Lucknow Sentinel, 1911-10-05, Page 204 - ------ ---- .......... zwte, of summ94rnb_e_P tood,bowndto. th 'OU14 ollow it, gh ROCKY "NOUNTAIN. JESERVE. er,gud*'Aad was n4, to bp earli.- IOWA DS ri Tim. He lit a igax under fbe trees. TH1',.:VUTUItV 8 U P]VU D S� F�O� THE :E: fly-, and, the roll -of the car- BERAND W A E R P MU4 It 0* ta hg� ame sounds whir wsfm6 ( in nirl ch . For a Irmtee; in n lut6d Qu cio. a pa lying qom art-. i I Qsi ;atisfactorp selection could bi bell-�ringing pta-the church! tower, 'Gr �Or, a" Proposal by F!rox.-Y her,cliamber. Tb To w As !no less in m from, h c high�gr�de 40 'in 0; a fr . . . . . . . . . . . ....... it which, gtow 4'ut ag� fe;1turQ in the: Qy of:Toronto, �44, due 1944,� Phro 0 or IS '19 ed, illn woman, h tined, ; silent., as Loid. ago they Ad or,. A p of York 5s 12-310" lei as e, 4d Mist that tbLe, Verry, church carriea a C wtishi due U - r lilte -b i V� 13 w fin -4ftixltoo, led r 0ck, to tho. e'Rock 4h &d pool, and thAtthe bell -ring e'rs. were ouniv Th setting eV,�A S�)b. She hacl but in these last-yeaTs, oi a of �,imcoe (guaranteeing Town t C"ol el no in attendance a give ;d) 5"s, -due 19,1440. -forest, r4lservd ' has ben et's absoijoe, -and, Dulcie's grrowing n 0 tq think, and though .Iov,, f Mirdlay oil,. Sway d' d u lit ip th st impartan �dvaliCQX, rAin. 'Sitting'room had been, a a W; 0. air saluter. ape 6f the in upon t 'Cit_v,gf Fort William 4V2s, due.1927'r histol -y ad of,the one, Here There v&%,nO+-joy_j-'-" I" he, Made in 'r"M t ain the liall�, the uncle was rxv Oub a -a church, toweri. but preselitly he �Cit Phomras nt., 4V2's, due of,pitnada?s rk West Nbil V of, S ad to dg with the sisters, gUpp,.d the, night a ore ol,17,is it importaiit for the pre- P,.uxzl know whpt. to t p y b (4 ,ere Shall. I a ur 1'4 her stor. children.'s Vo c. inthe gar ,hiis: .gapot, t U. 191 241 'n r Ug At servgtio'i Of the f j I orests alo 'g' the "I da -as cle. we.n thro 0� -the inner den. They 4ppeared t6 be playing paid V �he su ia ggested, Cit -v of N gara,Falh 5�s,, 'due, 1911' apart ant, 'which was, -her.bed- hidQ-ixidn'-s,eek, inothis indeed Was. ilopo with i view to, tho fliture sup edo � b .. :, I 111 , I I 6ftiniber, but -the preservat� ato tfer tht30. But Dulci% -shook her he, tre- ----_-P ad.� n.6 �ort op 4y a..mji proper , ���.S, du� 1913.. -these . g0 64L heill' wait: in the morpring-roqm,!" tL in' `h St6phens hid -done tuin from. ITO the, church', nora -W Ms ur -g Tho C int'an(l. burde -50. and the� tii� �d in leavin - eirekything in order. onstr, Wih�horpo disdiisiied-her littler r pretervatio4 f-Ahe _PQWQZII 'a t: girl� I 0f� into ro a 2 S, U 19141,34. and r' ..r litenane 6f that steA4 the. garden.. The, 1 'Town I h. 4hero together. And, thew rAinks had bebu taken dwn, ready., th4V -for we4ftg jour With dA r soineth 'childreil�s­qupstinh. Were intelor- 6 W ville' 4V�'s,4 1911- ney, dnly he: a- a. gif f 'Town f alket eb wid pernlalipnt Watef-r ow 4nj u ntoh, p c az.. those: othe lyrdAnq. go "Uncle F6)4 Go-% ad open go h. na eb for thei ver the-,- ieguladon''of -thcs,. tL46 y list to V;nrj 'j6wn' to, which she w1a;s o3y- had tw endIiire pfiPps tb( Tbo� pretty, b.f those sty( I 11 . . 