Lucknow Sentinel, 1911-06-08, Page 41 WWO&A4 . 77 9. 4 MIT KEIRTON lion -of D. you lug P III �AZ orta fir n of t_OWP 10,6,41setribr " ornitig at bm the contro.00 for' resaP, M! L i'� �:- q I �YT Tbursl;4 � - , e 4; tikiii the. TO P11 e. wAterwO an job! It'Pald' in advAiI 10, per -b' 7CV -Your lAllU. ;4-liscription a phr, 1frie ant., pecia, I; oval" W1 'pern4UM osi, bad, ope, of he r a ii1ong, t d m . ann 4" vatsO, .. . ff' 'L ­ .,in a, p4l aOb� bri �rs:,%mpoatod er 60 ] just a, little -ter than th 99fiday: AO t a P 1' litiblap heIf yi)u. are, not. &.Icq�tomer W r -or'havloa 4ito hof OJ 8"we ould rl A.' 13. NeXANZIU, P�ir Of' olippors 'is with, a 4r w anM gk geer, h 0, W a O, do ft—b6 surc� Of t wear' job' 0 bet qe Qf its. fingers, Rates.�Le; T, wo Advertising fqvl� tisemeR. a 'per on t -I And had thQ, a ',dver' casua g L M other , e for .gi, long q tbe'she4 ion36 p lin linefoifirst, n A�N YEE DIP: Jw subs6cinent insertio each. I Ca r asgp I --' iui� Of, _.P. "OUR mns D AN a7i, rline'forrst Erg, char the- local C91!3a Advertisemessits-ill. bar, 'an,4, W .ore .8 M C04 914 P -4 M L, 90F -.]bar -euent,in-: h, from each' s4bi ,rought_ere, �d Ter line f0i lk0toir Pool fiir, �OsmnittI t46 Wo, a WaDI q4ve isersL" ion �regsil r 'f Pr �all-known, d Telf& on arpt . sentence MAPLd rater.mad,e. known, , AF -c iE1'0?n!`�t Ptizen 0. isp ay All hand.'set. ''Barber or as �nges 'of. ad its Must. bf.' -meted' out to hat ic a. hand iter, hci in the printers -use. S* %ply thotm 'the' ho also too f 'tho:. week- th cello ori . PA of two'nionthe -1616hinli the, bats - was 'di adyertisembutp.; slid vPrkI13Pme`J f the FOANK*.� All tea,0.,,� f6r� in. oil MQ114Y 91 as. $,put t 0 ." : � I . k, I . . 1. ... . . P � Wh1I :. M L 6 in the A�ff lliddes in ch ntende ]5!pqk the foIren, "gfit Color frot.n.. And s 3G days. ff"the cqy�Fj, itlr,a W hil wirn A, o work., -YoWli fixid,M Z' Pure lviinti _'T - ------ fbitithil 3taft- t -on, 7i-jorn aolvd-1*0 ­spren e n derson, b4l 13 aint into the 4f I IA: 13"Z. 'PILEA d ep 4616 W Ya t. M:L. a �, f bl�re,'i,- triPl 0i0pitat6d b d over t 'dr�wrsirig accidelit took place, U3e M R5 ld. was, an, -acoeotsh �; years ug A.1eXq be (if �hapr Was, A . the plPa" Ud& XcGilli�jay for oughOlIP mi bout to th Lot A. d�l but, the fade, Mist �ff be7 L ichildren $Pd he- ansforined into s.'AraI M., was hapI er nd flake! - C orei u -pneaL,however eloquen, ­ ;:, 11 Q@n- er, eloquent,- ­X yas.4app� "It other i"ke lhgiven't yot_fdund,�out, .. M � -) , sqbng cur a Cal iiij ron�� .1i yoil sfor ther man'farth6r wh have,�hpw 0 inix �.a OpOCial ifigred�ient with 0 L y sivoidea bi tii oliidS,to durable PSI t hem." A a 6 idh swept tho ypuug ild. uldbwu t 19 8 0. d * kisili: tO 'the on I itujo.