HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1911-03-16, Page 3'4••••
111 liltilOCip,oed-. in
• v.-tlie'_--110 Bok
A.-despateli frOm To -rent° says
,axtension of the HydrO-electric ger-
• iice to all‘the unorganized villages
and farming -districts in the power
• .
zone.. Hon. Aclarn-Bea's• promised'
• bill to prOicle .for the 'opal. distri-
• • bution electrical power was in-
troduced in the ,Imegisla,ture On Wed-
nesday, and wilen becerees law
enterprising seetiOns--of-
'---;,'•-,-----ties---whielrhave--4..hithertcr- been -pre --
vented from •securing power be -
'cause of theoppOsition of other see -
Cans,: will be able tug -T. -right ahead:
The measure embodiei the local
iniprovement principle in •that , it
Provides, the means ,w'hereby only
the portion Of the municipality, be-
nefiting bears the experise Under
• •
the. terms 01 the bill -any residekt
or number; of residents may*
enter into negotiations With the
,Hydro-eleetric COramission. The
Council. miiSt, • after taking Certain
steps, enter inte_a, contract with
the Commission to Stipply power to
the applicants.' The. municipality
may 4all.q, •clebeiiiiires, to teverthe
expense incurred and levy a special
rate-- The. rateharged, for the
fan to the munieipality4heinterest
and. sinking fund epen the tleben-
1.Tnorganized .villages may apply
tO the • townShip -Council-upon the,.
some basis as groupi ,of individu-
als, the, Costs incurred to be seed.
ay .assessed .upon the Village.,
. •
p2,000,000 Addilien. to Pft*t of Can-.
Car UomPitOY.
A despatch- from Welland, Oat-
says-..:-:Tbeplant -of- the •Electro
lecated in the factory:.distriet
of' --Welland, Will be deuliled in. size
this 'sprig. • The • eonipany :have
been.4exCeediegly prosperousl and
ISA found -it nege-Sgary- to ha-v-e7i-n--
creased accoinmodittihn.. United
--Motora manufacturers of autorno:
pending brie eansuramation ca --the
PA.IiMERS.-TO--11014D -GRAIN..,--:.
Official Orders to, the Western'
• 6rain. -Craver&
despateh. froth Winhipeg says :'..
Through the Grain Growers'
the . efficial, organ .0f tbat powei.ful
Organization of the' farniers in West-
ern Canada, Orders were on 'Wed-
„nesillay ,.sent broadcast 1 that. all
grain of whatever character is to
be • withheld - from • 'the • 'markets,
,biles, will erect their -factory build-
• ing the •corning summer. As- soon
•as-arran-gernen-TErcarrbe completed; '
;the -Soda -Of England-will...erect...a,
Alarge lodge • and office building.. • It
. understood • that additions
•.taineunting to oyer two million clol-•
'reciprocity -agre-em-ent, • as an al-
legedeembine in the United •States
"Of grain ineirlif6Peartri.Wit Up the-
-pries enokrnouslyv--.- It -looks as, if
no .more grain Will be shipPed•frOm
the three prairie provinees, or from
the head of the, Canadian la,kes, till
apenlage In the Emerald isle f#,I
'Interest to Irish. '
The. body .of • a girl' named 'Ellen
FoX, aged thirteen, whh, had been
missing over a month, was found in
a.ficid'hear Garey, -
The candidates who went , for-
11PP OirEnTASIIPEO_ItcrowTiritEEsLE01F4-0, G
; Alikgutc4..
Prices, of tattle,. •.Viie•e60 •
and Other Produce -lit Aome
• Toronto, ,Mar.
ter wheat, 90 Poi cent. patentsy
20 at. seobord, Maniteba
Yirst patent*, 46.40; second pat -
Ward under the. auliPicett • of the - er'tot *4*.90, and Areng• bakers ,‘
"All -for -Ireland" League. were de-
feated at the Limerick municipal
`elections. • • .
, An Irish paper: .tells how a deaf
Man, was ."run down by ,a train and
killed)" and mentions that he WO.
•injured in a similar Way some years;
S.0°-,: • ' • •
farmer named Donald McFar-
lane, Of Rallyinacileurr, avshort
tance•Maghera, Was -Num!
Aleut in his honse, in which he
ed alMie. • ,' • " '• -7 •
moi,enierit is on foot to-estabr.
lish a "motor ear service bt3tween
Dublin and the ,Ourragh ;in Kil-
Claricrowing VI the pb`er-Orvice-giv;.•
'en. by ,the
Several hUndred ratePaYera in
•$4'.70 traek, 'Toronto.
•• Manitoba wheat -No; 1 Nor.thern,
97 to •,97Xe, Bay ports; N. 2 North-
ern, 95e, Bay ports; and No. 3 at •
921/se, Bay `iierts; earrYing, Winter
use4 jr; Canadian 'hotx.fies to PiodUCIt
delicious hoFn. e.inade hread. and a sup*
- PIT arwatio,inaude4lin Oliertlimerksr;
-;a4,4 campers' 9utfits, Decline
all imitations, They ;sever
'give: satieraCtl311 cent4450.
Winnipe* Toronto, Ont. Montreal
Awgrite4 Noes, bqnori qtall
oxi . Expositions. ,
storage at Goderigh, lc eritra. _
th. $5.; general run of cows, 'A4.40.
, Ontario'. Wheat -L. -No. 2 *hite, and
red, Winter 80 to Oje' oatside. ' ' $5.2k; median rough, :$4 to.. p4.50;:
to '$4.75 ; geed bulls,. theavy, $5. to
• Barley -Malting gualities, . 64 :to canners and, genunen;,$2• th $3.
and : feed ' at ''.63 ,"Po., 5.,g.c_ ''._.._0U, t,side":„--" :,-.-,.-'' •-tiamhs-,..;Light; • rfizan-erat-$5,:-'th--$6.:=
650 outside,' aeourding to qualitY' Sheep -Firm 't.' at 04.60 to $4 85
Oats-OntarfO No.. 2 wmtm,---6* r' 78; Hogs -7 -Market 'Steady and 34e/on track, Toronto, ancls.P147, changed at $6.75 f,o.b.• and $7.05
to 32e Outside, N9. 2 W. C.::oatsi
fed and watered.. •Ifeavy hogs. over
36%e, _Bay. ports, and No. 2 at 35
to .0_5%e. BaY ports. , •:::- •--.-- +
220.pollnds, 50c less. . '
611174o - ,
'road freight. ' • •
• .Peas -No. 2 at 89 to 81e outside.
Big Powder Plant 60 Miles Prom
• _
the Donegal, Union attended a Rye -65 to 67c outside.
- V '1 • :heat_
-Meeting-To th 0ounci 48y to 49c Chicago Blew Up "
protest against the plitting,in, foree outside. • •
• ,olgspateh •,frein Chicago • - says:
of the ' Dairies' and. Ob*sheds Or.:' 'Bran-liianitobai • a $22; in bags, Te big. plant . of .the Dupont Pow-
der., , , • , . , . Toronto,. and .shorts, 24., in bags, der Co, Ideated' near the. little
nonfintilaenwmaoystcaiinp_ntoczacilea, itilio wtrios bine 5Toronto .ackOztaTraiOrobirtansh, a$n2d2 than $0 shorts, the
tl.lewnlioilef .pirleoamsawntiaPcorani:iine:., inuneatr xreonss_
Irelan , Villa thriving town is $24. to $24.50. .. ..: ., , . - ., .0811a, and sixty miles from °Mend;
on fol. 't.? have the telePliene.
light by electricity and-plea:la are '•': •—', '• 'blew up" on Thursday night with
..:p1.. COUNTRY PRODUCE • terrific force. • The:. shock was felt
• • ,
1111--Nbriglietit-the---tounty--7Witklinv :at
•the:intimation of the intention .of
the Estate Commissioners to Make
proVisions. for the evicted tenants
in the: county.• • •
• Peter Darby, --aged 31, was killed
• in the .11-eatipare'.Copper Mine by,
the . fall -of a large' hpulder, which
struck him on the head killing .him
instantaneously.:' He leaves ,a; wid-
ow fiii;d.yonrig• .