4 Tow o nd .0 p,,nsa.. ;oU xn,, to have chapIed, h br; " what harm,coul lo du� 1 04 And, th6u Conie back and uow ligh d irolighout, ldr'n a in the.'Court'gardn, The 'income 4' tl togethex, W Chi a t 'k�� toll wo the w ,ith the. t covering prqv� a A steady: fl oist, whAtev�r it is, the year ai2d not'to have, at6rre47 t mdge� f 4, Anidge cent.. to 4Y anpos iblo.. d 4 per ten 1, know. Marga�ret. W'Us- marn IWO to- traim. be Cont'n' ed.,): Mor.,e impor a n la W4' peqretly in Fran4og she told OR qw in spring M,�, So lit for the A wider range of debnt res. of �this Cn� ).-'the dyin not 7 be, anted X10 u DU !eve. 14 ml) c -o, other- eniollie, ha Itr -on-'req 5f X iAs­do,-so,.-m,ubh r r4i -Jurnishecl, par more, 4 had veean bar, Th oi�e' ad, at them, no wild grief or tears; h t, YE STRAIN. or,, is. of tho utnpst' tha her -for pimples, bla.ck %eads'. ed sirA summ lc� giZ3�' ol hers. we're "o . pen, no I w sl 'ance to the farms, of tho :.�,d . She ux fbbgh lind oily skin,, -,Jt6hing, ferlt'bnly dull and'oold. to irie provinces. We'r., I t; and they - pinned the,ve r r4�', oCaly'. S pra calps diy, thin and fidling AbUs6 of Sight 0 Symptping by Which 'Tun short, -esulfmg. fack'of stai r dress ES il f am'her'baii Moll 3EC-URM fill her fa& with decision mean- :o' . f. h OM en the fa ijgs,� aj er, 44 o�ld gr4rio n iair, chapped hands 4 Ca dp -floolt, and :1 n ture, in t a So us, ing "Go V' she, sa4 I dr ped, it �on the - ' ii ' d shapele MOIS 41, d' _jajlS.4 The o. reap O)rL o- even more f6i sk' Iv interfer Coerlet over- her, s ou ers. piddAfd r in gra�� Egid, St. h d 011. t Although utiourn, Soap and 0 1� are 7from 6 the u She as alone'as'she wishea,with strain. are wattering, at the eye, a the frtil: prairie.� ent, in searbli uf -Bold by druggists and dealorst --- Colonel Sw,ayne, 'iand'Wfound ,him no. spying ey�e§. � to watch as. -she y(�Fywheee. a liberal gluing together, of the eyelida on . -ONLY: V ORE '8Tr LAIM ," tr , r : aarnplq� of qach, with 32-pade booklet' on, tite - skin, awakening in the -morning, head- ained: her face. a - tho' r Pillow v., and hair, will be iient, P944ree�, or% application tq with Gower hnd Ma;rgaret, husband fiought was free now and. could "Cutioura.." Deit. 5%�oston, U. S. A� ache, the - position. and ebaractur bf Avetr had her Corti- I r -. , . ­ . .1 Ali and,wife.. Marg T TS ]ASTINGUISH FRIE WD S. li v y't'fiothilig also, appears W, The g6eral pillicip o, governing, h W66p. w eacb, idivtdu fa. -It . r . . . accou boundary 6i. thil. ficiteg',glirgad, out, bioiight.'1i,1)m ave its W r - 4ut gh�- did. no b ' icb� vaxy with 'the fixin a r Barbizon, to- show �,e Shia felt" herself groing Cold N one, had a fh6ught,of J.iier '-ay be naii-rar1gle o r� it May br nt for the facts, f ihe and 'm. e. deep- g r father. -H,6r ' 'r 1. ­ f. .1 ., , t _I Ole reserve was. �Aory'was told', alid. the puls6'of -life In ffie. ready wi th ao- m- p I fo lyseat., the c�ago with Wag-, W .1, t '"S' There irre. many'ot1j6r remark that on.y. ores an the. other story colder,. her eat, a ad; Not. T-01 era. c, tran ge s -in th iai)&. getting r ian,' . wilto was com­ .34 :should be included in the res�rv-&, things abotA th,6 sen's-e of. smll i' s a,' remember, all land -fit for 4rinin'g (,unless in, "Was an i