HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1911-06-22, Page 1Ak.
VY.4 X
LUGKN '0 f V�ASIDA J9.11 UL C,
owl, Ylt QNE_ .240
oples .3 ec
Uri, 40, um -8. Ao*ift 'Mrs. _N-S OWE NORIO T
o4- 1A Im HESON INJURE To Relt,
Sherwood: went wqostp�tk-gfo! ixis". i's ma year ffi
ra, appl jplln
t4o pe"(#O of VA, cbrootioa,�psf Foreign I lg
0,40, q HIS Ch#ek Plerced_y. is hig IQ. T� VIS.Aing i to in-' interesting, events likeily to - t I6 7 c
aPIPE BAND 'of CitiZear At a solemn: service in the Y. in
J tO4
number fi, tlip,m4t, The D4ily* Presby Wheno4gi Trcrei�en's-j
h in, the iqu Church here Ort T094ty evening 0014sistillig f, be seat to any 44( GJ
saw �o& dlky"last weiek Norman
nitba �7tr he fade by -a
_o6nhght� aj n
GQdo qj�.theStr..Orpy: �_Qanad Iress i Ythel. Ciliteron Lucknow.., was,
M411140M d �tl
uok in
formally designatod. -.And,, con6rmqd, t6 flying work'
is again -open, the ne Wtes* uritiu-�*- 1t, for Foreign, Miosi . ovary service in -China One corner of the i6sgel at the Cain Ilo;ise t.
J& Shdrwo
bits. C
. arbp
e wee
P. Me. yi,'ofTor6nto1Forei M, _Y
pierced right thrq� Ink4p At, 0 is ch e
0140e zlk I A. into' 1-18 mouth, lea*�
"g, 4 0APIA91 bund
qpftLia , Sale of, A100407, fit sucrotary Prosb�teribn Churc.of i w front 'which, the Thi. -Sale
11 .. I . Shingles'
in' _thinks Canada,'and 'rat6r bf ih t
.R me- -tell., yotir, friends -P A
in. -a s redin.
e., General
come.y.ou -�"A.good, tilanyof those.1 'boy ' * arge quantity o, first-class, cedar
TOWIRS rself.-G. W'ArbIstrdfig, -called was, hurried
D C'
espat with him were Ili' shingle?. in sto;ak at -T"
-Would wounded inan-inade--.16-:way --home-- as' e
(1uic10Y Ai bo4sibfo-, ME ol M, P. P.Vh0A been Dnii�ifi-j *.!*I �a7 .. i
so emyly: �wmno&d, and AU
.]Kug roployed -scout I)
94 ing about tb garde'n par .e
g; RA A,G. Br6rh d 6 Z P.
he P sbyte or engaged, ner, of bperl.for it, 16n4 meed
o at, the rinetin
-Ripley,, repres6nting, t re r hist
M Webiter ot To tot, 4fid h�-sarne, mill, �n cupation than alovehinj 'about Maltla;nd; anIf Rev Y � A' XacLen nan
Lucas- of Markdalb,. the -narro,we9t esdapeL and '' . ' L - . �c .. n� .. L . I -T
Ma numAnT approp4aw, �w
orol�s expQrlence that'h4d �over befallen, HORI AND 'GG3' appreciAte'L L �;Qold
C ly, BU- r.
to 1h - ,, e 19 prog, WI
' ' I '. sh6t line �64 ing! t Is, simply'L 44 jn6Qn, tQNVa
64 meh of tie local. r 6 Mrs; Frank Tate, this',we.ek. returned BU410 'T h 'On behalf'o F. '�l ood Watch niore, ` thail
oli� of'thoinselvkii. at, a fo U Brid'
e. wit hatafid k' go bf-Fho iriQst. d a Fo'r Sal6; no
19CALAND QENERA se Y two "with- th ir' sister, �,,Powboy by e It
ces %nd bi
f-thoW,' 4 rd, reco, 0
'iig4ind ef 'di&* joul _Miss Is' eing 'Also a' dirl'y'nig .,p<.')n-y.q, pthef gift you can give.
