HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1911-08-24, Page 811 d s for Ever ` odd at. and :d . ss Wholesale Prices � ole' S, a. vin *night out the. Hardware Sock. g . -� '• n en ee i • -, � La r of . the.. estate , •�� ll r. �ihedo r-teQnu- ow at a� �lo aW . � . } e have decided to give the'people the �g s lli ' .Hardware, Tinware ,. benefit • bar, e , mitware, at—ancl a,, ar Y•IR' r 4.4 Lanes Langslde • Wren) Our Own oorrealidnident.) (Emit Jour °WI), Orrespendent ) Mace rSaaueI Sherwood,andtetMha9 B. Murray is visitin8 iriendd s:fyh their in Galt 'thin week, '! Western trip on Tuesday last. ' ' • ;Mrs, $amnel Phillips, and r gigs' 441�r 3tavt -re•til iie44emer•-•ttr-Ma e;: king` after a week's visit at her, dau-j ghter's.,:.M'rs: 1homa:i Ferguson. - or a short time. Call " and 'Get our rices on .,Coiled Spring Wire also vas etc. etc. a ` : � red . Palnts� . -Sts e have the very best- quality to offer fou at prices that , will: surprise you. ju_ot a r Terms are SP.. marl1 Raxveat weather .during 'the past week 'has been very' poor, _owing to the '• araintilat the harvest.will, he' all! under cover next weeks. 'Some are already:. through witit it despite: the unfavorable weather. The irons Horse, is already visiting the farmers' 'barns and pea fields, Mrs. B,Richa'rdson end MM'ise'Brnstn • visited Ashfield friends this 'w'eek.1' -Beok -ng is—taking ut--tem', ' ber f or oa "laarge, bairn meals 'Brusselo„ Mr. Thomas $Bl ia: building ,an addition to his- barns. Neil McInnes has the ' contract, ' Rarvesting is over and threshing; is in full swing, Bane fairlly good'. yieldii are reported , Mhr, and. Mrs J. McDonald are visa iting the1a_tt+er's parents, :Ms and Dura. 'D. D. Mckinnon., { • Mai. ltlexander. McLean one of ,,r Mr. Willilam Reid, of Culross, had .bur pioneer residents, left .oil . ues;,• about tw�e'lde tons of'hay bitrned IP dayfor the . great West; 'auoonapan-1' �, ,. ,a stack 'on su'lday; • led; 'by, her, two ,daughteir'a, Mrs -.m e., , Miss Minnie Boss• • of • Torn ' in ,jL+'edde�Fain, of, Ftthelbert,:''and ... � ..., :• x u e Mfrs Ale zl-�.. n .hers t r . esti ils� M ,McDonald, ; of � Eort, Willison,, and i.: i g , , theirchildren. • e Nitre : aocom. at • ry, .rho is.' sliending' the "4umwier, Tui. Y w e , p >� on• � their, `farm here. . -1 ' ied as far as.Owen fSounid i?y Charles who occupies, the ,homestead. ' Mrs. • M1 'Wilt MoKinnons is spending a MoLean .hos 'bees for eomo years. an• week with ht's parents, Mr.' and Mrs. --invalid,4affez ins fro•pa�-rhoumatism,sn'gas M+d : 'lana. Wi; 1+ 1 ooks a's' it and she lives' ins 'hope that the .elft- the city .4°41 agreed ,'ivitlbI him. nna-' fir t"�he _ firift`"` 1-11'•`free. )icr trar ,14 �e re,.•sorty ,to--repart 'W-'Cx tufo.';- lts' ravages and restore her •limbs! Inures ill with appendicitus; ',We'.hope. St. Helens (Proal, 'Leser own eorresaoAdenh,) 'N1ss. fiillian Clarke • ha' ' gone to visit friends at l`ntafl, • fdr.'Keer of. Fergus 'overhauled the .' 'church organs gn Monday. e' "'G1ri�rt nPW,nmineQ�t; ARGAINS is holidaying .at. hi's 'home (here. Mr T. Phillips has just ginipshed) '. burning another kiln, .of tile. lMr, Nealy, of Plyeen,. •'-JI..h is visiting his sister,' Mrs, D: !Todd; Jr. !Miss' Maud Battier, of•ilugknlow',, spent Sunday the 'guest sof Miss try- -tie l'hihlips. • 1DIx SrY,_ J.. Tadd,; &!r. di. Tayslor f and J 'Phillips left on, Wednedayi morniieg fo lathe' °West,:• 'M'r MalcoLiii' •Weather! ead and lit- I i -. u er' o f Michigan,' vi . tie da gh.t , g'a?i, _ s itin.i3 'his mother and sister 'here: Mr:: Watt, • "•o $ur o ne".wha who_ is holidaying 'wprs ' euoi►ed in Calvin' Cliiirch last Sundaey; The harvest in.,:, -this locality is, ate moat ended, with the e'xeept•i4n; of(' 9 e -w pe€s. N'h ' 1L r • rtr igi,,L•o.:lie4.10. 