� of. ch re L' tram Stan 11, d bis- fe and w64ther,'Jlnd'-: at -and- ith your `tY 0 into the shallows theWomes lo wear we . and rdligious Iiistrim for the, longest titne. through good literatu keeps its oil ML diffi6ulty crawled t. where he regaine And.. horde in 47 colors 40 rous 'dallbd- ItAN.- WAt WITIT p6cortte.the- w4s and ceiling !N0 -11 ',"Made r every pam Z49 ofl(l k Sco e I tise ci `.some. more for 'the caus r M gli you am �1* OLATWALL ddLORS. More econom L vin d .4j v*rnish i4 C09 iftbr and. 91 eaninQ savIttiy than *jal. - �purjp6i;e by imperial 1* ` ' :'than Isdi been &, *O�ngstar o Kincardirlei, when 9 IevAU96 ization f, 7 3 Wou d icaimore artistic, mot ,ganev Was there. ro rsipe4 on --of',o se "In fiese. P W" bl tab. le,. ishad q ML Itidis. h --pap et. Easily apphed'atidery dumbIlL. t ­ �w�ll pap th�j T enterprise, gqs. II IA b -fng--people ai * ar yox . as h( 81 n o a., t ''k f choose. io st here *itI crowd OP M a �goitlg- Joith: a the train ka it.pulled out, nd' laI -M L''M L L . . I I . ) .. I . I - sits evident patlier's -S I by RQ, -& I - - .., -1 i _-'.th6--heath - I But his '*I o d- -MU -7 ati an -f. rge t -Red thigen e -morning.... : , circu 6 d d ond. 1P �4 eli p Qf the! *orjldj�4lt, id -u ITection. ie -the7 Chia —ere-, they telephoned rne�cbie �W - ­ �1 ,4 . �es me! le�d.el nt valt NOW,� 7ER ekte A 'and he gatbQj 't YOU *Can secure," so W�sufd have us;. be.lev red �im into bg rLtiie��nOividixl able at d 'MI 'so h Mrs. i--517K71V -the-cl thq­l, _'DeVitt 11 -Marty -it �may: t at �10 ter, iirgu iddAll ,eelton, foilherlT& r�sib a B -IV 'S d . I I . - V, d Mrs. .,on the grouin guld. ic le �tev.,. s of, Divine Itom :13Uq'0'y1 Mabel'Allin of Luckhow visite TitnowN F a r ec..ag, of Fi r., I-' sionary %P. y C ly it, in irate libie,"bad amarrow'b�eap,811`0111. bi d cl a r der. on 'which _u a n. S arrows,.'- f an -16-a-gi I 9 ons mo $Is in 0, A ]ad o bar 'Cla goi Com . t g sj-e,�pear_ d6ath_ThuMay_.ny_cning p ine, i7n.-I * t- i-w—as-41-affid brow D H �17 ,litch. after his S,Pring,.� ;iiltiVators, re and JIL alli dgetrtne, o 1.1 -,wb' h6t, vOas, t -nd. J)isC_� 00 t pisoll's, corers, t -buggy� and, DISC Dri 4tii�� first' obtains its, sign, . ....... st th..SlI; Hoe uck, tho bottor 'an, pring S. Too ato QM. horse li�d -boeu frighter�ed &lass,wind 13, tiking it in for lor6gh joi �oing at a fast, lipt 97 re, Ing, ------------ - -- ---- say; pl�adi La' &Rollers. 0. .1 -mobI whicli IN X SWATE 'A.M-r..;S6hteide�--of,�W;st.i3r. own w o �e� T k' a -give to - n 14;o ut of Your abunda c6 d hi on R Is h O. ney b s�a rece be passing at Telasiwa,66r 1. 