HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1911-03-02, Page 5arC fl( Sou. L` 'OKNOW ' SEN'T`INEL, Page p i IIC M NITO ; wroar-Alay'. col; est WWwanoah...- • 0001 it metas Peradajournment Mem- here are *Stent Reeve Bailie' -6-411 Aar. Minutes of last meeting read' and approvcd'on'taetion of Watson;;aud,. Aitclieson The Tresiurer's Statement was filed on motion. of:Murrayand Wll$on. - On motiod:of Wilson and Murray..the m ' Reeve: was veered .to.. ::with ambo _ _.._ , avenge he-kaies-06.ef-ngannenr-Rs - h; Spates ' The Th . uditos�Re was r.esented _ � _ ..._... _. p by J,3WPebater' and poi Theo. Taylor,and 'was adopted on motion of Wilson and Wet. :Should learn those Subjects. by" whish, they can earn a 'liv=` ` ing.. li3potton'•s Biteine_sa l ot- eges are the argent tcainer� s in Canada, and our :graduates secure the beat positions. You. can study ,a home or. partly at home, and finish; at " the. College. Individual instruction• .~. tee la . day >�ltt r, ny . Ou motion of . Wilaoa .and: Murray' the clerk was instructed to try and, sell the laailway Debentures, • and. also.' to. write Colonel McDonald of Guelph: in connection with the same -' ' The clerk was instructed to, have, .the minuteaa of the council. ' printed in:. the Signal;, Advance,:and Dungannon News.,. A.BY Law was passed to prevent the spread of noRious weeds and . S. Kerr. • andrft Anderson were,. appointed In a}pectora,to sett that the By Levi was; enforced.•" • Cheques to:`honmount Of 442 in' Pay- ment ;on Motion maul O ` 'IN a 0 f accounts as pas trite for' particulars WINGHAM U tN S, ESS COLLEGE • maiM we..amrwUM Ir lets �1: "�.w.w' ewe of Wilson and. Murray. . Counoil;adj, to meet 'on Wednesday GFA. `SPOT'tcifi, Principal. -A�gristreng; �nt Lucknow March 99th at 10. ocl . . ,•• . yock� _ .. ,.. � r �.� .w-,..,.>.. ... ` .. , . � ,�..,_ ::... ..,,--•, •Teak `-.-s�... ,oa • ei 1 1 WEEK ID•OCH STORE SC LTARGE. QUANT,IT'I£S of.S tin Goods. ate'.now. rr' T p g •: a wing, and we are '!busy'open � °in� g but lines -purchased months ago, , before the rise in; the markets: Our early purchnses':wil be "a great saving to. our. customers, as we. ,have been' fortunate. in being•bl ae.to secure most lines of Wash Goons. t oldprices.a • oftiour.Customer. :who have haul: this..:. beautiful. : printed" abric>frarn.nei now'- ' how eermceale and • •- pretty it rs. It hasall she... adppear: aacerof 'a*, soft -wool 'Dakhla, it issplendid to :wash. • and to • w.ar;aud'costs less then ono'. t irc . of the price Of..'a wool DeWae. TKenty five piecgs.' has' jart Len placed :'in 'A • •tock°, a l srge variety of:colors • and 'daibty patterns. as .old :Price,,,15:eents, per 'yerd . en's Spin •Qiie xbpi ' .S j ung gats en' are here iris gre&t - vera ,x of .�syloe and " •;primo:' : As len+il N,�gee showing the itinHat which. rs.the•.Kiag ofte,; and ` along l , •with it • nasal► linea ' Selected from other British „=manufaeturera- made ezpreasly for ue;• Imperial,' Churchill; Christy, National, . Harrington and Bettprab. • Stills in. • Black. ,:and pester: ahedes,:-.and ;8ofte'_: great vgjrietyy of r,Olori. Grelt range Of.'pricer. at dies! is it reasonable to invest $20.00 ,a hat and wear Cheap, ordinary shoes ? The best gowned woman in our tOwn is fastidious about her fOotwear. Het shoes harmonize with her gown and 'headgear. Other- wise she would not be -co - redly gowned. You know) this lady. - Do 'you know_why she insists ori_ 1 fee. particular women. Itt,s' 'an apt eXpreesion 'of the, la .'styttilt-to'fit on n. "Last" moulded from the hUman foOL. the faret -day you put theni on as whefl rieeve. worn theta .for a month. them' s6 much SUperiOr to the nent'best that there is no comparison.. '-. 