Lucknow Sentinel, 1911-05-18, Page 44 i4m,W on., There, shoul _�e be Ut tq tho liborol p4rty. II, Alberta, I-, iA, Connected with., the Aqwu.fall A majority in should aI.Iiapooition such easureo. vw e.4, pqrri�nt 4 year INMAPPRI1 QQVq , thr34 'Rqtherfb�rd.,%nd. his mocj4,tet Vr. presjutipf,crV611- ()Vv Avory T41 lit- ir all quy w,4.o -ve In o to. bla r for do $ho ll, thpir reas i4W 14. nthe .8UpPQTt tU he .oq4, for o rig hem fli rmitte lrprivolegQs, -0 -4 .444 im. They b_�vq vowed pe t allo Cbithlim,. ethey 'Art -entitled to, wben ey., are yefigence !IpQA him,; 44, X4� Wedto go, on recio, aS be ng oppos,, -40 r anin All, W *ab.scriOt - 4, A e,4u vn way. be 1% XcK WMIatover of - truth, t e ilk Y's 9,7 . ,her t ut ree ra hs�g4it blisber or ;Lu4, V vim.. as"not io kUouf the, QxP got QsUM ;Mr. O,.De, Long, douggin 'a jd, o to-wilk, tho con enq stationert, ha. di,svosed of hl,.;� upiripso oAsual, adve�rtisejneuto 8 #94ps 41: pbejl q ij een it looks hfil t or public, and, At pros , t !n t ir in a �Vay he fid a the Orr! ad # *ser094,, 4q. per rie, or 'T swa ww. have, only one each -in prtjog,�- 10 had undertakeri. Aj& that is tw big . QQ tor will no aw vw thQ4sands of this drug 419apq store. U C or y 4 a.''t , , h an..he West Flo r, f ou in, the loed c -him Advusemeuto� for t i4§er Manners of -Wingb& are�,cbarged 74;�per line foriiis� . W. 069, in Was, a.,Out only try, Cr6ani of the West Fjou.i' I'll - stand cVqTy for eacli L A U4 $6, perline. abSe t irutown last week calling on ser riski. 1 )m,ow wh# V­gaw -of- he West Will do, WRI �:rO MUCH -P9.PT1C.S.-,, soPQimati,s is, generally� brought, tio by., exposure, # n 4F advertjs��rS S.0 per iiiiii P r- a T r IC c bgk bigger Wave's us,b. cad, too. 'o isftallr -��'by V Aci , 44 hi . I- .1 , .1 I., 1.11 � u niore.,deficio —and there is. a Yrge 'Winglian busineqS -is an irrnatig f A'fr(iin: tjg -* tr -coaxact,fate 1paire known, oi #�­ It has, Wi sai d n�russe)S and will . e e on ..e jo, ts, d AA largely,i t6jhe;diibusi10n of- j�olious the bloo� nd, s ttlija th in .5:aPsi AU h-ati.; PeL� . isplay,a4vertioeigenta tors., OL and chongqp of:'idvirtittements, inust he To...the froM tho;JOes- jLjLjL e Rhofiinatisni�- P. colln ry� 'OliS'in t i. t POW011211 orme in thO hands not ilatti- POW10 411 e as mAttpr of the' bodY6 sho t t .4o oat0, bas when they I fiieasu -of tuth n it, ,politics lrh*e 'kidneys 44'rem.v ail it re Int re d" i I water School ho rigoeivea �,fi higbbpt "No - V! Tablets,�dleaf oxit tlie:c1(igged-iJp.Xidn 6, p.m. Xon4a�, -4-' the, -for The preqdt di4cus4oxi of Reoiprqcjty, illusltrati� -Or whic �zor gaaraatee4 or.braptid h . n -a' thom,'' drm 4heir ta*- Ofiifilt6rlbg the Una hIntended bard wbiatfl e� to canXIOCSorga.6 for or' -id tb'tbq ctin 12 g&� didatq, firoin f a . out q tow n oid Qut of, the b! this is, d6ne.t 't sin* st, the x4easur,10', without.- being but.;?