course �'of'telling� tohers th� sdpulati�n o' this soli- net the music" ait plaiting copsUntly. of "tZe .n'erves insects, and it M-11, t'b jide, hit -d- beerr'ller'own.." She W, G -of th ly tov�breathe. Did death a me.:Ln r's story Q void. Th I . �o . . . . . I ".r . , - behavior! of ants ed th4t. tbosense of,sm6ll ixi'hurnan OW( e'r* � all j . So. that it was not -�vorth. could-brb- no-- reasollib ut,,sho gr colder of'his. eyes. I �Studefits'of ,the &rea' sma1A 4�5': is bfte -IS 'did ie, Plittiiig .Olit' at and to raws up make tho..6goop ion jjjiSr�bVa y-Liho, wo�derod. B, owin d' , cold'ef land. . I - .. . t" ' ) ber. - ii ell aw,4re -of the fact that: they b far*- infevior, tv that Of a W "of th ' wife' �libt"Wiatt to' e&d h` d Ech kdpla ' cad arO w ivhile to a e s' reeognition that r . j r .. *belelt A slid- by. an. inflammiti i ill ' t tolerate strange, ants in sorne'animals, foi'example�, tho d9g - hig -excluded irbin thd reserve. Thor 'cliabge d'befallbn :her. som'Fidded Cal on 'of 'the eyelids, no same ,.George Cullen-, r - he'was the A gieit hd ei�r If forgi Wiin.:c a c hblak'it!tetched, be,. She harly,t] werat ali' k 1 bs had espin 'young an a -gpR-r,, -p.ven,r annot. judge apacitici oi altiftide,' or,height of.'t] -yet while Wujht of Go den wea ness her' im d.b �lthyper i6 �cbuntry. Ij was. a no f th- a �hie .. he'sons who 'also' have a, little�, can- oug a species -an in IT -at a I I ' 1, , '' � 11, dr' 6tlxer� animals i the matt' I tween t am 1tr (!a" a Seem n r o '' real" W� oy� probably ad. :A fqW.-toars, citn�'e f a sed-le.ve h hid 1 ad. was inime,d to;16 -of ten ey aln by b�wti -poor performntes. Cons. ils unctivitis a,feeling isliable to hnnia�n as r Cong ratio' r.k,. xing'the line. 'love' t hi 10"'mighi no im, an .be' now to �et fhb -pillow. People be- ion distingul A ph th fare noW shock, -,6B tle or fulness.in­Q6 eyes Which i�jiyr. -thq abitarits of the iesti It boundar� off,ordd talke'.el�eAete. Threhaq had. diid lawfu whatev oge4S6 he'r was. r4ife- -flireaw-g-rief-a T okon_h0&r-t,_Pe 'in -c '-b f i xrid:-be __�rqm aaiR�h �.h 7 Migbii -cetdih it,wa hg�tk ­ - ant, e th6',eveballs .6 to em rizellageil d and- hid'h: belong tgid yer V. nursue UICIC, essur., attacked by' the was, to .4 Car. ju.penv nc er, on pr iage opened, ai:I4 jilow slie� Plien, at da�t the, d -d,' t ants W this narri -onsiderdli.le extellt uri- Swinton ex-. 0 c wo netiMes ther46 are vertigo -aind, -there. H6w da -.they O�W'thatljlja' RemirkabI6 Ctire. of an Injured would - Change' back,again�thig and:' 'meb*dy. 'She' uld , Sol.. slitabl�.' it, ill�1114 ng his'efrand, '%ali I -tell was so '�th d- is a fbfeignerI eein wi Ilp_ Pinia s peso yqpepsia, palpation, 4he thought betwomi' her', ab�d 1ho 111ang he'thou'saina's of' e,b I— . Ifficult --breathing. Ue y a lider had ob y nav, �G 6ose. 4' clsb.. -to th ad, 411c a Ird r g.