HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1911-03-02, Page 7I. A edPea and °Ore Valuable 101eeStatlai- • el 'Particular lueereakt WOMNI PAWL 'TIELPtit, , When i1is twee ssary t.o.palte. sev- .eral..eakes. at 'once, ".save. y.ourself the tiresome beating o. the batter by .pUtting, the Ikerluired_inoredierits 'in their"nsual ..iarder into a emelt ; PrPaTA -frge;r,. Aje..IY-Vin,14.tgrf Of 'turning the erank'..reSults in ',a. / • ee • for • .a succensful eake. This is a great improvement oyer beating With I 13LE01.1.ED-AgOIPE.S; nte40.1 made ob flint eaWn, like Yo' • spoon after the old fashion. Fried urnaie.....ohop,„ fine '• be4. Fit iP one.rcupful.° T4? prevent the bottence'of kettles, Which ha i 'VerY v`litte llewall? three •heapiie tea • -from laecotning smoked Soapthem • tender, . Bea it again .in the 'same* PP0onfals ebgbaltpn! poWdall. eat well befere putting on•the fire., nstinirga - Y9IL', throitn along t.5,_yidsa de salt th, To pirneiziltve, es o4m,ps ardiliTpohttIhs,,beiiirrtgkolf_enogor o , with: .pepper and salt., . press the Poah• 111M yo' --1-iriffa-St-he fr-alsh .S45413Tn-idi-Orta. week. 4.irnoid.. When the .an swee , honey .stir ,in de them tou&i and pliabe,, and makes theat is cOldt'Plbt it into slices and caWn Meal, good:al:1)- hahd;an, as tliCni wear Much longer. fry • it of41.1(,, flOWatt. Wid___de•Yeas!IOW When boiling'•ifee'•or beans", two •••• Celery , -and- Egg ;-..a.--Belgian, eliSit, 1401 iniied 4-!•• ' 2°01 it'inter:a:0141"; :things' „which' will boil over, pia, in Pitees'ler P#1.r•ar1!.. de' evem; '<a; lump Of""bfitter,,,,Sie, 'WaAUt thl'aP Orhitik'stalks otcelerY cook. -e•f•Yen4illa. iS•• InckY, 'miff, 'to bah 'al and :this' Step -.the. trouble 4 "them. in'boilhig salted Water about gan•stove'diS Yeah cawn• bread Will' once. ' „ „.. „ . . , . . . , . tntY Ininates4;'-'draitli and akix be. done ProWn'14.:110, tlin6?;,,b14 U 11-1' Separating the whites fro:II:the .With..jvhite',ncej:rpni -in indivduaI anole.‘"°d..St°Ve 14",;tal.ce,Sr*a.. yOlksi .0f: eggs. one will, soMetiinOS ' 'bs*ak.'`.-tli4 yolk the 'whiteV: in :.eione, china dish break an egg over-. the, eelerY ahd sauce, and bake in .quarter, which' ease the whites do net , beat moderate oven about ten minutes; and core sit; tart apples,. take One light. Dipa'elean cloth into warm Sparrow. eake:77.-Creant one. etip P°and sngar,„ one pint water, :hail water, wring dry, tench the yolk with ,two..cupii.iii-d a.half :until like: sy,rup.: then ..4rOPt apples which . has been, ,dropPed to the ot-sugaitrizaeinfy----rq-g-e--w-ai. beaten, in gild eflek until-elear, taking -Carer '1.-V-Filt-e--*Itli-Ifferali-7-17, one clip Of Milk in wh,i,b to keel) their shaPe• When tender. eling to the''_eloth.'"!• '4 ' •• spoonful of soda has been 4issolved Skim �ut,.P1"e on attcr to e°°4 ' rand,feur_cups-of-fleur-in,Arlieh_tWit7-.rneaSn're and stra.1n • • syrup;' there _ _ teaspoon/4k otereain,..of tartar. Jima." Shatild-15e'-eaWhialf-Piiit.".' 'Take '"Ohe' ''UNCI4V-ffilallf•-•TO--IIIS-NEPREW- .. been:mixed...Add mace, cieve . - •ein package lemon jllo, dissolve in • ' — amnion, and allspice .to. taste, and two thirds pint. hot water, add to limpertalt far.ibm to .negli4e in bake in a Moderate' °Yen'. •.• your het '• syrup, Ws' Relatioub Mai • <, poqr ;over -aPPles; Date Pithe-.nnd „ica.i.i.-:,...wele:_seirve__Cold_with.-ereard.____You. can. • -7),_ - 011C'poinid-of dates; just Coyer,them I Serve 'viit'h these 'small cake,. uSt'evy, my.1?0y,' eala"tli-lere-111- •with^Wateii ,and cook until they are Deliciona• Corn Bread.1-7-One pint ram 'to his hopeful young nephew', • soft. Riib'the'm through a sive in _the ,saine. way that. aqUitsh is .straiii••,', .d.. 'Beat. well < theee'oggs;,,addea. ▪ pinch Of salt end three-intge euPs : • OUeinillehout . pintse7eridmiX, With :the. dates. The • 'eniititte shohld, about.theconsiS-.: ..teney efethe. ;for spiti„Sh or. pumpkin' , pies: ,"..The :whites ,of .the eggs'..may, be-•re-Se.rve.d.".for gue; ••.or " whipped ,Crearn, • MaY be. apread when,.the pie is• , - 'sna-f1.