Lucknow Sentinel, 1911-05-18, Page 64 4 A MAD, VAR191:!. LD, ON 4, GA I -tile e,, to Buy, A Big Flo k M 1 4 W9344 :r Pact or 1IL OF HE PRAIRIES gi .4 ;0CW 14 911 "Ilgk r th one has exporienged,lbeteiroi that Aim E0 Yr 41fad dog Mont which VI g on., of, the Russia TVA LD PINC1.1 I � a, ther OWES. overn spen, 01 may bo, 0on inoie formidable -thaii -W SW 'U] ipliens, escrib, fig. if h E goes 1) QD 1) 4� that;oop 49 airman th , q� vis to -Bet 14 -, 9 trIP..f1JFP besndon ac. and draw,§- 4 ?,;tortli,,� *AMT uploll", 4T 4K' 54'on 'At Olympia- -10 stren 'the Ig. picture- ili'a r, , if 0 - I two of U4 I Or#V41IP,pj1 by the Ru Sian 34 ", r 4, e. Fooundei a hand liftedr�lrja lug 44 e new um"s Rp p.xquir', blood, with a Of the, Nad'$eo T.0&47"l ?"VIL , Ij for m" .4i.r Try on; ve,, ears from Wr 40Qt of . 306, war ose] twenty -ft 9sia. has IiQ ho. had �oili A'104icin h ev!r� WO iater mo'nthq but in'the midst -O 0111111018m. hod- Kidne. yqupelf, ecided. to buy J lot. *.C". Disease 60 2VAseline Remaill"r in TWW Poexed. '0 -into 4be- goal d Ibis' tly the d t ' "J . Aerroplanes, all the 0 64P .1 ­ I r' , f 4'r ' '' ' eo. This pre,4d ------ C is apsicum lk iir ur- oiafe 'at At t delli-ered before oad -0 the. means, �Woqd ii inp a Qvini, obipOc. reo Podd!$ K th le, 4,144 idne�. an Nentholat�d.Whit summer d the Rgpiiia agent watery- It 4 this"04to of the" 'd It was Cim�l, CJUito'Al'QTAe, going, f'1114 W44pr him -4 new in !P4 olatecLamiphoi mt a whole Ogy di C S814 1C1- C 11 , .18 U , g ri amphorated, '40t, to bq. that, $low causes primplea 4;14 :Unsightly- owQje� t ish,aeo0inea, with the English ?rup ions,. To this, game. qnidi like 'he 413rq� Curreni, Sa6k.i: spQdisil tion it h been driven 40 �bad,� w4p,,� ' 4 OV- A) Is, 414-0 T.attackq (SpOp"al), , r , May Ist makeks, Already t6 too Q um wilcternesa b-er r _L�S bnty-sik ybirs of eint, ought l6fgh British- atism,i��d goat, into the ing. a. VS. write to 190 04140, 'burden,of ey as ne"Rook. ev age, p Ad J watched "it- it but, 9 , tr*49.And heilth�,- 'built e4P QTE OoP. 'Lackeyr Of Ojs� �14ce tt,4,rl Qgii;: pbor. apT turned its head, to arc a dha of 6e-' hes ngOd, "Qleriot�, nigno­ Y4 id Plaups, and. forty uches.�. and -a iekefiod' ita, direetiar, �qU old ml�,4L4:the'prai -But grind p anes....� :W osXr.,.Lac Wd d mperto, from. tho beh�g4 Ire o aVol e xertion. 4' an' - begin, t4, "" " ". I r .. , L , E olborno Stroo �w At the Sam s enjoye, z .3ritish, War . ... .. AW401il 'NinetY, t f my., Arab th. "Fbr 1twbiltp! i Office lia, Tgkdnto " L, I' , , r. -p mining Mal; 46lon , exa a4y rqg not,cure these troubles bY.7-tbe.Aise e -Mouleni. hi prbsed�h6ij ve ato SAW and - % j� purgative., h -02 hejO ;L.06d a CQat ines osely oifivest 'in A aem4a !na e, says, 'fr su eved. sopened.' u want _1bert., tC e osv )Xpl&ine<l M ki t hewan or Manitoba Land here, A y whib, ba' 111$'rthred 14ses, hiuinatism,' which I -inherit-,. 