off mate iive in a �da, by WTI b 3 sh4 h With
L4114VHleat sent nApply to W LIAX ARmsTRdiqr,,. We. have tb8m,whi h
h 6, of 1Wi C L We
f a t L 0. . The best aco, 6 7 c: Tany
ma er
kt 10 Week Lanes range -ri 'as Dr. 91116tt i's. exoected.homto �ho gr�4t, %ck
VV -
Wter:li pro
V. xidayi'defoitting I�ast& is old 04d �witb %,G A er �.jham, with a, lt�ndorue by-sevon points. A a 7arm�tee,, d or clubs
ville. team at the 'yard Thbr� Were pres at alsoi .,jal -A SEYEN POLLARUORS
behoot the Horse 49 YeArs-old is A an
4- T.' Divisort visi6l.a iou# of er�:dntati�ves of the-1peal a 0 nicer- gift than
of at dint, Farm they. 4 otood..rith uxiliary -Of 'IIWhat Could You �ipgct for, the M Fa�m- among oney?"; For Sale a. $ILVI�R'TOA SUT..'
divyq,4 A#OP 14st brought home, I ia s. 1!1�t t ociety." an& Of tlig, cong Irizes, re liti6ri Asks Jildge1leimt.- - - ?irst clasi. -farm, coutaitling
� I .. 1 15( CAll-and lei _ui -sho.w%yLoh-
those who lisirer the notion L that a horse e out stock., Prices to st . ot
J D 3nt. a few Idiss J. ye fthtSpe�ialist,� th'
ormen Whciftore,or less; I acr6
Y1 , 'so. Allan, U pty, soi now
all very ash
ftrry Ooi man purch e , a, goo
grass- bardwoodL, btlsh�� d
-wh orse If
. spring, well; gasoline pump;
-'bl for L from David Houst of' Holyrood., first class
old" eri - e -reaches. t was' t�aken ad e�antageL, _qf �Y_ _dhe�e, knd�r crop
neik: June 27thL. On L di:� h won T '10640 n'some tAPgJ
1 .1 1 e. Int r_
for :gyilQp' Bi�ycloa wo'bof age, read the following.And gard foi: her. By� Airs. -McKenzie and brick house, Well
Yoe on, finished utside, and
r0vh4 their judgement 00 - Wednes F T. ARIM, SMUG -
an. beQustablished-in,UiOlk Qwi :Ucordiiig 40. Hbb0on's. StQk-y, told in; good .1arge
one stables
day. of ast- we r6e bolorigifig to- wa� resen A'ND' 00TICIAK
Frank TateL received'fdr the first ok a ho Mis� Milrehis 'd xrieith; straws E�VELER
de*'. v�e shal.1 annortice, your -oni Pf the auxiliary, she barn -And --st
ted, With a lifd. 'merribership bddxe4lId-e hed and o her' out 0: her- marriage, on Monda h o JKlien in'.Divisibn court un
edding,; Line! Blue Y r n., fbaildingi, t
let us print your:static1ner�k too. G. Ail �12t W. F. in goo repai
qn, Of the iri.she' Wre. la Siucr�i A
-4ftemoon sd!
nd--ovening—Her-a -ty— o,4_4_%Am
r; goodL
M6.Albert. ebster of Toronto,, and after -Fr-esbyterian irtda, and by my p ace -orchard7and-gm-air644S.'
Mrs. Reg.' Barret and hot mother Afro ie Xiiii rcKof Cil I arid. ivarited to buy r kl'n'loss '9 miles- from, I
o V.
"t 't ffednes7 s�Bi Lueas of" tr er Mr.*J,,-Q. Murdoch, and 4r. Geo. S.: thing iit si
spending 48 years - o 6
Markdnle, reccived gb.k-old.,rag,� -s&ap iron 'from Ripley. Worth the-:-m9ney. Can.
