HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1911-02-23, Page 7"Ft
e -
" • ' s . • ,-
ints for Busy Houkeepers.
. .
Mader, tliestiet:
"..-e•-• •
su pAy sso
* ' Xlijab__ Meets _Ahab In. Na.
'both's VineYard, Is, Kings 01"
TASTrfr RECJIPEt * BOU.Sgli0140 EI-NTs• G Id T t Luke 12 15 ' '
Little Gorman Cakes. -Beat one
dezen fresh eggs and three penside
Pnlverized for fifty -Ave'
raillutes, -itien add as much &tide;
EIS _Will Jay on the, end of 'a. knife
and beat Aye minutes longer•. Be
sure a,rid don't stop beating, Add'
' fieureenoligheto-knetid. Set'it aside
in 'a cool, placee just a* it deeket
freeze.inatil C)Tn;Pg,k Then '..roll'a• teaspoon of•04eaes molesees:„tethe' •''denese.:. ',This Palace; as we learn
, little 'thicker:three pie feruSt,,' The'. /1**,44- beene ,lt".'inakes' 't40'. meat :freme other. ".parte' -..ef the•Iiings, litical situatien nring about the
',.. CierinaeS- .haire „ littlfj ' Inzey''' inelde m°T'P'41eW•tai4z).• - 1 ,'' *" ' ' '''. ' • ... • stPO4' on the .-eat4rif side :of the ereatien,, of eye-. beekteed! new , peeee'
.for these, 1310 any iiraall'eeekieetite ' ".:I3eown .41sebts , rriimi be "Warekened• ',City.' To, gliArd against luiddeu 'in- a nice little som would he 'added
' ter. Or baking Powder can lid Can by .riihbinge-the ,bleeleing. well into .
..., VAsien there was astoiVer;Whieh held,
'1.be :seet tt6 .tit them', With:: '''..Aft0 the ' slIceS': :With 4., .r0( 139649.. 'all'''' :the. approach•AiP;Ae•YaUCT ill 441 '"it:9' j;irit4318 re*"aue:.ii"la."37 '01
''..-th0- are an' .elit ''sPreada t-,hti.oitC:41.:;6-hel; .then ! pplishinge . '. e • • e .. .., • ., • ,. . ' . Nievs"..,.. The unite* thing ibotii Ale, .'40e4'. Xn(lee4i': it has been •°1'gg-estL'
' table.' t,6nd coVer, With.', . .
.. ,Add-a.lianditil of: eliolifesi 'Pares- eaeaee• ,e,see .. tee ,,e,plise inlaid ...,,wi.th. ed. 4. tj*is that' 'the ;Ohaeeeller of
and let lay:: over . night. In the fey; in"' onion te. the Veal when .4:10/1C"' :ivOrY • There' were other 'indica- the'.E5641`rni.er''''''"fien endeavoring
mprning. sprinkle •baking;pene With. Mg.- It improves 1,t""e.a. Much". as ti'ini of the 'worldli -e- . :. d luxury„ to make up a deficit on the budgets=
...Caraway ,seeds .and ,place ekes in . mint . 04...tn.:the' iamb. ::•,- : ..:-.. '''-': : -41the,.4.03.,4..pa- ii.. ::1-lekei:-4,P . --.,--- naig4t -kin '.,-"voi7e:-•-th°"°' f°11°Y” the' ex
, panS, Mi. seeds_ and -beim...ire Slew. ;Sewing. iiYiehitte':needleS may . be . ample, of JameS 1, who, when des-
oeen-forsthree-quartereetAn-heurs- Aised,..ssiiiiell-longer'if4heii-the.-POint.S- en''.."'in'aje'tlerut-e'va):iiieeffines6Pentelfaia'eltill"-7-.11.-ea4.87-.-' :11-°1---te-,9'• 13ifhad-14:4- ---c'reake44Leh" the
These.' are. '.faeYerite 'little cakes begin to 'get 'dull, they:are; rubbed! suggestion of, tile Earl of Saliebosy,
'.'..ainsingthe'Osiiihaii'Vand are'exeil-: en is _,:pieee', Of ' eineVbeireede-:.-.--•'sona.;r9it de-Orin2g --to-keell.''''ffe, -in' 'es'esitiPle-efrhundred-haranete; each
'''''''''-°711-2-ell'eT'alisrei..7-414-d7..-Kb-ra-rge-elYelrd_ge..---Thisiill-inake iti44iie adc!itic'n :t° the . ga;r(ien's of, hOWeVete• tines, tlie wiseetfool
_lemons. ..Sliee thin; peeling 4ii'd .a.,11i; ' Slightly. sinalkr, :and generally end 4'hab, with wh.i5E-17e7N'illhe:4 t° en- in ChriStenslOni,'? as Sullis-giTrih7
remove the seeds e.e Addete-these -111-e-43-ffisen14'' ''' " '- ' .. .. . . ' Lit_h'Lliis.,possessionis at jeereel. But ed' Janes .I., iriVented the Orde.r :of
- - three- quarts"ofeysatere-:bring-'teAt-- ..' ;To prevent baked potatoes .froin, "Iv' vvv1*.--s4erg4-7P°x'sicIPTiltti(m5 baronetS ,in. England., Now-a,days
: 'boil, and allow to boil briskly ;Mie- bpeoming soggy, 'break ,,..;:the.-- skins. WhY ,Nahoth could' net .Yield it,•ts? the granting of festers ,patent to. 4 •
'half . hour; then ,.add three ','',Cliiarts upon taking them frem 'the',OVene anc'tlier, even his ' king, for any baronet costs OnlY 45ho0, payable to
' :of sugar and boil for three-qUarters: This gives' the stetimea chance to firice. .:It, WAS an ,unweitten custom
. the Board of Inland Reyenue. There
- ---ofraisheur. eThenereineve-and-Pciu-r-seicape--:-----: ' ' . - ''''''-• -- --.4----- ----, . .1-an--416)411.3"ri"11:an )tde're' 'nine ..13n4Pr'ets-ili 'ill''JJ'.