-;----X-0-r-4,latielleon Or ----7-iliiincTri-V1-1-6-e'ethe--edlerialellow this :Soup ,carries out: the-erder' scheme; 'also .0 cranew ff----y pre- -., . pa.ring asefut ,icegetable: 'Beir ' :.onoii•gh ll-ubbaed senaehoe-gef-tWe. Cupi nntShed ignortSh. one *tart of milk and one' inion, and, cook one-half hour, ire' a &dile "bai. ' ler. .; IteitiOve :the ,fire.;•and 'straitly Season 'with salt and pcp- per,totastc;. ,Init before Sending the' tietiP-te'the:tabie addra-cupful .WhippecLereain._•__IL-theLseup-is- .Seeved ein boiiillonecups-place -the. :cream in each cup. : • ••• Inelia„..Rieee_ItingS.To two euPs :6U-vvatereaddeone-tablespOonful-or „.chopped onien;•-enetablespeenful of anehoey paste, salt,' pepper,: adaith of ,tarragon Vinegar' and finally one• .Speenful of butter into which has .1;T -.9n .worked.,:one..4.0:Monfid,of :flour., toOk tintil all <the', ingredients' are lilendeck• stirring censtantly-;. -.then add"•rliced•.iir-finelY*-Slieed-ditek „2..irieat or:chicken. .Let.thia_heit '.:oughl.• add tile juice Of one' lairgo orange, and take fiom., the fire. Have in readiness small„Metinds.•of boiled' rice, make a depression in each/and fill , with. the, mixture. threugh .strainer one pint:of-stewed tome- BroWnin the frying -pan two tablespoonfuls of butter and one Tit151-silopiifill' Of flout. ''.Add the eetrained.'..toinatees, Loire .cloves,' three bay .leaves,, ',three teneppeine •fid4k-of -sugar; ont,lialt tettePeenful Of salte,a gepereuse shake each of pep.per sPotonfid of Woitester-A ire Sallee. eAlleey to eimnier sloeely„ covered, . on back;:of tove :fey" an :hoer. Re, ,nioVe, Strain, Peilr, gtietti, which ,hits been well:drained grate -cheese, eveffejrand beei-Wii in: .00-n for ten minutes..e :Serve, very - ;$6t, • 11. •. Bill?, A KEA Srf DISHES.. •. •,t4itd era/115er Aanget a,nY of. *.t.hern' • d, I • . zaa earupon r A A SC 7 IctERNAtIONA.i; LESSON, IftlIC4 54 ..„ • Iy iplargo:p.lhnettph,eth:ifttstipifsh: gwreaass:,•pportopllinaepkt: ' - 410 they humbly make ,acknoWledg, 41C.nt-°t Ikeit'allegiaiee,-, $till;"-alr. verse.1,6 •sreaWs, they remain sone- . what skeptical as to the departure of glijah, -a94.411-igeSt ../1' Peareh bY nftv strOng" Mem; ,Theremis a ter- tain'hunlor .1n:the:Persistency , with. -Nrhie. , .h.-the-Y-"nlle This IIPOQ. Engrg until be shamefacedly gives in and bids them send and look'. , ^Their failure' to' 'find a trace ..,:' Of the old seer, after •three days„, left' Elisha as their undisputed leader. es§uk, 0441.4 • goes uP bya .whifilviett.feto .4eaven, .g? Pfdden Teat, . Gen. 5. Verse 1, Jehevah wenld take up, bursts upon, the Beene at -start . with none of the an- .. . ricnineeraents. 'ail to birth 'Which..'we findinthe lives, of most heroes„ and •hia ,departhre is as .full•-of/lalystery AS,' erigia,..:Pf no ethei`4 exeellt Jesus, it 'reCorded that he -was translated thin • way,.altheugh Enech of course shares the. dis- net having , Seen death. with. the Gilgal .on the eastern, betelei Jerieho. It steed On, a lefty about eight ' miles ti•orthwest of Bethel, an:d is now balled liljilia. It seems to. have been the seat or a hciel-,47-lettirg-menwirrtr aintrerfe the work of' a prophet, • -2r Tisfry re he .1? till? pse of Elijah was 'probably' to spare his s twee sse. ••,the.: a n geish the stormy scenes orhis departnre. Fully •elozen ,• Years haxi elapsed since the call had coree to Elisha at •-the • plek,-: .0;dd-tiring all -that''.-tithe he had no doubt enjoyed the 'closest intimacy with this Most Picturesque RAMMING OF THE EllPHOATtS S f C MESOPOTAMLt. TO AGAIN,"BE FLA.T#y 1RTILE , .1uNismati eres to he Atilt -Fa ouch -70o_ Old • Pride and ljeder'the Proposed .* They' Ott a New Lease , 'Scheme. , ,of Life. . • After • the Nile the EuPhrates. Flattery is the newest balm t� lioth are to be damnied, and beth cure old. age; and all the partich, by Englishmen. , lars concerning this remedy* will be fennd set forth .in an ai'tiele Dr. I: • le ,NaSchcr in the Medical' Sir Jelin jackson, the, eilgine•er WONDUREUL Slif•-,VIT: PLATE'. and eontractOr,' has inst.--signed,.;;# contract.'witli.-the.Turkish Qeverri- or-Gleneral, a. Bagdad .for tile, con- struction, ' of- a great- dant ••''at •...the. e4e: the; grater portioti'ef tb..e..en.