HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1911-04-06, Page 51 7- -T 'N sr; INUNTV NOTES Xi,� Qregg� McKerracher who,, for e, pi* few ye b". blSea'plorkin 9 .4 Ding A. withJ, nPA-C p0ption afid is going-glo 'A c. ie whic given, up tbat, iTh rcing paiwof-14euxalgia-i.- h ofte Mlow*'x bad cold,* or wear Co. La Grippe, aio frequentlya jilnostn— TSeFe a t4gu. work6rs in Br4nttown- re and- fp* medicines afford to have ationsthitwill-reA�ev� A ship have decided loc4l , a�Fouga n relief top the s,ug es f first clas§, have -been a user of. the containing, h Milep Th6; I C ineardine�Townghip Council �uc drugs, as irii. Mor- rnedicinesfor Years. b4p ;zppin J: an o14* i0spect Opium e0f or to aMiles Anli'Paitk Pills, .800, to. the ,Dr�QiuQ4tQ the.' by-lawo, Pyin si.mply 4eade the can't'.be-'bpaten. They. atre respecting be spread.of noxious weeds. irritaticifi and stoo ethe only thing I ve o4nd that will fia I'' Thp. South.-,Wice Tolephone, Co. a but do. little or uq,perm t anup which' origi. a rel' qralgia� and 1 16 ted in e my, n mutual cQocehl; v tried Carrick Tow 'all* U6.1"Ip, � is J.paking.ritpid oprogress -eXtending- g,, 6ides nied` ling -to. fr6filt,'the. doctor.. Lit% wil tell anyone li�hat the. An6-P#jn 'tolov�ship of Oulros8j an.4 .has r odi"the 1. Pig of6r me 'CHARLES 'Hl' -era LDERBRANDT 4yo 4ji, Eitat Wo-qdVill..0 Is.provxog to 1`th&- B611 1*19 11.0t contain 4. trace o veat 41' hid, f :�, go d but. ii�aa- �B(?ox 205 A.V 4b, 1*UX,4j,_ .46 .ao tebi Aft-Teaq 'safe --an d6soititely' WH water, i6d 4 s�intific, prft�ration )of Naturets owtj��, IV .'Mr *-Hildeil�iit�,dt; . f, r . . f ' j- L ou" like lwelil 0 p,ew A eL -being', put MURIb y
"ohavii -.tij6d r6ok `4erxythink�' 'in p Qneq ar �d' Roots #nd� Balsa;ds, t4 t, in7 ere 'the iff-itatibon tliatttti4 the ic 11, v4jlA%' wh t'do'ai- he did- 6L'yht Y., A(?, pug. 01 wif �Miles" -Anti-P irk fills. ffia"y'inig4ed e yor.,aches, and pailis.- nfldrurdation, icl
kalifik the d�lii�dte.6i 'd luIgs. 0horse tpbacc� ;un _ewbrane�o t roavari or -cover has�.dd`v4lop'ed into A veiftabl'e, to, M lip, duc! sltidu` Olp bear the brunt of thi battle. gthips the whole'. i'. 4 tlh*e,' 2:92!rin41 ffiater 'h w stubborn the c `flend�--D �ysteta,, Patticiiia 7 ihe� It gs; zVd�prOtects. bacc6 ave ri b rj on ut m-110-19-1 Vj H I copghs ati tes A I CeDtl t;� th�y' will come out, ilttoiious. Kotel, discovered, the, io that the horse had,. -per boltle. ROgttl,4�- -size: 50C uit, imbibed tria�l size 2,56. Miles, in, Pills' Afiti A, N_ K--', _TA T� L tuul C 0 -.11por, leibry.-X.R 13 _wheh_h%=wenWnto4h"- tkll-on� r 'their -rticdrd,�- which is -si and,fo.rgQt to: giV6 it itA regular c ew. siand on lofig: 11'sf, 64—cur6s. egteding bacili'a Tfiils�nej,ject co�t*the- Fjth0'r': owner a nQ*- -pair r I ;!of overalls, the' hor�d _l�ayiqg resist6hed soll, t em. if orih'e','h1p"._P`0ckd6 where .tbe7t'_6b_a_�_-_' Y rs,(.P c a f iR tb benefit, you' 07 Was kop _VOR rdru" apd.c 08 s'teeth 66 th Is III. turn yq4e'rnoney. ..e ..et ati lxrge, rea th 8 'Ojoined dry,g�2ds,--�Bracd' Times, P 1. AL Toronto, qari.ol �gd�ineht bore t I% GaT '-.ne , the pock' d otro �y '4ARN9 ARMSTRONG:, ip*itvl� T THE'A B' 'Sq, kU9kNOW 'ji U - So N R T
