Lucknow Sentinel, 1911-10-05, Page 6tlexiou, W-0 thoroughly ith w4rm IITOQY mov n .4, in 1, water, dry iu.Aun. life, thoto Shall "be 0 of A* Where of 0001 W F AFRICA,. THE -S ; UNDAY SCROUL' NEWS_,.'F#QU.UNSE1' COAST JHR 0 1OS r Bus eom,es. to 0 U bourid 4pro, -PAU o sekeepem of, noo.pound' It d' L Me 'L 0 ­ WIN abide no., -death.' ITIMXATIWTNAT, LESSOX loo Engedi—The .'vo4orn Ain ,SO 'N IBO 11 'it Ell - !; . Jr. E, WE �i4 At the last. Applyvth 09fteloth, tuated on the Iidy well!'),, i and rub well. White',ppots aro, -0 cad Sea, oboat OIN 0, OCTOBER west , he R0410.q,s, ik*0 Other, Vatinable Info fee t easily removed from.f xlitxllr�o by" lftvrc,*t go Wpo;nen half way farther .on 4q, the hQrrth, -holding over it A- h ori. e rot it, Wh n' in all probability,. although it has e rub hard with grain f Le.�so Ily identified1,'la3.!,E WaTm pi The liegiviO o e en ac, t u A ri JVitite: '11'o I I L I ". 11- Progress t' tho, Gr Ives 0 1141111k. .1 SLeat so t Told, The I.rat -ed' a is the M I- I�mxargonc�, Beef tor 9 -__O Pound s ve4either hot or sliced cc o, I d., TP -X4 Rev, 22, 17 Tbe_ Are Miry P aces�4`fi q Of beefi one pint, Oof ivatei the matili* bou� the De4d'Sea. lloe�perAte 'Struggle ci: -,be� T I - " Ch4ptcr 47 -7TM�, chapt A new wi StuL d e t,4, on fy �p�erie.d Aftei�triivellin;, 1,490 rxiil5a� t 3 galt beds. abe je A 4 a sauce ait lbng4, to th,�m ck-�-through trOpir, Witilk $prgeou,, -the. third, 4 great �in Nanaimo W4pit 1. rid last e salt;1004 of Sea is dtie. to of nor Meat, an strange story of agurgon go-* of 'go PQ cold, water, �.siir it. to separat rtiQn the Bangna r —$ice Aix large Section, of, the latti�r­ haff of the the, is -to, be: establis Africa, a 1a, d allow the w A Strata A Dutob,bank, atpr to- bananas,. sprinl;tp. with lemoi4 juice I . I _��Chapt,6 * , ,pAlf rocks uVrOund count .Its 40-48—W'hicli 6et tin Calgary, Aberta: ing through- .Yr tr4pt,the jaic6. Leave. for tep min- And gvded opoantity and Place diS ing mad performing an - opera- Oman has' even 4 . I � !P,;:e. ; ortha, �jsiort -of t4e Arial glory and where nu, whi.to, tho,"$t , P, t e leaf shall not Wither,' re' P 1; a A $ 0;000 h4Qtdlat E�OmontQA. foorle, Miss Permit baSr been taken ti. burg porio$pondoxi utes;i. then Place* QvprL� Moderate retly 40-A i1pe for one hour. tioli iS.L.roported. b, Whos 04un't, t of the. redeen�ed p been be fire, and, -stir' till. -it, 8fulmero, then mash smooth ,%yith a, wooden, 0P o of. ­'Co-rapa sa M. 1.,;, ild Rev. �2. 4 rettArne well'known, pu bur,,. has Pour The P 'codin off t , liquid. remove the fat add a?. s�a te g chapters. Of 26 The. leaf is a. thing the. spring,-. The grain yiold in Mapifoba 44' W London,, e hpo r BlIgar n . count . 4;h 0 t riglana, . to, writ lit cup. of . _wdo ed t section give a :ac e f Th Come _ut; with. the godly it bet u tothe., 'book'of her,experionces. rom the, surfaCq with. paper, and and t7he: Stiffly beaten whito,s of two wAs,Chia, in Siberia timoe; 13 Man 17 arid, 00, b, shols.'I nee o - patient, was a tpPle. buildi -ancl Of the ordiD7 has g perennial freshness. The ilere, serve � at n' -which )uld be lightly told.-, and the �Oo.cto In a� It gs nee t �mple. int�xview, s c narra od'SOM45.' orking,. m4n Tlbo,W6 -Stojm4 ana frosts of the year can-. IV. Ilitefish, in. Pour-';ig -,'.tu whoge, con, -A large addifiox Q S114D ia,, a, P I c 1�9.- rni, g Ing i" bxi'lt' to 10 fre6zei el Iis. to I I ­ ' L or othe, S�JL a Milk Bait, pepper, "if n6d,elay. Re.w6is-cIlloro- the -giving i*e M5" 0 t r the lesson, , lon f III the ornk Ab6 iViour Iniiiiltes, or mitte4 Or 'wi it J 'it d' i ties, 6t of and half t formed' d h pf Be OK:rnally. from by90 B i at egoilite 'lady. ibo,'goild-' and two 'had I have been, a pnthere is v. wight 'rens nce, But !our. Butte:r -a pio dish; lay th h P ced,evori reove. it is for"hilaling. la rthing ready for �0: lly. imple": the: boiijt:i� ;'h f h i,nt, of Win and djs� The sympathy of.