‘ce.":40Wpoilhta51''itrn-ah.-.lea's'ee,e*ixtPilQ1P14:b-ate4:afin:;;hselle:it:mt1111:411tornMaet:Po:fworld . f4m',5uS:. Silencer Chi4rehill'.the most fertile' -,regions • • Of the Plate. housed at. 'Blenheim, Palade• "•‘., dukingAlle, -• Of-'• the •r'great: ',This „Ai& .irrigation • plan Duke of Marlborough,'fr :'Whoin'..',hY'• is y bas6d 'upon the recoi»mendaticri -a 'grateful' Queen. and. this Sir William Willeecks. This in,- c.oxii.nhtry palace was. originally built.. volved the irrigation of oirer,:a3000,- throtiisgh Pthiaete' in:.°tearmgarrticja; eAlothf.t)a..x.Pn °°° acres, at 'all' ''e8tiaiated. -0-A14-4,--1--artgri-f.g-r-,,C41.1r°R 5 ''y.tileflOOk.,01C1 age conies ' and comprises one . five Marvel-- , Sin ee -the shbniisSion • that. man...begipa ..shimp and. , lous-tyine-icoolers -Sebenw-m-I908 a arge taff of. jet hYS backbone collaPse, If he its great original ewner,' the' Duke ing the grouncl'sttnd studying the Will Make Mira do that.,_h*willikepp,„,„„,„ "OfZM-selbetetight,ion-his•eninpaignin:footeditions--with-'--thestrli---that--ne "•'-' • . • , the Netherlands) Plans -of a radl% .s.eoPe were -The physician declares 'old age te In the-Volleetion are Five :Wine • Coolets -as 'Big as Foothaths. , The 'Seendete:faniilyelieellihetite: elle, does not say hoW he' has used ii -in his.practice,.bat he seems' --to••••!prefer 4.45-•'. arseme • sniall • • ' •citia,ntities - -of e,oitrse,- for- the ewe, :senile debility ' In the. epinien •Of shievid judge:of linerian nature, old age not „conaitienTbut :state lz'4f .rnin4 and It eat•be aytited laY.the psychiii ••• • tneani. There are plenty • of 010 boys . no* walkingabont the streets • •11 COST OF $37 000,Q90 will be. all the brighterejf. reminde,d who hive never 'grown-up,- and they (°ne was actuallyused as such bY` gin"rs has 'b"n • at w°rIc surveY- holds htpself straight, and prid• This wonderful Pie,ces of solid sil- prepared and approved , bY•A .be a mental arid _PhYsicat_d„-ise-0/9.-- -ver plater -With Churchill- and Turkish Government- • - &lire ana-heZlaYs special stress -on - de -Fal -Mall< borough arm:, ;mPaled, .„.."The damming of the head of the the need part of • 'the eempiaiht. is one of ,the ma 'fic.nt pieces al: Hin ia Canal forms part of the new tleast 11 ways vi Ch Th Therefore; he warns,those who are ted corn Incali _ene pint, Sifted 3°1-1 maY not; e ° enong Yet t° character in the Old Testament. It 3s °n ewineStatedining s eMe. e canal is an ancient advancing in years to maintain • • • b Id h r,,,v1:33 a. ,a..eafitc::::..,e,g7z ,-opniu.eniithnei,iof noernuepnitiesikau.:, ffullyr.7%deh.ris_tfand "forget rtha , u y may he, also, that, Wi is eve gar,_ one-half eup b to you but I'd -better- say it now closing days to tear himself away to realize what T am -about to say for solitude, •Elijah wishedinthese oo ' 1 o d's v d• in a little nng ° IP human coMpanions ip . rge say i at,er, f BP °flu 6 4116-"1 6°1 6 . ' .-1. and ieine-dayT-and--Perhaps-to-your • BA11-61-His obiat---1-1---Clialting --11-c-•--Rake m greased pan uwen- , . t ininutes: . - . - advantage, • you will recall •it, the ' here and at 'Jericho was, in all pro- - Svveet----Pot,a,to Buns. --Boil and thmg I would new say to You„ being mash two potatoes, rub in, as much this : ` , flour . as will make it, like brew* "Other people' think of us what add .a., little nutineg and sugar to we think' of thenl. • ' - . • vour taste, with a' tablespoonful of "Do you get. ithat.thrOugh your -gocid yeast, 'When it hits risen work noddle 7 Other people :think • of . as room on the occasion of any great cutting which the Euphrates ,re- pride in their personal aPpearanee festivity- in the house cent -years.. has fellewedrin Prefer- stop worrying, erect, . and (•i1. have often gazed. with ;Wonder' eace own .bed, with disastrous look the world square' in the < eye.. and 'admiration at this 'wine cool consequences. • The relatives of •friend_.0u,the pee'-----(eapeblee---bfe:thoidinge-I-e-ca-re-tereee-re:eTheeeoriginal--eEttphratese=4'ing:44711--e-id-iiie7s7-, -to--d0-14rfh-E-----7--can to -member how ireariy dozens of chem- through Babylon; is now quite