- 'rho f6,%6�vi a_,pon, the horest Confeder- _1W_g_-EKLY,, STOR: DEBI LITATE MIEN I PROC TY; I .. . - .. I , . "'. .: - . \,.,
HAI, 'p roposed.,.. .-will'. YOUNG MEN -the Actling,of early indiacrettobs d later.ex.:
-o ce�ses,who.dre fallurci; _YOU are the Ai4 tn. 114, ent f n ttir4l. at) bage wi R p� falling hl r to ��bnrces, of Cana(la, oneswe dun re.store."to! manhood sod'revive the sliai�k of enc nd6ndrulf in 4he. e a prdfiloter of the real prs rify rgy and y4lity. On t. give up Jn-despaj a�se slqq- have. treated with SIJ me ti ib -and Other o ors, Useu vedirlo belts aad-tried a'I 6contryconci�rned.*." d on i-rin the' frien" sh. .whi�h -'should once eac I rioUs drugstpie n t va- k,4� ti, silk, ux!`� sn*h inakes t V Q upyr w- MM
biandreds fro the 0 air ULLicep m4;-qxist agampt un-,,. 8 at peer, It con- jqdIvidua case ace AS nas mace s4ccessrui men of those, who were
"down and We -ib,e
IMF It T 'jo or n the ducate the complica-ti - _19 , edles for C401i the dir�� _tAWA.-n-4 ung -t. e.i —ref6r—M. gre .0 aritt .12' (itf SYMPtoms and
h our wdn( x edles: is -not 8ticky,,ofly �g in& a!�ad and thd� Stittis fr' I
a e V each indiv nut case;_,.oniY 6uyable cases, at- prevents'.as w,611':4§ cures., isease o jiltei e,jivive'- one- upxneas� i3ep e Z-; Give free� in ItatUril piodlicts* to' cl b t I 0 sea flaw- he 917 beiiefit''of producier� and, oineh b e� thou- Ties Kid G16V68,, fdr- Fih6 d cQpstii�iers; .4§ ti, , t-essi-jAg and no. A H"fen .�he, '.d and Witho 0 jOR Ar is* ,11,10 5 en S home "is etimplete: u selfish E a, -it ictbW ilave, yoil lost
cotit ities and rusts, MYOU M 1D.A. TE IF'IT RAILS he' . 0 Increase the, v4l e'of fatmiaudel� -PEDER 409 0 ..... lihst as well as in -the West a' Ar bloo(tbeen iWs t -iie 1 i r. of U' ina d a- N-3 !..peop guarit, i�u P4risia - a 8,d'g-e"; and ill r 3, r Wilfred�L cu 1-9 you, .-What it has done for `6kSe;;`it' �Wiu n Iauxier ano�,46r.l�ase of -- Itation,Fyce. No. matter pqw�r. whi) has trea!�A,: iou, -write libnest, A; Ch" b fund, your money, If 'j� fai J,' 'G "A . tron.g... what he Atherhood"' 'in: either country. PY
Hl no-feOtitnate, ind -We. Books' Free
ugtry o 6nt�rpriss d6g�&6 hood�. lilanhood� F it . - � 1. 0
and aster in s.6 j &A. J�et, d-owii the bars !or - the a iseases O Zen. wiTHOwjT wWTT e -d' NO- NAMES USED WMtT 'CONS]khT. Non�mea��'boxi" sool _Iarrge1 sec "it- b intizi�ebf a wide ronge 9� )o We -or raw idati�r� ;Ope�n."-EverxthiniCokfidential: Quosijil t -and Cdit ;j T
0 L H or 6very-la ou can un�; 1 y y rs�airoent FREE FO P0.5,p ia- s ATMF.NT, t inaiil S� o appea in. the jaiid likei Make nioQeLojt6nt -the irtiperia aava� ar. J� -guaranteed the: British 1�tupifre. Open , a 'wider market for it'll, the'. ct Mi,chiganAve 'and K E N: N Er ai�' is o a otanipAir thel-loalty 4if - -Caiiadi ft F ort F - that t ta4.e -of the� B itish preference, tiring ie Out. - Soa KENNE
bi�t diiiin. ti�t bile AuSa - rn h a s to ol*d- and
-e on Dy,
'61d S,Lb
of.Cinadia'u. fartits. A ri"Strong, prod
... t, t A" A -nada nIus . t be addressed rornotoq.good willbetween. Put Ca
in y dain't' P tiers fr. and the United to'bur' .CanaOian �orti6spondence �D6pirt_ 0 Xa 0, i_ur-Stock.o ties is com_.: a to,tiTe Uhited s6t se us personat 1-nst-i 6tts we see and t 'die' French'.Xid Gloves :an' Hos Canid 1 . . r
tiell-any- alik,er.ofthe antie or, you desire to
Za e d tioli of mentrtn'161" d qus 8 d y:cal itk"r Iqed -a patiehts."in Windgor' offic'e'q, which are for Corr4sP6ndencie, and al -)er emove restrictions that I are inimical to, ate -art Detr9ji re4t a :h -.2 ' as f611 genuine,%:T in . . p1dje.r e� ave 'I th The n a w I - of oratory, out Addregs: all:lett6is -gra 50� : . - 1. -s . . P ate8t ylea iihd sha in' Fo' a r,-'.' roin tuberou es. des 'is, ty IP I !or Canadiati'busine Perria'&- G ove the bikc inddstriei q'156th -ccountri makes 16S only.'. "EN tevdr, sbar�' Steady pric'es. for, live., stock fruit and! bh(eklls". tllNes ts DR& KENNE hafilfs..- -be' NEDT..'Windsori OnL,r ws, o0.� rbies Stri 0i et"If6ver. and mao.y.,Qther_diaeasbs_,iar _-Lother-flucAuating-agri ou an .15 eult%ra17t7.pr-;6duce.. out "dr. d and' 40ok-ons, ,and 'a fall. eareftfily I -d or And. tabulg tod by 0 doll Teratiliaie *heffever either of the coii� rice 'd .0'. found 6 I I .. 'r - ... rac ing parties sd esiros, rdwye oto litj auth9itities.., , �But of 'the. number reS. unsatisi ictory.-, &c a -6' 11 f ild tj�, .- " , f, :.6f'.deWtbs dii c 9 worry for nite t4e- two kreat Anglo,saxpit na U 'S k 7- tle MA §S afi& 'seeming to no. 8,�cl� account is kept', Yet ..... .. ... spo Walsts -cian6 know, As Wdff tiog4,6. by ties 6fo cbiPEM�ri_el qans rl ��fe4rthe.,- an air. Plir' opost�. an carry e . �gregt pr �qessme. arner or, �jveasur t -n -es- 'In ille , ois : 'a is " . . . . . I I ity_�;' 7 st)dt �sou'rc'e of wo�-ry VindicAi-e the policy oMibe
en, Ak U efLn Is bolov ho� May, cb d art anxiety for jlj� :Witge I'S -.1p-C t Tat 0`1
Whit th-e.appro�ifokhir ele6t e* Orat , lieh make. lixovisio r ol ta ,$4 00, 'An: appealis niade to..tlie con Whi t, ists at .83.50, $-,k. 0'0� ft.fo A-6. when -his nt. r y;. 60*nd 8�.50. are but littib rnore "tha .Xpress :tl!6 real, p 6f Catii Bla6k n. rov b� i y e The'Past. nity, years. at_Se_, n 'til�_ro ucers.. ud� c _a$ e t 'd e HUI vern in ad e a a sumers Ig7ag still' more, 6i's course,: of' eethe tortu 0 b f_,t the Toies oti.trgde mattes. flooru nt�iid re'. ')�, Ihe White -Liw� 'for -thig simsohi are if 113e�ideg U ranges inVU6-&� -In no other way, t�n lid' u4u .0 are,: Y� -is- the iime: to, �o - &�jUt�V_ law I0 6 cee 84fird y IiI4 ave 'ye 4on4 f_jFj ire -ex id, to STEMNIEW Way
ery -tastefully Itt artistically aen�in'jed, und t 0 prices . einbroidered'H6sb is to i�� v r t ,is .vest, for It, will;. whentis Aauuity,b ours - It dries. hard over tin ej�. u anr r year., ee otkr. Pair. sthaii7VveY6e-f6id.--Tfie- "p-riees fd-. am--dWt-6n---84 riday 9 it 'd .',Wedri like if Pure,,: It.lophs %better Ii.tA haadit�dl.'00 1,25 -%' 2-0.0, 2.tO and 03*00- a oni U-4 ��nteiesb thereon wiuh�' sevenyp9t q it�6 friendly, h n s6me nps runt up,t h, es- l� q cOnvItico-1 er: an
--Lid F* tortle-Laurier: GOVetpo tha y
0 an: 4nd b ad
M6 the n "y 16 may .1* p qqa -a- : n ot er, -p --ther, im t 101,10-W-1 'botat robable.- P W A �ort6r'� � ' i h tur ier part cujan. on.� t ie, y n�T -sit * , . Mi"al, .1 y e s Belts 0 re�this -sea on�4bowin-- the finest. jo , t 6f ladies? inay be o aine jpdt' jti6II to" rje6ipr6cit proPositi6n; ii. h Ippoes, we on a (41 t Ja q r III te s'dje , to "Y' thjtr,tb� Pr
81G;�Jess Oxf6rds And 81i bt or to' the .,t 'y oul eet,to be'di; ' _ : b d -Wo bive a nice lot of F ine.Be'lfs' in kliliey braids, in sto you desire your f essed fieb. r ec 9 1 I tocity agitatibitt' a%;Iia the I)g le tj, Bilk Ma4tic-16:41ick -and ..coior's,' it.nd. pateiit6, V, tendent.' 'en return 6f Comfortab tr otie. fine sbo �s 'and e6 I C I . ef) NO(Tin all hitter6g'o of L4 f . 'tb nextj- white eMb idered,,4t8if belts -all In it ran bf - yoa'will be is efithupiaWle'ag t .9,Ives IA"U11 91186rvative$r to.,Po�Vd�
gel I, re our'� Yes.afid prices.i pos tag'ej,',,' �al clee6ioii- an itn�.os�ibillity.' -ydt ages P . riep" gener -till it aro, so te'l-laill" to
d ministration, '17 66. 0000. wreat. its whole M_�& No 8ir -
Ill Wi This store 'looks cttr6fully-�' er .p� I ebre O�r tlle� )non . witlir whom the wants of Ren'in. tbe,mati6r 6f rounded htwootistanfly detelio �ata' "Sur UnMERIC V D
Ifthe Footwear, and,.ady one''in N.N W OWN 111101�w SAW 1100mums 11%ff -tile W W 611 liftep tile cona in 66 hi EXCURSIONS y TO iat ge Wdbtj tmanbba� saikatc .0wan, A1119i ce4 of Liboralisi Linoleu -CArria -An to y.011*0 ta ii.wditto bli6ining b, t8pedil Talus- leave- Toront 2 00' hil. .0 I P-Mlon 2,16i 30 ' JUNE 13 27 tit :, I . 0 . . 'Wagon, P aftits 9AY 00 OpPo8itiono, fi6in ng PRIL 4, ill Ifleii or �of the: leadf B' th�' of JULY jl�% SEPT, 5 19 AUG. O' 92, j
Second class tickets roqt the faco of thillg�, 1-1 Iten. up you tirl' litell up ydur buc4 1nianc, stations to principal �4� . 01 U N61thw it parift At, It has had i(i the lid b �)f III illg. Ilia b6)l,ji(l indsoffeet.at reasonable. prices, CL
tLOW ROUN6-T -0- . RATi nit; of coa A 1 ES giving it U 'pek ind'telurn $A00; Ec[monton inj tetarn, thaie old tinio 'Liberals of ou.r, pat t n las It will -�Agei, and - lo'k We take', no seoond%pla %yit 4 Tickets Nvlioqo. defaition. O's 11 00'and to otlief points in proportion, to retufn within 60 dayslronfl; , a nhMAD ,4.A0?K z 91nq ate., -TO'LINUST SLULP(NG CAA9 oing & le I i I -ce- liag Store d, y ped lsCdThfQd;b1e betthi. fully e 0 -led tile goveriii&at twith 6edding,caqn W ocurtc! ainoderate ttot4=6 I �ai a local, nfriend of GNV art prfileipl6so:� while Also Liquid Veer, Furnitum VAI -11111 11,1' t , 'ff
ontal, totes and full'informallon, qu. t iroil 0, (lop d ti. rive the' dod large assor ment,of.Palki. W -A4j(4d'W+I6MEStEK11'R6* PAMPAU'r at the Qarric 6hicit lilts' not bd6n re o R: L Thoanpion. 'hillo Ig oetars of the fisc .;5, es i
Disk' Paii. A91.A A p pli i e a I C X1, R�, A tic n t`o �'t ooIV STRONG or OSe. _�g mrdn�m. ou AR M 6 'cl 9 "t 6' in, excdpt'SAt I GARN P St UC �0` If*