HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1911-03-23, Page 1yikrotrAtirr t1OTIOB _or 1c41=PealusiiiCIOttorciu-go.o4 .Eu11416011. Apply to. Mrs. MadaTabh, VTanted Apprentice to learn Millinery. Apply to G. M. Armstrong's. • .014 ww•••••••••••••••••••4.44,44.•44•4444......Www•kww.wwwr.°rfr. Found Near •the Fordyce Post Office, on March 10,, 01 sum: of money--Burther information at thinffice. • ' Eggs for/Hatching., Fr(itniny 'pens of S. C.' Maple KinoFa.s LOGAL NHWS NOTCS .11-0-471, wai eft for • !Wit -CI on Saturday. • • • ' • , large stook Of salt Pei! and epouts at Lawrenc,e's. , Miss Oervie, of Valens, is the guest Of T. Watson. Dr, Ovens will visit Liicknow •on ThOrsdatp, March the 30th, .' Go to Frank Tate' s for all kinds of seeda-,-Cloyer, Alfalfa, 'Piinothy, Clanton Seeds,' etc. • ' • • . , Mr. Rose Anderson has gone to ,e - rich, where he will spend a 'Week before leaving for the West, • • • . . lespedor Robb Dead ,R1ViR Q'N. A gAMPADE, t -of-publiceseltoolesfor:sEast-Thirrin,„Aied_ ,,,SnowAttketiabe ;ulna rinflAllars Were that:time, over half ..a century ago, somewhat, suddenly at his ; home in s, , ' Inundated . -•-iilalrealitiraitertithrgrof-ifiterest-lsr.. lkitisele On Thursday tight lea. Mr.. , . „ those preSent. Of pioneer dayslind how he'lielped to build the homes in which we were at per setting of 1.5, sae), Guo, porrast,', atie mucanow Orchestra furnished, and ilnif Orpington good lavmg 3 34 • Mk T w 13-4p, rahsic for the I: 0, F. Ball and supper;,, . ..ittslibleY 90 Friday eve, last.. ' • • - ,, • •H•ouse or . Sae • Mot, Rs 4; Cameron. had the raisfor, ' ' r•-- -"-1' .... . . . . or to rent; A- comfortable dwelling tune sustam a traetnred arm on Mon - house, with Stable. •Apply -to , . t.f-c diy.by falling on a piece of leo ., D, g_Tairi,on. Lucknow .e,..r. ... tliddleton, G.• T. R. *agent at 14 1172 . -Forest was in town', a few days; .1aTit . Sirayed-D-0g,--- ... . •- '. weeki-vieltingslus-mOther-whosia-i • ' • Strayed from Luckpow a 'black curlY Mr. D. N. Lawrence who for a couple haired dog with white paws and white. of Weeks hart been aid up with a severe spot:L.On_ breastt_ Anybody having4113,-, „attapir skpneumonia ie_ahentarelt again- „ tt f4,t forntation Of setae, -Ole/se:report- at. Mr. David Robb, since 1880inipect/5r; • .• timet!andattWas on this account that h COOSideiable damage •Wae done in • • e • - teeentlY resigned the Position of hispso_. town lastTltursdaY by' the direr overflow- . Efibb'e bealth.had been failing for some ic,r, The hoe inspector has always beer" ing its banks and inundating 'cellars, rine weather but -poor roads. at re - A thew .had been aCtiire progross sse apolme of es a-, most Painstaking_ and efficientservant of the publice ' . until Wednee'taY eveninOi when a 14'"w--serit.Hr'-- - - '' • :1) ' fitorm set in with a lowering, twine* .,'''-„ii; ladies of ..tile ,arown missionary Death 01 Mrs,: %aver: ,: tine, The fast falling ono* Settling in After several Month's' illness, Mrs. the river on the Oat& 001102 Of WillOUglk. 89613tY Met at the borne of Mrs. llobt. ThomeS ,McIver, an -A-gocl, resident of by street, effectively blocked the cement. Treleaven on Tueetlailast,., • • ' the arel concession of Huron Township o.nd before morning the had spread Robt: Pinnigao is tail.