HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1911-03-02, Page 8, W Goodsibr 'riving— an eir Various Departments. , rin 11, Department is alwsYsan interesting one ParlY spring and we invite you to call and `see the new styles and ,'§hacles-. are ,showing a,large stcck of Dr' ess °GOodS° Thus ". tytng great variety' iwselection. • Tin Weare always careful -in-ctur.---selgaiOnd terns in,Trints‘to, get not only ttiose that look Well but those that, wash' well. Our selection w.!is probably never bettbr. in this line than -Wharweare-Sho-w-i-n-g-forspring:- ,44t, ed. Our new Shirting, Denims, Ticlings, ttonades, owellings, Etc.. Naw is the line,t6.purc ase these and get them made up , efOrethe-rush-of-spring--work--begins. ' • n•will be interested in ; our Ready- ein-tbe new styles-pCI-lats-and designs and -pateths-iii-Siiirts, -dollars atict Ties. ,0W0 lOoloss --Miss 0. Cophls of Xincardin'e!, • visiting r, I- 'Miss N. -Wallace oTeesWittei",,,is theSQ Kiwij.Jia,ali•cl- this week- • Nr§",-SE4Rierst4..and the-kissosi•Mi. 'Cleish and McDonald At • Itiversd4le, 'PlipotSuralay Mr. and •Mrs.; Winterstein spent 'Siznday With t,lew daughter, Mrs. J. 0. Colwell lc incroxf. • ',Misses J.'BOWQ:t}lid L. 740rton of Teeswater, spent. Satnrday and__ Sun- day with frien44 at, Mr J.- SmithQE Port EIgin, is ViSitinglis•mother„ M:ss Woods spent Sunday.. with friends in Locicnow:..; • Ali'. tincl Mr.'1EL: tape spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. 'Kttake; • . .-o);er !SUndaY: at BerYie.-: was :: bOnae over SupOity,- from'. ROO where • hp; hasbeen spending the.winter, • - 9, ;Johnston is on the 'Si;Ir list this week," lint- fu5p,":, te pee her around „ '• Mrs,--97.'i8tan1ey of 5th.,: E,ineardine„ :and Mrs. G. John5ton, •• • " Mr. and .Mrs, r: vf,Sited- ' prnderweod friends'. this week., Oranue Hall Kinloss, on. Friday even - ;in° March 10tit AShlleld TOW0shiP C000CIL ' • '• Asbatild,' Feb. 11-$01,, 1011. All ..metUbers ..pvese0 to414 0ou'wit;Me0that Arld 14th '; rd anj approved. jjaWebster was posent a41;iPg, :.fOr. pe.itnisaioii for OS qrth Eon Telephone.0p-tp,ereett.____poleS: "the_ 'E. 'part: a' A, shileid, and 'Messrs Pres011t. to S.ay.„„tlutti 0.0:U90040h Rural propesouppeotipg territory, The Cotitteileeiditd: AS: tll'ere Wits some possibility tyyp 00.10,PaPj-Pi3;:alotnati4ng, P0 action .talop. ,presetit,. The Aaditors.r-Report waip.reseOted'. and •cm ritption. Of, AllesSrp: Dalton aiid Hunter WaS:acceptc!„', , Moved ' by 'Stewart,' and ',Hunter ;0;0' Wiecter: r6,tutn.', hi roll mplet.ed oa Niarek SOTT:oru..1 small upequnts,. were, 6rcter:i .0.604d41.14 to B2 03-400 Councii djodlnd to meet ou .Ntaicil ;1$ot: ' • ' Tbo*.:0'." Alien,'. Clerk: INCORPORATED 1855 apit al Paid' 4 000-000 Reserve Fund _4)400,0.00 Assets - 44)-000,000" as ,8o Branches in ;Canada, and Agents and' Correspondent, in all the F.Principal Cities in theWorlcr.