HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1911-03-02, Page 1JMPORUNT,06 I that eaniq UNNY T N�ESSIV, E he ��nre,of f: e, rs94, frosg wh4rd 6ttc date'w THE MOLSONS was'o'btain _Iieu' 'li e and. the t so rle� saine wa ----------- - Pr ero;ih Plipply q f,,' rnjust,atrjvO�, 1) Yest,pidaY was Agh Wqdnps4ay th de a the Mot with, 04, t the WII44 of local puck­ofiaser§;,soAre. 7' to,, 8. It 'A In case -Of 4 efus isl [14.11 be guilty'pf an offencegpd'inai -=d er of the � pill oticning a t Prituth at Tee9w ReK. Lucknow T llelq�barge, $350o.0'0 rst,4ay of Lent. '-W., J. Pavisolit, v4; in, Toronto vras 4 well contdsted�giayii� throtiglinut. the magistrate or� justice before wh9tu is,brought be, 'fort Itb th(� h , 7777 In Forst. Mortgagv, .aV491qltely� safe in-' the ear. ,he week, ly! part of t W aeeThenei;flb4ing Tonn.�. Feb .2!.,'l 91iscloslis prQsecuticin irnprisone�d, fo''r any perpAllnqt -,,�zl;Oding; three, he sooner d y lageof,Toeswater, I h, I the,,, $oV6r_ apply to 2, 3" J -..M rs,, K Robertson & � in,. Top6nk?,, 'w'stell'in Te�n6ss6e'i� a, State of varied 'Reen: nionths'affless, supti jpformWorl andA p43rp!,the, cost of, whic siri6o tire: collapse of' oi k grit an, fouryears ago, has,,lipen get - P, bupkriow Q111L -visiting h F,, T-cas. All pers6 s tit, e the, welfare t �arjed' d' coininittal, and for purpose, of ille �tj rig alori,,g,with one finauci4l.iqstiti1fion­ Mr, and Mrs,, Dravid"Andorod left' Uthe Luckno Brass� DarldI are request, to pild, a meeting at ery, soil,� rn'11L, n 8,,;a'iid ri'mily vari6d w4kbfg-such'di$closurej hemay at any tinie be brought li�fore or any eati6thokeliartet'. edbank. 'T s. ay Molsons oun * -"*, "utt eye. 6 -ped ­resburce% "ioithation, -rp�14�o S due. -to �40'efite branch a donV "Bank which will'bave 4. on" the iith�4fthe. otin -ioa( vq PtK( "As a go 04 f4v 'dri�i Pg ide ro,'4 of cond Coll! his inst) tit 7 o'clock Sharp.. is ..An itll pos- jmi)ortaut..jhoetipg,_ a44 at Cumberlwid, kan'ge of mountains runs �no jitWa rid sou bh�thtau�,h 'the -eastern bv,,- ittfidavit, Ali( 'atly,p . e�l its .who are own' or�ero 'guilty 'relling ",supp th6rQ' iw,day8. The WitjIfil"a fE 'k Fob,; Si bl y f6und of' or ying iqupr oa 9110 w 10 is on, the� Intpr-. py step., was ta en, at t e re,qu Of a' ater s itsiness men �n& ou'se� -, �i . , � � rqUry. 2Q. - , i4 , �­ � gin forest's o oak I pqpu at,, ine, . D jejory- Lit; �ATILL BR'�1PROSIEWUT4 :� e.e e y V � n r o rent; Von di�elli�g to rs t and ztw4- Aldre.6,6,f gannon, spen a'� evV, ToYeqkless''Dri�eia, hicko�y,':with lind6i- yingbds: of o6al h irop� wid",ot or. 'MIT filft exipnf of the Law'. Of 'bank' 'Tile,,office-ill, be. the o& onZe clittpied�by'Gillies'& Co. GOOD4 EW D., C p1l y _c. V d '!ting, fripi ri�ls' he reL. A number of jnst%pc�s� of., ' , nos I In' pri'sis' I v o .