HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1911-05-04, Page 5Thurs4 Y My 4t11;0 1911
' . ••••
_,,11144.!)- *tee' ivas bef9rP
• . recently,'ehergol, with ihav11$$
mut be.lnul-:
' .t.;) .where 'et .tbe bee;e,, thb
vender. sUmmonecl also, .;It -cost
theM abOut-$1-8--end,"'$1.-5 reepeetively,
'which ought to be a warning to others
aS, well/m.01e pre4ent: delinquents.
The hoisting crane erected hy'. the ,
• ,G. at the bead Of Nelson Street
• 'last fall, has Proved its usefulnees for,
• as staAed by ,,Statien Agent ,La'sder,
needy 8Q cars have been loaded •frau
it up to date and theeese and celerity
• : -with ji.rlitch tlie heaviest -machinery is
handled is nieit: gratifying And great
• saving of time .0414 exP0090.
. • ,
'S,411Clay, 'April 23rd, Nies great day
in Goderich---,•it. was the birthday Of
• ,.,••Chitrley Nairn, St. •George. •Price, F.
$. Fletcher and gisti. Sale,. who.- ar,-
*- rived in .tiiPe •to thet day as
her'4. .4180,4 may be mentknied in--
cidentally that it. was St. George's
..1)ay and the anniversary, of ;he late
Wm. Shakespeare. Is it, any, wonder
• thf3 British Ensign fluated proudly all
staffl • , . . •
AL*OOT A. Fies.7.-The fire: depart
• ,
Bleat was -called out shortly before
midnight on Monday, by a little blaze,
at the Wheel Rigs factory; overheat,
inwin the baking kiln 'lava% °aright
fire in the roof of the kiln. 'llhougb
the firemen -responded witbi„creditable
'promptness, their services Were hardly
needed, otorrthe damage ja but Alight.
TbcreMW,412._t_pspressioll of
"IOW it was no. Worse" heard • Avid
town, for Goderieh people don't want
any interruption to them factories. ,
Fridartwo engineers of the Hydro--
1310- }ter* 41 .sayS:-01,et
-these who have the notion .that •a
horse is getting Dld'wlien.reraati
twenty years. of age read. the follow-
,* and -lexise their. ligleent. On
WednesclaST :ef, last week, 4 'borsie 'b'e-
- to Mr: goo. Anderson, of the
1,2411.-Con...uLT4cumg,ONAid d wn and
died, aftSC SpeUcling itk,k rare on earth.
:The animal was- of the "Messenger:"
breed,, Witietijiave '80910 rePtitatiori for
lengevity. Efiiviltion owned the
liars°, for twenty-six years and can
.verify,Itty indisputable evidence ,tha,t
he was forty-eight when he died. He
was probably the eldest horse in Can
Mgt* C01414119810f1 Were in town and
•held a conference' with, Warden 943i.-,
ger, Co- Clerk Lane, Col „ Tpastirer,
grilmes and representatives •of the
Board of Trade, regarding the questie.ii
of the development or Power. on the
Maitland River As a, reSult. orthe
conferende, the Commission will :.1-e
asked to :say definitely Whether - they
. will take •whatever • Power ; ree:Y, 'be
shown as possible of ..olevelopment on*
-the river; and then. to furnish' an • esti, -
tinete as to quantity of power probably
available and cost of development. It
i6 'likely also that thsCeunty Council's
pi to Toronto this week to, interview
•• the 'Commission ()tithe question. '
tptil UaLaBoftieotfath
'Linked ture
Mr Jos Roy, a prominent tinsmith.
of Bathurst, N.13„ july ;6, ;909: • •
withourtetting you know what benefit
I received front your, Liniment. For
five years I had a sore shoulder,' which
prevented me from working or fronr
sleeping'at night. Iliad. tried everything
possible and stilt could find no relief,
until I was advised .to try a bottle Of
your Buhl:tent, which, I purchased with -
but delay, Ionly used one half of the
bottle when I was conipletely ,pured,
and now Lfeel as4if n'ever had a tore,
su er-
a atic'Pai i our
_ing from ,Rhe ns g ve y
liniment. a trial, for X. cannot pi[aise it
too highly.,', ' • — •
' A certain lady one Sund4 induced
her husband,whe was riot a renilar •
chUteh goer, te„abeemPany her; to the
evening service, During tbe sermon
he fell asleep, politic, 'first „s4ftlY;
and at length ad noility that the good'
ladY was constrained tc give- 'him -a',
sharp nudge in. the hoe'of rousing
hint:: To her consternation,' however,
as he sltrwly awakened, he exclaimed
in loud.voice: "Let nie` alonet , Get
up .and light the fire yoUrselfLitl your
turn," '
•ghoulder.,• woulcLadvise anyoneff
' ..A. liniment that will 'dos that is the.'
liniment you *int, gOod
for sore throat or chest, backache, tooth-
ache, ear aaher Sprains, sore ninseles, •
• cuts..diraisburns, frostzbites;.chapped.:
; hands or chilblains. :Roh'it int and the
-pain comes Mc Per bOttle at' your
• dealer's, or from rather Marriacy
73(fidicine Co, 'Act, Montreal, • Qub. :64
Father Morriscir' Remedies
, • 13C.LA Br ' ••'
„ — .
imuoimy L6ciiNov.
