HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1911-07-06, Page 1Y J v LVOKN d 7 'NOT 10, 0040TION WAIN T -ONS J4 OnT $atArda)r, May 27, Of two -sig FrecTilf 0 '41, Mr 14 W� U, I W, ently 14 is naii U1 , , # V ds fa go, R Me 1. fill IP, a R t or Rent., W IL uQV ]on the Pro, cialsidQ.of drainage, A f4r9nor 1140 q eacre,4 haA114 w -4ned 4 and 4r, UT to Si. 5 'WO)Vropoat �o -Canj Pell QVqr atm to though not drained it. g�Vqai Sor '10; Q9 don, 'DollegPi Toronto. sBlanche Hol 'The; value of N �A -pro utql. Sui, le for T 'rges',', was fitie4 99, And i8ta, oertieX_�44leviii, 44, per acre to �tii olo01C. , . : .4 all olo,(jeru, i#XprovL _e t4 revo t d, inierw), ge _Apply: 05,0,60, Daye Caplan, A. joy, who." was 'IT to jr., F aethev wilt , lie 0OMPQU0 at Store gr 4L tilith Uylor, Lq a10 "r ior fhleye�es in su(�cession, W94.ld b� tot Marie MurraY - o t A ted`� hoble thw I peds ow ir,. pleaded 'VOU Ys co aq Q *Q )!Aixed, UP ig Me affs -s tt, ' opig, gu ping. A_bjjhd "d W $4144 at the. end of ach, ye r. d' Teacher Wanted Toi�W and ajFL 10 a of fined'4100. Tb� tO.&I ure preferid,- for o4oidl $ect-� YK 4�t _.ttq to -th itiie lknd,.e4oh year, and if drain- Ar 0 6, of* kqd, A I ioll No. . , I .440 the toilliki,4 WOrIt -14 Accessary ��rinedy, . s : 900� va,_�Qwo *W� of Aux''Of earTo. after. 00 the yQue of the.crop,�by enci? gftis� 'd 190 to proVent 9,404prinoroase in1ho-pro- t�k Mid_414on ZoW Q4oqr'P-atrick age increas ,810 iiij.,su iner 110141. Awhich is -a low atet, tate sAiary.w4h. application. t4.4 on Tava4y o.JOseph- Apeyep, of, tA by Con, Id hoster,,- is Phi�pei e e v 27. --X wila, Bol the, crop f9t , ve 04 Iryd Of., Name's are j 41�4e. b �nt: g7 odwith interest, wbuld be $5748., Grieat mos, DT at. pr 'i b Ajoonl* 'itoc T �ct;�r,-_ yA op. ley a Sisk- a -'for the rain qavy river,, eferrO4 �n oi. it .4 'A ett. 41�4 App Iood oMeg �Ijotqj tho,'baci mildiiaiy GA tao, tells ff; D� -W �re Ze y 6ed AO TO y to e a.r.e' tight �tpd om sA, letter to he hwithin W. -aa if he Ud- not, her Allow 1 '00' Thos, 4 thri.1ting expoigIneq -he of YOur,000k, peo�le,,atcwMilg, . , . , I .. 'if lye had- draitied- the quit NA, 'e, d' at a aTo in, or, or of. 0.1orit', YO111, 4. "p 01% pi with rAiijesaisue. aInq 'T6 Sr.- Ka6Greg6r L -Kc-' d %W b1t,6' I dr�inc(l b6t For,Sale. Yo can alwiyo b,b rikht'Py um -pg! yes UVV o5 0 ?ck ty�of dry crops, with i0tet-est, would r; alski jo� orOU -L�4c. it ah 0 going to tbQ, �44� lqaes� E. Taylor, J. ffillit'l ka w lol" of Force, 01 be� -worth tho -.bp throvi All, )r0r- kw R gtaqco� ald -U­Tiiylw This, after pa�ing-:* I for. 1, can, cut for spe -c, We have t I hent at All prices 44, YOM yat Whowy& . *Utwel the ft�moti. 24I� to _Eviv ., .1, ceat", into,theiiver d milei fromhome, -load'. of'woodl To r. IV;�J. Ros-,.