1 The pnetimette cushion is .sunk • a pocket in the heel as shown in. the cut. „It 'is resilient--,honeyeembed With .air ••• naturel.. You Oojnot, know what shoe . codl)fort and means until :you wear telirido ' A, A►b; 'S OP>; L... 1300R -7 -- . OO '- . This �a ;the seem(' of the series o fartieles .on, ,I{eciprocity ;republished from the Canadian Century to which. reference�'was grade in -- our issue- of :last -week: Cseastas .Frill ra eo hq -(hest refit' (From The ,Canediasr`t entury) The largest deputation.. of farmers :,that-eyxe...wated :on any Canadian' Government. 'was that of the fruit growers of Western. Ontario, ' who went to Ottawa on 'e'binary. 10,, to protest against the R,ecilirocity Agree - Ment. "The..case ' they presented • to. th governonent warn a:. strong one:. � 8 They showed that if the Reciprocity I►greemetrt was endorsed• by tho Can adian Parliament and . the eonited States. C.ongrese, it would -reduce the (value of every orchard in,Ontario'and ruin'thouaxands Of small fruit farmers •who had' paid' high' prices . for- their little farms and; spent time ,nil money in planting .trees. They' aihoweal that man lar far ' q ' Be'. ' a►s, hgd bg.n snbdivd�ed¢ , for fruit growing 'purposeer, :and;,that of Canada -to ds THB new, .subdiv sione �- were 'constantly, .1)IAN CENTURY' 'some' weeks .ago... bein ' g puede.: They said that. a farm •published an article,on; the value of a of one. Hundred acres which, formerlypointedr. supported only mie fannl. , being. 'cut . man railw_a company' It was onto that a Ge I , tree. _...9 c _ . pang ..had been. fore - into ten small fruit farmaw , 'amu ported eve d p,y six .h, undl�ojiarrue_: ,a:' 'too fend." Amongother memorials ` cherry tree .which'it; destroyed, ' and presented by this_deplttatioo,: Was. the .,the principle upon which alie- court follO.wrng: : `V : ' decided ;the value of a fruit tree wee.' • ;n. e, the anderi g eCt e _.nisei -� explained "r: `Burrel''a, estimate, dent and exsentivo ao i ittee' o? Only alluvis-five' dollars as the average the Old Obuntry Lasocistion;' coma' value of a Canadian• fruit .tree when posed . entirely Of men •bora and he *aloes . the • c rchards of . the Domin- bred 'in 'the British: ' Isles, and the,'non?. at x$150,000,000. We—believe- „great majority of whom are, engag-' that the real value is '`eery much ed in the fruit indust res tfull greater., - r'y. P� y g ... Tend . earnestly beg to draw the at ! Now what would' be said if the tention of the Dominion Go% ern• : Government suddenly took away the • .,ment to the peouliar�hardships which; tariff protection of a group, of , menu. will-be-imposed--upon-us should=this-•-faeturing-industrieg--•in-•-which-$I50,- ,,,_proposed tariff legillatii.n come' into .,•000,000 of•capital•was invested'l, effect ( We 'liear_a_great .deal, from,_ the "We have been induced to leave politicians about ;vested right `Why` GreatBrrtian end ;to come_to_this , should there' be. any .more' considera: peninsula, and •tb•ahvest'our capital 'ration for' the vested rights. of 'ni�ana-. in the:purchase, planting. and gen= faeturers;t',ian'.