dry cheer thein up by tellnig enee.,L. how pagne loettle0 on the ocoasion of a, 'in S,unanier, all the water flowing gar anderoling: they gook. .as the ebode_of ancient sanctuaries history; and had become renowned ably connected -with the patriarchal Liability. to reassure the young Isro- tPhheestes' pwlhacCesw,e1:Bee being • . . er_tOtrete_dtliarliel-ST-r- wIrla11.44_•1_1_,Jhe _canff177_1203Y-e-v-er;71TeY-- €L'rl--Pear--=-•youtbful--and--by-sitting--up-or 1 "Lord Spencer's plate includes, „13.4'11Y__Waterlogged, and much geed year. the centre of the wonderful cellec- °fled; :tb.e population having inigvat-' arouse in him a sense' of 'pride' Tahi7riftaemr .tphreceLaadiyw'asy' aPicfotorrmiaeli 40a7s.1,_titvlitiroenfooren, t6he.cenPiaplhinroasttesabbaareds. _contimles Dr. ica5alerf “aud y,oluu acti caliy- f romelleor-to -ec;line.',ThwaVoniegob.een. meant -to contain the tion, Yt' Ch, closely t together o ed across countly lo the Bindia of this huge hall in Dublin Castle. in pt. Pa.track s Hall, says down the eaea except in flood tune. "Flatter an old fellow upon his h 'f the E • Tdh:--hl. mamPe. -eTh.-ieleeideere.teeteeingeeeoleg e uphrates, has become his;appearance. are not as Old in, feeling he is 'in youthful aPPearanee and activitr,"- standing erect to ,"'show that he is ' was,, schooledilseparirlt dance • " • . you' want to think :Well of men. • sil-verwater'bettles of e ur s have been- trying f in two4ablespoonf•ttls-oftbutter,e.ut--w o (See-:-IeSson- for. jannary7-8). fi-n-elthen forth it,inte sniall. rolls .."•This is---higlily--iinporta;iik,-7.)*: Went' doWn. Bethelhirife- arid 'lake ear -tins as -nice brOWn., eause--it-applies.-to-our7-inmost---an se1f ghe than G*1 el Rut serye. „ha ; Split open -and • butter. '.uttered thoughts • •wee-think-111-efel-between-theingay- a -deeP valleY in - lo Se ch in -pa pl in ex ab of wi Th inc .• whiairt-Waa-ng-CeSSaTy' to descend_ '0114".gcrild-Riissfar.e.i.ili-IdAirsa.rld_...___an_____ a.s- ee_ena.0 _making,,the_jaUrney from • 'Sons of the. propheta-- These we re'•- 'seine of --the fruits -of - strenuous joyalty-te the true relig,-. .ion. These young men • had. Caught Ms' spir_it .and• viere being trained •°,'' braces up as -he passes'the review- •, Our thoughts of other people -Years'- to construct a barrage wawa in stand and with his head erect CHEESE SE- ° appear" to form a sort of_cireltit Would, force part of the water back g ' time,' 'more resembling grekt cans' in.:size; with the cOrks, Jacobean fashion, seeneed with. silver links and chains; then:there are twogold pails, ieckeried the. largest of the.' kind .in any , private :collection, in Cheese. Desserts. --For 'the:cheese. turning from 'them ' to us. _They :go vele siniPle -and' palatable des- ont we...are rt is, made. from, any good cream thinking who seems to relay oese..- Work and inold the'cheese, themt haek-to.us. Whatever•Onfleel;" by the elder proph,Jes at Bethel and, bo rohnd, .114- Patties'putting a, toward him inayLbe,,__MvgLor---jerieho--and-,Gilgalv-and7-it-4may--belf_the...world, and among the compara: ttrin-ttreenter_of_each-dessert7-ba.41,77-he-takes-them-in-r-re-enforces other -tenter i'to continue the war -2- ive•137. me:dern pieces -is the b'e4iiti ate.' Scoop out the -Middle; and 'them:with, strength from .hi§.own Against the ii-e'F-i,then supersititions ful5i1V-61.' giThug, one ilie four 'lieu of the bar, le 'due,which, is batteries and sends them :back , to -which threatened to destroythena• subscribed for b the English nh;- PenSive and not always 'Obtain-; us, with a.feeling ef frieridlineas, if tion, and Presented (each ...rebeiv- le.,:,•Put•-in each patty -A SpoOnfal. that wasearAnstinetlye,feerlinOta,_,Nnowcsthowl-.---we_hare• no ,ink ing orie)-te:the-Lords•AlthertOtuS77 Preserved red' curranta. Serve: ward him, 'while if Our feeling wasr ling as to how- the, knowledGreyland-r.4211 g knowledge ,,f crisp salted wafers and coffee- one of antagonism ,that is the feel- Elijah's; impending departure had nition of .their nnal triumph after :is is 'deliciously satisfying and ing•that he relays back to US -..Yreaehed these sehools. But, how.