HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1911-10-19, Page 5A
°, 1li rgday,. October 1 gtb1,,, 1911
to lose bin), knew that bi* new
ti pie* Gloderieh-his home toren,-.:willLanett
aFrkaklin ankle Thompson
h the on is of enuring be to the beat interests of the n snag
iceg' its patrons and himself. The tgana-
P gee's . phare here .is: now .ewer'.by
which be received while . playing at ;
Mr..I m. I ttier.late,manager=o€-the°
school I __ _._:
Tama and`'"Bayfield agencies.
Forbes. Bros'. telephone conatruetign
gang bale almost completed their
taak fit Ashfield; township.
ileo. Bradford, who. •sPe nt.:tho:.am
• =•— �onttea-iu�aflei��a�g8,c-t�-ooh":"
West, havreturned': home. He had'. '.•
the .misfortune to injure his aakle: If your back is constantly
h hin • a: a , or ming.
. e „�h ile, t ..pies . g d y 80 before his: and'. if you etcpenence doh, shooting
floo. Bradford, who •spent the ti•dal.
• or, our.Passagaa frequent aeanty and
We have been shown :many curious
freaks of Nature this fall but that
which; surprised us the moatwas a
beautiful. cluster of Apple blossoms.
which we saw on'an appletree. in N.
J Traleaven' s back yard on Tuesday.
sup tE 8IGN8'
Page'. SR .
The farmers are bray at. their ..fall
ploughing and root hapvestiug.
--11isol-Pargea attended the--T-eaehe
Convention at ,E;eter last week..
Mr.. Md, who went 'West:;
a few; weekelvnn► agoRee, is. ,expected, :home
this week: ..:
.-paintul, your kidneya and bladder
`are:out otos der.
t l I i "brings on rbeu
f. �/'
- - __ � madam, d i• a;.-
betas, lumbago,
A Naw BANK bl xsass.—Anoth r d 1 C 11(' I .
change has been made - in the .manage-' aceattca,. etc,
J +Booths Kidney
went of the Sterling Bank here. [1f r:' / 1 i -
Prlla are .goer..
• Andrew Porter, who has. looked after einte3ed to: rel-
. the.Bank'einterests ably and. success -leve
• or your
fully aince MaY' has been transferred..m '.
, yy. , • ... nosy bade, : They . are. the world's
.to the doderreh ••Branch. •. Mr. Porter,
..: .. sal;
, r ., .. - • •. ' ...greatest epecifio for kidney ,and• bled.
•neeileu to say,; proved himself a bust der trouble.-` All druggists, 50c." toss:
' nese man of integrity; and his affable or postpaid from the proprietors, The
• and gentlemanly ' disposition 'won him . R. T. Booth .Co. Li"piited, 'Fort Erie;; -
• many friends here, wi;o thoughh sorry.,Ont ryFree. tri&1 on application. =_...-
Mary and Mand. Cunningham .visited
Mr and lira ,G}. W, Lane on' Sunday
lash • .
Mrs. K. Curran and dao hter,•Rub.
of Detrol .are' visiting 'a fi
t, R t the home,
of Wrs.. Curran'e, father Mr, -J: Bald.
Rov.. Mr,' Walker of- Whitechurch,.
preavhod a very im reserve ser111o1u, in:.
Haokett's church Sunday afternoon::
Our pastor, .Rev. S Jefferson preached
Anniversary services .in Whitechurch.
w •D..
ill. wap sea' .� " �
:• U .er
lasts. ' it: ix gam forever! 11 it to
• tis 44Order .Howh•
e. A eu
our idvertldai cvtnaies. wifl �i sou sea
Iles wt,tre it will buy tits. west. .•
n Canada also to
Niagara Falls and •Buffalo. N. Y., Port
Huron and .Detroit, Molt.. Good . going
Oct.: 27, 28, 29 and 30, Return Limit
Nov,. 1st,, 1911. -
Return -Tickets at Sin le Fare
Oct 9th. to Nov. I i th.
points in Tentagami, points Mattawa
to Timiikaining and Kiwa ue.
Pa �.
elusive, alai to: certain points in Quebec,'
'New Brunswick,. Nova Scotia and Maine
Oct. ; 19th. to Nov., lith....-'
to.l+iuskoha•Lakes, . Penetang, Lake of.