, . inte. , jelly glesses'. . It will ,he thick" ':-Triatiii:-.eat; -Iiii-and=-COVere,d- with: St'el-Will :th7e-'13iiiie-trf).7e •and house;. l'eliv:.'Year'e-Llietiors,' anersiX-"Rrivyl
and delieestes:'.,e, r,ekis , 'beadiest -Will- cream. make a simple. but delicions This Ancient Jaw - was..a gliarantee Councillors; twentytfive ' 'knights,
e ____ • Make' .4fteen. glasses --,This ii'filie,' dessert e •: Pile it 'lightly into ,e, ers,.... of .the liberties 'of the peonle. At nieeteen recipients of. 'colonial, hon.
, awe]. will .1s,6 s.rort4t:eholi_Detheoitii,_ .6.tai.,,aisit.,and_ieri,..e .wite_ae,white....kenle' tim_ePoSsil?±Y before this, but ors, fourteen ,recipeerits. of Setitli7
inere7likely after; thitariegife
-a' hairga.1!%-tie're,'fritit is scaree."-. - '.': -,- 'Walnut:cake:" • ' ' .
leibster F'alirie.'ili Scallop Shells-. -If 'yen tie the knet, in. the , end ,of thc to be writt,en 1, to .t „ - statutes. f
--%-eOne-lielf pint of Lobster meat and .the_thread.. jfiete brokene front': the. --e -
- - four 'hard' ,hOiled. eggs,..choPeeet fine: spool' - And'. run. 'the , 'Othee - , end -Ireav ,ana "dliqpiense'cl '' ' .' laid
_jnand idd to .a. cream Bailee 'made as through: the eye' of the needle, the hini down uP°n/Aliii. bed-7-Lik :a:boy'
. feeeles : . geit thre.:0 oege. talsine tiirnart,; i.o., nevni. jank in.2,ewing.. , whoehas been thwarted „in ,gretifs7e
. - ' , • • • . ' fond 'd ' ir ' , -Little won;•
• Gine' ta,Penleabare n?lY aeress
the front cci0e* of your 'Bewinfr :Verse aezreel--4 city in the
chine .." It saves-. mu& 'time wtien torritury 'of Xseaehir. :It occupied
.sewing. ' an attractive and strnnt Positi°n,
tiny, bit of bUtter hi often 44 being shut in on the south by Mont
140.-"Hrev(sa-4eat' t!"' °Ike' Gilhose and, buttressed on the ,north
espeCially eoffee, cboeciatS!,, iilaPe by high cliffs.' It is (amens moatlY
or caramel,. , • as,the place where Ahab, and Jese-
„re on? south
a414114, bei built their magnificept
g. kg's :posterity, and allthe, di
ezebolhy dogs, 'the Pezirhing of
Wretched .details et this tragic af-
fair* lohich made such an ,impres-
51,On Jarael-,--arrree?rcled- in -the- e — -
'seemed hopk 'of , :1-4VES TtI•J4UFFEBERS ABBOA.D
- Rent-hiii-ehithea'elhe ProPhe- WELL.AS41)10.111E, .
Was enougii, to,'humble anY Man.
Thenceforth he -went soitly as a
sled dooni Of, hinvielf and hiieheuse
"g8- Elijah .retires as -suddenly as
he, appears, having se, comPlished
the 'work -which 'Jehovahhad gent
ve04*a_Nosedo_t_ wfOeuser einhoirme
TINES ON TITLES', $161450.
What the Beeent New' Tear, /loners,
Cost the ReCiPients.:.
Should the'theigencies, of the .po-
lent. ••frinip Wiek wfll riefivOrk ,eas:2'.711(4-itanee;4° f-Whoireelt-,-00(Ffor-th-e-rsh-g4a4,-
Orange Marisialedee"...erke silyeeterepoirieeteeetereetteeeeie•-e.Y.DIelre(*)...e.votild no deubt proVe ....Feesebitebeeeeeemieeteiege
lienS .fer the Belief 'et These •
in Disttege
On the appeal of the Mayor of
BelstOn- for. funds; in the 'recent mine
disaster no leSs tliSm $3543,Q°0 74s.
subscribed in' a week!' .That alone
is epoogh shOw that 4phn Bull iFf.
genereus soul."' `'.,
The , first tithe, that he pUbliCly
helped the Miners' wae 187.8eWhed
nearlY $160,000 was -raised on,.'be-
hVlf olo stiffererSfiene a
ploSionin. WaleS. Sineo then every
eolliery' disaster found, . the Prit:-
ish public to. 'aid. the widows arid
childseteleft, behind, • .;
The Britisher, is as generous to
abroad as he- is to,.
those ..at holies When, the Seine
ruse and caused' inich .'widespreeid
lic damage-e-yeareagee.the-Britishepube
through -the Medium of a. Men-
-tiOrilfOUSe 'MAI; -seiit'`.25Yee'nearly"
:Strange to the first gansiea
House' fund was .inaugurated.. to, re-
lieve Paris. This Was for the re-
lief: ofetheesufferers in -the -siege -1V
-the Gentians in '1871. Over $634,-
,094 was collected and sent to Paris.