�for the vested rights of eral .0 nprovemerit of fruit' lands - "in farmers ' Has not' the ' small : farmer , •a•large measure owing to the Very a vested right in the fruit tree that - •~wide: distribution of ofhc>arfamp`h= -`bias cast � in i i e., labour time .and' lets-and-otbe --ht rat : s' ane ing anxie y ”" fronp Canaida, • and distributed. We'do not believe that' the ,prosper-- throughout the British Isles, post-: -�ively-stating- thrat 'the'--Odta'a.ie o est ""Can da�sf_tlie_prairag nett •vrnces of Canada; will '...vote against grower is protected: lII lie home their b'rotliers in;"British Col'uma'' market by .a high . tariff against eruct Ontario When theyknow; the real: foreign grown fruit and vegetables ' facts. We .appeal. "te' those fanners and thus enjoys that market with- of Canada who are`not• .fruit rowers out sertoua competition from outside mg ' sources. to ' brgther farmers:: in this time of ;peril • '"T1r6 amount; of custon s tar •ffs , . •'Wor!-tom'atition-for Canadian Fsrmsrs - ob the various -fruits. i# Yspecifiea'll , Q D f. stated in these pamphleta:and liter "Why: should Canadian farmers:lose:• ...„..44.40; and infirder: that ;this .part% 'every vestige of 'proteotrom. for ' their -- - roducts while the,,tariff. on anufav Cnlal��4advant¢bQ.;�.t0��`the_:-Caila`diaII� 1� __.. _ .--�?,,.y....._.. '- • tured goods remainsalmest ut�touch- the same kind mire going •on,all over the •province. .;Accctrdin .to;:the.Dommien,.cepsusr. -of- g .1901; ••t�here•were in the—Whole Of - Canada 15,053,875 apple trees, 1,301, 775 peach trees,, .962,1.01 pear treea,, 2,415,695 plain trees, 1,288,308 cherry trees and 1791425 other fruit trees;, a total of over, twenty-onemillion; fruit trees, besides 2,783,595 grape; vines and Targeacreages of -small f nits. Since 1901 there hes been a ver g eat increase in the number Q trees gBri tish •lColuinbia farmers -:alone having planted. salient 4,50Q;000.1rees' within the, .ten'years'.l r. Burrell estimates that there,. Cannot .be less than •thirty. million fruit .trees in 'Canada now,• Incl he thinks that $150 000 000 is . a • 'w val,ivation to: place•:ozr:the.orchardh 1Sefore—•—cominenting our mutual' Stock•-takn we -nice ,a. nxiotts to clear • out • .; , . O...;...., :some. lines of Wirt._;. ;' , . Goods and , • therefore- gi ve a S ecil Prices Special ccs on all the fol ow><n ...bylheit!itieheilliiitariffo!rildia;.. states; . th9 . Argentine '; gepubliei tha-belief:-. that-- these Conditions:' • MOneT, bit is also; set' forth in. the coinage. Of - Great Britain. Under. itintlivn:cimue%Qtawli!iCan tugt lititai44311.y.bee. r'imviati•irili:filitcpili:edroilifin_aprrtiii.deuitti'ets*Pr°1:iticllit:°_14.:::112d4."',f`iis,ei; the steady riSe cif..tecent years in Thebe are. ; :th6 • questions, which ..7fOaiitobrei,misaifn.titsenoalinee;.'4012fdeut:;'' ':_:abintex.d P'ornoteetiorneft4,1i.dittinffeacrnituprredol.".Perte an Orchard' lain beerine ." • ... not. be permanent. • Four days:after theite Ontario' fruit ,, What Will ArtierIcas .Farniers. $ity? Member, of Parliainent fot .Y.ale P40-- 4.4vonYpOt :that, gives' them free en - statement, of ' the position of .the...frilit everY-feed,ex orting.' country • in the, „. chi, giving special attention, of .collrae,.- otin lay: "'With :048sittitsi ..Jaitanese,' to: his OWn. ptnytrice:ef ban, made7_Wonderitif -.pre- -Nor wegiini, :-Spaniards,-. 'Australians,' , greis irk ,the plentitig.o,f (higher& -.due. New '.:Zitalanderiend ....„,host-. of other, .has. devoted, twenty-eight. years Of his :13 life to. 'the, practical, Work of. frnit roduets : ink) .