�.the godly-inii.xi is a .uguit, 1, 336 Criminal coast,'?" lic,said "from*the cover wi m. may W adde, reeze, i.,) a. p( 441t,� and the o6risiat�ri6y PO$WQL 0, t Aim of heali i for -the wounds capo� wore sposed f ' beg ' e r, ii�iih 4i in the Win h astern O' 'so d tht mil the� oeto, r6li - the latt daries* f the 61 Nnrd, h I fifig at VIAL, urprise In sprinkle wilh peppd.r,,-&n Of -mush. ake, b b 4e To gland (tbe Q '8uhyani i6 Jrre evakit` e Verse!'I, B -r t, niPegr cOurt. erman to b4ko -, tiR " the I � 11 � . . me. back e: arid 5 sh will; leave the ice 1B1ano,:JKango.' remarks took tup . urtt . of t eL Ith." The'. City of Nelson, th ei,,'b. ao I k o es w en. gen toll '1�16 bdil6r put th k f th f There the peb-� fail:' ' Th so ibil� fui�a 15 bi'Stoury,,o h weveri'anu Made the Noithe'r Ad been, in and hi the fruit er�of tly 4dt, T ouse, of �the, r "O' Of sllam�i ufo the fish, Jay it.btl pinch of salt,'a equ incision with his usu'a h eke is a, pea, pealed for prvine I help I a disho put the rid a 'iscant half- e . were, accus. izied to -.worship. - fiesil-' d wn bugs. id. where, -1 r whit& W0- yo I wihas been'thor- r ill i r9d recision, stants O sk his, assi PI as well as. an un4y milk -a. saxicepail,'I" thicken it cupful of tie , P , d L I I I Now he is. cohd i Q'the tem- ness aboilt the L good man's life. man gone gether-, and. po Suddenly be burst iptc 0 eb a i to. street cg r Be . rvice . w A,ltogethe awa, ughly washed', Cook until the milk 'b4v� be y butter. and flour worked, 'tc- being thereby reaSsure .... ted' nt reglar Glarn i L sh is- entirely absorbed-. S0,k,,,one7, Ple proper dg a. Etekiel, -b61Oii'9_ The, rid .of the, d'mala,' life ill Soon beo,lu-. r en ugurato&iurm A I g It !, MQ. a t h _S , _y_ 43 X 1 V Ji: I P � P ut around, s - f r, tri Th W.1 third. o a. ox of. ge atig in _&1d � i if pars, ey an sr Joes o Timbuetoo-, but 1. muPt Noi Water nutely-familiar vithvorything that ,e . n em r 4 be bettet -beauty are a form -flu A incinerato'Ja to lie e book first. One ablesp�;.A, wa6rj. dissolve. over h,)t watei-, and and rAted fill Of the a stioke pertained to.the*te' ' I i t ever roac in the -garb o whu f. in Victoria,. at roate pearl, barley, lemon -*rind, add to the rice mixture We,. finished: him'.oft.witli 1—qP e I as an ex mis.. Bu. be tree must' ag -,r quite oftbeknife.,� . in w.flash tlie issis, .of, previous chs; wil Asha;nti, sugar., 'and '[uart of. water. am pter f6rth to the beoing'of. fruit,-.a� it -a cos of �4,�0�9. 'q 'L. ' L ' '". nli#xife b�ginsjo t I , at . e 'Wi�h, �the barle -,putit in a realised thii.their hief Nond nativeS had quickly show. It mustv b4 bornein sensation. . of th , i � 1, a under the enriclirnpnt Extra rooms were engaged Ilit, woman before L B U g�,, 7 and jug half cupful of'powdered sit r One I,jile n �ee I a Nr two o of them Placed., mind, O. course, that he'is still in f divi e life. Souh , I and mad, &n&- - 16 prcivr& th some lemon, rind. and or tea nful of vanilla, wine- Vancouver for:: d pPOO ted out w. guns so VC .- 1.0-,..-tk.�14.ad,.Af�.capfiy.�ky. E p itent', W r'. "rew wes isqpart 4. a, visiom., a.