• A GENRAL.: liANKING.BOSINESS TRANSACTED. D E, P -A R at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate • KNOW BRANCH . EO - T. S. REID,.Accountant estford • •'Quite a .iiumber of the young people frOrn here, :spent.. a _--very plea-, sant evening at Mr, Wzn Ruth's. • Mr.' Buth has had. 1-:eautifur. brick- -residence-erecteciTand-lat-Thursdar • evening was set apart for a "House' Waranno.'•'• • , Mrs. P. Linehan and Miss Yfurrity . • visited at Mr. Geo. 1(rtierner's oi MoodaY evening. Wedclino• bells will soon be ring _ing • Kinict 40.d krs'.. IX 401144,44 AtPen4Q(1., ,the Biebards,-=ratterrIkh wechttogk. Ed,lar Eelioosweilor, W, 14,1)am, Squdayed., iktacrer..the-, Pareatat A huw.har frO4.th4s ihpality 4tohcl: -ed, $4, jmnes •gtiiQtt'.? so:la •041ros's - ..., 007:44n:A.1047 404 VebVtory , . . I orOi UI -1k.: poach* '71,, 0,. Sliiild: . 1er-70,--•itr.71.1),Xeyi81:FLOOltliart.-07- -4,:p100:ipr011f,,it:10,00..;Q:1)-Si4).57.,..)aie,14;:0:e_ 6e:A.,,.,).:Tc4--..s.i r.p.a,Dtiityxvi,t6,v.::: ta it Reid 52 A:' • Treleaven' 50 A. Barnby :40,--N,,,Graliaan ..40„.• ,,g;...:,.11.1.wl .14s1-4" h41selky etiONL REPOR 'TT Thuid,Karch 4 !I ;Oil t.t3 MeSsrs ,Satn," Qongrattfand- -Watson, 44: .'"74t:Yke•17.17'i::'',A11:87!:: C. '..4-i't'clA-'1''74:2-•' • Spott..w,Op. ii'v. ' 1,16'il-kba.ro' • las,t .4t.t.P.0"tdaanlf:179.kr!l. 'W'LLot ter 72, :IT' A.1,1;16''''' ' One Of the best,herds.,of. that 'breed in h4 -Yen ,40,. ,.);.: Qiok • t-il,. E, ,Wilsen 50, ,.' it• e .i.oll.:0:148:1,0(7.citiy.w.l. 44 ,t itil,r 0'. • b7, 9,, 0 1,111.. ir.t: .:, : ji:,:,.. : -41;, eli:::1,,,-.,pi,...f,i ;. -.•. Q. - S lilootrs4,' ti.1.140;.tHpr.'„‘A".57.ndA:e4,sot.iili.::46:7;::"0,0tbil..:,,,j,:,firel"2 ' . . . . ,.•. ...: . 1.'..F;' :I,ori.r:.winiit9:.,.t,'.VCW"l.6a6e,-:1ut01-o4t,1,, ..-rr3R'5•,-.t.;i' l:,' -?9; .r• .4 1ho'8ocialheld in thpro4,t011,A61t,3Dptisol38... L2 QILl°h4st:6C14)'PV°4145vamtillan 3EMatIMis 57, 1„ M010457, vii4waside404twcoa4:i)0.5'M-.4:‘'1::111)l:41:::tg'at6l:';b:1611:::;tlitt:145;'?:!cC3ie two feat4roaloag wt4.tlwexpO:t(iE,Bos:,;411:;-iAe6l.:.,*1on:o:a:goOd:t;nbrwilttoeter:17C1:49tt14;'1i'11::1 :1r6ra4 1:'ileith0lP21N01iOi,0 to its:ntnoiteapatity'Tle-pre4iah4.0.: : go.„1..i.dets.p,...h.,;,T0,4ch. t:: Whieh was supplied by Lucknow 'ltd. , enioL ,e0 ritrar(tittie'erititsiatihg."":::of.7'4110e0Altiri:: -7-POO6d.:::.-;:V -Ortie.41 .c.".4I' '1:13410Y',.'..T, .:*4*.t.f,,„,a'.§i'veyiet7 ..poity...... :rItie, A.,.;.Snew.,,.y.,.1,,,I,llrows,,,,1•8,. ,',, le.:1;ine7,11 '''L' 0,44 Freeman, • and Messrs• Reid; and 1,3eimett.,:- ..:' -:: .-:•'. ' ' •• .., . ',.., .. . , Andersen; with •' MrS.: Reid as ace-oiii:-- -. --Vai6r.„-,1,t, j:fo,oick A, Aitchison, ',' M. pantst, -weregood.: utall .theii. numbers. Johnston, .St.: O. IrwM.:. ," . ; • ' t4i.d . Wore .'hPili'tiiY" 41)0a:tided , at , eaCh. - . Junior: IV gonOrSi,,•4. Webster; :,1:, PP'.4e1'414"T1cttletrt(Agierd7br-6161'"eclw VIt:1urfcl4ndMss-lii.wea Good -P Irving, EGdeS.7-0:4,re alhartily .,-- .rebeiVed:','"'MiSS" Pro-Oria,:n-, :leaven': 'N.1* WYCI,F*'-'"''4'-:'4..-- 1 :–. ,.•-'– :=.0* — ---7 d III. .6 - ' • : : • '' .'''' i" '• .11 -1- "ail . i.- Antic's. ri, as - soloist.s, ',wen, •' 1 au '7'11. 'IC ' '',"1:1* Alton, • C'' : :- 74 ' 7graniveeli„ils,ei.ivPeiraa:r. eo-,-4,,ticnotdp„"7:WilrteNilbohrsi:feerviitiOs;. '..1,L 1"Te'°:111ari';114`45tiird3'''' L`; NO. on ro,I,...,4.