7e. ave nOW4,L. owill e ' f assduh' five ff _& " L -from Il, Was' mervous. honk, V! al. 941._ , a:nLd ambag with.:Oe ' or unimproved t'� is:�­nonbL -Caji �,which broke into a. gakIlp pay [gal: ri, Will. P. .,p Yert me. war --CRESj County' .;f lit .-eq UNDRED A _givIng; aero la es tA fThirty-hyls' Hundre e. I'll t, - " . 1 panib 'd -to- h m' -in- Wuld and,r' i� c fq- hrd*h d b lr� P 11; : MY., 1. mbs I Chbreau, manqgl�r"' M, consul s for Syrian, spoke! -a, -Severe is. ime. had t* heir aervo-re- -Arabio, receive . a rep alid. lQok- pain, aekosa� the. back. -1 also had A p 4 3P atiplytqthe- order itr _ , , _ - I I 1 1. 1 . - . tl do.e tbi 'ed very grav heavy dr4gging. sensAt* ae'French MilitAry.Lauthorities.L.So the, big, open Are, 'Ptoring o'Wer& 'Ever iOsS -the AEROPLANE W "Wh#j -the AR. NDR, 0 $m-4 Wb' r 2 Ma (-r Q- ay. an I n ............... on Ap or rat orw. ,r war Malp .0 'nq -ani and which diives ut He Impurities' told me that the caniel". which I Mtri PC60le plaae8 for various countr nut6 it all to three boixes 0 Will fol Fruit, Farmo wo. S. in iatisfy, you of inore!,AW a 1, sizes.1from tb1:aQ-AM t At, Uncle Ps H- acco liff ---the' or thet.next loc4lity, and improvIsn It 4arL In !Vol presencer im' e 'wi de.rness by Y Or a rk for' .§appe4ye aY gs- 'U et arfy� rgan-ojudc bri Ofiot h t tho,­:wo6dd� were. lates P onith ft a, -o a -fi ng ew, health, and le Orgy to our c6aghmi d-beeigiLwari _QZRea0d-.Milft.a 7 -dred-acrear A r n, e, ato. two, t weak-, fiib, -tired Oual ing men 7iconaoitrino ;i6 ea. v t you are feel- e'Bed ­Mrr Lack�, renc -months.'? d go, with men. and childrOn if , , - -9 is shpwizi$, b h -Club analyze's. fiv4E� buin atjhig� Dead. the. chango ing .01 -.6 by County orJ4. W�s'this At7wer gd1lopedoil, swai rom-'ICA&L'On f'bocld's--Kidn6y 119 - I gundr. 'he ts hro'light 13 1 -quickly. ill, r -e s d b �iag'r WkEllS, IN HOSPITAL.. . piaI turd -where I and s 174 Watt I. Mr a. friend ide' ld n lookin 'bac a d. p Renting them i e to. si ani� fid them an VIC Ul-uyplug V b1l U, JPV beast,' WJIICIIL * is. A dr6d- 46res - timber�r g' 'r uy h Cg-,, stea we� 01;1� , gradually re- ame 'No Be teir a aid, Thbit Twent-nine Tho ere was a the morning, spirit apons have been .1. do Halto s and fill Your,v6i4R with.'.new 'th I . .. way Uea'n ough at, great ae'L eOfcannon, the Two '1]0'"'eq Of Z4M-Bbk u I ted slowly ap set -health-giVing blood, Dr. -Williams! Cam S: *.Considerable Istanc of`Ahos� who have placed by 'rifle and Worked Tared from th"eir. owri-expeienct %tt at a give L of new 16. has hithert main- looftiplete Cure. 9 re to 'old old 0 d me Cino 6rw*ll, be, sent by: mail for OVe J: may h%Te Robert and- Pink Pills, are.so d by all. deali�rq'ia, that �W45 we e- not 'armed aha, si Ah sultiLble" for L Stock, Gr iiap. . i � - , '' L .' over