- Crow s, c ANL 'Dea4m off, th6 6visly. lip omtom�" 'd ame T�7 b rs� issued oul — CIENT Q 01N.S*. hours; strain fo, A Water over' and et it� stand, Ur L he a '-pint of �reain '�v pp 0 an's Island Oni hi ed't on_ Wat4' Th r use. -froth. Turn lximsel,k� upon. the Iiinati6 -.'to loukat me #IX a stiff A wef mold d,eivored - to *rst t '0yideritly'llad its basis.in, t e faQt coast, will probably §oon e a It b L Cqu.it -err one ay be.. k' that there lid -set II a cool P , or,- un I OM ai Emergency Barl6y W4t L w 'I la t`1 -existeo a fount ie by the Cifj of Vancouver, his In Jai- Fall: ot' Gold-, and, VA41ED.!.GIFTS.' 4eisertspoonful bf pea ne Rroaze Iko�- rl bar e, a edeod The vital Stit,at,bS, of A Oria: sea "They 'dAshed' gkye. hie) sugar I to taste ani I rilge the doctor .3a with.,'. -th(i. temple hilt' 'L With in donnecti, M1114 )Iuey Discovered. wt 'Strip 0 u i5ta t; While -foi,August s4,6w a total of 66. births, ing. water,,, 'Mix GP sh i4� -chickens'and, eggs--sonta ind a , it r* . RE ro quart of, bo #r'ggW with'Itia a�s hr, wh1ch_the floWed into APE alloSr east of the city nd so .,�A And' e by �0 deaths, arI4 867marriAgs.. a� del;iert�podiifui of. b4 . rleSf with tbe.nurses..fled'from the suideiy in of'gold coins 'was Mad hidh,wore -hoary 'with ige-41[114, Grape Pie.�'Make S., rich,. -PI6 'terror, Another, asifstant how- made, their toward. the' sea. itw6 wOrkmen t, the - R,6m&w exv te'n . 'The�' ine4nt, . of L There is a r SR. s�w4deglaas;ful,,Of, 'Cold water, into a ;at pieient'quito Xorstopithin- the old f settlers W the bog:Lake district;' Smo e oili'-paste; Pour �tilis: into a stew- ot: tile Same &S Ybll:Ld;D 1II'Makling 'With resAy.. "resOurce, coun This tr6afti had, -bef6re E eki I's CaVations at tWinn. colarae,-tha:t i.bad 'dash' them grap-s Roman city near Corbrid6, N�qrth- about 1.26"mile�; orth iin-� ofhev pio..� Wash't e- :time, supplied I e n ,nta,,,,ng one It the operation, already., be�- beautiful figuro, to: n .9 Pa .quart of. boil- which, 60st;money4 e when the -th: -6). umbekland, England. and remove tho� fill ihe,� gun� And adman 'had e propbeis (combare' Isa, 8. 'The 0. P, R.. have offeyeorizbs' -in in water, alidt stir Over he -fi I �,as tropical g re, f or ki two, Thi's sea.Bdn the -ex n, All.the tim� N 3 s�iinklo bee red - . ilec6s4fililly The. Orientids -enlairgO the "'"'Ou's 'have' for best'alfalfa, grown in 1912; Af rica I never fo ItAh6'hcAt- �o much pie� with n overp five *ihuWs -1 r- with, lomri, I'' fl ,ij. owe 6 upon oun( $L 'of ohr. amfone, nd L One7 completed The doctor has beeA blessings'broiught, ' them' ben-toohduct6d--itt fiold : to the irrigation btoqk, 'east of as, I cam6 home. and sugar; eithet..or 'both, accord- by such I have done Sixig( hilloupfUlS of aNye . L . a.L I inety-f6u'l' d c'g ov.6r. the skiA pla�ed in %laf asylum... o f t-e'r J�is-p ssago, t* as the, at of the excaya. ions Made agary. 1119 to: tasie-4 allow� the tream-, a . . I&I in xtu -a co bA 2. d b4k66 "The. re, fotmer year. The coins were In I . - IA ol., and t Put on �op,crxxst -an th sik Of Rev, �2 -2.1 : tteSt in -4 .1 - r. Fbstm — Of c__ J a 'a, �-:, M' V ,,.a rain. Ind- or th-- A-ining part_�. -.the.g.r&�es.-may.]Ye----L�T-AR-BIRDI VAGE ge o t -house I SiAlver­arid cooper,.oir�! -has been milmeter r�gistered,, but'it Was very -:GaWs Foot. -Cone foot On 4 the director, of ,,�he'. works, was. used 'for. P46nc:Qrd,' ra];!W th T I sout he sti-pam -.made - in the, Mid, and' hrust and quait,of mil )ne small 'onion half .9 Would "be, Yellowke d hu" I!son bpresen1--'at�_'th4AiM__*_ tefore ail dist -,Pu —In a4d---of 'of le- to,_the1*1_ — east*�ird.` 'T), rict, a., fie -the altar, oil t e -south si moni,peel, one ounce Ift-Ukyelessnoms. Ipg south - si -A' ship carrying 7;6bO t' o y MoCkloine of butter, Ono. ons lon,btay is ripe rap- S picke"A'from ilic stemoll exataina-tion. was made it was found b�ot 1. ives fork$ ounceLof obur�, 'slice of lein46h,:choP_ �biirdcagea %Areo- and comink'foiih�'Irito,lho ­dpen- ,chem 0 s. sugar, I o" tho."' B there, .