HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1911-06-08, Page 3+ jo 0 ......... Y A 00 OF31 7"" letter. . to me a subBec published ixi t4p Latioe0o 0110�4 I I - a 'be -illod And, their' to Br tish Offlold, .4 -of r4iierw BY i ­ e4 00A S-1 0. k ­K.in 9pen-idolaitrLY0,�, ).ffA4 ARMTOOCT WOMAN W. -Ch new Pr- 13 10111 t a "'Unsaq be a ou IT 0 thleiL Baefificial"blocict wouldbave be. 044�t p4b'11$h�d n 'All, U 0 Year r conle deAled. ro. tillit' DW AV4, Sr 41) Tw naly'The British 1`06tmlid -hat Lon&'nerO $SOX by- 4:400jah' #4 'ChToo'- I do. not .6verele-brat nt IVATE l 0, Ro. Tr air was provii , A - - - - t Us 11), anaals wigOtbo h Woo 10 oW. is. writtdu th6r Valua 0 1 Pth k?1Z r erw4b 4 i''thil. ed. $Peet RA6vlew. be js�arqst ip Wq�uqp FWk& were got gh-he Teleph6n .(14), bpt,* it Wgic6nodd, Ro but 'hi pr*ure 'Her the. to' Wl.9 if igb, 11 w in, thh� gAd Lesson X1, jj0zek14,b!S, bregkk 06-:10tte rieoulwity W ere, One -A-4--- - -- tA3 Oar Q 'diet, 0 a �tuxlity to,.kee and -sho n t ta e care 0 QIA ollel Ithe oppo­ eye wfri,� -or dther liquor, oaith hipped cr�ar4. Slicbd an Not, law. illays evince a, dislike or rqe yoq� an annul ys-A DJ�INTY DI S, iho, -ign . ral. apagas d ess fare' '*'d invest youil spare b pine �e hopped dateg� T, c b!e p6oge-r, orgave- 'galdd dresoin 'is Vj,'tation to the, 26.: Heli'led. V In -Bpiie� Qf njon t� in She had 'a geat fon n 9 bita and figs,. rcd4e cocoanut; V Their cereMoniAl t POM4 QPl a,' cat in 12--l"T A, wo -- �e little. mlkr� cannot for long pass fr, allinials" kt foll y I ad 0 W�Ti it to to be �4 and, pay!';a,`week Y. pension. t nuts, or wainuts MAke: floo, fruit; P-Woverll ed as a. dise.. without . I MiK upe.half the ka- an g. su,gic- and, dbgs very -happily,-- Bhb, WAS, �On el 14�phrgba- and, , , . h , , r iunt. h andp- youk'age�'mbt­e o .'e. very .1 d. a healing I edy.'POS K t 64 4, removed, I, two, instiroces, have'.re- al alne. quAr 91 b.6 will be een irom the k in A h. f3iJily- L physical, sic liess, e .%pitard ind,,,no'pe�per, ilt ceady come to"light whem for A pbion , n maprier, �.g kind An— rii le, Da d -0 and other,, ,te t gl� tdol- plaeb it, will keep indeA- hat HeAeki. ms,� ca6lt-, ipg w#er,,4?pe-:cU itioli, has Jinx tologral. In pfu - of, grAhA 'd* '114pters �d t6' those- who regQ.mg c­ rea.14* 4 11 (Lev. 15. 01). 1111inGer'of'Yeats tile impps, ius" to, dq..gQQ matte well togp'ther two prdvisjoTf.' for thol ad r Very - seven days ... :A similar never likely ja beco�ne Wlieless ras4ges, Ma salt, one 4�U,Uflll Of TA] floitri. A --little-, Other never b en '�suspoctqd says, h$ Wo gra -s&oufuls' 99 -butter Ona's 'Stair of--messeal* toble -gar onevound ofchbpped da.tos, return 6f -the people of'the'-cit' hild at '�hf, Lodon:Xail, Le Rq� pass- ''Bive -or ai ilj��r r. r �wo�weeks, festival w;! t gsoxne"-,to tains an bnormO' insdIp" anuts. if 'the -true -worsh ut now be is coin years aa� Harry-. gk bo s conducts, art A0,*pr"4 Pful. ot chopped -and sex wd, oni "When )k. o., the a 47Y - a half toaspoonful. of -must4i, -and ier 4o r to. extend tbe g letiqn of solomop's temple, I n0e d and h ss for eye d desif�4 0ook' in double bo -I f but . came ef�n the thix AXIC y company us sort E er 'about. -,half hour e bf-the COOM- co''veredlon, her, eaih a'few' -d she mu4 par�el, 'Irdm It p�r,,.Rut into 13 rve VVI H4 wishes, to 4each"out, not t s, inly. Tbigi-prolongati A d gi, halfpm4y ow was in-ado'gossible b and X perieti&d. 10 4 ib f.' -A- doubt boil4or th;q. beateg,,yolks of ai triOls V th� gift ,t*Q, jpee.P - tip- the g-Anto- the,, pro goo El6pa Smit has to' ­V.;nents .4wo eggs�; add fo�ir, tq�bl.e the -ii6rtherntriboo, b' Hc,2;e�iah er .