HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1911-04-06, Page 4.- - - ­­— --.— --s- -4 j th 19 1. I� T IN, M -T ky/`� . ...................... 41 AMS T1% tot frwq, ik%Qk t from Trinidad 'Island 'S nn-&QYNT �$HOB STORE4 e 1p se "ft. Tag, 4,jod oth Als )fQ(N A hq:WPVQTi, .414, not of 4 omall _q,4qDP_" hy b Aio� qq, ta give ess V& In U_GU%j tql�gh h hen, it %nd-Choice-Tim ��h d a to t o'. prqdqc�,, w . I)AM punin 'Call and '' : to AA. r(A. isibscri 1,50: W. qn_g4* p0rer4p, X, wiy,, salilp. bp e h W 'in ed I-tqs e bejt� od!-pulp ore 04 that ho, pr 010TV pa I M �b II)e w mtg. woot ovoromed .4 S. ]a S. nai tik�ii toii4t& Os. aod'D Tb step St nions utc Atoi infroduction of the .4 the� k tie 40p pet *6* 8 An 'tie, 44yer"Aing 3.-,4mg4� and othet leader of the. a t, qq ' ti e 1� Buy. i*rly and ma; e sure qfyour papply. v ven no x 4ps Upply, of al e n 1, h.:'Dj!e c" qt!Ong the e h, advertp e 0 n,,qndqrs0 it making a tion of,t -pre pogto, $q nj fQ jRer notia- h_ sent" A:, resh Groce I . Ay4 ion band r opt. iwrtiqn..' U.per,,Iinip, or.' raW -gio a mateof a short. time ea speech ik q4vowv .0 isho, principle c Atin g. that,.,Ie� by the '"verdsemei4s; in the, iff 014mm. ho VQIIV4 Wi rti; 'MP'."Ba Vol d era f large i(aaa understood An appreciated the measure' per is we C per line for at �Oserti -god? , 4 . . .5alt and CoAl Oil. eq -�dufflik4j 10�4 h - toanded,.; .'-Th Wy. sqj!Ajq g#444, 1* uent in And"iwh4 4� jime for.e�elx qv.Lbp., to., is as� the jn serogn, Te 'W �'tlixt,,&6, LiberAl. P in a plant" from g 49, o4y9rdsero-46 pgr.lipe. Ma which good e nown Alt, ki'fi'& -of:Prodace wotpdo Co k '10 will ch%i4,Afmqe .op 04'. App a chi�o�, of supply the'edudition -Bf� which, can be �'�rod BOOT 4p. ImU&,y, or .e -ad*ertjisemento bill aividd 'to :,�vii -�ri, _%blish is n iiii i6lidniiii of 4dvoxi iints ;an rip ugar,,da i5] .':7 on on y I it re oes,,not.pq y 'fig d. �'the t a! is, w rmidad Aern mean ill, become I though t4e T' that it T 'p - thit S ROW hands �'iiopt latei N d r:s6, likel 6 M i6f the, week, for 16&4r�q ect. c� ltonti(* Otwoon s�bj �Ve fort, pe o i� A�r� get 'into _r pq r s acted., B� k A Phone"27 he waste o nd, r on loc. , par oxh iqg,thuq tl -the Munie'i#aj- Actbye and -bye! of other k. * d Afy, It,w 4 AYr PRI i� 6, lajj.. Tj4'UR8D This already islaw in British Colum- I As 61434(ifu wel eba.mbo6'thoigh, bi�' thq* ri statpz!q! Mog*_ _116kaii annuatjs��11�0� p w ile a very, stro niq Ia, 9 0 t , so, t4e supply is�. I 'He _141dt, Of there dre i i-ticall _�li 64rift THAT )KIS prac h"fiblo. mex. v 'Will Itecipr6city un� tioxi in tho VC OS. wn, S future'. see it, xpepera, ;!PAR DQWN OF J�USTA 41E, t creasb Farm Values w ch'app as proviuces4. an 'advertisement . on Another, page of. -this pipori we tt'veand evei may, seeln, somewhat ample oU oh .Uas- trace acoh11e6tj0n_ befw6en these-. pro� jaggling w"itfi 11 if gures,. viftcia nie-ad anA.jlik� L14Y - ion7o ro, er`71� 00'ant ccusat* f bb "th stateinept� i view io mi6le4ding w, land tq, yet and has. been, a6q4lt;tdd. The chargq. 0vei4ii - .. I I .1 ne d co, n-sistifig'--i9f Britain y We sell t -ir foil li f spring . goo s Tn reAdet. 