,At, the 'annual Meeting: of the
•Irish Temperance League at Bel-
• fastra-resol ution- was --adOpted--d
mandMg for Ireland local option, oultry--Wholesale . of DyN.4:31./TE___TOAppl...41,kitB0R, .
complete” Si-indav. eloping,' shorten dretsed poultry :-,Chielcens,-- 15 ,•• 17114 agar 'has riSen from 1•
04 7.111.-
_pplesz.7§P- $5 to $5:50; - many:11616s. area/Ia.., in --01n-
Estimates Show Inoreake o $63;000,000
- Over Previous Year. -
.. .
A • despatch 'tram London ' says: ise -bait been: reached between the
The naval .'estimates . issued on insPtent :radical demands Air' navel
. , , .
penaitute ' ofs $221,062,500, an ,i11-1' April I the battleship -Neptune ,the
crease of $63,000,009 over the pre7. 'aina0red cruiser Indefatigable, and
vious year.. The cost Of new CQn- ' fiveprotectedcruiser's will be avail -
traction is Axed at $15,318,585. The able for •serviee, viliik thiCi-Vessela
programine ." inblades ..,fiVe :. pread - under construction, Will include ten:
noughts,-,three--p-rotected- nruisers, battleships •three armored.eruisers'
one "iinarmored eraisel.,,. twenty de,' seven protected- and three unermera
stroyerty "six; submarines, and an ed Cruiser*, thirtY-twc, destrenra. ' " •
. • .
Bald- IO1 wids„ $4 to a.acq-. oioe-iiiii-e$7;- .44 cagia-rriemy'-lairge-fitildings-in-thencre_ace of the ,and twelve submarines.
to $4:50-;s•sorted.;7-4130-°If-rwelle.--.--.-Bilaken'' Th0 'Doeton navy of. g,050 men, ' • , : • It is fointed ,out thirt-a-consicler-
$4.56^ per barrel. '
• store one of, the largest buildings -1111•13-.4ight-4ou:-Rettiald 3.11.c.Ken.--..able-amount,of_Ithe/estanatee_ie to .
na, First Lord of •t e Admiralty, be increased pay for the , better- .
:Beans -Car. iota, $1.7& to $1,00, in the loop., was. so severely shaken
favored-ate-dreadnoughts,-Anit_the. intint of the men's 'cOnclitions and
and small lots, $1.00'to $2. • • , that large plate' glass windows were
' Honey ---Extracted, in tins, Id to broken and fell on passing „pedes radical Seetion of the Cabinet and dockyard construction at -Rosygi.
Liberal per lb-. ; NO. 1 comb, Wholesale,- Wane in the stt.-10 below. Pleasant I party Of the Cabinet and it is said that a heavy 'noir een-',1
ile And Liberal 'parkAnsisted •that four struction programme, which Will in.:,
MeKenna's elude' eight DreadifOUghts, ie.•1#6.• •
$2: to $2.50 per doxezir;N:d..2 cOmb, Prairie is entirely. wiped
wholesale; $1.75.to $2 per desen. not a building remains t once *°41'ci suffi••• • . Kr'
statement shows that a •comprem- jeeted for next year' •
pro -
Baled hay-Nci. -1 at $12 to '$13 Prosperous •••little t • 0 l'f
is knoWn. to be lost, 'bid up to the
ontraeltiAnd No. 2 at $.9:_to $10.50:
• •
s•Bcried.• itraw-$6'.-50 to $.7, .en__oreseritlinie i.t is- impossible -to say
track, Toropte. • . • .,'•Just•,•110W, many.• more. The pro,
• • Petathes--42,1ar locs, go. to 85c per. perty loss is estimated at .21,500;o00.