'shed in . the field;!.. _ kung }people's m" e``eting next Sunday evening 'wilt. take they +form• a song service) comma dieing, ` solos, also addretbles by • ] .e'v.. drawing nigh to .fjoursoore i yearei She ,.has 'a:. remaiikaible' memory, and La. 'bright. • and .'• eheerthil,. iUer• • Manry. Friends Will mist her imeberifailiwg smile'' and, joke;: and they Ane, and, -•allhoper•that •• the change -;of di -ma* Will relieve: her ashes and pains alnrd• that ghe',•may long be spared to •hherr, !family,'• the niembera. of whicbi 'are •nearly all 'inl the ''westerns. provinces ,awrence'sf. Old' Stand INCOHPORATED '• 1855 Qom^ capital Paid; Up. Reserve Fund Assets — 000 0' • �4� 9O0� $4:490,000 4� $4 cnor 000 • . Ripley iss t3o rdon, o1TToronto, rs visiting: Mrs. W. G. ` Searle. -Miss Roberta Alexander,�of Lucknow is visiting' at. Oakden, Bruce, Beach.' ' Mr, J. C Thomson, of the Bank of on ea ' ,�.�iyl�•..�1. 11: Harris at Pine Villa Brno() Beach. —M.r Angus;McLean and family ;have returned faoin'Southampton aftera two.'. weeks vacation:. . _' Re Mrs Dobson' of Fo_r4*ich,_oceu_- pied the ;Pulpit., of Knox :; Presbyterian- Church On Sunday evening; • 'Edgar' J. Roulston, of Albert College, Belleville, will occupy ti'ie;pulpit of the. Methodist=Church on Sunday' evening:.,; 'W, G:' Searle;,'who recently sold out his millshere, has located in Walkerton, and has 1ur.chased'.a residence there -and. will Move the familynext week. • The installing of . the new phones :on else Aaron -and- Cinloss=nlurucrpal dries ' was. commenced last Week, the directors: being the first to be ,connected, , • Two rinks of the Ripley bowlers. took - n-the-tournanientat Winghainthis. week .. -as"foLs: ow -'D: A: �Icinniskies. , , R—'J; Gra. P) ham, H. Harris and J. R. Cha pian p. , Jackson skip),;Dr, McLennan,br. Coultes, • Angus Martyn. Both rinks put up a'stiff fight, liclnnes' rink went in to the finaliof-the association, -arid'. took ;thesecond association prize,•four`cluarter Cut oak card tables, The closest ganle 1-wa's between''the two -Ripley rtn-ks;-with a:tie. on the last slid, and _M_ cInnes ning'by one shot in the extra end,• Dr.. Gordon .•is.•attending'. hinds. [as o' Brances--in 'Canada =and -Agents-and- Corre'spcave all.. the Principal .l •ities' in ,.the World.' inp BANKING BUSINESS •TRANSACTED.' • •T , A GENERAL, , BUSINESS: :AVIN9S.:. BANK, D-�E P:AR? 1Vi.,EN at all Branches. : Interest `Allovlred'a't highestcurrent-rate >�NOW,: B..ftAN,C'; GEO. H. SMITH, Manager.• nt, THTRTYYEARS' ' Our., Seven Colleges have been.'. • -established- -•during---the • • pasts thirty.years. The largest .train -' 'ars in'-. ,dto ' Owing our na a connection all over Ontario, we do better for'ourgraduates:.than any ;other • School - • You may. tidy aU sit home 'or --partly . of home and finish.: at' . the college: Affiliated.:witb the • Commercial • 'Educators,.'A'ssociation. of Can ' ada,: 'It would' be well _forou• Y. to .investigate before. choosing.' suave-ri l U u� OLfIariO li Bok .' theworld-fano us B ss ,a •a n. keepinti• System, .which is u equalled. It is actual .business from -star -t -to- finish and-_th student' keeps same books'' as chartered banks-•' and