four Mndred fatmo on' h 4 ter us -,-,my friend regre, 8 1 r a r life LIP 44? s6phine eagerly hurrie 4h the 'f*jale. Aviation, has, hID'�V-­ Fred. Mason'Ahe well don a that if e -'and -kn Wn Just tb 11 w � o ulig Dodd' s Kidney Pills an It was OUR I CUr were, far it a Vance, sixboxids for',�% be in a Seri rtake Is : 11 stand withou An -equa sho. ever.,: clia4ged, Of, uncle: rao,'c6ats- ar box or 'th.0 uphoi terer"and, t ws, NB.,, says DAWSON.- then* I looked 6r ouin'g sci 'now. All -,the e eo��16 --Plidne .6990 Main completely onizei military Wentl�j Crossed th by addressing The urer, Of St. Andre ich-r '' AII4 did 'no: in& on my. ne arAgbor and 'k ch iubts and ho1idqys,,Patk 527. -1.9 td.h­ ruUard e- Aim h eat, Tot . oto. ot fia TU UILV-STREAM W t - k-ely It -to itifj'iiij. was not,of oonsequen -HAAP.LA$DS-I)ft Saskatchewan Val-­ Jo,6kT1 crio Robert'' authority d' :aphouncOsthat, the I Ow us6le Venience. The sore par 3, Would it�h radesm6n -to. us for %hO: maniat in Ui` track J C ley.;...Qood openings. Qr t FL RUL X.A14 � F - and far . Sp Ak"'ff 'oottlls�' SIZ "Videntl ream� is.. -running and mburn ogied tm'gle, and'illen Avillen mers; EnAlish lip arrest for lustriLted\rM 4let, to ow on I . this spring, and tbat 'will any ]p 0 . 11, - �ehind t .0 -Gulf 'St, Of 1he niaTish EET- 6 tired 1-ongq b' rubbed or s would b e ard -o F Trade, aroball r I .: a warmer the igh, $0, edge Zreached -the, JI6I rdtChed.. I - 'bird Sa with us,�.and. 0-.. -stimmer- may 46, ki t 6f the', new war bird arger gray e, Hell Have- ',,Xoe VOr re- was.-flutterng okdd, for in y -T-hus-t --wh C*Ad; In saf*­ &e. om d. E of, narter.Sea on Or w more f] CICS6 to ground,. It all. nee there ' ne Wat plra,iii e, Wei hich. n4pil --notions �,hav 'mediesbut got nobetter,o i. docid Y -L in wildly- be, P. -among a e. noun hd �aw d, go to . ontreal , and. t.i4 On giveja (5fAheir bes buil men have Jqg* 4:eit a if, We had r A 'Pil That is 'Prizid.--L-Th t t6a. falli �J received treat- 'Al r J gs as� I . ie Women, amll feet... sued Doilld� -ve 4a t t d,'an vain to, I .. I pecial treatment 1 9 for b Itu o as. is n-, -90 1 * ' a ''- onvrae ry. easily. hvL b like'' t ..house -of cards and the. edu- - i � �­E , on t -ment�At­06 : I way, -Prills-put-upo n Y�. ll --(-)O man away.' ur pr I eilt-'Inight- have. ation Of the'm'ode 4�2ror rket and 'pressed up hNA tit! 1,"4, V 4 - IL in --QL-the, musf -be A f +b t -.or elid . of1that . ime w _ as,fiot cur no a�s j��dured so quest of the airL has shiken., the 9"boted Y eaking,' is the, upshot offidang6rous,' for a.aaad c I once- ssex.. SplendiL c on AMIE " U f !at with e, 6 corn � 1.� Js cagghtl It is tie& th r' + Idn.di dd� vor' as '9139 Q so much fa to it I Old b i b I e el" a statisti 1'.