'ihui. 0I tho�e tha� bapp�ned t qews have not. 0 tod him a..e where he was t Oka U Tburg ay'rnorr a is or4 f Government Stariddr d josep '6bd IPP bl fbhurchcs� ive, advOca,.. aPI his, ow in.0 -iii' that 'local OPPIP wn. 6s. w6.daj1#xre 16 10119 tfi6 tit�e, "sis gi sistants., bla* d ling and - cilus malts 3 harmonized, �A d last ponstAW'Phippon,of Wing am a f& him th servic' a -to HarailtI6 ,E ntofbieig of, t6se. which.- are h d'* ave the - botbim tbe, g, ation. wa an. I 1. collm era, a I rpoye Qesira, a hase.-'a Cle— o, were ,en! you purc ys op Bicy gra Mo 'and those. who' anticipatod a seizure. vitili Iie-fiowAfig,'wlt %'fracture th -an -,Iucerne�= . a bl TIMot, d a s si e,. at in hy',sev- a t ot. pre institutes -o H R� Af ' ' ! . dqi � , ". �geutldiiifi'bid iiigtain6d ComplAnts baI p I ao P. a CO 861 a 'ho., De- Clove, pen sei, fact tha i -Is' the, very'� 'er f ho'. 6 the -or W- ic -seared, th horse pro.. ai peopIT edswaI to t at :are t a sch . o6 inI 0 " in th you in witbolit even y purpose. an .money,, c;kn possi their journey *bl buy: It d the. Is t tliey. believed that are. one. in ded on best that Pattment 5ayAng t A cee res --liquor was a Ak.4nd bear' old illegaly 6re, tPie, wh the, 'Could not. - b& 4hythi of frmdam6ut�ls4f_-PhristI Xing 46pping- . . I I I 1. I.:. . I �:, ' i _­ and',the searph"made-by.'tho Officet � s, ' ' ' t ',ogert .., .: C ti, rrsight� be.. . , I , . I... . . 6 ' ., �. I .1 j'all: ]I ve we o. . I J- name assurance is rifistice iful was" afte. h6'Hys of r —billAut ­:i6li-abilityd e vigoro a You.. ILI riaiv, goes out el ebind'itAhat a Was -thd ioisgio iihtn t a W bd--4 -1tig-961I F -0 0 f lien- 17Y. 68Crs usO near A ao 96veI ti MOP I often d d' it ibi tes 6ba bly.' V LU peop' M h* h t6rdj. -wa4 - convicted of, theft: befoile resp.pnsi i i d liltersce �ev es�. �un'dev 'suspicion, for, Mr. Phippen* to' a _w6rkAmong'-Wthen t' Jd�o'*Bafre 'd ''t Mop bicy I tt hero an Se y p(,,§�ible t','recognize a er . atrs�ck -for there irritiliedfatI �Qii get h6­eith6F.shirk§,Or canno i'in 'the ..W.al .rt6n jail, 'kivQ,' e: ii,redtie:st a MI_ orib e., are int 11 th 'de-vo u-2 brO TA�ut�P. ded to VL __ --bee., tiog into towrl' fte t " tues; ou t:bf atl-rou u f The prisoner, I n efh. me. to'gem�in� that :hqsteI ;�. JeW, PU, VAL 1. I 111 !loan, his 'ti reproserstative mall a Tsa OT 'Mr- takeff;*It60mall a ired- at: the,; ar of or gra4 by, qf n'eaV Allen- rice, and._ate, built drillin6g`o absoluteL­ h a range! -s Lu Jows him e-jemnifie -h _tbat.botel,: total' t a, un i a lizad6n that. fo with W .ffi�h few years when ifireilluku & tot I . . I , `,at:or -Aor illustrate 'Yol er, Alex der Mcoilli' pleadeo 'Ago nU.1e, on May 9-th le� c 'in * back 6n. an given, Se "Id: rice d d th � . I . �� I'll, I tdrkabe!