HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1911-08-31, Page 4nell's Store
We are on the hit balf g QWAugust Sale. It bas
been a 'success. Onr prices have brought us business,
Cu:stainers-are- Pleased with :the prgaips: they get,
-We:- pee -t.: t.wr-rentnant--t er
are remnants of Dress Gooils, Prints Muslins, Ging.
bains auci$ilks. Yon- are tir.e td• Snd .sonietbing ydn
Want 111,4he-liati4tliik "11•-••••••-4-1.4: •, P., • • •
, 1,,
Otitthere With in doube kpee,ribbed, ;.. .. 25 gents
Children't4ashrnero Socks in oreana;fttwp.and black, 25o for , 10 cents.
A few. pairs, largo eket.ot Lacllea, gotten "foie! At.2 1fS ft 25eent4
,$ells 'the Atubroideriettila OUr. iVindOw M. , ..$ vents per yard
1a4iiit0 'lustre, Waits g , , ,,4.2;25 for $1.25'
1.44,03!'"411%.v./1 Waietta , ,`„ .$145 nod:41,0'. for : 004.;
Ladie? Lawn brew , , ;:, ....*:.•-.$3i5() or". $2 25
Aid a Men's White Shirts 150ancl,...$1•06 . for •25c
a' at
A s, 0 H1r 1 Wbbon ..., . , . . Ikcents per yard
• Illen'a wiattorr pocks. , , ... 3 pairs for .25•eents
las' Spring Coats in 'Fawn , , ....$0,50 for:. $4.00 '
ngitnow Notting'
Tx00011- VAITEL
useiEss.4110; fROFtS$.01411.0
Agency for various lines
,aateed, Only reeldent, agent and. LIN.
•Eirat ,elaras- Com!) 1140-04--
• of t4e, London Muting'. Also.
•ft. utimber of Village 'and
, .torm): propertiea for sole,
Lindsay Lueknovr
Every Thursday Morning at
Sonsentprzorr Ymett-./11..2$per annum
It paid' in advance, ,LOOper anhetil
All U. S. subscriptions p.m) per annum
strictly In advance.
W J. W4L4rrEr „- •
• Edit -Or end Po Usher
" Advertising" Rates.-Legul *and other
caitual advertisements tic per nonpariel
line for first insertion, 3e per line far
q,ach subsequent insertion.
• Adiertisenients,in thelocal columns
are. charged 7o per line tor firet insertion,
and 5e per line for each subseqnent, in-
sertion, regular advertisers 4c per line.
Contract rate made ,knowu on apyli.
Ad band ....set display advertisements
and changes of advertisements mat be
hi the prettera' .handa not :later than,.
6 -pm. on .Monday'.'of the Week for
which intended'. ...„
•-• .
THURSDAY, Auousf al, 1911
• . •
Issuer of
1Viarr4ago Licenses
.Enock, ii..uckn.
4,11 mntleVa Oneth4dtt used. Beat
materials •.turnished, , Orown old
Witt -Etc wOrl4 Fainleoa extraoting`tbr
the nisi or. the latest, simplest and
.safest remedy, so31JNurforsa1;
est tiring in -artificial teeth. Alum,#-:
Intl& plates, ion -breakable.
$eeitlit Splice* AtrOWer4"104111d
Frequent .ao.niplabita ttett being
mode to the council tor reaidenta
Owen; kieund who ore 1 Lading 00"
tiles" and Various torten' of anima%
life in the town dritiking watstri,
short time ,ago gasrter. Onnite
about ten inches, Jong eaine throe&
tap; and numerouo leeoheaor 'blood
. suckers •have, been foetid._
I( 'requires years. of experience 'and a high °
.-degree of evert- knowledge to ,make baby
di s h s e and effective. • Tnere
4re s.evc,Tal among the Nyal Remedies design-
ed for childretwinly. They are mad right'
and are reconlmended with p6rfect confidence.
Malcomson 1.•• -
.13.1.41t1Syg1tI SQLICITOR, CQN*VEYWNCiilt,
!Kincardine aria Lucknow, AV Luck,
new office every Ttresda3i. • Diertiag
SOME IMPRESSIONS ,balance of • .week all ,work .done .