• IN LucKNow.
' (Contintied -ROM -page 1)
party; bat perhaps only to Mr,' Foster
(3). tVlikt competition should you
fear, on a basis of eqeal i,.L If you
were to do, this;'it Would be an.earnest
of goad feeling, and might dispemas to
Ala* coriverse." - • • .
• That, Mr, MacKay thought, pretty
well proved that reciprocal trade -relat-
ions was not only a• part of the Con-
servativepa,rty policy in,the time of Sir
JOint A, MaeDonald, but right down to
the: beginning of • the present ,year.
,What had.happened to cause the right -
bout -face slime that timephe aid
..not Midertake to, say. '
. In a reference to Hon R 'L Borden
• leader Of the 9PlioSit.kai. t Ottawa, Mr..
MacKay exhibited that amiableness of
spirited(' leek Of party • rinter.. fir •
. which he is noted. In connection with
. ,
the reeentatterript o otrE3t*? Kr. Borden
froin the:party leadership„he ;said that
Whileat Ottawa heladteld a number
pvicoi#eiltsAhat "Ali3Ould 'a change
of goVernment come,' the. country irbuld -
have in kr. Borden, as. prime
first class; higli type, of Canadian
citizenship. '
and distribution of pamphlets, he said
"if the parties s."'Wlio are financing tIus.
campaign wish tobe fair, if they think
they are really •44ing a geed work; . if •
they are so anxigkabout the farmer as
they pretend tA., be, why don't •they let
the. farmer li1361V Who. they are' .
'Yon JAW Tigtnt bist •
.vontsge.Whee 704 get is-
sygniet,:tbun „loop:41,114 4.,041.asy.
• Seven colt COW*
13:Vae8m,buochthesiu7rfaacell'• ieltd7 t‘;.-
j.thiwifi'atswe'aft. Colors,. 16'lhatfrg.
lz6ets nexelloisnsigaar. ctio.eaff'
• 141/parkneitlyhqtrewolsouriCal7to)sit:.vvajothronthet,o,
Re'eoininie'lidedLa. Sold. iv .1111-JRCIIE. SUTI-IERLAN,13
. . .
• Judge :Barrett and •wife. of Walker.'
ten...who *ere in California for the:,
winter in'initlia;. areiback.iii the Connty town. , " • .
The season's lake fishing, 'out from
Kincardine,',' commenced 'Monday. Of
last week, when John McGaw brought
• in 1350 lbs.'of the lakedenizens.
According -to the assessment roll -for'.
‘tIowick for') 911, the. tovertship:has hn
'area of .6.7;550 acres, with a total as-
ment answer this: Why is it theta:76.mi
'on ihe'Americauside of the botUidarY,
• line is worth 50 percent:hi-ore-than ono
'-of equal fertility en this skier Was. an-
• other question. .; He thought'it .WaS • be:
cause the farmer,there has access tO the
,inarkets of :the,laige cities of his own
•'e°uCnotZing.'t.o.. a. circular reCently issued..
di. $2 8-18 081 and a populao_ by Mr. -Wilson:, • of. Ingersoll,. which
sesment • , . sought to prove that Canadian' fariners.
tion of, .
• . ;• Were getting mere for their hogsthan
MisS' rad,: McQrtinha:. :Walkerton A:merion farmers, gr. 'bfacicay pointed
young lady, daughter • of •Mr, Afid Mrs ut that the Frees quoted for Abaeriea4
Hairy 'MeCturn;. died ' suddenly athogs were for hogs !led and. watered"..
-,Stw-LukezS --while2ff-L.Wasoq-bad--be.ei -1.-LbOinglieggi-
" • • 9 atin_10-4.. unfed and. unwatered Feeding and
--The es- ttoaVttrknqir.-ab-cititheat. if .-1---clidri'V-S4eet----.
the 'wheatl couldn't, guarantee the flour. :Cream of the
.Fleur comes from. Cream of the West -Wheat: And .._
certabilY does make god bread!