- jirobably,4XI 99 Wi. oeng�l 't1i gtrawerrits- Ju4ah but ito of bullocks.and sheep, � y., 4ed- 16r. the l4t flye. years in assumbd.cllaract , love try, 4ind ffeaj 'two CLS, I Well. trbeg,' princes..(24) . -an& Y-tbe1#0 bliglfleBli. i It �X 3y pts .4 as undertik6ni f ponf uls -of hot viriega,, stirrifig iss, ftbn o-r'tbe Koine dop *pO all'f li, , Cook oup-:1l -thick-, 'A �graOj art �jiejj$ to the oc- . not. coi�SLjor He'. )wtafitli until the mixture 'UPS It. inder, Ordzs I An b sb4xiegt1j' the Britleh Treasury. �.r -P ti. that -many Martinez-. and-1pr sex, was, mari,, ., d'.*, su :1 -making.. hi t rb . U$ it for is SUP'. -4 so en -guspected't .. she from the firei.Ajid.add A giv;en, to' 'd �rictifie'd 'em h ias�. factories makb h r confosed p6rb�ps jfo� h ve -liidd 4?ne-half:-te. .�trhat, e I, - iike'of: his c a ;ca t . : sP '-k r AB Pro U et Beat spoonful- a&, Powdered northern hat the,-offeririgs. 400i" -t 41 ihe* �t well% as her lies and in ':she could litVe-pot- �df thDroqg4ly mixed, and. when." cold ft�m'one-half a lemo ' n; tit.' as, be -appears to -11' Je - ing how own in London':for-lig ly handle, points, fbrI :his OflQ15, bring -A cupful of whipped cram., meA 'This great thd extri-prib -,over- ses sd. nilny then fold that, intb the ry, stiff Y thi� pass 25,- - TO kt9p prosplytea lo*-mpn,., One of the m saw 4 Otis.' 17her in Ja ol the kinidoms.'who' with tbe. �e�-Le -ting of de:�i a real,' old f MeMorat" hii cable du baten white ig t. 99st, &-ur east com ing from both �Qit k1l; grea throdgh,' -r' manner' and sp once 'A)f the: QP14E� frbM roin'the. 'these of sell Xou- a lie a. a§h' stew piieded' three. firto'a buttered border'Mold,. set Hebrew, pe ",f �jg , personatibils. is that en". for _0 .4 thos� f I believe he tor -car, gji;�pnv I -our sup a -,,�-ins'pec, ..Wopb; pan -o t guh or. o wa, er a nor Tn om ha q fthe neck, -muttono,; h i t md- bake, in- a b6giri7k 70,95. flie- 1tin" gd' theT Ji hirty mintite ing, , 6t"s ut;* ipto dicep good- dgjpk,oven for, t e, f6urteopth of nth Rmtkipants,at the- o aBsociates. -.1 inust Vt-. P ile strvant t ning'on-ill. h6sit'als,.*concerning w. cro. F O.F 'GREAT efiant onel"' ger a, Li R' EAT Vivert -on fa ­a, ai"9' 'ftf-.cb6'f09i rs, 01911 esqe! REAT watol W7- f­tht� di -(Exz �Litut Dr, he-�w t� tak co%' 0 ' �ji4i is u o in,,a 07 1 it , s t e.'61lowin and ,te tielephori,� On A hi -hav in YOU iiblig%,to be iiaf in p, "ie 4 e to -tht iii+�;irodu �Piees. Aeo-counsel-4-: o Ad: eriz, d in, cn re an aroullid, 2. The king had, ,-S-61 on, COnr-. ni; t6 your. 004 cover , with, boililAg wdter, add, the [y oletirig a part the'.*, Not'With fiiB 'ribstio; for th6y Wer. 'the -dedicatiork book, ;'A Mo.