Lucknow Sentinel, 1911-03-30, Page 5'43 E "oA the, ioak� &A -d pomp 6 Iieila q 0EMRAL NOTES. 9 on The uokroleased until th 'ho, traol 0:4449, great Alitho IFew, pooplo, w. 1 15 'YO44014 'we *Io8� Ug re -,k ought of th PU A etoct, store 9 dangers of last. toresj are pre t sA&Y-19 thow watem, aud 49. not $j,,215j0Q0, '4110, the steel and 4 lalt oOuildingtUr w1#o1x'sev6qty work A,qng Oars. On 'rqupt droatn that t he, lo Wo rk p to osselis.,90, the 4,_Reio Xh twond I 4e v, yqa�t_ m Ado. 14 _Rve�ythi lakes o*Mr6s, with thor P, asot. :14 $rftperr W prioi I I dono r, a town, near Otitaao ,y,.oays the, Lon carriers, 4xid in Act hen. 4mow#%— Colu m or qi�us, .Q � .,:, A-,f4,q turns ungeasingl -�2 �ahorta e --o ed, e44 0 o. aroa. of cal. 'lost in y r6ji,acepun Ie money wa& J ske 1w4ber-ow ein.saeks -Q! 0.1 . ng,! 1 -.The, Toronto- Rpho o 4 has asked: ater,�� ton sack !x 7 0 187 ndf I THE lqR' o ari L .-WA I . vess 'ith whibh'6 poll 0, the,,city� for, .�$003,00 W Una A seas n, pa 04 Thill-in ased of' % now Behool hou ea. The great. -de- Iko', about 40,000 -Off to t a t pounds: othrgad oach day hA oxiste%k*.�, Tbei.bq* that - were loot 119r.000 Drillwago,"afT pialid-for ew in the a . pe 9,-^ -we -Rk 47. 8 47.apid re-valafd '627,1900, M9 t of increase, bf populati.94 and the anne='M' do ps largp -loaves,'prq4q ed b omp's diftr 9f new territory of the shi , h& ,lipatch from. Fort, 1i k! of. 2,00. pound e0k., AR Vie, that periedv�era wgWen, Ujkts,_.�tnd While, fighting, A QW, t6 fbllownig.� you.cmin buy, eithir aUrge. facto iy oliorgtiqris. of. breadmakilig are per�, freighters of tibaifi'clast out little ftgur6 prepar*4, or ipq 'bftilding reak, �Ir. - _- � , - onJKill adrops, fonned in thitreolbssal bakery, T 0 in -the 00al, and ore tr 00, nop ;24th, w6pty fl�amen,:`Who had climbed , CIIMmi�gs apd. D.. Parks. lost 'two will spri -44 Do qste there, j4 olned �6'�he seaedn of 1905 -24 iteel j gr4u4d An upon the' roof, *6re precipiteted ffi'W .. .. ma' th t', f horsef an(I brQght automotically, to tb4 vessels werii I ost. xp Cuinin i cove; 0- the,fireVne9th bY the- roof .giving `w4y. tact! aw. give �kding 000 0 Wejq Wreolto d such ing ofthei men, were %burned �lto­death good i#fig(Aq#6 sto: I Igpiposi'. by s0jq�s r isipg... he -others -,,§ever'oIj while all: of 't Thq gre4istit, for- assi'st0co, Z, property, oss in, of the, liiko trade, wa s6brehed, befor ware are h 0 , Pg,rks-droveoh the, hitralk t a Wing ros6iied, Previous - t, aou6 o�oqs,� th n on o '0,: wbep .4 to the disasteiF,� the firemen ha�, r6cueo 190 "ts - wit..., a 3Q panic, stricken �girls- feojn� th I Mab 6vor0ol, he drowning tealn when' hia,, h0tsks p.irorigmen, �who pity of 2,000,000,toho, and' '. lo at of Xi, 11'' .. I 0, - A I the bread eiaru from 6, to, 10, Mill in, ­b fl of thebuilding.. to went, iloww als% ... caqyt he, 'DOU n e.:, anloads -up&r the x , e� nat. 92,34�1, passed r, making an'. average. -of t 'In addition to 44 his team sold' W Goo., :Tho'C; P; X is prepai ii g o errect coutg—A&V for' blev.6n, 4 , the tptallosl of i- Parka b I ., qrs.; on g' -6n thd corner of King' it:cost som6thing,m6rje than -51,000,00.0. ffice 'buildin cluty. hey, c�q#op PAA b �,Ciaig, -'of Paisley; to be Aelivekod tlie V% Irw -Oiich, will I. ree; also the use of a