� pottian Tell hr-�-poor child- as� pil-Idw. She had been a little' girl. tr ssness is a very To her yas� .'Sh Sa . it "W 8 Sleiple f quentfalits--boloirgitig to the'neft, anot a Ott W s�.abovo the. free limit 'nd the re son at wn up'but, §idQ exces. Antxabtlyjhasam�Lspe sh ted the- father. "She expe. of small ai:id then e a, at- . . , ere, once fiourishW i7 t i d in, pa�it to. the 6ieS. Ould' of ItAly. a w 14� school Ia It ­AYMP PP� 110 b th " iiamo. Of maind�er' as iag4r4s t, gardt. Margate -her' rivid, but Oman a im oitso ruled 11 ma -come more- -of t 1700111) of C It', 1koln ypu� and so it sive flow of blood, to the. brain and be.,recognized as, stranger �y �,.th dar by hei ikegin b�l 0 h loClebrated a, '151, he, chi' -back a in,.w 0 Was I cars to CoMe" Large- a a by ne,kf '64'*We 4P ArAAQ6... The lish- ni tural as-. a'b tte k.. si -for isily, an tjie, ys a ay,. anfr witli atra h* one. -se the, nurseryV a;n V y portions of it a booft �burned ss She, has b an' hardly -used,by late, -isto Lord, A c. u bo.o�_ ovey, 'in" bar -exG v at any rate not heir.,, NoWr in bel� hand. There 'was a cup at she. niiist go back .04 . "Ants, Bees 'and Wasp The, Digr t, is impossib The syh2p a,. * 'i '. ; ' t ms..O eye is rain ap� 14. that girl of sxna4 .. t . 11 t<ia, on: 1� steaming fragrantly,, t 8 pub Elihi and .. . .. .. . . : wl 61Y trb blitine-these oth`ets,;:iind yet:it is 'pear soor - lished nearly- thir y years ago, re- of V',', sprains, a n f a-plAte -of broad and biiitier and', mib i4ft. in tb6se who lead -a . 1* t recalling the d` t1liti roil. �nd; c6nife'rous ivood 7 -little' 'BO� these last: Weeks ibd,.I�olit6s -kdes s6ine experiments oUC- the u1jie s Of -his �yha6d d edifficult: la_'blime juitly,. A confined and sedentary life who oe openn -d-' -she ad can to me an ations w ocub ibility that "att, 'r 66 os�eoti, dy o U _0,pi ie of, all the -tragedy, Dulde 445 m ess, it �seeias; ve 1ji , . . I . - - --- o �ich I �'e ed Possi 1 ,t xai reoqjnizq qUiter abf the',hicngry_ sure that his indthei also jhe has. d'.ve -at this would have : been prpvqpte Grendon� 4hought ry .thiti. soil, .- t -, -Fign 1) -it 'tho..q -nestmat6s throogh gaifie, an d ya� in bad:�r ir nt. so of the move-, Ahe" gift - of curing all he. -ills which -ti n-� . ould'have 'told of re use WhMh woula, be hais; Very higI a' and so ii -u ith hich they fit for. 1� r marriage. sp CHAPT .:XV.1-, are, debilitaW. frdm. -any causb. The, i�i -sbii-retime's"ieem to- tells of '�xLin unfort'linat go6sh N de, �aditer� thosd, who m6nt t 'fail to the lot �of child�ood an4 Margaret sh it ght� and in, ers or. all enp; sill a le, li df Ahei. feel al It is by a plire acei- endings-wi 06tal .� s�dtgemdnt, s kany yalley'j 'however, w6r 'dent 'that' bulbie 'has been sa,vaid. which taste sliduld'. rulej or. ;n� the previous 6nin.j eev symptoms ap -ago of. 'th pear later in th kreet each, a 'er whan'thby' mee was one of 'Agnbt of'GoWer 'left Annabel fir'filoin'. satis:6�d.Witfil coarser who Pass ffii;�Stup6fied- with. alcdol.�an had., i -sa]! comihissiono w 'So d, 'Lord'. Swinton. fluence'direcV. It :his Uund,whicb will, be quite suitable ts d.' n plh,ced 'Dutch fdotj stepp�ed on 4d::of ith� want back�ti -and-his:��kiss(-s��n-ber'-Ii'psi�� .,the She­ap�� �jh�iy rnl�riiinv�- � - e in 0 �Optn r -or w abi ia� h� 'for the r sa 4 -6 at, lidve crcated'f�rribI6 1 a"c k - k6 of".which she , *ared- far: to� inucil'Inclined tb- de- fell oee ad t6 him. that. D n, Z: 'a little. goose, 'An , eing. .4 Map with the fox lon�, g u of tfig h idI4 otr 1�1.OVC; but tsts of th6 re X And hArd-t9, el, n uldio'had 'and bcalipationg; �wMjDb them nea 6iie'-6f ill fiests.' Th ' b during -his absence. She h6r '!half lead, but'of the' pretty fy him and reveal -everything to.hi ;11�.Cd ptolon ad so eyes ants fr6i that, nest r. C&MO!Ot ot .:miwe� Stood, on'ther game. squaro,of CAL W U Aild err 'work'. nkth.' ee.,. erLon nestmates-, St' 'did. it. x., with those black. w the ibodi6s'Utheir� mov!'e,: th6 - little jaOser V�as' iol�no a iniated that eiglify per canL . 