HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1911-03-09, Page 301,
or Busr Hotisekee ers.
eiliese'end Other Valuable Information
Of PorfkOlOr. Im��t. tOL Welted' .F914
: :•with freshly ,grated, -el-400,40C:: Roll.
4*.:;,:.:0,,,est, „:$pengo Cake T each slice separately and tie' with.
•'egg•Bi• kolge".4 separately; one cupfiii•'4P;tir" XilA•ciii,
, , 44.0 • • grewnlatorl.iingar ; ... three_ :Fruit ,Saadwiebes..Talce •:thin
• eiglithS'cukul'liot-Waterr 'Or" •ininti'ii1414-0.11.1t"htl,*;*''ibtr the big fitlblinn4g,'
„One-half teaspoon lemon . e t
' 'One. euPful flour; .en.e. and one-half PpPeePli'aa.174411'.1.;14'7, ehfo'QPIIP'9.:0? ; ofi:93,4e-PliPaPlf'
. tcleutiosiptoco;ithiettls40.0aknitailet..,:p:It7deilrricicr4s .., ,t4ir4,00p.ogi:tr. hof oup.,.0,bothria. R4b4d:tiffrii. ou,ria4..zsidth4.,3 i!,:wb,phd: ,,,i!.• the
'Bcat'.3;nuni ,pf, pigs...141W_ thick .•.444 .11i*ri, and :t*P tahieslieeris ' of lena-,
Aight: '104:half 'ti:l'°.44gtir' 44-44113'-1":: .:644OilleuriC:ue:iitiMl'..titi:knc,len6Otgichi4tO4:1;nelladhle: 4e:Ti•it;:::''''''?f : :-'SQ.1.11inb41".4.419fl'exigd'i
7:heating. tonatiritl • :add te ' . „
,:..iiiiik,:.:and','gradu.ally tenlainingepg. • —7-7"-* , '-':. . ' With:. Abialiag ' the l: 'nurse . Of
..• . ., . , .,„ ..
at,: Beat ' mixture jhree . Aminutes . . :', T.BPTP-'•'*gil*-'7.' Davids old age...... . Thus ::''Shiiiriiirri-
add �xtract, wbl.tes of eggs eaten Baked-. Apples..,,Talte.as'ipaPY. lip,- ‘'iniP8, seet4s.:to have • keen •11,11 heir-
, . -.. ,. „ . .
..,1•0.1::$tift;. =tax land • 0.1ft."110Urp: halt,, Plea as there are people •to . be • eery-, • os; ..,i010- ..with her hmhana,.., owned
• 7,111g:.po*•der AO. salt:,,theKi: 04.4kiia ed:. '' 7' Peer . and l'exaOire :eOfe,.:!.. '• ;Fill, ,-Inucte Of ho, with
;40,j1-41.tiCrnixtUto.,,...11-14ter'„and..,,ivith,,chOpPe4L,11.,ie_lsOy :'and Bilelish lage't..- .I7fei hospitality must have
2flotii• a. shallow enke,;pan; ' turn: in :*.alrint nieritii; • Sprinkle with whit been 'weloonie.:to• the. prophet in .his
. MixtUre;•.spread evenly 'Aiia ba,ke izi sugar • Put in: Oireti.•: Anil .IA10 614:47' wearisome tours 'among ' the • P1.4..'
' ii., moderate. 'Oen . twenty -flip niinu- 1Y, boti4e ;41 the while With 'sir ••= phetie schoble.,
.4;,.; • , ,..,. • .: s .• . 7---. lip, .1444e .pt. 601-4. cup. sugar, .:6Pel• 6,''This. wee'a• holy' man -It. seems
., •uP1)-s04-Pirectiop,4-41.,,,4114fori th4.';'cu olio' water...cOolted., .tintil. ..iii unlately that •Elijah . :Weill(' haye
:Vake.--Thin.caltes require.a liotteg.r. thmgds,; ' ' Sake:.- Until.: 'iapPreS' ' 'are' aimiled himself Of. snoh.Oeinforta \as
••-•.OINi);;-.04*.:tilOse.---baked...-in,-,:-..thkak•Ole41.7.,:.•,-,BerVe'',With-,Whillned•-e-reain- wereoffered.in•lbis,,luxuneuslion*,
r---"Ionao'reurh. or, fir.(:).7.(710:t-Illi:r. --"ii,ill'Iat7;,?.. rutal,i79-ter'Ccau4r Zilfteetleeller' .:a.:. -Wit's )thboV.47.1irPriritisli4ined. li:edalliigeh,?:14ha.444-
be. cooled tbo,si.id: '
-•'--rden.lf-du'.ring7:-the-Hiyakh.-4 --ti,i,.6 .-e-ake--, •four • iteatipoons:-baking-ipoWder,-one-,Han-eriiinently'sociar:riathre'and,:ea4e
..., '..:.• t,lian.-.a. wooden spoenras-ire
will nli.it.be light '. M* oake in an teaspoon salt,: One-third'"euto..• n101-..! , it ..free play..... At any fate), the! pro-
..a:rt.ii.en boiyi and
,never, in n . tin ..6,-4sos, one-half cup.' hrO•vVn.' ' sugar, L.i/os41..inade to 'her '.hiishand..-V the
p-4:-'0.-"ggs-/-:-I*0--,%111P.,-*ilii4,...413ne C4,0'..:*(0Plail---00),-NY:as-Aot_tintigual,.',AYeA
. gjoi,•0 • dtse,09.4„ .t•whol-d-ii;iid, ibe• seeded-. raisins,: one clip -cholciped. .iri arland- oyerfloWing.' with hOspit-.