• •, oorinentiOn with conveyancing, wile,
nout,411a04049:00,41"f*eur_pliv„_413„kaga; JsAna,..etifengled
men .frOW Toronto or Ottatya.7.-tO #1,7upplyiAtFjcsion:j.Z:?.PlitlitAgeotnikteuTtk 11..te,r'• 2111
• b. 4 4,
shapes of . their foreheads -is always
an *educative .experionco, especinlly if
those, men have a past ' record in the
• Glebe Oleo or 'Dago,:At-HAL Thereafter
• their personality as Well as their policy
•, obtains censicleration in: any 'estitaOte
„weJlit.-14thInt-Of-tlieirineritator:-. defects,
' There are those ,t'O, Whoin,-nritil 'brat
.*.cikv00;.i;7121to..r..:IoSer___war priliiin-.7
;newspaper gsitre•-•a.• gaunt, Ungainly;
ISoigott,Oed innn or moister, . exhaling
lire and. brinistonel'on 'his enemies, .os
..the carteonistahnve Mere than once re-
-Presented him, .11Ien4inagine1-in L.,hiM,.
.4 0,014014 voice,o tOriential,'Vocribil-
. hwy.,. tia4 a1 the POwer and tiry, of one
who is 'reputed to bnthe greatest Mater
in the DoMinion, , Very:different, in se
Wne the-Cleo..E. ' Foster • :who'. spoke •in
. .
Witighitin last r1.111rs,day' night... The%
-4os, indeed', the same bewiskered; be.
sideOthel$,Lfiice-that-mien„ejcpected ' :to
ski.; .t.hren.' was .the"--sanle • Spore. ,endy,
litho and-,Nviry-ossw7ittidete'S;• .but .the
• stotitre' Woe,diaappointiitgly short; -the
Veiee wissItither . kale ancrlinaky;. no
.goizon glea-us..but,rath.et 'a very.-1i1ni '
• and herdbions tWinkle appeared in. the
04; Ontl certainly, beyond. all contra,.
diatien,. the monwoa: not :the greatest
.orator in the,Dominion, '..'n the 4iglier.
„attributes of oratory,. ion. • *A. 0., Arc-
KaY:sta,ncla_iietid And :'shoulders above
•. liiin, Atzt,Fo.ster is a conatunote 'plot-,• .
form artist..., By the very.poiver, 64 his.
artif tot. of his argument lie can hold
andjuove an audience as .few Other Men
in Canada CR4,4; 41111 hkiiiittluids. are:
•',-entireir--hia`. 'nwn:'.. It spniii.tin-W thel
'.1110hiseenih hiss enihinantling:, than was
,anticipated, . the :shot'sare usually red
het and itiMed`with deadly accuracy. •
' ..1'crlitipa theone word,. which, - in . the
partiol'WnY. Of ' single words, beat, de..
.seribes the.. secret 4:.'f, (leo. , E. :Fosters '
Oittforiit :pilAy.iii,.is the Work. exclnsioN,
110 ii.a.veri great Orr:hider indeed; he
is n:past Moster in the ' Ort„ ... With nit
-liis-wealth-oficarning-onitc. otrunr-of
language„. he ,..etillnet, .118 , certain ether
publiettienean do, kr.40 li SubjeCtin.'
its tteiVerSal slinificancoand eatablisli.
his orgninents.biproving iiin, Nveiiiirnesal
at epf*iiii facia '. On the, contrary, ' he
very, earftilly...exc7iticles those facts, .or .
reins:es to:treOt them:seriously; .he.,,.sets..
• cortiiiiis bounds eVer.'which li-e- will, net'
splendid. isolation, .carefully ese4i..'S'i0g,
ii0reineutsi thirt-woulk-detrarTrein•
the external appearance Of his structure
Md„then..he stepa..aside,:ynd--,iiites.411
Wort& to ,Conio and ' , find • a' flare: in ' his ,
:hatidiwwk•-:--.if it can That „defiance,'
does More to:intimidate critics than all
the perft"ction of bis handiwerk,,' .