*as 159 gold� aila: twb i�al,w'rk aln� P r Poll cis 'of .'one pint, Of. :thL�- right hiria of the 'outer qa.s b - ' . " C . Sac oundi. l4ndea'aXVic ritij and neaily itIl. I po 6a Parsley. Put, the prepared 0ot if the S e e -on' h- -ecri o -u a _bf IRB 4Q Lr o6d i L. af6w_ -Jic,zeiadjy�ie sease-ac- the.'6 thor'-d- v-'-.-.- h en npn�wit WL. tpr,,e S e th V-61 oison 4 I �b -rite -As-bOth 6f In future Kildman,..Ma in the month L 9 f th 0 'on Cel ifinarridn"4'Peppef. a ryatioh. They- rmg0d­ from; 4 .0, n y nd 00 ing, -a rep , 6 -r -t- - by -',Df -Rdb-ei iV. of,Nero to thaf Mar�� S to hl_ C ver, add'the Qnionj cel r an f, It t; rotig it out n team,,r half teaspoon.. o sa '.Boi er X, the n 'r anc a were d. Rivbr.. Tho'stiii was So bad, hat it' nion peel,. cook gently't I t e- meat It freedo' .cf -th L MOTO L Eag grapes and stir&in to re seeds ,dr -rent, "British I outer east her 0 arlimol t i in Jor inton in the ate �us Aur . lius.'. The largest,'num smashed,.- tile �, bithy4iks, tie L bodits, tender enough 'for ne . to P! .on the indu C §' zek. 44 and, 46),; the! pro- city,� its a herd. by-law Ifag r cen Eedi6al Joifrrii strial weire of Iho,'Emperor' Trajani -51 in 4. and skins. Add the other ifigredi- "I t; "I" 4ise4-ses-.-of Birm1nghi6mT- Fii�pxz-t�- _&i_led_ ill r .1 be6ri-passed p, aceL on ents an -bioil­untit tback.. ting.togetfier. chandelier d, by w "y ,round'.tof 'Cougars' ..'are; in 1iplyisi" t' a water rose�:in: tlib,c, rbofn flush keep it warm. Strain"the gravy, fthe noit a an I gas gate; The anc i,ent Coins fou�d 'at Black ittting iter.. lead- i .0 hicke butter rolled. in so wh 'at rate' in the Bayo6ife COLIntry, WI 0 o'. the Gittei�-oast gate, where, th the fire� 'We.' th ' ughti; w, lit, season,�w-t'h' p'o EGETABLES.' Kirlicub-tightshir6; gre in the C6ribek-, 0Q,QKIXG.AND.V. I pper oil 4e,: e saw B �C. A ''passenger a ;-)ijg a trail, were 1;oin�-down. Tbo,wav,were -d' the streili joints,". he.'.6iys .."and it i the a- thoL outsi 4 some'Aim.o. ago-'hav, been'tubmibted a ew grains o PON eS 1 : : 11 iiito. 'the operl'at t ie .�outh receritly,met 6 as th, inqu I tainous.. kdeire'd.Mace,� and Hints on e� , . I . at the emerge' I nAll &n five. Deei Oltl,ng vegetabI tOm. Of. the.. Workide 7 to to a;g.o*pert.n.hehAIf of the c otown. tables I serve. -G& � fth - - WI b.V -i- �si the -gae­., --i P for. an PI W&s�'thc orily,passeng6i, and a ruish Din v ge ­ - - -of being.'a -1 k #�g the 4ir Oj L c 6-be--id,enL, the -,Nationa.. Miiiii�urxi of -A�txquim woman, oo,, so 4 cad 3_T-If6_manL­He 1' t I'Aid .:.in_nnld., water fo'r* some ime. bet 61, "'Uhlber have .be�n' ��jW -f mq4.__gIId choppe(f pi'R ey- ed,, t n 6t:'u�y a not b bl yeiii,"for'th­*, fir.at* Iffine rricil frig. te e -e cap ee.� ne egg., a sma e- is pro a y conveye irbatl -tified With Jehovah -j, �bxxt is�' an. im-' ties" rid' he' cirOwin"'prOposei to. re- tfie a C'� kfl I( s't it?, Boiled C6ff 0 using. Always. lo.t. atelr'boil'b d'd. I ;Sai;to till tain y I 'It is magnific teacu milk, . aL46r -drops.. Of i6re'putting them to'cool, and con�, the. 'stomach."' 'T -were br6ught*:flroM I. ic� on pful of r, 6ess hich- agioary. b ih dent Ile, n, eing, a symbol'of the re-, ward: the finders � for thilse CBS fi kept; -to assist in h9rvestin pe'rai Said 'G od . en gq W se'v volation 6f'God. He has t e, attri- handing them bick-the remainder..' Coast .1mag 14 0 � egg tinue to bo untlLres' igh�s It cc of vanilla BQii ill en g 6 rn a of the.central west." grgeiatt , a -we can 1 -B any more .thokbiighIy'Ana:LMiX. ith: the iIk,.' Turni should' �be :.,peilled 'and, d 09, I of -in-'.. brighi , like ihe coins are.