- Year's ;of st•illggle. over the great st a,dractive; „ : "Don't think ill•of men, Stephen, evei- the news had come,Elisha Was. reform bill °:183112' Cheese pie. --Mix to; ohe -large' think we' of thein, as you-may'.wellni no mood' to•ellseuss itand. 'warns CA p of dry cottage elieese one table- do, there. 15 more good in ,inen than -l -the -talkative yeuth. that-it--ms--not spoon.of flour, ..Onee egg, eneehalf, bad.- --Criltivate friendly- -.relations, matter -for idle- gessip.---eee '- OUp. sugar; and a little sffltMake an, friendly feelings,: and b„ sure 4. Jericho ---A city an the valley of, -thinnee-thaire'paste-reputes!nallelunte§',etleitte-ateeeeyotele-eleTtowarderrielt:•=strewilt effee-erorerae; oeee • of 'butter' eedeeugare: and bake! ,they 'feel toward •made fartioua by the siege Of Joshua, 'twenty; ininutes:; : it being the first to oppose the pro- . : 'Cheese Roulettes eeSeasen with TRAIN•WItEa'S IN ITALY. giess of the •Israelites 'after their salt; end: cayenne a cupful Of drye , , • • . crossing the JOrelan. . • • grated cheeSe-Parniesian is prefer orthee,e eggs ,.„4-,a,rikule-4-7-,401:: the prophete_ ;stiff and Mix,.in .the.ohcese. PlOhr liklees7A 5trike q.rhreatelled;' stood"thaefahTi116457-aTbohVeeY thJeirsit-I Jeri - the hands and mead the mixture in- Quite recently there have 1.:.p.en no ehe and watched ,the two as' they to balla.the-size of 'Walauts'. Deep fewer than • eighteenattempts at descended . the valleytoward 4 -or_ intaibeiling_fatittcl_f,ry_t_o_La,_golderi • ti ai,n :Wrecking in vayiona parts of thin. - brown. LaY on crumpled 'paper to, Itay, particularly itiethe :southern, e .-d9noin peeieee of 0;y. spirit - absorb the grease. • Serve hot Provitiees hY Means. ef • false sig- Not '-tWice mueh. ieal. tied and'by placing ekplosiVes on • a. .. -sprp,ING. 01' • , ..• „ For It.. , • To spell badly 'is no' longer con- sidered *nar tie u a rly illiterate -that is to say it doe s not betoken a evant7o,f-aaitti-on.:.- An eminent lawyer, who •iS considered •on e of the most "brainy" men of his 'tithe' 'said recently that until he was mar- ried he had always_solled husband with an. "i" 'after' the "tt," and ay -'noted phySieian •When-ta•king his ex aminations at tM. medical college ed b his guide, PIE HINTS. the tracks. These a,re the. first re- ah irthas wast•Passefss iyd I 'tripped up on "medicine." on', onecUpful Of sugar, one egg, . and sabotage which has begun on _in . . , ue e revr aw reeeived-tiVie!"--` s , . h . h yitig_ r, <lust h-eePie-Offi-one largerinicy- --euits_of„,,a:Caenprtgneofeobstructionel Iv, -..4nothe.r_fina_ny_l_ea,se_wa,s,,tha,t..:_of_ stato rnirizads ,ne.cann of. the neh-as-the-ygeilutger:'---Iii--spiriettral--a--,-P1,11g-1141-4:--w;-9-..-- a. . ' g --a - goocrsiied.,petato, one cupful .111e."*i hed to b' ed with the highest iionors from his! GoVernmolit's". delay 'in satisf :in . endowment, Elis",a, ' s e in i • it Se t tcards,N hie water: • /Grate kind 'of, lernon and .• , 7 , , . - ..-- '; ... '3* g•--forernest ''aniehge the-distiaes- of ' vel s Y' n - on '''''' -11' juice. ewe egg... . Beet: well. the demands of the . taiIread men] • • , .he had W•ritten personally, sayin5 lem pne ndd Or oth ate potato-;---if-possible,---through wn.ges• Thou ,that.he. hadformeda "bnisineSs ood, ..chopper. 'Stir N%;ell: with Ninety ,-theusand- -i-)t• the -lower •eesiiirioal urnaskalweye,heee:e Partnership 'with Me. SO.: : er ingredients and :then add gra'," ethrileYee'4,°',4.:ef-..a: t"°tal ef. 'Miss on to 'others; "Nevertheless fact of, the Matter. le.' that. Put d bl b • e 146,900 railroad men- 'arergetting 'feet h' spelling -.so -neglected in the :cur- , he- assures, his fo ow r a water.n ou e , 0 e o _ .saueePan-and let till; iekeit'andlitk _ ofi.