�Ridtno', sIB . .1 , I" I I rikeis, �, a�d a, ter by; --the. Sovereigir Money.. to oan ick; come to, an'cm�; o e tall aii bd'f r Y4 T ERAQ ELackilow Bank,. cellirall.; loc i 0 to,g od ;is�& a g�r On Priva 1undq� fi Ito 4nd,Com a P nY Itown prup. o,, was,in woand durini�.ihe k �on 'busihess. ,. darjcrieS� to jndtilg�lti� i9is reekitisgiless. cl As'.will -i � elsliwhere'in gqp tin, + -of :greon on. s shades, wn,, : adapte'd,fot,a bank ofli 'branch 4t i When: i, I §;e it t4 bek exami no our :Lod oll e ra8 W,' �&r -J. iNteMulleit,'wilp pefit the, this-pape�,` the t6wn constable' Will.,be. Ot ldr' range'b hill' 0 these an' f s, '8 lie The T a Hill..' A ffullv_,Goo�d Time In ow The T eesWate r will',be' in' - gu, ec klet '13rooche8, ucknTv tt M�nths, VSitirl ts: pas gli �aaughter, On, duty hereaft or 16yerk .afternootl�-andf atil range, an on on. till t, dies..away In: i ohs' i mist oi h4zy -P jdiog 'attenc led _the_.1,�,8wMtika_, charge bf r, ho: as Reid who- lia§ in h6dd 1he position Of liccOuntiint in: the, i Wes law. Reckle s adiivers, anio rig, otheng ��56rino iS ever reaunge _'o Club indsqu ball 'last, Friday, even Mr., Reid, though still a s ection An4 Cd- n Qrson was t le success- -tho.� ab h --begins:, - I - 1, 4- �.. lives. e young - a a consi era e;, ei Hence h 4 jw e W n Hig,4estcasit.�-�price� - pai& . . ..... ie aunery. at,ti t Of- the, Mi s. 1 eft 'ory ibe Fe 'i� whence, dot 0 0 at c rn� mine 'd was, as large`,�.n� -the- hall in bankihr, .'haVing.bnterqd the aervi'ees of Messrs �Mair 0 iddall riva�te an k� OSiddall brer pro live oul 4, h rieday'. Stl-last Sat.- r. xeo- Wobstev and. family!, of M G, n.-A'pril 01h kastor A�y livable f its�daib d is-orile of the' In e 'At -My safety corneth fromtbe Lord,, Whom He�vi]m and Eartl 1jath made..: N� the'local orcl!6F.' 0 in;;18974,­wh e.- e nickerb6cker& In, 19 0 ' en r. Sid C 0 d law je F fo Sale a r`m' r n 5,'Uuroji Township--��.*11- o e inWes kiding upona phase of th�. m66ii.- 46, Ahe�- -Ten nessee-- river,., �yenlngs, prograin, was., we_,�carri e .,6u i - er - t- V' et il no t 6 of MS.pirt- dall,b6' ut the inte Sts nt w. given good; land, /unaer pasture 1: on Ttresday,'afty sp6ndi ng 4 Tynth ft is a ways iliefirst un aya er, e.-ThIl' uoOn which, haT iliens rillbit; or'nextafter kfi­own-ls the middle, basin, patriot-.' te id �,f' r' aicing,niftil about -Mi night e business ahAbecattle manager.j hold� , years; 1'. 14 luilLis-,soiath of, Ripley. Qu good: !gravel road, For particu ars,' ad- - witlA friendi her' Mr. bns�`Macliay,' fo4brly 4w em' the2lthdayof.Maicb. -Ifthe.fullijiobn. 'is 1he ically, called the dimple:� of.. tbo�, Uni. ver'le, consisting of, f6othills� and- -with, Riellard III,' �ueen 'Elizabeth. ing that posifidn until 1905,', when the' MOlgoils B k' tduiht� the' -business. ress,, losapli'lle atherstbne, pipc �ucll:llow-�,'Rofl Mills at- 'd"d -day gaster. day Sundav followI1)9;_ be Ut- nvifh :stretefiels of' _b ilobin .,an otfre'r - - dignitario ' Besides geti ;iirga thorotg h business T h" h fun6ral,'df;,1the, late- MI, ten e Aid 'Mack,aVr er1i.erihaall arch 22nd- nor later ban, ng o W_n,_..to_,& on e '61 o'llerii� d, ncient air 'tit 6 row, . joined a d T� 1 an .,man,-, cesA,a ersecuresin. ri, W ;1. v r a rra -for , e: erei,on ues uy pril 25th. Sea :,,The wi%tern portion of the' 'in � -at the,' b g d proniehal:16 onelluslon, ;t'rin oUt-door, sljort& enthusias as Lite town�sliio, of Ashfield,, -150 acres. 'Gi-oth,'O�teol)atlile.,--pliysic7,. -Tn-. or Ac a I Damsge s, State is flat. Nashville,,. the capital,: of temqA;e&.'4tn act hiOng our beS - i -bowlers andurlers, and.' is , Wo S1, p in ' - of goo d lan'd,'wal. watered,,bifil-d ings in ll� . co . ndition y. the beal strap, 1 W E lora, will be at the MeGarry, Iw Ifo fefLubkno-w'qn, T aesda;y '_NI a r. '7, to n Kelly, of tie ar. Mrs. Elle Ambleside;' is tlre�'Jar t 1018 . u-mbfir marketIn"ib.South' perhaps which regulted'in many S.'' list" of the' aiiou� 'Following v yef, counties.' HF_ ill also be an he t quisi lop- AdVantag f 11 110 d t Ps 9 pas ur , re ced bylasilig offeredthis-vear. Mustb�s�l&at once., 'apply Wedrie i,,a d �b6undiiry', iii Americil. oak,andi -611ahidteks represented:z�-- -to musical c and: p V,�r f uitiler lci, Methodist At a" lib meeting of th6 I an, wlioe. hnsband lost'lib. life� in, an, acql� lent� on Cliristmas rQ611t hag started floaied d the t;. '04pop!Ar. are own U ver and' i6s'.'tibutaries 0 mberla;nd,ri' N I C�sey ories., Mm, Ho mes, Holmes,' Spani h an4 cYdir'man. If Teeswater .*as t6 have a se, was ete t e-Itev. Mi- 'Ji �'to ad6d to JO I 'itto . ........ -of:, 9' tow .h* o0 to 000 libTAin th� IfFo.. r T (Pwwr S -,O The, dev�� yd Ar riustrong. Q 'b" wee ear C:hiiiered,bank,.it'coiild'not. & bete $e.erire a branch o LU' Sa e' mber h rpitrain in the,6 r e for anot er year. e� f the ace It was, respon's bl ident. I or ''hi -and- lopm of t As.limber tri 6 in t ept. be' ie.Clark.: Forti tie !or Floss 'tei is not 'only Strong fi pancia, Y, �6t` hu -the-re Tweriky-fiv W ure a years' test with6ut.f �A. 