* Out ceder passed &Amy on. Tuesday thorning, A out over .a condiderable section. .'ef; the Saratoga swamp' at present. -native of Cape liret,Ont Mrs- AlOiver lewsgrOund.' AhnoOt eVery ellar in the ,, ; ' Misi Maggie Kilpatrick of near Mars Sentinel office., ' . M James Caesar of Kinioes leftion. ---- Tuesdity,anorning with a' car. load of • Osteopa,thie \Physician settlers,' effects for Swift Current, Seek- __ . • • ' Mies Gladri Williniott and Ilia Dr.,A. C. Oreth, Osteopathie rhysig- Ithettiareleaven were guests of Roberta ian, of Elora, graduate' of . American School, of Osteopathy, Will be atMcGatry. Alexander a few days of the week. Rotel, Lucknow, eVery Tuesday at -1.0:30 ' mr, aivklars- lames McLeod, of Fort • to Wednesday at 1;45 p,„stt, William left for their northern ome on _ • , ' 1111-Pitetr tOs. -Loam- ..„:Private and Company • funds the lowest possible "altos. : Gee. 4.1 Sughttirei . . business section of the town had from neck, visited at her :home. here Saturday carnetotoilBerrameeatlee.unn:tlymeninethwea. 17.7wirnaeeryr , to two feet of esaser,.•sshick some. Ana Sunday last.' McKinnen brether Swirly Mc- Kinnon! SOMO years ago ian -a tailor- ing business in Lucknow, While. ether meMbers of the family 'Were .,located in Culross. Deeeitsed was 14 years of ages inisfin'tvrerift. • The young pee& of the Methadiat congregation had e very. ple ',Sant social stinosiasthe--church-haseteent...Mmulay evening.. . Though not on the evening of St. Paticks Day, the program: throeghout. was. of a distinctively ,Irish character. Principal White Of the Public •School acted aachairman, and aniong the really •goorl things of the program were, ahoy's. chorus "Killarney,” a Sunflower chorus bY girls: and a, Diiblin DaisieS chorus by Fridge': after enendinge conple of months . girlii VIM. "Frank Tate gave a' read here.. • - . . - • „.,, ‘• -that was much appreciated whileSpecial ----_, ,Mts-F--"Ws-Lees-avlsoss-fors.siorne-time... numbers were given by Drs. Spence and •baSbeentasSistiUg at the G. Ts Rs Station li-ewtea, A veil, liVelY fifteen ,tniffutes here was transferred to mt. Forit., 04' were spent in telling Irish stories. ,At Mooday, , • . . , , , • :, the Oloite a fun& Was served, features •of-. .• t ;Which Were buttermilk and potato salad. , , farmers' Meetings • • • . a ••• eases, dat Aged goods to •a cool era e Velne. Furnaces air through 'this gen of the town Were put out of • busi- ness, in a number Of cases, the water being so high as. to fieW into the fire Ibexes: Though the river went down by. Thursday nighti the. bad conditions _inthe,,,,e‘ellariejeeteitior several _deyal and more .primitive methods. of heating had to be resorted to • 1,,uchnoss, . , . •I)r. Brown, Eye, Ear, Nose an i .,,..,• ---will.bnat-lhe- Cairt-liallii% Lucknew, -77-T- . Sattirday March 25; llours 7 • a,. th.' to . Furs Wanted, 1.o.ao p. in. . ' • 2.3-3c- ,-• All kinds. ilighearnash Prices, ' Paid Use Wonder -Shine to •clean Yeur at the tannery. • ' silverware. .No rubbing, simply dip, • •• _SancitelietteiLtuckeow. seu,&40_,:filohlatjawrence's . . Bulls -,for Sale, WC Stock Bell ..."Silver Star" also three Stif-is-a- 'thick geol.- flesh di bull roan in color. sired by "Inip' Triunivir-Which was one of the largest bulls in this section of the country Dail , -a strain. of( laird Levell. Prices right . . « • Ptirtvss•ititos. lee-.apti,ckage. ; z---All-interestediri the Welfare of the JocaLBrasslancLarereeneste&to...attencl at the Band Hall, Friday eVening, Mar. • • The farrneraabont Seaforth appear to be taking a very lively interest in the proposed reciprocity legislation... Re- cently a meeting held in Seaforth took the form of a public debate with Messrs. Thomas