�AmgLheLaie :the hope-� mg- va ueS we ,have bee-F-itbey�-w&-ated- � l -a opparc y anq in-on� th * g an h he n '4 r I . "ves ing w, i e -70. k buidil' and' nation— 0 -p ffii- -15d Ofe' in GLO h i�grtg. a ev` to U r-, I I lit I!Istic s -sere n 'the 15tb-, �Mtssin h is to take his, 5rin r, min wheillce our a 8triAft ally sort. Phippon,had after big dcpa�turj oori(l 11,190' A' lies. respon n j4jeslishwL husband's' -p a 111- the - M ­ I "I . - ea �' , ifie -eedinr, aiddition. sibility oc e v n or $914 c aylge.. was gqn Iaq ar, p a HVIS W hA a fload, Of #iQ t he Coil bo iori fieL&- Aec C 11M, 011ie_ W 41 - 6ei in be-ighK: `IMAT P..* W Ili Its 6 'of the, t6ff. -HERS.- OP ... �RT from: two t"X - id0u,0. doetn :tbars, showW 'his badge got'' arro%tcd.after 6 hot Cho Y9 who t eir siris a a, *** I . �.,. I ria tZ. .611 TO." any -CIMITED )r a..�e�ri 1E� -bide. .iiai. �nd. oveibasikleif 60 and as. 11 was something and-,Vi�to T n-60, _rb te,,dd�invag P uter.. -ialo� - -too ��, i-�, ". tam C found it l- 'A a ­&l., option . 6wits. .4107 built may not rPIcOvel'- Id the milising will" ur, Place an, 1;errio,nded. to e a -.best on. the me loI �Jpti6ft. drA jr Ohifia� from O' appor, in _g -b t­`BAId­.,be ea. our e ad. , I W4 _ejr -tin, door ,the Th0qui Roofing,season. Wi I soon ebuld'n6t bell whis,t;lt was,. �Aft, POln., W "it odg6 Barrett itl'4 II li' hat we ver.,and,_ t ­i�von I .5e. d t to be llar fI attib W" gonO mit It,'without ear h,, fingly 8ent, Jmckjo th6 p� from. ce ith pride an sub WAS Q if j� W the roo r the -three 16 is -ma;de by. manufadtqro .eVen up "Onto, to jile, gef.litiny Of the inete4ulOu8i then Q'e.'rrI fig. Io ors thii market. rs d '-Fj-hun re yearts exp not. Jeak' d el , '. J "d ice ho, will overflow hei er. .. .... ..... t any-blowng. 8- W E� ;11' thb-best:reald i0olfing 4 s, E" N T U LLY �T 'stall'and the loft .,c arise unler, wo,4 - � t*ngth and OP his scrutiny,. the gas sI not by its very s r p9dtiv. Y . , . A and still. no ri SIB Zo 13 re ii --evide j' is" id the-eftylgelivAtIO11 ze. u in, S OUr,:: It'is made in ono.and w t O Tli 6 hogt1q, be'xing",AwAy vw fir wbidi wd au, laboring be - Havelock and ritb016 - __ E S TRE _U )pan who goo "a r y w, w li.-toliow as a to paAI 0 coinmuftity.., I oked bad to Phil wkwa 41 no 100, this ii, bi itig'alome ita'le result. 4 'O of. �,,�heI I - r W. to, believe was, beirs L � ; V S (ya els ;tbou,,hb a wag; tit al, an inavi, b ar n hO a�ftt% ea, . istink fo.dd. e whbi eCrl I I U C n bug in vhrni4hed qr PaIll pent up feelini of, 10% rb, wOOdv The Tdn� rlda and the' ECAU .carry e$(%, f you have an 3, Wbyr We full, Une let jj6 not 0 6t th any pai n b6' j6j6o 0, 18 [4 calling to YQ1 iI fro;�- hattirne' ipp, 61ors'tO c oose inUs as *6' range of co �8 and 4�;lleid bini -('d hleading If'your furnitu vor quir6l -the hotel, he Tini" yoA re asdall" Of' le.96 dksex cotilti. on a, fine evens g t ra 'd is, care ully iw ive; you eiadly. W Olt! r, arl�ea