• 11.tit within his limit's, who. eau :build
. Purl._ 4 iii,.a 'dioieaLlii,ma;:-.1iis airti-,
, ,
ti's are insplratioitsr.. Mint by, point;
• beginning with platitudes . that are Ol.
mostiinfnl, 'he establishes • his State-
ments, pausing every nOW andiagnin to .
fese thou togetinorlitt liar it:Ott:Rile `
raSiti of his, Until the iiAtItOiee "sitS
astonished lit,...his cleverness: . If only;
sontetinies.hu. could withdraw his ftlee--.:.••
if lie •could only•bide the . syerkinan be.
• liind; the stritottire ', he t6,144 ;, it h to....
:lint be called a great 0 racori but ow (1t,;(y.
-t: tlivAniforgetabie'fice Of Hon. (Teo. E. '
U!S,stetlITIdWaYs7tIt'ere,•- ' ":. -'
,9tio •
*biogreplier soya that', GO); E,
• t:!Oster hits' litany' political ' settnies but •
Ito Vemon.l. otte.i,' That is quite. be.
• lievable." Ilia 41narter ef- a eentery of
.. poll cleat worftweseefiitt .not, to •hiti;:ikett,.
rire:yi•riallt.'dthe luntionity,Lut. of the
In NS -Ingham he ' referotl. with
rfeeling to the fact that twenty.
'nrs. had pa."echitice,lie had:. Iveti :
•'et ind'hia ivfererictm to the
• te tuned on page 8) '' . '
., .
Commissioner -and .• Conlveya.noer. In-,
matinee Broke.r, Life, lire, Anoident;
..1A, late' (dans' and Weigher faurtinoe,
Money to Loan:.
Real Estate and Money Loaner
.Monei tee loan on, first . and second
Ano.r.,g_t ages.......alajarna-Preperty.and:Aan-
-siiagle-and-loisit:---notes; Fire. Instir-:
anoe,JL 4fl its. branches.
HySLOP BICXCLES sold for.$50.00
Last Year they sold for $50.60, ,
Thi*Year they are ONLY --
And are Improved in every way..
”Canada's Best and Cheapest"
tryou-affor-d-tri-be', without one?
., • ,
See SaMples at
Exhibition �f Live StOcli,. • . The hest': ever seen in
Canada. 1. •
• • • •
.,ISIatir-„,;iiifindt_Specia.1-.Attractions -including
BIG DOG AND oxr sHow,s.' 705trit SPLI411115T6,.13-.WIY'S
MOST ATT11.4„CTIVE ever soon . in London.
"'Wilted Itatea on ,all Railwtys
•, ,•
Liats,,,Eittry Forms and afl ttlier Infertnntion. from :
. . . • ,
W. RtID;. Pres.. M. HUNT,
_ •
MatICBNZ/B sells Parte, Fire
Accident" and Fidelity Insurance. • The
leading CanadiarisquitionieSi Ancludin
the ,,Londou Mutual. : Also Real.
ftstate-- -of every -deseriptiOn 'bought,
-sold Or exchanged. Money loaned. on
estate,eai lowestiates.---J..k MAt
!ole 34. Kincardine..
a Wisconsin s•tation • as .ta. eifeof
of mit and lack Of salt oa cows.' Salt
Waa kept away from- Iseine -cows to -
a 'long-. tinav-It nuznbr oEinenths-rt
and troonditipo .nr-tew.rttirtity en4
onect which, : when aontiened •fer.
length of time, resulted AA a .gemiral
breakdown, When bait was again �.
pplied they recovered at °nee: It,
was observed that tb,er time eCbreak.,
ing eame about the time: of
'•,calVing, :and 'the beet ,pol.Vs "sheive.1
tendency -most. These •facts, show.
. the, 'value Qf regular silting of .taillr
..1041:ti,.. .•.citity. Which. shOiild. net lie
:neglected, ' ,,.•
• ..