- , Average 21 gave 'tWayelidirig",beth Of Whieli,-;•: .,,,;' :4' T' ::' 7Araa'i• ':1:°acher' ,.wiji...3 .v61 :. Ar..j...0. mtimo6h...i0;y0 , :- .r,30nior TIT, 'Tsi: ,..01a8S".- 1-1OnOrs: 144: aci'arpss. on. “1,,...;tik.yoty,,..,... -Mr.., J.,,/,,, -.r. , .:-MfirKeozio`°,41..-:-Ifer.usen,-E.,-Spindler; .cloch took his attbject as an . Universal . Spindler, eyina:ilbe6krti '.,.11,i,uallat.:47e.::1.1" . IL: '''',.,1- 1-41-.t, e'''- .',.-7.. INetnt' staring Witn , ' 'one . self. a .4. ' ".2nd alas1,.1o,nors.,-4.. (,amph 11, A. extending to: homeineighbors, country, Huston, N. Pa,ter-sorh :0, S-1-0.6", 2 D.• 7:and to'.0bd:".._....tIe ...dealt with it..,.in,,,,a, .,aooke, .k.,__Mitelleit,..,..p,...botiglas,, : N,,, ._ 'very' : efficient Manner and Was '' a -.fay- .Johnston,ti. J. Maelieriiie . Ill.' ,MeClitre,, .00.rlitgeroloao 1 e, s,,,,1:wiloch...w.. as.q.rxe,4, .14y, , Me,Quaig. At ,the end Of the:.A r§t. ' i. • ' ' ..: .:1•-•-•-i - :,. part of the, : GnOiod...;;TILt.ivt.."',W4ec,h_DSto..eilra,-1,J(3,Sit,aulle,r,.. ',M,.._ •:. agat7i:at'nfici iiituedtilniiu4dlixoignr.p.00ft....t,..i0;1bou.:i::aiii_. R. :..1.1.)6. tx61;,.-1,,,,i1v8t:,,ieloliliss6.s.„}!: :041-i:orr.:t,-.7-tett,,. 0, ....O. icile6r,i,, wa's...rendereti, :Besides' being a, sUccess oninen: - , ,.. ., . , 4 • . ,, , , . socially,:the,:entertainmentialso.proVed" : .-: 2.1,A.,,c1oissliToliby.,r,1,—;1:.-,Tolinsion,:- ,11:,„ ' 4:eairs'etlitiene'gsi'tcriplauntictilAin,17;t':ot....n:OPlar'91;_"°•;fdo8;;y6!• .'13L4o:11,rlitises'V„ i.UA.t.l.qi:6711in,siil L''''..Ai'nist!cql:t4i. ' .14. --.S.4.pw7-pleasatithours--li-v-the-Atonte•-•-of- ' • . • ' ,' . `-"---"' • ' . ' • " - : -fiVe ,d, oi,.ta,t,s,' -, :,.,, ,., ' ' .. •,,,, ,.., ' 1,..,,,, i.,,..190;:i.d...,,,g6_,....,..a;6,t,6-1171:i.d::fil,itcees.:1376,we:.,..:...:11::,-11:::::: 7.74,vcin.zow __.LonGE.F.1,7.7 • 'lliiiionas.,..-4 cOnipatiy..of the die.mbers: ' .M4e1C'e°74-e'' 4.. he...,41111.'. ..1.scr- atakpl§ :_George,,Hoil,gins' on 'glints- : Sr • r II. ' Excellent iLL-M. ,•_,Oaniteit, F.: : ..r AltEwELL-To‘ ..io.4...A.NO.,' Auta0 7910. , • , 0, , "'"' • . ,,,. , ,, :r- • of 'Ag4elifAori-Church :'.:.Kinlottoh--:.s• :. • ' • ' ”..,.„" -,•.- ..- • :,-, ' . 17; ititilliell0i,& .4y.eyeoing 'Of 4ast, week.: ,They :Met:: to MacGreger;. M.:Treleaven, K.:•Steel, .1c.,.. :, . . say. good by t41 -;7400: -Mrs::" 'IledginS"- -Murclie.,-;J-Ii•Xenr,,J.,.,Datiglit-.4.:&±-,Butals: .-*-11:67o-Tiiitl. e-asif.i'g-..;f10-4,1t.'-'07--itsio...':itc -U:-."'Aitehe'son r : ' , . • , .., . , , . . % ' :' . .' . 1rideperidept---44rder. Ii.ellY's'Siditi,.,;- -.near .,`St. 'Mary's. .mr. ' ---0-eott:4S-,-"Ilenclersori, ' .10.':-Wobster;: of VoresterS'inee,ts in and Mrs ":11.04kins.AVere quite . taken by A. Button, .3, .MeClure; W.' Artchew, N. the ochifenews': L144. . s*prisei .-1-1,therk:..th-'6044)a.,i-iy. , ari,ivdd.,,,, ',:.Rae.burn. A.,•Blitir .E,'"'Irwiri:,-,•;..„- ..::-::. 2, - :.• on 'sate, last Ttiesday:.; ' bf eaeli Montirat'7,2,0' Mr:•;F. ,.