HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1911-09-14, Page 1XXXVII—
Two more Cars of, ,Cement ott; band:. at
`Tate's; •
Mrs. George Greer, Sr. has returned to
her home in Glorrie.
Miss gertie.•Begley :has entered the
Sentinel Office as an
apprentice compos-
Miss Edna Ross, of Paisley,is visiting
at the, home 'of her eousin, Miss Mae
qrs. R.E.••Brown has returned to her
horse in Winnipeg after'a visit to friends
said relattves:here
The,•Misses McKenzie returned •t
on Tuesday night from; a two weeks visit
to friends iu Toronto.
Mrs. W. `J. Spindler and': M' s.Whi
holt r its
se spent -:one .week in .Toronto visit-
ing friends and taking in the Exhibition,
Lucknow Fall Fair, Sept. 21 aud, 22,.
.Rernember the lig, Fair. and the. Big
-:-.�. Ooncert-ley the Keil Litchfield -Trio -lir
the evening.• /
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. 'McDonald and son
Rruce heice�.rrtureed-to sirehirme•-}m
Montreal after a pleasant visit, to friends
in West Wawanosh. •
One Hundred and Ninety-four' adelt
tickets end eight children's tickets -Were
sold at . Lueknow station foe . Toronto
Exhibition 'this year. • '
day& Consultations free it McGarry
Hotel. Chronic diseases, ,
Duringthe hot Peried in July, a' total
of :171 horses died every day in the city
of New York—representing a'cash value
. of ever half a.million dollars
• visitor in the village. He cable in on
Monday night. . is•here in his offi-
• cial capacity of Apple Inspector. .
• Norift.--Will intending exhibitors at
Joseph Agnew. Secretary. .
again on themapletrees. But the fields
were probably never more green at the
present Beeson of the year than they are
' Again we ask readers of the 'Sentinel
to. hand in those "personal" items.
Don't forget. Theis are worth more ,to
the paper than yeti or any one else can
DreOvens, London; Surgeon; Eye, ear
nose andthroat; will be at the'‘ Ottin
House, LucknOve on the following tlatme
,7. Eyee tested aed glasses proPerly fitt-
It is said that Honeywood is the hozne
of the youngest married 'couple in the
province." 'rho -groom is 17 and the
bride 15. They are the son and daugh/
ter of two well-known residents of M
Wilfred; Anderson entertained nuni.-
ler ef lis hoy_friendn• lest We nesday,
• evening, and before leaving the present-
, , ed to Clarence Treleaven a en ofre-
..• nietnberancee on his •depa are for ,To -
Aft apPle•wlitch is ate d ti3 be one Of
the very largest that as been grovin
into the Sentinel.:Off ce this week. lt
measures over 14 in hes in eireturifer-
-thiee. Tt• -cif the Wolfe Rivers Variety
and very beautiful in its coloring.
Twe .gallons, Americ.ani • Coal Oil for
Wm: Davidon, reteirned on Tuesday
from a. someWhet extended visit toTo-
pinto. We u.nderstand that while away
• eventually mean something to the town.,
Lucknovv are. out.
If yon are ' passing near .One you will 't
Single Copieso3 cents,.
• -Let-us work and-BUB/Ws, :i : y
•ma : en uprise by giving tt all the _en-
•,cpuragement we. can, Let us unite our
industry, intelligence and capital in a
common cause for the 'good of our town.
Says ari exchange: The man, who
gets'mad at what the •newspaper_._seys,
about him, should ttiiturn 't
hanks three„
times a .day that those other 'things
which the paper knows; about. him are,
not pdblished. •
r,_ REC1PR
Wedding Statisthery' at. the Sentinel
Office:. Call .and see simples' ef .eur
printing. It is .eqyal to any. printing
done et city effieesi'and .frequently" the
city offices cannoe equal it
* john Pascoe,' of the .Firs Farm; near
tions of his paanPfriends on what is be. -
Heves' to be one of the best wheat yields
in that section of the province. He got
,ing,. an 'average of 55 bushels ,an acre.
graPes, etc. go to .Tate.s he /handles
tbe-beekAnd•-sqls-ebeePest;—teare your
Ci papers announce !at t e price
of sugar is &big away up out of sight.
,Whelesalers are compleining that they
cannot purchese a single car from the
refiners at the:present time. It is ,ine
timated. that .a. dombine has got „les'
clutches on the odtput;. end; es dsuel,,
In cerain e ers t tat passe between AN AMERICAN VISITOR our representative; arid' those at .
