HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1911-10-12, Page 77 - R. 1. C F S' F FARM TROQUO -'IMAKIG SAFE IRRSTMENTS qDF 1Olifid Jilli'g rAlWY I N'G FARM MORTUArES AS INK�SVAENT$ IAii-0,I)c r I I Is . $Oil in, th� T ILA, D CE�N 8. QF, HAV9 04R VIERY W K FEATURF mni-ends tile, tiavello '�'stick to the, trail comes,, fr4bm C ,he'rSp Tho Pmoftzik- 910thont Whl;h, t Lo of h Shore. Club," 0 4 entr book bX jijrl1land —RUA 'It, k Make Ihe M F V of D n, A 'god AbrQA4, _oubtful certain- BRAN Whilethe Indiaii- g`c d ul� es p0mg, --at; Frencman-? 1k; fy The Danger. of, Having, a c9tisrion.40. round the fallt Qct.,. 19,-FlQu . r-Winto �r� IP1 hIC4 is on, .6.00 Or*f the '114n. 4red xh'grs thiit,tak4a ihelrr,�sour,rcp por'*ctynt. patents, $UQ t $3.53,' Ijny . cstp . r" in -lakes, deep tb . . I j'irptl The articles. contributed by e ulik-no, w'n - eal� troight, Wanitoba. ftour�' ro for tile sole purpose of�guidljjg pros," 0 wild, 4II4 fl w d6ivu'thm oy. patents, $5.30, and pcetzvo investor aud, if poml)je of sx-v- and plunge, iver falls, And jig, them ' from losing TPODeY 0ir'ialth trgici,: %lor6a, 1 uterprisep., The gorges prtrong bakers $4.'60, on t. im "wild roll at likst into Lake 'SUpdrir Mr. )KAllitoba WllQeft7-NQW NO' 1 Impartial -and- reliable character of the Alexander'"d a companion .Sf inforalatioli may be,'rollied ruck looked $ 4 1-0 Bay, p?rt ,. -3.91.0, 9 Nort.hern, $I,i ��,r4ter of, thcHe artielot�nd , . p her Ali iriersbeting tr I b I f , ai . t at 03 1.2, ,and N a. 5. ..pdrts. , of this paij..er hayo -110 jnterostfi to. serve fresh, in eqnneotioa, with. ti.Xis. mat,tet, other thoolL They were iMultitneo.ugly 'e th' tit fo, W -No. Z wbit%' red -Or. Ah so of, t.'ii reader. Sizto, - le'ay. e r jloa�t7 74 th 9r. 85 to 86c, outside. mlxpot, ine%*,, portilge trail and see yffie e' 0. ')C# !Dii,r'. trail It *t'.might urning from generalities to. the, Afl 0j. �io 104 0 o r ofthe 'Opi f ontarlo, �To. At 41 1-1 to .4?fL �"C;i, a p CoI[Intr indipited­it- y 'e e to to r of thn series aide T W -leidL �o a lAke��-ih, pegs' i3ood Willing peas, 92 t 95 VV TH. 'NO.. 2, We rn owil, r1ker tieleii t( outel­, j.L n d NO, 3 at '40,0. AL It' did 16ad lajo�, a&I �o thijr Ikeon 3,� 45 i -go, Bax iO, clisges �f Sec#iL jjZ6.Vj8 _Tr 11 .C.AtIi 46 14c, And . No.. Isaw aIn Indian i-eepe actsit erlyd'hi po. a., tur" a chief. pointi'to be conold on th6� fhk a -They walk rt ii0e of it, 850, outpid' on W 'the . *-arioii to, .'Of he lakp,�L­still on the trail A No, ri ro u lid t ope eyr ZoRilecii ith orts, k T poli F. Ta ji Butl the -Gar, is,on Indi, r despatch fr. oju yellow, inveit�2�ryt's' - I � . I . . " ' r li, 1, �: . m. Ta,00111&i, Wash