body aiid t6t.delightful rest g met. Ric lieu ascend- nsthe wAut to opening At t4o back: he me.. woAs. - re the that t 6, I n,.:.of Prince he reebinm6nde4. m nerhlobaths as Mr. Thon'ia'�'Pears AFichus are'sc6n. in'evqr-y possible' the "I would hel st sweetesti think in 'jife.., ing. Albert, Sask, writes - must F you wiht't? a form, , conal., thingthat 'there, a a a P me, A adir id' 0's.Kidney Pills always: m 'Ire '�Ts tere anything' new.1aking g. inci et 6y -I"! the. /ordinal, rently atpefit for lot '- of irritation . in 4d stron- h;i1thKidn S. thank you, for the ben6fit I -have r ft material,'from. thiffpn tobAnd- After tak14 trp Place indiffe 0 time I.felt thai I P, d ceiv am-Bult.. List stim, IIAVX som4 .8to It. "prp it. .1 th em. som
e ' I . I , Was t ally Before the lAgidir'-Jljcident�. ed fioiii.Z' oir tl�6 best -broid'red -or Allover lace. growing ificid re. Gr k or:Dairy Fa;-als in Outuro. 0 -e -the dukla- d ofbetter, "Nothing-. d prLce Draped:c#ects' A�; a1ot of fiftdtioii n Engl RIOUT BACK AZ- HIM, return 4., ,ppe -ind I 1 1 starte ermiAy;lk bub. the' -s'e.N -at, aj-�oid see, I,al. go- DAWSON Poway ar in ti.iiam, began to think re wis no grea :tept t and toquqs, - and small hats galore. cure for. me". and. that I w. is 400pi6d u put- the hair df an'mm ingAown 'and you* art' it gave in cdatinu'ed it, 9trent.. Toronto.. e,ielief,, � 1. 6 the' most, ! 4111 101 2 G bthat on,y*u .. 11 h.. �. .:f. ese ar �W be -a helpless sufferer. '� Per- some ;t� of Englishmoillelt r head h and'af t�r using,. Ure� or lovig� baired,cloth.,an ribbdif. -war Was a thing, to. oided at our )zI,oxe it offeete AGENTS WANTED. aOLEANING-A .9 -PURS months'"I, dis'coiitinu�d' all triat- All, her, sov.0 .ely.. To-dak mo*t' English, d a complete'cuve; 'ill beL see� s DY After L it" th Qoiman ang s . o., say . s flufte L C ' N S Panne vel as ohe"skin-dfanotheralf oi L I,' pe- 3f a-ie.rat( f Weston; AND.'. 4LSO
vet w ment.and then I w Advised to try Men ;declare, she. re'plied swoet- A' v - rijeLr in' tar �r?'s Baz&r-ad i ��niord, 0 princi�, Dr. Williamsi Pink Pills. ly, 1r, local reprogeuW
Aseosafety vise$:, Any woman w o, -owns g �iles Ir Ilnuxo�alltely;- My in conne6tion. with opera cl�Ak taking a few boxez�;I. could no of Your' feet'XI cd long from it-chir ml� expierience uuneoLssicry; .'rapid, dckyanob� -Europe dems lopnioilt, fOX; eo,stumo- Suits, a�ld� .'a d"that he b'e'erlish-. Sl1juise, �it6r isterlin. �o d improvement,'and I CO11- rek lme spare tuile accepted... 6f .1 I . I od!l-aad, 'the' sooner� StaL11t1y Buk has. -no or cit. 1, for the* trimming of clo or. ii. �-.. better. leeplessne an4, who con pays Lilnitedi .Publishera, Toronto;. tinued talking t sleep is'the great he Rills.flr severa' r 'a 11 Willl -in Xenty,' n of. ppler' N"'R$ WANT 0 is orde E. ED. cure in- tim. 'fa,VO , " garmen 9. �h There is so the feeling.'that no for a the jeweler for!cleaning it I mile, Rive t,� . Hants Co. months,;.. when i6 ro to nd d prived 'f it Nin�e G �A. LINE FOR
ofAh ioo� sive li� dresses, A