• \ashfng,,toxl . taioti ers.w.ritte'n ai hotels,-•-.-__ -108,;,af.Some_.American-Things:
mberahconservatives of "` ,
,, l;ucknow, "hold a on iotel a er arida circumstances
largely attended Meeting,.•when 'an unconsulertlword or , $ feeeMnailer at the eod, of C is go,
. ; , r S
Mr. W ,N; . pt rase 'was::hir,'�lalcolm' A'Iac'l.,ead,•�of Chicago,.
Kingston of IHouat.. Forest
, might be seized upon:and held: against• *former Huron bo whose hone w'.. "
Attacks thy: Agreement _N.._w__... Y s. ! s An.
us to• tour disadvanta er --_W_ . _ •._..._ ..
•.• , � ---'-Why' has . thE--x2t11. �concesaion�of ' Ashbeld:'VVest _ firt>: ' SrL»rXNEL t� �w iib-
been printed in statute He has been for: • twenty y years hast a . • • ,
• this thing not ,
Four hundred .„:.peoplo•, or more as- form hero as. hasbeen on resi nt: ` � scriber. from, now until the end
,,., e darns Wash, d� m the Windy City. If it were - ...
sem.bled•in_.the Town hIalieeest- eyed•--ingtbn eft es. a. 1 �w er a' k east sible to Print so n
made' °Venin a Y ,
� • e3c a permissible .. • P � e of lis . vrew�s of the year for only.. ,
'an y g ry o hear . Reciprocity client to affix ` his signature tQ •ani won ltL' iprouty and. certain Other slum •
d. other leadire questions. • discussed document,I Obeid. ;natural' a eet tion- the result would be:.an eYe opener . .
� � p � �• � 10' CANTS
by Hon I. a Lucas,: associated with .him to; read.it`At et and learn ;its" on. • t ' inan'y Canadians ,wlio arq• t ,king.,; a.
•1, J..• Donnelly,• the resent' Liberal: . -:. C, prominent art•in,t..e 41-44.4'1°4§. .. ,.
p L tents.;yet we., are aslced to sanction , P i : i?.here,, xt.y it. Tell ,your friends .abou.�
Conservative candidate • for• South `•a trade's re. ent oftr"e endows but `that ti forbidden, ground,, . Apart
Bruce,: In re3 actio the first pained � " , ' m " and from politic eric n and hahadien. "£rem it. Send it to, gout -friends;
P• m far reaching . consequenees ooncecn both the'11:inci can and : ' 1... • •
sneaker, bitter diSeppointment awaited '. in • the ..d. detail's `an and • V1ew-' Ons • Man lies; •ordered ' .half ie
,, � • , d,' full rmeanin•4 of point, gr., MacLeod. twee/ settee, inter- ` � �
them;, Or the "boy•orator of. Canada"' ,which the majority • . of us. know estdoze: copies ' •
' Y . , r'fng si�ie,libhts on -t e situation in they n ogos to •be: sent to old
was. unabr'o to he pr"sent,: liaviug been. absolutely, nothing.' . ". United States. He% uted eiiiong.othcr in.
called away bythe .controllin ' that , . , , + fiiendF the Wort; . L".an •any
g coni, In evidence of Elie effect of the things, that fresh treats are ne dearer
mittee to take part in a political de- tariff agreement on the price cif pro in Chierago .than in Lucknow; ti•; in fact one fiord to lie without the:
bate elsewhere; and.in his stead Mr.: dace, the speaker cited en instance they are somewhat cheaper; largely be -
W.; H. Kingston of Mount Forest was • from, his own •e r'ence whi�;h o.had, oeuse, as he, exolans, nediaii c�"tclm home news, at this price'!
-appointed Ct� h levenil�i".Qui o a .- parti'etilsr refererrce.to eggs. For a' utc ars have to depend almost entirely Subscribe :Now:
drefs the ' Leeknow.meeting " The eoesid ntyingean the ecttl�le pnrt�nns of tJ,� �r�iss %r�r N & OW.
"thcu . pro ie whereas th i lair Aniericart
ialh of.m hair
, saw Mr,i�Kii�gston fresh eggs ae a certain store pay -
"racket's realize,
• Have you any newel? Tell the editor.
He will serve it op al la mode, 'If you. t
de nothappen to see him, uie the mails' ,
or the telephone. Whatever' neWs
tercets you will surely 'interest othere; h
human natdre is pr3tty Much the mune t
the' world ever. '
Old Cainpaigners Say , that there las
never , been- a hotter election •struggle
than the preeent one. %It' bcoomes so
'hot at tidies that men, othervelsel sane,..