Corn -No. 2, AmoTI' a, Readers will r6blomVer that* t jj'o r t h q purpose Of. offer.,liberal pol-Ld. I . , I .. I. . . . . I - , . . e Inland' and f4Dund­An­'- an path ng his owii tenants, !but intionds If o, indlijamon r to foi�' erni- inves mo�nt Entrech s, b4ch-ba "noe. in fr* nt Of the j Inauguratifig a,big colonization gratl6n from t. nye___Car - Iota outside,,, 75c divided into. two:--gooleral claiiniPs p � 'Zi , , "a P. _eq - - .. r- _, n&j agent -j: . . .... qui U are nQW eX yArjous land equ4tiga and prom sea 0 Pay. o -me, therland fiiig�a him a;s Jim Radigeaj,, or somethifig amijiling quAn ikp it jiM,r 2,11 'A substantial ' interest . in prpositioi&. Before leimifig- Bri�Eish P uokwhoa't--Na.' 2, At '64 to 6 c,. outoide, Cornist. in sllbres and stoks of vario:ijiv "ays the �arriATal, and I , that.. A 5 .a.rnore V,fore xlywayj I was 12)Q00 -acres ;Of' I�nd' nealr'�Wlli clumbia, '11pa—Manitoba ran $23 to $2.50, in' eQuipailies, These are n6ver- repayable. h . e had hi w Duke­expresse4 his, er the sh6l.ling Tr po on disembai:kati6III U the, army s of -OcT jim said 'the Q rol, T esda' a .4 n -on' th W st-�Sidie, of, the b elkef: that he wo�ld be -theI means bag okonto freight. Uo I .11 . . y operations �iere resurp d' WlIch the army ljAS*rbecn and ' Ilk' is� wom a n e e 9. T 1125.� Promises 19.pay, 9n ther. hatiol,' a cupati ids" in the te ell -o r, tw in* which* represent sum.. Or oil -AVednesda llo inedi4tioll - by xitrider ' d'hi f Qpee. r. Fras Rfv to tritish cu-morvind, trh�e d, tii' -offo�t f an is riend. went ir� to... enty mi os below of,. send . 9: 51000 .People y e ici- iap� -.�,arshi take. sorri� dd. by the, person, mull George'r Biltish' doiumbia, Columia next year. He In alsq. COUNTRY -'F`i1OD JOE. �,mone7 borrow Ital Ps again dii-edted'the' G er power is ek- call'- and ures., There ermahy or some oth 9ta. o or comp thf�,rooii t P. V a r forts. nebte intends to Sell 166 -Are farms -;6n, i0o iiie p t any Isuing .4eguired 50 C r 'Ality on y. agamst the out2r. a— W ff-i—s eott�g 71 "WAg-feared tf , be 0it if -the inner f6xti� Tri P6-01 I en, r Q'; Ig 'O rter naked youbgiters in 0 of the n than Ua III Way t -ten itnt who desire to emigrat n Per. ushel.. of tilac.. Vilder this head are .boards, do- Wiere� shelled da.majb�.Nvoiild be done .destroyed. by . some, f the. ist �hQt5 No'liody seemed, th, be. e to ortheri IR 'I ... Cnal Hokiy ;Der tee. pe da. The 'first 01hy will e and, -will col tin, -,.10, to Ile town.; Tlid sbore batteries firt-d" Admiral' arAvelli has given' b ni�D this. in, ;the game' 1 -the , call.. The. B. $Z.�5 a the, most iihpottant, in �i u e ah4r in Han *d' 0 order-, f Ea., just Ong- .enou ex;. -esta comp to .