HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1911-08-24, Page 811 d s for Ever ` odd
and :d .
Wholesale Prices � ole' S,
vin *night out the. Hardware Sock. g .
-� '• n
ee i
• -, � La r
of . the.. estate ,
•�� ll r.
r-teQnu- ow at a� �lo aW . � .
e have decided to give
s lli ' .Hardware, Tinware ,.
benefit • bar, e ,
mitware, at—ancl
a,, ar Y•IR'
Lanes Langslde •
Wren) Our Own oorrealidnident.) (Emit Jour °WI), Orrespendent )
Mace rSaaueI Sherwood,andtetMha9 B. Murray is visitin8 iriendd
s:fyh their
Galt 'thin week, '!
Western trip on Tuesday last. '
' • ;Mrs, $amnel Phillips, and r gigs'
441�r 3tavt -re•til iie44emer•-•ttr-Ma e;:
king` after a week's visit at her, dau-j
ghter's.,:.M'rs: 1homa:i Ferguson. -
or a short time. Call " and 'Get our
rices on .,Coiled Spring Wire also
etc. a ` : � red . Palnts� . -Sts
e have the very best- quality to offer
fou at prices that , will: surprise you.
ju_ot a
r Terms are SP..
Raxveat weather .during 'the past
week 'has been very' poor, _owing to
the '• araintilat the harvest.will, he'
all! under cover next weeks. 'Some are
already:. through witit it despite: the
unfavorable weather. The irons Horse,
is already visiting the farmers' 'barns
and pea fields,
Mrs. B,Richa'rdson end MM'ise'Brnstn •
visited Ashfield friends this 'w'eek.1'
-Beok -ng is—taking ut--tem', '
ber f or oa "laarge, bairn meals 'Brusselo„
Mr. Thomas $Bl ia: building ,an
addition to his- barns. Neil McInnes
has the ' contract, '
Rarvesting is over and threshing;
is in full swing, Bane fairlly good'.
yieldii are reported ,
Mhr, and. Mrs J. McDonald are visa
iting the1a_tt+er's parents, :Ms and
Dura. 'D. D. Mckinnon., {
• Mai. ltlexander. McLean one of
,,r Mr. Willilam Reid, of Culross, had
.bur pioneer residents, left .oil . ues;,• about tw�e'lde tons of'hay bitrned IP
dayfor the . great West; 'auoonapan-1'
�, ,. ,a stack 'on su'lday; •
led; 'by, her, two ,daughteir'a, Mrs -.m e.,
, Miss Minnie Boss• • of • Torn ' in
,jL+'edde�Fain, of, Ftthelbert,:''and ... � ..., :•
x u
e Mfrs Ale zl-�..
n .hers t r
. esti ils� M
,McDonald, ; of � Eort, Willison,, and i.: i g , ,
theirchildren. • e Nitre : aocom. at • ry, .rho
is.' sliending' the "4umwier,
Tui. Y w e , p >� on• � their, `farm here. . -1 '
ied as far as.Owen fSounid i?y Charles
who occupies, the ,homestead. ' Mrs. • M1 'Wilt MoKinnons is spending a
MoLean .hos 'bees for eomo years. an• week with ht's parents, Mr.' and Mrs.
--invalid,4affez ins fro•pa�-rhoumatism,sn'gas M+d : 'lana. Wi; 1+ 1 ooks a's' it
and she lives' ins 'hope that the .elft- the city .4°41 agreed ,'ivitlbI him.
nna-' fir t"�he _ firift`"` 1-11'•`free. )icr trar ,14 �e re,.•sorty ,to--repart 'W-'Cx tufo.';-
lts' ravages and restore her •limbs! Inures ill with appendicitus; ',We'.hope.
St. Helens
(Proal, 'Leser own eorresaoAdenh,)
'N1ss. fiillian Clarke • ha' ' gone to
visit friends at l`ntafl, •
fdr.'Keer of. Fergus 'overhauled the
'church organs gn Monday.
e' "'G1ri�rt nPW,nmineQ�t;
is holidaying .at. hi's 'home (here.
Mr T. Phillips has just ginipshed) '.
burning another kiln, .of tile.
lMr, Nealy, of Plyeen,. •'-JI..h is
visiting his sister,' Mrs, D: !Todd; Jr.
!Miss' Maud Battier, of•ilugknlow',,
spent Sunday the 'guest sof Miss try-
-tie l'hihlips.