'Mil avelock' I of 'Mr. 111. on H v of the ople' who, had- pit utatioh-,Df-�being..6�e-6f-the-m6st-�. UP g6t; a Cut to rly; so t at 1, 09 tner d. -,in- y0ar. thq.evOiiin a led- r full tecovere �-tft�tio, ar isq:Isdbel. Quglas, A r.s vuo.. le. I �rio ten - or e -an w yl �8"i -f -BOTTO 'IT Lckn6w. 4 :;�. _i � - --_--c A ee - 11V heiia k tea a lit --have.. sprutlz..,uD,, m s- on or n, ac e Netf,6� -a I I Fodn lx-�krlow-st;itI6 _ues --mon' 'the'West'.' ing-a. n y ears. Corn is: the uire, M iAo t ageum is iven r,6 ul Jk vatch.L me on jn4y 'y e'. sa d propeftly an pay Ih d w . plac6.where th� a c.i ent occurred. . ; f. 6otio�, tO6_. lie T P oduct w kQns.and qcco chic t oat in Wes' ...!W I . _RIiS_J_0 uu_ On,_CO 'I An accident. nevei forgotten' e-49Yral. W61sh` I Py our -own Calf 1, none tj s ..proving rson W Vt�g�oft"461de� tigentent. el adver. Christin It. in . wd The -,Carnival . ... . . I t ]so stf4mbdr.ri ej a a es, ar mpo, 0 in Spa Lynian nis li-;ali4ei the vernor of ew -York was� the, only 1�c;'per lb. N knw ruin e orme, a , ;':W fr ed on -C r tlipearance:of.: ihe oirt the excuti. Here"� A,is:100 lbs. A` Cakt; eal Seed:barle Y. In i&nsideration, of the' -Royal. Welsh d W.ev6ning,- t cess The crowd and other tru 1c. ap. ��G L-ocica. Jul mans ion on Tues I pt.'Sth'. - "Sonie �3001bs;, 1 rbag about 1, Jb Salt. 39ii, Wei -d rr6t car,of -almost 'anyt, E �h n Alg4 ichArd-111- h g men and of t o'leadin' omen upful llon---of 94 of -grain pe . r icr e more tlian'otli6i arf4 I l 6- .91,P0106's and pINcesof-TE -11 'ed On e his concer, he.Goveinoran& the eX0611- rig ildi . ivater a nd,feed *a'rm; The r6port, of the 1q8t monthly' 1PS r tested. witii it t hrough. til�, provinc�' no t4c6nsideriug. I's 111 t owthe hat' -date roin t i cost e; btit the, 6X q Ill e �o many. P 11111 'the tt p, Prin�ce. 0 , E . wdience were ell ent irmed, The :Gov u 'Leadifi,�:Poulirymen "ubb,. 8� 'Herbageum:ha;�.�". last year its w r o a 90 sale'by ij 8 t Ito, O:c 0 hibis were goo,&,- and races. %verf. 1efter'. than- the her u� at Qo1ambia,jenn., of M S Linday. Mitcliell,, h, is6lf beina'firsi and loudest in: -ernor try nor u&L Now --Luckno MeRonal.d, I e i i� D Ji 7r� at oi, werd' �s- -fol -w wer. ­ff he-pri7wn- -s ma at an,,average of �Law�enco, Caval* the applause.: use. - n �`ie ' mber�__., time' -to use. it, �-A , atie -�obhiff :�A uct'ion:Sale's lg1korn, the effects a falf,6w� the- SVP- lady­1�1iSS__A.1i ci b4tT b a a ime p an e orn may e -DI, d My soi�' Fea�. iss -13C,116' k --Swedi -R66 sh excell-e-nV te 'vern u that-Alte-G-6 or; At e, Close so crood. oil Mrch. the 8fli, conirriencirig at' onH Pery isidewa k sustain h!ree I ed abo t t e6ks agQ.-. ei ed Out, tb injuries rn F ar�d�, qrbss'd Gent, Lawrence; Cl5micAfes sed lady, s Madeline Mc7. f'rorn'-Feb'ruary..'till'Ju'ue', and gaillered 'front sant. Mlss'Tena-Maud It 1i progmr w bl A as proud of-, his. Welsh 'r irig fo 6,606L P. Ill., "IfloillpSomf ot 27 oUre6uo& d 'Se stock air iii. p eil urves be fituch,more'%erious -than L ..they Afere aan 0_ 1p oneL th'- h b C' lie Gen�'t JOS* Blaney - orren�. 