wholesale' - houses... Enter any time. Individual"Instructipn. PALL TERM PROM .'AUGUST: 28th :. Write, '.call or .phone fur further particulars • WINGHAM BUSINESS .'COLLEGE •, Mr. Watt. ' ,1 Markets Many ' people have taken advantage of the Big Bargains ains•; offereil during our Great Mid -summer Sale, but as our umm ae , • sto • is large a well assorted in • all. stock ar �d find a: departments. You'llmany • still" _ m oneSaving Opportunities while the sale: lasts. • ••. • .. •-' • Wheat . .. L • .75 0$ • Peas- .. . .��1"5-.1..:: Bilrley ..:: .. . .....50 52 Potatoes;-laew' - -1 15' . ' Butter . , , .14 to 15 Ear's ,17 11i Hos , ., -.7 2`5 e�: �d •:GEO. SPOTTON,';President. • 'LSA$, W: BURNS Principal. iismoimmos diC.riIE 0ENTRAL B3USINr:ss'. LoLLxGF, of orto,'' ill cites you•'.' to e for a 'copy' ofits ; cir lum if'.`, you ' are interes:11! : in •: a training which 11" lead'you foto• a goodsiness.. appoiiitaient at, good ': salary.`The•: erny.opens,onAugt1•,thy,Address, W. •1'Sri w, . President, Tonga and 'Ge -. rard '�"Sts._ Torontor:-..an mention: this,.paper. ' 11 ai 11 :Always the.. cookbook :'says •�1 t Your''Flour.,,.'. "`Nai�lttltJiS�' jTr�it='Sne�./�rEts"tI>ir�Iauir aking it lights Put.' FIVE ROSES inyour 'sifter. Never . soft and sticky -- never luanpy, musty, Woolly. Never coarse. Milled superfuse from,Manitoba's grandest wheat. " Fine, granular, very dry. Nothing -remains in the sifter --FIVE ROSES is free, heavy. And your bread is more porous, more yieldhig, More appetizing. And` more Digestible. • Because the particles are. finer, get at by the stomach juices., -!Ise tins "very fine flour -superfine. VE,ROSV.S. • , �Ip�IIIII I IIIIIIIII!llhI II 1111111mmiiiii11111111111iinell easier to'' '12 on„,has' ,' lli kidneys; one •..''With Y PrY• pod chance, to live:' long, but weak ' i . neva a .o d as w grey - ' comfo ts. ''The :back becomes bent and. ams,' ibeinnatism;is' ebronic, eyesight t frequent: or in voluntary' pass-, -Vin e s of the. -urine cause barrassnient hy'' day arid•lossof sleep'by nr„ht. Bo ith's Kid, ney Pills. -bring' new'strength to old hacks, and quick sane • to 'weakened 1hidney.. They banish backacheand :rheumatic pain; _ regulate,the bladder and urine. Booth's Kidney Pills aro for sick kidneys in'� :o ; oun ` and are guar-: anteed-b -the- 'ro rietors The- R:'• -T,,: Booth. Co., Ltd., :• •:Fort*: Erie, :Ont. Sola”evorywliere 50c.'box:' 'Free trial sent on' request.: SoId'and guaranteed l[r'LUckti by J. G. Armsrong. Booth's Pills ;ea e -ep-:ent e . e eq ve�*1 a4e itis' Seiiit ; Coats and Skirts to be'creared, at Inu91 less than. CO Prices.' Suits ' as low $2:35. ; Coats' as low'as $2,25 and Seporate Skirts for $2.25 1YIe 's.: Clothing -Department v g - to iitios Uiut• fir �triiir iVlen.s-(•i��in--:.1)eptii?tm�it;-Tp�' . i , seldom within your `reach as'10. per 'cent reduction is' made on all our. e. nY P made; _..on h 20.per40 er_cent.other er ' finest ancl__best suits and .pe_ cent. _tu pt line. This is•the opportunity of the year to save money' on Clothing. So me Special Bi Bar Gins' 'Men''sWhite�Yests,;re utas $ .25•tor :. ,.,...,75cents` Men's Negli '�ee Shirts, regular i 5 cents for. '... , ,, .. d0, emits -Negligee g Men's,' Straw.:Hata, regular $1.50 for... ..75 cents ;adies'�. n', ars irts; redni ar'_ ur . ...,,•. ,.. Fancy Muslin regular 18 .and 20.cents for :. 12i cents. ,. Fancv•lYhuslui .regular •Y2� and.'15:centa for'.,:- ..8.cents • 8 ..yard. ends.F c_ .Gin•ghams _for - :., .- . 