Ille-D4-1,1SlarlS. did not Want money
so tench as food; for ;mpney was
fairly plentiful, and `John Bull re-
_spondedto the appears Qj the staes,
African hence's, and fifteen...recipt- :ieg by. sending • Over .• sikty-eight
entsof,Indian honors, eiPh'ef wliOn tons 'a .day Pe .two. after the siege
Will have to raised. th-ate-firOt7-fund
Revenne authorities will: thus-ii-are----tiee ifeese alone: has re:
ceive $16,356 altogether:. ceilyeel nearly „$30 000 400 out of the
These amounts do not include the peckets of Iholenerona Anglo -S
• .
Crate., fievealed.
at. Lloyds?. the 4reat TWAT'
aneec ce014bies.
.Hearts, fingers eyes and even
therfainiiy,oat,. are being' insured' in
England nowadaYs. ' "Yese, • of
genrsep." .1419Yflfi,the hi:g..'iAr
.surance Combine., "we inioir,e eats.
A eatee a fine rjk. Whyeeverypoe
has nine livee.'?,,e-
, -Insurance againet. death, fire. and
accident is common
Snrenee. , against • brekon • .,heertii„
Marriage, •trisilets. :and' iether. seo-
OellecleeetestroPlieS 25 eatheiiies*.,"
But 'inseranee `-ageifist., broken
incredulous.. Well,' read this; ,
4 ,:titied Eighshman wises Iu
Sep and heir to Marry.. -He igoe,ii to
'Lloydeand geti ineur,anee that ,his
Son will pasir,ri.., .Sometianes, 4.4
wants' insurance that will be a
epgaged. „,Ifit is to rich „Ainerke
eregirle-the-r•Viliereeinily, 'Often'
yeltiscling.,40ersen„._e_end sdiscoyeririgethe exaet epetwbere ".
... •
sev,eral,pplicies may be taken out' .the Englishmen were nitirdered. "
elies maseapro
Wen .0-Tailifegillk
, lieeektile r
The exatt ispot where- 41:)- mew
bweer.rae ,,Oraff,4,Cassalictr;c4-
Cook's *zpet4
7e4rn 'age been*OnitelY*-ter''
mined-04nd PM** Tolice ”
of the ,ancipnt tragedy • discovered
by ' Robert MeNab,- eraarl Core,
• Queen Charlotte Suund,
It'may, Perham 'be .rerneMhered
thaton 1173, the captaim
Of, the Adventure fent two pcer
4,12(1 "eight`nien iteross,41ie, seined ,to
gather Wild Ireese:fer' the. "
and., searchers wbo were 1;04 'outs
'finallyedisceveredeiVhdenee' Of
tragedy in :v. 'pointer"' Of ''bOsIretii...
OntOninglitimaniesli. irld•":"fers
root, also 'a hand cif a _whiteeraan;
Grass 'Cove '3V.aS previous li reinjects
ured eqelse .403:eeeneepteee.e.
qiiestien onee-711etotior-1111
to insure that the son and heirsh011 Aftee McNab sind. the 'party
not be jilted: Such policies' are isfe of friends with him, had., decided:
sued-.W---fatherieniothere, brother or that the! massacre, took,,pfa, in a
sister•The prospective 'bridegroom' :Pertain' bend inegreSetpvee--a .
often has'one hull -self.' And (met he elusion. tp which thy
'may have to raise money befese the
Viedding-daYe-L-- te • - e lione,giveo paperse.;4tt_iheerss::.,
If the rich girl marries him, he tlYihre,''sGPortrireglia' rdivilinog wanaYsl'i'evviindgeri70-;
Pays: his debts out of her millions: of the 'ineesaere.7 that he. may have'
irehe-echanges her ming and does- seei`i.-711".1i7Gieeniill: had.
iVttFen the insUranee - policy ,dug up • in his garden 'an, .old finit7;
- -makes- geed, -andLtheetailorseejews-,-locks-a-,-!barrel;* bayonet, and some
anditelist..) -nOtbIng ether kind :Of a.'"Weaport,ne'TiVris.un
And does this queer 'insurance able to identify
stop when the, titles and the. 'mil- This . ratter weapon llIcNab
lions are finally married 7 Does it?, 'at, enee identified. as _
!which was -doubtless the one ,us0.
hy, ,31-idsliifeneif-eRtrwe; -who -vitae in
irethe ateounts-and-.they ,Corref-------
•pended eicactly, with, ,tlieaponL_4..