MeMillate of Huila, -andElr.r.' • H. Robertson of ,G6derich, upholding thea eement and Mr. . M. Broderick, --OrSea ort supporting .t Opposition • The parlor social, which was to be held4ast' Friday night at John Menary's, was pO,stpcnied. °memo -ant of the Timm of Mrs..Menary of Sliepparton; • Herb Curran visited. friends on the ninth last Sunday evening. • ' Sluing Meat Sega be coating as near- -Irtillthesanitherbirds are -here. Olivet • ' IARDIND COhlfIESSEP' - • . • The Reitert. Since.. ,Contiadicted, . but mb Officials.' Increese 4th. at 7:30- o'clock. ve. discuSsiOn _PrO704:::hikbly . ,: . Matte:it , of Kincardrne . Dairy, secretary of the , ; National rAt.osfi:rdt,divs.e.eltshwietwhasheorilneticeell, interestingto thevaudienee. Mrs fleo. C Connell of Agricultur41, was expected t add d the ineeting• but was absent Way borne front uffalo. '• - owing to.illness. Another'ineeting was • In , April. J It was reported from Goderieli 'Thos Moore was at St Helens Monday that Edward Jardine, who is . this week attending the funeral. ,.of being:field. for "tiraron"-tlie:atlierge- -Of -friend m thepeisithrOfMK.Yelin-Tays; ,,,.....1V-ottd-J4es-are in order these days Joseph McBurney started for the west on Wednetelar: -Mierning, the lOth Lance Moffat :started for Lloyd. rninster on Saturday morning with C eabielt-loaat41,4foef sae:417T' effects,. We. wish Miss'Edith and Jessie 'McGregor pf Wingbfim, spent Sand/ at their home here. • • • ' • Mr. and, :Mts.; George Mirehouse have gone back tO"Daketaafter'eperml- ing the winter here with ,the letter's father, Mr. John Crowston. Mr. William Wraith has captive4. 'a targe esigle alive. It is a rare bird in this part Of the'Oduntry. ' • • Jas. Caesar started for the west on Tuesday last with a. car -load• of eett- Ied..effect Rev Mr. Porde of Wingliam will oecifpythe pulpit in the,Presbiterian Church here next Sunday. The -Man; friends bore of Rev. Mr. and• Mrs. 0..P. Duncan (f011ner pastor of Whitechureh and Langsicle, will be sorty to hear of Mrs.. Dunc4n's death. The late Mrs. Duncan passed perfee- fully away on the 3..th inst.. . . • • urr* Ur.,and...Mra, Henry Pritchard an family have moved to their new home in Rip'ey; • Mr. Wesley Thompson was 011the sick list last week. , • • Murdering Lizzie Anderson, had cop- fessedthat he is guilty of the crime. The report wag later said to bbe. untrue, 1ut it appears to have vseine-'1OuntlitiOh in fact. Since the reported confesSion the jell Officiels,:haye- .becoine much more strict, and friends' and Menthe:re of 'the Jardine family, itie n° long r allowed to see the prisoner. The - Confession ' said -tae-.. ..been made "in the presence of ,Dr: Bruce - _Smithr-the-Toithito.experLon-21* " .are sorry to report. the 'Goderich ifial with a, view to exeln- .Wra: Hodgior§ is ill with 'pleurisy. -ing--tliasinenta,l-conditien-ef--Jardine,end,--ms-e-alt...-ish-f61.-hor-speedy-reeurvetyr the man Iranitone Who IS charged with . 'killing his six,year-old son.- , Quite U nuMberi,frOm bore _attended , The trial of thesePr.isoners will gme •• Mr.- j, EcliensWiller's. party at Kni 'off at the Sp;ing-A.ssizeS,which open:- at. lough, On 'Fridsy evsnaing, and all reT. Goderich on April llth. • ' port a good .tirne. ve lor. - • Mr.. Joe, Elliott•and the 'Misses . River,,.sisent _Sunday. at Mr. Henry ' Campbell's. , ,••• • • . „ ' Mr. Dan. ThompSort_is not improv. ing as fast as his many friends would, 'like to See WcSiflird :] oeaf-the.yoonger:erepley.eee of the_ _held-:oxi-thesevening-of,thes-.20tIks-.