�dbrn�,Sphinx All At' a-dinter,thei other light: On the, outside, of: the dish.' Berries pare 2. ron. 7. paradoic, 'but', her better feelings,. n tw )5o . j b hA _t m4y, sound like a j C I- W. embly, It o1:50 1 Q can, -AddUeo*tdtoes. ta;bout en lic very muc'46ii t, I, over ere �oo it he,sometimies Qu thi" hou�B� IS a d4tsert for luncheon 4d pQPuIar ass )thing to. we, d' bi6d` elibious rinces q � r or had- be' e meat. reaso ith a past of so Prd� n W, ju, hus-dietermined,j f was.a, womii, fant, Thii<j' West' ndi ality human an hour before th' Or the "You'kia'aw.,al 465 ha& p4isonilit7'at all r. 7 was, wrote. and p' in hot Weathe qu&I 1 5 -that of the late, wn.- line, loniii. Season with salt epper. n the n 6eeP nouncred-a type.4 hiiiin ho thaujot of 'his 0 exi- ierse, 'to k or n6arl 'so.- �W g;ven I -of "all about Miss arry, -'Jg*&"pe.c: or general James,-.Parryi. h' OB The, 6eiteu ypl� of n e&L, %W:be second Monti, RbL -NES �co le'd t a e; I e, epassover­in the JA A 01,0PS iwfiated. t Wo ti ous- he-- si P dinks, them! .� In his' fficiaV-'APac1tY' 110 'a -add, OT duia ling�, -as in a. stew -instead of the, first,'j adult, lifetime,', .'men -j lov 4AM,AINT not hos�iialr ORE irre man du ed attend -- I , : respons ipe age o enings, 'How in -any ols 71 years, 2n. christ han W 'blse,.in the: 1 ay -be died at L t1i43 0 f 'a f beef. ' U ,iing hen �jblb foi - more,! propert ever. gularity,for stikiers, Mtbirit ilis­ Sightr to be 1lenj is dhiblien, a fo%il in h ejc�epers Sonle ete. For. prosse -law ar Om, mp oys o: in e 0 e adilly', 't * " I .-, caj..I, pbody W fort -L - r 11 - _- ­ __ ­ ­ 'ieltea tia nie6ties, the L ni in: Pimai used, a,w the, made t e -in-Florivery-KI Ise -di -X ingd -in- re, 90v 0 'u'iis' e -a i�ia '&d t a. spring- -cl n Seen -Do n iwer e, on -Iand­�vas thtl) *and frequientl, -�or corpors ion, aan. thin any* ind,iV ual Instead 0` throwing month egiti t' Wshmora'al -ibink ,of tl A.Z11ig y h f y to meet her at' �ing� and. filace in. 0, kettle, c It' e, and we were e, ma e in per f j ow 0 simmer and boot b -f 446-be,,dif� fre ezer c ere. —.outrb�geu with co t16er oun t, peop en y ac- U unfailillk:" H (212,3 4 a re �ntil, the mot'f from the. main -in. riand- fruit seller has'ar.: 'THE: FEMALE $E tell, Mal cutes more malefactors every -m 'Ahould'; be i r cept geri it "thi eAgert jr�eii king her-, Pro- d aspoon-� ed, or d ed any opportuAl Y W1 stories she."Used to b6t its, haVing'.giddea 'one to the Worship of llart!s' 'Army sll! out qui �adykiller.; als'6 at ill" ki or some small Oes� to, retrn to rangbd- his ware's V11. a.] an., t4e, Ref ernp� to t She. -sends ouV -ev �fixl of 'salt When. about, half dooe-� in..cake, coo. ies,, tovll, after of uon a great anuary ies� -6f -any- -kind, ry w alls or par I to For -thbAatte, a; littlei'- 60 MaTtY. XJPE�`s though ne oo.. ex h will how that b ours are rpquiret the flower E; op -and b­xplanationfi T re6, o our.h ' ' . :c tack, herself on to f ry- asy �ou'quet Jite-9 -Bar st too -Ing Won! 'all h I should be adde,4;�.,Varying,. of 4POA1 The -her,4as ertMo to gies for himsel 001i:. all -bla fowl.. Take­th& Meat: They,Z-Vuld tb at I zes, 'in brqlji4n&- an,d the lantern- an Onot.. keep.-- b a 1 majesty's serv'ice -as hospital the finest and -e her, ned.: firs 'in 1ri the -Y may. reinem c6iiibi nto.. tij, -i -61 --his hiii t, onth-. -ffia�ei. sqli and as -Sighe war,' ro6m.. .0 the. British -popu a IQ, n;July,,5, 181 plece.g, put Lthe, bones n -kin into, MIelted chocolate ice, Oeam eant Q' ag6 the erigineerin& 6tibar,46 w M,6� time., d -et hair red, bu�'b not n e per7 lirge p havt re'00 iaisk�, - At thbo next ba'::Asgistant S on 41it died, Pped .