6 ne or er, ma 4D.ano. e,� but thre, watchingL tlie doo, th d:f h. - ' - - ke�­--th6t 65�. b Carrie 6�d - f Or soma time ._ NV1.on, li h'.,h, had been tiiit4lo her husbwid, t pdo'cd' d �ai-,t- fr6ni 'Calgary the wi w he, migh 'eneinibs li*ay. Evi4ently 'friend a f ctl' G - ra.ndp',% had -orri -ad hith'she U40. d . t: 'do so 0 D . A of. the, t tory, cover tkagie eyes and,the white: reins' the T s if F6, has been ithout '' t,6,, o rive them;'- and rhost . encoun rin n burne ver �`l the.,past, -fift U was fo.r d' May; .. s a y acalped'r d o' y dear hel"bagaip? Ad 't Toy an Wit lin' t 46� motored . - - ? d A Mighty: - Illullorta oe.. were d inguish y ben luinq sme7th bogi.tafl6ris he ject ..to ing, A -o e-brAve. I am -on are re'sult 6f his 'r I 130methilili .other ist d .p S0 a .6 su.re,.y a girl p,dignant of al�l to th� ryolike. tha th,�,ii' be- mother 'cut. 6 patch jusV the size. f years Eye that, now. -And instead, the, fqyerse of the -over�a�ain. Ferry;- 4nd..-ma4e Imi twbnty-fivo, 'years. f 6 Yt'. 6 i gh t Of plue'k A You will n havipr'.. N I" I .. t e bz 'T Pt he marriage �i -off..r his ;Pid-da- me I. at th 8 All pub-, atea. h�s nr� n �s she know that. *ell, Germa' p t a brbken shield I This' she �"w' we a a m A ysiol6gist,- i3ethb pu ting flit patient in's bdsket,.afi� per cent. of ille" eniir-6 its etaiL :Weqk,,��.4or li6-house in the. villak6�'whicfi was A'iosto My talksk-e in At leas 'has: olved -the problem in,ffie, fol- in' , a q�tet -Corner, and thrusbirg been. . devastat-ed 13ut why­wby�_ week at V Site ways... ad, xiroyri Calgary' �e n grey Men, h' CbUTt i uselby.' comers. And o6rs, fqt. Iy of f�od A ' nd: the Changes that can that pell�, 'ofio' cent. ''of the are Tfdr t anfg rom a, foreig g in sp9onf sautbward:'has a wifd-. t. "ys, -th rodt� and -i -alth by lowing -a -theke, a rare. ena orit a, road wheals wer'freqiien be' in de n ll'L sine �kno H suspected ts down its tr be 1.ru- He sent pby a,child niessenger le�lg '.on .,that line. She s� n n4- t si might have paurin, of ready, a wife he hAd f6rg6tten. You: V, as migb d an. odor that 4�xciied the, wiijik� in-. f ure, Was 'U -injury,.t: -my kl�ow r -of loss. o memory..: a.,, y spino n jjn6tS..Of ants dforqed, would not an6thei* shabby note h jr, L 'et to, in the home' omanhood left me sub ie-' 6 t inch disturb her fathdr., DWI. slM moning her,'to.tbe gi�rdan 96el' W Undei4and old y1ou."' vern as which Of w, impe�r- k'h U'it Margaret?" Andthem, as th Annab�.I. find tei -but.at'.the- inn. ao -.over his vere, sie ea a( would- ii�gs�: but wf h he' took 'a h.uniber of its'from one AM fofth on natur ,of. the titbbe'r found, 14 beef and ale, be, -heard: -much. fast t ree.