�h4jwrites here on ihi� eiam. -an. d Tbuditt-yAt Askybdrg&Cti. To hIn:i,P*u,,r4q4d got YourL.016114;y again I Jr .. back it It fails sq6are trial. hii -thi, caiupbO 'bi mark: t W.11ing ompany, Umittil, say so can 0 d * ih V"arty pha;ger it, t us. XA:y I being'an,.acti ,�ho re you on &,'fair Telt h c arge . wi ebives �th6' ghost." Ta*t� cost,50a., At your.Aealr's- 28 POE ICI L an—in, idvo" 6(t1i ­iat;6"94 Teeow4te rd -a 6 t r. School B6.1, re ffdririg 'i .one -of the Libftl ive parties, ng 9100-anw,umiteA or 'C�,oaser yqae,i free,taition in the Continu- Willi :,Ir*Afi jr 0 td., '* as d'istiagaished. from theL intereS ation RG 0 t§ of lasies. AROUBALDCAMPRE P011111140 IRA GRA#T untry 1111 or Una -uri in, the Dor�in the cO a who . a e IV fia y or excl I . ion 61-1-1 KI *DINE 11 -to' f r ourr pro- ai rA�rit that is spublic attention -for somp..., e,16. Cow% of MISS Catharine McLennan of Luck- adosSibie, to avoid& this. Every impQr- W6, rder,to, th�� eharg� W, VIST )e ther -Mrq, s,'1146inedies "e Sold,,by a Rio s1W : I I : � . � . , . .......... . t.to- -edme 6 Wrap 1012 n Pri u )1k wla,st ,I 1i 11646d te, t" ade,�agiins�` M - D. Mae nzie, _Xr T iiii � T -X-I�a _ " I- -A-WA-ST igy e. ny 14 n ed9r. t C0�1181 n of our G-1 EDS nisier �f the NAw Tait TA�kic.­The n -S �­J' "GAR RO IN SEEDS. E S N ings pa ' pec- f A ulAr' eMure' vof'tbe� affair s terests are the firs rou� water tank Cost th� � town r�j, publtovea,. "Butthey should: not It is hop6d thht wi�h,�aro :and, �Sifit that the charge made against the1ibe Ir ---------- and, a Ys somebpily, but they ar6,As the fact; last a coiitury.� stock f ye inister is made 'by -a M. mammoth. Alsike, Alfalfit Clover er.,- and necessarily So- under- the system, HERE ihom: WINGEIAN.-7-M! W, H _749:_ not.. %, memb :a !s,, I ' t4 ' `, C .W' h ri -seed- on -hS, 6ur�-, nae would bec�6me of t e, Nail& who. Nic6ls66 . Ing anij . was. era as xid' Call- aiia­ inspe ont, This man is -Mr. Dan.% MOGR47 mothy. Cad oup, editor, of, the, G�Pdp C �ESL '4isrega ty iat6r6itsl: ook doing some ' -work -on � M t OR dy ri par, -our -priewbetore pure adng.­ me 't aMe._. L d -osidedco. As-sboi d!.gol _G 'is to b] not -en Gle n as NEGESSITI S, P h� ni I i hill's jiewv eilde " a M M'6_466 I rea y r. il finish Signal', but for sevoral"YearS I elli Me parties* line u fon,iiither ently; d:u Onions Ai*;where, until tee p/ h woo 0 .. ": 1 Pf Calgary, t e d. vTotk' n LtheL inside ii., seeds,. ofwery baport ­ 1: .:6� �� ­ .1 de till avoi thp. eas, ac rve, in ,al .,6 -the iateres�s O�TS. newspaper P!v:ty teh 40 was., engaged. ork' Side ant isgue;'OU6 130Y Sd —The. oy L 7n. W-evening-andrinatch6d.to thd; Jay - -and 'd �.B y ;in( kS,L which were'se-ic tot eiute'M'49 oppdsedi, -It is,.0 golf I . in your supply ave q -of the'be6t Cleveland the libei-41 party. othoi h support. of. ur6 !.� f6i7tSe is that. the .A:line .Of (i,&Sh,,0r996ri6s always on hand..' oieled','Wire "', POU RY NETTING sivharge with thisreciprocitiss TheLiberals c4led wire. LT. Mr, imeofflieuddy' OCCASi6n. from r. �Ior,- i'and �layied t-iwhight.-� _boUiig4u_fa.oi_0f_theLmeasu advo� '0� 0. 0.4;�Som orC -1" 1k. C 4�;_ ;InVIt6d the b6yg to his home and is -Eiment in,.* connee tho.Govei tion. W1 a 'Manitoba ­�111& 9, Y` Wo� an 6al C rk i�; e I K, par y intreAted��th6m-,mo�'t-4bospitibl' d- C r6�d they ndrew- W.,W en q on bandmmmianmm;iWe,'b4nd comont" were bui ding' y ie -A-GOOD CATCH,- ;§�Ts -oli6yinto-the-hands-�ft��Conservativ6s.