bathroo, re wrecked 4eXtlday for �550. P Apo, Ybtige stie6to Toronto; 6, repair the bosta that we re a -be 16-kries-highi it. .1 b k the gr"A stolm-1hat_ iwept'L%ke :B h 'driver&, esd%ped_� drowAiAg. it -1 -.1 -1 req�i d k " ­ il To Point t1ill-,wholo'b6isse- otit est they 4rer Are epp, ! ­­ . ot d t P ILU !r 6% 44 left: P -a- itat-woo sp2tlessly - sssM - L Paint.. eel' wej"rAVRa_'_V74­rIc�f oi Deaj espurilagd. z no hatdj�stinetioh is. now.enjoyed a k � � -, is �aaid thL4t Mr. h.,�fi ue q_u Briorb:i Now, en A L b1. oze is aIs. tect, and. ads eight times, a, d 'a ackoIj ;one Trad -Bauk,�Bldg., �,T6 ks pw., aya. - r The'Grzid ��ocrver` for Id, Trup, twice as: ]on r a mine. .ago awal ded'oontracts Jo. $17,000j000. p.q -k Forty J�.iteriql arnish Golor Mijbh: of 'a 'is work on & Wihnilleg. ��Zcb line% to 156­66—nn 1-t- F- - y*ear. Limited, Torento. comp e e( this Use KIL, Fls�t' *411 Co'lery to i. They'.'are as.4611ows:.' Calga ry� branch wells mad caj -mi . . Iliodg. Artistic, im, 369-']�.attl6ford branch, 66: mi ieduatnical. 16 shades, 06 leg' felvi le -R -7 egina branch, 'Eta -.1111 gin oundary bran6hj I 10 miles�, Mo.ose. aW branch 49 miles- -Prince Albert- branch -rd, to 0 Bi 7- -4.0 -mi es. C und'Sold'b w O'S �hel Shekield, Choir a �b ofh�glish Sa t 16te64ind Jagiftlaas-larrim"tifalifax -on'Triday'. -a tonx of- Canada and:' the Uilit9d. *ates. Th�'ch6ir is .266 C Wes era ahada, strong and -is. under' the leadership of Dr.� -W S, last'to und6rtillke NZ WEEK The ini� ti I as. we a anada�and.tlxe-United 1b. to b� of h: stateg -alia,­ New.` Zealana..: and 7-7§,pr ng,, -eat iEr continues a g, kind to orwar ,8buth Africa Wore return6 d,tlio, jy4 of - the -ye ;,? I qg: f ar , 7 and ill -t ty w rave QQW'li -and h ---------------- Gated _*"te I-T�. Mrs - Th 00 e,city. wi I spend $i,50,0 _ bn,pe� dronto wqnian., k is year.: 4nt o, m Ill b. 7�0 Ir epIwa ,ded 0 e FP 'TAT M. be E., Ldk str6et,-,� sewQrs, w 6 IFoi"S I kv-, ANK ltini,, lind-the W t r- as- '6,Q06.damag66dn,a uit"tgainsf, the new, Strecii RailWli Co.. She had aslzed for 'Th $5 000 & Railway Co. is but it -is f6�uid necessary Avill .136 M uliavol fo n n iitse'j�t­ wli'ea the cas 'Is� he i -bund tlill;t its i e F0 Tel _s ­i o-n-At-intI6 to,be e.. qeedi�gly I 14M, t I e -Easter aster,., has aci A Ilan&hvebeb pipeg" 7—s—hoppng: I, i;ola,by in real -Is jo', t t ii� v68, a re in t mpiete vine.: 0ur'!"S 0 .estaWdealera'since thefirst of' jlijmgry� and a 1W by fi , " wi ek -is 0 llfreed -blid*,al.i.t).Q�t--wli-611.y. fo T eVei -Jiere= not. Tvia,ngloWaisCOD. whose-Uttory'oe- purtles of t1jimigrants �ite. coming cupie en -story, building.. will �il a1fd-'* aster, -$6*pPieis The- . fire d �'t the a-Wriage being 'not far fro startod 66 the floor and is thought 0 � . I , in a S0.0-111 .�bqc iuo for' e4er� ou,�-and is'-expeetod'that of -:-a, by- the:: stub_j,' 7 ". pea Ouse, ..W H fti-thii'lan r ta'ined lighted,ci��ardte throwil-into-a year��y-- on -scrap The dead ef&-nearly lilt; e Jtoo�' M '�b�st n aster. at --hie -411 rN� flgure�q how 960,687 in ten' edoh the hintlIl tenth yea floors, escape P7 . � - . t, . . , .. . par con over. y ,Your awra* -need, me. 0 't 4 b months, a g��n­ of ell e s`QU W, is the, ti a. iliside'. being -at in-- -your. p- i that, in ioifi6-only'6ne:�s 'all flre,:eiicape .1909 g ,,on -t e-outside.