Wi Mig. Robt. or son,%On �eh4lf of. the �mryth'6g;L'and, wound tip be'bought on reasonable ternIsL with 6r'
-day., th hero.' huiton;. Mrs. s.�one_cf the I'Mesionpr" l'ob' t by ask,
huy ho�
!Son the Bell Goo; --.Huderson�- Miss r and - Miss of, tion andsessfo*, ey.; ifig Inb-Lif- tcrop.. For' further', information Miss Mae Day at6rided -Al breed, Which *have adnoi), reputation f with � a purse,of men
s6s for withou
weddin -,in Pinq River' asi J6ynt assisted Mr..Tlatrii1ton: owned t6 those being abcompanied, 'the. ad- ' usto" J Lindsay LucknOw, Ont.
g n servin refreshmefits. Y HO n bim that lie had a h apply'to H
. t '' I , . are�os b6ited below:. hare for -twe and -scan
s -at-, '
b h Id verify by ind The G')od_fnati, went iri,looked"the an inal. G RO' C E'R
�inonildimeo sIX years,
ting -of. the St,�:Hel - try .. _,tho. ��tabh) which. he would U
Mi MaU4 Robertson visi -eo"Woinens instititte wiu- iaputable evrd6rico illar, melon: 'in - . I
'desire. of" your 4eart hs
n on ne over, olTeid AbVen do latsfor. it, . paid
ihe� vifter been a�d is that you, i@ghi go g
OU,6 f. krs�. R4,44� Yeidu h -eight heiho
Arcbie Cauero% a was forty Ailnual AN,16
L El oloffl etin
was proo ab -to the.
2 gL O__
oreign-A -It —MORV r_ HYS Field, to--. work --f 6 M* -promptl -become thatihe kutia!
Ver- Crat
Ii�cknow Blevator' S
'Bi' A: I-ation 0 cycles it D f ng, wi ee ing o.: the
pence: s Drug among th Wilef of o6� of shaie-hoiders 'of e
6 giv' u6sked dhildren that big I)robabl. Compgkny,' , Limited,.
tore. b on., All the Ladies are' req eomen and t6� to the cliea,pdst horses
lIt Hot.Wa . tei. thbrii tho 61d sweet sWry of jeau ' y.ever been gold near
8 -and
Mrs. Dr.. TorifiaiIt is having her house to- be.piels6nt aa, busid(j3i of importance' will, be- hold in - the - Council Iaiiiber,.
; love; 'Tho,LW_k.
at ALvery-.1seriou Hi or is a., very i�4- HOlYrOO 1. :-0 n--- leA'd ffing ie inuria s t i --d
it Havelbick-SCiOt-brick other:- ast6.6, 4P4 k3n iappipbe
Iblo itVds iscovered, to june.25th.� at r the pur-. Tst Cho
iant one, Bijt! on Satgrday,;,
J6 us. - It" promised to. 'out of the'8t d 2.30'p in., fo 9X ra.-, ney. Ina
i4e it Harri�0 'I
at;walker's. box factor t;
uproved.' s Whatever 66ld- -of lab'o M, be soni what 'wher6lit', Goodman �,O. e,cei 'appointing
b ' e with u o lairie; f ving .'reportsi
4oh eipplov-e �th II I . ' '
ffarril%% an. ir.ectors _ I
refuse'[ , a L BWeLhave just operr6& up throe�
Mrs. Garnet Armstrong and �don' 8Lurg.eoti' iye,.- Frank c Ils u0O.: o, am. withYouilway". ]repented of his d' 1generil, 1jbusjnqs�.,
Ven are visiting In g. Wit
Toronto with her Nosi, Zd,Throat,"will- be at, the-- fiim,� A large tank OfL* bbilin forl ollare iso6n* to leave our m r der. G -';1V1ur(IOc4,..9ec. -Tress. cratea of extra Fand
June 22' IS;Mb40f
Cain, House, Jdst an hlg -purchase and4wa d Is at If t. u
yoi childh
je inerts of. boxes
sk or nte onev= t -TerceivIll .p
d _11ortanp.
And w ich N v a inaWL11 �
the Plitt A o`iicknoy -,,,Pi 41.yvays, coveredi- and.:,i , v� . es
a is In ern -thN L by rian
etintim romarnIng i
wagon on e not:, tank �of 'boiling water that ci�n Cliltich d6il�e" as La'-slijhi token �6f our in.: t e
way. t4uotations.� an realize why'd was not. .6h, theN tioeti.: as'6 re. el of its tr ean e invite call
W', t$25.00_ 'i I b Oaf and este6m for "G
yi4ay an late. o ood- Faraf for SaU- d lO'O t ro
tLy The-ptimpi4g ein-ginA, was- -then uhder'�- 'rns had. g
ypil., read. n
man uoraW
5" "th slegs from the ores in.. oreign issions, to' present- The undersignefl h0jbir sale a fr'ni
going repairs lit,the hand's of, an exipqrd, I ' .1 40�ps b.p 10 Very AQfqct.