-°111ease7-t9---g-are.2Meaerilrites am(leanY.w roved ehi2sifi:tnee.sh"f?retle 'gift y rem n ng.w s Master ti`o e , riculian �f schools And colleges inivr- s _ . _ . . a -days\ that it is a hit-or-miss' kind e ,eof„LeeeeeeMeelislineeeei.L. Those whe , • e_ laare.,,aecurac,r-and---1A65-AW",-rein,ern: ber' the, various' conibmations; and il eie4:,, • , . ; • ; -•--e," • , ethers- faiIutterly to retain the ini, - . • t ,pression made while -reading or f, stedying,• the proviSien made in f modern boys' Schools. and ;colleges W train theeenSe of gound and•its y expresston betrig of -little- -aceetint, - , , • • 1. e ./ EverYbody has:read c,f ,the •die, s•• co-veries made by dredging the-sea- -.l.ottiStn :.,along the shore of the an ,taretic, ceritinent, but, few have any:. idea how the work is clene when the surface of, the ocean is covered , with' ice five feet or more in thick- . nets', The method eniployed. is in- terestingly illustrated in. the reeent reports of the- British Antarctic - Eilpedition:. of 190i -g'..' *Hole-S-nre' made' in the ie a considerable diS.- ta,nce apartr and a'eable,. to which a dredge is attached, •• '.deseends ., ehreeugh on .holie, and . emerges .„.tlirough..the ofIler....L:-.The-dri'..dge---is- go: arrangeil'that the 'open side is -drawn-ahead , by Pulling • itl.. cable. Ahead:of the dredge ,a,' weight is at-, taehe vvhieh selves to keep, the dredge on the bottom and in the right nesition. The cable is ptilled ..le,--eakeseinatteef-roni--breadeeponge and- _eupseofeera,nher„rees_eteeleteeoreebee have.: wor ed onthe State .lines .the :inessenger-s--•--ef--theisibl . .e.nriclie•s ,..eth one egg atielewell bell- .ped, one :cap .,a,hd,, a halfei , sugar, item fifteen , to thirty .Yeara.., ., wor1,4 his request will pot be ne .1, tereneyer lie heavily on the stemaeh lee° : phie§peeps, cornstarch,.. three '; Brittle Minister Luz.tatti 'declares and ea'n "he eaten -by a, cly.sPePtic. !' eggS,!. , Line. pie : plate. . With richthat the Oovernment, refuse's to be, it, 'A thariot of ,fire andlories O ' ParicakeS ',Without ' Eggs.---ae :paste and poer in ch6pped c\i.anher_ 'coerced, and is resolved to punish Are. -7 -the whirlwind is spokon- ' inake, 'nice pancake s Without:, egg's, ries.' „Stir cernstarehr stiga,-., and seirerely the ,.ritithers . of .such out twice' (see ver'se_:1)•,ag the ''agent e With' eatit" will •and ,sOda o'0.sWeet beaten3 ._ _./olka,of eggs., togethe. rind yages. The railroad Men's federa-. ra,•• ijali!S 'removal, andLthere is. no milk: and .baliing • piiiWiTitl146.-Ii'l47 Id& One eiVOTIWeet -milk aii4P-'-ti'orthreatens-thal-nele&s pour „. , , . , , , ''''the'lne,s"-' iliiii-i to indicate *ith- certaint ne setaPS__ ol. !the day. „bread, .soak Over pies.-ancLbake. ' Corer. with twits in, dispute are immediate*, 1 whethr thp...1.,It,..,,,f ,the )attgwt.,ge„ i ....soften.„,L,Beett bead. -and- a nd.....thi lk._,,to, „mrecerpilelg,re.:%atin,o'deg'liefvocli-tie,ne-'°pVicerial . This debated dt;')b-tht'e.ed---s.dintiFfa:agli'l:ditnni'e:ffahn.4tsaet°til-7-eda':'.--ttsh•-:-i'MP,ioctrtiwreli'secittllieer;;;Iit-eTi'is ariP• lite-n-r'a%%* bread in the milk or (Mid` water to gethet, etlei little .saJt. : :If you.' use. „ . ,, . *. . ,, general strike will be ,dec ed, . Thet -' " ' , • all the Italian .railroads en the eVe Co'lln't of what Elisha saw' • Ewe bc,t/witor 6wotigh.tx,iiiweeteiv -71)A111:11)1,? IlettISE"Pt;ANTS; ' Or -the great international ex`posi- is' "aI allY' 14ke''-..4"--14"Vit"Y'''he're'' 4 , fie milk, and add to tile bread a d . ' l• II does' ., ' 't' ' B d'' • tbere '.vaS fe- the death (31 MoSes A 1110.8.41o., not mean a Net lon,,ar ,eme: an Turin, Which it is. itseleSs for us to try to milk. •SeiVe in i)otir.to 'Make alit:. • , ., 'ele, .tlacker than if egg% itre•nsee, t , f •Hweet Milk is. uS.edi „put baking L poW.E.‘i. in:tiOttr and seied •into the -, bread ii,&id Milk. Vbreed eeotigh Penetrate. ' Elisha's cry Wits a fit SENTENCE SERMONS., , tie* expressinn,, of whet Ale /nes • • . Slander soon dies if .you take it ;have felt inhis heart, that he had out of Circulation. ^ • lost one_who had been more to him 'Abe beSt way ,to lift 'men is to than a father, and Virile had been meet them on'alevel, ' - :to Iseriel more' than her -thariots .Heavy words'in -meetinirWill, not and horsemen ;- that: is, lier inili make' up for ehort weight in 'mar, tary, defenses,. So it was natnia ,•leet. • . • • ,• that be shoeld •find a' vent for his Heresy hunting•is'merely.an db- grief by tearing in Wain his own clothes (12): , 13: The -mantle -.