„ l'Ilikt,01114 WaS ' .6110Son'" as: ., Jr.,It-Ekcellent':"2:-B Blair, :R.:, Mit- '..olearick. -ChtiliinanlbiilivvVelung UtirriraftW --tli-ghTrU7./kle-lairidti;"-Ttrfk'kltelf,"-.1fT11-C-K. ,4-7 • threw are:. cordially -,:-:V ,..itii.iii,;-..tli:&-6web. .91:_tho.8athelifigiL cam- m.;13.6.gley;-.N.:Thpurim.;:;14,,fulacli.6nzi8; . invited" to:atteiret......-,1.,.. '6d upon Mr. Wo•Sley .•'Boyle, Who read C. Hedley;.'0. Hughes ,• ".17:. :.•..lIedley;.: Gr: V. 'Arra:lb:SON; e,,.;t ..-.th-e,adarosovititic apvegs:-IkiciAt..---.D- iir, -Xe1)ouga,11,-0-#-,Blalre., ;,-- ' ....___.L.__,......, -.,1 .. ',;-"Lux-,9s7W,711-.7.sec-;---"- ' -ing`. the -reading ifif ;the' aird-r6s, ....me,' and, ''' : -Geed :---(1 ,-- MacDemild, ii. Darahl,, , 't S'RitID kec-• See Mt§....1-lodrins_averepresented.:1kith .tive' JI 'TreleavenG. Hustoa: : 0. • 1)Ouolas • • . • . -- • ... : , -.. - . ' .. easy: chairS;: MesSrs,, Win: PeicY andJas. L.IrWin:,'0Be-giieS;:',S:-.'1\16:-Nall, J,:- :; Arc:- ,..A :.ovic..p.,-4,..,./4.INTri:,,i,,,...Glio,tb-cE:...: ,. Hodginsinaliingthe ...:presentation, and DineS;•'. • .„ ::" • ' '' — 'S:fri': ,ifo_dgiti,s„. in. an ..i7prop_.r.iat,e,. aa.., •.•:N.7,,,,...71.:t...:•,,71.1,,,,..,,.„7:,,.A.,,,,,7,reag,,,,,,,:irs„.„.,,, i _,c lei, tfluielel,it:'0: •c:::-;eirny.t.4.eTi‘,11.trairsSoc,11.'lai:,.-... ,-dr-v:4Vsrs:1,.4tel,i,triloiiii7'htne,:si-iiept.:91.1keigyh:ti.th'Perli:u6d4-4.L-iiiii .dr::thii..76:: afote„sts4:ii.liaknikneddrittge if6rilnindisseeffne,anadnd-a.r181.. - '.•:::;,.siii: .'",i)t. ,•Ii.• ....2_.• Mi1:4\v..11. C...11..0. 41n.,,s iorki.i.•, .:Tij:...i: . :ft lghi :PM ',Of7b,e-fOre-'ilie, suckleargriefon Wednes• - ,fiedginS. The -chairinan therrcalled up- :' (1,1033,el w6stei,:,14nare ,,mori_ , ini;igillk.,,,,,,,uwa.elok..!sirot, .: Mrs: Gilbert'GillsY, line. of the Most,eir. Oa' a number' Of .fientleinen preSent; . ea(h' D'i."1,'In,' teemed Toting' Wolimii Of the Village. • ' • sea) equal)y•Elleda. Irwin;',. Mina:: m,c.. •_a_wlioni,spoki.-q1)....biting• te.rnia.,:ot....thely Peath'folloWett,soon-after the birth a .,..f:,:ti.reti.l.d..s 'Aw..fittehl....itviie.a0;ivi,eteheelisciiNatrokrieri,g.,.a.abc:10.utri.,-6.tho,, -Oor,vi-,67, Ilarry-Siniirt-,:.--Janer-Arinstrong,- ' „.T.r:.PL II:;.--LCOit,• Menclplson, ' AlVin epht,e.iiii).a.are,d, .wbs ,e40,ei. Je..646,d,:a;, fill.moiie 5i,,,,,i,.oiefh tt.):: ,sStterra,.cloahrii;;',Esilycili6tilal,; J,LICiihanns.ktio4-ii",, 4.3•1?4,1sta, (1-.1-LI;ienb,', _44d.,annd.hy_t_0nctrurs.„44dgins, dsay: Lawrolic4,..ga.f.e,"afret. POtte.-r)... HON', :wishing:449n a C1,64's-bleSsing in their "ir'd -4n4i-y;'11-4r°1-°4gnbw" "' - ' ' .•°°:‘ `':- .nevi hOiriP. • .1.hre''address fellows:- ' - .• .:Sr,„ .•.,,L,:-.:71..Vlar,19rie, lilafglre„.S;"_'',Yhinna. • Kinlougli, ie 2a- 19l1: Blitistein, JOhn,Johriston,..J0111), • Spiiid: ci-lai ;and Mrs, Geo. Bodkins. -,-.16r; :Jitells n, . 'Ella MO.Nall Itho.da To•Mr; , Howey Elliott. .••, • Jr, 'I-B:-,•---Thes. Alctiougall,• Kathleen T-iill, Bessie )1urdie, 'Verna :-.110Quill#4:-, :Lorna Piirhiti,..Stewart...14niai.,:. lf.raii.ei§ • Ten-O3lit7•§tein,• NathanTpircle1=. :son PhtriS 3lathers Alma Mice' Viol.i. BUSINESSAW POIESSION 14004,0 aarristeXt i,olicitor','Contieytttieet4 • •- 'etc. Molsolit 411Jcei---,14,40,4N* .bu04n9.