ie 'is m6r6 rable ihaa t gloyj�s,And IJ a-ts-ago Tit( hbil;6 -That-is-some-tiy�, ye l. P, aiser.s g e cause�of it qq�� Wi$t, vhich is draped in soft -A -1 have or, rges i nervous r a etit H, MICY Pronosition - 111 an& 4 a* 0 ee", /]De grL ---mmkon -i
Fry Lu,uily. ;Xio. Outlay ljeeogb�ary; a LR7PU bU %a ry ILI free, from the, trouble'.". range menUal t while Ptiicticil)y-�'All -tho, U me Of or f o w, minute 'most unb�arable,,, I tr I'd - 22A i be e: That is w b eak bodice and sleev co ra Raimelee's" ogetabl .. R . . . a therefore advise a hit:., most he nyone E urop is 'united igain jewb ers fot ointent's; but everything.1 tried G Pi, s.; 1 B.� re 'Use L ulatin !� The And a ion o irig iets of- narfi I I � I i�d after wrsdELLANROS. -afflicted with . r Ujifi k - - - '. 4. L " lie��af6ihiikh where he tr6o lies, htv xaiu OLW",'an JaVe e -K-oiifi�l diii ii -s ofde'a remarka e. O.,� not eo 00- 4 Workisi 9 -vu government is vlietherL dies- when .1 heaid -of'Zam�Bikk, ntoin Iheli fluffy. 'inL 'In Ger- p of soda and 'aL little water. U depths.' hilA16 f ' ' ieriainly Ina bl , worries th�6 HA -he delicate tints of, Dr. - Williams`.� Pink Pills, a;s 'they a. Atisni to-ta.o ha�riif failed to &D t One thing that e P r: aving. minp, I wa�,Aired of
b marabo r with an POILTARL y case., many. cou o. ad,6 t 'the orce, Upon' d as Id �:' ho light .
Iflounces are* again, ashi,6 ni .6 Pay ThPY exert a se a �.ive, sh bot Wee" A'1111LI, XACUI BUY
or )I would give this ba al 'a trial.�.A.f�er ab oThese Pilard,�'iilld' �y all'- iinedi� w*16, cost.of -the.,-w-4r,-not the u dry—and tliink lW "he, d' I - m*.or mv. be ha, mail 41king, skirts� of ivy" f n0i� c no Aa ei d by me rve� -atd -w- lie rb -We re. is short iause, -of th time Zam, or. k " - 'b--- ' ' '' - bL L . I . I I . . ................ --f pod et, Ut ago _ u th6 Y -they e mo,iie a&, -Buk effected' h. UJug te'. British ta`XPAY -d at tb six 36 � Of g -.-rest a omT,)lete cure�ll IVISIOn e side ��ntinueaL $2.-50'froin'.The Dr. Wilrl;L,Msl Ile- hope Of �rippling Ger L ma ' n ef_ 0 t.''.f A Sa 'Pill" for Suffe —'Th�ro al e 10 Is %TLEST .; I, Y a -sur re. -YOU HAVE $100 TO'$500 11
Y. S.. . .1
ar 4dioine, Co., -Br,iickille, -D.n ee uppis ovqr, yl�ur if ar purge, TwotofiM veils a r. Pi L JILS I'llff sat . ne , iusiaw. rwl very smart 'in injuries anx dis6ase� 'now -wilere -T fectually that'she will fie kept -put ki ro I% �A.stles' in. the. ii t: and s�
,o -are s ripe. -.,vevs BRI—T T READY t f- -and,9y. -vin f!) vartioularh� a r es ? Ps, C014 '0, v i toriah WA i�0-11 d ores, Ae Ibruisei, cha Iith plain ALI PQI or..years to come. Inard's "Linlinent Cures -Dandruff. S Ve-dtable'. -Pills .Still rs, have orion'�-L pain. aihie e . , Q L Cti Thiiy a box all druggists. and� stg.rest Otfiogian cash- Whei Frando. andL. W are mild a t -borders in Per e Zai ere mineral rCo.; TiI rah- inML u PU Ul Ul.ld,'C erri v red witil Ref I . i cut. Writ r price, ase: imiUtions. ry uy our, hoLue L
-re.,patterns GOOD -18 A DOOT6R.'Ig THEL EVERLASTING'. EXPE14DITURE ptfrely vegetable, L tern, ..
