HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1911-06-01, Page 57 Ips. T U -Ak aAm 'of' young hoses IF7 W )QIi frigbtigt A -,Auto �d came. in , , _ !a - 15t; THE PL had not becu'very qocgrP .11 a of th '. 4gorij, Apparently The tongu w rp"I" ra*1 Wobilejo And thOy'01840 A Could T ng hi�d to C nwith t� "tophone, t rdwi es�aq; my hands down stairs at tim )ioiigb� 6q � t, Ile struck op is Coh told we I andknees.. -My doctof 9S 'k ammAt ry -fog b 11y 4it ac mooed audit wAo' Min, 0 SW .perq. .0 T., '._�bUy y red, bs. ilght log,, -being, �b in. the oiPitid. roken, our xfbrds..aad.Stt oA�oiid AW 'fAce ,Wing ba.dly out. `S�rin, �ve-bave all 'kinds or bit to `Pa G Ar;ts scarcelyi and. lot weeks,but i f6r, ko ill . A -when I - ig� d9ft well! and, x tdar Kid,, T-an andr'.Itho�olate' Oxfcorld�-, also V rt Or; Mile#! Noj-Vinle� Pri Ice P 4A ik G Pat. or. 6ought a bbttle ind, began to. get ol 5 D'U0 to $3 Mi, E; E STOIR'E' 'N E" wv, .'S'. allneticipateit Utbe u4fo in Metal $trap, $llippers. .50.. Only bo P t r from the start,' 0A for the "N ' id -WALOER ON-, enough onthVI have,, had, scarc.ely' I'Past si'x " ' I d ,, ab C JUPORLci P74Z7 . peii.��v oa, valk as �Pny pAin-an am of. pc!Is from Michigan, passed thiough J.H—SAND4 So vrT ERS:-mimxi-Our heavy WORD be sed in T 0 FARM days Ago tO� , 4! -O'hox,5';- ockawiy, er4 4� few 'R N. b r lat . h f6 r sumrne wl�4�.are the -,best t icin� ei ire of gny. �erxe ,, '�: .1 I A s o es tel6p4one lines, in Bru g'06d bift r. ;an I? C from tI-50- oJ sttfiiii'k..of Wat,' tow. nsbip." for rheum4tim M 'S dCi* u money can uy., I 4'.0G91v1.­u ­Bru-ce- av -Plainly what Dr. ileslo-- Re!� ol'ing- to, imP0rt7PQI_et5-. ch ��to, pl ase7you. ae A DRO�vNED T osep try stQrAtive e.r ew ert'SQQ,*O al W sts. N vine did for it. It ounce of salic d.Bt.e, vi soda 4ddod to' doy y k F wag drowned s,an.ex r de�ja rrnent'has� now a re Vet efivincina.ps,an, RFPA1RS:--­- dr, Waists f Girl a, Y ry much.in Vogue. At, "Present.' . 0 repal MA hy -reme Y.. -A a Y�ung. h'..of. last week.... d for Aditirnadism:' st or th,644ists' 'ArYi W."O. r'%'qu, -his gono 'fir IV . A -anic' in '.Ch -clasS lnec:� r is now- knowif either D b Th- y, areery,attractikeely b itame' ..w6qt­d6vhi. ti lefi. up, the to y g, ains Ito tes 1.0% d: f4ctioh: Pri. os4i�eaie tb sqbject,to L�50 -trimm, ed with Navyo,,'a�o the::co Wis. re 9 cinte,that' $a ut, It,y r fliltnice-of,niedi C a, be 9'of, age FAROONS A -;-�Myles JukeR ethrough'the, ner�eso` aso�s -the *hnes Iervme S membe; of -.0-1i ON ai leather, firm -,of' 1,,al�o And 'Son,'pt Mak It* t Mve'ls, An in Sufferers fro t .. rn'rUeuinatii 50do is Ways -a"-c fft F Wdkef- Dr. MUs-' Ner icy.ate for� whoni 'he.: h f. THE 