• the Canadian market; In 1901 there., were 567,000.: fruit • -shipping sae* of 'thin foreign, ettiff tee°. in British Coluinbia,, ACcoiding into the United States, .and indeed it to the. Pominion' census.. , NoW there . will be; Very difficnit . for the, United., ,aire estithated to be five .fruit States Gevernmenty tO prevent, them' • trees in that prOvince, and, the: area 'doing so. ative United States ge0Wor Of the prairie geth quish betvieen Canadian . farm . pro- , his big ferns at low oat, soliotinies 'as &tett and' the,foreiiin food that : fiiat be bleatecl. of enormous trees,;' 'the 'people.of the Kant and,'of the prairie tireber. LAtter the land heti cleared. at groat' 'ciiponge and frnit treea planted, the 'fattner, meat wait for years, for h • grow and. bear fruit. In Many par,ts of. the,Pro r •0s Saws, �y s an 1 J&We have also a few Heating,Stioves.'which we will offer at exceptionally low—prices for quick sale. `lr'stablished .186.? renes "More bread and better bread" Sinsing .Prints Over ilfty pie*. have anived in a variety of the best:4144es and 'neWest patterns. 'All fast col. ors carefillr selected at old prices 10 and •121 cts peCjakWhite:Cottons • • an and, Lolig Cloths, all . finished `*.ne and -soft for the needle.: Tribes §;10,,,12/and .1b centa per yard Weliave just placed in. stock a 1111E063r of AbOut fortypieces te -hand, all 'Special values ••lovely patternt and very pretty' shades the produets _Of the best Scotch lltia„nufactiirers ,Anden: sons. Three pieces 10i. 121 and' 14 eents; °Ging- beau' are likely to be very poptilat during the com- • big seation.r.., • Dishonest men ; both Canada and -theNnited-States will take advantage' . of the situatto'n. On the other hand lieneseCanadian exporters, will often. be. suspeeted of ' fraud,. American oustonis officials Will sometitrieetha,ige„ that goOd, honest, Canadian eggs; buttet, cheese, etc., Come from Arkee- tina. Siberia, or some other outlandish placethatbas been given the right Canada:- 13itter trOVersies NN ill that lave. 66- long 'oxisted hotWeen the Okanagan, Valley alone, the ,Jannadians and Ainerieaes will bd: amount of $1,500,000 ba.s. been ex-. •placed -by a s.plit of suspieion and an, pended already in irrigation wotks for tagonism that may haVe serious con - orchard putposes And 'vast outlays of sequences. •-• , "t .• KE ALL RISKS worries. A. New Jersey man who eta. intildred bitthdaythe other day told hio callers that'the only thing which troubled Dr' NO NAMES pa Ponta VSEO WITHOUT WRITTEN .CONSENT NERVOUS—DEBILITY through •Early Eicesies and Blond Dhisitiles..• if yoU. have any of the fol. lewing,shnptems consult' us .before it is ton tato, Are you nervous and ' weak, 'destion-i dent and glOOnly, specks before. the eyes, with dark tittles under then; .weak back, kidneys irrittable,:ps4itetion.of the heart, bashful; dreams and lossea, sediment in urine.- • pimples on the face,, oyes sunkeh, hello* ch'oeks, careworn, expreesten, poor Meiners', laeless, distilistful, lack energy and Stretigtb, tired"raOrnitige, restlesa nights,, changeable moods., weak Manhood,. premature decay, bone. pains, hair .lootte, sore throati • Our New Method Treatment 'camel:ire yon And niake a man of you, tinder its influ- ence the braiu becomes active, the blood purified, so' that till pimPles, blotches and ulcers .disaPpeite, the nerves become strong as swel, se, Wit nervousness, bashfulness arid des; tOniltiney vanish, the ey.e becoinea bright, the face full and clear, energy returns to' the bcoy rind the moral; phystent and swami Systeins are Invigorated; all drain's' Celine -no READER: Nef Matte Who -hal, treated you,.ctite 'for an honest °Pinion Free, a.. await.' Books Free-L”Tha dolden ' .'illluStratedl .on Secret Diseases of Man. ' QUESTION. LIST Von OME TREATMENT SENT ON REQUEST% Rs: NEDYAKENN Cor. Michigan:AS: and COis.Wold Si.. Detroit; hileh. NOTICE '''t! from Canada must be addressed mismasiasaiiiim 'silent in Windser, Ont. Xt you desire to , Laboratory for Canadian business:only. Address, all letters as are mire to find one another, The: chaiiipion irtean Man is tlie One who, makes his faintly. all walk five chea r then .044