Valuable Report
The report of tbe Canadian. 'Poi-
estry,ConVention: ot Quebec has: jitsf
be issued, and. Makes a vcilume of,.
disetissiOns by CanOdiain , and United
1um,ib.ering,. 1 pelts of anti a, are
•erplaraeed in the .report ,aud 'all Plut..-
ses' of the subject, eomMereial,
catlonil,, administrative cited. *1117O-4
teetive are, deale Wt4h. The. resolam
tions passed and ()boozes suggesteti
in 'the laws are included. Personii
-Interested inar,•-rectime---o--;Copy-tf-reo•
Nyars' Baby Cough, Syrup; Laxena,,to rez:'
taate the-holkel:;;.. Teething. Syrup; ,Teething
Lothion„--1.9 f)I1 the gunSoothing Powders;
:Talcum or 1)a4y: Powder-ailiNeptic; 'Soothing
Syrup -contains no Opiates.
Every. one. of 'these, is admirably sill ted to • the
particti ar.purpose. I hey are each worth the .
quarter asked' and should be in your childreWs
inediaine*cabi let; • •
Price y cents.
artikt .Arinstrotig
'upon , application to the SeOreitnyY..
Canadian-- For,estry: -*----Assootat• ,• , • •
Paaadion Buiaajb.g, pttova.
Poor Bossy ,
• ltrom the ,Dualitn:e Review:, Jae.
Lenelian's cow ',came through an' un-
„week.: .S.I10as_4..p.e.aeeFful1y. t....pa.sturn
tering- in'. the ,Edge eitate.:propertyl• •
along...the .river: east of 'main '4.ie_e31
vrixen some urehin..4 .on• 'whosehands
time' hung beavi1, drOve. her onL
An 0:- &tick -a -7-1a ile- st- to--the-rtikw-
Park, into ;the river, nnd,f inaily tan-
`'ddither haif su,bnierger in the; river
auiic a.jam. Of logs and brash. TIN.
' Was -en: Tuesday night-rawi-thxt
ght Mr. .14enalian was at. alaso to
:dipeoVerqbe-7-whe;:eahoitti.-ilf-itiCiiiiii,';' •
:Next .atterntionone 'of...the. lads
'formed him. and he at *nee. went to
.the' park to release the ..animal. With
'assistance logs were Chopped , 'away,
and the--COM-r-was -Pelted out 'of -,--the
hole "With -ropes, After *stonding, in
the one 'position- in the water • oirei
a whole day, she had :only •suffiiient
• :strength' to Walk, 'io &PinneY's,,
-tiear-Lby-,where:Sliwito-lect• 'and -
ted tied' l•from Where she : was dr
ome next day. &
' -/ "
Resolution of COndoleoce •
.Bre. Peter CoOk. aand FamLIyt .
"'On 'bill .1f the '
,. a o fficers and mem-,
bers of Maple 'Grove JOL
1O44, w desire • to' place on record
in epreSsion., of -: .Our heartfelt Om..
'Redly, with you ai your berearetnent
-through the. leas' -of /o'er lie4ovecl.
boy. iWe: recognize, the -tact that
-when- .we arc Cal ie'd,--tipap :to: ;part
jxorn thise'we so; .dearly loyet: it Ls
. hard: to, saT1y , wilt be diiiielTbut •
We. trust., dear Brother
ily, that our' Hea venly ,Fa the r • taa_y_
OLD Ltont LODGg,
A, F. A. M., G. ,
tneets• every Thursday
nightL,on' jar _before_the_
full Moon, in the Masonic
•Hall, Havelock Street,
-Lucknow.-- '
John Mcitenzie; W..; .
D. R. Mantosh, S. NV.
T. Pritchard; J. W.
A. B. McLeod, Sec'v.
No. 112 meets ev-
Fridal!. evening
at 8 o'cleat in their' hall, • Campbell.St.
All brethren cordially invited.
Xcble,,Gratuli-,A,Alcr..Anhou. _
Vice Grand --W. 114 Jsroie.
Fin.' Sec'y..--D. Parsosox. •
Dec. Seely. -A. H. Bovii .
Treasurer -A -„Ross. '
C. 0. F.. CounT ,Situn.wooto NO. 50
• Lucknow; meets eYery last liti5oday o
• eatchLmonth44-0dilfellowst-Hallisiting
brethren are cordially invited.