--.of- WAS his reward 'for•fidelity unto the •end,,, -and -his taking-, it :beck •'-with him was a symbol of his possessihn ef t,he spiritual, authoritY 44 his great initst,er. .ITe stood the test imposOd u on him.',and shown hint- Coyertfie•Plants' vvithneWspaPers , when- SvireePitig - or. throw a dust . sheet over them, ,,..•'' • , . , • Elianiine all. hardwooded tilt; of illieke... Milk 'yeitsiderably, licat, liot plants...in yen]. windOw garden' \,\\,4\\ for three. ,n 'Mitts. -.Those are',iiice,„ fer' Stele, mealy bug and spider. . . , , .• light iiril. ten ev,,,, .' ''' '' . Do ni)t. let them get a Calit"-y.•-•'-'.'alte, twO tol ar tS. .6f : Make. a. blanket Of newspapers to ' bread .syienge.. a.,(1, ,,ric. Well heater'', wrap itrettnd. your plant' stand 4)4 . „,egg,,_iiiil.feetiel.ejf:geef.... a rd,one %pity) c:old,niglits.; ..DreP., papers; be tWeeti of sugat.,a little salt 4tit eiiiiiiiiiietil. plittitnIlitidiash.----t-T-----7-•••-.---- • „.iiiix :and let4. l'ise; nos 10 otit," in , , Bpi: the fern Cage, provide good ' Jilted,- cette 'With" melted,: utter, drainage;, . ventilation. ,.. every.. ;day..., ,Pintiainc•n• and sprinkle: •With s ar avoid initch--heat and,. water jtidici- rid when: fight .ptess..with a spo ously. . . .. , tleeiyholes and fill .with thick, sweet ",I)ole't "depend; upon the noon; Crean'. atil' halte at bride,: 'Velieiotts. se that, 'seed, 'soil and season. are at c warm c . over -0- , tot ..So.g6(1,tr., taw.. .• , . , ..,,..„ „lia,a..,,:bn, .0.0SS.„Of its ewii. 1 , . , Aii ii C 'Ilinali's colt 13read.-"--41W0 ,, The .date, :palm ' deireloPs, slOvily bawl( iiiii• Ns. 2:.• pprsiiii.ni on s,. from seed,' hitt-it 16 easy to care" for it a; littie snit', three enpfttlft .of and.,''soine 'of, them turn blit linc,I tiawri, illeal .0).,ino ,oli ye' Yaller l'n041,, Many, IteweVere ‘• 'ate -': not. wetth ott;y fm lol ohlekensh-_bite' One w nto th,ele •Iteee, • l' ' - ' ' p '..., • 1; session of oinniSeieneC, getthe best of anyone., With alt our, doing thingsforpeO- ple they need Most our being men to them. °Magnify your. pe-isonal 'rights and yott, are sure to ereate eome social A. man may go up when you kick bim, but YOu eal3not :erCdit, for kindrifss. Boasting,,of saying what Yon think, is often an exttige .for not thinking! you,tlay, • 'y 14 hero who had been ,.feared pts -CO- proof a once this newly besto004-pewer. smiting the watera of the Jordan. allsd 4:04,g oVer dry Shod. (14), .,Thi,S it'll+. to ,eonvino the • toris-of the ,iiito-the heed -of.-fliiiPliratierS. and permit,. regulation of, the flow e: , ____ , out • he makee. a <firmer step, , is knees -seem -more- Annber,,. . and , h. 10"-ca:na'," ',.-- ' raises his hand in saluting with ei : . , BUT' WITHOUT: ST.TCCESS. . ,' spryness •that ' belittles ' his decreptt.' appearance -of a,' feti minutes -• be - Sir %.Villiam,'--WillcocksL---engineers, -r,....:,,e-The_seentleyouthfielebletti-ige,. is ."- seen in the 'aged Reinee' when.: he gees courting:" ' a and Shoulders,--thrown-back---'7-ehest-'-. . Hcatne•-doWn-intfloed„••••:CoinpletiOn,of'' .ho.-- Y4 as- '1,-.1. years-74:04-7aittl'7yealked ".- -sucee 0..--iti4iihug-iip-the-spae-e.74ie ,Ithin,•sehempWill-have-theiinportant „WItha.,..,:eane, without:,Lthe Aise '*•44, only to find the structure breached _at, another point when the :, water . Her is cited the '.ca.,,ke Of. XI% P,1.,... -result' Of restoring prosPerity. to tween-the two arnisof the barrage,11.6:Whieh. he 'etett.erea.:. Remarrying, :the:hanks:of the.Euphrates. pepper, 'he, :Walked into .'the.' . 'Church ' as and of :greatly iiiiProllig the con . straight ,as, could. be and 'the:•.saMil, -ditiona along the length Of. tille.,,can-.; evehing .he. ,danced - with his • brida - al. ' ' f -t.'-'-'*•,".., •• -...,•-:--H-..,:... , and. lifted•her..ciff.-.the'floor:•••;• ......une___puincipai •crops in..ord,er. -of--,---Also.,....therphySician refern:-,-,-te'the--". importance that 'W'ourd be:...planted ease of Mr and Mrs 0, ;aged, . re-., . -,--ier-VilliZat;7'1*-.f-t-e-Sii-oe-Saiii 7e -ilia ---ileetiYelY'-i-4"-and-7.0;Whcidateed.--af---'-'7---- cotten..