--where Furniture ,Factory-s-liessrs Wiit. Arm- Dr: M. _clark,,the_rodical .M.. V from _ ,o,A.,,,c.. 240....21 Battey nyera. gedri kn. :western traHveters.. _.. -Red Deer, Alta.,' aTnd Mr. • M. Y. 71.1e- . 1 this week , Lean, M. P., i'Soutlt Huron, were the • Seed Barley-------. • --- - 'atteng-iia'Neliiiiif Donald-were.aniong . ,of grain per'icre mere than other vapet- - s.,r Ai . Tate his leased. the residence •of - speakera_. • last -year._: .1s -this not wortliconstdering. - -11-eirteited-aet'th-it „through Alse-nrceance A. R. Anderson; Miss SndereenlieVing • , tf: :-MOved to Godmich; and Mr- Anderson SYr,','1' Making - ' mr htta ton; of the Spotton Cor.., is almost depleted o timber, one is .: Auction swe, or ,ourliitore . 1 leges Schools and .Thiensess Col- surprised to ear of anybody going ., , .„ ieges pas Burned his dutiesafter spen,. into the maple: syrup': ranking. We .The undersigned his been ..,ilistracte4 ding a week's holiday'Fim _Toronto .and, alt thoaght. thatthasiwas 4,1. induspry tildae:mlluratdoethhe Itacaloctikt, tetenctuenkonwo,woan seollistou:b! Peterberm , . , • that belonged to pioneer, days. ' "Yet 'cl It. Mies 0:McAllister of town, wits taken :here and there throughout "Old. On-, day March 25, commenciag at id to the.Wingham.Hoapital; on :- Tuesday, toxic)" the indiistryle being taken up , A coantity of.valuable housebo . °facia- , or appen lei 39. .on quite an extensive. scale.: . .To ...be ure. eutuaiting:us, parlor, Donligrcann, to undergo treatthen and Bedrodm snits, and kitchen utentsihr We understandan operation': Was Per- sure, it ie not in the old * way, With . ; ti PeAds -1•11. •.' it is reported that Mr. A. t Lhirnin, trough, and the open %sugar kettle, the. Woodeii. siiile, the rougti:bevro .sap • L -See bill!, • '. • ..234-P• forined yesterdaY.-- • ' , -.whkrecently_left r Weat with: a Like__144erl_features ef farm indifstry carload of effectshad the„Lirttsfortuae 6' it is now .conductedty-imere scientific Jose a . valuable •driving mare before methods--wo h the miniinuin • of • in- reacling his destination. , juryte the tree and the Maicimum Of Don't fOrget that Your es and profit A few miles south of town '' • t„ Asnanw, Lucknow. to Saskatoon tc• look after his farm.• o*, when this section of -country ' • Seed 90c• per bus. for Sale, b Market for Scrap •' Best prices pad for Scrsp Iroie' Old "Brass • Copper, ,gs Rubbers Horse flair,'Peathevs, ,Live .Poultry. Haan* GoOlamaii LacktiowA; 14-eave-ordera--at--natthrrequire-special-attention.-4-m---the_ using Sulphur. Salts a.nd Saltpetre. at 1 Kee them in good health by 'Residence back of re , ARMS I EARN SS I ;". • "Ircirretes---for all requirements ,in I -lar- _ new-- Collars,-; , etc- -or -sprinf stockandprices right. - • Oiling aid Repairing,a *Specialf IL A, Err -- Sole agent for Whippleaumano.00lla Get them at Lawrence's; s . -Miss Arinetrongaiitt have °redisplay, all the latest designs in trimmed and uri- trimmedmillinery** Friday and Sat- urday,. March 24th and 25th.- -The, law; are cordially incited ' ' . Mr. Lancelot Moffat, of hear Lang - Side left here on Saturday•of last week _for LloydimiMater„Basks taking- 6.--'cOr.- 101141 of settlers"..effeets; •Mr.*Molfat has been in the west for a couple of years •and was home on , , Notice to Crtdjtors IN sitaitontere contrr okl THE *tiatlIft • In the estate of Isabella McKenzie, late of the village of tit Arne in. 'the Cotintat Of' Bruce-. Widow, Deceased. s . . . •.