Almok, at. . L I ; , ., �i, I T' e
Bbwers—.What : ai` the .. most - ex- ve entering into't r comosition 1, us
W, 'bl Letore top - Latd.� Dr. '14ellmaw VOL Both velvets, And velvefeens alike 2am-Buk oap, 'C� ta 'et It now.iPpeais that the;Mor4occo f or' and, their . an� Loa to, - -good - deal f ce ry Yqu.. ev NMI! �bq in, ilgh* regard fbir costumoa Beare engit.e � pio ffect is ot.hing I S OuL lit I.. ar b6nefic TON 601,LL 61JAitANTEED. Wilsoa* at6fl Ates. Plai boug i4l.� Try.them. a 'bwe eon'-' piece 1 4 n ebarching- of, hearts, among, B ' tan their a 6. W orkg, 9 aplanade., Toronto. auth iities, : tin aby'ss'OWn 'Tableti ..,sho Id 7'be- THAT QOT HER.. lie, c6lors, 61 buise� aro� :in wife" wedding rin' vinced. " Thousands .: gi ritish military :kept in evexy. orne . . -L- —', .. .. . . . gre ause "Did yi moB ' ' ' id' 'U
0 where ther'e L at curAtie qu iitie� - Y Rich—' queilit deindnd.� kri§., v, 1'. T ONCE-YOUNU T6'LkARN, that � if the n6g6tiatidns b L littlb Ones.. 440*0n -are They are'is.good. Dr'. J. Dysen,�ery thousands, owe - their L" 'he rid; r shown again alth heir to ;apy- if -jour- mth A, Da bLi-Traclo. Domand lof bar Cris first. demands. t -Ptance,and to a doct6r, are abs6lutely pafe: and boraia'l"i's' speed' ysen- Areength to, time] 5 the a di�hdsl I and are'. espe- --quick'and b6llige,;ent 'end' B t w sbo'roliod U cure f6r 4 Y Us of cb!. u0i y? t.rado, w rite � for liariidu. ri 4�4. can al ay r�.tcat; r�, 'cial etive in"borde makeri Pon t6 drive xcell-ent: ziiedicine.� toile QUUou ka,.xt;. T6routo ge, These arizing from aint qea,'sicl lln� et b Te6ti, I Appear red �ould;: have 16,�ozi' caught: in aaaymalaqy aapped,.-el 6 ith: or, bow... anywhe the 5 a mos ra laint, i� G Exte is C- -4 GENTS -"IYANTED. stuvy�ok.:. re from of ilinPrepiie4jies equal to ngements of tho.gtoma mial to 'children i&Ala' LIS, T EX TQ1:T frniliat6r -a' Ues- that ifi" which. the found.'berse Uat el ' - 0. A.. L' ; - . . - I . - '10briberning -them Mrs 'The thinx sucedss ce t e to. Ageticy. pfopqsittolw.66nidno�s in" U givbs. imiediat6'rellef. to and it doe§'.t.3 iuj,44t .7 none.can: equal ours' You will al. writes n n f e.T. an4,,p,roipptIv,' waya regret it. if - yoi� don t, alply for par. iscretion In'Leating., uninpe, ruit, "I have found" Bavy's, b wn Tabi.�fs ina'. fi 4 the'outbreak -of Boer, war'. Wheeler, 1STor'thIan&'s'Sask -'�ayi: thZ'�e- suff�ring fr�m Yhe e