Wm. J. Slaitnit C. R.
• • R Ga..timati R. S;
, J. B.,Aoxuvr,
' D: R. McIrrrosn; Treasurer.
•• A. 0. ftJ. • W., NO, 13?; 1411es:ie.:ow',
meets second 'Monday of .earlinTiotiln at
8o'clock, in Otldfellows
; . , . . •
•.1‘faster AVOfhttiah.,--j. 11CDIARNID.
• FinancialSeh)V.-71). 1,,t; IlcIntosa,
' Forrnn.
Independent • Order
of Foresters meets in
the 'Oddfellows' Ran
on the, last Tuesday
of each menthol 7.,30.
o'clock: Visiting.bre-
Uirett are cordially
invited to attend. .
Glf.O. F. ArkeHlisori,
• ''''''';/+-1'.F4-rtrz
T. 8. Riun. Rec. See:
. .
BusinesS niett state that ottr grad-
uates are the' best. .••
We .have,..three depaitutentst,',
• , tam :m aacla , •
• SHpatlIA.20 and Tur.00ttaturV.
The tuition for six .months is $55
and for otie year $80. loves'igat-
ion will prove to your satisfaction
that 4 here -id ,tio.„ hetter-Ilusiness•••-
(ollege in Conada. Oet':. our. free
catalogue- Now, •
D. A. IyieLAdtit.AN
• tajil it O.:N.111AL liesp:hss
gi# g• of Toronto, in
vacs you • to •u.iTee for a
copy of its ,cirricultito
• yeti tire interested itt a
•• training Which will, lead
•you into a Octi businez.4.1•'
oppolir talent at atZt.N.X1
. &thus. The" Fall. Term • •
. opens im Auguat •
Address, W.
t, Votio, and • otn,..
Toronto, and
mention this paper..
Call andSeethe following Machinery
' before Buying'
The Deering Ideal Mowers
e _
The Deering Side. Delivery Rakes
The Deering Hay Tedd'
The Deering. flay Loaders
coin:Wit sorrOving hea'rts.• We
•In.14Y realize how .1ittie we. can •dc)
•te 1ean4urgriqi. but e :^ wish
to Plaee' befor you the bket
swe .are , to. snare yoof sorrow,
,•The. 'quest ion na t tiraily art.4eS.:„..,Why
is it thin4 We' 'do net know,..-Sn't.
we put our • trust in 'God Who is to0-.
wis,i to eir,: too 'good t be 'utiki-40;
'ind.may" this tie avothex tie 'to draw
ahove:wfiere .etverythilig wilt be Li.i;ide
clear ' and •SorrOw ,p.c,rting
S.gued, 4,it. :hare. .
" ittee...
• Belfast
trron . own, .correspuhdeat.)
'Mr. hod :Mrs. Will MoCrostie were
V:s:tots Isst
.Nrrs. Dan itt.,4 Miss 'Lizie Rather-
v:s.ted' nith enberie y friends
lust a 64..k. •
• , • ' • •
$12t.:tuctod has gone West.
Sherwood is s,peading
a fortnight ivith her s":.,,t.er. Mrs: 1
- The: Deering New IdealsIBinde
1.c1"c=,KS...:-4iSlz.,-...zios'zkziect4...O•ozi;eizy • .
e Fresh and
ate Qroceries
.We specialize along this line and Can. PrOnfiso yan
Just 4 little better than the ordinary dealerIf .
yeti are not a• customer Or wt.; we would like you
. •
-to, he. : Call -and
We ate (riving special valuei for-lt-•tiew4-weeks-now.--
We carry also a full line of FLOUR AND -FEED,
All 4
kinds of Produce, Wanted..
, .
• And !rsOn Bl- ock
• _.• _
. Phone, 2
''••••••••••••••••••••••4 •!•••"•-.A-------`••••“•••••••••-
It be Havelock and Sepoy Flour
. .
. .
. . •
' for this Community..
The Wheat- is carefully selected.
. The INAlling Machinery is perfect.