_ .0.:kilfre. ..c_eareikt*nulated sugar nuts.. . . Mix quickly, let raise
•for ' ality. The 'little . .ehaniber, 'built
- ..,:rinfaii-e-ii-I-e--/-t-iy -.-4:10,. ?viol 4.1.1k,d,a,44 ,ov,enty. minutes. .136.1W--Oliefhouri-,' with Av. 41r8`,":415eve the roof'78'0 as 't,e
. , . ..
...,:.- sticky•criist.:. Line your cake . tins give easy. and •• private ...access frnni
-paper- to. prevent burning the •.. ,COOKIES.,.. • . •-, the•Outside-(and-furnished-..afterthe
, . . :.
77-7,1iiittoin and .redges : and to :aid inre-, B.rwept-efa,Oc.prs,,,o4o.cupot .sim:,..; styleof__,OrientaLrobins),- inuat•-haVe
moving the eakes from the pans., 4r, one cup of lard,. • and two, eggs afforded. the prophet Many honra. of
:--.----Lity-:•therpaper--over•the'outside-Of creained: together..;.• ,Pive.,;,•eent.i,' 'refreshment. :' : ,.!--.., .;--- ..• ' ' . : ':
.tlie:: pan and crease it .around . •the worth • Of oll.'",Of,;,•i4.4041,2:...PAS4), Avq.', ,.12.'aehai'---7ThrougliPut his long
- edgO..ef the bottom Allow it large certts,'-•:wOrth of.: baking ammonia, PUblie,•career Elisha. Was. a ended
• -:•-,ensitigh-to,cOnie-:- above •thesedge of dissolved, inene pint „of, "SWeef,millb.• .by.hIs..:iei7v40,.. WhoLoieupie ninph
.. the pan: ;,'Break each :beg on; the .0*Ornight, Pound and knead .aboot. the Sarne.nesitien as he inn:1464-1161d.
edge -Of -the- clip 'just. enough to'c k forty... Minutes ' Work in as inu ,la in relation to Elijah : t: • '' • .
:the/m.(1We ef the:shell., so the ilmir as...poSsible:.. Roll thin Cid', '11-1 • ., .'$11..e $t(SOW before 'hiniT-Jt . is dif-
will 'go* out, but not hard enough .squares, : and :stick's several „'1,4nies: 'fieult 'fel-, na to iimagine, the re.ver-
4,46,741-ealt.-_--into-the4011i.,-::-...-Let7A-hb-_ .-witli.--a4ork.:-'---Bake-iii--sluiek-±„4-ven7.' ence-with-Whieli-ShowoUld boine.'-lii-
: white rim into the culp, and :keep. the 'Half. Of the: oil: a ' lemon S.: enough to the. preseneeTa...efie. : WhOui.., -she
ye*: in the half Shen' Until. 4117 ' the .for One .1*cing;• ... _ ,f,.... :: , - --•, considered a ropre-sentatiye'of-,Godi:'
• whito•sfif drained. Off: '• '::...B6;:c'firefill. or. the, reSer.ve Which ' Elishit, in the
•net..-.:_to.,:breali4lieryolltras,the-7,6inalt-- •
, :P4LX-4f-E-LP.•:_ frl.,;-_'_,,,,... : :. ,dignity4Or4W-pealt),-,-wouldHex,..
1 inid it. indkn'' . Wh• iefosteini;iii, ii;f0st...ereise.,' sO•dOwntrodden. Was•tbe; con.:•.:
dition-. of ,...wornankind- in-theee-dnY-4,-
edwith-,iicales.,,-. -After-trying .:•!Var7;
ions 'kinda..of ,.treatinent fiii.....their •j(e:9'71°r.e.'4resua;°4 the' 48°'264.1'Iti-71-:
'Woman 'John- 'its 27) : '. ' SO' A. •EliSha
speaks to : her": though .. hias, iinitith,-•
pieee, '.Gehazi (it); and,''earbfill not
:to'offerict hia,•benefactor by': any sag-.
gestinii.ef,;roOneY• • eqvalent' for
her pains, he .. proposes • dit:ttliTer
,Might,:giVe eicpre,Siion..to,:his•grati.,4
• tilde • by •:speakinga, ,word. iiv.her,,be,.
half •te. the.king,"er :uainglis curt
influeretWitli.7the:t!eitPte017•74L-.Lt •fr
•hc.)4t:.• ' • But,: ;dwelling. as ...she . did,.
• need of royal or 'military. ; :protec;-
tibii. -, SO. She:went away, •• cinly'tehe
-renalled' 'on'-•::Oehaii's ••• suggestion
that the great' sorrow of ' her 'life
.Wia,' that she had no 'child, and was
:growing old (14, 15): . . . . : • - •:
. , 18'; DO net he -The "proMise that:
:in 'the :spring Of the•.year''foll6Wirig,
otisbitiiire..ritS,:tyhe:_*usidltod.en,oheaegY.o.e.o. d.' 4...•t;ci.Ch!,i.,1pd.,:b. h.lei.er4,:t.'..• very,xi
)ARCH 1.
Lesson ,Elfsha the froPhet.
Wes 4-Ohlt11-frtirtifIN..