� 1. Hill, nds, of casersj. Notlu when they miet:`with 9 rattlesnake more hf*ra0OW wi dr would leave b4n, .411 k hicaso, is h. To Jr. 111:�N- 114rkaes.. I inag I Y64 4i� this $977 more -than if suitable. or a, eddhak," �Qf which is, lag is�d of C cut JIM hotne., wbic ineasured .51 -feet Ja lengtl ­first�class' cedar Present, Prices' fr6tu'01 0 .to visitiig hq�. ptothii, *St . �Phh OSr. 11 'he had A large qftiintity of Now mliftfers, yo G not drained. 12 M aAt I To Jr. IT: --P. T416i, i6ptile laid,' W. Ti-ffi h6_yeac period,. dminag6. 'by -the- in- sbin I In sko,* at T. Tri t hreeInch6in diametet , eorgo' ea Alfr6a, "Amstrong aq, secure Re, Aqginli% and'� to. stun I JAMES FIORE finlAy,"'of, stallmeht plaii4ould Ifet llifn 816Q5 TARNSTRON 'with a big ro. rtr - - rip -L Koffat Fj- uckn6wc. and *eat'-th4rd 10616h, giriv iifto*, last the, psition in� Go,&r' in �L w f m a, a T Vls iruf 0 WELK. AND OPTICUN., JE July r' Atiaga, 4ould enrich - 4-n for Sale complete drii h as: the Intoo- here. Rev. ad t'. )boys cut E�.,Xoirisap, (All, re�pa guarate6d) rs Xkjefler soii: was 12'yea old a off, aeY. :A. Taylor, 0. T' e$27M more than no araina oft eld. eircqi� ,ees gr4oRev. its rattlers and them home a 9", took , rood buggy and �et of: li�rnesa, -in T. X Somyei, With, his familyi have a 9 gou'V,elhit�, 0 R, cl The price allowed for dtai and ation %N. 2$ 0 ire,�� and first-clasa� altqpe.- .40newo, hereL itul r".,$� , er aii 11 J311 ad Also.. a drivIag n ty Y,04f. N .04 the cg9p; *aa A -to e n 1. . _T, 'W An Opportunl�y for Those. aqliik� West pply ps _pl�ced at' ,,Lacknow-Ftirn. Factory.* gd�5t Kidloss C9 of, fact, 7 c. per Next Week. u25th, and. er acre .4s a ',in 6 On July* llth Augpst atter t in among' loca increase is usually: wQrv6. -.1,11au'li' -a Cain, op rl� ­Vdke I upwk �Sth through.'- �Pullma Nei n Wdnt64 'RO 11- ! , - ­ iii - old cust� :t It 06,�f, days, � as per,, adjpurnment on V3 _Ay.4ud oVri h :.sleeping ,co' mel Du ent a papoirs to take a, woek'a holidiya fll* so that. the week cai�kwilti*veToronto vi.ob p_ in. for the abov�ii "6. Afpo�bqI6 -A, ik, on, ton this :'.giiC week the Sentinel will: l-:. ---, 6 aEunfair.to - raina."e, en.wante jo. wp indor '.1r6m tlid. ioil wo Soft r&jrned o tot meeting and-- of Telephotie.Constract rL-,. 4ply at Wo ook ­ M00 � mrw -W con 'ta-anuuAl bei Aakaq And miub lie safe oWest h" - - I �­ 0 . h6 ve otter,to er . il on once'to Sda �vorilile a time As we,- gdmojitOn. Courtof.Rovision. worexpad,and. Int y as, Car will ruti­y4 Grand sid The, StrawVer'ry. S" PEW firmed. a. he Id bhoose, TbciifbrQwheh* yon ZAK' Truni-A-Railway, Systew� to: Chicago, increq,�S.e iq,�rQ04 jko Te,- -t -the tut the, i6her--Want6d. 'lack Habick and Pelt 31c .thei.