*The Miller competent and of 'long experience..
ts Nel.,e White is at: libite
Every bag of our output is milledttality•-and-.-to-
Mrs: James Ceek visited at lite 1
' two rt, . •
Itekt.'7-1.:10ed; tte‘, bleaching no adulteration: . •
ct MoDonagh, Car.
-last week.
'• 'Little ..M1ss, .-Topp.", who has been
•pendg her vacation, With •Mrs. I
• Cook. returned to Toronto this week.
l.11,rs 11.: ..k.. ....l.feCteady and family I
of Liarristont. are u.r. present !Esker,
hag, the, Lidy's • 1.areiti. '.4.ntly land
Mrs. MeAster. .
3filk, 3/..h .s r....t.titg with Tor,- ' 1
0 frietds. ,
: 1:
4 . •,
Our Customers now say: Not only as good as the
best, but better than. the hest". „, Try a
bag ftnd prove it •
- - T1''U."
BA NOt1i - ..
,.,..s •
Capital Paid Up•........:,,......,...,,,, .......',$,L7au.00e
Reserve aid Undivided Millis..., ,, .,...., .. 3,250,000
Total Assets • ..• ........ 40(000
4.',.--• ".„
, .......
t1• „Pi.
---4,1-------eint Kink '
4d. t11111-‘+o-f-44-teH- -of-litin
Ilton and secure a pUss-hOol.i. This r„i A
i simple' transaetiott. Vet it:tttiv he the OVA ,Ffl
1 step to*arti a competence, f
4 ., •
eantiot etentitetice (6 StlVt, WO/ el(11%,
n life -.and
ife -.and the place to -keep your savings
' it
4.•• Mx*.
,* „
n •
is hi it chatteted int iik. ,
. iutei.t.,...0 . deposits ot• $1.00 and .
.4 .
s * 'S 44I..„ '
•• 4.1. E.liMet.,11 Ik••: , lead. Office; '
• .. : i,
t Agent , Litekno NV 1 M.St IVIION4
- -
MatICBNZ/B sells Parte, Fire
Accident" and Fidelity Insurance. • The
leading CanadiarisquitionieSi Ancludin
the ,,Londou Mutual. : Also Real.
ftstate-- -of every -deseriptiOn 'bought,
-sold Or exchanged. Money loaned. on
estate,eai lowestiates.---J..k MAt
!ole 34. Kincardine..
a Wisconsin s•tation • as .ta. eifeof
of mit and lack Of salt oa cows.' Salt
Waa kept away from- Iseine -cows to -
a 'long-. tinav-It nuznbr oEinenths-rt
and troonditipo .nr-tew.rttirtity en4
onect which, : when aontiened •fer.
length of time, resulted AA a .gemiral
breakdown, When bait was again �.
pplied they recovered at °nee: It,
was observed that tb,er time eCbreak.,
ing eame about the time: of
'•,calVing, :and 'the beet ,pol.Vs "sheive.1
tendency -most. These •facts, show.
. the, 'value Qf regular silting of .taillr
..1041:ti,.. .•.citity. Which. shOiild. net lie
:neglected, ' ,,.•
• ..
Valuable Report
The report of tbe Canadian. 'Poi-
estry,ConVention: ot Quebec has: jitsf
be issued, and. Makes a vcilume of,.
disetissiOns by CanOdiain , and United
1um,ib.ering,. 1 pelts of anti a, are
•erplaraeed in the .report ,aud 'all Plut..-
ses' of the subject, eomMereial,
catlonil,, administrative cited. *1117O-4
teetive are, deale Wt4h. The. resolam
tions passed and ()boozes suggesteti
in 'the laws are included. Personii
-Interested inar,•-rectime---o--;Copy-tf-reo•
Nyars' Baby Cough, Syrup; Laxena,,to rez:'
taate the-holkel:;;.. Teething. Syrup; ,Teething
Lothion„--1.9 f)I1 the gunSoothing Powders;
:Talcum or 1)a4y: Powder-ailiNeptic; 'Soothing
Syrup -contains no Opiates.