$2.60. Brull- thl . I, S 'l, , I e In aiii agh to a, mor gages, mu-. w c 1o, 'structida as i : t Is 61 t ie n.view o acq,uisjtion o Gahada,',arc rm- andk­-in- Ila] f Okad nog' as w and No.,2 at $10 Q Theh the' cruiser grf.. a Wzt -ell w -Chippewa Corn- 4-) f) cers it li 'n fleet. Ipjp�lkes and ob I the Jarg,r txc'ts ii, the same districti, estate in Company id cred ba-tboit andt' a. fe balf ell t sit. nidipal, industrial b,oridi an ot the :.0 ility a a tie di. Minister. and :Pri ­;." members of .1im's. f -,mil 404 jVij r 1 not_ reptriet, seftli . P .. BAled - -Strvir-" to- !��.50, --:on ti,aqk.��Ta- railrbad equmoilirt bonds,. a.td' p �Vith. detchm�no m4�pvethat al ement'ib, Llo 46 ert . roato. looked ID embarked and m4dc�thei�-'Avav TT. ITALIA.�. GOODS. ciaL and ominion.. oans. o BGYCO rotatoos--Car lotd, Ili bags. 8� P'. C' Th% best known,, Pr course; are real es- Mr.,A,.16xa.n,- amidiat fort..' Upon' -ieachin.i the der tried to dfaw,one little papoose Y. 'PoolItr'y4*rice9'­bf ,dressed 'poultry., �u tat .(iUite. superflu A ilespaUll �f r6m..�'Qon,st anti n 6 1<.,, P Im P I,, R i 6 U lr�, e in o.un 'an I .L D. )WTIxG ous �p. pl�ace 1hey f ' d'i L �p ti n litit withbia sue, -d e.rnbarkor. on' C' int -6 eQnversa lo htb e sigl says 0al � And 'it, he: said quantitics:� 14 to l5o per 1 I eillargo lfcro. on the (letairs, -of o f6rra� carrie',d a,way, with th its' II to, .12c them.:. pe 0 a breen tdised. An'anti- 40ess. WIlph'they came'.oal. P tr loitimlia JM 6V 33 1�eiarg It'llas, Been -40' Pet 4�ofidbn- U-nd'erground, . 1h s,t ducks, i3c'� 'iur'kcksI. Mo. of'a-real Cstate mortgage. 'Its usual foim of 'th d the.bodi Ott jI "J" -the ;0if&an& the -kid al I irst el gunS, an es � t �donl of three' I k - -- ----- Live vqU try 'about 20 lo)v-.'--' . than Ma fillia, 'bo cominencec t consi�ts of h 'Turk-isn larti -me ? lyst. Brit - Ili. a promise pay t o amount, Cc, t. Ini , S lcr� lay in* pure,, ays a Aeem, to. e porters on, the* 'or. iind tustom- wlof the IQaii at, a f hous J' "Naw "'.and: went,rlah�� A idft atch A 46 `;-disclia�r 4� Im Sal( CQ P Ottawi Syfrom g� certaiii amouht ThursdayI' Th eamp'. - - thia —ep-per used' thro'ughou'-t D- 'M& dates. -also a transf.ek- of­�h 3bAIR Itr in ; jtiIliaw.-p��dgqmM, It BritiSh SteAnj-- bn -putfirig.-pitell'on --the� cinoe aSays: e first mo-ving stah -T PRO L and anv da, h -tile. er.' Th6 Grii-nd: Vizier':. 0 sik. longj" asked M.r rI p�.r p 0 a the' As 0, way d inferfwr y e ra t i b at I - ., 1. r 111-i911- -dr riderlis rioria­ eats. Mi4 -`OP e, ar '! 0 . . ii. . , ayinpiatlretic4 non-effectivc, unleas some tetAii -.of, th3 - * ' f' urf- sum- no sign 0 aroll* Pir' 26 to, 27c bet lb. Tor I fe Iyon--t rollai.ayI4 95 to.