0,11 ney ressei I For gtisofi'L 'F d I boy W HaAck till. next January.. Septeixibe i The.-climato-.f a v6�rs_a life of %.ease and Alje�, dia ds- .Robertson peasan Dungannon,, Sailor. And thanked1he promoters ri e�o such ,611enth6ir -to -thi� country to and bsilecially the execu_tiv6_.nIaI LL tattered. %Under iqcdical'� care trick -drbs�ed -it - 'b 't' �:t _�A!Hookwohn". _ _ t he tr&A , ha 1 6s, lte _howevek,',sh INU Ii gIr iss rene i 4r er �N faioi i0io. p s report- _�evalent as "gr p, s in dd' 4arliSh' Ca e e S, . . va ier. e,,, r., Jhe:concert,was" giaatest % - 11 is life.' I sville �lb Union, �N6V' We I A.uc. will. sell by Public, auction the Rfo- IT gross X c o' :has� been 0. PHO"IS 20'. lvlccyllegor,- lot '3C visiting his, parents 'relatives 'after iace ildred 11'6rn; Boys' race in th6 a Settee. of a rig 1 f irtsow; -Sti or; Robe d', ,,Fake Rai��, is�, the Wednesday,11atell 15 I cc o f ' in -Xinloss f6r'the past. t*6 weeks an,- abselice-of five yLars' 'Slftrt�d "on his return'trip home to Kilhiriie A -IL I YI: ast, onire �Jollnstoli; IcLoodl if �it� becomes a pas ime-ples- . to pi ! cture to in I y . friertd,' t'l le Xist a' 3 wild'a�d d;tio-,is that e Indira t i( X� ..Butto,rl, Iii�sb , Inan. :Waltcr Mf_ -Kenzie, Cecil Allin; thina,man i leatlot;9 icon. 2, iiurqu an uction sa A' Thur�dity.: Ho�will short. to P_ Sign's of Spr*ng. ree, Tennes- -mount ny Oeo.'H. Smittv-1rislim one O'cio& ritcuar lelor J.' Purvis oversat ell Sal l", voi�ot a. rid. ToroiAo.'_ -hers �who'take4 live- M'tit sec. J. R. . Cutt,,._'BMh,. Aoi6su doe' TH DOLL re is a Alock it 01" PuEle,41n town: who ire build I", ly int'rest in b irdand life� �,ev6rts re ilson, Dr. ML illiplenl6lits Oil th expectation that they. will, hear St the arrival of the shot -la 1<., the 'fill,' ..D. M. Thoinpon, College,Youtb. Or:, 'to Rei-iti. co, five� in ortabl`e iiinliroorit hous" members of the- oyal Wolsh',Ldics 'they' - %,Vill spend 11 1 d geni or spying �bin ,,a 1 1�w ays WaSoll" W. t __Uua,� e aOTIC , `_ . _PU Thompson, Queen, A. , D, Eli? erg erf ir - ---- - -inriotr� -clitck --.Ore aid, Ag ()it,," it, -c oil'u'--cly. rom i M osix,r Oil' stable,.- C; nilorfable, 0 land, good choir'do not s ing i�i churches or In any, �Place in �vher'e 'they' Ya asI At a special ineeting of. :the -con licil 'Ilia Mitry MadMi ]an Butter,lyGiii... 4� and onie truif S - Z__:Y�Le_s� both are situate I n 1-Crilosso tie -public towns gie r I -by ti -Onto -tait. week of �A Mathers sfth 'hr Itucknow held 0 V ge of 1�6b mary nieroil was r p ill P X 61 all. d, I6�ab ilulAi TM Ursidi in* places- -y Neil. leat611j. LUC, kllow�. Madamp. lughes�Tliouia, is 1.� year they, mi�. Lde itheir .