Iticularg to Travllers' onder. have Worked' duk7 an. vetc.'. lf.'a4s :19ome. me f ambiti- EU ALISIL49 ADV-fCE FItLi-E.. H" inl the last,two, mc�nj s,. owever. Or6ft-,Britafiii.illay Sh* I ave twent, "iiilles fi6m thw rfu: rapidity' "and to P or ly n.. nd* doe- :,do .0 Iti it. t;bey ecinsuis AM us Ill r- rd. to. any disease. Lowess and recent y a Britigh Lux ary. e- -so 'am bomquer 'the disqmse'. one �hced a Railr, ad.' 'lit ,Ihd.tp have relia'ble pert old., t6o wiiter tilai . B so, -prices All . drugs Of ' all' I kiridiL f4inard's LIM c I I Tkusses fitted �by-tunil. Send. In Arrangements -hav6 'been mad' ri ain a inediellne at`bar4. on-sider the foLar cholbra if 4hey have a bottic'f if sa iveryw L, eusurO
l:Was now keadyLto take, thee.,field at Tablets -real -L necessity inAhe this in tlljlli., -to �1111 Write. to for. furthering. hproject of -a I edie1ne:CQrivenien or any Ild irstdrug- 4n oment. be .* n t ",tbres to Dr. Ii�l n inujaVa And h h-dme'- and alialf n ei I 1� ap,pearnnees- Mal C Ilin WOP(11� 'OUL to t* d111hough the war cliouid 1ag A Well kn I'll lft.i ho�emuch' A e 6 is
Some r r bonnib or 4 en:i; front!6 y!� of 'No thern Arabia, 31imard'i .., L . Inintent C'6.,: Limitth . d. -fted theni. They have,, MY a ALPHABE road, li ejioni Eg5�pt to.the"' li . b b TXCAL it I Ost Indian:. !or the- time being, this: export� wA� well- 'and have in i a ' " ' g<?r u ow' 's -h v� man th a se ntL ,.an - imp ' ortant intU d Deai im, e 4 Anything b'ut dpti *8te about and Ceential' Plergia' mi ;the baby. " The.;; Table a�e 'sold by Ohl tra es ine.... h6ur devel -may 'be eXP6cte�d. At or -mail at 95 C ARD'S LINIMENT for eUmati,,;U a4d eurifin y6nr town, WrIW direct t6 opments The 'delay, he, d" ar�d-i medicii:I6� d6alers' Simaifia, as I bavd used.itill luo eel b .,� r both with -ex celle - e4n t alliouii th n Stift niedl- D -d '60ti h 'AmierV solely dueL to strategic To'.000 ''diifs ox fro'ri T e Willami, If aP6r y uld t' ��c c ye!ng ..Qo an eaily A�aie wO S h n' this.' p oU �sh6 tit results. Yours. ttulF mu�eh The -e' -on the par �*f G6rmhy. ' 1f war edicin Take our a�ivico and now:bb.yy.y� but might.,d route has'. 11. -knd e CO.,L.Br6ck�ill Ont. i9agreable.,Y0111 B- LATERS. n -to-.- reak�-, rinany Ue I�m 4D*: n �an b, , but now- an PrisC71 W-1 �w GIV IV k U .. �: I 1. . I - . to -de'al s ngle-,handed t' UR= It
travele�,s would have S with. 7rance; Britain and RUSSij'L ano, geographioaf ex'6rt a many A college., graduate Ef a Til I I I s III will d. ive ING gtiffne�5s o4t.- .0