- 6flice, fitit ThuiWay Yon'L Will thence cona '1i Oa axotiort. i6t. MoKinqoa 'and Ho.d- IS L QV e at n Thevdlue .1" d I inStIm , .. ; . pg-,� ines-in. counee ge WO only return f rc;m drainage. r.aod we ha�:efij et a .up fro _.r no, Sekiajl- is -f6fth-- dongrani- wAi appoihte intary Clas.i-Rootin in' the eekeis"' axe ra" The ktjov� ad h, d For the Pr _t r9y on understand w y ini ul oarates to Western CAfiada are very low- thmariti owes of tile. land is increds'd This inained until r8. 3r idsteAd.6f_ Luc] o r ord is, i histiated- in the case Of * a certain thence. asMinnipeg an rc Ednion- wfi� deolin to Act.. ounty__.,TV�was .'.P.Iii�,atioiis-rec�i,�4d-,up-�to.-,1-5th ton- and ietura.' good-- ­-A-reqOst'had' m%de to 14, Mcl=osn, Sec'y. bough t. for $6000, abou t'twb yeAri ago. in60 'days. rmonthiy. Aeev6- i�. Iii've th(i drain under Bv-'- in. town for &few &ya thija,*66k QCf D�. lk. g friehO oflr6t�oitiona rates to W Instliat -at the' 6theipoints In Manitoba,', Saskatchew" r -or er--now f Lsiv No. 6' 1 't e you d �1414 B. �'FA "aad son. . olkee ewil .'fi' et-Aucti n.S .1 be held- Tou4st car will e 'fu y.� home of' Mrs. Win.. St ind. Alber' A 11 .40 . act . old---fer- rqth,�isj* houn ry ta. --been, -'ate the;,g%esta of , u astra th Emil, "of T Ww*ued Wcat on rri4yj�jqjy porter. -residence at th6 'The depart t -0. Public. Aueffiitit bf Wpbe 1 eclook. There is 0 be vien Ver errite 'b4 'k a At date$,, KcKihnoi Day I'lack, Miss Belle, MacKay, Outram S lon&AM aral aper Wo, low rate. iniiipeg, il,SeZ-1 bi at --c6annetowair, m, yj VC: ow ity of,va­-., - C - -. A' Other MAR Vim p1to 2�22. t Tat July I boiustr�ct o a irp-staMe'nuaged . - in Y, JIUY 1, i.k oDiatand,w ofles-E4 - ""it a Urn S Alai 'wm,les� a out a- fa to drain, s4rqul� AA rnier�,wis s�rir�ys for usy... hose, tiot r Trur Agent Or address A surye�y, _q9tinikt R, MAc(f . ilA�u4gs;,Auc peer, fare ept very Grand ik 7 - - 4�,,__& ad home on 3104d 1woka INSkis Min: D ,R), I . � �. !- , . - ..,an do 'our -best, to' turn oimpr Verner 'd Duff, District Pass 0 "the repair' and 16 it of said' WC will,� wis "urvey Mr., Robert Sowhoi� recently removed at I I I - ce, 0 tIeddei'aad Vife of, God indrain,aaw repoA made fie 8 up it jeweler� sh�qli -pl Y About. 3( -as w&ny qp Ating with '' — a p erich, wpro,, vi, f d d. � fill, "t fr opene& ) acres of sta;ldtng,' bay, ',Lo M Gaiine t as etf--�- urray. hearly. pli(a ions in as caa, 1up 1�0�wvftr �thb 'I _bw Lucknow bwnship- Will'adll. 19, eq obia, inid 'ee ''by eth8bason.". k the holiday. r a tt­' ri 'e ceremony was a that ilici Hitro r- Andqukly,apo�uple. weeks 11to one party -or in'd iii-o-fis -of; 10, iss, note 4%ck retui A,,pre y.. mar ag IV M�_tber n1p. Telepho Sur' .'The t�rm'.. on which yey's 'A. F. Mi tie. pan ing a ag( ,.Are ..acres.:_ ting instance, we:uaderstandi of church. - on.': in�rnihg,,q, ast be -Jaid, over ti. I AeXt nice in tul f I W�eeed .'upgn,. at fr"Ont 12 e Mi. Met-. d 7i month with her patents, hetC' -to-*be ameldded as bd,47,5;-wb angsid. write them'v'� 2041f, pf .1,� .