• ;Among these Who left for the *est lest -,-.Week were' 'Sidney ; Tosile for Brendan, Willie Clarkson for Letbe bridge, Frank 'Park ' for-Sa.skstoon, George Smith and.Mr. Smith With a. .car-lbactof 'settler's effects . forSwift Current . • " • gi...and. Mrs. Ketelia,hitiv :visited frionds in'Belgrav last:Week, Miss tttie MacCiill .visited her sis teri'Mrs...ThirrYFarriell of the sixth, 1111ren, last week- ' ' residentwin thepersonofJanet.Vessie) Mrs. Sam Leach of Lucknow, Visit. ,Nieholsini, .thelate • Arehihalel. , • : ed., friends hens. , •Maeleephe was horn' in Portree, :visited Piirainount last Wee . :Mr..-Patrick,Marray ,-.of Chepstow,. , visited, friends •tiore last week. z..... Sir. and lirs-...=_Jel_in Cassidy Of Greenock, are visiting at Mr. Tho Ines Fallon'e. • . ... - • . Miss Pearl *Turoer of he 10th con., visited MissAargerist:Murry on Sun- day last:- • ' Passing of a Pioneer Cumbered with many years beyond the appointed three score and ten, there passed away in Chicago on March 4th, • one of Ashfield's oldest Sky, Scaland, in ' December, Mr. Steel .1kluidoch Of LticknIsle Of in • • with her husband she sought e • Mr.. Lewis Murray of „Wingliam 4,0a1 amoiw. ihe husband,Ontario. Business College; spent the 'week-en•d .St. Helens .MISS-GladysTjeffersonand-4fariori- . Gillis of the Boundary,. Spent Sunday at.11.7McDbliald's: • -••. Rev: Mr. Moyer exchanged pulpits With Roc Mr.-,-Tetts7;of yeeswater--00 Sabbath last . • , Mks. D. Todd, sr., • a visit . to friends. in-Teeiftvitter,'on Monday. Mr. Stein of, Wingharn, it2ent .8:310thity...• ' . . The funeral ,; of Mr.: John 'raider ....toolc_placeonlMonslay,.to_RetheLeents_ etery; and was very largely.. attended., Deseesed wasea-intali- respected reSi- dent.f West Waminosh, and wag in 'hi-S-.831rd--y4r; --Vhe'relatives have the ,sincere sympathy of, the entire 'cent- , • - - • . - • 'ass,••••• 'Itinitors 'have it that ne of1761.-W loungittertieft-la§t Tueedeirsou-'af,-ttiP- and will bring his hotter haff home With him. . . The ' niorithlY ' meeting Of .the .-Woreen'S-Institute_will be held at the. twine of..Mre. H. D. Weeds on Thurs. , 'day, the 30th, at .2:30,.p. M.; The ,and Food YValtie.- Altthe 'We- Siwill.:dbij;e0.tecti,e‘atOn:y: d,,i.EseguoiseAheert-pTew,Mume We are sorry to hear- that AUL Don. Uabiatyie is siCk with J. • ariPPO, bid hope she will soon be all right again. ' • ' • :tar, James Caesar left for Swift Current, Ses.ta, on Inesday,11st, with a ear of settlers' effects and some very fine horses. • Mr. Pedel of Whitsehtirch, • ie working for M. A. F.. Milian at pre. , • . :day3V,1!8WilltliQ'hte.tl''!dacaltngslleilte4t1. SMPernat,: 81;01.19;-%. ;Gasutn:tv-oaft.irnitakt,sWna,h3ripealsiusedtchl..911*-u! ly •in the ErolloW."- • • . Well! :Murch is half oVer,4: The inenth Spring:1;a4s tafbe- • 'Wtirlee'wN7i4nht'ehriwntist'hci•tal:i.PeaCilo4unsclrtri''' Hoslod7mOa.niciiih tatiticoldosuporlyottorby., ale two, Old1Wlriter geies' and gray,: And Spring with laughipg eyes of, L-0111.1.3fitturive' e 397 . . The litib Grocery. Four sons sand six daughters were at his home here. ; . born to them; those left to ;orrow- for Theclii/dren of7-Paranumnit-linion er ass being Mrs. Firdayson of - Sunday School contributecffour-dollara Ltieknow, hire -Hill of Ohicago An for the Chineselanaine fund.gus of Hammond, MalColM Of Chicago, Alidie-or-is-condueMngs-a 'Moderii/".sugareamp"1.,:' He ; has '960 treed tapp§d, and on the receot '; warm days, reports a .good furl -Of -Sap, The D011-Clin1petit1s--- - Miss. Verna