t b& the, av ids the disgrue UNS' r �tpha it, ect 0 .: & V M A:N 4 -D* G lnigi shortdst'and: 6A ir' of.di'a rich. F, , AN ERJN an'd if ustria, 4ckid li-eir, up ac- FOOD,. Ine 0 06 mediter- wdf access from r6 iranea, .-crn'most fr bibly There may be. othor' C rn cures, r: E A SY �E r fi.t& the s he nti-Gerrh 1�otod food ciefitist4 have, . deci& an va i:Is Alf Unseerf danger trve h r . r�- vtions A VtAF . , f dv�flkilig de' . `W'atson n - . 0 L I i8t.S6, 11 "16" feat9 abd *inping back ll�rlost pio-� stts -ar . 1. . 4- in. the. -nighborhood? to , at the ad N t it food, and A's a'resuit of their i ssph 7es of 'influence, 'hdve morto- e: e-Onderned. el ,orne in�es. :If the outb, ,,�estigatiorlt, ri g�orou8 laws havo ."Oood WookI. a rea of. v In a ention, and PolizM �PU6]ja P t Serlock' 'Very simple, Watson. tb' h6stili ies ep. e be nacte.d. - an a'rq. now, b. ing Wondoolu. ripportuniti PLE ASIN ljretutipab 11i ty�. - of securing G CrCC UPATION' ;O U�sly efifo I.C, Who but the famiiv iha� i3 dead 4 rail . ; I . Or-' L . - , L. ' nt�ll !4 - j� qo�' Englay ol.in a n t v 03-Gradtod, IlLfieTS PA e ,a, an -diving 6-erliv. y d con xo. S. e use of ait ndei Et' Yzcth t I Ira in foods... 11ROVA4 COU ECE OF TRY hd-U-R! its be&en'-thus truHt oUt of ..he-V`,.asked.- illb-tighb --sui . table E R'E 4 SCICNCC -the Cana p�rdhibiting66 use �,f alum, 1�n An6ther keab Advant�jbo Of "Yes—abbut.. &e mlil"i for'Red, Weak', Weary, 1.5 that it will' odn" line'iefe,tred to. and Granulatod tyolldo. short- Smart—gomhes F,)L,e :Paih. rirggist,3 'by, -six n W --as should, b6,edroful o,nl� a-bax- 9ell' 11 urine, Eye ikADA IIUSIrf .04 �the to India' Whatls', �O�iig 0 Led Rquiedy, Li,qUid, 25c, OSS 6OLLEcE greater days,, d'sAving far 1119 CHATHAM, OU'ri p6wdaer. that has the' ingredi.. Zoe, $i-00- IW b'any ofh----- - dre, ON or A N1 than, zotticl- be- & A'rrsT. e vablq route. S PC over t coo choice pototions fillecr in fiast
go Four Ydo(es.'- S "Oh;. 11e--s--regt' h C0110 .00 Only bliei tr'' It tart' S and Eye Advice Ftee by LS
from the -northern the Suez ble with' Tt "was Upon pires�ntaiin of.'tlie VHERE IT WAS, Alurine, 8yo Remedy'Co7rChicd Canal. at Fort' Said a ptheni ult. WWI; fl, e YOU:' in hrunnin. above. uft(ler'- oath, tbat -Hospital int-erne—*"sr, 86MCr nef9IAKjrs'- don't. lk V ro, %sil generally due.eii;,t of the bf ds,saulb and 0, it 'Un. GuAkaba-, 11 bdttery (-in thd ground of'extr�6 s ssaboutAhein.. BIis.m pol I.Furraujo PO SIA I'm in `Utt Y1.0 I 4 A N provueation. bed a , , L. i J cno. a a.' ain seems to be in Millard 1.161rhont Ffoltbes.- keumli n the. P go j, q wilt *1 ' " t c,o5 on n -�flroad at, N'Ushki. OR G r 13� If) IpreWrlt TJIdi I R'SL JOB. DON NEED IT. '1�tt vre0k ave -r1 )vhr I go f1`03 #Of t�o Nfjt hiro RIL 1 ) Wtl lit iiaid lh�, warder to the When a',.dlon CIS tO,o,r60ect,ab!e "LoVe makvs the woLrld 2,000 fililer 'I Wlli]6 tile route 9 tz) Ito enjoy. life 0 "t;, '4 the, round I 0 dlit, farjr, �fio had just ariiv6d at thei he ig dU46 J� ted the We )IaV6 ot ek Ft. '1,ir-n giiant