-was - issue Tues her CappSjotnea- : W__hca Ilat R,6v.!- W70 H1 ato on d" i;.le"g. his, atorejodkod. At -the otlem�ized in, the - TOesvvat" .1 revio-us,meeti ---La.arrl�d p and constable-Briwil;bf --Walkerton, aet_� thb, DepaA' A OAucii�� sale rinw,�_ that is the toge tier- Mar� A. PHONE 20 inj as .11ave tho& 4" a ballifT came to"town on Monday t in Miss- Co0racts,,for: gravellind Pubi Auctioii jet �q Wirray of Welstford &ad' Mr.'tjaak ronto. Ic id ieizedtho,std& A mbetin t, proSper,)US tie ON,. Nb.� -1 'from' Lo'k ou el". ...... There will'be sold bV g, -of' c Vrd and dito&�wjll no doittit soon li;6m ' ed, ar�. to Con. 6' at 36c. per 11. Carkii4et aere b *a 1jiv. , N_ Kinlbss IIS -LIPS ur,'Ruth, otv be offe jo� sale. Ku'lasimgilyliel sid&6,46ck will red 0; 1� from bolf., 6 --to- ­kvijou" I -of t Two 'Lick re was ere c war Acres. 6turaences at ta ion� now, 441� t 100 AcRi 8 %jj� of 6t` We r cr�.Y filbe,q4I silk.' Auve.,and she t to tdibing 10 w, -Thursday' July llth,j, 191,1,* ee stippo�ted by lki�s Wargir6t K�idmer, :& �a, fine ne barif 2,61clock,on atthe farn) 4 Xoldsh uabti�n ;aon out ilk X t [agton'.. Of 0UlrdS'S *or6 �bluc-,,, This is -a Arst-class cr4? of. gdod,.,��I�An or enny 6ads $5.88; 1 t ­_ jai�ed -om-66-tffiTlan d 4ill be nic-oirthd 4th: ncessi n nuin e the Ontario WhOjea&Je drode`r-a Gttild* y_ the ' da6 r sod. withoui irpse Tertn&, '5*iaoiAhs1 Y- k6emer a6isted t6 �,r we 0 ThOiklp malcol in tit kt�ii el on Dt ing pa ty, S tal -42'y4s: at 75c, on reeno, of Uckuov; peop, tendance. to retai grogoirs of'Ontari�­ ipg e were cc -inL town Wag -will be given oh furnishing.. ap-� j?ractieally q -y vedj_ointnotes 0 of the wi d Afterlie c�ftibn redit cIces ories IKUStOn few riend J.' W. Vaeli Inspection 83.00 bicy 'I thbin'thAt they 'Ali withdraw.' y -vei _p 3. Ko_ �p WARD, WANTO�Av nkiii ther-Nmi e7-apift -cash.L- engage in pi cohira8tipiparties b 'W'g.Aa - - )d, -.b - tmvell��ti�'mWestern*Onti&tio. rom, Q%�WTi by t 6 W h bOy§ to & -to - the, peene UY'SMITH; Proprietor. HaramoCks "froorii $2.' 'ConStructiot' Work priated F rk boundary -$13.0.0, -Culieit L T '1 $4, y nien-'Reevp easy. money.. at.". oflice. Tha,t;eir 13,00" Jobii 'XeKenii� ac 'On- wo ___0 17tikin-'hotel., 1ittle ntory. rom:whi h V are.� to- H6ary ift:to-th6'bri.le wis'aold witch and withdrawn, 9 up t6,650. Mrs. M. J.