-pape be throne: -Of U s Very 'founda-- and t I nd %6. fiXO&-Oa�a - ingr -Pa;f t-, vis IBuk, - r .1-4, n 61W V j?illsl Wide- ecr-me to give am,- a et- fk U And h bas Just, been rN -the the wan on ml -a -815F-0 - It t 'b _ 1_� -,farm. T 'Y' t a R116 he astern a us e h6m-h-i"detwd -Liun-ints on 'Eil--.�and-al.bh'oug-b4�liid4i-tftle-hop &ILSWer of,- 1$ LLL * � I dr *i - r�� 'Pa is Acideiny nef — - , advice. Iei., and they spe, Muskrat-trap"'11 bd i%ob nt weapquz. and irnb good-'. I "took' the P�, 'by And, - tojether "ran. forwa Bemen, thi; Sol acto-W-aitern-LknAs. for twatd-' to Pi sor -Edmund �,Perriqr T Avo.o puelplf. 7G .... . .... .. ncl&John, .0�u' A un lied, norm-aff -men', h I U iii"e 'giV -p6d the'if7ell and I ri the edge., of th Y'ag` nno will milder'obsolete, 'the Mae behind'. th'6r hill L" but they accord blic w f , . r- '. b -- to t e*krep'or smI persev6K�6d , 'ith�the- balm., th t r in the list �b Vas `io6n.- . eviden . t L Oalithor gives� a weird -piciure ave smalll,fe6t d it th a 't 'WANTED, RE Plg,.�A S E N TATIV tS, elthav, tdw wilihogut--Aa did ot tbink4 raid of a --ra la re par aVt e,*in the. air. efore -it the im. an nsane, good. .:E day the on'g�oods.,beceoptry'ail,' bird �howtve 174; arge� w ch 6howedL th of Stan r tA e p w6UldAo,:ineL'. men V ­four C a igns. agination recol a. In h6rror. e .1 . r I t, L- ith e r Lu izi�ly, the man W thia W ver I ii� 4. , propo J. . .. I oapi& .646k mission EX erience unnecedu d L - 't ­ � ' " - wiLs reduced 'the s y. muc a raid f h64r7 The...propo aret6ldthat zibr er otes , ay ro, XaCtl r Was ed �t a� gun id., �*IlIOIi. r ,-A Small In .W re -was force to turn UL.- �ain death thLe began to`ho4l.�­P�ao the::r.-- ha ---Y- ' -fe* -boxes of. ZaM7 b, ­1'WaS itud oVert won y-. !ee s&hCt W6 ike- Liu ado r� -i -P id- UW( 7A ANTED.�-A out oir the rs. An. L ew Gt9TS.'W. y'9 ot of -Agency . i si e. Whii -ch :W. inevitably be the bjec- -that 'none-, W U a lowed them -T t, other' id A an a, h indr6d have large feet, propositions convinces us way, pedple p4w. Ar hi loo iqual, ours. ou will Al.. t "7" over co wi rs r e -ways' regret it -if 3 se- at,hand tbey;I66uld Z�a, Oil the -OontrAiiry, �Ion`ly'18 per rin r S ore tive 16f the aciiiFi0vade ' on fth't apply tot 6 . i6ma,' b d�poison . 1. . Sue' 't ­ S - -wou d I�cosep e -leg, -s ore ee is - A o�-uff, Or n n ba& at --Tb7 Lire e, who e, e tL. ma teri, stingsi- -wonuds. Coln ipick .6th t t, this th"",an I&M Cuts long :�hal& The "Sh - oc ' king. bli "Was 'caugh, all fOet. rs.' .6 'to s;Bek:sheh�r­uder9ro"4 V r -Do 29 d Cdnt. deficient,w6men 6 'foot. en, hi w 'a's Ike meal p� w -� r, I - t 6--w`ai�itcdunter this mo�u­ NX �slv car" ep up evefy. Ring garw IF. Ice t Res foot IS beau y in a . womon is, iould Atransfr '0 chain fasten' 'racler -b,. and all skin in' ANT. D,. --p Veteran went ad4d: there.. wa,94,t a urns, Lands.' one, that' ISe'aSeg,,. ZraM_7 U -did 't -h- d -B ik"" iR- Ont. 6d, to .