Snelgxote wt S the inmost, 111.1cOnipetttor in. the big -doll contest poralneted at Mr. J. a .. Armstrongs drug,sttire during the last Month, By Monday evening, interest in:the ,Com•- ••petitionreachedthe ClinniX,; when the time 'for handing in c-onpone exPirettl".itt• 8 o'clock. There were no less than ad, - candidates, most of whom hearing Made no serious effort to win the. prize; • fell volt far behihZFTii fewin the' teed. Followingare the number‘ of Votes re- ceived by the ariod- leading: candidates s. -Verni-SnelgroveL-4392t -Margaret- Geddes, 2,262; Frankte Cain, 1,3.-2,l; Jcan Armstrong; 1;006'; Helen • Mae en - sie,..720;•11orma Thompson, 475; Vreda Fergnaoh, 440.; Evelin Aitcheson, 370; Mable Webster,' 112. I.Proin tilOSO": 1g7 urea the nuMbere graded down until they.gooldbe counted on the fingia•S'..'Of One 'hand. ' At a Laymen's Missionary %nom* comprising Presby4rians, Methodists, Anglicans and Baptists?, held in, Atwood .,8,Eaottinote.gg, Missionary addresses were given by Mr. Atnup, -Sfethaier Secretary of Toronto; and It. D. Censers "On of Lucknow.. While assisting in cuttingwood with A power Saw on Saturday last, Mr. Fred Steele had the misfortune have his right hand badly Wined by aotuitig-hr contact with the saw. It was found netessary Wamputate the middle finger • at the first joint. • W isTixon who left here with a , have a full' stock of • 4 _ rden'SbedU Our- Timothy- and Clover , Seeds are all Tharsday. eve3ings March .9th; and Hall-thinarry of -Baton H.,...mge. - 00 neighbors mid* filen Of Mr. arid Mee; in-ga-siteswas tretemplary- • _ind-rOViditelbeyan`dWireSaroTi; de;OE. :wy..0 ;#0, another, • afrid,athooghtful • .. ;AndreweSmithaolthe number.of about_ ,ing her time aud ' strength with un- mitigated zeal to her family. Hos- pitality was one . of her. outstanding vintues.„..:... No mattste>. boars= many- her. home sheltered, - there was always room -for one More.- • Many --a--4eary . fifty -met at_theirlonsehere 19, spend, r'ir-,sociai evening with them and to give them a parting .remembrante to show in a 'slight. way, the loee,' and ;esteeq.:in;;WiliehtheYtvere held. • _The following address was read by 1)... G. rloTitifialiFfelry-Vieetrpursuatit-- ca,r o settlet's effects' Tuesday/of, last the -Revised Statutes of 010 do 181' ' ' eed 'bit of. bad luck be•-: Chapter 129, aim anieliditien e roba .. es. 'tiler 'w, eek" "Peraill a th d thatallcieditors iiid other, hayiugistichards lore procetaatig ;very far on, d bells When the train was nome distance 0 - against the *state- of the sat , th 24 h yowl Whiglioate a horse, which he' had ' - it ' , Who died on Or about e , . _. . , r12.f of jamiary, A. 0, 191 , are qn in the ear and which, it, would app,car,. e'l"e'' 1 re ire& '' before' the 1501 day of Antil, A. D.• WAS nOt.properly secured, made a °aim mord by post prepaid or to deliver . or liberty, going out through the. Opeet toolWi" „t°Csortiell or W. -,l Little, .the. esa ...., A oor-while the •train, was funning a 'tors. of the 'saki estate. or • WI/ r A. flau speed. The train kept Olt as though , . eldeanic.coson a lick& A fell Statutent of. nothing had happened,,,,. their claims, and the *ohm of the SCCOX ' haw it any held by them, 'duty verigeil _ On Monday of 184 ;.;vv„.eesk Mr. R. rD.,, • by affidavit. . Cameron gave an eddies ea ta, „. n Y f t' • .. laSt- nientiOtted clate the one:et:roof Will ritenntt AN -no' nrussialegsetcihee2tOw. tesfell„rhohreati• tl, ternanwaTilit- ,A11,1 fortuittfike notice that atter