Bays,' Midland, Magnetewan „ River,
Lakefield,,:Madawaska, to Parr: .Sound,
Argyle to Coboconki . Lindayy to Kali-.
button. Points from '• oevern to. • North;
. Bay inclusive, and certain .points:. reach-
ed by Northern Navigation Co. •
All tickets valid ffr'return until ' Thurs-
day Dec., 14th:* except to points reach-
_ecl bq.,steamer-line.s.Atyesday,_Nov. 4th
Pull particulars from . ,
S. YOUNG. • Depot. Agent.
Ve&&et and ;velveteens
There is every indication that the present fall- and winter
season isgoing to'.witnese a very strong demand for black and
Colored Velvet. and Velveteen costumee,'and already the, market •
as, almost deleted, and manufacturers are . .putting • forth every
effort to fill 'Ash. orders,-anticipating..thidemand wb placed '
orders ahead, and our: stack it now ', much larger than ' usual.
- Our; specials in black, brown, navy, green,. cardinal, garnet and• .
kyat 50•cents and black at 65 cents • are extra good values.
en's vercoats
Overcoat Weather is at hand. • Our stock is
large 'and well assorted in styles and qualities
'MEN'S" BLACK OVERCOATS at 7:20, =8;00,- 10.00'.-12.50,
15.00:and $20.00 ,
MEN'STWEED OVERCOATS, latest'• styles les and cloths,. at
7.00, ' 10.00, 12.50, 15.00 and $17.00. Y
Men's Paramatta Rain'' Coats
• We have several special values in Men's Paramatta Water.
proof Coats, which are now :so =chin vogue. They come in
Fawn and Olive shades; in the - following spa..ial . prices, 675,
7:50, 1100, 1150 and $15.00
ccSC.: t
We have just placed
• „• ..'• in -.stock- • several - new
styles •of•corsets •includ-
ing ' the new lois , bust
effect with long . skirt,
all at popular prices..
A tiitvenetto-Raineoate.is.6.iot only,a-good;,pcot
-run, but supplies most of thePO3 ur es of a light overcos tr as well
Our Specials which are mostly smooth fin
. idled gays, come at $7,50,,10.00 and 12 50 '
1YMen! s . Rubbers
We have now afar stock of fall :Ilii`
bees to fit all styles and Shapes of toes and
heels; ma le by The Merchants' ' Rubber
• Company, who are noted forthe fine wear
ing Oa the, of their Rubbers:
Ldies'• Fine•" Shoes
If you require anything special in fine
footwear, visit our shoe department. We
make a specialty of all kinds of fine shoal,'
and are agents for the famous' EMPRESS `
SHOES FOR WOMEN, which. are noted
for their fine fitting, and splendid wearing
A S..-.1 OOE
•� ..STA.01
1 `F1D1?`
Particular 'Women
N. B, --Store 'closes at 6 p • in. • except Saturdays.
�L—M�. 77
(A M Ladies
Were received last :month for
Office help -37 were left unfilled.
Demands for,: trained help are so
great -that -we can affortV.to fir-"-
antee "a position • to every grad-,
mite fuud!tnitioa4=0ney_"
• I you are anxious to .. succeed
v ,
CaNTAAz. BUSINESS CO1.41lcn,....:
W. H. Saaw, Principal.,
between success and failure
A -course in-the-Populaar
Will prepare you for an excellent
position• in the Brtsineas World.
The first : step is important—your :
choice of a school. ')nr catalogue
explains why this .:college • ranks .'
among the best on•this• continent. •
Write, for one to=day. Enter now.
W 1. ELLIOTT, Principal.
Cor. Yonge and Alexander'Sta.
Our registration. greatly exceeds; • )
that of previous - years :. Why?
Our school is ,the best of its kind
Beat' in courses given, best in the
* teachers 'einploye:t and beat• in
assisting graduates to pOsitione.
Business men state that they are,
the best ' : In the past three years'
we'hiad . 'eleven applications' for
help that :.we' could not supply.
We have three; departments:.
. corms iciat.,, '
•SHOar$AND and TIII.iuGRAPRir.
Our -Seven Colleges have been'
eetitblished during , the past
thirtyy years..-The=-largeat,train
era, in Canada. Owing. to our
, connection all over Ontario, we
do better for our graduates than
any other School., • You :may
study all it :home or partly at_
• home and finish at the _college.,
Affiliated with the' • Commercial
Educatore' Association of , Can-
ada. It would be well for YOU
to • •investigate before choosing.:
Exclusive right for Ontario of
the world-famo'tis` Bliss Book-
keeping System,: which is un-
equalled, It is. actual business
frons start to finish, and the
student keeps ' same ' books as
chartered banks 'and wholesale
'houses. -.Enter any time;'' •
• ' Individual Instruction. .