• 1DIx SrY,_ J.. Tadd,; &!r. di. Tayslor f
and J 'Phillips left on, Wednedayi
morniieg fo lathe' °West,:•
'M'r MalcoLiii' •Weather! ead and lit-
I i -.
u er' o
f Michigan,' vi .
tie da gh.t , g'a?i, _ s
itin.i3 'his mother and sister 'here:
Mr:: Watt, • "•o $ur o ne".wha
who_ is holidaying
euoi►ed in Calvin' Cliiirch last Sundaey;
The harvest in.,:, -this locality is, ate
moat ended, with the e'xeept•i4n; of('
9 e -w pe€s. N'h ' 1L r • rtr igi,,L•o.:lie4.10.
'shed in . the field;!..
_ kung }people's m" e``eting next
Sunday evening 'wilt. take they +form•
a song service) comma
dieing, ` solos, also addretbles by • ] .e'v..
drawing nigh to .fjoursoore i yearei
She ,.has 'a:. remaiikaible' memory, and
La. 'bright. • and .'• eheerthil,. iUer• • Manry.
Friends Will mist her imeberifailiwg
smile'' and, joke;: and they Ane, and,
-•allhoper•that •• the change -;of di -ma*
Will relieve: her ashes and pains alnrd•
that ghe',•may long be spared to •hherr,
!family,'• the niembera. of whicbi 'are
•nearly all 'inl the ''westerns. provinces
,awrence'sf. Old' Stand
capital Paid; Up.
Reserve Fund
Assets —
000 0' •
�4� 9O0�
$4 cnor 000 •
iss t3o rdon, o1TToronto, rs visiting:
Mrs. W. G. ` Searle.
-Miss Roberta Alexander,�of Lucknow
is visiting' at. Oakden, Bruce, Beach.'
' Mr, J. C Thomson, of the Bank of
on ea ' ,�.�iyl�•..�1.
11: Harris at Pine Villa Brno() Beach.
—M.r Angus;McLean and family ;have
returned faoin'Southampton aftera two.'.
weeks vacation:. .
_' Re Mrs Dobson' of Fo_r4*ich,_oceu_-
pied the ;Pulpit., of Knox :; Presbyterian-
Church On Sunday evening; •
'Edgar' J. Roulston, of Albert College,
Belleville, will occupy ti'ie;pulpit of the.
Methodist=Church on Sunday' evening:.,;
'W, G:' Searle;,'who recently sold out
his millshere, has located in Walkerton,
and has 1ur.chased'.a residence there -and.
will Move the familynext week.
• The installing of . the new phones :on
else Aaron -and- Cinloss=nlurucrpal dries
' was. commenced last Week, the directors:
being the first to be ,connected, ,
• Two rinks of the Ripley bowlers. took
- n-the-tournanientat Winghainthis. week
ow -'D: A: �Icinniskies. ,
, R—'J;
ham, H. Harris and J. R. Cha pian
p. ,
Jackson skip),;Dr, McLennan,br.
Coultes, • Angus Martyn. Both rinks put
up a'stiff fight, liclnnes' rink went in
to the finaliof-the association, -arid'. took
;thesecond association prize,•four`cluarter
Cut oak card tables, The closest ganle
1-wa's between''the two -Ripley rtn-ks;-with
a:tie. on the last slid, and _M_ cInnes
ning'by one shot in the extra end,•
Dr.. Gordon .•is.•attending'. hinds.
[as o' Brances--in 'Canada =and -Agents-and- Corre'spcave
all.. the Principal .l •ities' in ,.the World.'
:AVIN9S.:. BANK, D-�E P:AR? 1Vi.,EN
at all Branches. : Interest `Allovlred'a't highestcurrent-rate
>�NOW,: B..ftAN,C';
GEO. H. SMITH, Manager.•
' Our., Seven Colleges have been.'. •
-established- -•during---the • • pasts
thirty.years. The largest .train -'
'ars in'-. ,dto
' Owing our
na a
connection all over Ontario, we
do better for'ourgraduates:.than
any ;other • School - • You may.
tidy aU sit home 'or --partly . of
home and finish.: at' . the college:
Affiliated.:witb the • Commercial •
'Educators,.'A'ssociation. of Can
' ada,: 'It would' be well _forou•
to .investigate before. choosing.'
suave-ri l U u� OLfIariO
li Bok .'
us B ss
•a n.
keepinti• System, .which is u
equalled. It is actual .business
from -star -t -to- finish and-_th
student' keeps same books'' as
chartered banks-•' and wholesale' -
houses... Enter any time.