- inith, from. $auto, be Tdrout6�ciiy tysvel kndpearl 'And, to "VIO: ppointed,eaptains; sides Were:chosen,' Farih'� For Sale: chain' 'Iticluding arid� -,c aur after'a co lcres ei e The 1C, r 4�50 --n and Bushelt`,A r Lroo '-06� -4 - - 'inore 6k. leis; clay, soil; now under -crop bu b di- �a,,A bara, Cal' has roti add.h6no Websoro" lerO, As%far �uorih elusive 6f Baselin"15. , A u�rns vlaWto her Sister, Ifts. 116bt.. supper 1`11 he orchard,' the reat lint. U ie- -ff6inon a6ewunt\,of . . , -1"4 1 _ I.. W $19.9p;I Geo. rk the A,n(I-gris�;,:g'(?od,..bdrd.*ood- -bu6h­-go6'd e rl -In. gaspliiie:--�anip;' first' clabs from eswat, r,ft)r their omel *jaghitn, sor. 2h It in -M-uni6i"pal , World- 93c.;.. _.Tele the'struggle ah(l 0 letter, *!�ates t at'.during, It foll6ved -bel Mobonaldo f -br iiakeS a rldL q,. gqiujV i e', an d th he inen.wo he house, finished outsid d, �thig titio, no substitutes seilt y t(YO%.# .'Wag. 50c,- Jacob illerA days spent'a few ays a guest of her a6od 'a�'� arh' and Atou tit "I e'n'At 00, cover or, solicit, h i0t4 brid(re"' I _!ild=�'it—rawghed atid otlAek.�'out_ Iriend, Mq bells McDonild, PAi to iu6b `10ritory $32 ep un rinK. S. -go -0-i-p6re-r-ma-ull -a& -a 1-d-tch 011'rT good rL4�, 0 n#ass---;— 8110 CON ��c e.&in'fh6'whole pro- _bidi I - - bd YS ngs, a I in pir, wold ey onil If f 0. n'12tti- to qe . .... 11119; ae g-. ebnsider- Modle: cei -orchard wi(I'Sinia L rut a. 'The Hufoii 0 d -,Toronto,' am on gro llr.� end Mrs. .'Lo.Val 'Parrett, of Aer -Suffi*60ind 4-15bi-st64nicht $, 2 eo,- able 0 0 1 m in fr6UL Lucknow; 6 � � C. - , !.. - , 'Money., an - 16i L 611 'bill has `Vorth the with their wi run their "$8 from Ripley. G dit u tl P,'fti er, X6i�,:V�Inp T onto� qpehi a few days n or W. and Mrs, 'Millso, oiat -kincard ne� lis Talculti, Powdia*v .'unclet acl,itint;v b6 bought -on reb�sonable ternis with 1 614 Afisuedi jikrinj- considetably-Jit' impe6tion $2.00 S IWO N&,11ANDS-� oThe':h . a- C, IN StAtiffer 8t. been John TAu� I -etu�hihg­from'GodcAch oq� ' 'A b rithout cro�. F6r fuither. inforinati A fte al T fiextj t Kincatain6 o . n Efi� Aegign from th-6 old bills., &Y evoiiiiij a4d Tuisday 64rned till Kdn- ay A Lacknow.- Council mebL 0 key q baring seekii'liag, be�fi! ffrapp�od, and ' ;- -­ — . I ' . . -eveniug�-, -Ther-I-Exeicutive--of-thu I I ' Old Ones:,' 'Toiltt Waterg, etc.. Old, n9rAV bitsioegs ot U . ;i;VVVR evning aid found little A re- thah-thL-twising- *6f—'W!0_�_1_ta_­ y . rey, a a mak� - three those -of: Lard and ' y TO Lad, Aiiq- mialtTEN-EDAY A\*149, WCYCLE -NI7eil Canipb, 1, f- AghAeld,' �Nvho - has� Farm for S�14 qp atte diis' aiai� trip around the County,. a6 in'. cent Ing Ross. "ghtened bk- a pasing motor' cycle, or the epss-for sale a farni, ele. pen Dam Piper a p the,' 'ea b of, Toronto bee* L for ne��rl ar i d . Wag compa he.und6rsighed as Gro6n aild'b upper per, k J6 'th han&,' =of�--106�tteyes�-6"creii;�uzder- culfivatib ders tlack colors, condition of-a-:4iAft out- 67ii1e. _7 een th' hottest day Aine _V'e thell-browtvtiod brqc�, and- t�61 The followiii&�ill--beAheAtinerar-Y-1-- has, no Secure tA Su titutes for balance NMI ;titribered with,. cedar and I ­,fJ64 'T t W, Weil ra e ackGaniffiY6. cdAq a .