Write, call, br phone for ;farther
GEO. SPOTTON, . Preaident.
eHAS W. BORNS, . Principal.
John McMillan, of Roxboro, has:
purchased the
farm recently -owned
P b
.. .. tp
north of Seafortlt,, for the sum :o f
$55001 • • - •
One day ecently Mrs• Will. Hall,
of Ethel, "while picking crab apples
fell from tie tree and sprained one of
tier -ask l he.Trai-been-n; -prisone-i
in, the house since:
elinin town council has sold $6,000
worth • of macadam 'road debentures
and of waterworks debentures,
bearing interest at 44 percent, to th e
National Finance Cotiiany, Toronto,
A magnificent new pipe organ is:be-
ing'installed in St. Patrick's -church,
Dublin, and is expected to . be ready.
for•use in a, couple of:''weeki . Whoa
completed it will beone of the. •inert
instruments in the Province.
A barn in Ieadbury was struck' by
lightning hist June and 'one rafter was,
shattered.. The rafter was replaced.
by a new one. In September the barn
was again.etruck and the new..- rafter'
was shattered .exactly
as• the, old. one
had been.
. ,
John Elliott • of Brussels,',has re-
purchased the barber... shop`,. which ho;;
i-ecently'soi3`.to Cleve;Backer,' having
decided to remain tn- Brussels. , John'
Emigh,'who, was in charge for. Mr.
Baeker, has taken' a position at Strait-
. The Jackson Mfg. Co of Clinton.
made a big shipment of goods to Win-
nipeg last week.. It censi,ted of about
one thousand pounds of clothing,- and,.
was valued at $700 but it was only
-pari ofa order, the lanee.of'wlich,
will be 'shipped later, • •
The Brucefield Public Library
tend .spending nearly a hundreds/doll
in new .hooka this, year.;, .The Librar
is in a flourishing condition at preeen
with over .1.400 volumes on hand. This.
year Octet are 110. Mambo/cc,-
embers, would compare :very 'favourably with'
some of the larger towns. •
• Hina .PRICES FOR CArrr x --At the
auction ''sale of , •Peter : McDanglll'a,
farm stook, near Porter n Hill, on
-Igonday;-te :head -•-let
horn calves to inileh cowe,•brought the
substantial eiim of $545.50 A calf:
only a ' few weeks old wan- lirocked
down at"$18 `� while one Coif f 'Wes
, cow .was sold:
.at $83 • Three other cows': hrongbt
$52, $61, .and $81,reapectively. Thos.
laundry'was. the auctioneer. A.
'SKATING': Rot*,Fos • Bausan>s. -A
Canvas. waa'madelast: Week for . the
purpose of erecting a.akatingMid curl-
ing-rink in Brussels:` • The' proposition
'comes from Messrs.. Trench A. 'Duff,.
who 'purpose, erecting a cement' . build-:.
80i179 feet, With metallic . roof.
It will be arranged with curling rinks
on each gide and ice for skating in. the:
centre:` ' We nn erstand the promoter
were satisfied With the initial proceed.
foga and' will secure s. site. and -com
:mence work at- an`early; date..•
HAS ,' BLOOD Ponionina. William ,`
Sneath, .baggwgeman -on.the • Grand
Trunk, between Winghani and London,
is serioesly,.ill `at. his home . in Wing -
ham About, two • weeks , ago he cut
-his,,;iiand on the jagged edge of a trunk.
He paid. no attention to the: wound at
the time, and not:until it - commenced•
to',pain him did.he think of consulting,
a physician. By that time the.hand
was terribly swollen, and::Mr: Sneath '
had developed. a.'case of. • blood -poison-'
' ing Id addition to this, 'knit:, before
layingloff as he vas'at-Clinton, in' in
effort to pull in a trunk without using:
the . sore .hand, .lie slipped .and fell
'against attrunk and sustained a pain-
ful;.injuryrto the -'stomach: .•.Ho .will";!
itis feared, be laid up for, Come time.
' GIODERiOR STANDS Hip .---For ,the,
year. ending August 31; 19.11, 'Godo.
rich stands fifth in the list of ports.
in the groat lakes-wbich-handled-grain
•hipped by.ves,ela' from .Port Arthur
and Fort William. During the 12
months;'. 9,100,633 "bushels, of grain.
were Handled, :and_.of... this: 'amonnt0-
5,379,8111,buehels were -wheat,; 2,697;:
693 bushels were oats,,. 92,167 bushels
•were' barley, and 101,842' bnahe7s"wei^e
flax. Another indication, of a largo
amount of business done at, this .port,
was in evidence.a fair. days ago,' when
a train of 21 brand new C. P. R; care
were loaded•at the Goderich elevator
for 'ehipment- to rmillers in ail "parts of
Ontario There were nearly .35;000
bushels'of wheat.and oats.of the;191-1.
western crop in the train.' • .