‘Yt .00t, At Ripley ewers WednesaaY,. •• . Laggside . Nr: Matt. ScOtt of Revelstoke- B. C. J.Muday On, Friday last. Priee-intends fol3, .0. shbrtiytoengageLnfruip- farmir ,Rod Ross's, last Week,' .• Miss •BellP McDoriald,'of- Lucknow, Went Sunday at her home here.:• • - Mr- Jack -Hudson -who -started to -learn: the black-Strithing with W. Scott has omit, and We .understand 'intends going, west this spring,':..'„ • ',-;--.About.tWentief Of Langsidegathered: at the htntie Of Alex ori Tuesday evening of -.1a-stayeelt'atid Shipriaett • him . 1)-r:their presence:: 'Mr.',McLeatian ..and. ,Sisters thought caught' off gUard,'PreSdntly. took in the situatiOU'inade the' crowd •wel, 'come, and ver pleasant evening, was • , spent -together.. , • Mr IlMinas •a WOod-bee- ...h,Ldanoe on Thursday aft:ern-tan'', 'and' „evoning.otllastL,:weak,LN.041cs.sAle 'say th-.ereiVai alargaPile-Of "Wpad--cat. • and eyerybody,-,yotes'-thadarrearione•- --of the hest of.tlte "Seasort. MasterJarnielayor- ed :those Present- with smite '''highland-: good ••• • " ' Born. to Mr. and: Mrs,, Teter. "Moffat , . „ . • Property has phanged hands bere:- Jai.-LitiiritiY-Iiasetrided-his- faim- for. . Mr. John Murray's. Mr. Jas. -.Murray,interirts to reside on . his _new :farm. ••' • Mr. Peter Linehan purchased- a very -fine liorse-f rona-Mr. 4a1._ denbY• ' Quito a number fhere attended Mr. Kempel's sale at Riveisclale on auccess. from every viow point, , Malcontson , oar itaToR CON Nr10(7.4 Etc. Kincardine and Luckuow, • Luctooy;• °ince every -Satur4-4,:.tpg 1)10411;e -of wp4 all work doi)e in 'coil-, ' nectioh with cOnveya cng. wil1es,ateP ' loan$•will be attended to. by 'gr... ',Agnew, 'under "MY stipervision ,444 ,• directiori-, • A;tet •Al1-N11, here Tuesday- of each yvcek, • A.gendy fu the ••••dicferent ILUCS . of . iisuraatee: 'Firs t-eloinp glitWa))1,0,0d., ....The:. Only re,P. ' letit it,fent,Of the.I.oriden'Alutintr- 4. -Lindsay *. - • LuOkrio:vv.".: ,• ,• • " • f. , A Mie.KR-NZIE sells ,Farin,, rjie' ;•kccid,:'pt: mid 1 idelit34 leading, Canadian companies, ine,lliding tlie London • 3.‘In1rial-,--- .1zgal kishile: "of every descrip.tien 'hOught, old Or exchanged. 'Moriey load on „ •ea l ,estate .at lowest rates, -J. ,. mac. • Mr.- and _ Mrs:. D. ._Mairray: vIsited friends at Chepstow. las t •"'• Mr.:and Mrs...C. 'Hetheiington visited at Mr: John Wall'; Kiniotigh, �ij Frii- Quite a nuniker from bere,attendeCI r.°Elliott's;•Sale last Thursday. 1 • • mr..T.:•BroWn Visited at Mr.' P. H. oria- eveninglaSt :week. -.- Miss Emma -and ,Louis Kraemer -of , . the -10th-con., Spent Sunday evening. at kr, John Murray's. ' 000'0,04.00 -04:•.0.010000„ on' in i"ric tiffs s in •••r,..H.:0S.ortitiji0!