MidShiPinan-,Bowe twOIS.(aer-,
-.-thre61. areeb-teta-ts ooan
seoonfuls • a er nidais sritflbou_ijj.nte,g‘rall inIe7fif • a, 1$,7rutastheleserugep:rlstiestsen_ rellestareP duty incurred. in talcing.,..eut on- • • • . •
eetee be der -thateesezebel. -=camee-upon--, aeeteat-of-arreessen4-----4" he-'charges--ef--e wirefit-lie-etbreeT.eafthquaese;
Yi add. one: cup turtle . over' an• a good coat Orgi-ie, -the-Hefsk14-06-11-g-f7i7t1;it',, , Messina, s ar e ,wor s
coat:of arms and graPting letters: quent misery 'Great Britain waatlie T,ITHIC.ria that it win. !-IP
patentLfor-its-use-the-Heraids',-C-01-- feresgieecestateseethateeeeerieeibleteet - gets' 4nstired_:thal4beson
the' words, DoSt.itiou &Vein
ealtearld -13e.p13 er-Lto7.- tast,e7-with24-ivo- dryAefore-turning,.:
, 6.r three dasbes.,:or Cayenne.: '0Oolr' and there , will not , be :eny more ' the"
81•Veris • minced Parsley. 'Btitter for layer 'cake "D6 37:5714
___:reerealjeeeseefle ,emeetbefeeele., .enee.,,i • 7-Jezebettatlequalitieeersole-
. , sprinkle, top' .,(V each ;slielr..4)iie' • 1Y minted shelled alinonda /with -two • '''Pa's-01--tnTi.:*87-7ivel.1774'77,010:110n.olie":-
Place in 'warm oven to brown .e. 411.nedess:"::‘119'011:iiiLeedti:afnor-e-iegr;; yielivs-.as.Besides
t9 the.
:-.-.teaspoari..';hutterettee-breasierembe. gar and .4,,te6,000xitui s4p, Av4s With f
TIus amount makes eight sh11
Hemstitehed tablecloths
they 'he used in the same manner, te.iiine.Seiatenhhiengtii7h1Lilike'rd„ebdY 4.111iitegne'ttah:eg ‘"sr`e°iguatiti17,':s.tho-e%iceifn'i'res',:' t.on.(.1.fosrmdid a plot'
shrimps', : ,eiibmeat, and;.--pairnori
-thieact•-•4144-1will=WealLajong,' Naboth .the.Ieereelite,
as jlemaY heprepared-liehrS4hefore-•the-irtiele.. ".:-
-ded-ancl' then'Watiii&Firt'eVeir -'2--Apple-and--Celety-,-Salikt;MaY4ave "wiltiniPetterstfin.--thOcinea-lia
, ,the 'ad41L1•041cif nuts to the. ,a.clyant- and petting' his 'seal 'upon theme
age of the Saled.'; Qralice; celery ..anct. of .proclaiming a .fast :so .as to
,Aritts nntk.' make:. ariother- eomhina-••• deceive- . the- Peppleeinto
of letters Patent.._. For ilesigniugea eeematiceeeeepreeeeseeteeeite eeeee.„. -that 'there' will b'e issne of the mar.-
.tiOn'e':Oranges, .aPples,2giapes,' eel.% soine-Pnblie',.calainity had befallen,
----.SalteMeekerel,HSalt...piaeUteLls,:eri.arid:nutis Make..,salad,not to leeSideri the added 'tench of:Venerskin
2:less• pOpelaretheii'. it ..stionld-,.be ,:bee improved ,• '''. • her setting the innocent Vieti* en
ed, it the . way to ::4-Ait,;-1Ca:, best 'owe::: Grate some , -eld . hare: Aha.e.luisl Weakly 'abdiCated. his pow -
points Here way' to make it iind-;:aeld,some`ebtepped celery..., Mix er in, •Israel, when such. eorruPtiOn
' -rtlee---beSe-S entity breakfast irresonWinayerlimiSeeedreSSing--and votild-be'
the World : Select . Jinn serve. on •lettuce' leaves;, adding.- :wOmaii. The climax Was eeaohed.
• Mackerel, 40 Soak it over, night in spoonful of mayonnaise en 'top Wheie.tke base fellows in reponse
jey'eetcl., water; flesh side :down.; each .,SerVirig...c) ; • to the Orders of a fawning local tri,..
., the, morning Melk the frying_ pan if :a ,Pelished knitting' needle btinal OVelderie were lured to-pere
.:11(TheaPing L tablespoon , of ••-•blitter: iiiteTa; Pail 'of -Milk and with 'jure themselves Iti_euaing the
Put.: in the iiiieketel,;., fry Ole 'nide, draien,--te-,he .blaspheineeee.e:-
Wen :carefully, . keening. the fish of. the milk will adhere to the needle, Stoned him to. death .This
whole.' Lift put ento.A. het .dish if the fluid isepgreeEvenethesinah.".Was -cOurse,:;An-k-eeping,-withl.-the.
' and-pout_inftlie'pan pint laCthiek let-ainoint- of Water will IieeP..any „that blasphemv. should perish'
. seer 'Cream,. Let it 'boil -up well„ Of the milk ficen'adhering.: • ' by stkining outside the city: • : I
-tit'iing--it,-.thoronghly;..apdseiour it 'Many, vegettibles..mity,;be_eeasee-- -eleeeereeo_ „tow ie..