rom. 9� frjr thn' ID" Near
v.6if to :work. uni�n A _.goal Cof�'. �o JJ1' AM �4 t,311* Of Our rions fat- J, 61), t,*cl, ot a voi do s t that Eo piany girls aze ` and, Coats a!�b =
ffidicatib,fi � � �L 11(1" tlja� . . -
50 lir, rt %ker.` a job'
i g, in rh Pre -o B. VN hat ch:, be t V ' ; '.: - -, ., . GO- I give me, a week's. added he Prs6n. t b e viblo skins, a6a, ara tit 110i t 0,11ce Vt ni of tile greater Y'i Y best soft sill
the. tlriin,'As potnparvd L Wi' I . I
ieIoffi6nf' pa said the Pyj�:,Jtter. do'Lls, appetites, Won, Fame 4o n LADIA N A R' Dri Outs inticirys The existing tnapq of. r, ,r perdix, POST TOASTIP.S - Th..*Omas�- Oil enjoys is are' mt*16 , 1. SEAL- COATS 15"'Y"At abd I b"TM6 get bA talr)V good �n Ou th 11U, attributab'14 Ao any elatoorate ad- lad kh for a geheral REQUIRLE NO 'CO,OXIN 'arnp TJLA J,i 'I lhib" 10119 ...... a ignment r 0.'Young.in' o -hat tiot- b�en .80 ad,- AGENTS 1n:MfteY IAV L the an had talk�d for 10 foidl Inonol,6u& roa bid- a I du'd to the lff,*Zlsoln� sold It In SO cal t'bd ttaced. but to ona, minutes Without a b.foak,' verti�!z but is 'entirely A " W hes 10141. th Ia. 01boon "14 6 irl L at ihe, othtr end of, merits of this Oil, as a wedidi'e. .1 &&tisfactoq, survey for n n Ar Runbearn hnr railroad wire iitorritpto.d.- every 4ity, twon aj3d hamliA ii fiel pir "Is Otbi.himpv: creard. atid the', 'Sinlits gO 1 t t(*o4;Z1retA1-'ho F*"16m0s st0ftF.W. Ahk Send U4 Your bdot )moiallipillent and Purpog'9.4. A det'allea oixamination of "Su8t 'MonentLGUY 10, ,she imld. lintry it.is opglit aftex" joldly the 10"'Rth of coat desired, "d we will the r6tifor frr) ne'c'es,- 0an . . Ia Lornp Mot"421 . I a be- tiart, in Canada,
m end. to ond is r 11''the ta�lbille. (Iw"t ii itl o, Utifithir and'. ro4 sary, and: this i� being Arranged, c I good quaJities. GA",Nda want t4 n t :at out ex 46a L T his istay shA Aidn't bring ht' trubk. better ii3td t Ittelafev, to,,* fle oth.or r, IGH, TINGALE "fie '06 , , 2blil Ott is tired. APP
lamory Li A It' Y TROVOR y Ur$6$fP., lat triti, wotad (Ia Y.r)u sleep th�ft nights VI H. N N t<)mmv' T I 191d b u Tlf� a.1119 Johnnr-�-Auh !Lo-.�k how Jong, the voitutil, cor4at bi Litt, till frOin'1111 1Ctt0rz VE&IIsfIr It I 84 bg MY A;;bAt WMV LISIto $fOCki Manut cturiniL.Furriord h ! -. t- .- ... i;wv- A*k,!W 1. a biby , as a ayeo, A,hd he didnt Malu. out in th I 11 on tb6 bAir "060. or 160006, k%fts� dw,ha me 0A T.. TORONTO Q �506 $1. P'AtJ1 tf.' av\in
. ... .......