**.J•• 47C1:' arST"Stil-E1 knt-Choic 11 0 re I Astr , en's Courain di6?;1841-si0.1. ular price. \ For men s • faner„ w6Ested; snit: Call and „ chaff jackets., were $2.5.Oo„, for; eaver Ccsats,.were*-$2"5.06 for #iioo •fiCI.Cliildie-rtfOth Coats at 'Off lt reduced pricC, are .cg -1. „ utS t der we hvryflnej- eviest-- patterris-atl-A-50-And see -.them.' Our lady UstonfeeS wilFregret that 111is Ir'antland ,Who has serve 'us •both so long and .so Wien as head .6f the Milliner}i eharttnent has found it necessary to make a -change,- • tss YoUng vithOntakes ber'lace and Stewart assis ant trirniAer both carne well recommended: Our sprinp, tockrAias_.beenl',caro' fUllyLselected- Young at th Millinery openings in London and:',FOr- Or4O. Our seas)if p ens ...A.tzday.......Nla rC h., •4, -NENAPT-Cig- kis; `kg 41ockk Lucknow, 511 modern: 'methods need:, Best alat4-Tiai furnished, • CroWn and bridge Painless extracting -by the use'.of .the 1).test,_ siniplest- mid `Safest remedy, Suzy Ntovokm, _Newest thing in artificial teeth, Aluminium plkitesnoa-breakable„, • INSURANCE GUELPHPNI Geo.'''. A. .Sidd-all. kp; i 1 E g.tate,•and'Money,I„oaner. LIJCNNOW : ONT:' ---1q4.-,oey to loan 011 tirst and -.second-- • mortgages • ou farm 'Property' and - on 'lin* -Ina JoiaOlo• s • ate alb.° cashed: ;Vire insuranCe in'all its brann'-, 10‘a.ni: to 4 Iran. : , . Bu1fq;Sa1e, ••Weare offering or -Sale our choice • Stick . Bull 'Silver Star" also • three SilverStar isa thick good fleshictbrillean,in,ceibr.siredLlimp4" 71`iiiiiriVii-Whieh-VraS One of the largest, brills in this ,sectionof the country Dam • -a-strainToff- Lord-' „ ltirices; right _ • - ., • , • • iI et sour:11E8 • ,child which survives the mOtner. Sir and Mrs, Gillespy had'been matried only a.little over a year, and the bereaved lius- band•has the sytiipathY of a large circle -9f-'friends "In 'his, ;irreparable-10r.atid- sorrow'. -Beforeher Marriage, Mrs. -Gil- lespy was a Alis' Ilintoul;'• the family home being in the immediate neighbor hood. The funeral on • Friday Was ;one oflith-lirr,Tgrtver sPen irTtliinocal-- Dear Friends:-- . The 0. 9., F. At _Home Was held: evening _Of last_ _week, and was -a • grand success' in Preoran3nie. „ and.,the.supper s,pryed at thefonainer.. .cial Hotel... was Certainly N, 'dainty Jeast,..-7.-A-4-eaatialeirtHfurniShatlita.pro. ' grant-'•,,Althtingh•hot-just intentibtiaL dian,r0rder. Chesen •Friends,,to be : held; -on , Friday, evening ; this week, --wid-be-niarph-aboutther"•-sartiexcept"--_ ing'pe'rhaps a longer and MOP Varied •a trp to Toronfo this week., ' Mr. Bivera•wentio Gorrie . en :Tuesday thik Week on League Work." _Rev. Mr..Bremner is expeoted home. :fret -it •Quehee this week,L:Where,,he :has beeir filling 'a- vaeancy.: • verrniff-Otipp.-- -;-ate1;, prained lds,uilde anrl was hzid -up all, week: ,Robett ,Palnier 'of' , Kin-: 'eardine, aSsisted, iqr„. S. Wibon, on, Saturday, the' great day „of arid serapino. ' • "• 'Mi.:John 8. tinson of Port. William, hOttelM-1 -slio-rt isit •4- .:• Fred Solomon Wt on TtiesdaY for Vandouver, • He is going to :stay in - the West' if.„, prospects- aro •favorable,,.. Mr. ;and Mrs. Richard Selonion gave -a---pa,rtyjor-Fred-ori-i1londay-'-eveuing this week: •.• • . 