-.app f 5225,00and it salary wag �tnoved and' A ii;ri. e Douglas,' Nurse. the most ptoininen women o �VaJC8 on'the 16;*a fact be: carried that, his dtitics,,sliould. be as. 7 Logs xffanted d'a' most -thokou h an. 9 musiciall. cliniatio condftions 'to Ahe SQUtfi.'L Cro%vs, too, c -,uni fj:ojlrl� -EVER50DY, IS .1NTE1kESTE-D,', has takein-lactive in itrany,'natiblial o�,n__ob- 0 aii: -i G v e-liandre of logs, even t4,. both- aand., iiiiisicai served ab,6nt'foi a' c6til ile of weeks. "We hour Of 7 o'clock P. M., to .10.30 'P 'day Ab. 114'eQuilli Bowler. soft, -'Asfi, RocA 14111ii �Ott 1�wil, Basswood,, nature Britain t1ilite, �Ariother Sign, Of m6rb local character,_ be -on. obscrvcd�tliat isibe boys in thli .'M. each�ixhd every- week' , ex ,fay, all Satu'iday cc�pt d'o'rr. every, t�c Ja - Q., panesel - -L ­ -.IN-' Ii' ..... -C"ILOR-E- NIS�'--O _T N E. 61 .1 d'quantity'of good- ,- and A IlillitV Great and the Franee, d States at has received ith their iw,irblus. froin- ock-P. P. M. a 'rid, MacLean, gilin 'iz� "ish, Dancer,:' Ar an. of last %'Veel�-tney ow' for such'furiller 6ine-as his'g ETN& o -d exteniiive n quded' he to be re, on icre will' U Y� enforce, ve All illig s to See it shall be, a part'of hip-dutie that arne rm� r -cenitt on" a S ore 6uttifig'logs. ! _ki��-Aoo - black ground of Due I -iglit �cc, .41 ­­­ f 0 Icellse C L qjaF7�. far the �law,will I THE John Butt6n, of, sture'to,perMl. 0 rpa -9 od Y serVed 69, as, p�rtrlt Itin 'act, Thomas ip on., Wofile&§ Instituti;' Section 13 Chapter 245 R,S.0, 0 0 t' J a It Lit 'on Ned St The ni61lthlk in66-tinb; �Of ild woill'bn 'Institute.111111 be held at'Mrs." J., rergus- On lfriday',Uarelr loth at.2�,36 D eath of Oldgliii4ntl Ali �old nc ],rig ily sLucknow. kew follows: (1) 'Ally 6fficerl:pli: liceniaii, consiable" or itispect'-jr may,- foi,Ahe purpic'ose' of .11�rse E S 01. 1011 0 preve'lithig Vioiari* 'y i) 14j -crybody�w(116oino; -of the provisiotis,of, this-, Act�- im is§ -�i-talk "A 8hOi-t,ckp6riehcc-- at- thd': t on-. r -y- it;,is- his duty to.- ehforcei .,at. 'er ay or, Irisli La'ss'ie-, UlLa TT Re ices late tin).1 (sq�t t he age of 7-7 yel; into any and every part of any'in.1i; or other holh se -or place of public Joe Blahey .186h. Century: Gent. uce e to' - re -o TI y --s -;7waralioase-or-other -- tertailiurent, hop 'qudrs ---- 'Doll 'd ,one of itt oil Boys","!, wiO not exptted �slie, Nvould tlid biid' tplace wherein refreshments or are sold,' whe ther under license or, nor,' 'part it, J, Bla'ij bury'Gent. G. H. 'S l3ost C tit' G 4ith, Pad . 0 to L Ir q6tc1c cl w oge�.� Fo earing, e Vfillooi, A 6opy of. the iver'Daily Pr6v- 'Ifell ltev" Princilml, Mckay, _6 f tn4y ni-,ike, sedrelies in every' t hereof, and of the. toriftetted ie..froni Nrk.' Best dressed lad' d ys This, Bio, is to b el given 4*ay to �.'tF& a.irIL L c `Ulger Bra id W661 and. Flee e hich cattle to out, the �riilg, Week C611f, 'ttfe V(;neouv'cr,..w)Iq Cilric Ito Rica oollple of 0 I Started -oil his retitni e�s, there y think nec try, with, -as lie - ilia for the 'se-aforeraid.' 