Write, '.call or .phone fur further
Mr. Watt.
' ,1
Many ' people have taken advantage of
the Big Bargains ains•; offereil during our
Great Mid -summer Sale, but as our
umm ae , •
sto • is large a well assorted in • all.
stock ar �d
find a:
departments. You'llmany
• still" _ m
oneSaving Opportunities
sale: lasts. • ••. • ..
Wheat . .. L • .75 0$
• Peas- .. . .��1"5-.1..::
Bilrley ..:: .. . .....50 52
Potatoes;-laew' - -1 15' .
' Butter . , , .14 to 15
Ear's ,17 11i
Hos , ., -.7 2`5
e�: �d
•:GEO. SPOTTON,';President.
• 'LSA$, W: BURNS Principal.
diC.riIE 0ENTRAL B3USINr:ss'.
LoLLxGF, of orto,'' ill
cites you•'.' to e for a
'copy' ofits ; cir lum if'.`,
you ' are interes:11!
: in •: a
training which 11" lead'you foto• a goodsiness.. appoiiitaient at, good ':
salary.`The•: erny.opens,onAugt1•,thy,Address, W. •1'Sri w, .
President, Tonga and 'Ge -.
rard '�"Sts._ Torontor:-..an
mention: this,.paper. '
:Always the.. cookbook :'says
•�1 t Your''Flour.,,.'.
"`Nai�lttltJiS�' jTr�it='Sne�./�rEts"tI>ir�Iauir
aking it lights
Put.' FIVE ROSES inyour 'sifter.
Never . soft and sticky -- never luanpy,
musty, Woolly.
Never coarse.
Milled superfuse from,Manitoba's grandest
wheat. "
Fine, granular, very dry.
Nothing -remains in the sifter --FIVE ROSES
is free, heavy.
And your bread is more porous, more
yieldhig, More appetizing.
And` more Digestible. •
Because the particles are. finer,
get at by the stomach juices.,
-!Ise tins "very fine flour -superfine.
VE,ROSV.S. • ,
easier to''
,' lli kidneys; one
•..''With Y PrY•
pod chance, to live:' long, but weak
' i . neva a .o d as w grey -
' comfo ts. ''The :back becomes bent and.
ams,' ibeinnatism;is' ebronic, eyesight
frequent: or in
voluntary' pass-,
e s of the.
-urine cause
barrassnient hy''
day arid•lossof
sleep'by nr„ht.
Bo ith's Kid,
ney Pills. -bring'
new'strength to old hacks, and quick
sane • to 'weakened 1hidney.. They
banish backacheand :rheumatic pain;
regulate,the bladder and urine.
Booth's Kidney Pills aro for sick
kidneys in'�
:o ; oun ` and are guar-:
anteed-b -the- 'ro rietors The- R:'• -T,,:
Booth. Co., Ltd., :• •:Fort*: Erie, :Ont.
Sola”evorywliere 50c.'box:' 'Free trial
sent on' request.: SoId'and guaranteed
l[r'LUckti by J. G. Armsrong.
e -ep-:ent
e . e eq ve�*1 a4e itis' Seiiit ;
Coats and Skirts to be'creared, at Inu91 less than. CO Prices.' Suits '
as low $2:35. ; Coats' as low'as $2,25 and Seporate Skirts for $2.25
1YIe 's.: Clothing -Department
v g - to iitios Uiut• fir
�triiir iVlen.s-(•i��in--:.1)eptii?tm�it;-Tp�' . i ,
seldom within your `reach as'10. per 'cent reduction is' made on all our.
e. nY P
made; _..on h
20.per40 er_cent.other er '
finest ancl__best suits and .pe_ cent. _tu pt
line. This is•the opportunity of the year to save money' on Clothing.
So me Special Bi Bar Gins'
'Men''sWhite�Yests,;re utas $ .25•tor :. ,.,...,75cents`
Men's Negli '�ee Shirts, regular i 5 cents for. '... , ,, .. d0, emits
-Negligee g
Men's,' Straw.:Hata, regular $1.50 for... ..75 cents
;adies'�. n', ars irts; redni ar'_ ur . ...,,•. ,..
Fancy Muslin regular 18 .and 20.cents for :. 12i cents.
Fancv•lYhuslui .regular •Y2� and.'15:centa for'.,:- ..8.cents
8 ..yard. ends.F c_ .Gin•ghams _for - :., .- . 100
-Ladies' Fic►rcy:Calltirs; p1'ar 2`5 :coats fess ....... '10-e6nts:--
Bo s' Rom ers, regular 50 cents for: 5V' c. nth 'for ..38: cents
. Y P , ,, .e
Buttons,:large: assor..tlnent;-pei:..dozen "..: �-..: .;...5,:cents.-
1.0ndon Septeinber'8'to 16
the Western 'fair- qs=afar asgiicu.);
cultural and live stook e]thiljitu4m .is{,
second to.none in Canada tq-dasy, Ex-
hibitors of -five stock' report elite; •
sales of their prize animals 'whiles
_ac he .Lo'ndoii 'Exliibiti'oru. Sur-rouv
ded as it is 'by a.' large a lgriouli'tirial!
istrict,, London, affords a large , field
r preepective •buyers of prize 'ani-
m is of dill . kinds. The management
the ;Western Fair;. having rerali
zed this, have year:otter year ben
adding.•to their live ;stock prize list,
until, with the increase giveml this' Scr'e'en Door
...3!ea t the ?nag,ni:Gicen,t.;.a amm of $1$,UUU ;� Fes, Gr x,
has- been readhe+d, aril' o€,-wohich ,may
ce .earn._ 'reezers,--S- • rink1 n ' _Cay.
Ilmi I I lull III 11 I i; II I
I �lilll� I S I II illlllu �� I I II
rYiRir 1Sr'ise; *Ohba
sic IN0'CGMFANi L •, tO MON,Ne'A
Highest Prices paid for Butter and Eggs.
ol'laspent 'at 'house reacgis:
a� .tsge-. .n:
benefits with '.uncea.,fn. neraitl •
profit:. Sent out of town its life is ended. Kept
with -the_ home-..merchants-itis--'a-•-messeng er=of
continuous.benefit. Business .men should awake
' to the importance. of -keeping• this ' doll ar'. at home ;
and make a.bid for it by judicious advertising
by he : up a .:house: with ` a • range
these hot 'day .when' you can 'buy. a'
Charcoal -l-r-an, ` :Gasoflne Q -r -psi. Stove •
►'�' - �• do�er�eI2
e...won....hY exhibitors:this yenr. 9rw
'the*. •feature 'in con:ri.eot►'oa'.with tihe
live.; stock . depart nett w:hi/ch the
management : have aclopte'd is, that'
:the stook shown is w"+orthy, and
prizes atmr.Ied.kry the judge -'in encu=
ge,' all, will be 'paid whether •th'erro.
is competition or not,' as it in coni
sidered a hardship to, titiithhgld"pri
x.s from cis exhibitor shnply; becati.sd
''through; no fault of •bis own-, there'
may ries' •b4:. 'cornpetition,iris a pays-,.
tioular section: 'The prizes .offeAre•d,
the llcreffnrd, class of oatthe„ this ye,aw
are particalairly attrt ott've, being
assay in advanee of •ashy 'previous
previous- yoar,:'1ri'ze lists, entry for
ms ate. iiii6rrrikti'611 Ii idIrkinds rc�>
gardin[;✓ the exhibitiotr Will be pion
fitly.:giVen oar applioatiAiti to tshe $ec
retary, Ai Ar: '}iuntr Lo'isidgn,, Oat::
The Flews " items of .. tho' hbrrie
• comrnutrnty,.
The things in which you • are
'm'ost' interested,
41 The births,, wedding:,' deaths of
the people you itho '
The social affair- of our own
acid surroundingtawtrs '.
'rheas and the' irin.i • Facts thio
• givds pots is evetq !sine. rl,
C�oT tli Tito liscrfytloe yrs
Harvest Supplies
Ropes of Ali• binds, Hay: Fork PUNA
lflachine, Separator and Castor %Q%s,
Rooti Hoes,. °.Ha : -Rakes• '
.....�.... � Hay.. Fork:,
rasher •s Suppljes
Cylindiliil 1Vlael line Oil;• Cup Grose,;,
• v •...
OJTCans;: Belt Dressing, Lace Leather,'
Rubber and Spiral, a .la ge assort ries t `
of Leather, Rubber anal -Canvas Belting,
g Murdie &
.. A 01,;NTH Port
Scranton Coal, I»tlrla lm Cement, Parole!