.ream4. :est :lour
the. -hard _ wheat IFigr. guaranteed, for bread •
you hist try it. : U it doesn't give yon right. down • satisfadiOn'your
..grocer 'pays your, money, back. 'That's the guarantee with every bag:
The Campbell Milling Company, Limited, Toronto
Anckump cAbirtiELL, President'. , 107
iwas try SP to.e,rphiteutil rn lir gspoeirrta
thatnia irlh ring -ma, o!'a erenco
on, al00 hqg,. Thts 'woo rks ent t
(tangOWould---reaultie 'benefit. 'ab°u't•litic' Per cvvt-' tha't; instead • bf
The old tiinars will remember M ad. PlIrailliogn h2rlade.herileonrep'ayiasrig.1"4.1:4111th:.4..,:le_Si'S1-
-.,•:;Tay-SYe. See, dell thkri the Chicago Market:: Besides the
etc:. M. •Aud. lield. the 'record and' ChicagO prices. were -for all hogs-, We--
was the !nest ,fentoris trotter an her., u thle-country. if hop weigh less thanL•
time : On March-10td, at Springfield; 180 lbsthe farmers is dock d
114' lie: gp7lenir arkett- .-But tetrh2. :anel 1. • - pett thehe
4 ergtoever 260 .,11:143. he is.
ed for in her late owner's will Maid doiked
Jabil Ateliy1 a,,S is 35 years of ind-Chicagomarket-was---therzone=fothel
4:f 1 BClAtatie. farmer to consider; and 7ffl'-• " the
u a o market, fronvJan: ist.. to Dec
eittii_oLthe oaLiy' day,d' -.31, 1910 hogs'had averaged $1,00 per
h.qmeiti ori A.p: CW-tliigherthaa onthe-Torento' market.'
.20; at the -age of 81. IVICLO'-'
iintiVe of Scotland; and on coining to.
'this' ceu,ntry, brought, with .him
p_rinting., Press, which set in
xinad.rdine, ,ft rid .commenced publica-
tion Cif The' WeSterli-CaTiada-Coninfon.
• W'ealth -the. first neWspaper. to be :pub-
lished in thenounty.- In 1864 he was.
apPointed registrar; are 'office vehich-he.
hld,until.183, when-. he Moved. te
Toronto, going later to Brooklyn
' • '
• c.
We have secured lot of fine net waists with.81 •shps in ecru shades, very pretty pat-
;ternik Sizes:34 to As the big Toronto' atorei would Say. remillar 'price '$4:.00.. for'. 3 29. • our, puce is
!however only 42:95, ' • .• .• - •
',Trio ::.4.7" ,t.ritk?g,MAX...C174,0•0:*.
• EnglislieHeatherbloota is, a material with appearance, and rustle of
__..01k taffeta, but it' does not cut, and its wearia excellent. :. We have just Placed
in SUriel-CtheAirverw-prettyzitkirts.,- all dust floOno,e,. picket's,' a,nd• forin-fit
band s at the popular price $2.90. 'Another line of same . mate`rrial -With-ernlaroic1-
erecl and Hemstitched Flounce at $3.00. • •
Kayb. rotac, _Under§ irtg . a,
This is made calf of a -new material WaPN-1-"'"' FP141Vi. I TIN.
• • • . • PATENTED AUG. 30 1909 • •
With all the gloss of a Mery-Silk and all itowrir 0;(*Pr
• the itistle Of, taffeta and is. warranted
to keep its gloss anti rustle. 'These
skirts. are very handsome faced and are
bound to be general faVprites. They
•have the new form -fit hands -pockets and.
dat,fiounee. -"Price 2.50. •, .
irts a-.$3;95
••We have just placed in stock Some very pretty,
Madan:'bliteli' and all -the Oritieifad: 'colors -
With du,st-tleunce, packet and.new'neat style forni-fit
bands. As the big city stores ,woUld say: Regular
5.00 for "4:19; our price,: $3.95.
dies' Dutch ollars
• There are indications that ,Dutch - Collars, ;Soft
ortstarehedlie: .a„grear t ;Variety, of ot45.., ..,ar9_1.1)cojy. to.
be very popular ' difrir'" the present ' suinmei.
have just placed -in- stoCk kiiiee variety -of these --4
etc) newest shapes to be used either ' with ". ties ' or
jabots.. Prices 1-5, 20, 25, 35. and 50c.
y was a The farnicre, -thought, Wonlir: not
be• -humbugged by' this ,circular, and they.