•better and bruibe each other in an effort
4s -any-.oneetonipesitibete-in
hotter thin ani ether that. composition fi
would seem to be •politica and•fire water, tl
tangled ‘, up in some low hanging 'rural
telephone ...wires east of thkryillage,and
7.iciade eirilffe-commotion on their part
of the+line. Eventually, When it WaS
thoight that she would heye tole ent
iodize, she kicked herself •freeand rushed
off to meet a worse fate --being •bne•o
Toronto hat dayefor slaughter: '
f platforniability and politica
prochy ties are in • great dentaffErthese
ewise Dr: Spence, John.loynt400res.
ouse Mitchell and le, C. Taylier,
And any huinber of other people discuss
the questiens of the day privately with
allthevigoreeloquelreeTe--„edefaher things
Yea will: thank Us foie'
calling your attention to
what we believe is A good
First -Because Nye:keep it well
+that X am no boy; 'and you win all One dav helleard in a ,boteller shop everY bees killed. Absolutely noehing POL.ITICAlt MEETINGS
agree after you have heard me that -I- that ngees-had-sdddenly drOpped to is wastecl,„Bigetetail-er-jobbie" ese,butc.
tun no center. 1 em• a lawyer, and .21Y cents. ' aping to• his' groeer hs
. that is the Worst thing you can lay Ordered two dozen freih 'eggii: a.s usual,
eheut me. (Laughter.) . and was charged the . 'usual _price: li.ogs; have them killed, dressed and
It was undeniable indeed, aie, the .__
"But:I just heaed aeross ,the street- -thilled-at-the Company's plant, -and pay -
-aiiiiienee soen disebvered, that Mr 'that .eggs are down to 20 cents," be. not a single pent for all 'the butchering
Aingiton wad not an orator; and ' he . said. . "I paid a farmer 38 cents 'per oneratipies; Aimbur and Swift are Willing,
oke under the tremendona disadvare dozen. fer those eggs I heve given you,!' ' te kill tilionsands Of hogs', undee ,i similar:
ge ef haYing a diaappOinted audience said the grocer; "but I giuMs I.' can thecumdances for the seketf Nyhat they
b ore Idle. 'Nevertheless le ' brought let you have tbem'at 20 centie if -you
u some retber 'striking points, and insise'on it. '• The• fact is; ,a ear -load
is ieech, or the 'materiels .ef it, in of,;,A.iiierieatc'eggs caine in here yestere
he ends' ef a pblitical °rake. would day and tlie price has dropped.. ' Afr.
have ,een very effective in ' the, inter- Kingston had been purchasing 'eggs privilege of eelling 'pop .porn and Other
esti b his party. • ' ' ' • ,.• fronethoeame grocer at 20-eentieever• -bight edibles en the groueds emu paid
"Ye all eeinember about flee 'el sinee. : The'nferelice Was that the small fortunes, and the receipts for one
Six year ago," 0.41 Mr. Kingston; in fernier was the loser te the' eXtent 'ot day front 'the, sale Of their goOds would,
effeete ' e 'great.' ebise that arose that, 16 •eents. ' ' •
lie great sue ess that. ha ettended-4 e province -in -which -41a dvvells. elle
e t. P. R:l a il petitiohed the Gov- ' told .of itd beauties, its 'wealth, its
ouId have bee .eatisfied then with a rust 'rig away o t us young pedple ' to
line from Fort illiath to 'the coesteeforfeenepartseeeheeeeseeeeauweesitei .
r•but someope Ao, tt et Ottawa., Said, tessei ay right itt their ovvii doerwayse
railWay across the cietinent aild YOu'll of iny p rents,. My wife .and mime ' Of;
bl' t' the intereSts of
South Bruce, will be y'ld in the Forres- JEWELE,D AND OPTICIAN.
O'clock. Addresses -will . be • delivered
.Arniour or SWift, buy several thousand •
Silverware ie...., epto date.
Kincardine and Mr. J. G. Murdoch, of:
make out of the by-products, alone. • At A cordial invitation is' extended to the
one big Base Ball match, Mr. MacLeod electors to be present and ' hear 'the dis-
get it' 'And they t it. Recipro- chil
f _DV was tieheardesf.