$Oft: arn; Sol A tegir, attach t S b ha would seem� to w4on, withtheir., 6ae-handed th�se li& lost.- Theyr e o'sod-oo, eild" 0�60&. hou ati6n 6f 'ones, an n ver. lithis farm, a ticefiel&2:40,L VArtia 3.,15, ar- ceottered." AppW a. all le Par is well give nuhieralj� io I -iii.-i rfi, - tivill leave Soaf6rth at 2, d . iiverinside tryink, as best he ebuld. t6 th'Old' ckq the,Durh _d 'A e T 'A pocial,lin�- of suatiniq a as t�ot jh4 flail 6 lee a an' situated. lk" i.�*,i; - ey arc'reihttrli�abto, lil ISn, tic ep lit for -hbld,fhei�,­daalied 6way westward down. tit Spen a )r -i;.- ­ - ce S. wide at 40c. Atileg pink, miuv,, � 01 40 tiO riv a �at afield at 4 O'clock. wWYV , 1''o I , - right an. Ate excell- of the new 6ill for'pictoriAl'use W-illoughby.,Stre6C on Friday-76�nin t 0 to 00 I ! tertas. easy jqn�rfPupis, 4 Holyr ir blueand.cotill. C010i- Thest- iaset 0 IS, hip ini, n Mused wit)j th % in ma- the end, of the street i's Webater's fiel 'it 6:30,', i6trive �at C16aerich it, At co their out 4alue. ndqy r k the iteuigeitiyj to 25, White xiihbroldirtil 6610 6: ve o6rich 'at 10 a. M. S11 .,rib ill tie ton of thqotes As 11on that teprod t 0 V 6 r u 16 S - and"' i h t'& t I St.00op.2S �Coohelt, oo a garet lia,.vo return- He Still Uvi$ ing two of the buggies 1ri Lucknowat4; th. OUR, C W. a criminal 6 enro. Daiigantioult p. to., :ardying. �A.t .nd M .)nx Mrs.' 1 .1 as r hese. Ji -slid ?4er,'OyAn 'and to kifidliod, iry inoti6hs of, the elbow TO U.STOMERS, at ni, TVIOAt- thent tox1ose i .10 a. . I ciu4e a1A i,�oodaadCOjhjijgtOaL'. 1144ill; The'perSon­,purcha'-�'.' Gand' orks� 11. 0, after 6 six, In bott&ie re Sockets' for the hln and Theii$ruce Times reeordg the 101- day; arrive at Belgraye at 10� one, was injured, but son4.one'Nv­xll have r the, Mi !,�Zds i Lue g h a probably at:.11 oclo-& Leave'Blyth �t 1 p. in. to foot.j: 11411dSO1116'bill to repair daii, - sertion of3wife and. fo,* fo' atini aw people, Av '-90n or 1, 9- 'ag'c's, 'AS for -he inototi p.n..,-rettialtill while purpos6, and on oneig t Special,'h 0 through. moid;-. rat4haps-, and lit, tr Cl* t.. WhOL has beea 1 h ill for S T aaid u n for othough'th6Y jP10, their' &pab �.t to Atigus ISth r to b( to _16unt lt�- 6way id)i its Put r. - eyl u trai its trall, was pq�ing, a 117; . tr(Atmenti' oii W41k6rton boy Who ilitles, are �n'd. their g r a li-, 111,glve� -the. f6l- oleiit6ts, mi6,h*k4 or led journ to Thrertou. W The 14eal. as"Apeot pam QY t; SOL gr�'jjt il)(100d, Wcatiagday laaL -She W in kS herc.trota three. pr.ZOS son, T esday, on a 'Mrs, that -if thoy­eve� gras'pod biwi�n flail h6f sister, W,4 9h. COU by, h, nativtl heather. Is, 040 _1101 act your vi You Ve 4fien big wife wAs killed, 3fay 2 Gth, I t out being tort 0 cxi�b ) breik. rioted. vsto is lips open 0 ivoitkl tie r cant write your haute on tvam so cheap ed iei; hie 606. 