-a dtak6j,-and Rob�ft -Ventur- thus'.' proved Round Even: t6 'Chin- W ell e Stake, in his ese May. e, Jus n . ave. r . y without equ*ali Zam-'BUk­--,SbaP ed Dee to � 't'h fified if. by - red �body an cl leg., wbpre: e+*e -sp�cial price. g U.b4i -.1-1 t ; ARM. isay� ho'df shou ea a Worki Pi e- a Sage."Le 0� go -y neir'b'dSe, ness :�see�- - . I iii 'lase apt r iVe a u .113DOX V- eli *604 be &K iso Woun 8",L eC2 11 "at on y% such'-' OR rt Grestest BeeUBTeed. Hei once, set- himself - up- as an REST -AND- HEAUT-410-MOTAR AND CHILD ' - kNQU8 CATTLE. The thb toMb. d ;emqus patches Ani4ng�t aIi uds :!t",id' friend - how Ail Unpiralleled Ce the- li*61y.,strug'gle Of as is, -rare, KS. XNSLOW 9 00TH'Xd SVRUPr liaaL been All d tggists and'itores 11 er W For;- Bulls. wrilti ng- r1coes 0 oospned the. sma, � s a ej said r th At"50c` box,an , 9, wm arue p a SpeCla at he- had, . In e, - Cal the' bird auihoiity upon &6- humiA foot' He even among those who usid for dver-SIXTY YJARs by,,milLIONS of 'He --M stoc `iade is brains.' Z d 11 Pnu, -'k X.F6,11 Oil. k an in ano-thor'*instjfit it wAs� ad 1% ihemi�lve ad MOTHY -theirl, y k in�'t 3�h4pjan;g­a Rg: for -CHILIDREN-- WH�LU pulled n. TEETHING, with-F9Pt3RZCT STJCC'H,,,si t She -You've got u )C per table ml�athy f an looking 't, Or'frOM EARN - 'THE B study -of f6t -general rst theIL will often SOOTHES the CHILL). SOFENS the -OUMS Z caret te ALLAYS all PA mp e case- 0" out,of.the',earth.' -In some,waY � 1 ' ' C'-.- Toro dberi's efothin a "LL fit'to.thi� sick is WIND COLIC. ana 1. ustruction­:,a few, w6c Urge the, pr'bic A L.gk�- 04 �'l lita. a r IN;CURE is the beit reinedy fot DIAltitHc :'s a -in' feOt"Of thojeSS.6j! qua�jru ell' EA.- It is Ab- �7toolo frolo.'� �ks',coznplete co ke caught ... than,'thd' most 9 1 draduates a P twelve'.to 91' the of.eliphahis,-, And finally tFpatmeat solutely lWe sure abli"ask. for,"Mraj. and he W". rough ay.. W'n"OW'S Soothing and take tto other 'eightben, d6llars weekly. Write for -catas in� Barhei­:Colle 22l­Qu6eq Ufn& TweiltIV-fi oM, t hei-�end-o a 'gru go all g n. u -you use cond R., rMORS, LiV311%. etc. :In, and the h h e ground"WiLs' rough n can h sqtis d h ichly 11t6ps coudisse curem, GO nsed milk, Go ingen,,.., and. ­p ant y. A 1Y pulled along by , the `-ket of tNi of G g ven in, a, 0 OAIV�-p' 0 -virho Poles ambition. i lib !,'t�W # ternal and extern4l, cure ith be�� Was not his forte. Heine n popular man with ed d w out twee, s money a d stinky with ain our 'bome treatment. -write us, bin r them,,wem -filled with water., not b6 -taken serious ociety has al4ays,-belin rk, cial'with III guess, M.-Wo.order a 4ua i -a ofo o,late.. Mr, toward �whi r 'about uedzeg Th and th he able for. "thid.. vumbe-� of. a III us' ou'hea 'it woo nt a�U& -iiina 80118 was, 91 0 tire 5 TON, SCA'b Wil '4RV - , piecial 'price. me M .. .