�ailver.-penni a,, tion, t band w i bu*tes 'olf, Gol..b6fng 6-16d o thiity. -v4xiiiie to an st n, ir in 11m ism s th Greaf,--�wttrv�iti-fn.'th�.,itdvelstoice,: ;bf'it;.,We are-goinj down, clipi' 401 a9 with t 0 ekeeption..Of, 'to d' rid c., rg re -ed by.'ek- ""Alf the- blacliS., ere* and ail ran'- boer" ith but 'orty (Ezek. 40. 3-4)*..Thd 'penily a;iid .a; silver' farthing. The ly ViSit ro. paper, an hour'. or�bar' an;j tbach bodies, :,twith . atith port r&ni'one to' tw 6 �hours afes and tto'ves,- whose. glossy, P . 117 'in M4 h d f !te n Beiets�';b�ll f 4D. itrain fok tNh es. urn an peritp who have re nt d that up on'dcck wail'in" 'Th pennies Inc u ea Scottish (long ong section o the. povin agincer; a� Germau;'stuck.jo, his t ty) miari 16 cold,446'r and slip h ­w­&6.us�d 14�r M"suri' -t6 di . -6 ) ­_ � � .1 L .1. out, Sift it: le ��ug _,over...'aid then -'put -surfateet exacts Berve., a ng gre- r rstoll fro -the, 1aorkets'owing'fo"_th.e tanos, as the" reed. was, used- 'for, John BWiol, and-. . Ro- The shiPm�nt-pf'I'91.1 PaSt.L, ft�..W'ds .gropiiig abblit'among, n, 00'0 verInici 2 �gases, �,atrivej' .86ilding, Steam. He, Said: b 'I twentk minu lead dust jnh ie iepdat­ e Bru I pennies 'sa 2hA aled during tf zlidrter. With o proceeded' �a bert* th C'ew. ris�l - - Sp , ph, . b; it� h "!I! thiuk'ilt Iiiiish - but'I may as recerifly nVanb6uvef, :; arid,.. Was 'and boil from tWe tq -ed .'�sand pering invo (about.a, Parsnips, Ived in. 4h6tisatid Oubits third- t � 'belon t6,the reigns of.E461wird Ii ISmooth S 9 .Bbipped,to Oreat.. ritairi.. go outi' asanother., d -S thirty minutds.. socuring'�A perfectly fr6m' the point : whe:r4. the and -IL' B ` Virgl I1''Poon in- fi: tea tir. UrfaCei. Mile)L I., and fiad:be�p d 4.CaMe In ",_Itod milk gate. ]nlnt'6' -#t -It is ropo gas. IW b a1J ri bt. in t e i. 1) 9 'xiart'. of *at sa a[ o, or thr'e'o Dublin 'and �'Waterford..: Engli h. f.torn B6W,. Islin&to "IFIigh River, rid . ut hi§-fgcc-was� c ded-- . H 'to a q Qn1oiIS- beat boiled in.tW 'Houie pairi�Wrs�:eome -next, an ..on w -er emerged hi: the At sed to Pipe haitu ral fhroiig at fr;D ato meal' Wateka, iddiLng' , Milk the 'Iastttizn�. 'the same- level.' as r6giad-S' fre-. the beiffirdrij the., ktream .,barely' pennies of 'th. aal 0 same reig s were. 44a�'pbwer %rid domestic- �pur�' iaved.- its� al L W L e d on 6eney Ot�.poi�oning :are...thol,girls, '.Itrickle& forth'� (margin to. verse ,mirited in. -London, Duiham,', Cl�nt� a upful. Of: fin6)rellow corn f6ur. 11 beateii:;� add, a be2G arid 35' -trave and Stking,�'beans should be-boile aeand, who sincioth Aldwn ihc� 0airitt of he rate will �66- m'iies'in , ii, cAve little .Sugari two, ,one�half:hours. 2),*. Ireadi it has boo'come. aiiklo -erbury, Beiwicki b4iitol,' York &'rid' ng a with a 0 boil. one hour, -�nd I . , . .. - - - I r thousaiia� roso.pctivefy�: hamrno-& all" ov�_r* the gold coast their deep. .1 . . . . I .. I . . 1P. sbo of butter, and ck�thbi�, '.Shell ;beains 6fracagbs 1�ewhenb,. thei�' are also bum- . . f , Lf* . 'it L . , aching -like surface. 4-5.-:-Tht, Water: rapidly deeo�ni,- bt 40 L 11a . . I . . L . J reen� orno'- boil tw'gnt' t thi r J oats carried by�men' four a"t a; ti to. get .an . , nitmel Over, a litindrod', Pp trt� ban s en. aSes of leao polsoning-among-tin- until, a, mile 0 baking dish.�nd brow0driAlle, ov f�bm the t�vpl ' e; it halfpepiiy �Ig f tMFrcigii -of Edvia.rd aildi, bff tlie� D WITH"PRONO.E D, F ORKS. Mon by illo nors.and. J Serve, hot With, 'BY t �hon6y, or ed,. bAtle are As&i6- ha' a a d. Was minte� �, P, Gren eas L Shuld be boi In" a bebome'deep enough to,fe ch I.. art I at Berwick., toast of-! Vanue.66ver' 'Island*.