0, • t7',. I The Postponed Carnival was held • on McMdatevening,.and the tucknoW. , 'Pipe ..bana,: made a 1.;.reitt "noise , the drummer making quite it• Miss ;Margaret- :Nlontoorndry took , -the- tOpirat•-•blie-;-.Leagit6-"--On• -.Monday e1'r'enino and explained • '110 W OU 'lama are made." ••' .Our boys play hockey in Lueknow in Tuesday; tit hi -Week, -Score '7" --ifaVorot--LucknoW: • At the :Institute, meethigsvheld Issuer c.tf Aliti*Eriago L1celts4. .0:40.0!C•44>c›*4;°O0O0<olpe: herelast Friday, the'speakers were all rnuch." appreciated.' The male, Quar- tette and E. SAIttstons' GratnaPhoire wereftnixed op in the averting Sessitin, which, was :very in :W1'6 Ong rid epc1 inisband'who 'can andiih is simplY'indispeintable "heS6 diva of nneertain •domestiee;:, •" • iti."JP°s1ve,re lie,41-111. the- Presby- ----The old OrCIC ehangeth- yielding .terian church of Which the deceased was plii„.,„-;to now; 'Time ehoge-th alLthink4; agaember. ,Methodists' and Presbyter 'the things Of tn...thLy are tito§e of km; United fel. the odeasion--Lthe in mist-. morrow, 'it i4 hut a short tithe nshiee' er 'Of both elliircbOs takin parttb. ,,we'...,learned,OLY...;Oul.c191'111.-ti..a...01,froiii„,- ,seroiee, and lh':einberS midst: Now the time has come : When: choirs,contribitting to the • rosent„ It' Was 'with we_are Met together to, say Grood fer,thp_p sad hearts thatowe.li!arned thatIthrough 0,1iVet circumstances over • which we have', no A. meeting Of tbelneri- of tlie con- 'also as eo-iverlier in Ascension :Church, groglitiori ..wii8.1.toci :on Tunv141,.. Fob "Kinlough, Must be brought to a ',Close.. t•uat.y ,I. I," for the FitirPhsa of dise wising As -C'hi-ireliiile111:1-1ers, S'64 wore "(ii'rsadk: .tita:ettrisLvartiLitraniotaittrabestirtitircits,'. of btir;church,-.,7:As . Warden, , you were.; ever prompt.•and:4aitlifill-in-discharging,. the datieS devolving Upon, you. ' „Yotty presende in church vvas never wanting, ,anee: of church wership,: and, your- pew, ititot%tvenid)e-• neWiSors, you were. kind and" oh- liging,..ever ready te • lOnd Wile of riccd. ' sliallgroatly Miss „but we: know o,ur loss • will •-sairaypreir'ealibthers, gitin;71Arti Weinti- like, in a small way,,to.ekpees8 oar r ap- to accept-litese,tavo 'chairs:L. yoit both May bp long Spared to enjoy their use; and that, as You reeline them, you may think, of your old trimids in Kinlengh, • Tinsting tliat God will abuntantly bless yOu-iti'your nor home, .we pow - say, Good .Byek, ;• • '• • Signed 011 be. IIRIf Asketi81,01 Kiniougli, -• J3,r).1)t- teumpreif.- . 3llodgins Wm. Pert.•,:y.„ • j°.1111ZI McKenzi, W. W. D :1;1 It)Pr0.1;civairiets_g./1:71;d:14: ery ltriday evening iitJ &clock in then -hall, Campbell St. All breNllirbelemGcorradtivail_l:V.4i.e •rildvicte(4.1.Ritor,r, Sec'y. --D. Rec. Sec'y. --A. H. Boleti Treasri-rer-A-."-It Qs's, , •i?., Contei-grthaw000 R -O:--50, Lricknow, riletk$ every hist IVIoridaY of ... , • €.,acly month in Qddfellows',Iiall."Visitirig Ti 4-E-Ar;-;,--47.1er-•-;--,IttiStolf, : -116414',741it'etliee'lifik-e cot diaIry' iovit6d. Webster, W11116 Ti Eden Morri- . - . , kvA1422.14ELLER op R,., . ,son, BerfTilfeCorviel GOidon•, ititebiun, ; ' ' Ry GA f IA:\ f, R. S. -Myrtle .Naylor-,1'Ned--McGiintior-Mary; ,McLeati. , ' ' . , .. ' ' ' -,---.E1-.