'theyboth arestepa in V e_ssme grow oat of t 6 existoncii. of i, lodge e'o h rag. and S' S' Tooth", C 4L h X JQ -The NT "SHOE RE, Coritur 1 -Montreal D Disc row pring _jq notn�m"4ineit�­­they are. stppsf towards 'the, with of ree asons in A a view to proving that -with-; h th':Se`d - rs; a:nd Disc: ri pring Too e t adoptiph of -the.' _164jjx,�sytetm and h4j"j y S yi�jiyoa, ie price .0 arm Loeg choic e S. - I P No 00 nraising'revenue.. 'or an e 1,110cal -the Church and by many, citizeiii L' d I PA UP more,in. an lands has gone 0. ada thq,41 E a4pi�,At Ledge t had',. Wow, op ion" " tAxAtion is an iadir4t ...,pr nnuience! ra it has h ti in -in the United' States, and t at' a stormy care6r. s b, 6 f, adve munici- 1�inally it wa I ro en tucing the -system. from this'it, may be inferred d b_1 many no 0 in -they see fitj 'i t States markets- *ouhl be bf u�d­b :to pet pets tl adoPting, it wh( 96a ion�. by ieir.,�, it 0 it. 'woul�f Quoting, f lands in',the.... -6*Lpeded, that, trial of ox qeag ors. itis, CAnAiflan farmers_ price o. ;1� be, made; and that -others seeing or, me I ehosewho were,:.fightat' in vari d' es'-wuUld b ous states an . proviniJ e, l yqRtAge u able A6 ;secure will id ingtbelodgewore, un thig4bonhection-even-if--it- e ve. we 04ee i eli el at�j, .1 'we ta a i e "the c that, appeaks. to,.' .6. -li el *as S,4Mr. Arm"& been, 60ti 3 d 1 ' ipinoth and,,. 'uc Re., A s erne_, HAM �ii the state'of ongon, wh'ere,� a local panion Mongeiii, a bank'- of, e: L se pqn(?d,d W erg ea. i 'he, riising-of-All o _I ......... ... ig er-, -e--- tor &t9 orofe 164e 0 danadiii� provinces;, s a e!, %��ne� �.of 'Sher - t frown i9n,, are ei udger Latoge,. t t L h ,than, in the o that prpyemen s told that Oni� TAM$ W lro�bedhim_ Aagest-o increase is o -,mo Fradhoibm stroetEr-.9 ng percen, ry cou e s t C Pidd VV submitted 0,000. quotil r due,whatover. are in eve t nd $3,250.0,0,0 jtis,*. RE 0 w e -1, 'U a incieasod Ci ver was usedb:,intimidi couvor-.adopted X-evo � to L $c6tia sim landt up. 48M. Mear seems-thAt, thet on piov., wn�,anyb6dy'-suppose' that 44ese- -flga�e 0A 4110tr e money toot oA e- d encour-sig=ip t e was,�rtturjied.. present the poinpar4tive, pros riti df 000q. folio Lafos6, biW t e papers .., - . t , 4 :! - , , , , 7 � - wed hi die�kepf -Anybody be-' I Vill fibigh�orinj'city f�Vi 0"r �"0110 the two provinces , 84P�,,lw 'valuable amm nition the O*amp,e ol ujor, -L Iieve eithe reei, a r,: -that I" land,.'; throu&ut t�'-thii 10 -�-a-gre%�t',majority-voti'ng'''in ttacki nei ation S va14 ng: cotila.reall did- 0pportiWity y- increase favor I land value taxation eux was re MrAPAI.ME IN 'CHIMA -the- was tried: b efo A it 1:_Bronche I S. e by� -18.17,1 The likelihood- is, that'. The i4di6toie 'W:a "farm salvM25 Bank - -DePSAM06- a nt..agAinst Lem' land in:the.xidob -of h .-for r6bbery,-4iid worldi has T s, Oa. d on, J 'd L' nj U gq al 7—, e put 3'n tiike'n'fcr:th Ut w'e- '-plain. pose o ; his, coma Who �C*a Faininii Ridief Coinini tee re The young ieux boys and. videncol 0 of, Toronto �69 -issued an appoalt to -the Monge�u gave. e OntAfta Ai pre nee to. urge,. atf *b t" at -oublic,the-nWessity',o --togtri Ing COT, ere was a un an proof., is it true that a; 100.