. , •
707and in -the next-'74-The-raim
her has -risen • steadily. uptil 1909
ths number ' of • people diveree.d
the imniber divorced people ,niOr-
in, Of. -hpurS:a.,Sale on Week , isc per lb, foWl, td .186 ;
No. Other li• n Of Clearin Entrinee 1876 to 737 in 1909....
etla• • ,Y g. ',--Alnioet- four-fifths 4 the rear-
yriages" contracted 1906. were Sol-
e result Of ef,ci'off. iiirkeYs$ 19-7t4-21°Tei•Hin. Live,"1. .
fling o 2c ess y ey, Nova Scotia.
to, S dn
ers'L.at 'Braiclwater • Flax ,Spin
• •
"cern,, in which fully twelve hiindred" • , t may be necessary to use yna. This ,shoifs a steacl$7, increase of
° "A. despatch froxii-Halifax " says: emnized with religiouk"cerezioniaL
, .
111iii, :BallYmeiii, .the. entire con. .: .- • T,Ii.E DAIRY MARKETS •
4:4,era.ulTs,. m9stir womeni_ai.,e _01.7.;, ..,. .utte,,,,=.334.iry_ _p_t.i.tiiii; ...ta„,....i4......20..6_;,:_roi_te_t. oLopea_sydii,ey., laarboA to such marriages since "1551., .Rolig-
PlOYedy"was•:clesed indefinitely. enoice..malls,_18 to_i0e.,_;, Weldor, 16 naYigAtimr The iee in -the $ barber icing marriages in .1009 ,NMr0,: felwr.
than_:_inany_previons_year. , •
is nearly- isixteen - rinches in'thielr-- -
, A "garden City" will, it is hop- o 18c, r,eamerY, ; 7, 1)
-ed; -spring-- .1.1- -PF1.0-: Gorey- dis.,:a.restult" 4137---for-rollay -24e---for..Solidsv--and 22 .iless, but the real obstacle is -an ice The birth rate in 1909' was no less
across than 2.2 per 1,000 below the -Oyer-
barrier, •.,-Which has fornied-
age in the ten .preceding years, The
of the housing-seheme 'undertaken to 23c for ,Separator prints,..
A. site Eggs-gs,_7.case lets of .tiew,laid,-, 2e.-he_ilioiith of the harbor, and, which
Close .to the Town Hall his ' been -per dozen; • ' •• ' about'sixteen • feettli• 1i4 '.It 'result is that in spite of the continr
by the .District Concil. '
and aulalitteTg (i)ifitmheoprtoapliutrattihoen: bniat,euxr:
'Selected ,tor 'sixty-four laborers' - Cheese -Large. 1,3X,e,, and twinS' eisf;:leatidveeiyo! klec'eOpks.i/ell asnhdip. spniti°;:f.
• • t 11 th i orders implicitly . the port. The 'dynamiting of ,this •eess of• births over deaths has fallen
after seeding as grain growers al- cottages • • , 13%c
lars ,will bet made to • the plant of
the4,anacta_uar ..r ounary :•. y_oin-- • • ' - • • ' ' -
• • . . 4 pllENCH 'f0BACCO. MONOPOLY: BUSINESS AT M0NTREA-L. sidered. Sea captains say that it
I •
pany. here.:
• • - Inge iniSs _lee"' iS noW beiiii•COn; from .i:4'66 1876'80 .443' -11'8 Pei:
Net Profits of Ahnost -$3,000,000 000 e'an -be moved in• no .ether way. It
• ' • ••
. , .• :,...-.Lann_treal, Mar. 14:--:Oats-Cana- :wood
Crash- Luu icears • a w t take. -a whole sin:rimer s sun.
-Illoat'ol the Establishnients at 0 ' i‘Press ";the...Intereannial,
are. Idle. ".