$ . I j, did,,: a 8 — P0. , . : 1 .1 . -Robert "A OMEN 'WANTED%lo iaka r eri -A-,--GR, 'b". 6ff- as I rs.* Tor BAT r.dfa Lbel' lft.'ised -6y physicl W savings an rk; 0 D' no erybut -but bra e s' u d 6 n" i o ges. ion coo itany peop e o th d great i pir ly spare til 'Po. e We a, fow-d. Hub 'id. his, o1WnL an Manly in lives to that d 11Y. did his to, io ajD. Digg$-" d -W xperience,, nee( d d, -0y. Out lin, espd6iijIIyL upga � fill, 'o, -ace on ere -w again 6� th� situgg;Jinj go W giliy, loo e So by X, k d 0 -and in, able d mothers And zirls,'.' A I Do t. As Brit. s -ton. "Is he physician 711 clle�rful when I met ii?� MOT12- isli Canadia -dotril ft, Ind 221 to.disentangle. clothing from. the That is'what thousand of motheis Tearn;v.ipdoln� from: the follies ',Of nexaCtV'-`1 that ato, e'ls hover in w -the- big, thare-, t., a ash n' you Dear Sirs,"rYbuk �NIIXARD'S- LIN, Still, &ZIby" wn a e S.� ive e -PEI Id ging 'him on jet d a r our reny CIALISTS. ADVICE FRED. w j,, J -h lar �dy for sore throat, We A Viso You when - ou lar An all' —d' an rcLard to, any -havd g6odived th� _6,76thW­ ___, oraiq��i onto.. us in disease. Lowest., f. the t -q -)"k- -for -M lnard'o-and�& rVi ices '7 we, Ila t.'to 0 Actuillillffting,him 616ar,b . Ch -e ve ye t tepr fa s to �7rell pFaising re7 me as a gln 0( J rom ECil. gr*u r'a p fitted Bond ineksUr a occasional instant; cei g e, one conemning,them mur work is done an., You Some perso4s have. periodi6id at4' . a's. it tried to Soar will ..-core. oil. the trouble. f fe'� Ja6k "Congioat, late % -kent. a uPwazd­ The Tablets, cannotr OSgi anachl. -old Port Mulgravis. for . anything sold 'Th %refoclasa drUf' ly. r owdod: On't raj dysea-- man. MisgFusaleigh has made -me sto as to-,-Dt, BellmaTi. CoIll U for 1* 4pp -TheYL contain t'none of r6cauti ni to avoid, th tr of her brihCr, L, to t -n 1% e. te;y 'd 11 At - scTOamingja - t�r 'bairn even to, �ihe :-.ne' a At' -the pligh naee QARPET D-YEIN' 'M hen is the wedding' lol tiki ied-hal a e d" -in"Ire iznplc��APIDund­lexaeltfozAt -ease. 'in - ca Change, cooki: y "She no oy6iff-Er 'dL 119t'. ace?"' Ja -N� 3h ck ever, f zeroot-himEfront be- so 1; and green,:fruit� e r Oritish �AM' so dang roffs I trB 1 8 re tng1-CArHFd- ring, on fused. end Particularaby fIpat and weare'silro ty Isatll,fi, att or, the, -to the welfare of the little 011 �Me e -T -PAI ijii .W -1 -Ci& - ­ . - - Like 'ar, ge Par -W Ape appene ai !y b Cordial— -b y Lrq 'th 6iali�t oil A44 'ing sev� -As -EXTkN�91-blf Ti all in i istant, and or over a% S nrtery th&,idld gr1a -caprice. After, p epar aprd -Ub SHING fid hot Lalgi ig, h f6m-d- 130, WA _w.as­ -c-hiLdhoO&Lailments-a -4 r Old' -be- d th-best-medioille-in- the,'marke r is, n 111 , Ung'. down 'the hill 66 Up req -g-r-6 at neliefl� '11hitlfi14Wiiakd Oil, n, rU 1 'kept in every home,whore there 4;r and n' the. art I w. ng. coxi�dencc, All summer &MplhintB­ f a fe' favoi of, a stal cub, , T6h. the stru 'babi7�i iti P e -r,- n ty ggle o sma' -her husband with i djrqps.