40 T -S IR 0 ­STO deily ladies d- ri 6 g- th, e bot, 'M iss Ediia, Mrle. ind,4 relief. tin- t e -,,use �..YN ;0n aist al ignifbirti1q,el, u se '4 arrisl4v no -vine,. With gal vre Li v i:luterro 1- IV-- M. h, '�7 — ­ , - . -1 ; — o de�-Vrit ws bf, 'Ane of Mr. Richard IR-Arriso :toni so'and V, kice*x125 ebi,611 IGuelph. a,qualfantIC11111 th&t8sGQ?88 .Meats SiZeS A'.40'. Old _70gumn this rat4m, f the* :Z7 ala,Clla�lje P etteplace. of Riy4sUe, if ij jails to benctile' At all Prugglsts.'. .tor Toron or eek'. MILE$ be Robb, who Ore,iided a�ibtb by- e h in Y. in: ih e icine�.sSold on,. an ni. le§ gisi epa 7HAt .Xefi!�-fine�.Str'aw suitl a6d.': w :Aiye� is QW, _,, .. _�411 t. ilid, a�4i6ssed.the:off6nd-er--$I.00' a d' i all , the popular shapes, snft. These u n r :,,stiff imis, Boater,.Knci in, a x , " the of-. ;ckl.aboui, 'a' d' P ayles �f Canada' St 4*s r a� to 4 of '86'. 40 oii J.'. 0ARNET-14MSTRONG- f6i a real price! als iibAii ari�d Xte�idah fence�. .iroa,siyIes, 5oc' up.' to $5.00 o,C. -T N ing Miss 'Pan fitt, .light a at f�46c- �ts(;A NEM4 hO DIWO.G15, ANNOU QED.-iiiiThe ma. as a.. .r" prices abrriblit is,arinounced,­cof -p w en to req�ll., iSe h Sa-,d-' MaUlda'-Vurgett daughter U until after�tli�,rmslla of hi's incideqt h jq-0 iT 1-st tains a x, to. M r. ox, Boll 0 HARD OY THE -BABIPS. Ma -M ties g, f "Re F A.7 F f Imes, ie cy. o qPV 011 A . F", Of in Walkerton are, c6lMmeticin and -PrId, t.,Walkerton, Onc� to tbi,6�v c6i�ivtlls.ions;a ad act,up in an al'Snappy Ity ideal p Y'Kiii, A ar manper, �Ln & a �ia clan, 0 con- in c t t es- b h -id, Ttob Pon,' d CIA, And. Xrq,' Dax ort sellin _TY .. � We iirs tl 1' -o 4XII)QUncle, t4 ,,qpgAgpTent I' mattei p est, -to toUC.. tt eirAdughter, Fh)ronce:-A-9n, cause to re. y. siderable stu kil�da ih of th th i -dav, in e i- 'd G 'R L ilk I' t give. a M r. Dav� largely to e,a —D k:vogu6� -here;-- "se se S -C 1ean fbot'in:. a low o ok pjF ing, pE� y. XELRLY -bkw. tl 8, w le celits per pair... .... ......... Mon a Ill acVO§p th r1ver %o. im. ssi le for t eip,_o.... ,w.hen. mil, IR An- em i13 only 1) to .... .. 101yee he oine:. ,nve S, r9ught, wyan blii/ Factory. In, tfiii hot �:.woatb -te:C1eanWr.- cooet Sweeoor her�, to d ot lost -his footili,".. UP i7_6a�rrf&d lo-y-Alilo- du t VvpJx br6u-fit i-1be.-morning is r6qfiell rrep the -fin6st sitiples well his is one We% handle: only the - -kfi6wn quently-i apt 81, p.,,rt ng,.:c, urns., sepem a alid, cibamers, etc. 'per .