--. A I the best on market. Ainds of, Prod Rally aceVan oup A -i oq ti�fie� whether IN A cOm, jr.,und ett eAu lit ad this the MAnitobabut,-w.lienthQ-iQad,,w*s� -p6�nds��fAmut,-on-Ttxe§d.4y,�,xnorn,�, disp�atant lie a partisaff dr the 'Aoofi Soon rk� It, � found that there wa ing -trolling. -Oki- -Monday. morniiig- - pleted, was not ng season. tmost afibiass6d. of men, 'Th6 M -sufficj6nt%govermneat*1aA. Jaiided r. A.: 0ampbq1j, V,i I?aroid'lias �r'ovon itself to be to avoide' "el ipg t e one- -party !or t -- -- --- 'aroi o RO Gav a couple of beauties.-, Who there �4r, allowed the Company, t�6. IS say of 4r. Otk -TAT �made viuce'-arid the �i"..erkt, -on 94v�ce, anufac .othei"i n oil I I a g na: n 6 f1l n' g, is, not hihk:;here? FRANK dibd 'Et co,, bat irill -or a, -the measure�--,-- -mal 't askat�hiw e ki ESC9K selectits. - either for, gainst D an., 'Tfto - T.—Rar U' L Vine_i1dr.th. 2- -o Joe ry A n rson. izens ipji Me "err land in S 71gfifthit jj6f�#664. li'LL'"""' 9,co* not, Idak,:� Acher-drdve- tb6irz P one - or,,. Iis no ar tion to t Is, V 6h that yQU d W, Ili b School And - id made. iii, one an twQ'LPly'% McGillicnddv seems tor, ar&. ag m9eracyLsrich danada.'v- e of`i6: 9 backed- -up his Mi. amp some gariii� e,'charge o allocation, A take �an interest in -ptiblk a&irs - SUM.,. a.- fo o -a ittge bage. The t f6r permitting th Via—gon th�e 6dge.�to. we,mix6t discuss- publi6iSsiie r4ailure ,N r Oliver 0- _' L 1 _ at. ba6k6 ame s, EA to du this' would mt from the company. In eyidence d s,. arnisnes... & ii � of . , molkey F up too far; aud down wei h' ruent: 'V , t. a wagon, ciy. �% theiefore, this, he is exhibiting wli%t o-all6ges followed late We Mrry,,& full.liike of these. If you aVe .4ny painting too -do, call on Of h mi fol),itured by th Oli . e, borsej have his say., with, regard -to this us 21k wele pri� Whoxighted the 3 ANn give you i' range of colors to: chooset. from .'that- -is to be pho" �ythe driver �hs -o should -wagon 1nojeri d d are, . .,. 11' or paint- it, E monton m'iprocityLissuet, and'if as a res pFocep, ho famit ood,*ork, in$,- v vat6 bank-acob" I I alt'. L - _0 an. hoesp &PL Me,'jittle a i. G L th.�..�arti riShi kaoly *ba. argod wi well �'-he. ed. floors e eAIf_.'kjVo_. OaL e ___Making_ _�Ofi "p@ enc 91 y in icating -th e. d f chocks sliwing F. R 'Coo b' aiui�t 4E: AG!iz;. Mr. L inngea-!re-touchin w V require., p .-sa, p the-wor.S61dr the let the otherfollow, lit �ve. his Say, A6 t .* kii Is'un . . I, ts�oa, ar�ived 7hd 'me" . d pogits, an o �AS -to Lthat. The Sanitary. 9*eepjj2g doni V6 L d payments.'ruade from the accituat. Part oafter an absoide' of. th nionths.'L ane, dba�tedly a great. boon tci,,the, houwif of.theinouey: accordiiigto.the -charge, mo nee is, ree A ' re unfortunate irounista ;h ­_ Cbom6 Spent ofthe time on basi� W , L e, sell'tb6ie f 11 1i' of u n, g o. S. won n ess in sprin go dzy� 'as iall. bAt cloud of dust t ha4 other 'wise' ild rise a is Said to have been . s t. at party iffiliMion has inuch. to ' :do n the e. o f WIMP11119. west and tl d c6ngisiing e arge surn xc#1% on rt'ains, fu etc.A k , to the .