-94c'for!­s'olj The bombar` -c -T -Wo, re ay—melllie ',�-dbk b Mr. A:.d: Me. i t -Iled. uc drimritwilli Ila 0111 '-declarifig hat it is ' ( a or Y Q C ief anal -at 11' ca;rr' ten. thotisixild y Of y passeW- 3g* no*-Iaid, 23' to .24q.' ',And :EL III for instance, as Al . e'payme . tit . iheiofore� continire ll,ntilr 'the tou'll Let a:D,thi flip pi.q N1,11 to ng from aeDepartment n and -Revenue. geis hourly and do more work tfian' 99 7Stri6.tly I , . �N , lifts d r p of the interest. .Capitlll4te�'. 0r:r1jjjItjl�a.j.l he -Tu PAO 21c. on dozen.... SilltahL has or "What's the matt�i with'the'ril 2 a case Iota The question '�f real est'ate mortg I�Tii e dered --P-iavets in., Perhaps:the commondat ­aAlilterar-It he friiffic­ a e, -At, fox-Ahe in- the - Y .!grou -,ston -whi6h ig" -,-the deep-leve�l'tube-'-ig�.-au.".h-o&vy at ma -eriort at 151-46 'Even 'if' Tripoli c 8 ri. olive es, a investments, ' wever t Irol .1 apitIllate ot6cti&11- 'of' th6 prblibet -agaihst' krl6iv� Jim common, an a4iiltrant,.thai i�.-,is tho busi6st hours of, the; day that - - , o - k, which few invoglor havp v,elatively ,vpry there,,w ervalg­ o ",poiir . re to 01. I'littlo't tile lifts are o"i-st, da : full f se4oera', ltal� 'N(ib ,:mudli—just leetle .-seek , t 1) rain-ect -pas ached.. ep', HOC; PRODUCTS, enlightefted man- 9 trqge--nrxti%fl�urcs in --sotfto� Of say. H n w we -.Ing. q 2&­pe� Thc� 241, .$20 t6 $il. Hama�. medi u1m' t o* ligh 163.000 hs it %novi stands atiol'the inte'rest''or.39,8. 'Per 'cent, TH 111E ST'ZAAHT Qbvious]Y-. fbi- the - alrpose* 'of' adul-., will be' cristrueted f)ii ­jjoj� --s . OUble such way�'as his §mi.th sent into. I �a �.cjil-; :stairways, i . I 'I, . % D .� � . li, g �it p and 'down in, ca,so lots. ,porx ahoft'cut,' $'23. do., t - - Ills, farm- is wor a -ba 0. end him''$1,000. th ereas� in nito - wis $'5'806.1 tichbwan ferkting� peppe.r.. As' th.gr,Qu 'a� o ons of the tinder#6und 17 to 17 1-2o; do., heavy, 16, fo.,I.5 I. -U - iolls.' $6,648,�il,- rt4er , t4ti ljd� a *t .7 per. cent. COMC13 to suah a small r r ithat, o in 5122,36 ,'.Or :42 --per to Dkeak,:but amoun'' 12 b -,-36V- olive ton a fiav6,`othdr,u��s theau- SYO-elr, 11 breakfast, t tha-i--Ahe 6 it'no dange h' A I L' OVER nqcks; 19. 1;2 to 20C. will not lid Able to j�ay W ertAifili qblt-, tast yp was exeept;` nally Sa�s AmiIiVF Ul� tho�.i,�ics' cannot Prohibit thqi I 0 ar. .0, Lar 'LOIM d-.T.ierdb -2c;. t3illp; 10 Mc. nails. A- lISH' STRIKt SETT. ED; a6:101 om, a daning, g'.2n o Old country,. . I -i.. . . . . . .. I I :, : , on't stand, to fose an Ing, (11 k 111 an , ma es ao ive: fr gtanOpointj t that d'on" feel.:,like W'ork the in.v h%ve, b esGient.. w1lil ' n I e lafge suiris ce ;VPTSUE LL. to . I i. : feeling, with "whic"ll said 'Mr Nqw, �probal t of coihpalil� 'Glir -are' a I of IT11 B SINESS AT &ON y V iiree Reinstate 00 TREAL... 