-MArshmallow Xh� -Promotd to he4 �pri qe 66veying -e-n- anOi -whi& cho noh rid-o.eVer- ost— wa-rited-to,-, ttle -bOil' ib -I -B ­`hajr7-6n-- e Offiee te"fAI;44 gLjtc�41 because, the' ests in Decomlieir��' �8 J e PQSB1 �� 11 1. Y 'a�j ndme -tile "wu adde.d, miskes a aeliply'11 I pi'ete'd the urincarion 61. -If UIV its. ZtrAig and ieasog,to taste. I in ge in r me he 40 unal dena t lt aid )-Ve ne N, er- S ai -To ey Ainy.:. squr­q c ic n t ng t. af-I c uxtoni, Bay alzo�gr�VIE!-'-(PreBunfa, r6ma -Oux., aterloo and, iijed, Urp, -tht- sur eon -of . bheir owne re opQm- -i h bi;fiialli uriftt;'. Aecona-r, if get n7 Tits 9-hV r,ser eniripim A.cool,.place over: nIgI1T vel, out well", a 1 3llkt�Tt -did n o an peope, to -111 ral melted.,it creamfoi cake -le. the I bd4rd. milk-.call�d ­f0i in ttlp.reciP41 crious'. iii, the 1 --46 r rredit., -As blity ;alid the !os as -on top of 'a pliedd on the r 0 but � the 0- At a Gent eintin I fiini; and had. bill nd- it, 4rinly.-togetlieri r-:- The pree vegetabild, ',She-doul if - 116.t altQ7. h Plialk Ph the gloid to gatbe� at,jpruiadi6ni, utte an.d. sugar. .1 shops a One, -Rest tt isYke a Sydni uiton an, nd 'use less I the �gm� e zec , Vin corill -,u.n .--ffeddleT-aV-onc6--aroi a d �ment must b e?rs i to 116111 We Ind %�-ag, as e -known' j- -, at rule: its �6f, -the He 16oi -ut,, in sfie.6s/ A hall'i enli&, 0� bicie on that. ittl B could" rin ster7GenO :got. tog6t or o- g- tions....: --knit a--n-d- serve wI Aim Ing no jener Dan- ndi6atin the 6,,41aick step be i, U on...6 y .9 Imbat t OWbV4 4 jr,, there We-,' ly id: . av ns bordi ate:; with. Mordee' it' f inThe � flavor. Of. the inga&a -of : 1), hoi8e 'but' wit I' s I M -P SVd, id and a" 1xiven. inDU mur e 46 nsi urv.. leiri Kingdom P b- n Mon. The nortl gy hse a'inki�j WAII�.Ihc bj. rbe authorities r 'y�ith -UfZxmigy_g may. . ........ . ener,: 4ej�i�r&&ai'having, : .7.-- 1 . - - . . *** - - -. 67 oT-. e t ers- wres� -so. -he g6es;-,--; One f she e r wer. 3: ame cut in, witb.:i not, ep I -in 1gj.,. sndwwhite� .'*6hder,, t Ie 9 —P Q- made 4,- b. t her.' �.jollova: P�el 'and! w&sh'and' bi N460 We h in in 'and 0at slid, bre raw -AC oi IZ- . t -ding to law- the whole' wonderful, er, f roin the .,.quar, ers bc-1dOze.ri or- 'Was ra)lrt,. I I b t" -of radishes be-solls; greegbniOus,'car- promotion It iligsi cngrega ion even..managg ambly of Alw to t the b re. to o.0 W o e in ).let' Am itio 'Y :potat,ops. Plut- them in' a saucePa 6bsef�e'thi§',feast, rots frUits,,-,,agd d juMP, up wu bar us 1'oji�g, -covered.. Im ,ia1i9':,rich- 000 0� CAK U'rae f steps at a. b" i's tiled. -floor,' Aroundth�­ The Wig -with *a lump.of butter and a Jitt 0 �, : t , �iiddv- -b6ttoiiis of rom the E[gis 'Widered i6d 3w h -4.d. dni�,B6- dtig � ) : :water';, season iiirith ialt '04 peper Vilne Sh&,Wak��Pour, oite citp�`but only a'f.4 1` fbb too'. Of the tree. Thus, ty',66verod: .6tfshions Jay the royal Fafiey,yeourself eating: Png for ner o Thein f6r,1111a Child Gueit&, rid cook v- illegi 6iling WAter over -�as a, ery. a -two she "rivei areon �Gover bukdock rootti which, grow. in any i cr�ssltggd. T.hc guards'. The Ja sit "'POT -der f6r% I Liltil"they.-are oft. Then fuls ofBuil min alieB. s6un4 it iiP.()n onbjn- fron' It. y t sugar. ' backyard I i- Ider6gatcry) u , t of a ys�ised T a grea �Qordnatioil or reqvept of luael, turn country v ilo� s. gearing Ye childrep ove be. __beat_. * until th are- lig all ut6 �then -codl. '- Separate the 4 �6-9. came Surg6on, major 014 in King.' ig onsi jr llHis b by postate o di ese a tothso t: 4itiodle, --.a-b . + . , QI'-neVer was'&B�istalftt at Royal Doulton . U- is. of fo U -i aB tfi f to 122i"j-§ -Sh4 , , hez.. ra�k� pletio .'the I �7 Ling. man hiJg' "Whites rom. voll ki bho pedl"er fetch, Im er of- Ing om. an e E ktat& chdes.6 and thei� y6lis Until thiI61c then� add'� iiispec. orpnor-- brvt -,epu, y side,. -were a a d near t'ri4 -pour the Aemers,..Who e. P - on A 'Meli4b�iote` Bake 'th i g .. '094-1 Hegelciali goes Oja -to shbw that. theiri f 'I *hih'wer46:g.i,adbg y 1 ON r. thei 'syrup. tp , two, I H r'Id, spector, genera .1 %�j 1. . ardbt waS for .10(i ried%awm-Jo- 'ell -�-The Christian e a him. otiog �slowt y.'. f I f,breathion.had.,.beon cAr gi-edibA pfficirs! prom .'presept6d to his �Maj e nZw Adi& t in. tfie.� occupied the" remain are,to be I` It Idn'd because 'Our �iftty two 'Xity into an a it n.thse days.;, biit she. Ve�arrie dep:. In tbe.)iallway,�-glaves- child. ire May'.: 16o' Ing cus. 'oils. -,An;.hour.: of Iur Bif Wd .'with, 'two :k�XBIDEXTROU t A' do' any- tcb� alt, they. had. desbrted'the Volts P Uty, inspec. Q genera on nor on, titin,'J the, kal al lcf ow­hniisewives.: try . 0 s jbe Gover lete at r 7. inlily throw emon Jul. , ce Ut -now r1161 Jehbvi icie 0 t a. han-dBome-:bra ne 6's, - .1 r Moo, are. many delicious the t:, d� -po ry opera vp -h -7 -richly hu -11 Oft4 "' 1 - . — —afid--h ery have bou" onout- iIti D Wovery ThO is 60. 0 tbe ias s, 00d' ling with marrow and Bi and 0 i0ABP6Onf1ilof I th in his h-ouse' B o30th,'ad1dr silken' te ti have+aPeI4. n -Rhalma d-F-0offi-, comber zur &a at t lem.p '& h '6yal gi, S. - y 7 11. . S* e �ai -of A �vb.r�. ghd- sprbi ' , iti, 0 gdn, 'the. kings b6arin- rdste e0 -n.,. Vilen Bar, om: he aisur- Xen - Green, I t make. the, r ro re7 in W Ofiro quick ovf ..Berlin' coMes' taiat 'the W''-'Whicb-ls a, ri �4itB;;-. bake iii Bar' ve in 6 r the: hwhol -Samarii �sixiiplelrisciipti0iii;, W. James -1�dd, To,use wit ;soup,,. a N it- I- - - am 1 e* rous diA- h 1p , : � rily. 'shall, that.,,..to o One, 0 allp poun� varin Q6d,:.no6 6 beL b'd * t MY *.bos,r wh buk4 , ha�e n it, ave Ertt beet dbne, , remoV 1b W. ono� - es It c bi Spector g6nera. of ar Jr iinarrow from the'bones.'aild'if very �' read With ougglio and'.stmoyberries.. turn -to b t 'also. to be better'bai.artced-inentg& or Ie�:. Mi .6'. a. t le n ci - , ,-- - h -dr Sp agW- 71 tlirl]i hiin, Cold y but'' iishtd. Plat �'.6A %to they'thernselves avid calamity - U digA��Iy� 15, -1865i, wf in,,winter, r TV-] . havp, the org n onb. v A'Ot - e.lr., be found at irs; �xll �Oigg,' b 0 egg vy r, i as'. 0 Ma V ;-'- - rs maytill A Pa ---;Wha,C, -so m'eriugueo b-'e'-aten-1— - M'Pas- an� of speech,o ; . d girid tbe'co eaten egg and bbr: to th�ir- o-,�n lan, jig. aed-edjr the. 100 0U0 o the row one -b the! brain j and 'versa, 9- ei. garor whipped eazh::: side of'.. -oiving-�*ar an in pir, ay Ls God shall b y1si he foll dIbf a.�gracioxi -oils ha-ve Ain o J hile V- t sa, t, and pe ` r 0 cups are 7,� 'th . I' rran me. 7 a­eWraLted­--nO e.! pcbplb-�whq�glie 99h sion ii�ooth pi� ­SeA -A li-eise Th being ppe one it' adding -ftay- and, - tea, set- nVasl is el ''im entitled;' bro�agh(a silver: t I ry c 4 -refer to e ion '9' T Th a 1 u, enough: state btdad cruiibs . tli.a ig ob f -thei brib�) gilded glas. with'. dkddna -the It r er ice. o. ir�plait-en- espT,,w. o e ravagii's,Lof lot. on. 4, viff ted to enale; you to, :HOV$A4H0LI) HINIT May i be..'ba'sec kEittle.... W h lrjac,oal, stoyb� inside, by-1rausfeis'.from cOPOIE C ars may or 'l.sid ee pla e s6ojellirye and tras art of- fine, IV y.. -ii�e, le countries �p mthic6be iona opr 'Appew e U . . B t at 'Ped -with poxce,ain, an -into -- -­T-­.towTt, for in it wa�,discl.6 mar, T b f6 midow it with any.e up 1 ric�'. eakes. aibo4t the Size cant fo hinges. - .. . \` e t of the ng� (in A the great capti- iik-4 to -of, the f 01ways gpe�,ial pO , rai 'ith the rlgu- value we, shosild 'strange :eventful - histo it and the onsisteriy b dropping,� one, scientific ing..' Q een, la ffice of Mak their c �.TIO Rqrnove �'Qreasd. fo Yi uniform), ivity bkter,a�.reds', oi)Qs4apPIi-. sphinklike-,-individual.-' rl,arld'is nevef miral -.0 to thd boiling'so0p. If it holds f6- cloth covbf know how -fir- its-� Pr with.a gdXitlema: W h be e silk, on a,�leari + G ' ' " ' iational..schp -T Lay th lls� cati6jiAO.- 1rman* T Attent I ..em. poAormed a ' u. blo. alig. ge, were espep v lay, uilpair'allekd' eds.6, b nep n. IZ416'uluil- ted by geA Y, �jiew with the" eath'. The. -portraits crumb ne 10. .,Even unto 'is.. pr6mo, nine, scien. is 8, queer, r 5inzrf, a few more too 9 -pe-r 7 a ail tI - 'h are is ;Sbmb'of.the n6rt 4n. It 1`116 dil. of b question Jo r U 6 purpose o And r ign 'that t a Tom. -e n cry In additioln the n cnsquence v ------ --- ibes ho�'d P -ass again a k e: latter slir-:Gieo . .. . �B-rig -these ..g fi64ed,'pkA , I I I hist , F " `h With bienii ed Out 40 United. - j &vo' r, 4li& kept. in'clean, ves. brn tr of loatf Bug r we W -a-refulthat there i4. O'fire or -re d te ivis,tO: e care, 'St7atei vy. P not suz- '#�'beikr Vieir 'Xajbatws., lies to ilia : .. dAti,6n,s. And The I hand c Sap position. is correct, ould, gi 1 _ . Ill '. � - or- -SO We. PO, jqao SO B -paper T6 Item u -tha-t, culti"t witR —De dve rronmo The mesg6jeroi�,weire mocked the- I t have'to ct 1 13-0-W-6"ver-fo 111�61Fe7 ly gath-ef4dd Oft6tin 'of their' Movie9tio ail tintellect4a -5ssel. may resb 'A ld leave,both Unchanged. a'nA, lein" -jl]iice oon 'Mar ce t WO 11 'y salt j" I ddeis but ce'itain men of. eso (J­otbb.� ew'---extiract.c. k ­z a col en' qu ap, Toll gli en M eir ' ' t' ' & Bu Jun�a 3.01 f6 I too often. e9t India �Ie Crystal .s e �And-2 t j-e�'ented o.f. th en, a, IlqPnipleted I oil White ' 111 attitude 9- re- the h �jestids tif thi gpobB of �ldcepted the invi- Oa. in ':'In i8571 travOled waA P n sois then oured :1911..) hould. Iii, do -th' trkable characfcr.;�n boArd or . T I he cups are E 9� rglta too e tea -mdnioi, an 'th goal? g steamer b, 9 s be,moist6god 'With Ain, Tit 'lo tile tkie, iis nd fo� tile tl8URI five, �oglisli throiAghout 6 scorn. and, Je��Ik of the the past intercoloniat.-, plying e- ovbrAl - t4 �,nglish operatves, and stublj�rfift&g, Of the rMitted -in an, iorW:'was'llie. e TII( -handed u d6c ers st6wpan with agdnero 13, i inin'IA93 it'wAs PO ---�moide by; I us -si i a �ganite d f th And ach o-raj6d �vith -rlthu'si twen Saint Be itand c t F6 hen ia 4atto wiling, ill. withs `n bbaid to.ji'i'o- stai 140 The , deoora io blespo'ok, of,� , r brio' ' tand damp,,'! rid. A slave t �1 of - eal CUL.in which led, to e goat a 0 Co , En-glisli, colb aslj'ib'�cnt� woi V ik 61TI W-gfmsa 'of Is, jr ml LgVAnt W ih ul i'h "e' H �,ry Oeligh e -�hocl&ti yUseitil celebrate jtlle'jeast wit to'. The ill tiling vu .,ed, ail attra�biv, pes 'tog iate and' she ivas a6- hich wai V on every, si� 6r, WOO dog'called Psych, Ighe doc.: 'usual'punch tained; m li s in, tile butter until 60aY- 'stead This is onl o4gibly be Ob --sit esti by. Irbil gg top ed 'the teleb.rittiot� of the co a, 'than 'every- �qiqently Add enough WXtOrAO -ing cutlei7 riibI near cover; -P, hi spiamer' - ddr y blades 119#1 bread r) a e �ture cue hi, Ger- thr'wag -going lb-eral)euti the la�- Ily �iippreci Ato I a theatr -ire I ' - 0 . 1 1, .1 ., . at,.. ..Thd Cups cloth moisten af the, tim6'td'visit ditY t69'" will Spe ly � -h-. 1,3,, Fi6st ot. Unleavened'' h a of'the n which Mfor t a' i ne: Defbre.u�ing war, ll��,�bid friendi arid,'vnem�, Gen� a 0-'n' 9, and.,aidd' dump' lir xde 'as ed With 68611 & feast"61143wing­-the c6-' Man� The theory. is that . acting tioo of, King E'Awzird niM3 an,in'the collies for M6041 6r&l 0 (c p wa r Sir' losias - Cleote Corona Sift. ohe,.be,aPing cup-�G (I -,� k iting are d to aPropexly, mand- in' lebr�tioth of the pa�sover 1V and r jvHY toder. similar cifIcunk figur., kvith. a, heaping tPMsP,00n, :of with whom, wb rl� y-aars; ago,' I usual W, �bu� here ai in, the Now Tes�a- and nr%us. diseabg,. An I ustrian 111g. -of staiiqes'�' hilte.'alre �g jtjtj�� is 6ea-rer. tile equit;6II �ady brought 'Lack Professes -to- aid -booliflj- to the, governor t eork- orc-Tthe Qapo6 't) , " merft I I y c As 7i, Ott... e, gals 1 "' p64der and a pinch. Of fire �well i4 6nsi&�ieid bY 'Wifh'tbe doctor' ti�med e4de %u,s. "a btl;ing Elying.4 , I The ideptical n by; f silo 114 -El fought A duelIo than , g trike Mll'h 6ah in ill enough Woitey. to make a abloo,to bear, to be' zegarded h4vI6 cvred"'Many perso s room. froin spoon djig, sticks other. They came d Fill the, 109. The nd r. ill crossi ; . I a�� beff re- of and was woun e< - stiff batfe' rig .0 Th i in' boil as 'one. feas�'. �nds in -,te open Ai r'. Olo'nel iMns cOVbr tlg1AIyI' and 16t ng too. many 00 itheir frie a-Af teer the Vrile'sta ff' of General Bgtgil greter quantity of b1tie Ta-�E QUEE NIS COA011H, it . b6carii arbadoes,'-told me e . rajs� not It 14. TI)e altir en is that act- wa 01 itiftiul-es4, Thi6ken taVY. Mf- To . kee, e The,bxp`16natiofi`,��i fif te 11 A bed, airect. PU Irr a s on tile stft rve durr(plings and -sp remove Ing. -takes th"o hii den-th 1 0 was the o will.Play a, very izn� b"r, o ving �6ttlb. filled with,boil- had le-inse tile templeo , f. �11 I kinds of r otono. water �paticfi,ks out �1 them- Bxboke at B a as. 0 -d There is one. persn, or. ather V to -he Wh neceggar, v om, fore' -Mako, stuffingag'f 01# 1 'g,w -crY secon ay, This li� oth6r :Ihat, he, tO gh-'-,t an In litlon� selIveB,-and t us -pre -1 D -f arry-TO: d dl eIt o- -d � All challenge b tdasb� wby- I b -d- li'owb J y 'and -the' a loi�is, On if loaf,of.brad is vety littlo trou . an this th thinkiii Of les Any time. or th ci, y un& r -Ah4z, focricid insult but' that ao6,the particlog.of it �avo more' is the driver, Of o-, one onion 6r4 fine, is then re6dy for u6t at at thb tmPire ure, bein, founded 8 , coronation, and he And'inifiti, P 0 'shed... ov, ide�, and iefle'et to our e and . thyme sidt iro clean 4, spoligzl qo�lt�ii et1lo.lays tio; cgt& and r 6rgafiiyh.t16riB:t6 oduce b the state ebach, says tile, Londo , a,' OR sprink-le,of - s f�jljgs, 18, 4. &r- mnIii 'I. btittei., inilk. --Sqi IoAkL-gllso 2 them shake' King!s rio-lialf tea, 1)0,)I.l (Ira lek " and rifi: Chronicle. A.' , r plays in the open alro and ;and peppdjri�-i tevitog: we're �oq, 1ames Birry,%ifas eyes' hcht A it well, Ib,- Priests- or- r6yaro digoltv �of baking 'Pow or this ing the i(�rl' tinge . 4 -'- S nare usually'. of the Inly the bectli 9 Q comiTIO unimeir in figure, With tt long. 'Place 0 an iece of, but- temis .65 Will ivell in To'. ari4 s ds'hls`,�,fftc� Certzt whell it �11 be pdrf&tIY bt 'g, 0 , III :U fe, on c'batk .11.0L-Ft011 - Citron,, 94.),, but nw the'2641 .6f 10TIgAne t(!jceronjayj tioseo promin urro4rt U P ajesty d on round ft� blimalii to.hbr late k " y'Q 8011 spr gying n bar every y. toll oil pa an jwett And to -h� bliidg,, it the laitY stirs. them jo 4% 90,11ge, 4f foss-fegulArly' g. �4oneg nd-,W rithdr Iu9u-15ViOu&,ex' 13111Aghting levies -a 'steak, �tol d whein putting up.mugli p of, 8al. jubilee this 'tIdt Ail pu� a - rod through �,ession twelve': that j�dre. At, the 1 I and. -ti 6 1, Put 'the tilci� duty, ll burifig Vidtoria, had no mean mis -1061f cup 0 - C �you-hare to otodam: bhe munioitialit� Perm it, f'he 'Wag ---- -1 -" - -PrOl o; - on to The LoVitOS1 bad, 66 oAit'. bake with one bargI6 t g in tilanner �nj Oasop in Madrid. tit least �unetionary wag . a its 'of batter) jild Movomtrit, i6d it, �IO- I� WON killed and the of the roa a% ia un. d.riving any of tbe !I -beve tm,r4t. b 116tr teat killing' ecording to 1oes Tor dinner iP P ij� 'Mith ry Oeh prccdcnted in t the,mus in. iteg"o part of'& teighboving, eMosaic law 'lilt 40otigega- P )r, d� filing too, 't is under P 6,% ilay. the 4amb (that is) khe h' rtturois are so 0 -lit A, lijovemen sporb 'of VAIJITI EM 40w, -of ac hougeholfleir' his own mt�! nip ti natioliia OP Yi b ItoMemberthathe J,e 116 �ojlt, tir," w ig pat Princess 1; 0 , le, ab aP - , t V. t 1 9 1 J;isloh I and t ittuibi should be, -it level' Out n tfil jh ttEo of r oo horses Arb killed "I alm CO&Ohpazi if tile'. 11'riedr tile X;iis6 's and Blill.11 ho, is an Am4- "Juice of one, Orange P, t 6 s ayiTig C lif�, 'of' I -opt olks wit tho',0A. Vo hot o law, whAt it , oc vetorowa took chovg� of h ' 'I riit to thd'unclba� cond bVery, year -in. a I nr ,rs b ti 111 --pe P Reg - in t y --tha thl*4; 0 PO A w�La_fh, e­C1r1me& y 2"1 SeT th z NNa r_ t e aj�o W la ok, �J lemon; ooei'�half 'cup' atgat. detracts jagibg� owing must beis llavo Ireon.7 roW all tour' tx,eir&s. .0t ffie,peopl� (they havi out 'Ova* Aro i fropi e