-floor Whi s' weire, paiid but for ynib-6terininilfig which. si&.of An -issue iaisc 4d:L gets ouf of I 1 ou rniture �,s op spent�lr W r G. D., tag and D Spring TOI 6th", CU,lt* ors takes. �,roo�often-the coinid ' ' ' ivp, , es, em- Morrison, whei6 they hd 'in ­ tiOn ki D- wo, moth. urpos 5,eede 'the'ropin'---it -election p W.:jt oif en- -�t_s oe—a-nd recently., visited &ffect,my joytible time.: Mr. Coombe is oo n Lind R6116irs. I caddy ttawa, an is A several, -pounds. Iiii 'O d ite- P AYs 9, &i4 p, art. III the,'P'roient irli, wPllL ad. has. iiiied 0 d ex p 4 'ptedite .4ith 1;146.'st I f Y U need, a new' rahiz re�, c�lj ah amine. the* I'm ri0 ItAii*'it..is,�6t.althg�thdreredit�,'bl�' to At men -business th was to weig. t his ere theL TAL. llivbi Minister -of :t welectoks, 6 tb that. To THE' 1108PI Ther ih Is - pro C� . ......... br6tVVe—(iw--1 --firetil -1tincar -G��7�1 lie din� the Interior..� of basiness." s and� are con 81 I , the. question. o. mak. sq vary. c ose Co t �tzid!14`cen6. —CAS ff, first b *"-to.mintirview., Mi 8 of I 1, iper galloi . 2 r. Oliver, 'flge y uns f ing 6xtention, to e �fio to the line that divi rth-bast h 'layin' before hint: the'vidence:'he. -hadi, .des, Ulterali from, 9 Pother. asking hi nse-rvifives* Eipedally* is this .-true-, of th6-pre§en`b�buiidi1 -resign, his -'office or and ta,to, corn�ioditwo is argen y r6quired And : i6ula- place the of the mas of the peop] q outside e ibe extension in vie'ii will pa evidence in". the ,ban pp _Oliver. ave ernm lit St dar is sai ge e an I'd 6 have told him, W:" ' t" room and lar(ye *atd on th4 first f n s, om p Meaddy aid'nt to' e, in res s fdrmqrs nice or 8 U 8 air& ike,, MxIII'motbi'and Lucerni t�, , t 'of h ic fib ' ar�d'tbroe r6 gr�des 900�_ s Ng kilut tqrppj-�� A�4 ` bgk �i cLe of __4i __yt hol9k-aArvift Toom n _.-th M4 be 'called'Ihe mdui6d; latorostA. bath, 9 W `b M But'Mr. Mcof" .go C16 �irnot,�3 'in thi's in I ver TS VOR"L Shopkeepers,' etki. TA N th0ppositionwithi his ovide0a. jn-' a to are. A-DIAN -WEDDIN-0,ionniinniissixty V�Ars QND �k they. are Aivide4.4 i�r and' 3,,6 ThdVada '' I SW,he ob 1. t4inea,ari interview. *ith.-tihe' -3 Y., ast, Mir. an ra. �p WOrp marne o ­­ d' .0 0 an' i1fred. was b -pri, D Ismiss the Minister of the, III- 1!8- oren p ICS -18 ;t "d Saa impor 41; :one' Ur. and. Mrs 1 I I I I 11 I I I I 00000000*0 =s&ated' business... Certalnly._� -the. h average Richgids6n tei%or, or thp i placed. f", t. With e eveni t diS h Aia`aIond wedding that th asked to d" ce should 1VD t receip '60 great are in. I 0 dongratu- in the hands of th6: 0 fiftion. The' man. poi art in lati6fis',fidrn m4n� friends* in o,�m d is onside publia,ilupsti They �re, ho accuser ap am ountry. ngNea bY the door; 'C' Mti Of' SitiQn. 'JL4n_ . . -* a -.1 ... ....... % go Po tho�. all , liOrk em, 11ta ali . U :�L Ste un , i . 3 'article witit, have a fund Of1ealth add' vig wn E-- :IS ta(1 he had, an 6d .;A C ',G4 NEE ED TIRZ TIAA tions 6f'hjs � ph6 ry proper V. wish them reprodge tographs pubi. L 16hed in The Toleglain, TO The ln'ieakliuk over', the 0ro6edin of, 18 THE'.0 ACIE: OW 'I roato :ha;ppyreturns." .� ' gs On F Ida Idame. of ihe" accused minister did', not Parliament, on'is tizzled. m tifilds to r Mr. am PL J arrived home -it 'Mrhifib t pearin th bu"t n now eo; 911 model., It W-1 A can e6o ws evident igh who.. was In t� patty,qr_thoO.p j, IS an. exdoe ii Posi .0 0 is manag. ncar P Ippe TO -buy Ur.oxfords and Stra Sli The dayj,oll Mg4 j� ljk� orn impro -has t thA­­thC-­rp­og[_ Some- BP -.which he' b d' rs owil appear;' ing a airs. vementg 'and AlRo Patent Oi d -in -the Dail o ­46r Sprifigo ve�-haVe- all k-indsi Y. 