BARN Buawr.—The Madinat* Gas:
(Ate : reports burning of the ' wh• et
is said'to' ba the largest barn in Huron
county. 'The building' was 80&130.'
It belonged to Walter Renwick of the ;
townline of Howick and 'Carrick. The'
fire was caused
... , . _ by.park •from.. s•.
a e
threshing engine: As soon as the. fire
was noticed, Mr. Weber who was work
big near ran to Iooten the• horses in
the stable,. and .his eon went for water.
Returning witha pail of water, young
Weber found his father •lying, on the
stable -floor kicked by ono of the horses:
Two horses tied in another part *of the-
stable and •fifty piga ready f or market,
and ill the oeaeon'a trope were burned.
It• is Said that it Will take $6,000 •,•to'
replace the building, and. the total lois
had to eeos pe throw h• the silo; who
in $10000. ` Two men in
g the ,bur><inpl
building had n • narrow escape, the'
wind spreading the fire so quickly.
distressing feature of the affair is that
Mrs: and Mrs •Renwiok are' away in
the West, •
Cailtal 'Pa1d Ue.:... T..•••01...4 �p.. ... $2,761.IN
IkssTI y� I1lltvldcd l �!!u!ftM2R.1...,.e. �,SI
T ill-
�.!!..t.TR7R*•11�R!M.�MAa...6,*-...1 .+.!,�•A►7�f'y{A:
Arany *whine .pilose scan be traced back'to the
day• itp.owner; deposited the first dollar in
a Savi ngs 4 coount. • -
The one dollar affords.' an incentive to,
deposit more-and,..as. interest is added to
principal, the small shin grows more and:,
more, rapidly, ,until it finally becomes .a
L • - One D.ilar will start. • an account: with
the Bahk of .Hamilton.
Head Offiices,:
A t . Luckn
It wih.:be `Havelock and Sepoy Flour
for ' this Community.
The Wheat is carefully ,selected.
The Millin Machineryis-perfect-
s- tt
Milling � perfec
The Miller competent and of long experience.
very bag of our output is milled to quality ancl` 'to
t —needs no bleaching, no adulteration.
Our Customers now say: "Not only as.
-best, abut better -than `than the- best":
t)ng" 3a_'l i've it.
Et1iV-I$os. LUCKNO'
Ca italY
l' Paid �Tp $4,000000:
Deserve`un — $4.
i4 1
$44r .�i�
Has 8o Branches:in Canada ; and •A gen
, �' s and. hicatore Asslic•
... , , 170
in all.the Principal Cities in the World.:: ' •
at all. Branches. ',Interest allowed. at highest current rate
DEO. H. SMITH, Manager..'
ori Don't Need a .To urn .0.der
to emphasize the merits of your, business or. armouries .
; :;:your special sales -A straight "•'stoi told' in a i
wa►q to tht'readers of this:. paper will quickly, roach
the, cars' of. the thoughtful. intelligent `buyfng public,
the people-whio pave the money in their •pockets, and. •
the: peoplk-who--listen -to-:rea4oirand ; not noise. `''Our"..
books, wtll'ehow you a list of the kind ofpeopie' ysu ,
appeal to. Call' and see them at thin' office.
Keep Your Feet Dry at
t • 81ils.
Our Store has the reputation of handling high grade 'Shoesfor:
• every day .%ear;' our stock for this season 'was ' •purchased from
the.'very best Manufactures. We have.. Sterling Bro. • French;
Kip at $3.50,. English Kip 3 00 , . We have
,_. Chrome Kip at W .
p • n stock this fall the ,Arthur "Williams Shoes• for every
daw .• ai_:i ...
y ear. Every pack is guaranteed tO give satisfaction. Prices
from'2a0 lip to $6.00. Come in and see 'them before buying
We have rubbers to fit all kinds of shoes, a good. fitting rubber
means a cool wearing rubber. ;Don't get your feet wet, 'let lis
fit you with a good pair'of• rubbers: ' ' '
A Square Shoe Peal for Everybody,
:E tl
dsv These,.
of Lucl:
cls primo
a boiidays.
e* meats; SII
lairds oi•
L4 table,