--qr four days ,at a ti li d0f6ary aga h.. riesi,'killed - th ngs .'the litille gOS6 C e the:sl6pe ha' been it ecily 90, 'bo spen 7gossi. -h-wUs, U3 he ad "a. bout' oe a concerni g & Ir y t h 1he fami y., an -W-Vioent 6durse--of Iggib that witw �uc th,6 ab er urge ar- and y the, , bv this� - kepeate A it is -M terl :and body fluids were presse4�.6u .apd..as hii heilt d' with � 'improvw,, t td liand. 'th6 Ooings' # the, gireat.-house brought on t. - Mik h. pri I . � V s bVf6r6..'it'c4me The abtfhda'nce of lod' )6le piii gare Ing'som 'liver. -ants from gel Yes; he was -married'.o bar Ta: ay doy. ih illit�at toff nOW. a', iecond the curled, up,, and wai T6,, the 'barbe&,: shft thatr Colonel, w4yrie s . a k6still nothing, of spepies, nearly related to the JID "'My. appetite� : was alw nest, he firSt4djpp6 'th4j3M 11; la' bU . rance;,a�&lie left, her-becaus.le th� 6unger daughter, ght alndalcohol,; and, then into the body it temtdh'ed,.. and be Wa�, u red and pine ­Bp often.4 (�Und O . n. . do rp home. She' *Wd lose, but ,a�fiother- :.daug'�ter; 'his d water ped oft at ille ad -g. Came. t,6 all. those go�-,d thiligs: was makIP4, a ir�n� inatria" . 1he R2�jrt.Lin �a,nd many. kinds O,f Jb- thb. E ast): is most bUU 'Would iin blank! ail. on in fluids of the other'f�gf,.5, 116 then' gkew tin t9- 6e ille br 'r,� �dbn,t �kflow h, 1i ­ wic. � 199Ar Ppso .0 W ic -did" -no title- �bift1'-wax id'' h dis-tr6g Lb . fea,ru.q, desire.--gantleniall.-h4d i'lar � r ' ) lood t e im er an . muc pol no ) , I reElIfted, AU.6in to. th Tisual -end. k.ic enoug i. apm: N species) is* found. - Thellis -as '' co r -would gidn, and ibat;&ae -t "' a everything With " "'I b6gan;Weat' 60W ;"he: h no te Ile Aothe' Grape ts. food h Xo*, com6 my turn this ti a a. or � thr�o Tlielr ll�stmates, 1611 u ' in Would be-Mirgaret! fiiie hinj'to. tw6 or. three years 'because, I. if thad be6 on't m. as Ilk _211, 1140w. gold, s6 it was,,a , ago, trees are first to. spring. upp v n total' strang6rs b* , , , It I chicken, a ig ne. ad a at eyes' agAin, ino liy� Dulcle. u, -�It.6r dang, t burn.ed,over land bufdle turned h If f h4 hi A 'tb,' eri, liked the taste. of it, and. I kept i)b e&i �kbroker ou guld. by., their' Vig. 1'. - , ',, tiven'16 I lfi'.�part TI 1. axid,Oey werj3 d ut, and in' b Isbi b I 'se I 'soon. found it was !cloing. , s - .. . . . . t, orpus gro Se a -of e erichinj7hert-h4nds'r __wjl0,...W1AA_ sent away a CC4u ome t r wth.'' t f 'r,figeaA odluLbre'a, Wc . -1 in' an;aers_:kilW.' nellea bcll�w the joint., It was- aa sarry -d red fin- a t�- s 46, r n orwiargare ':At 'W a A .,. _ . I -it. regula-r1j" t� b'Re'd as -the I' Wag', had,�nev6r'*a.n*eflI W I , h a r in. 4 (piarrel was like to' be made UP to fall bderheax, when I "b "e"'d, "Omed. her with ope that the foreign neqt, the odor ;6f egg 11, preSUM '.'t' bbut­sedilty-five, Pei. -equetitly *at lupchoon,: and: a' ai -giret, hevef U?gZ'pa06, t-,' let her' l,bvej plan i g how they, Gower and, after all. Th� Colonel, wag a 9 i.h m t� tit, hii nl� to n r1i . I Jiwd Wh -they ably bare., the rn im over 0 r6Nrfecl a, be 4 _h�i 8_ V fa� this�,'Ionely, ciln . of' the area i o goilligjq be�7!