'The, '6rld'-was - Iiiii-qhi -oviden eci --featurds-' la . , . I .1. . . . . . �Ojat6 tiit� ha4it in itS power to hold up i put bn, The beaft X11d, T4h and. Choc axfoias; als bolder an published the nafiies;.�ab Mr. Cit-Cassi t , ean Oli The, Prime hig. attend m's*,o%vn des;gn nut dash is Mr, . Maj -61 Papers P;tt. or Gun Meta Str.- Price ver had' gi�unds"for go ion and pt664 ichd, was mahuffactu'rnd bore, The car outcome is that & 66rmnittee,of the, ing tit-ithe n o 'ILO b ., 2.00 Up tO 50 i1riperi , . ; we are at Cofifore c four . . hn� can 14,25o .1-50, 1-75t Onlir House is to bd .4� to iai6gtigato'� ..told that-1he Opposition` 184 cyliader,- the b6st is, good enough here. agrees to let' anrt U L. ' ; climb of* the hilig around tiere. on rough o Certain d�a4iti n ons; the high'goatv adand repo pon, Mr Oliver deaftn supj�ly go witlitho railway bothpany.., and on iodher.eon ditions itagrobg;, to 46 OuSe Cleani g .,discovers some, t runs Spring� n WO doubt th' * ill b A41 quieti is .Wl give not -04�urnmeni of -Parl' ent "for V*6 jmpota to the, Automobile bu.3ine:W A WORD 'TO FARMERS ..Our heavy Mr.: pOillicuddy's case does Jim srooffls �tfiat, need fe6sh Will ! ' " look Ver . . ' 4nd hi ' in, V e tj paper., �ei-WoUld. --sW '_ - 'y'atrQ119) API 14 n y mofiths' w.'riumber bf. our cjbizen� hav� the es for,� summe? Wear' are, the best hat I , d i4t 01'v�t � It­jS fe & Conte hsk r in6,Debticin f At- the in g pure as- money Can platin b YOU 0 AL generally Understood -UP- to ­1ag -new y; ric 50 atge st6 tj Pa t rpg ito., C OoSe f Itt Ot rather than'to'iic7r�o the PU blk. if hot 'pFjnc*p e of majority ra e. pt6vii.08 I in 44.00 Ove Us a Chanee, to Plesse vou. : .. I t why didn't hoL come. right'6dt with 'his parliamentary proccedure; u t�wfk MI Cl eliarges. instead Of Offerin -to mak4i a 'weitive dio spectacle f X . . " 'S I o , an organized Ine' at cUt' vmeg,, er t. -rep,- *r d t lit has 'now bal with to be, corii, minority in ik position to tAltlt�$T 16'SOMCIT0 oI; jqqgjt its. Ur at epr me d8 V A Y didn't -he - �ocat 'I secure some IS. rapt? -And why 16 the Op4 irAnting-of such. surtis iia -um tC.,L -Xin e -t rst,dass nil'echa6k -it! 'd arge 9(i dkfibw At' .e]XV-Gellent vattle NOW, LucknoW office. every Tainsdily, posit n ivith the evidence 0 he'thtei� sleod uctibn'gu sary to'carry on the.. public busi, atant6edk' 16of iweek all *oik done in con, 'There is another thing- nessi and , to . tie indefinite! balan. ifk-conveyauci ilk, wills, eslate# dritid o dol any. -41ection-* One can bardfo�dliov�6 that it S Usual piece' of Idgislattion, g6o4 or bad, As lo L l6ing. will be attended to by rdr, ng k A for b9hks to allw the accounts in Or.: ai4 it likeg. Wh6n.a See oil. of nd0f nil. 69upervi A thef t! Anil Mont, littving.no C6 16 "I'll rep o9uprT A, STO 11roker', �ife, Fire;' Ace,delit :ph6togftphs-&Z7-j fain f6fig� With the rules GWt, and Weather Insurance. ey: t'hoL got them, under t:� rk'of- Parji� 'to ipo