-.' Most :,`f-At-Avgomediv�my ca6i just' �butter. )erJy' made- little 'wateir as. possible;. boi n- and tin m ni era were III I .or khile tli' farthing' minted --in Lon- afraid'to go' .1 ed to '�be mixture of lead a * a lbiria, and,� with anbtb Were any ju rthei bedaltS4; olf-L inside su face, limit o' rAting Within the: Smmilet Ili fine sligItli-thickei ty�ininutes.; Used for the. r of. atl�s thoti�iAnd'�Lubits,'k bodonies -an don IB supposed 'to, �el6rlg to the P -e , *, L I 'd I'' L , I . the anger from t -ho b . be. Krobs, used to, come. Aownand,, a Ca T' Krob,6' erve ILL sab.. river, one In ashtd. potaloes, and 'in the. Asparagusi s me 8 rld, sauce'pans. t!h asn mo .-as pea a 16 �hat an. same'.reigh or Ifid Of een discovered within rs nO.T __nbt pass- _th6*ug4i__ uniless-, he.'aw. im. eorgo an I ip ell c .-.mer -an sa ieacy of ha�v6rbea­ esembow ni es. o ort, G tan corn bred-., '\ 14. YE. Cabbage should be "boilcd from - ARS WITHOUT A, ROOF., So'Gtid.'s bl.es i core. and' . U..NCLE, 111044, TO HIS 'IXEPHEW the - iupplk,."Point for �bloo< f.ptich. - sings grow. in the ne to two houiri -:in-pi�ty of Water - more hboun ing, as� they fl6T-::oa ibo ! gold isti-ict, which* hai ngo reb.breid Recipes. -Take thr�e 0 Till a; f life to e Oar o a ,kt A. meda. leopard, pin salt, while boiing,. Cr ro ts: water;' two hot and. 6no cold. in life. This. is the irst, on: nreo�; pzodaced4 .-and I­-wh-nte,d-:to-.geVon- 'We: ."t -h the Si -86 fact ab ' ` -6 ' " * ' ' '," ;, I I _ 'L . tIgil .. ­ y Treas , tie hund' d'.-m-il-Wri-dol'. ,�P* : W right mbonlitL,, e Ilito In in er squas ,cu, in pieces -and ar out.1 e lars- to 'datei. w Ofi and found 6 'boil' twenty' to fort It -in lr� �of t I he no hot Iii h :All Neu,'Share Alike. Ca e. co piessed. yeast; into tho y -minu es iving'� :jVcmensw6uld eas.' - It is a piett anebIlation f tile olit -wa' Could -near Owing to the po where I.,thong or quantity..6f water- when donp, 0. 8 I aier lace three :sombwhat-,.ioM6t0 districb.'Of East large tabi liophs. �rn!xll era f restored ''and folicity. in 0 man May h mor cderiLl Goveitl� r i "LLL 110 tomoltarid'cool.W,lien ave. . talerit- than . ­ :. L. U.L, .4 ers�o­n t t6rhp1f;;.'id 'the -.waters' are. repre- rnei)t the p�'ck CIO 0 I�Pur to tho,..Veg�t,.,gon wi b� butterj.,POPber, and Be cS­61Top6n-ai'r life., One. is anothef or,M Co r,. 0 "hid b6en able td nut, it ase r. tes JXULN�­ age oils sat '4. as "Alo W 0 0 It app'rqxjma e -10;000,- -4603, of now .80 I'Vi �nl'Lfiendo,4'wlliCb'tbey so t ]land 0 arS inad three Y) is 80 ye, sMono y t ly- -2 of l,,Qno thing that'ho. man on kind 'Care t lisaoings re -Xr'b6s. hill, They: cl4,,ppd4d and 'thre. teaspoons - Sugar. C L E AN Ia. - I -and the,other is -'her son ary. Whal t6ve tartl��Ca, fully ree. qbartslflo,ur, and- iidd ' . ' ' 6LC I— din'the b eAter'day Will be'1 of fi�h. sift t1i I C 9 7I 'brass * L !I torn have tiny More of. 'than., you bavei, Onp 9f EIIe6 (1� C.'s) m?)st re- MndS..and:,triCa I in warm� soapsuds, ill;, ageA I., Who, ;S 4 chimney: JOye e to klol ses I W6 9.1bwly beating'with wobd6n.spooll, weep, Iarid 'Billy' � air'e, Pod, * and re Will be a abun - and that' is time. --g-pecte. citizens, IF' r6d 86ridan:idi orve no- e4 v h , '' ' , a 'L -t -j woollen Cloth ior: p a Welievers' i '-f an th it e,Did la4o ompar, 0 Ys. *IishL Jai: cc all"t. them that W pame� unt;i you use I nwe r. IStop to* ink' of. ir;dbnd�. fr'o ii n. ored'b* I orn in . resh a you eve m &c to' blood poito ragg; clean -with cloth wet "thing to 'be deSLI erk. ri�illg' all'. - -'kiniW mixing'. with the hands'. qu and.'carry their corivic�ti"s so . r,,, that? Or'rhaybe.you -hav n't'c6lile i4- X fri6nd in a j'oke-had cpolw loicycle had. Covered'p-an to rise in alcohol.