--,--TIf ii n g- �R- fiii u se' Mar,: pain, ing. sei­� en,4- ain An d'a' r una, e, em I_TF1 Pl6yeeii, -'beaame" 'panic-st4,c6n, str6f�, y a, Q , wadiail'Xoithern .�e� and a It, 'dries hard'over, till geno u .100 pqr cent. h;" f1rei&hC more'illan. d ouj� o e s - - I . I porti,ove''r'.400 bars o m6lit.4he fatalities were &use ies' French Kid Glovas,,!' And. lib0!, 1�, laa year 'up 't" Xarch-, .1 '��tkak;n-o timpifig W the 8, nig t and ks Lad toc f..ties' 8 goin- at .pixemeni Ilplow. I Wdirs' like. iE2ni, !Le- It io t ver R t T a ban d b is �,chbaper -than _IV r 'bound 0. P_ raiii. carrying. rY 4r! e,,,09avitrood. r an . . X west long�e' d' V ote nd ta e at�les and all d F �ip*, ti Aerb i!�ads whose Canadl4.n errin a makes in 4fis, groy%, a es: ull our Po Bows ness sett r erlOr qualitle's- -and,. a ot or brow 'a b le s',e ets'and farmeri inteiia-mg �f it - -the CXR., h p4in.t, on, t1fle ar-,.-. n and blao 6ree s ts hindij De�biesj Strings, 4ho, prairies, was --wrecked .. .... toil6eate oil an, 3160liz-oria- full -pej %a prices 1.00, I. 25 a d. $1.50. f, and a' Winn� otsilidn'lam �t a I nearl Sahleb� al�64 east of rieihness� in color.. ket. Dre'sses�, tingene o 11i j'oiii t iapge� 0 Prices. L cla f wa W id, eet The "as -hl -3u -jk--w bau4ed Iivill he In, the coll. Sion -with..'s, harir or, 'ile Q empty -gpo ss,. an see Net: Wafsts'­�,', for 1. 6fa stittate of Burns an(I will.e ining , . I ot songer, b6acho§ ipturning w N �,k 1 an pf 'ty� 1 .0066 ste Varnish'rS St D"'co _6athe fit axr '1%0 t6wn I of'Soniis took'final' I e A e �er The freight crew ad orderl rative.. ft, m Is to lontritry this �& s6ctring­ it public pr&rs, with the reult'that"a' intle 'out". a, cohiMete in and iter wor a 6i M, to cost' they met th gEcru, Net We have w. k n(I.-s6*er-syste f 11 li4qJPr_, 0901.1. Y -T fi -in-a--s ort—til)fe. ist ------- plia a tqo1c e_�ffk e.— enin T .5.00. White Silk Waists at h late& Vill I �& %v _g .1 ... . I . . . .. -3 e�a­-snw­ . I ists 4 went- l-Lalg�­mak ��anY -of the broken cars were � consulyr- .1 *4. met resort. of, Souris Try.,'& cAn. lla�ve i heA - numbei'6f fariners- froin the via- oat. A F So rig river and addiiij -a 6plezidid b lulty of Ma White LaWn"Wai8ts forrEaster La e tie, East6r. Ho§ier . u - rkda;le,L JoSt'their 6ntir ing, course to,the uat.qraI',Advqntages of fits, and'retui - fresh ned.to get a pupplk�� th�, pla6., __1k The W�i W* 1�a�vn Waks, for, this.', 6ft qqqq. t3dsid":.0pr _t4pg6_ki n Jotoa.. N!Iyt ipg 'The 'donaHn Much, a ii is reln ;-given'to the tfon, . I j, I , - tOr of"'Ili p senger ro'. dainty th icusuad. .7 6-9; liire.� no* showing-. .6 - _an, a.,- n-More.widely M, file -m ;­ - , man, zU Me - ----- cht�tingp two farmers were Hose'la going, an a oca king .-meu, are ta ,hold P aId, d Vib piride -Vevy )at I's obe t"to, ul y an artistica yarrange t an Br- al .'Th6 Cos. of th�sb .,to tq_."Sep ..ain 'After? -four �,Yftrg 'of 10991. wartar Man -d —are U.1 r)'o an C-8 vogue. 