-• It is eetiiiiiited that about their goldo.:. wedding.' :They were (.)0o+ici- acre's of land Will be 'Placed, flattered .so aincli by theie.Who..ivit• under wheat, and on, the basis of a •nessed their activity that it lonce ton' from every, nacre .the sMesopot-, :the .aged couple tooka, new lease of ' . , . _ .. . . . . . arman„wheat- Would ainotirit itei..,.abe life.e.::.He „resumed' his feemer:,vOca....: out 33;000,000 bashels, • • .. . ticti-- of'. locksinith-"-•-and ...Elie' ' -hei::-.-7... . ... .. - . ' • houselieltAluties, altholigh prier to.: the- eelebrittien - they had;been, Ceti-, ' • EminPnt. • Freneliitiant E''xpeeei -tent t: :itby th.6_nfire Con_ 'MURDER' ALm().T; l'i''‘AALT• „themselves. retired frem all _icidoenr f this- life... • . • . p yti c t oft -en this , • • signs. pf .senility winch develoP at • Dr:. Doyen, the celebratecr.Paris sur-geon-,Asqueteel.:-.inLa-cabletde* liateh -to .the :New York. Times', ..to the effect that . civilization .--is .plagued by hordes of-- physicians who are. worse than the charlatans of. the 'Middle ages:. He says : ' `,0Perations bY.incompetetitsnr'- geons are' being perfbrined eontin a 1 IY -and aCtual • murder is brn- .mitted ' in this ..v.yarL.'„ altnost_ 'Other physicians fer,m a-ringto.'OX•.• .12Jetk 'Jones ;for -the eyes, toiThn for the ears, .and to. Dr: Sinith-for the stomach,' etc. ' • ."One. 'of the comnionest . witti- cisms ,Of •doctors 'is' ''''a inillonairc alwayS has, little pie e of 'cartiL: ne •ca-n-ft•e--reiney-- ,Uor a 'largo tS'ilin rnoeeYe! . On, last.week <I•overheard crie. gtAr- gdoti:4s1c7 another; 'Why aid Yon operate en so' -and for cataract befere it was ripe had done ethetwisee mY patient • Would :lia,Ve gone to. another doctor,' was the ' • ' "ValSo know Of• several cases of.. alleged operations laparotoiny. when tho Surgeon Merely*,..„ent, the skinqind. renewed it: • • , 'Other Charlatans When they 'hear the name of 'a man Who iS,ab2J '(:-iiirre -undergo an operati Ole r for .-the name ,Of the surgeon in, the . ease and SortietiMes they -eon -le three, :arid fOne at lie time ,leireinding come Anissioes, Pretehelihg thee they 'are, --eausesr-and-urgtv -- othiteghatget'o•ofb60doente'e 'toduge into eheerful- moods' if they woad maintain -,:their health and- vigor:--': A. SibO'CTISIL Thilie-niains: of Majet Laiug Maio,: ,e..;Ae:eeeereepeeeleee;,eeiti:ngJreineTiitrt,ee<eee- 'bvaoo.aniieunees . the disoiery,�f- the reinains.of the Scottish explOr- et?. •Major"Alexander Gordon Laing, who was' mureler‘d by , natives in ,. 1826', between Timhtiefoo ,and; Ara.; ,-watl while exploring the' s.oures ;the Niger on behalf of'.the Britigh- -Governmorrt,---Majiyr.:-Lbri tt-g; h was the son • of a .elaSaieal teacher, iit,-Edinlinygin was an African tray!. eller' of Censideiable iepitte. At the' outset of hie'eareer heentered the • • artily, and evhileee seteinge 1,,Nr'-iii-Jnclies was appointed. 'hien- ;tenant tied adjutant. in 1819 he was sent to Sierra teonei ,where'ho" was seized with fever, and narrovv•- IY•escaPed 'death. He ettliseenently distieguished himself in the Aslian- teewa,r, and in 1826 he Was promot., ,ed to the rank, Of captaiuthidmnj- 01. fie, was. • attached to an -60;editiori appointed to ekplete ha,ssu-ssitiated by ;his ttines, a:hned ,while;t,• ajt. physiCians•-of --the-7-Vat ' tient." , • .*:••"Do you believe -that et doctor should .cletrge in pfroportaen to the yalth of, Iii e patient:?: e:as asked. • "A'en," was the reply, "because phsiiais.tna•ke no charge tr) • CUP THAI „CHEERS. For„the ror the waveringe-stabill:•tes. For .11`i. q( 1 •or .t 'Ward h„ole aS fast, as it is paid Out physietarc's. ld litivc a t,o nt,rnimon , the,. 'hy another stationed at the i'CAV tvlIC); he isitiifeci4 !:0.,aa.0.:4c, 4 pa- '..1'catnitS,' as tient .1o.,go r6t, the kltl'angor, as the' wOrlil. as ,they in, ever, .instead of the srecialifu' giv- are br(yught no, treiii eornillission 'seeretle :the, eever' tee , , , , , , ; , . neatn trio 'eternal iee,Sneet 'petient :snout(' pay each '1 viefor--•inagnanimi-tea. eatididate---majeri-tea.'" ; fictionigt:-.probabilitto& , <aeionatit•-tilttephli-tea.: