HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1911-03-09, Page 63 rre-'�'�cied�tAuk& :°nest I ow, . Isn't . th e "'Best Tea aOld Only in Airtight Packages. man Starv -00 E NEWS IN A PAI IL PPEMI S }'RO 1' M L ":OYEB ; • ��- Caands, the Eignlre and tire; World.. la Generals Beforo/Your • lv`yea. dANADd' Customs collections show a. large: iuGrease,. ` , Rev • Mr.. Qoss r was acquitted at Ilorohester, N43.i, on, a charge of arson I4egt -Hennessy, Quartermaster at=;the 1ia'yal.,Ml�tary.-..College; h°aa; retired.: Mail bags on the steamer Prim in' his; posiessipn. ' Mrs:..Triekery• 'lost her life in a 443- that deStroyed her sen-in-laW's louse -in", CalewaiFfniiiiihilK.r'•-'"' Sig Alan,,A.41esworth„._:Minister ,of ,JUstice, will retire' after seiltingot ,TO Meet :the 'pressing :needs ate.," feljerAni-Trhe-en"dyii-dieete•--Willtbnitt-summer--hoteli-, PeOple$1 Of :Chine; 'Censul-,General -Wilder tbat inAothit Red.:divas .hes,disbnrsed for' the ret mains were.' buried at Belleville; On '••-r.",-Annate-4.44.-Plef.er'o"--the-arniy- lief of-the:sufferers, :$16,000 -having ThUrsday, 'where she lived. : . ' districts:, and.. $7,000, ' having 1;leell larat Mentreal tioarders 'dressed: empty-handed.,to find the house on given to. the ;suffering multitudes, li,arks' and Weeds, the Consill-Gen- eral- says, proVide the only food for thousands of others. The Red Cross; on WedneSdaY, near the leading, Canadian ;cities. The, GoVernnient has let tract 'for a ,new• steamer for , 70e, Lower" St: Lawrenee service to the Niss'Ethel Cbleman,. playing with es eat ednesdaY*Predicted the diaapiiearenee !ankersible .protected oriikilital.deck and ;,a.rMer strong (Ilion to, big ;gnus On -high tow - eve suhmerged.torPede HAILED' LEAD INTO .GANG.; -7 'DOWn in 'CaTe in India, A. despatch from Peshawnr, Brit- ish_India,, says : The notorious Ont, law;'-Hakini Khan who hes _been followera . in eave by A. British Chme gun hailed lead into his den have cauSed 30,000 deaths, Until-alLbut five -of.- the -party were '-„The .French'' Ministry ha's' been 011 OH ea a • r: eteriburg ditional hat: they Jnay'.chienge 'their faith ia ;ritit'to'be'eonaidered.- "Tbilis far two -tlionsind',!jeWs, have been 'expelled 'from. i;Tehernigev.' Further The'"Canadien. Northern.' Steamship. -:..arrived-iiii-poit -On Wednesday from.. :Liverpool With:32 first, 192 second% land'in the. Morning. large. -•nniiiher :of the -Passengers 'ate -.seek einployment as. serVents in the 0,11,0*T11 OF ST! THOMAS.- reading:hi 'the- '13ritishVnieraon by_ The late Sir William Butler in ish-of Teausiiig-tliiir UNITED STATES. `Seanien threaten -a, strike at.time 1NC1.ENtMET*I1tPRiCES1f,fARMPROiJCTS.f, EARLY IMYMENT yOV. TIIE H1ZQNZI- EO NDEI{.S.- Figures of ,Indian Divinitte.o Tost fy- to the- ',Existence of. Its ItE)?Q1iTS PORN' z THE TU DE 6E4TIt,ES OF AM E$ICA. J'riee ot, , Cattle;. G rain, -Cheese_ and Other Produce .at. Koine Employment. ani Abroad, According to old records the art of •bronze casting was introduced into Siam: by the •Chinese in the eleventh century, However, bronze - BREA.USTUFFS, Toronto,. Mar- '10144 ar.wheat 90, per 'Gent. patents $3:20 :to •$3.26 at, aboard.' Mv;,pitoba. flours has been known throughout ludo Firseaboard. patents,; $5.40 ; 'second: pat China singe earliest, tunesr, as shown ants, $4:90, . and strong bakers',, by the 'Ainds.of bronze hatchets -and $4.70, on track,. •Toronto arrowheads riq limestone Gaaves= and Manitoba" wheat No 1. North .otherels 96.t4e,:.4.ay'pQrts,,Ro, 2 North-. toric remains. AUc}ent-`bronze fig- ern, 94c, .Bay ports, and N. 3 at `:theses :cults` in the red Wiiitei 80e'outside { Figures .ef.the )i tddha are found Barley --:Malting qualities,' 66 to in the north ;of. Siam in • great num- 6Se. outside, according, 'to quality,, bers,on. the sites of ancient temples and'feed' 53 to 55c ,,utside. . which: have been crumbling for ren ' Oats ---No 2 white 34 to 343 c: on;, 'tori s, Ieavi4ig the°`ma}esti�c iarnnze tra'clfi, Toronto; and 2c"wou srtie: figures standing inclosed a lby_ great No. 2 W. C oats,orts,- fores trees,= and :for worshipper`s end N6."3 at 35''to 35/e; Bay ports. Only; the wild beasts of the jungle. Coin -50,84c; Toronto freights, for. The -interesting--0point.._about .,these No• 3. American,,; ,. 'figures-ii---the-perfect;.„�onditien.--of- Peas No. 2' at 80 .to 81c ,outside, the bronze after -centuries . of ex- ;Rye -66 to 67e outside. posureLL to a tropical sun and rains Rye 66' to 67c outside i"" "Buckwheat No."Y` at' 483 te'49c. Thisbronze is Galled by' the na � tives ,samrit-the }.erlect or auspici= outside ons. alloy -and .its •composition for Bran -Manitoba at ,$22, in bags; along time • 1, ` Toronto;: and shorts, $24, in. bags,. REMAINED A MXSTERY,: , ,r Toronto. Ontario loran, ,$22 to "$22 50, in sac s, Toronto, and `shorts, until a few" years ago , the- ,formula $24, to. $24, 50. • was discovered by :AZajor Gerni :in an aId Siamese msnuscript belong - GQt7NT-RY FROiCE ` ` ing to the late K/ ing, of which the 1lpples Spys, $5. to $6'; Baldwigs .,following is_-a'translation,`:•with ;re marks:"bymajoral $�#'to 7$5 Greenings; "Take twelve tica`la, one tical, No:; 2 assorted, $� 50 to $4:50 per< egiitatal o onehalf'uunce avoirdupois weight of pure tin, :melt it ata slow Beans -Car lois $1.7�, to $1 $0 and small lots $1 90 -to $2 fire, .avoidi bringing -it to red �$oneg-Lx#x Eted,-in-tins 1.0,1/i hot Pour two tear' weig t of to 11c por lb.: ; To e1 "omb, Wrele an- a mold, -forming.' it..intio a _bar. a Take one catty in weight (80 ticals) sale .$2 to�$2:50 per dozen; �No ;�'2' .. ,. 0rlllVf,. 0.0111 ly fpr use eo soy' " quIatity. ' Uoiful" for f;vt Iuaclrcd purPQuL A cam cqu.ht 9O 11'.., SAL SODA`. J.. onlir t6s. Eton,. For SoftooiogWaton. F4r Polio Pres : of Indian divinities and of 81%c, Bay ports:,; tarrying , W'inter. w ' ' wo Canadian Companies Get Big Contracts. A Toronto financier who was m that the C. Pt R. had recently placed 'orders for about .$3,300,000 worth of rails, 100,000 tons going to the Consolidated Lake Superior Calcutta °Metal in Auto' Caught - Missile Thrown by Native. A despatch from daleutta says: official, on Thursday, wbo Was in an authmobile; was frustrated. by theofficial chancing to see the bomb Q9--`62P"-an-Y.-_#-nd ab°ut 1f,000 tons t')._.,..thrown; whiCh enabled him to catch the Dominion Steel Company. IR - the market for about 20,000: tone additional, which will make itsi/loil rail orders fulli as large as they_ • BraUtford Foreigners,to :Turn- in 'all A despatch frems Brantford says: A petition is being circulated: anicnag loeal 'Italians by one of their nura- ber -in an effort .to effect a general disarming of ail Italians-in:this city. turn 'over all Weapons -0 the:Police. Ria-ge Hardy. Prince Edward County Man Took it in Mistake for. Medicine. says: Taking 'wood aleehOl in mis- take f9r medicine -caused 'tile death 'of Charles Itourex at Wellington, on 'Thursday. Mr., Yourex had been living in' Wellington for some tirne,_. rOoming. alone' andataking his meals at a,- hotel, Deeeasedrwas-about, 25- ObOrtS 0111 aa. wag transforifted/(from a misshapen, stitPid object to 0, bright; intent,' -that of' a." -woman whose 'affliction thyroid in the blood., She was Dr. George beitson;' SeVerlillen- dent of the Roy Edinburgh Juni: for the i,nsene, a'report-pub- The ScOtsina of the mar- ‘stmenes tvie • The, first as 'of thyroid gland of which had be: en re- * who Sufferer Om InoVed. ;,he rapidly recoverql.' ' denia. 8be became chi 1.)r; Robertgon says those. unbal.. Strange delusiorit., tablet II 'states that the „eure- effkieted pepAred 'from the, thyroid gland -da .sould have I)e con idered • Spherical and three inches in die -- Meter. , The incident seemed to ell - ball 'to anotber,Player. The, thipy- 30,000 :DEATHS: Famine, and Plague 'Still Siveeping despatch froth Pekin says: Famine :andthe plague are ,sweep - bag over, -China. -:-The knOwn-deritha from the Plagnenumber 30,000, and, according to the officiel statistics, the death rate ayereges .200 dilly. Dr.-:-Sannuel Cochran, an. American, - :AY Why engaged- in .thel,:w vested.- Thie wilt:be scanty; be- cause'. the peeple lave net the strength to till the soil; and,no- • 1,',111INCESS MURDERED. and beautiful lady-inrwaiting ,Thtirsday 'et a srxill hotel' in:' this -citY by Lieutenant' Paterno, an of- ficer in the Italian 'eayalry. -"The airs of the ,fifOrY that le4t. thtlx.","tIntiteinfoWn'or 'suppress-, that the lieutenant. straziglecr :the' prineest and then' atiot her, Whelesale; $1.75 to $2 per tie fused 'mass wClf: stirred. . wed t'itraw-$0.00 .to $7,': `:`When this has; been done.,-,,threw- stems' Of „the. bila-nek. (terreatrial ssea peultry,:-Chickena, '10 to, Molten :":inetal:17-Reineve 'the droeS "16;,, '10124. 'ing .ta this'reeipe the proportion of - --THE LDAIRY-241-ARKETS.', menufacture that: thie.allioy also. contains ',traces' GOLD; .,siLvEg One of the beat knowin statues of Seen in the City Of •Pitsenn- the beginning of the eleventh Cen- tury, and ranks,: aniong. 'beautiful objects 'of" art ,that the: , bronzer.Wai alio used in old dayiforeasting vessels and lin-, pleinents for Sacked uses,' and was' supPosed to he endowed' with : The art of ceding. "brenZe 'Bud, dhes still forms ,quite honie in- dustry in Siam. 'The 'method .foI2 lowed is to inold„a figarein_cley end coat it with weir, ,then ' apply acoat- :the applieation of '; heit-'" and the the ,Mold is broken:and the figare Ples of -Bangkok maY'lie seen Many the Buddha,. which; ;.comPaire'. faV- Man .talls Dead After Atfondhig A • despatch f rota,' Montreal Says : RESULTS. OF DUST AND VIETII,7 'Cures:far These Ales in Preve.ntion '''The 'evil .results' of ,ddst and filth in our Streets krigurn to sal* tariens; but net tO' the The bad effects aris.e'froM the ,tion of infeetious.aird,non4nfeetiotts a had .effeet on :the, nasal' and pir17. itipn of dust, in cities is ashes and garbage; etc. The preValence of, 'the causes. of. dust is greater now than :at any` previous, time. The re - ""stilt of the -Inhalation Ottina-thrst are nesopharyngetil... and ederna. 'Physical deteriorati4n Preai-Ory quoted at 27c per lb. for .rolis, 24c for' solids, and . Eggs -Case ,lots, of_new-laid, 22 to 23c' per dozen,..and ot pickled at -16 Hpai PRODUCTS. Bacon -Long clear 11y- to ac per_lb.,_,_in _ case_ lots ; mess pork, -Hams-Light ,to medium, 15 to breakfast bacon 17- to-179-c---3Oacks- BUSINESS 'AT :MONTREAL. Flour -.--Manitoba, Spring -ere-$4-t907, straight-rellerir-$4:45 Car lots ex 'store,: 49 te 50c. Corn 560. Millfeed-Bran, Ontario; 822 Alings, Ontario, 124 'to $25; shorts', Manitob64: $23 -to 25 ;. ineuillie, $25 12e; eaterns, 11%; to 11 But - er signs, There is a predisposition Fin.. to. $4.75 ;, sec- t() tubereulosis • :and . ond patents, $4.35' to $4,65; first which- is- aided bY the inhalation o'f eie,ars,:'$2.90 to $3.30; seediidclears;. gernis of these diseases'. present, in °01.90 to $2.50, • the' dust froin,expeetoration_..--. Buffalo, Maroh t.-.--SPring Wheat infectiod froth, dust, The int4tines $1,02 5,-8; :Winter nominal. Cern says: Admiral Sir Asshethn. Clore at Portsmouth, , was' Stricken yith parelysia Wednesday Morning and •died tbe same evening.-- He, was the second in, command of 'the ,scinadron ',which -visited -,Vitebee-- at - the -time of the Tercentenary, to ed; tort %Xing -George, then Prirreo of Admiral .'sCurzon-H9We succeeded in • March; 1910, the, latter being *emoted toItherank-ot-admiral" of -flept;-1908-10. ,fleet,, IleTiad. served •- riavy 48 , years, and; during that . known :shipa and 'saW a great va- riety Of active serVice.. 'He receiv- ed theth,anks of -the Royal •Iliimane SoeietY in 1868; and was tiviee reep, was coninaodore in. 'charge of the Neyvfoiindland fisheries in 1893-96. Channel fleet,, 4902413; coirimanr der, :China, 1903-05:;' Chalinel fleet, - 1905 -07 ; Atlantic 'fleet, 190V08:; Tai• rly -good. at 5734, -*-67(3c, Mir -at -531 icontiAlii-Wc1 to :the sale by A. '1.•: 5e.'per 'COyirS and bulls broUght average Price- was :net1).do . high' ati -$3-to„, -agreed-that-the-,qiiality-of- the ani - $10 each, 'ass to siz'i3 and quality: mala did :not average, up. quite so , SheeP; $5 to• $7,, and a: few :Spring high ai at last year's salt, • "": ' TorOht0.; 'Mardi f.-LThiee- good fat . heifers; - weighing 1,400 apiece,were_ sold for. $0,10,per cwt„, v*ENNik TOWN. $8.60. • Bulls wer_e_Ateady_ataroutid "$5- to , • and- good -butcher cows bionght- $5.25 in some cases. Can - nerd. WefSe----frein:1111:1€6.42c50-per-reikt.' GOO' larebs . weighing 'frorri 90 to, 100 .lbs. wer: about -25e. -higher:- Sheep were' cinoted. frem; $4.25 to Province Now. T Silver 11i7O4ficers.' tariO's" Mineral .olitptit for 1910 is shown 'by. a; rePort issued by. Mr. T. W.`"Gibsen, Deputy Minister Of Mines: The total was ''$39,232,814.' were the Chief produeera. 'The, Tirol duCtipn .of gold in the'lPrevince der- ing 1910 was $00,918,, the PorcUpirie :4W rict_ae4iunting,ZfoKA)SOte:. than: - half of the ,output.' Ontario now ednanunities 'of `the World;' .the United, States.. The 'Only falling The yield last year. was .231,453 tons 'competed :with: 263,777% tolis4or the w. .4 Among inaintaiir:' its Unenviable -notoriety far_ theLnninber__91; suicides._ figures just published •fer-Tast, year are the highest Over receided. 441- • „, took -'their 405' • being ,nien and 1d2 wothen. . In addition te these there were 891 at- tonlpiecl suicides, of which 499 were tal number of suicides and attempts averages 'ilmost exactly four a:,,dey 'April and Nevember showed the 'The majority of the victims either next ine,shooting, drowning, poi - Son thrOWi13g theraselveS out boy of ,12. 'Beth thretv'themSelyea out of windows. " • NEW, ONTARIO LOA ;Cot" ..-Mathesen; . Provincial Tree - surer .of, Ontari6„:''ari,notiliccd. on-, verdict, -in ,the case of; Ed." Berge. eilli, Colon bacillus, :etc, The auto- virl;' who fell dead in his fitutse on , mobile has ,inereitsed the Anionnt Thursday, morning:. He had attend- itrid, spread of dast, The cure 'of eUtlie-ftiOefel "Of' liks- only son; atiti in prevention' of for,* was ninth cut about it,. EC en, matiort of dust by wet swoepings, tared, his hornet, tOolt off his ever, watering, oiling rOaxls, , vacettni teat, 6,0a pitehea "forwaid dead. Cleaning, etc, bull dale of the Guelph ,Fitt7STO-Cle Club, the_ buil•ding, on 'Thursday, proved- very successful, The total amount Of nioney that changed hands was.$2,4 -,91-7,-The--average--prite was .$72.00 per: head; and the highest paid by II. A: Con -nick pi .Hydro-li;lectric transmission 'Hiles, Witids9r., :Three million is 'to be , spent en Ake, N. '0,. railway; ' . Wemen''' would keep their figures Stri turtle tO says : The troops stationed here 'On account of the Eitrilo cdal ers have,416'..laSt found something serious to do, „They:ere (ialled Out stoning of the lion868. ,tild'Strik,- cOniriiitiYis propgrty; ,and to p1.610, Serc',6 the. right's of the then' whO* ly . co-. tkb,nut ti -1,0 heitd. The, town :cti: ;t,',,,I,c.,,,,e,. k,`(\., 5,..1: tot;c1J'.',1""9''-'° -0.1 '''