Golden Text, .ROPI0
:Verse A --great •Woman --.--The
prevailing idea of greatnes_s -was:
of:a :person who waeindependently
rich (i•SaM. 25; 2), and, who had the
power that goes'•so frequently with;
wealth. This same , Shunem was:
6.. 'ialte up thy,Son,-.--iii.tbetense":1N
ns of the situPtion the inclirpet I I
address), through bis ...servant, is 1 • .
laid aside. kluManit,Y :n• a fai. lar
er, -consideration- thah,-cenvent1on,
ality, ' • . . " :"
47- Fell at his feet -She wastoo
oyerWhelmed- ':with • emotion--
gratitPllte te AP eal.c,. We 4,17e; left :t9 ,
ifliagiRO, 'What tke, Ffiktly_cE1,-,i911111.g rrogress ef flie Orcat *P.O. Told L
. .
• .0,40tomus
(MEAT ERITAJ1.'$. KrAgilLAPY The well-known: Ine:449-01 c*Itl•
IN:l.'HE'FiDli,STItY; • • 'of Kreutzenstein baron mad* *
' ‘4,ficielkominis," entailed th.P.
•faroflY; its •ew,nq
Wilezek, and 14, bOit:ants .been ;
made heirloonas,. writes. the Vienna.-
eorresponderit of the London Stan?
TnvaliditY Insurance Will Not Con-
fliet4WiflA Old Age fielifiloPs-
• The Eaglish `PeoPle
to realize the vast importance of
the, British Governinentia,icheMe of
insuraneet ,which r•w
• being eagerly dsbussed „in every
factory and :Workshop mine and
• qiiarrY," in the" -Servants. hall., of Lon-
don punisiona,', and humble farm kit-
chens. The invalidity insnian , as
• propoFied by ;The • Government, • is
quite a thing apart from old age
• pensions' and uneMPlOyment
ance.There is no' idea; Of :Changing
'There were 820 clep;th.si4„. 51;ticf.311-
ver last.year.• '•
Nearly ;eight feet of -snow- < have
'fallen in ltossland this winter.
The new $75,00 convent building
in Kamloops, 1$.0:, is about Com-
-ghe IleN Inland Hespital, to be
built this year in Kamloops will
cost $,I25,000.; •, ••
•The. mayor:of Vancouver is paid
$5,000 a :1'year and," the '41dernien
$500 each, . 7. •.
sPring. stamen', • cannery'
• InelTase• •
•!' The ahnlial: report: Publiihed b3r
LloYcl's Register of Shipping and.
Shipbuilding ip ipio gives' the fol,
lowing interesting figures:
Tonnage. of merchant 'ships
latinhed in the 'United' '*ingdom
durfng three years,: .
• 1908.. -• • 929,685
1909 ,.. • .991,066
1910' 1,143;169
in. the United ingdom tb 1910 were
.clestined :
•asoted;baort:•:ftgio,of,o,ti:y. b,c). , ships,s, 0:,341943:;01,75.30.087:ttonon40,i,.
Calgary real. estate Men 'are
• Germany- 5 ship, • 26,507 tolls
• Sweden .'.... 5 ships, 20,247 .,tons
and smaller • tonnages • for other
countries. ' • • ' • .,
hi lihe ii the 1lrnted
-,Vanconver-mtizens are -indignant gd
pthree4,beanstisiedfmorn4afeerePde7104syzsidiatyt preparing for an infinic of farniers
during March and April. -
inSuranee is an extensien only, Old
age PeRal°- $1,2. a :week wl11.1,struek.,atAlie.I,P_5_0...footieLel..9-LOO
ise-gackeor-wwdoor---6-0-effibii:jilaFionlaulrerf en: i.bn:ti ns solid
aore h -Pa. leen
tory.. basis. to qualified persens, over
_becanse_compulsoryvsuelnsLtrnn_h_aa: British ships, 133,525 tons
'Waage Of ieventY, ,Per this reason
tliriadii-e"-r-h----,ss eine will eTiliTru57
.-end-:at • seventy)-and:there will
40,44. over -lapping: Contributions
:to invalidity inanranee. will begin at.
an -age not 'lower, than sixteen years
Agaiii).; invalidity insurinee is' quite
dtstinet from Unemployment., insur-
ance as outlined by thea•,Board of
Trade. . Unemployment . insurance_
is intendeiller. men_aud-Womeh who
are ..ahr-ritt-i'dt-willing ...Work • but.
;cannot; And2a ;job: , • Invalidity
siirance. Meant for menand
• •
WO -
men whfro. are debarred from work-
• ing through t-.ecintinned ill -health.
11, p oyment insurance . will, •:be
.Compnisory :only 'for the :-bnildirie. •A y, d• f • '
•'est,portipii it in the *bites will
----,ffprevent-thern-ffrething,. Never
whites until they
are s •itt aWy, as itjaimpossilde ,exttrdijngion..14ieg*n-washing-it.40..
suds •madetrom soap. ' After, three
Wailings, at intervals of .a.feW. days
apart; Ind. the scales-- almthit-•en-
Aire-1y gone, -the palrrqifra-ing7-fr-esh_
arid green and, making -new gro*th,
:AnOther.,.bath'of theaanie-W-illLkeep
-it •in ••coriclition.,3•::` U. D.•: '
them Light they , become
- . - • _ .
Mother's.Oake..One..acitnt.:eUp 01
butter, one-and'Tone4ralf -Tetipanqraw
,threep.:egge.; beaten Separately;
• . ...One • teaSp090111' lemon Or..Vainilla,
TTt.apeCnifiil ',Mace; .:1`.iiri'&.half
÷,.,;_ipooninl-erog1i-0:-Iart.ari-and....-one, • - - ,VALUABLE E1TS: '
half teaspoonful Seda,:•or three ley,.