' a, 16,., 'Ai � J.- 0. i . --of 106'acres,�6 CultivAionf
VV, :'C I arriveit re
an -Life Mouiber,6f the n question.:. 11ouqtori. says h6� bdlarrceyiell,�iiinbered with ce"
r 60 _h A
o n on he ankles terribly- se tfi _ihis� dertificatg,' .1hus makin i0acres under:�-
-h -at The ei aided. a :S
t e W;st on Friday night' He looks aa pert ei�e. on Mg 4orbe,'
f6und-the engine whi�i - saved .�y .the. r -and
-Good house; --b , AWBERR I
In poor� f 41166i . . P, Arn; soil
T&ont6 f6t..bavy
'trip had *e-1 4,giqed, with Mimi to be ;6p%,sent to.
nday, soft eltn.�
if the o the Preftterian in - 04nad�. ave no.mangi),,of\guati� t�,e itb - tl�io STR
wai.; "'he fir ti-aIlais,' fi
Our; earl wielL__-This I
ie�t pr�yer'is ire spring arm.
%young: -man was att
:Brown, :Sye,, at, Kos� opairs, and -not- complete 1& it well'sibial6d on the ..Durham We, exj�dct 6xV
Dr. ii,iid sohie-r dtin_46d. to, %and Go.y6 t ierefore-and tkach- all natibi�s,'Ll '!What klndofa lio'rs6, Would, S
hate,'41to i4aid, animal
is eweek will -be
Th 'The engine ik� tilde y as c" may 6 wit1Ij6u.,�UA'f)Ijt Y the. week for,.. ,trAwberdes'
1, ick-, 30.1 P. oseilt'doing. as towbship�:of �Qr
"DO 0. Hour0-10'a.m.-fo7,p4t&, Ou., May 'be' HN
i�at�' will be at ilie Catti-Hotise, be ex -ee k
1loc Pn5ei right and
eaveys your or er
now in. such shipe-that- citizens, may, ecteO.under. tb6 circumstances. '106g spardd An health r d -Atrefigth 'd -,and -we:
e kpe6t to �et fov seven A61'usT', asked - L
`ir' Ju 3 r
ayes tisued. and'ilasses. dttplllj�d. 'judge of' t 16 plaini
breath easy ig�in the duit'".will, al.
.::t f -it wi
will MAY:predibus gouli -for good
Thursday�. �;gin ..sli�k low: s. kill--' a ta1o' your horse awa� Goo
'donf;x.and ces. Millinery. erence ji C,
6fiddir Wb6dlsit d he
ay wi -o ervied.byiltfied�-- '90 i I
11alf, price sale. of. Wed h[E�Vb "CAso, ere OntrdCt
0 0 _%
f ended.
of may you an dbun&nt`.!obtrauce
11 wi a& a, P01id in the -sale, is. -ve--tkimmed -vihioh iriet'at Stratford t'he irltot6i house,. not.44�de . With
ry all 'at jo�t
049 ot eX -ease---�l
-flower'. prbfie�sgion eterlial., i4 the heavens. Ib SEALED TUWPICKS. addressed to, the
benefits or'.'othetwise o Lachl,n.
trinibned ihaoe: atd
-n� ao to, PoaseGeAer ill "be ed -U,
igneq on,.Whalf o t 'WA until on
Sh Iii rA, - piano.. tniker :owd- 9- " some- s. I IcDouga I a; 6 o
-Webster-s d -'-' L - 0 -:Qt4L he-merribets of �lie
�-reco 'and certaxn- --mb
be in, .14ticknoW- hext. - -_0 16 of- Tiarks"..11111, e wer - ----- h -t ver�rent. tly UM LU
lift I W a
-due. ce o ting t&
con. roYersy a oh'Prdsid llivo N&ln,g qu" a July,1911i for thL- conveyan f �.�Wednedd t re
ay,�june 28th erk
;V1 -V Mails,.