said _ _ . the rustles entitled.. .hdroe,L. 9.a a attident 32 years ago. -. eg ,proceed to distrbete, the as '1 hir.ling` regard only to tilt Twist. f 0.001 noted was the large majority of deceased among lVv°h‘ they shall 'then have a no ice, women teachers, whereas 32 years gago, it d will not bd for the assets or the, ratter proportion was mere seri lany, part thereat toanYOersotrot persons Scott, at that timo•heacl master of the whoseclatm notice shall not then have Model d School is now principal of the beetit 1911. Dated thia day Of Mareb, Solleitnr, let Mad xeetttOta 1114if P, DiXatAom • staff now in liptive eeelleo it the Net - Wilt tirow' Horns • Oats spilieient to keep a cow fat for a_ year were stolen from the i beep of Mrs, Peter Pletseb, a widOw living near the . station, one night last week. The culprit who will feed. his cow with oats stolen from a widow in ttibi world will look more like is cow than a bird in the; next, OS his chances are good for beingi • decorated ' with -14118 'tether than,* Igs,in_the diere_ after.-.,-Brado times ' • Markets, SVIllellit Or 4%4 # • 76 lietts 4, V-,-4-triw-0-4--4,4- ;AP's"' .4 tir" '• 1.4/t• Oats4. • • 4 • r 4'4'4'44 • 4. IV •' .() r/ Barley • • 44'4 a' 414444 11""el 4(.0 VotatOSS,, * 4' r 4, • •/ ,Iaaa w'a'r a w 3t) I3iitter...VI to i‘a McKenzie. • -,* Mr. and Mrs. Smith, being taken -Completely -by -surprise, trayelier blessed, her name for the thanked their friends -for these tottena warm. Welecnie, with food and. shelter, of their esteem: , • ; • whieh. he received at her fireside. Mr and Mrs. Andrew Smith, • He intellect developed ke en unusual -.-Wseanderst,and-you-sire--about• tO degree lost neue of its keenness . with the pasfin of years, and . remained depart from our midst. We therefore take this opportunity of gathering to spend' one of the old time social even- ings in your honks before you leave us. We also desire to express our riigrets AC your departure in the . near future from our: itkidt;t.• You hove ever beeit kindly and well disposed' in your -associations - among haveour sineerehteeire tlia, you anay live long and..bk_mablecl to full 'err o the home ;yeti take to yourself in that wondrous land; ."The Catiadirin West." ' °. aceept this wateh gga 41141.44444t0,41,1„6.4444410.4. Live 6 60 4 • Our Chiha Department is well filled with Fancy Celery, Lettuce -and Cabbage always WI hand. Barrel -Salt for Sa e.. :.The Bank a itamintori hes taken; on Dieben'llsorgen as Junior. We .are told that. Mr.sGazel is soon to sever his ..coiariection witirthe Bank- crHanulten ' and'efiter,the Bank of Commerce.. : , • .•_The„.1._0..0. F. flan& •Friday evening oflaSt week was; very largely' attended.' , • , unimpaire till he Being at all times warmly interested in youth, she Was a particular ,fairotirite among .them,And co' theSe sib? gave tinstint- itigly of ,her 'Mature wisdom, Sharing ,their pleasurets and givioggeich Meal - lives nt SYmPatItY In their Sorrows, Mose„who came to her in trouble, „knew the 'depth and purity of her, Christian' life, For'' many years . she *as a leyai and much loved •member of Ashfield Presbyterian Church, as was testified' by the large nomber of Miss Phemia McIntosh, of Detroit, is visiting at her home on the 12tb. Osei. • The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Allan aged- three, mopths„:- died last Week, after a long „illness. '.Tlie -tql,tipiest-t-emetery. George 'IL Mooney made' a business trip Vs Liieknow, on 'Monday,. -MisssThoinpsenof•Brossels,:hes been ;spending a few days with 'Misses Maud and Sadie ;Harris: --- I • On Fittlay evening the C. 0. C." F. initiated:another Candidate,: 7- - :- Mr. James Montgomery has been 'ill with the Grippe during the past. week. -aReve.0.