,city Was unheard of u the Graie is geed en
•ment at Ottawa to ask for Govern-
ment, ownership of terrain etteaterse
and other things, Then ain • some -
One 'said, 'Hush. (24o easy, oys.' Ask
In. this issue of the Sentinel appears
Cherch in Lucknew and vicinity is in-
ihle extent. Notices of meetings, past •er
prodpective; notes plout the -coming of
geing of pastors or officials ef the Church;
announcements of sunjects•anci sermone;
'all these things ere desired. Will the,
ministers and church workers kindly cos
operate tO make thie 'department of the
loc.al paper as representative as it ought
to be ef the religions life OE the, villege
Last week,' as a• hig silent running
antomobilOwas speeding out of Gtielph,
a hawk swooned deivn On a chicken le
the rOildway before it. Both hatek and
he bird of prey Was breken, and. the
ird itself .wita t entered and afterwards
rii-eagia—c to -the - City:
Woken, tThWile scared tb
was uninjured. and made its escape
the midst of the excitement, probehly
te, be the biggest and • best ,everegotten.
out by the Society. •
The population is' now in. the neighbor -
,hood of 400 000 •
Last Saturday's. GlolneUagazine Sec-
tion, Contaitied pertraits of some '64 Lib-
eral. candidates who are engaged hi the
• Present election campaign. Thek are'
--edoubtless all &pretty Liberal lot of fel-
lows these days' and the Conservatives
are as•non-goilm;rezitive its possible. ,
The Women'e Institute ire laving
their !booth in the Agrieultutal Hall itt
the Fair as usual. The members are
----apked to 'donate as in- fornier-Years.
•The money !natio this year at the heath
'is tO be expended in iniprovements' on
our Public School. •
, Opposition epeakers were tnvited to at-
tend the Liberal Meeting thin (Thursdity)
evening, end we are iriformed that they
heelliere. The result Will, prohibly
be the liveliest and Most interesting pol
Weal Meeting yet held in thie nation of
A 'meeting in the interests of J. J.
Donnelly was held in the Township
Hale Ripley; es advertised, on Monday
evening. •• The Hall Was tvell filled, and
the audience showed their appremation
Of the convincing speeches delivered by
frequent bursts of applause: The speak-
. Oil of the evaning were, John ;Toyota,
M. P. P. eMinister of Agriculture. Mr.
John MacDonald, of Ripleyeoceupied
the chair: Quite a number were present
card of Thom
, Mrs. Duncan 'McIntyre and family
desire te, thank' their friends for symp-
athy „arid • help extended, during their
purchased Hay tiros, Elevator,' That.
atatement le made to correct a previous
error due to thideterpretation of inform --
the Elevator for a tattle of fiee years.
He took possession Iasi week. •
Early Paper•Next Week.' .
The Sentinel Will Contain next week arra
as full and impartial& report as be
_maxhie„,..t.0_,Z1Vd_oLthe..Political Meeting
, As that meeting will btle,*no far as Luck-
noW is concerned, the parting shot of
the political campaign, and ad both• part-
ies will be there represented; the report
will hot be entirely without interest et
the present juncture; and to 'enable •all
readers; whatever their political beliefs,
ta gekitin time, the Sentinel next week
will be ,publishedilen Tuesday and will
be hi the Post Office on Tuesday eved•
trate ly getting their ads, or changes of
ads. in, not onelday later, bet one de*.
ItAittna than listed, Theneeforthewith
thepplitival ereiteriteet ended, we 'Can
all pursue the even toor of otir Way.
fer Reciprocity end yeti'll .get
About 'ehis time we got an lipe
'certain passings - eo -and fro-- tween
• the hen was on the. neat hatehin
/ Eeplaining thus the., origin :of the.
Present ini>asete , Me. , Kinston'. went
onto throW seine light 'On the inner
workings of the' scheme. " The Cena-
dian.delegates, Pateretin and Fielding,
he referred eo as men who had got
tory in Braneford, the other as a for-
mer newepapee editor,. who had risen
abOve "that position and had been
fon. e Sir Charles Tupper and Ste 13:ake, Hugh hillips, Ralph Nies)
Richard ,Cartwright:--teo inen:' who jetties Hackett, John 13aldwin; J. F.
have .been kept itee_eold_ storage:edam' A.ndrew; •-T. ,-Gardrier,
McLean, Robert
Webster, James
1, Sol ixon,
Kenzie, Devid
To the Editor of
Dear Site--
population of neerle twe and one half
million; arid everythingelseebout it is
Ma,c1bod.hae..been on a visit' to
'friends at Lothiau and other 7-pleeee.-
He left la,st 'Friday on his return keit-
Politicai Meetings in the ;interest
T. J. Dminelly wilt be held in lhe foll
ingplaces: Bethel; in the Orange H
On' Monday; Sept. 18, to be addressed.