M-6 �Aifih will "kecei called. c66c.Ath Mr -h ion
ve promp me4s .6rcum ls4ipments of ineapples and
rms. The pa4ors, speaking' d'. wa3�, y
urediwittehes in its, sinall6k v
ing X. A: kacKenzie, -President. idh Vero, t1l6b r�ht 6 be boy6ird the, f f six times per 'C�
on a FiroposeL
or our ears Y larger.', pr�,idei'iro�goinj higher -it' will'.
ittChtiOn ek
he trive-flin- YZ was, 3f -between..Fo-d' d Supply earl ,
u re erre r yce an Wel to go .Your
I t
from1he lst�Octbber nekt Y�_
n,m th6_ entia6l;
t6, Mobett. Oraha ii and ... ' __ _ ___L 7* ` ' �_'_ - '' t6i tio en ing
ferd'nee by, 7: inches " in , its .-seem '-fia -tried t Miss urchis(in,, 8 ecrotar
Coronation Service hold to i6 isdi6ti6n ot thl'"' ckno,
.$t Pet6ro' bliUrc at �
and were,4pt-94tis e with_
ces containing ar
e -time u'. -are no �6f- "I re . po , ed
Thursday Morning; CQ L nd1jeted bV ih@'� and tho ihought Artiek uii,at tilie tbe. result of 'the dis �Ddar iss Cifiie to act as, arbi tr4tot, at, th6t fti Printed tioti :th0r. in -
W del
Contiactnuty be seen and blank
in 4:an, Coal QilL %or Te d e tb -and.. three to ..Churell'of! Ci�ha for the T il.ormayb6"obtain'ed the
gpt,rid of and More 1"Ice: JFor yc
to itttw, he had botfer try,W rnmein&a Conferenic6evangdlist'to enter uppil .011, ie,
re c igir ield YOU 14ucknow 'afid,
HOetis,'and at -L the, 0 of the. -P t
'cuission. was,to t a commibtee-of sicrnated,'a Missi6fiary, of tho Presbk- of the court.,here
evif nTwo g'ailons "'A' 'ri in mind-*hich" h6, pkrticitla r6e mifiiliters terau
ai e. W re w your long Joul fhr off Hondn: ,We os*
WEbI)tNQ,*-B LUS E_ spector at II,6ndon
a With' t�w agrvico. 'of wL., are cjosi�gou -season tit eQ* from t members -of Con
jake adv;xll� ry.in. d6know all 'he ordainN 'Lr . , , t..;
d eserit' 6 ad' G�. C,. A,XbUi�io
e:. morning., o clear..4iii a ppor unity t4:
kg next. nSPil-ibi -Go6d '- so alre fbre-ac6. The phange ii iage. 6f th6 pr
y eve ho -0 s. Ond; ei6t ',Fill S,nperintendent.�
diesi�y6lxj a- 140-Lwor, W -of 11B. rr;�—YXI Ll N
.... . ...... _'_'bJrWnS I d' J. ilk reach�& sped 1. sermon ig and'ko6d, P. 9 yug, be welcomed. tl� &V ny e o:nical woman: to --mis
ember, Who and rs Thos. Arelr
schildhood this:v in 14thdon Calros� vas;the. one W"ons
had:- r.
One will your
'of 'demen' . rms= ince has' been v'
A g
ment se
the.pa4t.w, en.it w
Moudiiy. ias -decided, by -his r church home ff a
oro� you IiAeued. a hapy.tvent.'on Wedne�d'ay:Juno' �M il tact
rievar-16adil-com- call �ih some of the �rofes", 16. -the .�roclitntnatibn oflthe,gospeh- at'llo'clockwhi -tdgliter,. irza-
on er s wagons at the- Mr.'& -But6hiit -a foruor !editor Of church 6 .14th .0
now dire. of -,n. their 0i Th c; a4dressed to the
'6f Three in the'Teeswater NoWs�.w 4i
lior is
6ri&L'a;peq aW&k6ni aa the- -b611As,-',- -0stmaster.-G
in ve. r an wer -P
9 'lour now. n
commissioners eneral.'
WJ AiI �odrl[661 W or& and 1-0 Ottawa'iLA Zo6ni'ori Fridiy, the 23rd..
Titte.. n has a, charged
Ed d Zknowi6dged Him your! L r to r.. John l�, Boll til
along Ilar ty Th. ge of
June, 1911
Mr and Mrs. John Garner,' and fam- 6 06ing est. aster: here" mr love foi- Hill! ilbep-. =ss. The bride was.give. b for.,the conyeyatice - of, Ais tug rie 11- _.propos --Contrdet-
bM onf�ruoik -Majesty4�Mails-'o
Mn Bouillion anothei coitimissi YC
lorto the EV 5fivei"are, irlditi Ili inird- Ilia- Vuesday h, h6r
the charges', whdh 'in- �10 0 pan CL nterod. ar
Al Per week, each.
-jot* 'PlI Ir ading in
duer- who, is- air Ash� 14_111811�7818eliillg car .:WIl EL MAU. Me great eicts %-6f-Afe--ndvlssohws MW arah,
0 -and 11,6*6&
f M way, betwee
M, or 'W I e,Arkd.readyL`t0 hiry6t;, h6m., you 'ed by 1141ylock The three and',
old "Old, boyt has bpeik - t. thii- -the it ic city council.whi6h Win-. b r uckno.w and �bsen thii- - the. that uIL "M
leave Tor6ritosat 11.00 0. pla�
Y 7. round 'trips.. 'per'week Wtfintnocks rom'$2,,-' en year eapers;
d I' ard, brid
�werd constantly inberfe rrand 06 Call 6f the Ma:sterfor *r' e wu prettily. die�sed in silk:
ring in' matters, JUIPP9' an poin s, on LAcknow- and Nafekin lst�
c 9 from the
ts �with-which-it-pi6perfk,ha& no,6utiness-,� y-b6tvieen
Juice instead" The commiiiAn r tryinji�' and' Edmonton, 'L 'C&V' Will' �elia:'me", tonight the Presbyterian': Tire, ceremony kyAs 'j.)erf6rilt4d y -her . Prilited nod
ry verign, hers wAri-, icill, run via, ces'dontainitig futher in-
..hig. bottle repair, in, some, 'he b formation.as io-c6nditionft V. g -1alf' a:'hanctred -degree geo;s Churell of Canada. in the. name of t rot er R do : Grant�,\ Trunk�;,Raiil%' f 'proposed -
r8: vay, Syst6m to.
drinks en mad by 'Christ ha's, appointe & C&Jitract'may be'seen and. blink foe
-illia'14 bQ aincompetent isted by.
of. it 'for only 350.1 it: Spence's, I "'I' d -you to, this i P"r .
C lie 0 06nce,,donrieding Jibe.9 in Re
eg Oft e -Juice.
�ork; land the Prcsb�teiian hu: vi. J'. Ryl er the'.,Jeore'-. of Tendermay,IJ6' obiained 'at the Post ,-Over i rei in
cp�_ _ . L
one " t� A,
chy.couneil. Ick. Aft
.eek e?F�, Lil4rid jej�j�dc t 'D Office of Luckhpw, Lanes, Idafeki
of k i
ri _,cOntrWtfi
'c' T7
ff.1 I s en, ma upon .t4is, e i5f, the arres, par-: _t ie -
0 9, P
uous 11 soN h a t
fedding:.Affiner. G. C. ANDRR
Which- &P roll pav I are- ada,ke v6ry-IDw- V'rlrApeg*.:lind, re�,- - - ;:, .
pear6d on the f t last h*1 ovtf� season, ani now offering d t.... .. service �ook of a suuy�t Office Inspector at 1Qnddn,..