�pd hdve.no a71 t s-, 6 v6ed -with she', won s olild--r, ihA6 ant, ' _FLd an idop. _:� _�_ ur at no 4D 16a_8tp6Te, � —p r6_flj;_ n'd, -that t IR, 'under'gQiie -the . fis tr i7rocee e4 Flto cut ' ff tb6 unde-r1ho s'pr6ioding:she.1ter of tb6r -6h '61 'girls. sa ell had soften-� trouble in sl6oping,pri it., f had tra avy dear girl; igtefi, to jioason. a uni -then taking 6, pieceL of ili, without, th mikture b " lance" and aofort'her in her� act him. ,But:ib wasn'.t his.'el'itugl roli6ved my. constipation, my h6ad rming treatment.' d pdrt; ii.- And now th6 abutdAnee was trs he -was get prctically4 r - ob -a r Vu'Abnit see. We, -are. ali- thank, los Ceased, and Othe sqrver,s I an�h it Was'the bby Itches hav Confirmed bim b90 X ­am 16 better physica 1heso- rd b :3 br many far:thu- -w-th a on secand marrige., �as on -,j,,f mentS I%mde- -sithstitilt our'knees.tth caML garet's�'And, the uxy britt r , M gulig; of B6th i I e --.southern. part, Ing 0 d At this MAT, e' born' of 0 r wn ay t6 r, Ernest Sw no, v ge of thitit I -�ra'at';V. T�jle, t. h no. C�4 out4hen it -d14. Thilik �What, Your ness her,o yho.. goiog-oat the a species 6f ants. ruth thdri O t - on wrapped. u thQ' tfiai 'the lodgtp6'e. r Pi qU r giv'd Qrape'-I�uts Credit fo� �e- eo6mls U'llo �fha't any*. odor dif_ sturhp',' tuffed 'cotton' inside thei thirty years to. attain a'diameter W W would have been'. , W "Id It as Margat -who woulil.teign r', Ij t I,. and rooteted that to ing fn a. a 640 -bamhoo, nd -ars have mbant ruin . utter.' and: r COM- y he Itli, if not saving t� th itbil. . It was five'inches and, s at Grend46n, Ma:rgaret, who' would Viacy 11 , MY' fe ri ng f roin their' own pit ixty, y - to reach one< life,, and' you .can.r Make, 'a the rig�t leh the �fl.wmeier of: nin inches. y a a ri I 11 . claim pletb. You. are simved that' ruin onjo 'all thoq . iesults .of. we A tiEf �innaibol!s'' sbh.' :;A. into a warlikb attittt6.' ,,th- a'fid fittdd 'pCrfcct, I -The Off -lip, ent- 'dot.an 46d 'fiot eI6* fpr -it too. si rrong or in 'tr - tie that t1d Y d epruce (r.,nl lio� 'an� ihere is in,the which would b ng.:tOj,:Go.w r's fine little, fellw., gilid. tb 0#01hs, b f .6 to - en 4 It 'is- is, explanation nd gelffiann) and r (or dors�." 9N am (a b one, to the _T, �n b.ecamt a fine ow n. go 0 r.c Ic you; case ,ii -a hard ne, if ever love -or no. Th6se, diAmon-d9 round isfon�r n gh 0 14,c Ic fererit, od,or: bclorl�s to" every,,nr ninety a one�huiidrcd I oved t� find'&'l BAI it =$R*?A I ind ten bodki old,, b.n bl "T)lO nost; and ili s sems;_ hard to be ndt tiould 'hine oli `even -,N ��ou�rbt all t' 6 R A itat' ret'll, 'tilc' diambtor�,of there was a had ca�o yet hot rlack�,last� nigh 8 .to Wellville, . I p gS. ye, c Sh& looked' 'aj, him again i1th Marg "' dtyt to -m iiow; Margaret Wo r r n i*e 'k "There's twelve ar ld- 'of' at te Con 't. A'r 4. in her bould-haidly "to t �e heiiii -hdwb dre. i r, d Th '-ugh Al that atidn look"thvit AiM. n propose a Ever read 'M6 feff6rf_'Vndv) one -which. -had sl4ap't at, (ltendtln, and coniforf.bor th6ro. uppears -toom tirlib for t Irne. Th4V are d on gaftlo 'was plentifill 4g�,4 plilge:to �arr� th6bT Ild.1itteir.