-Aotx-w-i-Por-e--Snd. - D. R. Mc IN'rosH.' Treasurer- . ri.fioreace..m. smith; , Teacher • -the- buirdiri& '5f -'7"a • iletwtslicrl:--- •=t-°--11111:1-11--aaiY-NvOck.--t,114:-V-QP1,0-.4S-111-111140-:- Verythi rig , was favorable. • ' Mrs'. Adarn Wilson returned ItiMie on Saturday from London,' where 'she has beenvisiting friendS. •• • Miss Lena. McDonald anti Mr. Wesley Mills of Clark, spent Sunday -en-- the -2n( rricession, • Mr. ]ed • Soloinon. , was bidding goodbye t� his many friends at Olivet • pn'8fUrala,y, •Fred 'leaves fOr• Vancou :ver onTuesday.; •• -HOlyrood Mrs. II.. Pierce and Mr.: and Mrs' T. Pierce' Visited • at 1-Iartison's near Kincardine last week. . •, Miss 'Katherine: Shaw froin AratiCou, vet. 130-, t:4o is visiting at Mr." 3, II. 7 ' Aelcerb's. , • ;• • Quite a nu011i..T L'Oni here attetaled the sOcial' at Kinlough •laSt rriday evening,- -Everyana-roported , Celterit •Aimee Ackert, and 'Richard ;took a ,trip to " teeSwater last Satur- day evening; • : Owing to NT::: TAitylock being 01 with 'thc- cold, there, -watt, no service Sunday:, , • : • • Man's woes are us a, tale that is told -alas, to often1 nerakaam'Imo:tialho,olmmomma•••;•••• •., Markets ,Wileagb ; 4 Re/1,$.. • • 441 • * • • or i 4 ;•,.• 7 5 , .11 : • • * • 4• 0'4 • • 4: • 3 :65 • , ot;atoes, Btitter • 411•4 ). ... ;AP, to 1 9 r e'tq V" if • V {. • 4:44.1718 Live 1 1191iN' - • -.7.i..e.- v1-, . fli;IN 1St rts6i.t: --,--,Iii. Iluctc iii;iv; ,Ort Feb. ' - 22All to, Mr anti M es: . :W. ',. II enderson,- a Kip. : A. Large re• Of a.. Great' • • have. Superior: 'Courses.; ftitpert, "Teachers, • 11c4t. Systems-. 1lan'y • gradriates earn iroili $700 to $150Q., • per- Yvaiit-a----better:-'-- - 'position? • Get :year • .erlacation •'Pare& • A11.1.1-asSs.-Colleges are -not. :Graduates. of 'Other -- Colleges' are attending our 03.1114e .the- 4-)ay's, We plabe. Malty' o'f Our 'students -in ••• gocd positions. •. College ,cpen, all ELLIOTT BUSINESS COLLEGE • W. 14t40T1', 'rIncipal • C.or..Youge arid Alexander Sts, SS1 ilARNES 'Conle to g. riat:retes for 11 requirements in 11 ar nes, C011ars, ,cte;foi spring_ orders, a•Gomplete. ,riiects second monday Of each month at'. S'o,' clock, -in .0cldfollOws Hall. mcDrAnium. meinerogn; 'Trea titer -A Ro • 1. , sg• STRATFORD. ONT. ' Mr, rjte, ITS at:"' Obit 'for our frco catalogue and "learn - what is • . ; hefty', done lir the leadittit busi. graduates ,seettre good Positions,• , 110.8 ineri say 'they arp the. best'. Coiustitactkt„' .-;stIO1q,11AN I) TIV%' W,e gt indiviluo1 ,Instruction • aqd,yoa may enter at.aily time. McLACHLAN -,.,flitioocidonoor?Otxxxxvie T :READ t, for die t)ot)1 jn8t!1iact of you - Abeta.1.50.0 young men .alyt 5• Men prepare • for „protbotiOn better things by speri'dirig a few itiont "8 to oar great school -'- Shaw' Sc1iool7-41le Centr • nitsiness 'College Teem inter t von arc invited ao write' for, it, W. Vresithint„.,Votige Mid O'errard. Streets. • Tcronto, atal llopairing a Specialty 40000000000000000000060cma