an LUrn, �O , 0 1, hy
,week, advertising millinery, hadL fto birgaini in, every line'. , We'.willsell 'a turn, $33 00, 44mont6n na L . 1 .1
Was Miss re, n this h and,_ ey:-, Superinie
'�Arqi$t*eL W' ", - - oth6r%'� flits wd
0 tri iieA .00., Tickets, good for- .60, d
31. 'M $4. 00 hat for S2.00', aitid'alf trimmed or occasion dire fell, deparf fr6lii The yo.ung bodf& lefi On a short e
44 g6od - nu mi slapeiil. andAl6wero,.,ai hdlf 11Y.5 us for -a- period of six or seven jeais, we Moon trip',i�,G-61� otta a: d
PFOPO�tionato'rates, to other orm Wg�go6d wis
Ar*StMng.':'. L 7 0014f�', in esire imsome tafigi I&I o express lids 16f. tlf6se pre§en
Ladies req�iringlkxtdjwill kitidly1eave on o your past ser- Tho bride's goin asFans
e -and Albeika. deep apprediati g ..gown. Of -or-about-two4v�i _p"t_thiiSentiiIel_ -To jr, eIr-re
"illinar- claires, a cum wde
W I rinted, YOU foomakilihip, of Rio 'TO OUR, lit dop.ar'th' r
A'ent has beenunder,the --beddink;�:ete.-;'-n4di.-,port6r� -id� for64ik,.�6u.-t6-accept 61s..pui�' aiid,;Ifrs..BPIILLIVillit�-,.tkb�,,tlid7ir,jioilie.-oti
Andrew 'G. Smith, rgs
eat e_P_ U 3, T 0
tijUlt w6te your aarnO oni We -in 6
w Full partiqula patl.iy, with'you. iii your �n6blcvork
rg and fickets C join wl Wate'r's 'et4d.
1Y.4%od gkiisfact&ilys � See samples and th the Revibw. in isslonark of t1,16. Ord, 88;` � 'We Will' )1, t tulatiolis and -Rood Ile persoi! ptire as-
foimdrLy idunk type in 16 T.
t nd Aep'urter.�fflcrrj. '- And any Grand Vank Ago.fit, oi- addies.s' . 1 4 . .
Cos any stationcxY store in y nevei took ceaso to make Ineittion' of You: "it] oq�
i theie; an& - E. Duff, Distr - Pa.i, e n., ng tile' 'oodg:.
or.at-the Send 'I &ficd. many holli"Yi- either here'o Hysl p Bic�rde$
ne A. ipt; g6r getit fn6st
'Ju 0 now� oeTo prayers, Of
-we-began to-lookon. hid as ronto 011t,- ..... Th6 lionie a.iLrd �1 fole
e. ae now agency P'er6r .77 '
-0-�—e n W e -noy
ng recen P A"d rib In th' nain`� of,6very.
.11 -fewr,
weeks ait realtirkable I.7
th t John4on;'P&v'id` T6wets,'. Of affectionafie 'far6w611,- e,
are: ROW _Illlg I 'L fyou a most'
-changebecurredi he sailde�nly intimated B1q0es al�o Ile . 11 ,again- V G. that 6 intended to tak6a fe dais 0 L and c�min in 0 stay. 'NT�Wppapet p. theeL; The 9
tire Bankof -Hamilton; 0; Martin,' Lord, Wss thoo irid L kee lith wirrie'd ta r. Sainu f 1�.' lowing'. �hre T. !"Agent h4o; and Win. $tatters of ff, ShiL 3 . C. . L e. p Izes
I ' . rt t 5 flice't6 no -K ' -ornony e e e i
Holyrood.. , Lbrd e fr grdat� manutiettir UpOn thee, 1faldenby, of . inlough. 1.11,1
iluringCoro-riation *66k-righi in''our r po the rd',make R SpenceS
res 5 th and � be gracious. urito, thee. The was perfor4ned by flip'llev..'
there � was� "some- cent to at the dontiind. thia 'Rivers Stt)
We re is a move, eing , R..
-his ariner that suggest6d a - Ve is already,double t1lat o I
thing in 10 ide i!� a well , kiiown
underataiid' the b "' !lfft uo lliseoint6rianco upon..time a d �f Ilipley. T1 ru
-reach Wingh'arn-at' gIv( l y6iing lady nd
kmInlitloh Ilot hepre, ity firni de
made tolhavo a ttabo mid -hi
arthe 0. T, R6 frorp. Ilk a9turers are pus o to t leir: igried on hollaff-O coligrega 0
Tor6q0 tft ta 4 C the, former X, e 11
es qf '1�11 gc�i
11 VF 19- utrqost empacit to All drdei:s. WO`rk-� iorf Lucknowi June 20�' 1911.
. qirp o-110 meb irt the cities �re biu�in
qstaq es '%ve had
ey t
wns On the line uying e ex. r.
ton pecially as Alfred 'Armstrong,,- another IMIM-- h;lVet L hest. wislica of a 11 At
r4lq4 p4p h gr t. g. bi vclbs James S. Duncan
-re, J. Gi, Murdoch, 01�rk of 68sion.