Apply- a --drop of oil to the door
hinees to keep them from craking
;Crain the. butter, ,. add the .sugar
gradually. then :the.: yelks":, of'. • the, A? cork soaked:in' 611.:' Makes 'a'
tho,,,frayoring .reserv.ei..a.;.geddlnEuititate a • glaisiatopPer..-
,quarter 'eta •ciiii',Of 'flour lest. the
•be too •siiff. if• kJ' be :used :subitittite for fruit for tb pudding
4' Try a little' belting soda and' liOt
'...".the.soda 'and, cream of :•tartarinto
and flour alterifatelY ,little
"at. a tifiie,and laitly title
• which: haVe.. been, beaten ' stiff and.
• itilry1311,ke 'fienitertylOfiftY Min;
atei.in..*' El:A:10110e oven.: Acid.one
eiip of currants and, Youhave a nice
. currant cake,' or half a CUR of dates'
:cut. tine nd flavored:'; and . yen' hate a
water when Cleaning hitchen.:1,iitelv.• ,(
.: If ,yinar 'lancet& batter\ ts.,tee thin
try tieing *tale bread.erumbs ; as • a'
thiekener. :: •-.- •••••.,.,--.---,,--,..,-...,-,-:,7---:
.' flowerpot 'stains' inay,:be• teniOyed
frOm •,•.window: eine, With fine : 'w°004:
ashes: '•.' `. 7,',i,.7. .. " /.• .„.. • ' .. •::: :'
•:•The neck Of a.:litthes• froek.•.shonld
•.. ilate. cake. .. Colcit.o.he Ciinful;of th,e ....:11v4itb":1:irti*. itrwill ' eluder'
',dough ivith Spices, cinna;rnon, al - , ; the er skin, .
-..-,..-mee--.4: -04-, mace,. ,or... ,Tviith____,:gratmd,... etCf . 1 fliquidLyeast ifi ociiiiv.
ale. nt•-tO -half '‘ii, compressed ili.irst
,Iliecelate :a.n,.:1-YO.O.: have 11,-.r.40451).4rd. ,41"co.„,.0E-4.4110.10;dr'yryeastcake...-...:
.. _ , . . . _ -.
' :01.te'. '1.?'Y IllUnra•-onilfut•Of.•
• . . l.ni,tfU1,
itite'PWf,•, il seloetizg:.t.ott..,the pio06,s, w4ic1et#
,Et.rc, v.'ell -.inatled: With, fat' will ' he
••foUnd:the-trichest-':anclAnciest. ' -----'•
. to.if Giikp:-.0110•,CiapP... butter, , . • . . .
• . oe.ainTal.Witirtwei CUP-Nig:6r -S-tiglif.:;". • ., .. , ... . , . ,
6Orners of ' the .cellarl. this. will ab -
r add. four beaten • yollai.. of eggs ' 'one -
toit.s.1)64nIni. ous044, •.di , ,,,,,. .,, Sorb 'any :damp ' slid ,diapel :insects%
se'll:''''''-'4A- ''''".-IVIteirr',`IeittlreeririChaWs• '': reek.
:.°'Xi'e 61:1Pfu.17etts*:ei" ihiik- l'IV'C''' rte,i1:',..aliabibythey.,should..„))b,:•Yviiied-withit-
-,..--.sproonfirts-treattrirtal--.; inikeel, in a,cift, cloth maistener"iiiWilriVe:!..0if;
. 'thice cupftils of, 'Hour ;. payor :with .• Wooden . b'readboards are: kept in
' -----:i'laiillu It )14.2-4---11:-4111-"lf° 14c4-:-)P.10e--;,- -hettietr-condition,'-hir-rubbizigAltern,
,lastlY add' the '.hea'te.n,-. whites'. Of. with 'Sand than' by. Simply..,,,, nine
..eggs:,;--_ lieat--:.well 'before yt-in----so-p,,
o ' the ' 1080wht.f.'eegs ;.', add •one chPhil, _.-.
ureen":blinds :that'. have :' teeOine
".'--ofehoPPe,lf-iPits,"if: you wiSh. ' -Th,i.s. ed„rnatvy' _Ale :renewed hy• _4nh.hin'• g...
'-'71s_loi. t B(177i117701t".tutinesirele• cictilir.• a., , Irak' „ii,, tti:.ra, te.d..T, ...,v, i.th
• ', acy:4: Sponge •_Ctik.eltike .: a • i•• If -fresh ' fiSh is to ho, 'kept: 'oyer
sPeege e'tkele'ali'etle'q loaf pan and :night, it should ,be :salted and laid
. put it ..asidefor it'Clai.:or,tive. After: "an earthen diSh,' not -pl.a`ded' on
' that tirne CO •off ,the • top, driist and a board orfahelli : ' •• • : '
takc_out,the soft part.:onthe;inaide• .. deotata;•,iihtt,,,itglits: sheol.4,-, be
ling. Pik .it u'p' with chOpped: ..•titits, ''.
a ried ' ii•V a '66,-d• Stiff bee 40 'they
4ina''"iiiPP"-1 Create. : Put back ill may be as light itrid..litiffy.,is-wheri
t..rti.i.O0..y.n.i.;...NitliAb.p....oinist-c ut he . '-ff - " .. '' •"'-_ *
in Shoes and Serve, , tia..d•essert.,.' ' • if
.•, ' ..roti: niy, discover; that •Yeat • have
• . S -AN' not,--;, pOtalocs--lon'ough--to,-,orra-lipl-
• . . , . . •Iiist take •soine Stale bread' as ii,ley
' :Ribbon Sandwi6hes.--BUtter' iik blend perfectly: .,• ' ' • - • • '
thin slices of :bread .oii. 1..).00-1 sides ; . A ,few drops of lernen.,jitice Or ,viii,z.