$300 . . .. ..... p" f ich�-we 06 �A hi ek, 'are, And.... w strdck a'san -bar in the mi hi d to'AvitAittlie. milk mail a arriya . I - i of l0 1 ' ' ' 'D eaning and. yoitth was,' .una le dnd paterits ever,, 0�and t dAm.' As the tainted or, sour'by night, ever red for pl wim,,b �had A, ave-conse ppeL.. ie altlarnativ.6 P MP, h h .Y H ljoily"L however le il�iigbing;jhig tuff up, or cqrripelling the, p Wbba �didle 6 '�Th6 daint Strap.pum cut t Is we k, ppekso-.0 wh d y one go: was et ettters Vi -e 'd O� M' to TO 'b 'h -ca- W -his-*Ok! B I1'. CIL pre� 160t, ri� and xeg�inil g. ks.. oo day. In mos cities and -Py are give a. ttiness' to the," -loot, greai - ys;,� t6s for w coo an re a f- -VA ietY- 7 b duedby-go- es- i6i' pleases t e !f faff ng e�tra .itrong �,,wire,- -.good,, -YA, L 50o,., 2� 00.1, 50) 3-00 A,P'- -me Jo and $3-%5lCF - --- ­- LAGVg OF BUOS.—The presence: milk n. in4 Wal.. erton'*oh 'ue at ..... IJune,Uks erellwebabling .6. finLof- ibeir-own. accor .3 ofi- ornany do' R, V Wde 6f ii Coun it I of " the acuBt must. 'pplsory l6gislat . Bummer 't to p00p o �ian for. tile '" , ., .. ..: �' - - _­ ' i d Tiib§ le 'f WalkdrW to GOvanize, h n appieeiatp, th ci to pass some. conl what the'p agho. lea4,,,ag the'- nursory MUA bas Brags Pot inide..priteei.- be it wf� coln-- �Ionths a ba�,o look'ed like... s. no. 40 loosen, wi no Sh No hoops to asy, iwn, isg6in�,:to be Y light to� e I ; 0 1 .. . I. ., , . cOmq,,1buI­br must Sy Mon Sia t o' Sunday see peo to. prot cted, if the.to'. 'h n ldol� . kept 'up. 'down their'- sizes,-�80c. 90c.� L00- reac iing sean, ajune bucl-tro e -A eet,- -7 i6d �6n,the* �rid'�e­A, M' i dl I i 4'h t n "91 dershine'., Tread a. . . I .� .; 3 Ili* Illy . . , ItaAle, -THE -B o Extra, 66;Vy 1.15 a d in kr.. -- .8 TgnEri i , kiDl7i:. T iMIDNWHT L-fortender e I:kto re ';This.is.t1ie..qulefiesVaa(1 st silver: the.�010 higr'.xnhabit­ Ai47`L:ingfeIIOW .in A �pbqm. that thrillwi a 1p a the uWash Boards e:position o b afid ne 5C." 'aut i to escape th6in Ati night; fiad.',,to ed the vbrld, but th I fbrt- dunn tifework. hide, tbeit light us, pared - *iih Eitri good jualityf�lt ij�e� board ii, under a tbilsbel, tb ol&bard-lookea- ,�fe, -coo' T: ur -on ....... c'.1 h004gl6, a. d AV, 6f last Wj�ek was -under -t oars ills s M�de- of. r.ligl itgo . shine, - U u - EjOO d 40C., oil's of tlie yem tl;�;'Did - Bilile teac lAg). or.* iat of Jack J3 k Wedhe� 25 e, w o, ''MAX0 book. - Says was- --mar Vig-h- wildi-H mid t ts; M 0 H �:c eans carp Q s,' ater a full, . of wELter. very 0 d Xepl. - 4USC nee 17. -in uth )i down the "'' Pi and his App :14ros. 'Potts" Si leather. covered wit on CEOTI�E HERE pe'LJ4*.'. THERE r to a sp &'b. -.Ii going to- J Ia a T6.ron' -in W Ikertoir Ae� bailk mad an fine - tiw: w ai . I els -Burk6- mi tn't b 06 ap Oe U -'&r dise, in a oe. Thri .... I neer— cus c riee6oii- wi-tbw,tIteJ, �Mis on ff �IIeaIq_lUqt-_ to Di-frf-I n. which n,61d.man named fived-io I!-tb' 'tald.- Th 7- qq ish"".' 'k inpress r d It a,� his in a simp e ipanner" qrkbi '162 'odi sw'immer,' k b4 for stand iip' deathf: at cu�fed:l I s c I. i) I... . p d e p e't, -an Ili-, money,. amoun ing .':to whois ago um0 ft!et td._ Lobinki wa 'Sol your -fe Nikl ia ele 5 1orne JU l:ioag. for yqux furnitux is.style-od- -iv ..,,,cushioh� e Ots. 'eal 'severa t iousan ars, w ic p d li p r le,Vii h d id Ili h in fromfixhaiistl --,t, 11- -i' of th year; an ''is --,t1r"ensifi4e7-nervet�6f- til al; es, or i ut� to icWly. Maple& for dregs occasion& a ms, .,,oil th p�ofect-bina from the k CSP le rte8iding near rosv.\: s 3-06) 3,5Q, an . . .1. .. ... ... . . . ­ . � . . I � . " P . I .". . , , '." . , -, ." . I I ., I , , . .1 * " ir , ow ad 'Of knowiritly e ing soon as the- ill* t 's irud i T�Presg!,'. PTA asy4t 00 t 6 c 4 la u sy scouting. oil,. 4 A.- 0 In t dr t- 4avle. hinige h ato rence..s : i g tUUIU�766uldn u an atly- -Around is E�iE onse d cobstabol Briggs, c que ove into the. qountr ftftlb: n uestudy, Ft ther'--c6iidition- rose And expedition o T 7 fieveloi�me�ts-i-n,-'conn*edtion with the- tud' Sr there W&4 moil oil tliq bank guessed Y. CE and -into' CoULDNY ENVOR -,S 'hift plunging oeing,, SOIA0t T g.:wrong the riv d b or. fairly, robbe 66: dead "he� tort c ot. SatiLid-W 77 q-�onfire�a rear-oLlhe. e rawina hi-m-fdrth. fl, d' uit dealer s store -4 -his actl6n, ZiUWU11w�s.&bout'td lay ,his "first' com; �Lyt vs. Ckjt cic. ti�p u, ge 6 id ------------- P the- Betting: out of firesin the, biisim8s tfie� 111gh-Coart-of-,111sti there,: was,a c6mplbte failure and Ile was':tnhk��(r 3ectlon o* f - aik6r6on,,wen b,67,'dis �clahn for 8,10,000'aam;ages,.'pi-efetreA' itum GODERICH to will be -almost ..,when *sc 'Township,. 'ick: by, imethink -went, - W1'0'1�. tlitj of -Carr "that the �Iefd of Itlisslets, be rouili in oaaimt the NbT11kS t1l;Alik �f ouilg r the with the tile a the importance of it by- 14 ller� lteffly,, fo�. the death of her ed ill hUg.bandt .t, -and yet asstif tit wa rRoi �rospects are, ex,06116ni f& an abund. borbe took frigh joltin biit IAO'inei*�ly beeti r, . a IAi U It 4_00- of Mitchell, have. 80 tb6.fall, driver 6ff bb� seilt made. o - -,�44, tile' in sed-at,the­ AeoWfi,4r�xil big cutter and, instantly eturn i . I � the"for of . a �; rb_��.olt!�Ln , p��,d�_, i crop q . Il— . - � ie. f,tbo B6&rd, maehin6i TJiey..ran,,across tbe­'Vark, A§�he�bouldnit IR '7 ---:-`Ad " 1� ' ' cure& th -the 'two' ope to get liiGd—bj�drNp in a, a. contract of in, eeo SAt. 7th tea in J-Towick this �F G. Neel S pit e (31.0c I'd loll- br t� .. � brid9810 b d in intcaii, on OUIND a com u of Tta&, has receive h*M_t6t: Aiidre*- Car- 01108.$e -is 6 Muldo6it's in ailth 'frightene b -'rabbit; U sqcl�i'.�iiiieixs,the.mea3iir.e,.Ia*y,�rv�lio so:iUde6gsfull ee oil Leiive Obderich 9 i'30 a. ut. 11 as con- new Jai iitil� I . hors� Attaclied to. tille, ne,gie, theT stee b i6ahg by the. visit, Ph e' bolses t it :a d.U,Oigible Vlo�eiic:e Xinr�de, c6n4uictod The case (Caiiada Time) 13 1 itityno 8 JJhAkb sented toicrease iho'grant for a pu ,, -any n ge s i s legal.dresses 6h ft I L] but fo� moisted ol fiiom. sliottly afteii 'not. be- f b ir'lisgols, and.in e lid library in 86,aforth 6 wl�rd �aughC or onfl5reou)Q� t�, y Mr.. C ITINERA be $ in am FOJittI10- . I - 6 r08ts P the vohxcle Buffeted A -'Tile council anij Board of fdrb,tbo. , ower.was a. it Of la6t , week 0 1.0,0()O.' WXLID ed.Buj1j4 -v0io arrived fti,toii a .femi A the Towns weroloo i,4ter by Ay nign I � , ko� : I I I . 1. t " llil]ig A.' wn dtkqk. was tGeo.. IL' andL Trade have bad the `.Ca�negip' brPats6n of 1`4ronto,. aC t- I ie. Aiirive'Gi6deiich- 5:30 p. in, Tune 16,th, m., en ra Ti u lie, proper y, of Uibtbet days ago froin'. Hamiltorl , to tako tL -00. p'. ni.' Friday the 16th, (Sp6cia:l Train good cows, �t scheme for, �somo S� nday \ in6r Gdderich'llaild'Moon Ighi, 8. Goderich via'Gi, -Daidsono l8th OnOf (Ireyo, d now that the' grant so - pi�ked up -in the,stredt, j us opposite it the sa�vmilt i4f the.' Knech- '91%'Dvid It6bortson 6f Wit] ker on. leaves T. Ry: 6 Stratford and via'C. P..Ry. to.Myth, mein L Iwith. etc. P, M. oil return from ' 'Moonlight.) they were- found id -the Graham flou',qo, Clinton'L ion in Frorn,tl)e evislence, it-,a0pearod that ti rge d'th6 'rob i log !at here - Me killed bijighthing ncreaso p gbil4t Ll Furnituto Factory morning uiJ to aetion.willL And i in company -with. his wife and, Ld6t a maple teed. Ja be faken. &vo. And �jippareri,tly injuedr on TueAday. xoll� L)�kVlt 000PRICH FOR DUTROIT fil - W. TuesdaY. that efi�i to, -a aid t rrh of Sat. -the gate hig, at Port,Hu that during the "savh will, diiving out ot' M. tiaAa' tittle, Aop6j ron. d -at, WOO-' Agought 'ag slabg it seems ;-his P d Saturday jane'l7th. 9-36 a, tit. 12i ,rho l9ss is 0acq Lunni ail A SEN8111M Snit of Iiis exetirsioli train' fr6in terlin, via, 0. T. Ry.,, tile .,tilorning ]ft ­LIxjV4%n--J.,PP.. - .A 8"forth ,iirday night it' blindity fle%� agaiwitiL Aa ..AND heat of Sunday evening lhan.4 cain in concact ith th4 wJ Of Juqe 17tii, st(ipphig at way gtitio'us to Holtuesville. -'.Fr6bi 'Will- the . groun (I -Mild mayiabotit cnidniethi afid th- Ament- sawmill 11 kes wt)uid wires and fallihd,,- to h ham', e grate., Ilyth, etc , take hbrnin� train, June! l7th, eotinectf5� eel tho 6.je& lie nxiieal�ulatiod 111l g Special train his 'right pasthrannoun Ithat6ei`vi which puge(tbetween, big t umb And- lleae as wag s ormy, lgjaq,h madon 'during the wArm was utia o; o As s Z r .. "' 't a f. , I . -1 for L Goderich B�ujisjjg had' -A milpletely severing tile a ft A W' prolbriged 0, on $:40 A., a 'RUTURXI140, *to, QODURICH engaged in 0 Maio fat Mn]lost of tli� Ilr4hain House', a ,most 18., golme way andixi8tea, Ori .6y the'saw whilic, thAt service ill liitte-, And Imeratin an di 0g fila into tbs. seasb�,.and a b Wilt ws V( rove into the'geavol pit, .00 rp, in",..P it A contemplating &,nice dd�k dint 3.' the roa'di P.: good. jillto promise. by preac iing a 0 gb1ing hi� t, -f , itii,bihand- 0 w tI 1-t6t 14ea%;6s Detroit, Monday, ItilitL JI)t1l, �1, Ott, H BY On. F ri. limpitall, whoed 1% P tysl� opposi 10, ga Central fitnetatriveg at.0od * 1 Y -30P th 20- or 26, ininutes.;, 'The d1sooft0e �ad but Cht6lorl) w'11O is 0. 1 , iteric it I, �,e . AMPLEO moved to th d P�OeUeod in 'Gloderich on aitilvai of anter front D troi� (lp,. -an pent in sU Specimtraift eave. Seiforth 1`01001�04 ' 4 I ' van onnin iddl dain ondo' dh matteig 611�1361')g applie(i tnua ups�tting thli 6utter aii(I tusing nd 8 4�1 110 *A$ holding. 9 Aciati wag hastil iclifor an'opiniov, prohouticed -it'tot bt"- juo6s, attended t& Tile unfortunate his '00itell, To 'PlAilitiftL tried to p.'tn,) via G., T,. ILY to I severie* inin was gw.d: the" t86 no 0did en it,.kniockda him-awhi,afid I I not,'p�eacb do, 'of species "ll d� amay, be 6ve'ry'.Ofie Con mal) 60 eA14 of ltge* establish' en FOR ROIT l'i"V110 is about of the "IfIgh iagtAr1p for Detroit: Tuesday-' A. tn,, I d big -body tit! long h. sermonxi 00'short a but, use iW49 inade'of it. It would', be . al. tt . I tind, 80inger, appears to AV had A to. tile unafe dondition Leav'e Goderich ramp e p 6. 0fW$8 hthe. defence maiptaipe&. tile thite UO Canada_Timq. The body.. d badl�y lacetittl0d -but fio h tgjaoj? most to6 go6d. a to 'hav (Xoto t try' t 6461B very door at,iy iap 'was' flap to exped 'r A e i ts A' AY 0 at.'big 81 0 NO. N NTJ& ry Olobg -of' 9411(At halthe �igl t I 'that . ..... ly and no At tell d0n]'' St v few 1111mitoq X ) 11 ih during tho:;-au pi-bilionibion. of the ccidont,� as. he WAY; d in o Ao 'tile re'sulv* (1 , ",y. told a, fellow OPUMMA 'd the ""is' opdl� wd gatile. PO 0 or" " ' Ir U1 01; 5 previoug� to Iletilig otidonce, H A. A.,41, JANIt A ]Ion d(hit'dLeonfl last week, Wifliahi Th -6 d6ci&l 0 reserve I it, l4�,AVltA'ltx_,utgi n Agent. t 'Mot"With it pai b neA the rd at 9 o. owns a ,going to 116 iecision or., A. Agg oft to oria .. 1. MaIni Stree ea to Va' ,paid tile dr",tn yarn m i itt, past to out, the*gr -dy for the 8 f ­tth, ild got tea S�_ b And Bit d iftl 00 4 I