May well . be . surprised. . that . packers '
"slionid:be so strenuous in- their op1osr
tion to -free trade in hogs. It_was fur,
therPointeil ont that 'for the Past.: 10
-yea:rkthe loweet:dividend paid by DiiirieS
Pork' Packing Co. was t?`%„ on 'the capi-
tal' inVested while:dividends had actual,
ly.iang,eclas high ai 100%. ' •
"How is . the, -revenuegoing to be
taised,". asked a' Mari in the audience,
That is, :a fair • ,quesi'i?iid Mi
MOW. THEY .BUY WET 000DS IN MAINE MacKay. "The. proposed 'changes Will
• .
•' ' . -.." ; reduce the revenue'br,only 8000,000:
PrOfeSsorj.:_g: MacLennan tells the
fOoWitig. -Sto& About a felloW. _pro
.feisor at the University :at . Toronto,
,who spent sone days last •.s er in
the eity* of POrtlanci,.:: Main The
e-oever-had_a_la4er... or_
• .
better Tango Pf'BOys' '
ing .than :• -:at- present. ' ,We
• 0, •
,suits , for, ,Stnalt
'and: big boys, 'from: -three
y,ears of agelip,',. in all the
latest, styles ind newest dtits;
with , a range ' of prices 'to
suit all hinds Of peeket hooka
:.$2,00, 2,50, 3,00,,1,50,, -4.00;
• '
4,50, '5.q0,. 6,00, 7,004
7.50,; 1-.00; -900 and,
:10100 per suit:. Try 'us for
• Boy' Clothing. Our, values
stand comparison ,with
any of the Dig city stores./..
Boys. Knickers.
We have a large Stock bf.thcse in the straight knicker
range of sizes and prices. . and quali,tes. „. , ;
or bloomer sty'les in a
Last; year 'there . was- -.a' .'siftpliw. ,�fi
00,0,;,000. . We, don't need that ninCh'
of a:Surplus?' ' ; ', . - : _ .. '
: Mr. MacKay concluded his address
-by a• most eloquent reference to the
-Tweathet - was 'ha '-: and . dry, and ;,. the .,.. hundred..irersof peace.cthat . had ' sub -
and .
profes.sor and his friends were afflicted 'sided' .15e.tWe'eh Canadians their
:'' :::6;13:,;-,::::;:::::;;I:loda:r.tnahaen.e:t
was Made that a mintjulep wouldbe -
with a .grievous. thirst. A, suggestion bitratien prop,osals of President Taft,:
-deddelpefreshinr- -1417-ow it -War -an- -
Deice betWeeii the- '61;67'g -reit tiefriber. a+
eamy Matter to get the mint, but Ntvhes. i,f_;01e.. English - speaking race, besides
julep,' in ,the., shape of whiSken: ,a
. 'France and Japan • -‘ ' . -
quito. a different matter, as Maine is a At the Close a 'resolution . 'ex'pressing
prohibition state • ' FloWever,tlite pro- ' approval of reciprocity .1Ara..a submitted
fesSoundertOOtr:- to- ..p-ectire.,: some,- 'an- clo•--' Standing -Vote- taken,- --Iecertainly-
He accordingly went into a drugstore' carried by ---an• overwhelming' -majority,
,.•neat'-thehotel:at„-whicli.he waszaitayz,;,IREacticallythe whel&ausliencer„.standirigr-
it*, and -6;41(W - ihe :druggist-wit:AI-1p Up- ....A.4, quite animber were Preparing
side if he_pouladt seirliiirLiciiiiewhii.:.i! , toleave the Tian; it•Was dlffi0Ult to say.
kv. . Tho.dimgoik,.. hiLving /4 ..right. aS to-heti-v'many in.teirded to:vote against-
iimils-r-fearnfthelaw; -shrink-hitt -head .- ttile3Q-1 ori,'s.a(Voi:cli ',:„..- hrroh.,°ridshaePdP:oart;eed...ct,soulibt!'
dOn't handle it at all.''' The p"ire.: ed on that side, ..The statement' inthe
' .
"Absolutely •impoSsible,":•said he,
ref.e.siser Globe's' report 'that 'only two- voted'
was about to ,leave the' Store, when' the
druggist?,.who,evidently.liked his
'pearance, -added,. Wait .0, minute,, '1
have a friend. who :may., possible be
able to dq' soniething -:for • you, .Jest
give me your address." •
NO, long -after the 111;046,0er *as"
.ealledtO'..theltelephone at_tbe__ 11,
'A v,Oice;said, "You'll find that parcel
.Of -yours ;at \the'..spearnlidati landing,
to -morrow. mornine," and rang Off,
. ,
For a nioment.the professor eoUld acit
understand; and,then he' recalled the
d raggi St% 'Werili -Ile' 'Went- 65- the
dock in the morning,;asked. foe par-
cel. and received a sinall Package,
.which; on -opening at the .hotel, he
found to contain the desired
b.a.013tce ftoortith,eletifiVtiongg.4 jre0:r.talnadildishiceed %telt
inueli he owed. "We have no.aceount
against you,"; 'druggist.