We have arriViiig daily
Ili; • and OtheLEtiedisanci2s-'
and D. C. 'aylor;.in.the Poresters' Tar, -
addressabx v. Joseph P;11,,iott,---Jo
, commencing at 8 o'clock sharp.
Mr. Geo. Spotton and others will
, Donnelly, at Kinlough -on Tuesday ev
Has' amrgapized. and will Mit en. "The
• Smell Diamonds" Age!! , Truax, Liberal•Canidate:fer Sci
A Political 'Meeting in the Interests
• ' After 'a season Of quietude, the Liieg. :this( Thursday).evening, comnieneing
eoW, Drainatic ;• (Nub .has eeeergenized, , 8 O'Clock." Addresses wilrbe deliver
and it will put on. its . wellsknown play., 'Hunter, of.Kincardine, and :otherS. •
. . • t e•Piano fund.. The ,exact. date 'on interested to come-Ont-cilid---h-epte-cfr.-..
eilweys :hand.'
uth Salt
, In teeogn'tion of. the feet
"thee you areia young an and . I ;one,
corner of :the toWneht of -Aslifieed,••
I though you might be int
list of names of those of th
Whopre still to the fore
ill noon be all gone. Li \the be -
of September in this yts of
.•1911, .beginping south Mid
Our Loi
rested, in a -
at Ottawa for fifteeheyears or there.
abeut, as. the epeaker explained
would haye beehlikely representatives
to send to Washinetori Mr. Kineeton
theueht• but no, the Gosernment.
McDonagh, Wm
Pickering, .-Thore
Barriby, „Alexander
Webster, ,Thoznan
would not send thezie ipsteed, they :James Baird, John .M
'sent • Hee. Me Paterson and Hon.' MeGill, Jobe •Pickerin
' to negotiate. a Made pact with the • I may haye tinintentiohelly over -
Most astnte dipleimetists in the west- leaked one or More; beeejleeeseeee_e•se
these mee were overpowered; played ten, and some of ,theni are tweqy
Me; Kingston. The United States, left Of the old settlers. I tap,. sir;
tc'on of that of Great •Britain. For
months before the:seining:of the Can.
adian delegates, 'Preefdant Taft had
ordered all the tiemertilous mechinery
of this department turned on to the
.questien of teade relationships between
Carmelo, ' and • the United. States.
tat -titles Were prepired eovering
eeery phase of the question for years
riot yet known, bet it will -likely be near
Oppostion speakers invited. •
he Sentinel, -
later, after a hal rangenients have beer) • '. .•
signed Until 12 O'clock noon oxf Satercliiy,
Tenders•will be received by the under -
Rev, and Mrs. Geo, •McKiilleY and
family ;have returned to. Lucknow 'after
have secered IreY. Logan Cleggi,e of To;
Anniversary on .0ct. 9th.- 'Subject:of
L-ectiire, "Shainrock, Thistle and Rose.':
' On Tuesday, August 29th,, the 'Rev.
be vacant for only four nionelis. '
the We ,ghitin District, at Ethel. Ale .T. lap rug,„ Pinder maY have Sadie at thy
The 'Missitniery. Collimate., of the
,Ilethodist Epwerth League had -charge
of the meeting btekondity evening last.
"lie subject was Heine eledical Missions:
Ai nterestieg paper. was read hy Mts,
given by n .1.1. C-.. Tay bre wifich" wile
Pla Vice President of the Missione
el deli appreci
tbe grounds during Pall Pair Day, Sept:
OyercOats Exchanged
Will the gentleman WhO . wore the
Other ininYs coat --home On ;Wednesday.
night of -last -week- kilidly-retnrix the
'aine,•to the, McGarry House and get his
Farm for' Sale
100 acres. , Eeing easf half of Let 8,
Con. 12, Western divisio'a of Ashfield.
Otherwise known,da the MacLeod farm. '
nged for a 'little Shaving of the
tariff hove a little edding to ehe tariff
Which bewildered' 'mit' people
and left all the advaittagee with the
United Statee,
"I hate here," said the speaker,
holt:Hegel) a Pogo pamphlet, "a copy
had to send to Washington to get it..