4 .9 Won an import 8j;e ies, Ae aitk f Toi6fito hiii R_ r ' "I Lad -S or.,'Easter 0. d "i �3.0 os in olin ines n up'to 42... We hoes f Caghinst, the �:01 13. and t 'tMtllCblla ia Vol- hOoinj)ahie, in flie,mafte� of b doij o OU alies )III g nNoaduct along Itwill last loo�s 0 fyou -desirey'our feet to be. �oat- Op - t IT.' city Over plae6d- and it gdod del -of wo bcing� dov& -1y ere. intors " t; I 0xiaeaso" "a OwIti'l ar of -Vilriiisli, We art this' b ofbidie Ladies' DeRg 'for a one the fine �hoekqj &icy to k 1 b e a lt of Fine Be them; the Alberta street 11110'ago ile. Ddlijillidn and lo6ks -beft6r. bofter; a nic "A jyj jitylialill and comkoetibl'y, tki ou'p fina slioe6­ itild, Silk. Bla4io,'fh black oaolonq, '.and:'pittents, all' govornnicnt� hre. ,intiking goo ordered 6 &ro 61ftho *18 000 ste'ol bfidgq I 'Prog " -tor.bu-ildt ;i *ill be ari entlitisiastio as w wite'embroMored wash Volts;, all' in, a Muge, of P�Jllpanies he' oC, 'ran . - . , C -qiteek,oitst lf'-flie -city VIIi-oh- 9 nion station, The. pri PrI to'':tha i�iiv bone alld YL 00Uj.40'I,' great fit to StrIalleo,ifl, JIcq_1o, t0L �;jgtre At e r i -h tu of: -ppoal. lot iha L en s. ne.,,,.-. o'otwedr f6r­ 1-Ea'ter. IU U over file Tile, Privy Council Ills, now up. t 6'.�rd6r of the Railway' Board is also'c L helt -d 0 rUs e lo6ks carefully', after hilill ajid Solis fiave this work' W'ja rge. a I S S rttj�en't 'of t)Aij I I t B atj h Thiii sto re b� oliliged - 6 e rr 0 SO -in. lhaiid. and expect te '14, The proictit sita, tion I tb,, the �Vanti.bf gon in, it ojp4tt Call and e btirstoc completed -b rc'acros the y h it Work a is 1yo. streets leading 0111 t to tile'. ty P. se OS :W.r' 'nee '!(line, will be and the arts -but it 1 ttouA� The eA f ,3 is.l. u to. -date sboe,4' co Ing $100�0( W I oll under troniely'd I go il*ays A�ill e S Of Th Voot n n, Irtly, the d6mi-Ift wid-the ahnost toniftantiii6vi am, 'ing— at' )o—ix &Arly d6ne ttjjjna�Ijjajtoa will find thqm: here., webu ohoi, WaY'80011' 'n6w'hve to biiild & �redt d. to, C4'tl:ry tli, s'it 01ti4a jboVe tile, e4jgary is rojolellIg in s.pring an lines Itoift numtor of the l6adini, eirgh od of Establ d 969 cu,qt !vWbe.-i/ri t1W borho beitr a I Jibfi bf th' how HudisbiA $I)r OOQ,, ()OOL th'a eity"to iinanu ac urersi ar6 �'eve been fl. _d'ati 8 and First an d tho'roillf j)an i s one thir(l eiw*h. The' hiand soft litiA �19& of feet at 0 V -Me, 'to tell 0ity lot6 Will be ocou.- c6st of Lho.new be borly f "Lb * 111LI rille PALLIN. Aj piqJ by t -11D 1101V tructure, Thu. now ho without this fine 'Itai We t4o, O'se. Ohetl� with, AI'Z Stojii6q� do an n Y Ill -ice. Tonic f6r,iiiahy timoi,4 ic -MR. Tas NV MX 0teC ppol it, I's Ae df, I r iitor#Aoing tltlp w0tu0n, inen,,or Children tile store will and ost.'the Rud8on's : It may be t1i. Illoh,4 cluV 'afid- w4s. sold tVo.,. f i Sligo is NVit'llout Mly dottbt,th� fl, q It, 11 1.3, turn into the, �ticft: tid P Kdotv to bo est ijr�p�j tio 0 du C� N'w kpar4 dgO.-for haie and Vq fr0o 110111 I MA Lotpf peo�lo thftik\ they lia vo i1i)(1t, M141pw.und 9 10 O� lip Nvitll lool a 14, i d �J)t to be Nvjj, Oro OV 16 Maken milil mad to 'at 6o toqs, dy t!q (11' fl�(Jjjj tile Tha, to enjoy tho PA10cess whan jib 0 lei. d�ofj filaking� On t, % : itoil .11 brend that eXII(I t1ja ljft� (&: I 111ji(frilirL T 11;,ilve two. nV6r to eali N' e Xcept, Saturdkys; - & Avoinan: at -Jick x and vet bq it '4f toe c109 S a M e up, until the - gfrl be t64 piv�ataiing- filodiul to v 0 i Lair froIii falling, tbo soImsilig Nrmo h jxdtlWT Ilavo dislIPPOOW, s