. _ din -Western. es ern, o. 2;3814; to 38Xc,
. to melt ery few .peoPle have
. • n eoem er , , a decree , • store, extra No.. 1 feed, ideaof 'the .quarkIity --Lnci thick;
. • • ann 37% to 3 ; No. 3 0. W:, 3734 ,to nesa of the icVon the coast. A aea
• A' despatch from Otta,v4a, says: A 'despatch -Er(M1 Neweastle, iB8613.ed by
EmPer°r" NaP°1.--- 37% N • h'
. 2'3
, 'einnto. Local Train. . • D 29 1810 • ear lots • "
With er-issite-oferclere-frent the- B.; _says : Onepasienger wee ' .
Bonaparte created .the Tobacco Ae.7 129 ;• local 374c,; Ng- captain: Stated filet in seine places
gie and_ reserved to. the-nationaL qeal 'white, 36 -----------.11 loc.
theiee' has piled tier upon tier, Un-:
power arbitrater at the Chaudier' 'an • severe, .0 hers injure/it-When
Govern nt ' • h • white 351' e • --1.---Eatit bu-
.it reached the great .litight----a-
for a, further eartailnient of the the karitime ekpress 'from Halifax me a monoPoly of t e , . • rlou .
'came practicaTto-a-staidatil biith_of - here, on -Thursdat The imathd that the.. rtionepoly...ef to- en 0, $4.,50.tO $4.76 ,stron-g :bakers , , • the rate•Of 1908; Death rites from
MA03E741110 ILL ovzit_.
. . .
CaiTlla :the Empire and '-the 'Worhl
in General Before Your..
• .. . • •
'Canada called upon-. to give
$100,000 to aid Chinese famine suf-
The. Geerges'' of • :"Ontriiiii• will
join .in theyresentation Of a °Oro- •
nation gift. , • :* • r •
Gorden CoMper, an eighteen-.
1,000. • T..h .1riean, annual:, birtk rate year-old married ..,boy of -Kingston,
Ili Elie former Period is 35,35 per, Zommitted suicide by drinking car-.
.1,009,. which fell in 1909: to 25.57, Wile adid. , • ' -
--The--mean-annnol-deathz--tate-H in The famouso14-Evergreen,House---4
1675-80 witS 20.79. per „1,000i which in •Prince Edward chanty...was •sold•
has fallen steadily to ,14.49 in .1909. by auCtien for $190, . The encroach -
As to the •cause s of mortality; the ing sandbanks are rapidly destroy- •
rep9rt recoida the fact that the ing •the property. '
th ratancer____WitheL
poitatiorti manufacture and tale of Spring' wheat patents firits $5'60•4 h ghest on iec.0rd, showing art in-
• for 3,1entreal erashe,cl• into -a legal tl ' l'k • f
amount. of Water uSed for p • , , • • , I • ; sortie ling e sixty eet.
pi'irposes, Ottawa's indi4trial .hive train at.Derby junetifour miles "
cc° in•ail its forms. It was es., seconds; $5.10; Winter . wheat' pat -
f 'crease.of 29 per.million living •upen
passenger killed :wai" e- ffarl'e 4.9.6..; straight rollers, $4.25 to $4.- nG".1,AND!S LOW BXRTH.EATE liOth'tubercnlosis .a'wflole anci
We•dri6sdaY; e river is: at •a re-
• An uS pord,,law leyei and action Is .taken Dougalf, v,,lio `was riding ori the lo- to the:annual• rece4"-its •froin taXa- 5,;- in 12.Ags, $1.90..to. $2. Rolled from-Lplithiais7were the -lowest • on
Per herr 1, ,$.3.90 ,., bag of 90 , Irre 9r- e,,,D.. arcea_record. _Infantile_ !mortality: also
cal .tram. All of those injured were • u,. • •
tt:act...Eddy,.e etay;.titrning ;it!. few oh!,t, posseriger6 on. the Although this prediction was ridt .hs., $1.05,. Peed barley, Car lOtS; anti- a- -1201Ver-NOrtalitk. ShoWed-a further' ma_rked,, decline
-tokprotect-the fire pressure'. 1,306th's
'Biltish trade Continues to •show
Lerd Kitcheney, eernipara the_ ,
, . • , troops at the Ccironation„:
• The Liberal eanclidate..Was re-
turned in the Northeast. Lanark-
_alikre bye:election.