1 tR EE S"and J ESM. fl h Curiously enough,, theic 7!h �nd. hiMod 4tpre 'in 'as pot auji l and sat0hoWAY, &d "D 11c taly ah. Couracit' mot 3urtimeilti; invention an(t Prod A nian w 0, price0t at tation't. . 1". L ' h' ty 6,kplogioij. of"' ; 16 61oithes� Atkbbers all presehL �'Reevo j311ilie or altieb an� aboirmastor hit it I �Pjjjr, Inakes, M.0 1120 ill �eqttipped Colinow, Or. kt, thii 8001dail. ofllde.x 9 . .. � r 1. - A fb�v in:the chair, A u dlls,theni',as a cleaning wprks,,49 Dairo*b. of , appeals nd 8 Dr, Oven, Lo�dtih; Sur E Ktiix P.rosbyteriai.. Against t6 assessment. Ro ere dii -he *as aain L br.6Ught w 5 boo'. 'at S' bd ofo� And'the Roll'IiIeccived oil, Lady's 001A Filled ase noise And ilibUt &teol othe tilloy of the shadow. by Xin rdb4. The Accidents.'by a11L. _"rth *Ing hiii.han& th4ln. W nost asphyxiAW by lid' Aitell V ) L . gas motion of 'Wilson A eson. C beitig,� & t ),,Aug 17-; SepL 14; July 20, Two", yor� �ago 0110 -od t6t The ininuta4,oftfict t%st reoular rAeot- Vianioi, Orga*, iblitto b, be. 7l n M .2nd's'. Pir Ze �:V And glasses '10 hy6,'tqsted whi - '*ork! '9 oft a' politig he �ttg sq'Am 6ff by A W1 pro -Aswj a C40 pted" ' - 16 front. of,Wilaoii an Tile Tro" eeo eory and YO the oth0t was s irp is btiog over ing, wom read and.. appooired OaL 1hotioji �6jae Vatson' f to W., One doz x0i, -s 0 e atd For4 Whiteithure MY Ves too h q4-611 te01ft CR 8 �h tjj� .aifter kill ,to Tj*bkaow,on'Fri&Y. el - 'and balahce' of iening indow; bu cctllaps�d &ndfoll through' ureta itatemetit a owed 6 bois, h6rb� thd! glem'. whera li�:Wakj reqcu�d in Ali $1 filed ofiL.1-notion,.of Wlson yott �an'4u! a keen game with t pi�e. r of � Luck- WAtson: The, Appropriakion for Pr 1"tc-41OX&I's of delicious Tho. keore w.9A _0, in..L J4#0 di third"gen. and N uticoillacious con Won, howl Table, : I Visits Lucknow ev6ry Publit L4l -on Afid o6das oil was recorded otk the roads Of $6 0 ordere&, divided. lh e n ioth� i 00,0,'WAW unde * that t efft�w . I . . . a ninwas -vry watilvingl, i9th f Jilne idag -When, shortly 4ter itch roneestaitio according to. tht' 6jV6ft Ch� I Ji,6'had Jett the building tho waole 0 sib bb Mile's were . issued t- I tuesdayg clugive.fase on AfoadayS;Mh on moo I motch., -ewpToe each week 1he Berry pat0l.At- yan 1) CL 'I leAcifiian aV Is n �6. -by thent. All ot4het* in 06 .,on Tdodga the � be� and urray.� oon�i d.r "ta br Tei* 6t. oltn's dayA of the -1 w -corro 1111a �op�,-11 r ng at, 0 on ol papa ing., It Was 26-8, Mend Is t;grei, hot, O'blookl lk 6 6 Tho �?Yh, We' und6ftto"01. 6ny. 11ar- t uritc., story 4fid brAr tea, 13rost,