�acre. 3ig,cd -farmers, ha d � _f ­ U f in i`W and. -the _ki�wledj� f 44is ss of the;provi r proWetion of the., up6ri" the 'After appeAhng fo P I :� e to the funds b( or the. a revo veryas.,shoybA into.Laroe's,face,. 'farm in Aese �ofinties, that 0 Ul P - e titades.� in' the as relief of the- starving in and that th hold w as 4ITective as would have :ijold� for $500.0, -will, how e Ac it Was bold.' -Dur in --some:.-- ro� ces angsU___ __SPri -Ouse—' n77� Glea.. s seA' as for". T ,�han tr Judge Lii�ergn cording to report nearly ih was'.constaotbi. must. e r men, omen,.4pd childreni e-tice" concerning fre W Pa'P w ould, tee int lion q pellqd to ��ject vid room a e n thesep�ov­' r ve Prosper- the dhiiadter of Emane dje We e food'and a1fiio8t with p ask, u new ther: i :� in ec, em fie,objedi6h 0 the in- othi -such i�vb -T Sp -.1"i farthak, if necd sh fo I Of.��ers on' tio 0 ce JL ngj other-t6a a of the Crown, our SP 9 we. de, to; qu( de- Coth �Aiong bythe e 111 -eS good supplied relief itte large kock of' �.eoixpt:for the diff6fexico.betw6en j&L' in- patt�rns to, choose roML Thoa�ds hmii already died.- of fence (in is poin were, constA il�, L Ontario and a' Qtieb6`�aaL43�6' - ad" :,Some c S, crime. I taiped.� Finally �.e . to ut. - t ..�nd em _the.. e line.4 ai due pri go y.as, ore �clear L OL AtL JUrnj I your' 'tare. net, reL s -i scra c 0 YVA� t�i&peiity- of 14116be: 0 t d .67 to, 4- n t K?yjjjg 'I e: able th the death e611 wil arge y -M!Ach gtdat�� that of. O�tariol I b 1 46clare that, 1�6 vou, can. secdre,,'som aficipation;19dje, b M_ No, rniarre e angdian_Cent�- your UrA If sori'ask us about Ladqueree, the 41'ftty, than' 4creased befow the pfi�plib, are, able to e excelijerif V �d d. it This Mtor-1: Olin 'L am ug, like'.the merest h ProVi j6lveS eco, U —Famine -is nothing-iiew-in- Chinese- gures t 0- yja�tillwarnish'. wi r, a o a, liq4h Ana yzing. In the sain6t 'War as other.g.thit,precee, q 1 The. 'S chid_�kn_ 'd d in.,, your*: looms scrgt th.e -Wood wor history. The piepoit, distreg� is due, to could be6, The udge:'s" be�qtiful. fihish d i g:,*k�, tie jr1c dealin ost. h6jtLVy_bj6Ug Ve DIR --.away, -at e K&AtILAS, they. villages. . ar -ar U ae.' si�lected.,so -as t6, makei out ji cue, ancr our. v�rniihed flol ingy, id "dwel6ga and deatroyiAwhole'. Y. ill- h 0 Al49 CPU t- Anoihok'yoai�thereuwj -be _dio"UW. .�r�. the-largst rnafiui�. ihwtica.: oor-fin Aniount to a Imisstatbinen"U the., cir.- nf npn in unseasonable, fibk, Ana,% agaiw1h4w. 'fill' - I . g A an!% chi ry, ri ry. bf W 77.e�ve filly th tu will 6, liff i� Aliithi down under pressure. At does ------ _more_ IMIPROVINd He TAX'SYSTEM it should b6 abolishea.' subjec't t these climatic,.fr�ik� uoi�prove'thii -flour'scratchiid and chi ied We s_yoor Pat ted other'coimnes;kre�;. n,t_Qre,,meansof lot as this one jqexc6pti'ojjaj' P s "th. b t h Such a verd' oor paintt-bat stapn rWe Ehathel,'it i� a al. S\fo ne thing -.is. plain. if gjary.iglaithful* Floorg the'e-lose, of, the, recent A669ion mVel'and faci itib jLtrade and trans - e varnishei: at, by do'�,, ve e impossiblo:. course, Ltn6leutug S 1 116 0 b th t6-it6oath