100 Y -Ladies' Fic►rcy:Calltirs; p1'ar 2`5 :coats fess ....... '10-e6nts:-- Bo s' Rom ers, regular 50 cents for: 5V' c. nth 'for ..38: cents . Y P , ,, .e Buttons,:large: assor..tlnent;-pei:..dozen "..: �-..: .;...5,:cents.- `WESTERN -FAIR: 1.0ndon Septeinber'8'to 16 the Western 'fair- qs=afar asgiicu.); cultural and live stook e]thiljitu4m .is{, second to.none in Canada tq-dasy, Ex- hibitors of -five stock' report elite; • sales of their prize animals 'whiles _ac he .Lo'ndoii 'Exliibiti'oru. Sur-rouv ded as it is 'by a.' large a lgriouli'tirial! istrict,, London, affords a large , field r preepective •buyers of prize 'ani- m is of dill . kinds. The management the ;Western Fair;. having rerali zed this, have year:otter year ben adding.•to their live ;stock prize list, until, with the increase giveml this' Scr'e'en Door ...3!ea t the ?nag,ni:Gicen,t.;.a amm of $1$,UUU ;� Fes, Gr x, has- been readhe+d, aril' o€,-wohich ,may ce .earn._ 'reezers,--S- • rink1 n ' _Cay. 'nuc' Ilmi I I lull III 11 I i; II I I �lilll� I S I II illlllu �� I I II 116111011101111111 11 111 11 rYiRir 1Sr'ise; *Ohba 11111111111111111111111111111 11 1111111111111111111111 sic IN0'CGMFANi L •, tO MON,Ne'A 111111111111111111111111111111111 11 i ill • r Highest Prices paid for Butter and Eggs. ol'laspent 'at 'house reacgis: a� .tsge-. .n: benefits with '.uncea.,fn. neraitl • profit:. Sent out of town its life is ended. Kept with -the_ home-..merchants-itis--'a-•-messeng er=of continuous.benefit. Business .men should awake ' to the importance. of -keeping• this ' doll ar'. at home ; and make a.bid for it by judicious advertising 1$i by he : up a .:house: with ` a • range these hot 'day .when' you can 'buy. a' Charcoal -l-r-an, ` :Gasoflne Q -r -psi. Stove • �ixid�Wh ►'�' - �• do�er�eI2 e...won....hY exhibitors:this yenr. 9rw 'the*. •feature 'in con:ri.eot►'oa'.with tihe live.; stock . depart nett w:hi/ch the management : have aclopte'd is, that' :the stook shown is w"+orthy, and prizes atmr.Ied.kry the judge -'in encu= ge,' all, will be 'paid whether •th'erro. is competition or not,' as it in coni sidered a hardship to, titiithhgld"pri x.s from cis exhibitor shnply; becati.sd ''through; no fault of •bis own-, there' may ries' •b4:. 'cornpetition,iris a pays-,. tioular section: 'The prizes .offeAre•d, the llcreffnrd, class of oatthe„ this ye,aw are particalairly attrt ott've, being assay in advanee of •ashy 'previous previous- yoar,:'1ri'ze lists, entry for ms ate. iiii6rrrikti'611 Ii idIrkinds rc�> gardin[;✓ the exhibitiotr Will be pion ri fitly.:giVen oar applioatiAiti to tshe $ec retary, Ai Ar: '}iuntr Lo'isidgn,, Oat:: The Flews " items of .. tho' hbrrie • comrnutrnty,. q" The things in which you • are 'm'ost' interested, 41 The births,, wedding:,' deaths of the people you itho ' The social affair- of our own acid surroundingtawtrs '. yAper .Are 'rheas and the' irin.i • Facts thio • givds pots is evetq !sine. rl, cettsitily01,1111%7.y C�oT tli Tito liscrfytloe yrs Harvest Supplies Ropes of Ali• binds, Hay: Fork PUNA lflachine, Separator and Castor %Q%s, Rooti Hoes,. °.Ha : -Rakes• ' .....�.... � Hay.. Fork:, rasher •s Suppljes Cylindiliil 1Vlael line Oil;• Cup Grose,;, • v •... OJTCans;: Belt Dressing, Lace Leather,' Rubber and Spiral, a .la ge assort ries t ` • of Leather, Rubber anal -Canvas Belting, g Murdie & utherlaild .. A 01,;NTH Port Scranton Coal, I»tlrla lm Cement, Parole! Roofing • • • • . • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •