HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1911-05-25, Page 8to hold' nn-
]airing "the
.The prey des-
my.9th, reported :there
tin at Tio JuRtba, Mex. •
ap beg.. we. . Thin is the;
Meaarra. .Mor>zteonn' and
meted for u b>;ie.I time,. • As
Imb(, pitta it: " ft mks not > their:
and they did..not remain to ser
NPIR'ivOrtt QP ololi.•.,, ho
ty %ndaol Mrs. L. •Winterburn,
recently underwent another: r-
- t ". hoepita1 here, �. be
to le.aM.,that,ldte, s�reesing"
ter,.{Mr. J::S. �?`interburn, pro.
fetor of the N ch G1arette, a eon,
watt• home during�' ,the, critic 1- period.
ile has returne I to Norw.ioh,
Hap 10,0onn PontFOR TRE Saw:
Reoetttly .. r. A. Q. Washburn wao.
busy trintming>soute tie, in front of
ills residence. Ho ap a high step-
ladder which toppled over, giving him
° naat7 fall. When asked if ,lie was.
bnrt he replied:," T'ot muoh, I had to _.
eo►tie down for the. saw anyway." -
SCAU1 D B Aa ipso. -On Sunday
while H.F. Bitininglind John.Wyll e
were driving out to Hu_}r�u they. met
Dotp'e .automobile from Ooderich..
Their horse slued,,; andran into a Page
' wirt, teens,' overturning the "buggy •and
thro!ing the oecupantsl out :. Mr.
Dinning was not badly. hurt but Mr,:
.Wy11ie is,atiltfned,to the house as.
a *stilt. The horse was not injured;
But': the buggy was damaged •
13 ;''14$11 ." 'Exr104414:-°M' .yon
Patterson; Reeve Hunter, Councillor
Mitchell and Mr. Richard. "Milner,
Chatham, took a day off last week and
Whipped Mitchell's creek at ::Inver.
huron for speckled trout. ' Councillor
Mitchell hard luck;:it is - - claimed
that be did� not even .. a en get a bite.
peeve -Hunter caught two, Mr. -Milner
Six, but it remained for `: Ma or '
,.. ,, Mayer
terrson-to cap 'the':climitx" by Hinging'
„IMMO m e eit.< ties.
t:ulJteR,:SicllaT.---C1n Monday.
t er "
esens of
td t rincess
street, :neer Russell, witnessed a ;
pec -
, c
tillerei ht which limited for nearlyhalf
"Avast number of i ds$ew
in ;a circle :around the residence.
Or Dr.
m � e efFioc'll`iatc r h~~
' They would form into two companies,.;
separate and come: together a in :as; rfo . ,�.,
rmung a frinoy drillmovement.
ed'With dt4sn .i ,
, and the, evolutions; seemed, al -
est huiian. •
Tun Etatxrnie.` ROAD.—Mr. H. J.
A. MacEwan secretary of the Ontario
est Shore Electric Road and Mr.
V. M.
s, rhoengineer,
town last w
eek.' :;They let the con -
rant for all the . unfinished ':, :cetnent:
'.work to
the Hunte_
r: Bridge and Boilers
Co.,king atPh t ework
as rapidly as po %aible..: The ° contract
covers work from Laurier to Kincar-.
dine. Keys 'Bras. have the entire'
contract: for the delivering of :_the,
'rails to the 2nd ofHuron:-"They tl itve•
a goodly number `:already Laid down
and have three teams busy every day
distiibuting,tho rest along the line or
the road.
'HIc1r-Pineen Hopis.—Probably
the finest -looking,, to ' l t of Clydesdales
,ever shipped -from Kincardine, -were
fcrwsrded to Winnipeg en Satuaday
by Messrs:: Rose:.tc,Bland. One team,
purchased • in Sarnia, weighed 3700, Ibs
Another, secured from James Forster,
t f Luoknow, turned the,scaless at 3600
lbs. J, T. Rolling furnished seven,
the heaviest of which was. 1900 lbs.:
and: the lightest 1 700 lbs. -• each,; were-
_ _bought„from,J. D. Gn ham, Yof -Tor
onto, and were -to join the car at :Chas city. The 24 ° horses .'shipped were
. ,valaed .at . about *6000, •the highest
. price, aid to The in the- -neighliorhood
of '#800, having been .paid' for the.
Sarnia.team. . .
-Barley.. . 55. (0
Potatoes, " .. r :. 40
Britten A. .'.IG•to 17.
�. .... .....,...1617
• Rewired : to -Liverpool
11 r.'John McLennan, tvho has, been'
!!,gent of the Canadian Government in
Aberdeen, Scotland, • for the ° past four
and a half'
.• 'eute,has been, appointed.
to take charge of •; the' Liverpool
Me . office,
and MW. B. Cumming, Saskaatch-
ewan, succeeds him in Aberdeen Mr.
McLennan, is a Bruce boy having been
born here• nearly 50 .years ago. His
nts hailed from Wester Ros-shire.-
He was reared under the hard tomtit,.
'' ions of pioneer life, clearing the land of
the heavy woods of Western Ontario'
' He afterwoods took " a college course,.
studying lffw and architecture,. and' err
the completion of"that course- he Settled
for s time in Western, Canada, carryint
on a, biisineiis AS a general " contractor.
Four' and it half .year . ago , when the
Canadian Government, decided to open
up tn office in ,the north of Scotland',
Dire MacLennan tray appointed by the
Hon. Frank' Oliver to take charge of
'that office.
t Bev, T.: • Sawyer is able to •;Int51 e
atot tad outside agtolm e•
itoo ,:s miogeriPtioY%s' received lit,
Who, • -r
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Special Features Every
TIE WOMAN'S NEWS PAGE/In .The: Mali .and Em
piss is'the only Woman's.daily ,ne►vS.'. ngo''in any
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FINANCIAL :NEWS-Reeelved every, night ` over The
=Mail •and mpire`s own..New :Rork wire,. - tho fu1L.•.
financial' service • of the New York Sun,;
knowiedged' financial' authority "Of •Every
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precisely„the same • wall Street gossl time New
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SPORTIN(; NEWS 'in. The;'Mail and Empire, is every
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eclat ; Features
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tr mp1Y interesting, aidI str,ue page..o."
;CitS:'1FE73IP Tiali3 LI'1Ef AP:Ci1lE: by EA'ILE1 UNE
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ne« books,' and ,interesting chats about:books• and'
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...LEO/IL QUESTIONS , _ • ��
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e_ ._ •_ . K _tel e ___.__- Y
an which
you:may need 1t. Question's .,of
friends. and d net bore With'. M i �
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and opinions; make-•ver-y-interestin--reading.-
R SI _,
iU IC \D 'i213 � ,1— '
A e1 L `this 'has aYways'neettli' vetCy,
special • f azure of THE MAIL' ANI) � M
e D D PIFtE and..
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Com assts " hiusicf
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•. Q, . ., , t . r, ork"".skaould •not.
• miss a single:number. •
BOY SCOUTS—A :care •ally conducted.. ar
deP .tment of
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- so. oular
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• and
interest] s' eciail .: m..
- ns. a .P Y, ko Children arfd : their
Markers: -
$ C S S RIA'Ts
.STUR•Y_ =AtwaY s rdnn '
!ng with
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a st
,g e n rou s Instalrents er •h ..tux morning • •-
Tf you. want•a first-class, respectable,,._carefuhy con
^ducted,L,well' edited, live,, . -up-to-date- newspaper,
subscribe for. T>;iE ,114AIL AND EMPIRE.,.;,. • ,
Mr., and Mrs. Henry Mullin *le
resented' with. a fine baby''' boy last.
The ¥disses Ida and De:ieda 'Shot
wood, of;Lucknow,. "spent„ Sunday at
Meet nye; at Poi } i irin 'June
3rd: The store at Lanes will -be closed `.
then. lCinuly bear,. ' • this. in
`The heavy rainfall of last' week has
givenspring ;rain and grass a
flourishing appearance,• aMost of tile`
root and .corn 'crops, are already in the`
M. `William Bald+tan's to na too1�°`n
atthe Soritinel: o do"`them ., ipgli:.
merry chase the other. day starting in
the barn yard_iuniiing ..into • the wire
feiitie.at' .th'e-kite-hgate-which: left' inI• A. MAdkRNZIR Se12s Farm,' lore
the in a.
h^ap ` Fortutfate:y no serious dnreage'.
was clone
•Order' your Wedding Invitations''.
Visiting Cards,. At Home garde, etc':
.Occident and :Fa elity raiice, 'Tfie
leading Canadian companies, 'including
]Phe' lonc`ion; ':Mutual • Also Real -
Estate ` of ` every description, bought,
sold ur exchanged, Money''. -loaned; . on.'
ream state,,; at lowest rates. -7,4..A.• MAC-.
axxzin, Box 34; ;Kincardine..
Come again. Pie Tum;wand ,often.
orwhohesome; digestibte""eats" '
give us PIE.,
its very best,:, wropite,dt_iiie.tc1FIE
ROSES-' crust.• '
Upsets -Pie PrejUdice without upsetting the;`
Eater's Insides—FIVE ROSES flo>;ir.
Great for "Pie Crust top :and bottom. "'
And Puff Paste and T i fritc t it 'Things..
Close -grained — melting - even textured •
Flaky, too; and crinkly — crisp yet tinder.
Put into your; bake things the rare nutlket
sweetness of Manitoba wheat kernels.
�Il soppy'` with' the 'rich red juice of -the
cherry—o>r lemon pie -or apple—or healthy
„ custard ^meat, may be, or•mince
-.. Put the FIVE ROSES "crust end" about
See the hungry wedges fade, behind busy nulk teeth. .
At Pie 'Time .
I IlItI11lnlllllilllllllililili(Illi�fl
Illln�ui-m IIID
• •:
1134 1; Cleaningdiscovers some
r,) that. need fresh wil 'pipvf
a; c •yJlr 'in •p:ctto i .,of .:our new designs. ' A
Aar a st-� ;'z of •goo; 'patterns:- tochoose fr`or►r
S3n6 ol'd 1(ne , at cut : prices, to clear out:
tm crrr.spctr're-. —stn a xcellent valves fNOW.
11�I. so o � ll their -rim it •roll liF
n., or s?rit .g» i, consistin
Drag and Disc • Harrow -3, Sprint `i'ooth"'Cultivaor,,
,prim; TO -44 : See i -r:, I i )_ a1 i DiSt.' Drills, - Steel
Ltn. 1•g:011ers
:LTi;'have a go04' u?ply of . 'Government Standard
,;grades of Tirnotli ,, : Red A'lsike,,'M immoth and Lucerne::
.Cloverw 4.. _;-
O.% w‘" w•• r'4.