1matie b0to submit,'Whi6h we did' 'd'8aVing,cWi,far �usinesg men a
'f' th more eg- In Tt6bort�6n Chair. Board =,Ole of fl,16� L�dyls Gold 1141led 4, AL
rivo,iwiaci to. ihe ople I�t �With the best grace possible, an li1q.,
b th tor-c6tivionieride'and aa, J
-people wq1k am' leron's &ld of labpr Will be� A '.of 81r, n d' M
and,' Kinftrd'� in all ' 9' of' life are" Miss C'
irc4ipable young trial!, came and, took t the hobio S. Sallies Waltham W- atch
gel L I , " " Vng� . I i ... 1- 11, 1111DG
Yifig thom, bOC4 wort DUP -'On Aidy's plapei - _-T- ohd1eL secret is. -1101W bu iretostate in the I Voidiac
'whized tit 11, o'clock oil lVe -2tid, rlZjj�L
laid bate; an ilea UJU LIS Q " i _� EY
51 - Miss LIT& IG T S
the Greyhound altd. therie of the spoA a'nd an.6V6r_SU 11 y
t4 Luckiiow wbere'lle pad most public mannev possible that if any reereatio thatni, --thus bo 1;ad
Jn6 21, thb Illai6age Of diefr d4ughtor, Nvill be 'at
day visit to his� sisters, Mrs Trclo%ven, other young mari otwonian in out ;flice litt 0 reason cali-,'to .r. 4ndr bile A -ork.
OnQ for t1its to 811jithi, -of Luck- o7,, Knive?
alid V
"m and, Mrs. Armitage. -,Hp theit 4U ever advance godd reason as Andy turn, to'fav& ik ble ; do. Only a f0v inlinediatle 're'lativei *Ort $5.o6.
rs, Ro 'no. j6 Visit nqiv.
went r sliduld be given a preaso.that hasloccuro in thoo� r, 9 s Dr toft
had Why hP4-O 8 p ice
holidays wlih` 40ititned 66,44ter 5rd. Pfr'ie
)n to 'Xineardt his he d Arifistron
by Y, week A holidaya ri lit blAay -Jay. o oo w lep Id. Otis W0
�efiedidl` It tW6641 W at�d A06;'MalY ftoi� bo,'bad' e d Next:: i 2,
arm the �6renlony- I,. st Lilleti_ Table
ftoo.q5doidh on Taos p4ra ago for. qnp'h'�i lt"6 Stili'di, of' Ri6ley. Aft6r. TO S
Thd r6ohl 4h�- inMigii t t - ood to Jbse@i, Curoll; of West iNvi. 0 1 S NVAS, atda'thel stmi-A tradtforl for, $25 (dAvoroa), �rid Mht b ' o' 't 4 1 1401Y Worth ONE. bAV
Ite Re ih,'Rk Ptit) or Capp: Q11ticiat; dinn6r,
Road[,, r�fekx6d tq,. t4�, T-14 p Y p r -COUP raonni Oil a gh
'd �g e*teA onr kd� I So' trif1'tO'r40htO:AHd-otJier 0, Xt,*44rjj 1� Idt by a4b triiin.' opt
Ile q 130i
pqts, 4: "The pribo of good, hlogs, M-rtric,, Luckno8 on NN'c& �j%j. Wat
q , I �q ion take 'tip,
8 OV104 VA prospoityvo *1 a er, -blessings T,uc1m6NV, 'J41. " L , tIne 19', Atiniei�
SO as.0t, down-' ab4 b ouriht, no.%, 'and te
'Iti: -
OU4 routiombs it, Jul
4ore 41id- ie 18 '16 'Ut' arld 'Afts. Ada
y c1t