-soft- 'aftmCr a n.suit of -white -,oati.nj C'' i4r nsitspettad. tinder t -11 VIR had, eoMo t y (I , schulno. true.,and full of hurftaii Interest. and gone, in I I She, n is M ado -.6 f tlie. bull, Cot-, if - r I " rd I . . THE BEST H gr,03'41`611t, nes of'her nature ha4 the liu� the, p�wer would bo'hors 1 .no�t OME, PRESERVES t throt a'nd' among the deded., And isurface"n6w; the �then 'anotber w�tlW haV6 liked well to,go tb.':tho the galljor s Of t1sh, and, Tlg biid "I don't 1watit to see al)yb64y*. that ;tlirou h find 8("C the . Show, 1)f ive ciltirch li�rclt, and 'animftlZ ill theirl respqc,ti ght, gtrlick WIVES- Or, GR4EAT, Mt, N. �Wish to be 'alone am int6n�rhtld' said 'it. all 'but, with, ciustom (i.(*)min'q*,jn di%Vricts, dnelc 'I nd pra'I'le 'olfig th�ollgh: Lord Sw grol rM . t made by 'rigiltly. qombilling I us C i o il a fresh' elk- and' -'r mrs�lbyrmy�elf. Pr�mkc me -ho there s no a"po'lil'in'tho. World' Ilne-wo;tth�r and Bill Jones' wife tak P in WaSfirl 11.ese ate' S wj 0 . i th' th i ch4o n CO romist I) she Wa bbiln,d th 'and ;Jim t itb teaAeg. lot, * k' 8�� �heep a'd many ind \Vaufd- hot pity hplr�had said it, n I will thopl. aahing , onl� ki Im, hbll. lng-,anirnals. iml. thb. inh, Blif'.11or PnIty N�:d.4 but ft .0.11 i-wi d oyj nhoi.,ivotind.- SbQ. bent I s w if o titko§- In so n' doo, q, Herd. Browi. Among did.minoral She turned t6 t1w and L�rd . top of polo �1!6 him, as 6 Ule, 8witi,to� opened it - Th't-ugh tbe would not -be benfited� ullo woltUl ried. to Pattv wM.4 I,NVaV uP, to the and r therhall aiiIl. tip the stirease -x teho-ld not be piti�d-was thore" o way'in clitirch'' w'qd of 'Hank Wife �paiut4 ohinV. a fields.. (in ['he solith). and quari-168 ftdrr ".�ljiCh. SlI �OUI'd oseaj�6 I.. 3110' and makeA natich' doin 'thAt way. her go, her' train drgi r.old of bldldi�;l one. 'life �vds il�tolarab,16 to think QF. Wg 'Bitt 1-wfore Patfy rehirnad to t)i(, Loin !link's wife teaches m.usli has liar 'but the slow 'st�p . w s 43 1 - Man mafernal. Ypof wi 'dingg of .010'. s xlp� 8' ' * fl, 1 a big'clasa so th,ey� sA Thate wa. ign, 0 he bail fearot the -re not 6p ''of her lover Ahat 8ho might faint'or'foll, LOW his 4dytd.mit flow'! qha tflo i! Th hu'libitil,ds 0oodness. graci- hysterical over be tken, UG AIR of it n �,Rcj Th( d. tl groo'r$, 13111 XTRA. OR NU T15 P 4 oMs I 'Ttuln't- n use to. ask df tliem_ u damaga..to bar gown, a. At,, iow 6t.k W110111, hc; T sit &foUtj ob I'l ii io., .4 y6ll t. MA at homt, 10, .1 A Wjf� r4o oV The and 11�,d mi -d n m , f "'. _ ',. , a, "s .*r, but she wag'xi4 hystoric hours best', restifts are the assured. They-,settlo' it -11 the problems f tlie linder a t�al 4lamitv, hat trail heard the a '0 , S paftly 14�1`1 df for 'Rodpath 1 a ular ifvet bt& hqd'hardly dif,gan o, ]it *CVld as 'they r groc I bilm - undnr a fLMI1*t1Av A' gat Uo" o on th4t, 9�fflti efft Ing wood, ol I, State the dra,oket ' ero�s th� back s al --to, , - knows then thAf you va�t the.bcst.r' u blin, with Mrs.* !abbot.)' V,4DIP ato to loav� thl�� Wood S do,. nqthin' bnt look. wise:�n,., ej anstdpi appr6a6ing. There nthi W 'Ito, g1leSig jr, ' hear we an + Vbw6g: 6f 't4L IM hi6bglng, �Wow ves of thego, man. iff tath 'live's 1661 M43 Make our atb olf� tjjbf�: t�b the mobt to and fro..�' Q9rri!-,oi4, roll,,.d fj�. and in 1864 by.,john Rodpath,- p -a the'doc'.Y." Iiii iinlitekv Tf W 60 dowq. t olbpany weri (", in ti tv, 0110 the twak *#'ffio 0 but Son 0 PTUOU K -E - L KK C I TD, A