ie4ueh gi go; of hea wthesafein halt an fisidifig Igh the ku Stle their, T W ­a�k Iry sweeping com IS U arl PP116 'Angs. soan 'The Spott6n 11V I - rdh of _Umb�rtug just afi�r ni e dg �1& The Milling Machinery 4 �eifec Tho sanitA it 'on his'tefwsirig to o, 1. I I I 1. . : IT - - 1 ) thl, housewife on open i. - , ' L, I make y he air seems nc an Y, il, great.bogit tA Phippengaid, -supposilig, Ox - Du I full of he- j)ress -train. T 'the, branclieg Business COIL, eges lAftler . co L ilip�tiqnt and of a n, St e dotib.tedl " Y04 6r 'so ri f a them. At Clarldeboya d L a i a ka W�t tbo,t�oth wi Umbertu so, ii, Open. iha,p1irs gnd cherry tree3 all thcI e101�4 0. t L Ador an -.ge L 8 padd has not, jr AWOP. C(Ln' 0 bee t is kQpt td the 1 ave given r B1048binj $,ild jb&jbs� a settle on of 4bout yeai; X th'� 01 ins'. furlitu. that ABuffal th, ftoin plunt it good 8taa in dreade, 0 mo and cherry treek - and �tlle liv We tI rooM - "it will also �keep. away former ptopdetorj- changed the com-.' Farmers to. quality 0111AL' to e, attackid. bag e apple bloggoms,ar 4 and, lay, I I .6 11 assist, you. Uvety of our oatpu ili� out 'P' k biiiation and 4 than forgotit, lighting res and han4i min . t, a in a hp � it-V7:�needs no'bladh -n '4ult#r9ti'611,. le Mii eri.i it 'vain attenwt W par 8 ur need a.neW ratige call iid*oxa, havo fail d to. 6pers, it. tilb$ in; 0 Study bl�, gound'. Ilpho'bag fl�iftg 'at YOU, was there, n6ne was to '111 tho n . .1 - - I :' C en,, -r, leaving t'h a6 only the' vanguard * bf 'I OUrSeS ­:4h�- Que Ofall hip, ,� I . : I I . I I . . . .. . o'n-VatiI -the M", f T� Oxford A L tin d illo)i p Wlws,rd and main army, which fiva the . . - x. .. -as, 66 0, "Not 00 C1 01 as y..,as� 'goo AL pbt g 'noml and, 0 going "oXtelled ad vantag tir Customers now Say' do, L_ Can to. tI �Vhjch will continue coming out or found nothi ra(�'ntlre '5�1:2 and T G as ion ry nd' otit� nionth.., Prospile r those Who annO6 atten bestA;1it better d, nothing) u in -th irail -Tr the fr it -crop, pon. inquie �1 aid6.1be' 6W.. Will be, laid 1111 P0,174 1440� p bag and ro milwon4 of egg. Jere I to out into' the & r4ative whitd, t6wn lathly, we do, I giti thit croo( no� kndw, �6d' so, iniiCh ba NO voe il� thl W1 H -P h4, t t�ere was ornot, but one ti S rie, lot yeiti- VE e. ai d O ever, *118, gruba� and 1)00tlesi is this"' b1iiekbird: re a 'BUSINESS COL that, �df� from this spring. � So kkful, tfoyIng L 'Ot ' ' , . L town ba,; io be'thtu be due. t b h the hot0j. al.e,gjvj�g. goo0l, accofflmo- far th�. only help'ill ',c ELE L KNO N U t As - good: " 'there It, 0. �,sotbjng else Nyhilo. (4 hot!. If , . L I - I I I An! eat' Ing. t thig, ThW eed � . . I L I . , , I WitotiI are than it hal�.&110, edi �rbeQtllo re our, T .... . . . ........ .