bill:Int, surety:J. ',Must ',pwe •-von some.
thine said ,the professor •
nothing on our • books: against. you,'"
• persisted the druggist.; ,
• . When lie ot back to Toronto, the
prbfessor put e.a. twodollar bill in a
• letter an&sentlt to Portland:- "Plaee
tl ' 1 credit" he wreta. Shottl
'against the resolution,' is hot true.
-A pleasant feature of the evening yvaS
•the bend music; both .the Pipe Band
and the l3rass -Band taking advantage,
of the oceasien to Make a -firit appear-,
mice for the -season. •
----This list toritai
• • "
Dutch Cleanser
iv yandotte Cleanser
10c.- per can,'; 3- -foi
_ • .. • .
This.is one Of' the; fineit articles
ever Offered -for eleanino. and
pur4ing • chnrns. seperators
pan a and orea,mers .etc. 'Rer
sackr . ;r. . . .. : . 25c.
Putz Cream
• Powder. -
t Brass PolisW. made .:Pricri.
: :15& and 25c.,,
This is the quickest 6,,nd. best 3ilver
polish made, tjuSt tidip -and
rub'end thei-work is done'. 25e
• . Keeps, clovvn 'dust -- Pie'
,per lb ., , . 5c.
'quid ,Veneer
crub Brushes
• ,.• • • „ • • ..
Carpet --Sweepers
• , • •
We handle well knowxi
reake;..Bissels' Grank Rapida, .• •
We :have them 'at
• and • ;
. „ , • ,
. .
Carpet Beaters
Log etra stLon$ wire, good Yal-ui ,
, •• •
. ,
Galvanized s
'No, oops te loosen; wilt .not...,be,
• Lomeloul..Or musty, light
. handle, ;3'Sizei 800 90C .1.00.
'txtrit beavy.$1.25, and •150
, . .
.Thetra good (1.11411v:til1 • size board .'
anc said'
-plan 1.00_
• Niekle plated .
The best for your furniture . 25e.
.1g , •
, ()rice more the Stork ' has paid a,
visit to the Hollow, this , time pre;
smiting Mr. olla .MrS: Donald Mae -
far% with, a fine ,baby girl, April
SOM.- •• ;
,:,MrsMatheson of ,guron,' is stay-
ing With her daughter; 1110., Donald
MaeIntyre at pre
lVli88 Mary MaCKintion returned tosent '
London after spending, her Raster vac'.
at on with her parents, nr., and Mrs,
Angus McKinrion:
Mr, anit Mrs. R. Corrigan of Holy -
rood, spent, list Sunday, evening in
the 'Hollow: .
Mr. John Adair of Laiigside,
Working for Mil. £-'F., Milne- at pre-
• Seeding is onee More in full swing
N 'B.—Store closes .at 6 p.,t):-exce"pt Sattirday:gt
r yeyeivc n e op
containing • koventy'tive, eents-no-
thing. more, .And so the; transaction.
ended Without a vestige bf tangible
evidence that the druggist had violat-
ta the.law.01 `Itate.—Saturda Ni lit
tl)is .
slkov,;Ses making everything. lo
Ana. green, ' '
Mr. Donald Maelntyre is working
Mr. John Mirehouse's farm op Alves
k nice
Established 1.868-
: ,
......--. E--_
a .
. I .4.
1 -,-
I .-. '...--•
- ---..,-.,......7.-,........
. 7'4TA15.14.a.
. • i .._.„ ,,,,,
CaP...41 Paid Up • ,... . • l• • . i '4 k , Ai Si: fav,vvi.,
Reserve and Undividdd Profits . ..: . ..........• 3,250,000
.,Bes'des offering'ait ineentivosio save.
... ;a savinges-necountt •aftordg-11---.safe--?aut •
convenient inctipct of kcpin'' Ow
-, accumulating delars. • ,
. bate custody is.of paramount import-
kinee-:-eititer for th'e hard-eiwned Savings
of the worker or for trust funds, .1
. The )1au1 of Hamilton invites your
savings account, ,whetwer lar,0 Or small
1 .1`4"1W:114',: "
- -.01*Mbt-•'•,
\ '' j4 Z. -NicCrt.IIIM Hid OPficel -
. .
. AiYentLuekiiONV if.1.:II•tr..1.'0.N.;
o • .• . Ntwomilmommatti6