- d the. to'if�y'et,.14ilLt, 6f1h ere. The and '.S,ttside in. 7..- On, the ne� side 'an on that,1boy will.11'4ut ha�o a r o bo e . .1. .1 . 6 inost Or�eioits cil Mr: Sheridan With iigar-.1)o - Krobos' dome, with proriged'forkL6 0 Ou. Th in.p as; tit -ho ea -rier- fl6we4,' do*n thing all,Aho, sah e' beifigm, I 4 nd 4- 901iftte'r` with. which - tileY 't�hiilir �v C IMI), rs. -on pu - - q *. 1A, 1 r tw h t a1X-di� 'he�*ds. For-, i4'ye es been 'dissolved � in ',%0flch sidt has bread 0 . 11" _, d eat,:tim&,'-nob6dy, use a a ig it P by-' let xisio again. and hake. This - bav4-.Rvcd--ia. ihow. through, gorgei or,va,ey,.an as. -matter who s'eiV-woitild with, end '-in I 11. L tile- rieck�axiil e'finish 'off' with �n bit to. polisht-. P ed. do tip, th:e e Inc have. as ere tirpes:pn. he IS, ave ny ino call started at,� ' o'clock' in. t lement, the there w n h rian v cat hilt to toitilrthem* Xiokel­�-Cover '--witli thin'paste been. Some: time 'a-g6-,'&.4ri'end'pre- Allt 99 haxe� There -can't be any favor- w6rlt- to L, . it . bolit) . o' MOI. ning,./and bak�d Wy 11. o'clbek'. Side. This ! ­sitgkestS.fresh6e doiyig'away with flid. old te'di- Made of emery, powder, with Aur- sented­thcr��:� thinkiiig, �.Wnd feuitfidnesi, The Vara4ise!on itism.or S&Ciaj'pri�ilcge'o r gougin,g C, scaled tile. 'a 'Veto ouswa� of baking bi6a,' The beat- e a 'h F pentine and sweet oil, in equal tfi�y ai i Well or monopoly I ..'time. You got and. got, i tr parts. Would appreciate' it'.' They tho first . I - Lt , . n v�� finq gained -and fat 4QL 'ght,,= as 'that oq'.th nagej ki d trees -What.'a cc . --t, 1.00 -.1 Ile,� , , VWAV ud _'h 1-Y. goo,C4 rid aC6. ea inj� w t too the ban, ", man on earth ciin, take, it away net, i;_o��'�ink they set e Ej­ P ng I ish, cc, rdadm are fiot.';: claring ''it as 'It a The tightebus Man I M 116, m wder mi ed With sIppCin it e, as. ,y __kut,Ahe_ atr liands that�, A oo stuffy 0 urpein- to s yr.,. T�or6 he'is' thir's something to� be 'The 0iike I- -.6lock ded-ic'ated 6il 7— equal parts Sweet if.iin jeep in.), p ace planted by the ki D DRt tine.; fihish by'rubbing wit woollen a ourishkt.. The'POM ch�exful 7 Why 8'tttld&y At'liVoritton ...NEATS"AN morning in- tile depbh, of win- p�rpetu' Ily n cloth and a dry-powdex Veal Breiist and. Dressingi-a a er "BillyP found, aloo� zjn4 atree of the East attains its full et�. the granddsl think eb fron,Z-e-WaSh, in � ds Mnil halLof,snow who -n' he awok6,i fdeti6n only as, it that' is -pl.antbd. by th -of the -most vAltiable thing of 'Englarid as ar coronation, mernorial, th*e�e* p6und breastf v&d. aftAhlive immonia, dry'and Polish with tri- :but. lie Said !it, Was. q6i*6 wkiiii W'atey'� all I we've got as in'tich, as the ina-ii is-1wob It an. equdl1h the bubch�r �ut a pock !t - on the ablY -withot' tile Into the Arabali"Th' Ii or. rotten,stone, mixod4ith.Oil und6rneathi'" I 'zh 't Mos by'us iri'a $Io,66o meat side 'for -filling,- Filli�g, 'On6 'br, 'poarLffiri 8. I Is ille , a auto- �oxllitry. 'IE . n Rlib BOIL depeession of the -Dead Sea, arid, rnobi "L, Bu�,,aud now Vm ge-Xwr It was made by a villago I ny lnaI)11'faVtu'rq­ -H as ar . as v *Fs heart, ld; NO, f' tj D gulf of down i,o -the sari6on;' 8tcve�-, is I Pratt OD CIARhIE, RS. 14�i TAPAX-. southwardL nCe4 ­ tha:t lucaL 'oxio, rg, one quartq'rL J -)rain 8 r4 Iush'.'with four ou' a diistanec. of 466 Miles.' most prkioits. thing �of all, i t 161 funds we., in bre, hn9104% ttlbgi�ap'h poles near Frankfqr��' tIlree'l L , L. There i4 no,hod-citrr 'ing 'T aflicient for pj,o,- The glaqB mass inced Bamuda onion, eaves chloride linic. disso'lrdd In"'Uno In ap` All b4sides.,the �Zist- thin 'of whielt wo-'are mosb waste-, po,-M addition Of 'a ltj& L t1l'o, 11,e L of *sage, Powdered., S64k, the brea an.. The nativ, L I 9 I ".. , I I I . 