410' e�lini4on the lb�iied %by all re'guaio O.Ornpanies nmertonj ':1fancy we I' I . . . . -bestt. afhbrities e A Ire. dr, le44ikel to be Aleted,, jd 49 a a 0 y is aer; e T would in Some. cases p re tr t b 'fr6in - 1jub in: s, a mor - grea Oct. 10­0ats-Can than e or Won the'matter.in'A broad man- doubt if,.the increase will bb% as 99ntr al C Ila. 'A, the Emp rb and thb.1,T 0,4d i -g A do 914 1 es, Perfo ita. ays�. ern. -No. 2,A71 -2c, caraots et store; extra, ner. 'First, its to the 'safety -6f. t t �'M during 1-910. Generoal ndfok6. -ydui got, �Dfij�jng Pat hree )joinths. The a I e aeclare;d on the 1rish4 very . tb ing .. el . se, it ol� re8t; -though Ila cases .�n No. 3 1b. W.. 46 14e; No -.2 g! No. fe4h, 47c; ?,gb. Like e pends'orl doubt Ebb pkoper�prescri 'tioh would p -Ont; 4c Pat* from Windsor the abioun� o. In rllroada� by. 'th-e! Amal So- No. 3 local' , , - I - local *h1te. 46c., ;jbit M 1to 't��, n tile slim ganlated f erg ri� bd �c Scptem. �c bty bf,Railway SerNants, No. 4 local illite, 45c. Floar�Xanitoba �Atled and" the value of the'. property,. Al. saysi, arr ages,� as, usual he CAN.kDA "The;troulil ith the,e ad' ber 21,:has been settle& The strik:, D URE, U Y I G UP XILU�. e, a n do.', mOP AS Sprift. wh.c t. yate to; �Ars�th,, i5jb, f! important it 'depends -on­.the . at citre i th t in vital. statistics of. Wind ar and 'Countess�­Grey­ and -that, it is. like taking opidtps; the, foe.rs.-�aband<�iiea.t;h�ii,�'origin,al.'g i0V17 'Beconds, sk�b, Winter W'heit,-patentai. 0, chti�icter, of th(Lpersq'xo. making the nydrt- f. � .. . - . . . . ;� e an othe thteer dn,,which was thiaiir objection to 75'- to $5; jtron*v bakers'. $.4'.7,0;' Alrai ght� 9,'X , ge-� Ills -Grac of Si fll�rlajiid nlV,have� boo:ik64 theik In"Ore you,, want,. pa,sago� more you t. k the 30,. &cording -to the "figures. handling luinbobr-s'llippe fo"T E nglabid� ton-,Oct6bei. 13 The test hab . it . ii,; easy to acquirie I d by ro to: $4.40. it musi al �6 Pqrrie in mind that tio -in $''I. 0 5 n8jon Vast' Tract i n I given out by.'� Cit�� 'ing'-frolible,'with its t The . Women". HOSpAxr A nd: liard'to' b Clerk* Lusted, mlich'was hal v' O 712.05. jitkil,'ge be of - any eal, 'value re -d a rea 5 ' . - �4 . if Rolled batis-Per Ijarrel, - .25; a mc A� roni 'on e h'quar r hab-it �f'- e-�u During 4 te' th-er� were 614 emplyda... By the -fin range�- -bai of 90'lbs has s��urd over $14 000, al at etidal N - , .r0on 6 quires,. er '�uptiiil' tied* within. . the % 'it � . I tain fiegotiations. noNN -j�ending for'-flie ri, CI Y hient. the companies" agiec o r4jil­ .j., ydii6w I r the. work,' as ew. urses" home. co�itrary*js ci�16, that com W., ;.74. io 7411-2e.- lie a siorl". h-cl 'take to so kin4ly;' it oes.� reputation.a �tdo .90' Pei-. cent.' of: the strikersT -at Ontario, $23, to $24-1. 31an"itoba, id- the money Is lohned. p 00 II&Ye Sol reach a, si �'ilamiltori oli, uc, �to. 0 115, anti i�l IC6689ful c d Woliviattal to .'Whom, A -ii -rctt�rrtly- -flide- ex, n- t -as i ..were; spc r . press th ke - o f- S ii ill e hp-. ei - O - , S.lista"ine'd... In :, t am I' . ill�- a diliav, cilitario--$27 .. to� ting f6filidA nleatd ds'.tbe" rest 28; uver, I ocent. vdeacies occur..:. They t b bar bdilding. b in 'ral Harrdlwn-',a� as!spssrne:nt in lict re�uireg- assiduons cul.- oya... $95;. tO $5;.. -*ggs�-Se-. -as toWed, '.p,erhdps, to improve his land 'in Itiftis'll'. Colu'' b* in 26 to Vc;, No.'A I oc to ow, a 0 cted st it*, 21142 frtil which 'will make 'it than n G' It all 'a 6u,p] ei -wcre� ribli-resident, moit of will, n' 'I ay ot dismiss tile new 6n who je in � -a h 1 -. ChOpse-Westorh , a. m9ro Isrodhoitive, 'tbi ... tll6ri livi" -in tho- UniW-d SUites. re tak ii,on diiri�g the.'str'ke do�s reaf ritain tiv n, and ifldkes qtiitb n X19 Population f ' - 'e c 1*4 5-8 to 14 34c,;,S�tvrns, 00� ­,afid a ma. 9 question riced -not -ig. 11 d'"i t t liij� ji .-elltv 'o orl�r: fifty-two p., a,Qqu 'o wever, n -ood,,. t a geliV ias, Plop . .value f I C L o I a b 'b witlig during this' period 'totalled: 1� ir' tl"i*-- ic'if. in'& bomplefoi- M �.S to' -2& Butter-choioest'­ 26 i.2 , be eniluire'd. into furthoirl., If. he obtdiried options.-on'riearly.thiity large Increae 115� afid..deatb.si-1iu'xylbe`r M' m CONTROL Or 27e:- nit li6iis, a �in- ly ..saturating and pe�m� form. -sebends. 26., to 26.1 2c; lie is. it man oso. careie�.,�yioyBs­ he$ got j).eo Of iigiicu Itud r&l lands 'oh' �otli cases. .66. that he js proofagainsi�ait. -him into financial. fliffi;ioiltie%, Ile may,let -Of the'South Th-dimpsoti Rier C p* ta' I n f. lie' rest h . abit, which, 'i acks% a C, le� f lid has -a I Ville ET. w' ye rs, to. �xtncfi�'g- cAsUvar-­ from traec­,of t I to\ I s1de§ t'hd 9. Thron run: down; in' i fe On., of-Ilie -xtp my wa.g hirn, i� idiiiii nt'ibai, even if one � . I . . i " , . , .. Cape werd to el!Ious N- j11,11III& riged A'&spat lis, OCt. 10: -Wheat -7 eve b 5rt'Y.4�,f6t,�elosp,.t.b6..'mo.tt,-ag.�,-.,ti�brt? Wo A., O -Ii -the Q1glIP5. t'a oorth. aland, zayIi Successful experin that Injght; ients", rY. oil ali T nd' Miii 811 ell -Seized �w rtniodth . V, b rd, $1.6� i-� is, ad I ei c li t I " t 1:' I I itJi -d rien I, jor, llvt Ii.4 to P�rtlqfi will )I' productive L,ekconuiiission-' t 1:4 !laid '"k b' N2 Northern, ot be get ill tile ('V()nt'of 4 for6od'vale. r -t o ta -c at first, lit,, -om; Sit, -aneiscoj t . ere all' is ln� Capfain' Deniers to like, 1�'. Persist A�d depatch fj Fi �vitb the 3:whoiat, go x-46 t6 Illitl ir.rigati wireless, con-trol, of Sb- $ 1.03.4-4,to $I;o5s.4., Nf�. Bay$:-:- n $1'.01 3.4. �N : 3 yel :not clopenti -is � fla� "Corti, 65 1-2 to t6o;: ee" witf, messag hed- iia,;I�e bmi , milde, but The safety of 4il dfieg in Japan, s, -are cept'sed: aw, �to 46ci ay irobablv. cxo�d s-50,0 '000. fhe ei, in tllbn whi I' , , , *% I altdgether 'oil 1 i1spq'int. A bad yeir in' , , P X pall-, tile details ret, is 45.I. -t Nd. . 2 r ' I . . .5 t, er.9)i6ftain ill. -'tor Eheil 04 itill fill], Yqi rs I lff.- '2 $21-50--t6- r 'rWer tit re a V- -C -C Ig, 6. o �was taken to 7ur=1 leas and flw f ollifto h;s b:oak ind Do. -nc pa, - ck Thl,trs-cfay.� .9 -.30 to�' $5.60; second c, time, at �i.5 o`jo t pitteilt p tnt6uey.�,6u�, in',tak-, Uie JlerUiah waves laor impossible, -to.iar tile, intercA.. 'Mils morning. tq-, $4,00 Ao'6.20; firt cien rs,.. j�� 6 I ji.t. �Z__ I10"Ope, t Ire 8 etween K% an rit)IVISC hr inakeer *6 'it,is, on v4tor,. 'A d." G'P -Once got, t ie'' 5it, oF, Itit �V� � I) g tit ini to`�Ahe 'wall. F�thaps b 'er of J1'e,sjei% ilies�t the Joi�.,tafion'on%tho Island rdLi fof6und io, be ntirely undot the con- x tZ., Witts toil, rol of tile* (Ituiqer., Then the I, w O. sonal. fi lid". At' a f cy�tit.i t r 5r of Hkusliu,the Ino b6 t-roub, St nof,60rn� Sta. -f i-xiin w as ell ou an -c tic a, mem tion Ill I. min 11 vorl, alf'on track' A mort. Yellow' 73 I," 1. 7 . , . king to do to fhrcio so. Ago ju . year, It wa's d6finiteiv anivAniced. from 11b boicause, 'at titteg, "talk Iall I Wkrley, inalt. 'And so '-perhaps, yoti,fl the Cafi;iaian d, it boat was stibinci-gett, Si'milar' t, $1,16 to $1,26, lid it g, basier Oil y 0 get nio.f9re,g'o' tbo, qu.arters on Pei- me s -hre n n4db with' tor- , , , 'J' ; ' - , S' U I CI D t, 'A T PO TIT Mr, 0 , X .g� aiti, all pr LVF iMcg I Ag li'n6s, h(id 1) I ap- Tht, Lab'oir' Ila% 011 ill th R644,11ilrl, It be obIQ to ilnan. $&I -25L; do," COW.$, 14:15 to to You a' hol , . i Ie it site �sutOsibn to William WhYte, alid is roliortfl'( !-Ili V - rh and dilita.rio steef-it, to 0,, ease ht, 119 'Way, nolIsua6s yo4vto 9601i. - A�.'50 to '$5,75,-. fir, $5 'ill atop his , paynien't'; al, ohn-son a let, b ccritly� iaived Oil t: W T11N hto � $5�25; 'several III 0 ln� IN rough 'at shada Au�'Is. 110ftVy You vrobal)1. will offi.ce f ill oI$3 to, $3,15i, few extfit g'o')(1, Aa d C 'Up rigii t. Ili, tile long rtin,.,,but, 'tile C ml, ill tile.-. 1)rc8e. ne-c o re $5; good. I 0 to $4,26, N,,flipped 611tr ao People Have .9f - i)f,,t an a Great'. D a .�o. to U) to si, .$3,75 Of YO rei, is in tjq4 (o,, E�D n o I, -light baW, sg.35 to ur L' �s XV V,Wr 0 R,, t Cdi 014 sheQI), ach, Re 'died in few -11ji:' e .Illubs, $5, ll�- - :-- - $0 to Mon Y,, Earn ingjhteresto $3.60 to $4; �'tvbk lilve,ttar Will dool with othrr small lot,oxtra. �0 Select$, $6,60' to V f ago. packing, ffrml'; 86 (fif bem, drinking hea� Ill ifistitittions t i ei A 4.esp4th from Toronto saY-S: oil etwe S, 056 to$2,76. 'a 0legd Exten. V 19' lo'dois of ve, -�n.­!Pfte of that money- Of Ellis mount $14','677,8�2 Of -t- 10,`441110fig the, W&q ill , the 09verninent ra in' 8 ry, 1 1 being exporlded laitly freely 'if* o oft .t,thi batik Il Canada a n'd D" oto Boo, th 1,9 owntry end of 1910, while .gold, ,It A 6 iIe f o ri en Corn- 580,35-V, was' -in $:iv-' 0. 'Coalition. if) illdillin butel"r s livings of the people, 1ing blitobehii"jit $5.10 to $5,75, -ut, 1hat tile: tim *(hr,tV6 IA de's'plutich from I n N urfli U 1,9 411'ogc�l V), has comPutood,;`-tha ings Bank, and $27 772' 037 was, in �4 0 $6,40, 1111(j. f, II, jo. onil aT �l 1.) ca. . I tbc� loAn d j V n from Nikrut�,, says., rn 66 ar1l"'Ayt4t. lq flic 1yo r dv,,patch fiom t-eieostvr, 'Ei�g' lion at $sz the L-nown fooding, qfoors!froat'. Osq t I o 1,050. fila, r basis Of p'ul4tioin of eight m rins loan e der night, r Br�dstreotts ttrtai tr rio 7A�122, inakhlg, tin --it $4.5j to, T;19'h'f YdKrlfti�g at hews. ill tile three Ndr)pia, t i -orge, a I o%ere r in �,ths, T*iio ?o' the A,tlA.'bt' the a' idn to the elok do Point Oub thdt-A't the end of AtIg . list U ovdr ft2� pet bed n f 560 0 686 lbs., $3.50 w$6; i0o lie who fil t 1ril I savings deposits in th v d ri6w; t") $4!40-, 006 icy 1.60 11m, $465 jr nrI is �Sii 'ILL tion\.tu, be' eig niifli' to Ina re ful 1,V Jy� 'L eliaftered bankq,<jf lit (Ill i�Amljk, 8� to .,ts.60, accord all to f,�1575, 740-95o thus ail 0 Ili t]114 sth good piled a year, 4hot koirq '50d f Q ind,tbo� diffort-noo irr r aA. to �V, u the $6,7�,to .6.85, i,fl baliev-d illv 1111voi o thall-ol o mik Aild, Tt "olghod oft Cjtr�, tfigi : Wflildd the. great, 'bilik � to for the $7 to buonlber I'o 11 es Alit he ',eitdilst: ai,ail..Ibl grivings, f ng, rOW, Ill t�1111,jq a I 10, peopl-6 it'fo be Muftd. in the when\.deposit-, itf I 0, 0� t. xt, gi,in... It of t at on roal t1le, floli m H la amdiii,itor-W banks, ther� :worp 6ti: tuti�jns �Inuak 31,' if, i'l qv r 0. I' v . I AIIJ tho, ligast 0 -deposits in Other fin4bt Irm, the fficroa�c for 'tho, Rflope at Calgarr. r be. in the, oil ll, Iand vrijgre". I