Every. one. of 'these, is admirably sill ted to • the
particti ar.purpose. I hey are each worth the .
quarter asked' and should be in your childreWs
inediaine*cabi let; • •
Price y cents.
artikt .Arinstrotig
'upon , application to the SeOreitnyY..
Canadian-- For,estry: -*----Assootat• ,• , • •
Paaadion Buiaajb.g, pttova.
Poor Bossy ,
• ltrom the ,Dualitn:e Review:, Jae.
Lenelian's cow ',came through an' un-
„week.: .S.I10as_4..p.e.aeeFful1y. t....pa.sturn
tering- in'. the ,Edge eitate.:propertyl• •
along...the .river: east of 'main '4.ie_e31
vrixen some urehin..4 .on• 'whosehands
time' hung beavi1, drOve. her onL
An 0:- &tick -a -7-1a ile- st- to--the-rtikw-
Park, into ;the river, nnd,f inaily tan-
`'ddither haif su,bnierger in the; river
auiic a.jam. Of logs and brash. TIN.
' Was -en: Tuesday night-rawi-thxt
ght Mr. .14enalian was at. alaso to
:dipeoVerqbe-7-whe;:eahoitti.-ilf-itiCiiiiii,';' •
:Next .atterntionone 'of...the. lads
'formed him. and he at *nee. went to
.the' park to release the ..animal. With
'assistance logs were Chopped , 'away,
and the--COM-r-was -Pelted out 'of -,--the
hole "With -ropes, After *stonding, in
the one 'position- in the water • oirei
a whole day, she had :only •suffiiient
• :strength' to Walk, 'io &PinneY's,,
-tiear-Lby-,where:Sliwito-lect• 'and -
ted tied' l•from Where she : was dr
ome next day. &
' -/ "
Resolution of COndoleoce •
.Bre. Peter CoOk. aand FamLIyt .
"'On 'bill .1f the '
,. a o fficers and mem-,
bers of Maple 'Grove JOL
1O44, w desire • to' place on record
in epreSsion., of -: .Our heartfelt Om..
'Redly, with you ai your berearetnent
-through the. leas' -of /o'er lie4ovecl.
boy. iWe: recognize, the -tact that
-when- .we arc Cal ie'd,--tipap :to: ;part
jxorn thise'we so; .dearly loyet: it Ls
. hard: to, saT1y , wilt be diiiielTbut •
We. trust., dear Brother
ily, that our' Hea venly ,Fa the r • taa_y_
OLD Ltont LODGg,
A, F. A. M., G. ,
tneets• every Thursday
nightL,on' jar _before_the_
full Moon, in the Masonic
•Hall, Havelock Street,
-Lucknow.-- '
John Mcitenzie; W..; .
D. R. Mantosh, S. NV.
T. Pritchard; J. W.
A. B. McLeod, Sec'v.
No. 112 meets ev-
Fridal!. evening
at 8 o'cleat in their' hall, • Campbell.St.
All brethren cordially invited.
Xcble,,Gratuli-,A,Alcr..Anhou. _
Vice Grand --W. 114 Jsroie.
Fin.' Sec'y..--D. Parsosox. •
Dec. Seely. -A. H. Bovii .
Treasurer -A -„Ross. '
C. 0. F.. CounT ,Situn.wooto NO. 50
• Lucknow; meets eYery last liti5oday o
• eatchLmonth44-0dilfellowst-Hallisiting
brethren are cordially invited.
Wm. J. Slaitnit C. R.
• • R Ga..timati R. S;
, J. B.,Aoxuvr,
' D: R. McIrrrosn; Treasurer.
•• A. 0. ftJ. • W., NO, 13?; 1411es:ie.:ow',
meets second 'Monday of .earlinTiotiln at
8o'clock, in Otldfellows
; . , . . •
•.1‘faster AVOfhttiah.,--j. 11CDIARNID.
• FinancialSeh)V.-71). 1,,t; IlcIntosa,
' Forrnn.
Independent • Order
of Foresters meets in
the 'Oddfellows' Ran
on the, last Tuesday
of each menthol 7.,30.
o'clock: Visiting.bre-
Uirett are cordially
invited to attend. .