• -
wheelsand •Ipay close down d' eNv.erist • , 4 FAL,. o 5 c., orn-orriAreeri- irfrelie
nan No - 3 yellow; -715 -to -56 -111111-z •• ain iatt,s tfiat emerge from he °f. 1°9" 1?.°°° hi:rths be-
e loxest yet reached, .
• . great viass- Cifirrfcrimation irt-the- ing•Jn
• i • ed. tel f lfil ex-store,t °
• e revenues4rom that..surce -have leed'BiraP1-1311tarR'4-' $22--(1'4231" -L---4-4—
bianal line when.the Maritime ex- t --
b and . „ _
Lae . their. Steam auxiliaries at took ti open S*Itetiee or moisivg• grew :thore general Ontario,$24 40 $25, shortS,•
:work, and will .have to 'cut down erasuoil intO the rear. • 'and the consumption of high grade tcba, $23 to $25 ; • fnouille, $25 to
(lie 'city and tlie Strneerailway pres • continued' io increttie as the prac lIttanitoba", $21 tO $23; mici•dlings
:by the Registrar -General, -arethat
both WO. and death rate- in Eng-
land. arid Wales contihue to decline
and 'that marriages are fewtr and„
their servides: ,eigars :and .Cigai•ettes: augmented $30. Eggs -Selected, 23e; fresh, 25 . • • • . •
The ;Very. latest thing • in this age
rAAA))1SE Fon D0311,
• •WEEELY 100ATS TO GERMANY. 'ffiiitfuthe•-in-creased • .-1.-..,,stoek,---".-2Po;:, - generally speaking,- ecntr-aeted, of,wonclerSh saS7s: the London Daily
an4-,t,Xe:•conStantly gro-Wing conting-
ent Of 'foreigners wiilY'reside:71rthre
or desa permanently in ;France
St0ainert Metlieon' MontreO
- -.and Geitutn ,Ports.
stock,-18e:_Cheese--_,Westerns, 11 3-8 er
. „
• • ;
,• The .V. S. Geyernment have• or-
dered a mobilita,tion of arity ,e,nd
in_life than .they' us'ed_to ; ia a P'ericil With a tinY • elee-•
,..1.21'141e1;37,::•eciit;kzth.,rla4t, the yew. jo•t;
The United:, 'S,tatep .GoVernrcient
• :•111farriages • in. -1909•correSpencled tria lightin_the end of it, by wine
'London Paper's View Of Their'. Di- ter- °west?, 1"Se:eon 's," -te7ta rath--Of7:14.8;,:ptit pr4,2„--,-Inal•rleA,:the sheet of 'paper is illuminated as
-:,--A.deapateh.:front•4,Lontreal.: Say$:
. . , . •
• Versionatin_e_a .
•Six passenger and freight' steainers,
' Frorn to,• 1.814 the •revenue.
fr.4 the Regieo*Veraged.:.dp,000,000
friaries ($12,159,,000). a 37.ear. The re -
24 0 25.%-c • ,
1 00.0 cd the . ulaticin of ail The Wi•frer
ages; •being. 1-1. below the average tion is' being nsed by IL let 'of motor-,
-desriateh from, ....Ottowa_sayn'
at_ethe.Aaead-e 18994908,' . The, tl.stsdoctors ..and- others'
USITED,,,,S.T.ATESM4RE • • • . .
it na,te-on7Wec.inesday-Seria
-farming--&-daY -servle -Ceipts-of-1-909-were-64,000 frafiCe
Ite at_ pr.osuid 0 _.b..geh4joais need to figf5 Jalaeittivtitiergei
1Viellonald,of British
September, 90 5:•8e. -1 r°
may; .97 991/ to 98:ye . males agec1„.15,,, years , ancl Upward. cieS, Ond 'sometimes in iota c ar
IflJ nailed attention to, an article in tin •
:tween, Clermany • di -id .piridai•is ,the
(94,00,420).: The statiStieS for 1010
ki • • latest featiire announce nae ' for _the are not yet .4.%,,a, i lab 1 • , .but from...0.10
aPproaching 'Shipping ;season. Tile .faet that 'the tax. on cigars. „olgarr',.
steamers will 'be tith under the, cli- cttca•-and the fjetter soniiiins of
rection of the Canada line, and wiii 'tobacco wai increased' during the
ply from ' the ,ports of HainbUrg, :.
• past suinmer by, about 26 pek....cent.,
Bre:1119U" and -ItOtterOani t43 91-1°°,b it is expected' that theyear recently
and Montreal. : • ' ' ' ' ended will mal -e a 'still mor °pit-
,.. . e....
• .. . ,. _ .
nglislf paper, the 'Mirror, which , , 4 . 4
.s.e.frern 384 iii...1871 • ,
• hard-,,99,ic;.:No.' 1 Northern, 98 to and ;The corresponding proportion
lie said Was migleading; as• eider:
ed servants th go• to Canada, Where
oc3Y,e; No, 2 Northern, 95,Y td 97c
spinsters from '361 4o 395:, The
• xe. 8 wheat, 88% to ,6340, marriage 'rate •• ';19 9 ebmpared
1J-te eustein was .to allow domestics' with that ,of 1876-80 shows' a fall of
to go boating aad tenuireach $20 to $21.- ',Flour-Firet patents,
17:4, $4•eent.; '
, no less than .85 to $4-,95-; do., Aecniids,$4.55 , per
• lent ,showing, .
now thlwh.ofilio-groA§.:reedipt
Legislation. Will. AllowOnly Bona Fide
Residents to Vote on' Looal(4)tion
. 1 •
A despatch from Teforito-fitiya- over „the.. three-fifths clause, stated
I An important change ,in t e • leen] that the Gevernnent Would intro-,
• enc. le islatin • t-
g othat woulda • t an
0ion Which will co.naiderably 4
• ' -- •
-ithn some muni-
end-to-tize-coreplamts-roadeLby' both -
alter , the situat
• cipalities, will" be introduced in
the Ontario Legifdature during the
• present .session., N. The change will
practically. limit to bonafide resi-
• dents 519.-.munieipality thoseenti•t-
Ad4oyote Upon a local option by-
_ W
Koh. . Jaanna, Provificial no real interest in a 1°60 option
Ifgeeretary, in replying to Mr. W. contest,'). explained 1/on,, Mr,
. 'Proutliopt during the discussion 1Ifahnit.,
tbe Regie are net profits -the
-cess-over-e041a-w-material, man
tifacturc and rriaiutenerite-is„.„ net
made public, but it, is atitherita-
tively stated that the aggregate net
;profits derived by the FrenchGov:.
ernment, from the tobacco monop-
oly'diiring-100 years, 1811 to 1910,
amounted :to $2,929,590,000, ' .•
• Add to -this- ilia' annual profit of .--Mantreal, Mareh 14, Choice
$7,387,200'derived from the monap- steers sold at.6c, good at 5%,,e, fair -
o1 y of the manufacture had sale of lygood at _514e, fair at 5e, And eom
matches.nni---it" beeorneS:* evident mon it 'WI to 4.Xe per lb. Price4
that thereVenues,whieh are derived for cows were,".•Xe per lb, leWer,
•I iterally-Ireai-sm oke -are-among- the
teniperance and liquor peOpie in solid and reliable assete of the
connection with iocal option eon- French ackrernincet. •
tests under the present law. • The
'amendment will prevent.
. , , •
owners from voting unless they ale
reSidents of, the municipality inter-
ested,' •"TM.: man who lives. fifty
to 54 $5 fizsb
T1.10„.fall in the marriage rate has
_ _
clearsrW05. to'$8-,55;
de.L.Seetinds,_ $20$2.76been greater among widowers% and
,..5 to .
Buffalo,' Marph .14. --:Wheat•
It is pointed out that the, nninber of
'`" Spring, No. 1 korthe.rii,. carloads
; Iiitelr;711157-7r&i- thadr" oti.Nsvt"owers.s-IILblewehitisVet,tellhfirstla:1-,
93c ;No. 2 white, 94.C.1„' Corn -No, 8
s • re„ i•
yellow', 49c"; N. 4 Yelgow, 44'Xc, en men ma4Y laterin'life than `v°1°-
en ; seebndly, the duration of Male
track, through billed. Oats -Steady.
life• is shorter' than that of feinale
Bey,rle-4falting, 956.to $1. ,
• life,,.cuici thirdly, the •proportion'of
ARK.Vtgwidows who remarry is Much loWer
• than that of widowers 'Who ternarry.
-The mean,age all the bachelors
who married was 21,98 years in Lon-
don and:27.18;in the " 'rest 'of the
country,. Wh3le theMean •'age of
their wives Was 26,62 and 25..55 re -
'were ,Y4to 4e per, lbcheaper at ' •1)ivorees. Were inore• nume7ous.in
from 3% to, 5c per lb. Sales in -1909 than in any --.peevien year.
colves,, were made a ftom 02.50 to Marriages of persnil
Bridegroot-a,(afthe.firSt stopping-• '$61 eadlt, ,Sales ef selceted liogi -divorced have also s
no use, Clara, • ;U:e• were made at $7.50. to.$/.75, per eci, and in 1909 wer
tan't hide it from, -people that we record, .
are bride and 'groom,' )31ade 'awlit"w)o1"kre14ti..),hiteldtil?efltie144r.-8•.(:'11,0i.ee heavy tiilltubLookiong, the
Otorge V' 13ridegroom (dejectredlyr
here the, • waiter. has
brought us rice pudding." • •
.65 to $5,30; good ,to ` medium heavy, 1
55.50. to $5.704 light medium, $5.35 18
to $5.45; Mixed, rough, common; $4 a
• .
It' is reported : thSt •President
Diaz is dying.
, , ,
GensUs Commts4oner Blue- Tells
For. Cominr;Cen*.
A' despatch from.' Ottawa soya: tion df , Canada, th be nearly -8,000,-'
",1kre 110pd and feel that the :census 060; In 1901 it was about 5,371,000.
f Canada to be
The estini.atc.is largely based (?ii the, •
otaken thia summer
• inimigratz6n•figurea fOr the past ten
will shoow 'an increase in the
P years and 'the natural increases
lation. of the country'.over that of 'during .that Period,. •
the.last official census in 1901 of at Mr, Ellie said he felt that the
1ealiiil1y per cent;" -said Ale, -An: Maritime `ProVinces Weald • shovi
iehibald J3luc, J.'ensits Ceriimisslon7 slight .increase. •Unfortunately for
_er4..nri_....Th.uraday., morning, Mr, • theseProvinces, however,
1.31ite Stated that all tho Commis -e Migrants who erikinally intended'
sioners'haA been.apPointed and that to settle inthem had been
deSeribed as the enumerators Would. be ap
lm point- farther, west. Heiitlietight, how-
eadily increag- ed Shortly, • • • • 1
Ahigheston 'Tho •work will be conimenc,l'<;n
. . .. antic i:and Will eonsume inn'' I lain'
tires', it is veen thali the last one, awing to the. larmi
„t,,,..„,...., i„.,..i.„...,„ .._,,,.. .,,,„„ all'
yore annually . ni the perto chnonal groun to - 0 eovereo:, 0
76-80 was 55,4,i The average in the cording to- Mr. times, estimate the
ext five years was 671, in, the next census,' will show the total popula-
ever: that in /spite of the small itn-
mlgrationt� 'the eaStern ProVineet
they would shew an increase over,
1901, All the other Provinces' Ot
lie4),Avata„,1.n.„14Wit an"
tla. increases. rhe Provinces o
the northwest would show large in-
creases: " •