•sPreat1H:lii.Yerk:',' et -''! 46iled.:-',114.m, egar 'put, in ;the-- 'water 'in.' whith
• tongu0,. or chicken between ; then eauliflower • is to • be.: cooked will
• _ . ,
press' the entire pilo clesely,: : and proserie its whiteneds;.. '' " • . •
. ••
sliee dowii.wajd) ,Making,,thin, ; rib,. ' . A, large clean marble beiled, . in.
. bon I ike.-,.. SittidWielies.. ,Anotliert=_: -inilko- porridge, "... custards,-:-s_sauce;
•. Put.-Aiteantt-b-te•Wn :hrea<1120-geth.t.:"..will Automatically_do the 'stirring
•. et alternately, :ita , aboVe., , using .. 4, -,•as., the liquid .beils, and Sd: prevent
•,-filliUg.1-4-er,ennile-g.P.Se-alid.A.O11nreit,Llitt 'nit go4..,.,.„,.._.,-,.,..,1,:,..,,-...,...'.,.,,,.,...,,:.,,.-
Pui.s•or olives, .' ', ..' • ' , ' ; he .111'1e -it -whitlows ooat gte.Ves'
: :Japapose Sandiviches...Take. any Can easily becleaned,with .4 .soft,
thuLot left -lit er7hairrbaked-OrIboil--', 7,:efotird.:: hit!'etYllrviliegat •101,d --sYgter•T
M: pick. out every bit of. skin,...and This' .shetild: )'3d ".409, When . piitting
. . . .. .
6 43, ove up.
. . .., .
• Yaptinese railroads 'lige terra -cot-
fa:sleepers, -... ! "../..:, - ' •• -
They fliite *Open tieket ;agents
. ,
iii.Australit- ,' • :,,,
bone and (lake in small pieces; Olt
into n saucepan with a little creain
er milk to iiMisteri, adding a little'
battei:: and dusting of pepper ; work
ton pasto while it is heating; then
at ands r ad on thin slices *of
1, -PN
• Jolly SittidWictieS. Oat thin,
iiices ntw.arin fresh bread, Iteniove
,ertistsl, butter t irini evenly, spread
ith ,cu in jelly, and aprinkle
.kee-R.-.0E-014 • T. .°4nii-s--
-LaSt year :there. Were '538., cases Countr1c for whose ue are
before .the: police 'etSiiit '• in .''.'llevel,•teoi.11;1;iidiltlIg.11_!orwtasr.i5nhiPthse•
anall. the
stoke: The : fines -ainoilated to
$4,,000 _ • §4,iti§:..11.g.i525 tons
Not.:torTniany 'Winters has there': rman 21 ships, - 49,024 tons -
been, so. much suo.W.: on thesa'ska,t_ EU•t.61c1.:1.•,
13 ships, 30,287 tons
chei•aii Prairies as ia he case at12 shaps, 24,063 tpns
present.. • • • • , ships,23,100 ton
Davxd Opperheamer is to be hen.
Ored•.by ineinorial in YaricouV'er. .. •
nage.: • • , •
0Onlbuiing Mercantile and „naval
shipbuilding :• in United ': Kingdom
ports and abroad, . We, .have the*,
reinarkable figures 'Concerning this
"ruined in ustry .: •
'Launched in 1910 in the United
KingclOnii 545 -.F314 1,277;8,14 tons i
lannched. inthe werld,... 864 .only :999,803
.1910. 'in. 411 the:rest...6f
•• " `•
'He_was one of the first mayors of.
that city. .
The B.C. Government has •cop-
„aented to the appointment of a coni -
mission to 2enquire into the. high.
price of coal.
,S nilding ..and ,eneineering has. recently purcilased 35 lets "iP
trades-thatis, for two arid 'a . half' th.e West: end; 'of -New: Westmlnifer
: Invalidity insur-
ante , V/r9 ..mep ‘11,, pleadedi : in
year. nemplOymen Iiiturance
Sus .letnents:the Work QLradai
ions ; invalidity insurance- sapple-
meats the work' of friendly SOciet:.'
ies. :The details of the -invalidity:
insurance are still seeret. "On•Islev-
elalcienTttibie. lisearptes'7.:airW7ahlliCahntlhc191.1444,-•
jails, as it - 111e4.411 that the unexam-
pled,alitimeoel„lectioS: Of. 41:t1:111e.
gether in their present Setting .for
in the middle Ars he kept to- •,
tare,. iveaponl, and objects of art -
•.•lre11..t.zenstein is, no doubt, the
most ,.comf)lete genuine specimen of
ethe present owne ixnittoeinitoce- •
it as a young ,nianf War, --s; • ri4n; ••
bat Count Wilezelt has: devoted a.
largeforitine•to restoring the build-
lags and, 'furnishing thein through-,
oUt d9711 to the 121iiintOt • detailwi1:*
rhe lookingui krInha. tith our . es_Mid451 11:i_ntg. 01, 1::_pu:hil.ed. nyThet-
ing. .The Castle lies oh a, hilt:Over;
he :his spent a lifetiine in collect, •
sights which all distinguished visit-
ors to. the „capital,. auch-as-in reeent • -
years King Edward, Emperor ,Wit-
ent77-Rookettlit _
have been taken to see,
A “fideikommis" is stricter than
its -English: equIvalent as it cannot' •
he cut off like an entail...An...estate ;
cani hewever,--now be:tied inthis
:Nva7 only jay,: a special wee a the:
• -Atia'.triarr,:-Parlianzient;" which--z-the- --
lower house, is nowadays very un-
Willing-tapasa ; none has /been
'created for fifteen :years: ' .
ficulti-ivai-geit Over in thia case •by:
the legal' advice of a so,called, ex-
change.-. .Part of Count ,Wilezek's
:estates is already subject to fide];
lcommis," and he was -permitted by •
ta• the place oelfi .la:i.luntndlia6eiiiii°;t:eShiele wibi hrtingici
wasthereby released. ' •
.i1WV-rto cattreTiterillii'g;--°f-the -last name4-the-
States built 361,000 tons • Oerman3r,
Legis.eaclnetp...:te, Peed. to
two. yeais':
: Al0e1.0.tiO.
jewiSh. clergyman, !to .
..erPh.07' 4th 'Mr: LlOYd George h414.-:::'91hfe.I.1.1iiieefe..:::a1C4P..n.4.16.'cilonf9strrillacbti?ozi;
, • o• s
ed 'a:draft of it:to Mr Barnes, • the 'W Edmonton are told.' .
' 4rairt17".-10shi--.--7-Ma,ncife-ster:
"It will take a'stnall array of•MenUmty•
:of ,Odilfelleiis,. • The dOen, ..husy. this . owning summer. building
Inents:.w.erP,;hOweygr; commuOcit, new eharbhes . this eitY';.': says the
:e4 on Cabinet terms, • and .• Mr.
Barnes-wiS4orbiciden-tolte-thein,• *-ecerit excursion frqin•Wi--
public .0„entiiisaticyns th,ttiber;tiebeme,;c1.0.±.RiaLblowii.;int011entana;_:_„thefei
;-will-,---asijn-lhe-,-ea'se • ::61 we 100 ineri. in the ,Patty and one
. Merit insurance,,x.. be. -,derived „ from ' oot- every • three was 'yea]; es-
'016,7*Orker-,--the -Atate,,,and-the-lem:-. tate • agent '
ployer. The amount .of the_Corabinz. ,:;•; Tpm...Flkurr'-died--iri-ROsaland last:
ed contribution is:in-A.66o and the, mouth aged 'h.:years...-. Three- months
Proportions to be -T. -paid by the three 4go. he -paid- the Dominion GoVern-
134rties respectively also not inent $4,250 for an . annuity of .$50;
•known . , oineeture has set one month.. • '
lialf.-fOrthe employer, ..,and7.:qieThalf • , 'pyer '306 and.
fo:t the Ont,n-,•-• at4,ended the .class of instruetion on
egricultutral, 'snbiects •: held' ,by the
1•9.!'My head -At is • likely the
child had suffered: froth? sunstroke:
X.,aid him on the. bed.; of ,the
man Of Cled--1-What Elisha had al-
-ready-dene for her was •sufficient -1 o'
.Make her:believe.in his power to .4o;
-23:-Vilt thou go' te-day1.--,The.
husband is not thinking Of jhe..clead -
child, but Of ,some. religions 'festival
connected with the; new moon or thel
-sabbathrover.:-.whiel, the'propliet-i
miglit--be' called-70On' to,--p-reside-
Nevertheless upon her assuring
him that all' was,441,;j ftp
previn17-government. ,Strath
Ho WAs Boss?• more list . week.
Once, on' a tune, 'runs. a inddern r'aPniChitetIorsteanreaydLe44eetinthg-tPhemirgreen.sievre::
fable; a • youth about to embark ..on gies,
the sea of matriinon went to,..tu_',Koetenny
f• ather and smai4dt,sh.,9,4' ba,,,1594i;,. sound financial.. foot-
' inSt wifer The entire ,PrOilnee' of Saskatehez
The •.:Olct MariAiniled... an .wan. is living froth lia:ii.d"-to:)nontli
••11'Tii-4.n:41:•.aa: regards :fueli.:.an-if.:One 'afore sev.7
'a 'tea*. eP ere Storm will. Pat .the'...entird,nr9,-
-.11-0-r1)14-4he,hene-intot ''errg-iyrhyra'g''aTiritnrfb'r'fge17''•:
:.011.t.1.10;11(14-h0i-e-YPT---Ylitt'finaateseverP ringa
awl:his:wife dwelling stop ari ,niakn, in. that part
inquiry as wthot
an running Just aftier.the San Francisoo•ea0b-
ttalimogspil -a,I6eeavwehiteretheari.,maInf p. Rdd -11orng- ;for
trol giire :One of-horSes-.2.' • workt it adieotised. by, thefter ,.
dl9posed'64;!fh,ehtYe'nb arit6ell.tec;7 , diStrictS s"... of h erta,• _Abe. .
had been.:miners'..uniOns in th ::.different •
mad tlie usual inqui
` „and 'Biinkhead., • • '
• . e wi e was ca e aass-
mati nd. she •
affirmed her hasband's. assertion:
"Tflic0 Whiehevei "4° • :Yee. parii's abbatoii•;' Sapperton,are
ivant,'.1 Was the 'boy's now in steady pregtess.' .About,.40
SO :,the Ainaband replie.d, '1111 head of .cattle froni 80 to Ito
take the ,b4,." : liego are, despatched dailv.„ • '
•. But.' the wife did not nke the. bay •
horse, and:Called. her husband aside:
and' talked to hinr.: He. • returned.,
The! Serventt
'Wiiiihfi„,,attetid:- her for :protection,
, by her sidethe entire:six;,,
teen miles -to Carnien.1}• • , •
25:. The man .of -God: saw': her -N-:
From _his. toty,00,...)41._Ahce..,.
. could look ,cloWn the road and 'see
..her while shp.'wn.s yet afar off:. He.
'at -once- avined that 'ciniething.:-.was
amiss. Vitt the ,weinan :net relin-
quishing Ah,e• hope ,Which she cher-
ished, .otii.•,of.. an anxious heartl.ex-
eiaimed, _ft is Well .(20), ••
Thrugt her away-Gblittii bon,
Aidered in a.breach.Of etiette; but
his triaator it .that alie';acted 'in
.gteat, extremity, and `gilt' Ids '
vatit,aside,. •-
29:7 Re: said to ,Gibazidid
net,lieed tbi hear the words 'which
..:the-Avomaii„....seemed _reluetant tto
speak;, that her :son. Was .dcad. ,
bade his •serVant.gather hp the loose
,folds :of. his Warnierit; arkEtepang,
•fOr no salutations, lest:his progress:
;should be impeded. But :the Moth.,
er is noti
• satsfied teliaVe the staff
.• .
and its master separated,..for where
there •,ia.• powb'r. So With the
'woman, -F.,liSha• follows bis eiviuit,
who, iiriects them on ' the' way • with
.the, news that the .chlitd-has,A)oti..re-.
• 32. The Was dead -There
in seine. others in' the Bible, as tO
whether the person Wits '
dead, ,
• 3345.-Istetide •the earneat
itude .diSplaYed by Elisha. •Re not
Only% prayed, htit"USed bie.ty Penns
Within his power to Wing' back the
biutiaotor e: be told from hand,,
writintc.have evidentlY never heard
haridwrit,ireg read.alonAin a breach-
ON:itemise:snit. • '•„
210 000'. France, 105 000 t0.114,.' •
71,000.0.ns; me. Other: ,country-
...turning-, Out,'
nag-• ” • '! :. • .•
:United Kirigdom,gainin: out-
.1?!..,4,- C:011* il'ed With'
,roaklis shown by comparing our
first table with: the subjoined... '
••Tonnage of : • Merchant,ships
lanneheci in all the -4 -World; •eseept
the ,,United :Kingclona;:•;eltiring-,three
eara • . • •
. •.• '
1908 , ▪ 303,617
1910 814,684
-.Thus'thel•est. Of the .v.forld, has,de-
creased its output' alinesthalf, as
Much as thej3nited Kingdom, . bas.
inereaSed•its output. •••
-Z,i.en the gin on balance s af--
' felted by vesseli;being :lest ai sea
.or broken up,the United: Kingelom.
has; an ,advantage over .tne'• rest of
the „world. - -
: Tonnage of merchant shipsJost or
broken up, thus reclticing•thetotal.
.tonnage of the'smercantile Marine':
1909, 201: .361,600 ;. 666 576,000
1910 .
1906 ,....198* 291,600 '602 516,900
. .ps. on6 ,Ships..... • Tons.. •
• •
• , •
ervDirLeatier Now .at *adyi1aifOsiiiiiiz a
is Light 1ears of Age
once notorie.us.na the soudan
Dign, wh6 since 'Decem-
dy 'Haifa is• now an r Old
:eighty -..yearS'-'-bk-age.-7.-:t---..-Lbente-
Governor Wingate• f$Irda'r
Egyptian al'iny..) contributes. :Soine
facts relating to '"‘•Osman the
who • in the „troublotis fini:44::. in.
the Soudan 'had as,:many reported
deaths. as the' Mad Mullah.. (YSIii111-11;.
p ItiOT toLMalidilitir•-wai-4-41icees.„-4S.4
slave -trader •between 'the Soudan,
and the Arabian coasts. Owing 1;6
his persecution by the old EgYpt•ian•
GOvernincht for carry.ing.on • ifliS
trade.; lie seized _the •cipp'orthim.3.• ot
ther_kb,rYish' t6
1'88'4 arid prOYed tobe• his moat'
zealeus adherent. and -canaille lien,
tenant,.;Be w st_9stett
.propagation Of '1/4itralidisiii in 010
Eastern Kniclan, and .this region he,
rapidly o erran
Man, wa's present, at .tlic'''bettle of
Onidtirtnati and at the Klialifa's k•
feat and 'de'atii of Occlid; in 1S90:
He' eseaped • after' d1c cuiiflict and
after:a long march on foot was cap;
tared n. the Warr b a • TEN, ninety
miles ;west. of Snakini, by Captain
.131!it.gea; at the" head of pat-
rot, n,kranuary,. 1900. Osman .was
then :deperted4o,Rosetia, 1.,",gypt,
and remained' there. to 'the end Of
`A. T.Ot"G C'lltl,;;;DIT.
'Tiro: MOtte Of ---'i.1176: 11,1ghland host•
ail.`(`Ii''.14b4Chlr'-eye l'\ I'll • take • the grey that battled for the Sttiart cause
horse'," . '• • ::• whieh bonnie Prince CIvicie head-
' 5 " •-• --
'"Not, ., nmeh--,, , 'said the y,t)irig ed, :apparently was . that 'heaven :
Min: ,•"You,get ahem." •. •: helpii:those .•:who helps: ilienielves
.,•.- . liberally, -, They:levied : tdll on the .
hen -roost; stable,,,and :aecording to
• l'AdT ANII-PAlvoyl., the alithor of a . -recent .tl&igliffid. •
, bbok, entitledL_ ",The Lithd of ,lio-,
• Tied:1:44111g, gle-iiwith, loose fiab-; mance:TT. :even on the poesets of the ,
its. ' +' ' . ' . VellAil ets. . - .
•. . ,.
Greece, 'thanks to, her :elimate, • At Swarthholm a party of these
has the ,niost centenarians... : marauders overhauled the house of
'”imlyLtime_a, real _financier, a :tailor)._ and-when,niie-of.them-Was'-•
ta,k-es-hia-,Wife:-.Into--;his 'bonnelence 'abdotNo out up a Web. othornespiin
is to tell her When he isn't making that 11 Ci• taken his faticY, the lgood-..
• :--; wifc-earnestlrreindliStrated.,.
'Many 'a millionaire is the archi- ,day'll conic ,W4lien yell Inr'
teet of his flon-in-laws' a fortune. trio pay:for that," she solemnly as-
• "Dear," e'omei from the oldIng- snrql him.„
lish Pdeore,” meaning "distin- • Scissors in, hand, Donald patiatd.
guishecl,' . ,0"•will she pe to7
Feline • That • Crosses • the EtVer
--Every Day. -
across.. the, •
Thanies'ItiVer *every evening ,and i
swims back again next morning Is
raenibthinejn-thenature--:..,of a • nOve17--;,
*Sr,' but the,• People.' of Deptford'
lelainia that they possess such an an-
imal: The -feline to Whichl•snelr re- ,
longs -to= the=ferryboatnian. who. na-
the t mos h. p; Pisployyn-Lbi:, de tl 17:to:re ie 4i in 07 ;7. ,sbL, tf
:arid Messra;‘Laiiieen.'the-Deptford.,..
• side...; This man had..np•-toaliouttf 'at
fortnight ago ferried.,,a small boat -
acress the river: many
casionsentli:'iljatch‘Oel.l'ec,rae;ta i3c th'TirheiVn:ea713P"a'att'I'
:Southiriek;%aacOmpanied hini in his
. boat:each evening,..and.returned 1.3y
.*the first .ferry the next morning
, the cat would;
travel so far in .the boat; .anclythen. .
of its •free Wauld. leaP, 'bier-. .•
board and finish the journey With
-Wiceautifutpaw.,ever,paic streke: ••••'•
On the cessation "oUthe ferry •
•vice people &Might that. the- Cat:
Would check r.olying4..e,lispolefifion
and iemazn on'ityi,,.oww side Of th
,•river, eviaintly_ .pussy
that rats and mice on .the Dept
ford ;side were" nottq be...tcoMPared
:with -those-at Soutliwick;:sibit • eYery -
night; Withi...a..._beautifully gratiehil
J . ,••
jump it takes .the water and swims
tented ind . self*7Satiafie
'..ER:„LDsptforci: is ,.not the • only
the .Trairie-s mar "Cin; '
::1 -51 -the most •poniilaiT-beiting7iiienTei-i
the--.:rivor-,---has :a cat at'. his .
knOWn boat hue , at • • Strawberry
Vale, ' TWiokenharri... t and
Tettding`td-RiCit_i'a 'feline' --
V in 'the---siiinimit•7may-re-
qtrently betioen'perehed on the bow
of a beat gazing inta; the,. Water, 41-1-,
•At•tOrice it Will' make: -a' the 2;.
river and, swift.as lightning, bring.,
to the surf acea; sinall•fith; it
procceds to :bleYoUr ,. e'viclent
Satisfaction- Maitre. has:. had this ;
eat from' the 'days ofkats kittenhoc,d, •
and lielieves.it is the cleverest eat
on Ore Thames. .
1900 when he was transferiedto
amwttrk ..pris651, antrin.
enilier; .was sent- in 'tarn' ,to:
Wady Balla, 'where lb •now is.
, important ab this Seaaim to -do that" he 'asked,
sethWIet that no one an arrest "A. the Last.1)ay," said
folloWed by Elifali at ,Zarephath,
and is' the trite:Method, of .approlol)..,
int; Ctod in everything, we
ever, atop a mintite. . •
a ono le g than 00 var-
its9es, Of. cider apples 'grown. in'
. ,
Ile -..'Ah, Miss Latira,.,antil:what
have...Yon •been doing, today 'V' She
credit, robber chbily returned:
'She *ass going to De -only tithing well, that acconntS, far: it ; 1 have
a, eoatf: but now she wilIpo taldn' softcn heart:1'111in spoken of as. a
a waistcoat AS *ell:"
poet Laura ate." " * • •'
. •
• • • : 1S" caring comp e
W..lifch- has' b"senlinder-eonattlittitni7'
for mere than twelve iriontlis
Cavendish dock, is new approach- .
ipg completion, but.nobody,can Say ,
when the linge :Vessel will. be
launched', •
The cbrisiviietion of fhb first naV-
al.Tireadnotight•of the air has . -been
veiled ia,the 'same profound'official
5ee:1'0AS: WAS 'thAt. .0i {IA first.,
Di'hioughtofof the • '
Ntob'eti; ittt16s8•11,16, be .naval
inan 'directly connected with' the
1,N11`,:dli`kt: is„tWeuty arda of, the enormous
shird' in'.Which the airship is 'being' •
o00 cuhic tdett: and her iht cyliw
dee moiors and three sPecjallycon-