Glf.O. F. ArkeHlisori,
• ''''''';/+-1'.F4-rtrz
T. 8. Riun. Rec. See:
. .
BusinesS niett state that ottr grad-
uates are the' best. .••
We .have,..three depaitutentst,',
• , tam :m aacla , •
• SHpatlIA.20 and Tur.00ttaturV.
The tuition for six .months is $55
and for otie year $80. loves'igat-
ion will prove to your satisfaction
that 4 here -id ,tio.„ hetter-Ilusiness•••-
(ollege in Conada. Oet':. our. free
catalogue- Now, •
D. A. IyieLAdtit.AN
• tajil it O.:N.111AL liesp:hss
gi# g• of Toronto, in
vacs you • to •u.iTee for a
copy of its ,cirricultito
• yeti tire interested itt a
•• training Which will, lead
•you into a Octi businez.4.1•'
oppolir talent at atZt.N.X1
. &thus. The" Fall. Term • •
. opens im Auguat •
Address, W.
t, Votio, and • otn,..
Toronto, and
mention this paper..
Call andSeethe following Machinery
' before Buying'
The Deering Ideal Mowers
e _
The Deering Side. Delivery Rakes
The Deering Hay Tedd'
The Deering. flay Loaders
coin:Wit sorrOving hea'rts.• We
•In.14Y realize how .1ittie we. can •dc)
•te 1ean4urgriqi. but e :^ wish
to Plaee' befor you the bket
swe .are , to. snare yoof sorrow,
,•The. 'quest ion na t tiraily art.4eS.:„..,Why
is it thin4 We' 'do net know,..-Sn't.
we put our • trust in 'God Who is to0-.
wis,i to eir,: too 'good t be 'utiki-40;
'ind.may" this tie avothex tie 'to draw
ahove:wfiere .etverythilig wilt be Li.i;ide
clear ' and •SorrOw ,p.c,rting
S.gued, 4,it. :hare. .
" ittee...
• Belfast
trron . own, .correspuhdeat.)
'Mr. hod :Mrs. Will MoCrostie were
V:s:tots Isst
.Nrrs. Dan itt.,4 Miss 'Lizie Rather-
v:s.ted' nith enberie y friends
lust a 64..k. •
• , • ' • •
$12t.:tuctod has gone West.
Sherwood is s,peading
a fortnight ivith her s":.,,t.er. Mrs: 1
- The: Deering New IdealsIBinde
1.c1"c=,KS...:-4iSlz.,-...zios'zkziect4...O•ozi;eizy • .
e Fresh and
ate Qroceries
.We specialize along this line and Can. PrOnfiso yan
Just 4 little better than the ordinary dealerIf .
yeti are not a• customer Or wt.; we would like you
. •
-to, he. : Call -and
We ate (riving special valuei for-lt-•tiew4-weeks-now.--
We carry also a full line of FLOUR AND -FEED,
All 4
kinds of Produce, Wanted..
, .
• And !rsOn Bl- ock
• _.• _
. Phone, 2
''••••••••••••••••••••••4 •!•••"•-.A-------`••••“•••••••••-
It be Havelock and Sepoy Flour
. .
. .
. . •
' for this Community..
The Wheat- is carefully selected.
. The INAlling Machinery is perfect.
*The Miller competent and of 'long experience..
ts Nel.,e White is at: libite
Every bag of our output is milledttality•-and-.-to-
Mrs: James Ceek visited at lite 1
' two rt, . •
Itekt.'7-1.:10ed; tte‘, bleaching no adulteration: . •
ct MoDonagh, Car.
-last week.
'• 'Little ..M1ss, .-Topp.", who has been
•pendg her vacation, With •Mrs. I
• Cook. returned to Toronto this week.
l.11,rs 11.: ..k.. ....l.feCteady and family I
of Liarristont. are u.r. present !Esker,
hag, the, Lidy's • 1.areiti. '.4.ntly land
Mrs. MeAster. .
3filk, 3/..h .s r....t.titg with Tor,- ' 1
0 frietds. ,
: 1:
4 . •,
Our Customers now say: Not only as good as the
best, but better than. the hest". „, Try a
bag ftnd prove it •