t a ex-, I an 1equ 71, 4.t6outar'6 Legisliture, �ortadon rer so primitivii,-a4d the-.. ',to "well and truly tikj" gue Flipp, Conservati ' 'member froffi 06. �hangc; of uoe b tween ono part of 1% force must bi bleached... ul I twice "ii ti�va c, eL empire an anothe a cot L . D n,exce d ts'�s is�4ueiico tle h6st'lity 6' Public- feelm stima. -'jhey W.' e intr6d bill provid A9 that hAve r so 110, d.oubl the weai. .. .. . ... .. ive. e t u Again towfiff an -to%�nshipSL by -the - lob " h fact L �Qi les, d b so'littlo ilevel6ped� tha re ann ured. 0 per ue But the e di tt4d th reven for, local - ard.ofer6ps means A1111116 to th tst L Pat,, Lodg6 th e pur7 f e etin the pring, p6jLeB -bj thea essinent�nd wiat not t fair� - no,' And :the BS ion of net. 0 j,)Lajfit,Your buga.befare taking it 6U t' affedted.-� To this shouldbo. Adde& Ve uggy os s. m n- s bh lassas o -proper y as ey, c oose. onic povertk6f'�ho ' e0P1 h 10 C -,can 0': ng A p lx�reh not ber served, by a neg ec a, rl'�t was 1w ot,wili'look better and last t �6 the ek1r, u U At' mot it applies,L' sin an or inary year, go, nly a'baje -,same thing pre�6nt, ma�icipali blig6&, evetil ihe first principlIg of o iak �nd t e vis of paint sui a"bl �Y, 'ys t a pro " i0ol the Municipit W e f6r iiach,and. the qubsista;ncel' e A to a waggon. 4ve to All classes of'prdlierty.94ke, besides V100as or dioath over an e Our vying' a- . b qual' st advertise OU t8l lu4ess,'�And an on .. is qq. the Fl k) $ta,%rantz- to uy a like distreg�, -railroad,. Stbambot Tbr6w.,Oray that old- Pifl, �oa can. ac t paifs__--�a# oil permit tach municipality to Axt trafficoandlair- coun rY roA( s ina e. a tn'rie, our. A S., country that is yoti to exa, I treat for. epoy, th6y ged.A. to aily un'ti April io. n UP 0 40c- I�Ave ed, o e fron! NTLRVST_9o0d u4Axed;,su6h litfes -of prop6tk, As Ohat* ivaYl at all ti� to age iii'these respects.. The SP ',WAS any,munidipalittA at mwfif; t&tj ry.1h wh utter want jj 0&tj ek h i6h 'd sod, examine you, nee a n6w ..Range' , an might di0ense withthe in�bme oi the 'by 066do, orgven.droutk ever' -very D$ ORE' r is n -pdr1aI-dx(0id'1'th6.QU da of. H sinead' x�'orl, it might eibob im� ext�ij sives And whe�d therk Are modern AN PRAX A 'car" of Wire jit9t, nerita and, ait,ef thd manner of faci provej ly food ig.80 d9be. all r the district of it' evenue, or 00 CITY. e"JasS,L from are more peop e move out. OfieIway secon, I tucknow. d -i nd6mand t, an dvd'r be l6w to � * -to a 8 every,L &Y a e verywhe u s It them Th _f6re' fibvia, itelief comtilitte�s; and thech 6rity of bW ta 8evef t6m'.on the krou�* nd that tho�4; who have �u6idorst wilt'd something to y -1 .8ack dhd let us' prove it.. .0 to provide, tha 1-evenue, ought, to e 4W hotteri. the death , toll Exceedingl We "Wan' le" r & uthOln . d t wheat, and all r S YOU an il �ri t t6 princip Mces. in nthe who,16 MY how it is to'be, pr6a. katchowa '7 ute'61d Root! oto 'on bit," C emetiO.Par tickets M &Y a pe a. kwell, _not grow ER No, NEW' . �ta 7 . ooinAVE BR.0 I Dur 4houldnot be. tarea thd, 84M6. As ]a rall'roaaff Are btillt and eoplo'laitn be obtained fiio puts 0 sf�Rtl�, Agent, u know -N. -JAC q"Wj'Wk*"*%