� art taken in witl6r Whou 'the Sethan you can obtal t9b" 11 am clsowlicte., MptomS 'td ly. .1became moie frantic, 'and pu denl� Fred. McCarthy, P'ifiewobd, Ont., briillii�b-- propdsit' 'n in. Geta bottl tl�-4 its foo ion.'. 'What do sY noticed o; future, fok'.' bur clitdloguo of pribeq. t. YOL . . it Will Cute a, Cold'.�"d eipr- r'. 'L d re, Prippod� ftail. theJ ws -of writes' 'hi sed 13aby'-s-.,Ow 1rou'ble'wil.-,bc expetieh oldi la ave 11 t, she 'began, "if Ive Ce .4 Of and hiVe'.ofound thiam ook a' Ot r tile trap and t qui6kl the wmmon�st ailine ilkind' ENS� goN' Aew, tb- Tablets in, ar do, with he I'm afraid' and' -if neglettbd may td ­t Hamilton oin. & Clouelly. �-R,6bert was 'Self'? $.Uppo, .6t great .�reme�ty'for fittle Ones; f, Ve a. Man k' in ney se o U, M a 0 a- mista 0 naitionk, -Dr. Thomas Ecje&, Ot j, I as ti 'oil w, re the,, bron hiLl �k to tablets 'a, to r bn,6 t dO- Lt e, can jump Ur 4 tW..elv'e' r n I `pe r, Daught6r �IW Ill. , I` -Wid aat�0, btC� &llhurt� rid:*6uld lh�m�--ff :, - I I -,o month, *hiit ff ouse nlediciA6. d6al- 'got VI I IN ithoixt', Ing mothdr t c a COAXING -liAtY.ir [iey'hurrilJd1ba the, re sold'by , Vellr"',said i U 9torey', �ouse' 16 -ti ee Passagos of he -h. sbw�d; haci W -hd deliil�16d fhatr it ers or Sbappet-'.'.How on eArth Mhn-ner In which took your L re- and -thoroughly. and ywdd-Do�for f1l'self Oi dry clothing, yMail at� 25., b�"x 1'by.& end bf'Ine month'y6b W e e e 'for baby On _,an.exgl ip � ad 44*ir 'and 1 iia" 'Medibine. got that?", Snip, Is'of th �tu# them ag,�jp4 e of ni'dicine YOU g- The a fr r. h )er�-�"By fUs' I shows that fi� botfl W.Ortli: h&Ving. 6,ttdck.1 -r"".., . . iha-t Jiui�ba for �wi jumping. OR ih oUaa-floor *ia� e, gr Ou, e In, 0' 0 And aL S it eases 't c infl�armnati<)n the big g r4D.m e ravages W) aspoon to, gi'vo. him a -te ful once ai "I'jue th c tough becati8c it llays ..'01 "If Jo had I not held 5ii it ),)c, c Impossibi6i I*told �oi oose th Sallv Grav-�-".' al fritation in the throat, Try, it Sure Proteathe child f' !iat a cunning,i lout. 4 y/. ave carried Me off.'� . . TAY. URINS I anj rov it get sing'MUher EYE AKMk&y. D ify From far iP. in the sky., out over er when the thtrm�meter of &r Ri6d-, W�alk, Weiry, Watery 'Eyes tie fellow 'Mr &1liper p kil d 'Yes, MY son falls 711 Pa�� e8 Afr , ed -F,the lake'r ltlei Wrm 6rmina Y h and Otanulated,Eyelida, Mitrine Doesn', li d' I dL . stt, drf) e ours, has faller Druggi I I L . y Gay The was, pro Ya y have an. inoth f And. th'd-- nu�jj 0, Aint--Rohk !�- honk i.." ard .1 n year� of Use have Smart -Soothes Eye Pala. Wfully bow-ldggd �al'l jaw ])One the le anced 9 riepatation r . - � _gd_L ach to, take A O.VwaY, Pm glad the Sel.l. khrIne Eye,.,1teLn6dy,. . A : --stmh an. 