-.ertsh _The_salt of_ the, Ash, takeii ef-1 with :salt Perk.. or.. haeeti 'Salt • eoMing...to the' custoin sonS Of 1 "41?"9. of the. FreiNh"
aut .a11"4.11e-sour Csf the 'Creani -
ori,th-bet.--,hattered-teaat".•• ,
Arnen. *ig, one
stilei,sweet one -Lean Ofesalinpit
frein'a'hones); .One 'and one-half'
• saps- cracker ' crumbs relied fine.
Season' with 'pepper.' arid halt. to•
-;•••• Wife,' 2- miop -iirtahlespeens-lir het,
• .
Beefstf;ad. with .Oysters.-Breil
, ,
eif,'•tendeiloin. steak; seafien. ;
'take a gum* Of: oysteralanain
with'half a cupful ,'-'rbififer-Iess
willliVe. Gets' ineured therke*1.11
tegeaeliarge-:.1338. /-$51Pirii"._. inest.:14:thie;reliet-orth.e.."-tefligeeS'•
-the'eightY-"eight'-reeinienta of,..h°1-ce, :-Ovr..$606;oop Ni'ras rapijy:elf collect- l'aacir..41.1' makq.it3c. Aikr:i.°7-611-;*": '
ors alideeide t--,teeeeeeeleset-e-, rs.„.P.a..-e_e_deLand....cliSpateb. : ....._ aiy ,a -j -r-_ '''' BET ..O.N.,71.. 'IARIIITS.G.
eriteecjethe_righte.o.fearitoriel pear- fl.e.-ei, .eemine ....-neet......,With...$400,000, A,' father ,1,4h:s!y91.,,p,i. 4,6Aigirters
ings, the -whole',Oit.--,,of "-tliefl'X,C--.7,-,and",•Pranee With 3.0.6i900;-- News- on hi hand bands -gets insurance that uiv
Year's honors will he over ,00,°P0.:, papers all • over the oduntrY, opened theywillmarry::: A "f-nun:s7,part of .1s and 'Wounded' theLernef befOre be-
, The, absence of any peerages in_ their .eo.lemns •for the receip of issuing. :such e, policy -or • tragic as ing---overpowered..a. ,k0e.4.. Th s'''
.:.4.,qii.clee,inaelawe,. 401i fie res n-. 11.;_tto,m,tatikiess f orino-n6i __In.:45,4neyiTtfthot.inititheier liiareadersvatann2.7tihoeea. ,theifelse;sunninamy__Ain e,mupix,051.ststhe In girtih,e,...8, odfiseaedv9e ;It, pithi7esxabetcy01,66i4nd iit.,a„boaf.dtow
. , . - • - . ". . . . . • , , re, g. , ., . - .,
eeyelia_elee for a duke has teepayelle
"750-rarinarquess $1;500,-, an earl -lie.. ,
; F-AliptT, FAMINE-Rg,.9P1:4->s::. chances in: niatriniony-r-a-I-Th*:14;116 yillata:oltwochciilph2-tiecrzkl3a.,5,:13,11,7::?Glirei...„.
fe the 'lot Of an, old Man,' tong in the
.25.9e_etieefaiount ,sepeteeeied ge baron' 1n.1878 . the Mailsio'n7lIonie'OPPII.,,, business, who'Its,ys,a-knoWledgo-ol4i11W:g43:40,t;30„. Otaw7Qe.v..0; . -,Nle
- — -
$750. Then, again, the, Knighthood ed•e, fund for. the great Indian fain- psychology and physiology 'isneees. McisTab clistoun.tenances thee ideee..
of the garter entails $1,000 in fees. ine„: , In reSeerise ' to the apnea' . o , -atiey ff,i.. , thifs.:ivorie. Ile seee: each that the'Weaponottrhave been Car.,;-.
.It.maY. be remeinhered that Lord the Teem mayor; .the. huge Suitt of ',girl twice' for half an hour each ried there -from...the fact that the
'ItfoPr.b',.e.4t.,1:6':09,1jevelitiecdhi'stveiaS1,3payeessinegntea .fil?:tilal pockets of the. natiOn. In 1-897 an:. Ircaas: her,,,, ..li.:Ilacc4,,,hor._,at,„ ginne the $3,450,000 '. was. 'ektraeteel ,frem the. time; talk's, with her, Sounds her, locality exactly Tyd,...''C'4,apitZ: '
him ,effer . accepting an earldom in- other fund was organized to aid, the ',social • function and the girl doesn't CeekLendc.'n'''''.844"-±11:''''
1901; and - coinplaieed ' still More. 1-linolus,. over IWO and a half mil: Jsa_eizi Whaelie_is...._Thateiseeife the
When-ire4inted-that-Ins-seceptan T b g---s-erit--toTIndia.:---,-A-1-to-. father keeps to his agreement- she
'of •the' Oarter. entailed. i total eici ' t England has, sent' f9/9,900,- doei hot: ' • ...' '„ - • • '• ',
spenditpreeelecleseeepoies!5,000..' . 000 -in.' lie:Vey-and- 'Onpther'?•0776---- - But if the father ' puts -,the girl
Even,thise however, *aenot quite. lievie bur fenoW-subjeets in: India. "next" the ',iic•iiae,-,1,1 el& *jape . `1'4AIiING ppii,ttoraisK,-,-,
,tick,.,i-c,istly,: distipetiop as being Such :figures are a -splendid tribute with an almost' Sherlock : Holmes Speeimene Illanufaetured at One.
made *46 a. sotosh baronet irithe''..tine .te,' the generosity. , of • tiie :B).•itisli ability to fathom deceit; :reports to
men,. so' honored t,,. „Pay' $14,609; ,As 'During: theBoerWar; however will papa ';be' able to 'get a- policy . 'Fifth Cost Of Real ,Stonea..
of .„Qharles 1.•; Who "eoniPelled 'eN en' public • . ''' ' ' Lloyds; Ond. not for love ' Or money
O,eset:Off-toethis.eheeeyelesi-theepate,.. ' Britain,-realty.;reseto-theLocca'Sioni. WrittenHnow. . • ,-,- -,-- -:-.-7.--------'7Y-
-:11(f-StS1)1:edeoifiendran1dIXinOPY_Illitecio_144;.7.nt. :of in. emergencies., ,,The Mansion ,
and showed .What ' she -was capable le
fortunately this grant ciia .net prove House 'left. all itS glorious records ' :Not all:Englishineii -,aPProve, of
ormirch advantage,,,for ler-ig beftrire. lar.. behind:. When it :riiii&E...',$.5-;-6-*; latge:.fkiiiiiii-0:, .: Theiae:Whe;d6-4-ief
-1638 he colony,- ed -.passed . 200 for the Transvaal, war fund.' In sometiniesgetln-sure-d-against ssireh-
pork fit7gli; by__ some, .7Conside-red •NahOth would. :perish with --
.render .121.pir "to4 his pOgseSiiiona,_
the' 'soup` kettle is good to warm Vert to the king (eoronere 2 Kin
m�at fli• •• ••16 Ahab rose up to go, down -]t
To touch up .an 'old and :faded' t -lm he was• 'in his.capital' t
rug; 'get' dyes 0 the various volor_s _e:ainaria-setweneyH.eipilese.:-.-feente-eiTeee,
.in theTineand:,,a nitinher of eamel!s' eeel.:, lie7iniscle the. -jeurney in his
hoirebrusheS;', f
two war-
eah dye in .Water,;: and".:81:: riOr -youth, •Jehu. and"' 'Blake:4'r, t�
ter the nig hisbeen well. elea,i14''wliose later testiniony we are in
paint. :the dyes on where: thy .a* debt debted for same of- the details; (2.
Y._ say s that Abab*reeled_tlie_neivs of,
es espemally ginger- Nab° h's death With. violent
festiitio'us of grief. . But he, '1.;>
doubt, Went, to claim hi ti new pos-
seisions -with ardor.
47. , Elijah' the Tishbite---:-The'last
glimpse We had :Of himwas as he
strode of from "the fielchi 'followed,
by Elisha, son of, Shaphet. Six
years .hed passed. Wes -Elijah all
*thia time in retirernente.eseinewhere
in the eaves'of• Carthel 1 We de riot
know. But it ,was like hitrie Elo
After tone -years of etperianerit•a7'[..,
yotineErseiishman has soceieeded"... ...
in prodneing, What.. be calls- `Syn-,.
OianiOndS.;'•'.• .4 -quality• he
n6irer before, approached.' ,
„Their hardnesaia:98.-.-Per"!&seritL
•.that ssifetheenatnral-dianionels:,These---
, .additien'teo this ,.$0.59;000 was given a. eakainity POine get iiistired'that.,:vaa be starnpeujDij. with the heel'
• .L_• " t:11.'114 :for ''ilie',Trans'Ya' a/ refe-. -haVe..a -':',S,Ons'-'ef.Withant
A -1r' ,gees•And $585,000 for 'the C.j. V.'s.' get' inSurance that the .+ Mirror Scientific rpOesetitatiVo has
. ,
-butter if. von( have a little '.'eream
,to -Salt and periper,td"' 'sea-
. win:: it. ;When, this &tries th a' boil
mull': over the steak pn, the platter.
Serve yery hot.' • • . ,
_l_Potato 13113.7 -Cut, ,left over
tncat$ into I*, one -halt ;inch
'Ettillai'eand,' int& a baking dish,
'Nrt, left.oVes gravy'; One, has nti
, gravy uSe a little etoeltand 'sea:ion
. teste; 'boil and mash. petatees' or
left OVe'r potatoes,. ,Stiid. cover'
.as Crust, for.. the ,meet.,.. is-spet"
necessary to Usk milk or Aititteeiri
potatoes., Ann fork
rougtliwisetb make ,groossed:tetit-and
hake until browned in a Moderates'
. e•-
• Meek 01'00. , 'Cup
Crapberrsel half ,eun chopped
sugar,;', one ‘• tett:Speen. melted
'butter, no .teliapeeti ,one
tablespoon ,flatir; bake ,be.tWeen-
. crusts:. • ,
Pio• nianY haVe Itentle
.;nialcint a 'shell, 'for. a pie keep"eite
haie-Turn, op,pie;p4ii upside down,
close, prick with a; fork M seeeral are bei g „prepared) and these will
places,' When you pa' it be distribilted gratii qualifled
•on Plate,relicli. for the filling You persons .1g the variotis institutiOns
have a v.icCi: aba fel*. the' 1)),Ind. '
bread, out 'of the tin. This difficul-
tY may -be- Overcome" by greasing
and dredging a little flour ever -the
tin before' adding the miXture.
Then after taking it from the oven,
stanti. the tin On-a-mdamp doth for
a minute or two before removing
the cake. -
ProPoSal 'to Carry Tlieins` free
"'•• °Street tars:
...The proposal' by . Glasgow -Cor-
poration to allow blind people, ta
tsavel oe the street , ears 'free of
charge is .expeeted he. in "op,eta-,
tkiii7Seen. -"Ifflle;t1i man-
of 'the departmeht;'.has
..eeiVed froni4he -SocietieS.
Who work •in the intere:sts :the,
.blind the nettle's of. between '70Q and
has been Sent:with vieW,' tte.Seettr-
ing information -regarding the
eupatiOn; , business. sidtlieta 'end
other circuinstane.,es of the reelPient,.
Several "of the associatioiis haVe
agree -1 co2operate with the Tram-.
waYS, .Depa,rtment Carrying:out
ctimesforth now, *lot as,the cham
pion of Orthsidexy, .but as 'the indigs
tient, foe of inhumaeity. and injus-
tice. ' " '
20. thou 'found
How much this Whole sittilition xe-
ipindt.3' us . of :they' fate of, Many a
worIdIing'-Aliah.'"wits• Inst -about ,
te 'glut himself- with the ill,Ottcu'.
friiit'S.bl-,his :Sine •Arid.nPw, as the
had�w of,"„ some ,liikking fear:: lied
'been trasforieed , into: life' there'
leant of G4x1,..the ,God -whom Ahab
had basely thrust away for the sake'
of a degrading alliance, ". The Man
who has sold himself for siipposed`
pleasure or influence Will find tbit
he has received but a pittance for,
his pains andthat the vo,icedfcoz..
back with remorseless accusings-• :
21, Out off from Ahab every tnitn.
child -The demohtion.of the 4000
Of, Ahab, the: !eating �f ,the carcase
:kr ..reefte, Hi 44.1,02, iiiiii...-46 Fonowea _irhat,.,.wah-e-7:21F,ra-,. noln_..,lielAe,,aione.., _ eyeeteseemeemere 'Roundly eateel-.7oue-',inj.,a- spirit,,lainp,•_-fianio:-.-
. 0$.7clort?0,•st_,„..rossib. 1,eo, • .:: , , _waileditYvhheine:eLto.l.e.r7ieamil,lzietg.hfta7t tshiplerie_. 4rpeispliemtsi!ficl, tr-weLtwzr.ant iiiisitutit.aenr-ekednag__:iiioStr _ititn!d7,,,- kecinottiliooirixt._eddstix:hoicipt for, ',three min.
S :,:ood:that.,even,by..:
sThe arrangginents for -the -Royal- lar kind. in -elostenee at that time insurance are often teen out after Th
pageavit Ossociated with the corona, one is 'astonished if the capacity of the ;stark has announced that he8 daylight an exnert.cim,Sciroely de-,
-tion--•-efliing,George!,..y.„--are-so4ar.... John -Ball's...Pocket's.' Altogether, about to make Viit. . -. . teet the differenee between these
oiripietro ...alit 0,113„., cart:„ new form neiitlY :$20,006; Oder was subieribecl Before such Violiag; axe- -iad' stones-and:natural- dia,iriends -Ned_
though; the ' :al:nailer Mies re • slight '. .'
..,qople idea of the ieomprehensivo.; dnring, the diya of the war.. 'Bri::' Lloyds gets relieble data on the
ly better :than the larger, :they .can:-- --,- -
;neee...4./..ai-;•;•eif-eme..;,,4The,,,,,,pice.,40patd.. getieerOusly for the:* ' umber of double or treble births
--_ .:.
of 1902 is to be :folidwecl as ler 0,-e nificent'belpAliat'Aier-Fiprdier''''',6iF".--C.ic-Aiitlifez'Okhelheilire;'-'-",-A.:"fid4the;.het-ni,a,d".04-WitiSf,aeto.rilY„,:,,`,;',1,i'p .to a
possible The .. The line:, of . preeeSsien sailors 4gaVe .her...;' ee'',..,,, ' - ' Premiain is ;large -or- small .'aeehr4.; weight of -.-one carat (four .grains).-';
eWell_beetheesaine `SO thtit-th.proe: ",--.'AN,..UNPOP-61,A-ReAPPEAL.,,., 111- glY' rn one,.; year Emu' ..wi'e E ' "' ' .1*4) .---41412-the-age the inVeir'itCri:ha4.' '''
•sucemien-nrturning. out • stones
- a ,--- - - 'fish-- families Who • bid "reai n' i
the orclinarY 'Untrained eye,- ' His
The itest individUal ever think theStorknu lit -whle efied eteetrerrat-nightz-h3c:
otbEitgiti and • tetisetli. ghien g!, sumap.art_frin,
t I 'with' there g took'gigs
led' inhabitant's and visitor's te`the
West" End. ,. There--Vvilf, be a grand
,naVal revie* at •Spithead, and pro-
bably a Military review. As the
over -seas dominions of the EmPire.
will be :well Tepresented, "and the
great and small • powers ,cii the
world the_people will e_nee more
- - - -
have. a., Unique and powerfurillus-
tration. of what the British Empire
o on, as e as y e mo
signifies... When it is Considered
that the variedunits that mike up
the. Britiali Empire have' been -'wele
des' .togethee1?y.n, generous applica-
tion of the. 'principles of justice,
self-government and- • religions and
pelitieal liberty, citisensOf the Brit -e
isia EMpire may,Well iridelge,in the,
festivity ,ot_psoSpect of thiS great
factr being eeePresented' on more
in„the.lnettePolis Of the world in a.
way that will steengthen the Strbilg
bwa8-that, '-al Milt hold ',them
'The' BritiSh' War Office -is said to
be contemplating the. fir4vision 'of'
a new sWord, for CaealrY officers,
'Which is to resemble the • Weelion
now earried by troopers. .Insteed
tendOd `for cutting:Ai well etS for
thrusting', they ,Oreeto be..given
streightly-bladed weapon,
Ands.el .selely for thrusting
perr.nanent, , 'Citaritable...organiSa-
tions,' Wee the. $1 Wea0esiyeneby Sir
Thereas to the. poorest Of the
1poor89Lonjon jubikedinner fund in,
has 'the
'British publie refused to give.; and
give handsomely. 9e, eApril 13th,,
18827;70e yi5f Londe
atneouneed •that "he wished: to .re-
funda to help. 'the: mierripleyed
t� enligratc,•- In.twelve days only.
a, 'few. paltry. pOunds .were colleted
and, as. a resulte the . Loyd Mayor
*t ccmpeJled' .to close :the fund
and to return the. f6:1; amounts that
had been: sent. •
:.Tire. British 'Public are, as a
wever, oreler too' to sub-,
„ bee !: end: thee' erepies,.4 feW,
:fun s:Will shoe 'IOW -Wide are their
'synth ,Prineess
tere-Ift Alice ',disas-
of .Pers Oted IteisSioe J,esse.,
Ice -
'land fain e, 'Egypt ,Gor-
.4on inenio 'OttaWa fir, --of 1901
and 'the St. Vincent, eeltanie erup-
tion Of 1902'4,,
A sli s oeoran nice
give e 'cute ng Wife ()-
light wheaten',,pa,7itIc served, w‘,Ith.
'often:used in' this Way i Europeat
better Le "on. juice 'is
• agaiagt tripletg. In, eaCh , case there
vas hietoiy of; triplets on• one side
or theother of the hotise. • Only oile
, faniily had them. , And the insur:
Once was :coesiderable enetigh to
clothe, feed and edtteateetlirePetery
fiee boys. ' "• • '
.Old Age Pensioners -Said to Explain
D, eetease LaSt, Year.:
, ;at: L'hoeiii6do'wne,r,Eenigll'a9i8id5r,i;t7.11.a. stante which exert"§ tremendoui
thin' on the eerrespondeig day e,t' prOSSIlre. its: ntr#Ctiou ,: by
1910t 11 efi
; g the es
deereale- iiialiirrto the removal' a) • less' effete eppearanee. Bet, this -
the :patifie.l'....4.0q003ficittiori'l,fpr45,:.41-4W;98-t; ie en tor haS, pr6dtieeik
a .eertain :measure to. the alread'yNitho?."•,,,Ite, estiniates the cost at
about- one -fifth -that of the natural ;
-Stones. at' present-iiriees'.
/latest stones' are 'still. better. Their
,c1 s y psacticai he s. me„
ittiriet abfsolittwis,l pcleirm,aondenst, _dunat...
fect,ed by ,the_. atmosphere,
tinctiVe steely -blue'- Shimmer which •
the best natural diamonds possesa,.
a o pra am n , an they
close his esrocess. Lie base is pre-
sumably neral, a a he stones
ate made by compression', sitnulat- .
ing the feernation of natttral elia=
minds through the contraction - of
cooling,miriers.1 matter,
Diamond makers by ' dissolving
segar in iron, or some, other ` sub-
existing, pensions. and 4o ' 'the im.
proved: .ecoliommeconditiens,„ whieh
have been telling on. the pauperistn
statistic S , for some months. Thus
on Deeertiber 31, 1910; thisre were
.., ' . •- .
t,430 - fewer, _paupers in Londe Mena' a learned man has sueeeeds,
thaed in ' akin_g a fool Of himaelf
n on the o
' e 't irespondine, d, ' _
„.1 xr, ..re,_____,cim,,,,,...ietyirtr_.....- _....._- _re
tel i enf thtarivaen'htehneeflitnedniattees-a "rot eatithor elt:
If a itrl has made ti* her intba
r vegesee....
bens by the grant of eld.age pen. to Mfirry it. young mettsihoJs not in-
' itteiit that hi:itik ho fathiir.