-W.)-Rivers•receivedsword-last. week 'of.tne death of Itis wide, . neer Sarnia. • ' . • Mr, Alex IleaVie has sold out his shop and house to Mr, Richard Buck- ingham of the Itth den., Who is moving to Bipley and:intendstipyhis .." tea, dealvis• disposed (. p‘oir ps windmills; ete. We understand • . Hairy Pritchard and family of ; the 2nd. con., have moved into town • and occupy the residence recently pur- chased from Mr. Ed; Currie :Mr, and Mrs. Pritchard were • presented with some beautiful • furniture .by their neighbors, on the eve of their departure from the 2nd. Con., , the. addressbeing read by Mr. Rivers, • •' • Mr, Lovegrove, of A.mherstburg, who has been visiting here for. somn time has returrie(l this week. • . h. 'gin 'Maud Harris rendered a beanti- Will you plead and ' silverware as , tokens of our frionds,'who tame froyri there to at esteetn and regard, ,and while you tend ber funeral which was held at took .upon them, may they.recall plea, the•hotrat of her daughteain-law, Mrs, sant/ and hallowed OSSOOiation's. of K. Macleod, and from there, to the Giver" of every geed and •perfect ."That thou sowesb, that* sowest gift, be -with you always, is .the wish nOt the body that shell be • but nbare of thee°, your friends and well-vvishers. • Signed. by P. 11„,Maclilay. A. MaeDiartnid, in .hehalf of neighbors and friends. .Mr; Smith, in a *feW Well chos- en words, thanked them for the beau. tifut presents givren CO himself and partner in Lunch was provided by the ladie,,,o, after whieh, the ; est of pe*Oebtm.,14-- Rig, singing end instrumental mime Mr, Steel Meicieeli 1.4nehoowl teld -earlier- life.- May "Ile, - who fa-- the- -Plot - -kinloss eernetorY« grain, it may chance of wheat, or of 80100 other kind, but God givoth ita _healyais it pleaseth Hirn, and to • each ieod'a: body of its OWn."-COrn. .•• , • • . tottoptiz .20 LA GRIPPE -Cal 1 at Nrack'enzie's office, aiml get a.box of 25q Grippe Snd Cold Tables-' a guaranteed cure for Orippe. They will break up a cold in the head or 60ttliPg Oft your systetn, in iesv. hoer's. s • 1 ilit(161.11.10 a 2 013 a; ellen iCal 'roront0,, and is the choice of all their propets,, ful solo in the Methodist Plifirch on Sunday evening. '1 Mr, ,Henry., Tucker has heen taken on at Duncan 'genera Thirdviere flonee to complete hi§ apprenticeship Miss Meedskill is home on a "visit. Next Monday evening the programme at the BpWorth. League will be along the ,woys of po,s.shig and reading .131118, ()poling exict :Closing sessions', etc. It shonld wok% very interqttegy. Di ;The eloek ;was a. regular daily duty When 2'4.heur clocks were in use We Afar& rhost-cotopletOesser tment of Isfedern Clocks- . that run from .8 days to 40,0._ 10 additiot2 we also, . carry watihes" and Manychbie articles of.J.,ewelety . ;Oeticiatoi. and JeWeldrs,, Reduce Prices For quick, Clearing we offer ; tiger Ora d woorada Fleece tined .priFleiIttear, SWeaters and Sweater Coats for men: and boys' at reduced- OriCes; . Wrap.perette •36 inclics Witte. at per yard io cents. , .Heavy Weight Linoleum, per sq.. yard 42 cents. If your are intending to buy a suifforyOursell Or your boy if Will eay, you to examine out 'stO'cit irst. • endelson & Rlitzstein 14. :Highest Market Prices fOr all kind , Raw PM'S. '