4 lizabeth., a dy Miss go Uod. �efb 'March 2.6th.' ho,gts the -most votes re Undemear Weaters ou a fojlrl6l� _a� s it Torouto when 't rid -lie,. putp (2 ).gvlir�'pers6ii being therelitt or' and 8w, Coailts�" for 'men eater ident of Lucknow., Mt. B( I _ inialL , 1(ii-Itely l'ottirtied 14v ngcfiarge th6rlipff-who refuses or III failsto adinit sucit' clificer, e 4ja, h on wi c ase and help a Co up hrpurcb ,and bo ys at reduced P!ricesi real, estac,bushicsg in Varicouv, or and new officas Win'Ch ecently,bpendd. iti, the to reminhi;- undl nft o r r ' t1lo, f1i on Tue polic or Constable or insrctor qeinafiding to, in pursuance, section in, the: uthis shfie(d -ea ,favorite* vo UnL�st�t 'to the'Doll' rappe�ette e q4trli Ito 'Phe Daily �Provincc says:'_ e t 130 e cRecutibil bf, JS(U for w --6f-AttgmptS- - � at per, �aed 10 cea t of 0 delo&, attended by ba obstruct� 6ffice�, poli�elnan, . constable, � or qtd6t 'wedding &t the hon of 1U f Every. five, 'C'ents' i�6rtb c 904 the"ang Oe L U' A W h f e m, .,per, in. tl d for all bi t try f rip ill- 'It Kinloss- bonx-­ insp�ctqr, or: a. ny, such �seakcheg as, af6r� said be liable to 'the 'Al, tintot of the -1 2th line on w IN' lien her Otic0 11 last, at by:thc Y, t�,rliient, inqd t I . I osl all penaltios . 0 1 'de', 'of vote,i _,sq�_ L A &Ontg. lil the 6,1j), age'irt. hodisllhiyo acity Oi , i . . . , !, b, by settio.ti andpauishnients prescr ed this Act a, &11 or- ennic becanio the,' bri e 'to buy -'4 ifyourlare irit 'tiding Md1.0Ojl­ SJ in eovinacign le tlid, 'I", b I Y her us who (Nil fivo'y 4 of, or I 'it any wA��, 'and sito-ifir @.m of, the', of t-th _�the. t0rd--_- .indow+ S .: I - -- — -- ----- ourse b S6it t If of or y 'erson estate'�'t 'Boyd is Port Mule t� nn�l resid ininor be found,undef tht till tielico of, uand pay yoct, to �exaiii tne our ogni7 now P& odg pro'bablkthe bj�h* art ority oil Port'Mann )i-ollorty in the tjld re 'llilfit 1894l �Vfloil, they Inove(l to Ltfe w. �iquof or havIng,Liquotit ftW Possess- t 'ion he'sliall be� dealt. �Vith apc6rain 0 9 X, I crealli � v et z� Jarrfod a� large bo- ck fixst. .4, city of Vancouver, t6i faiit that lie ily are, ttev. esto Lion 16. ChApt6i' 82, 0 j�dward Vi 0. it: land tfet f etL' ch ng� 0�qn, to giiie Iiich tltlil elided, o oil, 5. to wes:ei n "Ill" L8 ga'dat dw NV, it", fj lNuor. it IiAs, been p �liat iuthe been sold or to a pe�fsou 4iulvt, U's gavo ars. p6rty� val rA. a Ad, 13611%1ucktiowi be WifiOelliibld to disclose,,,uh4er, oth �jc8ldq, nthe to ­,) - . ........ W