'tre 9theried by nter gallo�i of water. erq have 6 r gioh,�O-r J,udaea, ful 6h i , mltdd'i� t n in luk wa bjirro,j_�Nril lotl' Wet method'. -6f transporting m6tak is c;f r�ch towei, Offored to 14eing and intertwining Nvith strong erh atId JSL to CoTyle '�Vitll_ 0 rm, milk and water' then, r )o aOur full 8116're oi if, ur 60 -wis, wi rey -e It i's 4' �'J c. �n4ke on' squeke4t, unt',I Oe6rly ry'ian.a�d with awhidi makes i seem moi -e like pla�- tho'De adq in the ranger of I) but we wAsto it itwo k and thd n r 1.5 . 0 e r ients. Vvtt,ltl.*-� cloth " And whatever' is ly... , . all the other ingreAi tl n wo'k to tile onlooker. 0 n ("I riV to the v'eal. Pocket an Mn,rhakes thi.q tip ihto.bal]5. of Cas I niiildrial we, -c slip. iurity jvobtle b901i of 9 no tailco t the ravag6.q of dipped ITI, gaso'liae" wilich will re" heal6d. Tho desert place Shall hlos,� Don 6 V t 'fl iPei the voAL Lak two Salt. rnar , about Oy. weight, which he their rei$' -0 0 move all rease) 'L -finger ks, 6m liko-thd rose, -the bittet watem dorilt, - As you % All pork over the top, of brea,st. Put to- a iniin Who sfafidi, �orx a ladder 'of the sea Shall `66 made SWee t�, and' grit a millidri year.�� alle$14 OfL-y lieluding in, tropical eoontrie5 a44. 1pe tip. Wl L WArm I b'U t rambulat. th6 a iew Oices of'bonin around a& Linul ellin midwky. between tfie root'and,,the atic iii�tiexx .0 Srifinister' to ian"i more less, ig Ime twording about one'llint wati and a little' keromn6 This ma deftly catches ors, reaping, mowing, ah(Ir"iliresh. "Airl, allow aj34'slcot g One of those'things that'<,ono.e. afito' & this is the Jwish onception of the loatearl"never be rtsico�v' a­sfoNii'oven for (;ilt itii�CSS of.t of water;, I lit Ih ball; and- then Ood, both Lter- 8, The ingeilibus ael.ffihns �Iliivd cred., D, t. was brough't, to 8pr,.4t.t,- �llofse egg miiri� who stand; o6ithe -roof; - , cut_ �Iso devised ilas$ Wa, It hulits and b'asio often. cloth dipped in whito, (if 'rnihUtc o tvr pipes, kingdoih of God o carth,' ut, it, Wh0h, slou ftagro n,.gL li— I I I . . Od " r P-iton. tore. irig Jl,'�overii Ham .��­Three P6111116 on and' mixed ounce of of 0 -giving play; Sink the Shop.; fo to I With one Is Also a plbtltro the I.If 6 groat whool.B (if the eloc;k I'lt, f �ctnre,,. Thomt AN! emf),(')y- hArnbu r, Six onions qlicbd.-t ahfierward, poliSil Wit" silk Constant Use Cit, h.,itd, w or is In w r propertlo of thiltunfalifing, gra.0 of work m I P 4� 1 11 1. two'. ta �otifulg Salt, pfiich.md 111tiotis t,thc, 261 factl) e b eye A 96od. appeararke .,it time. P Paris of thb kmia re, u lid, hpinan Allize Jill, yoto 61corn. of ohtli'PdWor fp in'the b _ather. one's separators, and it i-4- oaimed hthy1"very living which t &WAY, fl�,-I' (-axially* i1t"vfjn9ruuu I s'matiqlal thoroug), pnotect1ion , P add about.o;o lbaf stalo'broM wellfh)t tnilk arid n X, In. avilcietito tirnot the Omendbil to the smaNy, m in fiot"Watdi-. Mix afl t4- bure: of melte and turp . on d hand f'a' ido JA.aSL I)III411L e, in' A$AinAt dild Jn Yineo tho ly the k1i of bjtvq tim fa I flatt, u4n w tit I -ther Wit&' in shA furniturg-T6L plea) &1�0. file Mllo�v fly6m, CL4 body� 'as ar spul,al Mark, tiz, W011<11, to .. I I .. I � 1, . I . I . . - . , a 0 I;y ]�,ven, in th� aters of the r� 11vidg lit thev, had" to P1. ipopi,e with �tomato, SaUC6,.� pro, yonC'from f dLg acc - esitit 'of "it a o, Do" dai do ut'd SIt�be--use,J 6"-Pe==6 a g e i�d cc n as d gh w- 350 to e ii the the I* 6d to ut; th IIll lx��