'eA 4,1quid, es� Ti iar 7\ Litilo�, Will' ----: ilh it -- in o ginal. bonc,�.of conten'ti(in.L dech fike - f64--a'�d When it $1,00.. . MUfl1le4 Eye Salve, 1� i�ih 14bok, you -know."' 6o, in order to, induce. baby W,.takl rod' Josephine struck the, porch floor'it broke," )ROOM Keop L 11410aid's, Liniment In th-a h d �Asoptic ThbOg, 25c` $1.00. Eye' l3oo1;S ;the r6gtr of the I hope, it Will fill ou a.' Fok MOIRE. and 'EYe Advice - Free by Mail, ock2l of Pills 'That "COMO Willie,P said his brother, X�rind k& Abbi6dy Coi, Chicago. t A Olt T M N 1), You car !.n�lb J h be I save ybuis Have Bnqfi,tfbd Thoit,' sedofi, S61fiSh. o n, 1-tind "Willidj', said an-inteiestin gr,Mo_ RA t,j Or6b�blk it 611 efi& sapds.- lnow,� tar, and. near as, a t10 biother 'Play- with yp�j war Tn a t6COnf, to the trouble In 0 bles mo artful illd trOfti Ont f inw bon., rc �t ..leg dy in .. I.. . I J I ociety, 1,(jrd 1tobson-deolared4hat w� n i b. di her first -bob ' I'd; ole a, while.. ther to erhtg to, te�b to-tdght,�,. gostion. and A'll derapgcm9nts,L4Df` :(B p r6te sf�'d he know:..whab the differe' of science 'hit, the stomach, liv�r kidneys, al U rice is bd- , I . r �a � r, U tween body and soul 7 The sbul; ttacked., tho a L ;leffl 'over4, Parmelee'& Vegetable Pilli,, h eans fd ep tl -owdifig in ybi th's C nlpafif�h. and Ave 'C$$ not:" whit you 'th "Oh, 1 ci ifig it brotig4;roliof , t6� th6dsalids�l g eSS, Yes I 'Cr i-ld' cities by. "Why do they gay "A-8 sal'art when ause h 'the body-,Crries, YoUraboat, possible 'Afid Lp 'other specifia haVia fajle'd.� Thii As, &� 1 16 r6fitablo -for factor� M4 is You'r bo, ing ies &way f] iiteel traj)' V h8ked the' tal d two -a' th6m d t jucb' to boL establigh, 11 ! lerable teqtirnonials can be pkodu'ced i neve t ire4b, foiVirlat lfiiF k.-00141 see o the truth -of ffiSL You 1 tell,e r provonldhta in s"ier- 'particular R dzio�� (as he' eturns 148 -161- my child-, there is gotnetbizig di tion, Once tried they will, be foun*d wv etp�, EL te a pills j)3'.. th- #avellerlg flask�-Ilgy 66ar sit 0611of to illl otheiL the 6h! t Wh nYOU can, feelit n 'called. M W_ !,L ois 6w L- Oy a.ro ,.Pteaerl -qKw - _ h W 18 h r 706 F Mn n Voice, 1.1becaum. it k had a thoutatid throats to --thatk: Oes "that's rhom hows 1�ye flail nel-shirt., ro at right time to pre YO I U. of Fell ow Trnots! ae6M­ That roAult wil ,h Caydul '�cve r" to' iIR415 too MU ha ' b6da, Salai but" big fli8k)z­l`I11m,' very -If i6no be ((A()M V Mgn'u Vo aA 0 se. ry k1rT the tircuro­ tittet, in cakp,' Use,t scant amount L glad Allou�fed with corng and' rqfJ,erL �h, a IjOghi tO go Val to� sltailck)s Ab,w6u In you, h& AJI 0 :la have sdehed un-!,. rao0rers will, nilland it will, save MLany a,podr ae� Minard,i unlifte 611OV6 14SUE NO, 19-11� fit) occupations", sor'to Not, a L ru National brut 4401?h's' Pill 0d.j Toratit