•So far 6,8 We Canzediane aro coneerned,
who of us eeelly knowe what this
egreetnent Is? • No Single copy of it in
enr Canadian' Government We hear
Seliedela 134 but lit teility the. whole
thing, so underStand, is tonvrised
.A pumber from this:vicinity attended
last T&edity everting.
to Kincardine one day last Week. •
last Wednesdey evenieg; They report
-a very instructive etening.
Theeeork in this neighbourhood is being
!lone by our efficient threshere, Messrs
Ryan • and Pitmen and Messrs Ecken-
swiller and Hedging.' "
at Mr, Wesley,,Boyles lest ergelt. On Sunday, Sept, ard, the Junior and
Adult Bible Classes of Luckeow
Mr. Jim, and, Miss Myrtle Rousoni byterian Church mustered , full
left last, Wednesdayeto visit friende in strehgth-for the purpose (ffee.organizing
London end other points. • fer the- work et. tin' coming 'winter'.
Rev and:qrs. w. Lane and Each ciass AppQintvAl'a=11111 stair of
left ori elondity for their home after" eel's+ ale& PreAecci8 are bright, for a go(KI
spendini the holicleye with friends here, winter d work, The cless hits in eon..
Mr. Harry Ran son of Rey, E. A, 10110:W01r series of Monthly eocial
Halt formerly,' Jtector of the Anglican gatherings ef a literary and niusiiql
cliureh here ie visiting at gr, MeLeita's chareeter. It in' probe:1)1e thee one of
this Week, , 4 , the first of theee will be a Aebate,
Ilessrs Jas..P.Orcy and W, ,Rotisom are Further particulars will be announced
a en rug the London Fad this week. later end item time to time.
A Meeting of e Con regatiodS of
Dungannon and Pet Alber • was held
on the evening oP sda August
29th,_ for theepurpose of extendible
call.te a minister, The •chaieee of the
congregations fell On • Rev. R. 41,
Badmen of Dover Centre, in 'the Tree-,
bytery-ef'Cliathamoind hearty call i;;.
being prepared for hini, Mr: eMeEaeh-
place' abotie the end. of September. Rev.
13. Dithcan of Lizeknow; who has been
appointed interim Modetator of. Dun-
gannon, presided at the, ineetiug.
sent.. 16. vor vall Peelers, SO cents per
cwt. will be paid,' and for, Winter Peal-
ers, 60 cents. Farinershring, your apples
'and recieve ,cur best cash Prices,
The undersigned will sell by. Piiblie &le Ptize 'Contest .
Welt-Wawknosli, on Wednesday, Sepi,
20th, a valuable lot of Patin Stock and
Inipleinelits, See large bills. • ,. '
PAUL SSiii,1;l'Irilt, Prop,
Poultry Market
_Alt Muds -of
seasdn. Any number of live hens want-
Fof Sale
Will al 1 purchasers please
bring- in their tickets on
iO be totalled pp
the. winners will theft receive
cottage with quarter acre of ground in
' connection. A good house in a good
location.. For furthe' particulars apply
for le
sixth _concesSion of, the To Onship
Earn -tox6d, \yid), good stone fou dationr
%table 20i40, with °cement fowl talon;
:and Driving shed 30x40; Artesian we'll
The above land and premises
sold at a bargaie, l!or further partici
late apply te,
off regular prices, before cold
is best to spray, on cews , with.
• It will increase . their' milk. The
Ihene will 'lay, more and thrive,
better if nests, roosts and houses.
are dusted with Inseett Powder •
and sprayed with . ,•
Crude .Carbolic
is ;the • best for Buff* Methil.'
Doesn't harm the .carpets and'.
line many uses. ' - '
iv Spence'
Dnig Store
The undersigned will sell by. Piiblie &le Ptize 'Contest .
Welt-Wawknosli, on Wednesday, Sepi,
20th, a valuable lot of Patin Stock and
Inipleinelits, See large bills. • ,. '
PAUL SSiii,1;l'Irilt, Prop,
Poultry Market
_Alt Muds -of
seasdn. Any number of live hens want-
Fof Sale
Will al 1 purchasers please
bring- in their tickets on
iO be totalled pp
the. winners will theft receive
cottage with quarter acre of ground in
' connection. A good house in a good
location.. For furthe' particulars apply
for le
sixth _concesSion of, the To Onship
Earn -tox6d, \yid), good stone fou dationr
%table 20i40, with °cement fowl talon;
:and Driving shed 30x40; Artesian we'll
The above land and premises
sold at a bargaie, l!or further partici
late apply te,
off regular prices, before cold