HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1911-02-23, Page 5II1- I-Wd'mao,can vse-,ap ri ' � R A N j to ser do gqo,4� ,w Mental qr TnIoving .jje *1,4orn, goes to 'any to '141 rit "daughtp -N **ep int --o JW -Viop,,d P o c Seas r ro �aud herr"$ ligan. Church e� la who 41,60 e is. 4r n0y to t 'Itb offier denom- 041.4 Mann, lKWight w ?pp o J s union eas,I ty !nar _WAX �4�1 do-W;e1r, A' 11*004, H b one son, on- Or, r A� ,a,4 the I'Ae -je Ac eI only 1*7 Of Luet. u rare, im 'It ��,ndhio cab, ply Row4r f,' bes Cdmoron a i, and: ifisr his de b hi nri w,d tq-da� �7 �kve,, been. now. a ves 41, hPres- M. A,)- X D.,, Me -09,01 '00� R 3as I)e pril 011e4gaes arid 41re tha616 should tkU. up 4 ilistribuf, 4,- I. b P M�N x1d —,aktk 'be' -tb e. 15o4f The Voy i b'-' 7,: j�rjb re b y n ef ar- 44 rs 4, b4oso, 440071 nd' 0170-�' b Alto aQgz ,W A Avery slipp -_r berAs modest and _�Co �buv - I " t r eeq pol Qj!,'Vqo �of' the. Q oski ,go i w Ay Ashirie.. appe tQ Ag We gk= ar Co. not im 'Ore, b t -taki op d � _ . A ts. . . , d . jD v, b a eon ir ard. ivOk �Pd J&a� rk ojN To, transplaqtr, into briglitk 40 in S 0 I 4 ry WQ by ptnipi0q. Parli&mon�, kh� same; -or fOr the-Orpose of Wii' sh It Ito. p%y As, a, QWpob.Xiniater ''the 'Ho%_ oHihlanders,, Sir Do in -the eLike: riald cares little fgr,monqy, 0 'do W erT. M ry witil(in the- eiiining, T9 the b�autr'. of Idjio . ann' wpiori now livirig, 4tAbe ch?�iNr ou S leir.- MdKay, "uld botigbt in clever el y" to I of tbo A me at.Aeton;, Outi, in h Is 64th t�lo. bories. Aebi n. thijis, to make �.hirtg4,grQw pt Ay up or poor " 0 to her bi' yea n sAect 'to I --od 111. gets a pt. n sing on, paper-, be i And, .WW, hiloie Ave ' r a allqw4 �,.e, ded Do'iiald, foe ;the lan. to, diioy, 'Go ds, S, rf u hwhen the ft '40ttia Mile butcrwhat will happen for.yea of the ing, ry no of -17000.4, year for, Wjt4,t1[tQs& who feel th gy, spectop� in objecting' 6e. c the We'p I ouerth or X1 —4', railro4 h , C"I .. t td, college, ireftCjed., S h 't o,same. AnKnoor as any o- ,Q gp ,QA A4, t .tbor factdry. Laurier ov 0, ffe"bao 40110 Q Uwe * , , - whenbis gwat, lif.6. work d- And the, penalties piovidbd by the" W"'of O!* Artid 10 olfrp vf,4is: jA'so God who plaq . pd, her irt bosom lie had been -b'rouaht up N�ith - such. fisbnj� tii r -A' ntic-to. the 1�aci6, tlieir� e rt'lov'e'. your 'h you - r tear, high' -respect for 4a nss tb6, Church, that, in, ort-'stp i ers,04- th* eans shall apply to �pntra�- lonk'4s.he * I id" _Qp�osition. Now i ., o 4es! ropy 0 all, lid *04ow,of theilroviaic;nq- �Qrdpp haks'4. cinch, and Re qf�inm klyd bowj'ng I t his fath(jOs arguments, be. pleted?. He can Will not keep quiet'r 4ndS, and 1at. he . 4wld t ,".h or pdliti�s or 'ther, '--stren ,a- k e -.-s ou'gave, up parents I Ieo rtdry. fo,�qqr w�Ly of1hin.Wbg, has the, be tr' id he' did: not feel i It p tliat, no p -to4 f w6r)g doi1e in, oop 00, for. Q ever be�,, good- enough, Pr . �T* oqp spre4. o ligro and tilokyoung j b dow o N640 ininister sleeping or -jiving 'roomi dthin n, when we, tiust he P teria. 0: t.. r . that''00 indit� 6h%,Il -be' $��. nhis.&6' M M do,aqd _eg!04ture. His.hand, odlo-116w' fe join hin, a p e4n, cQ0 Donald" wi ':td sde Rev.A I'NOT Itiort and t "but AA6� d -y a 'bit A t t nis, er 4. N�"L '.S c'ilft tboll t ylu n., ;t au -PIL 'h Higil(t.h m"g ro. si ent p Crieff, 'som6'mile A M I Iose 004t.. and .no66. m6r6 like the wav, X n'M�p anItiov�,bandd,keep bpoortia '6 Tr P., while, li��Vi a.taej(,n for. t6 fiot` ap 1p, I, 91 n �rep ing a two iday night 'last the m6thods. of th44"confidence mart"ibah On Fr ng a, say more. reely. ,was ve popular with Church at St. George,'Ont �4' 6ora`� LO f engage in 00 doing custo -bobstilig. ialarleal of'membors.- with- F01i d r;,�Ihy Will W ddh6 1, , 10" �ood man, FY Or , , , .1 ­ %, !vQrk at her 'home for a (sat c ing r, much to the disgusp Ond'Fy obsOlting , peo�le; fo )jeA by fire. The lo M. P.IQ �46 fqotthe� p)etelv* deitrc is mily'trade; 'Co aposed by your sistei,gre. ;Tolin' of o in s me of hi' brethern in. the Guelph -�wilh oxned, Mifts, 'aAd 7� Iton_­Presbtery.,,_he,- wen --Th-(i P:06 �­of --f nnt shootihg and Ashbig, att d Snote tjs th6ught. impossible t.iat the fire -V a�o -drirxk, . . ..... --i d -tj Th n-g,--rnT- mo era iqn.- intervie� 9 . eptioiial, y, 10�w prices w Chatham wit his wifp one r at, e c h arid, ion. wasleorlductea i� Gaelidand he ad v'sL d�ugbter w re. vidtirns,bf 'asphixiat 'to do fo ed yebng� Donald �cry'stron 1 r quick.: sal� 'Mr. gy on, Thursday of �jast week. as his fa her des red- and-Assui-ed him It . , # I -70 was Uutchisii�, - - years of -age,,' ...8ead -.that *&-s then th�-dooti s. brokeii.- open 'py -w A %v.quldbertiiiily.mak.e��io6d-mi�ist�r,. Ibisoti has- sine- neigl the greafre.4plonsibilifies of dipo, and the covere whed the time came fq� him to ib6rs;, M m.: Auk -The family -;ere -using"Uturat ga rO's the poii J G- WR H Aa�ght�r, has..r.e d Doc. -C aid- -7 -it-un-a- t77XIt wednesdav niL -when-b-a-0an-dwwd w" 'The chimney. wits. ba4ly choke with� no 00 Ir.. Ra tit ..that-hia. tehiiant had state 'I itgridud -him for- -but nfile Chui h' people - in Scotland. had. ;Vio�s u 'SO( 't and the ftim s- uriab iying tnat th6re 0 latighiid, a, le. to 090ape, W V.'S* ,E9tablished 868 E w WEEKLY. :STORE U ..owl much of the de'il i­;-him..ever* to. filled the'libuse.,' aToronio 'is' once, more,: in mi 9 r. 'A -week. ago,- over.,. its, watxq supply- Y,6ufi Donald. i6gardi)d Jiis'ad�ice ic( I 'or San b�dpd. t6 �egij' nto i his. course at Toro -throu 0nd let the wat Univeraiy, Hig trunkirwere-pa hd li� practicA, d- . ­ 'A ': ' d' 9 'of th� big ye If �ollected about the intake L 6ked K EE ed' -to-t e�resee-VoIr-te 0 h: bl -Knd�. ona. su 1657 bed-," of ippp y of a —so at -EXCESS HAV f nind., Githerio' jn aj all. satchel, 0 E UND W L balon ings thar, were eftbehind, ite I's j 1.� . Ew" Oul watbr-iiivee aige�soie 4on.of y. hi r -father that he �w uld not 'The diffl6uly ]ias'bee , n in.A meas4re, . told. bod ttiaokby b w The nerves. g to so wt an ra;xxe� own w v in organs -o 46- , , , h ; I d -his. a' the te Early jactistretions, and, Excesses 'have b* a. ere -sending, aor. 'to'. h is FPUMp Aer*oir 'at thb4ate -of - p,pa t 0 iiiii at, and :start the re -ocir6spisipi, young Un wqr'4,,, , H 7 s to:, 4X aiid as, n, hw4 _4Ae We 9. rvigorand vitality and they ney,LT.de e field His:fAtherfound Drainssapthei " x. larger s. oc inizilibod.. They, reniatn,weiik- 'ha the -k'.6f Furs hai we ay. t t - t. f, gallokii per d' to dproper condition of. d t M Howyou feel? v i" at the. dtatidni and s4id a �l 0 c.nry over, ve t d, I e d ed Arei hysically and se4ual;y� upgo, niont0y, 0 esire hav' dcid' ou..nerv6ui:..and`we&k, despondent - 0 he inst go, vii h hi bl an i; o ear 7- , - . . I - � .1 I , . . s es .7 I 'AIR ::�t specks before theey0s-with- db6rk- circles, under, o ll e, entire lot At., -,sqCnfice , p nices., Ing, and Bible. The - Vriihks 'were THI 1 w.eiLk_back!k1dney - zial tation-0 e are ve, Eak e n the and V, w d . an is, seckirbAntin rtwo dr wine, 0-010 s or 6-n—ifie-tace, eyes sun teh, holib -6 - li hth A F -prigsion400r-ineii2br-ylifelgss,,distru�tf4li�.lack ergy W..eat er -in w i - 'h: 0 F 1V' 09sibly: fij6 of d - -raip. *i on �the t I satchel, . p ih 1lich 1nornipgsi, x e. . . . I . . I "' , �;r; ... d f many, afid strength,11red estlesi, bights,' 0- Tlidt'Bibl � he careie or eason an( are Accay, bons, edh'be'.*oi%. .thi�'s ag Futs OkOpo6ds, pre t 'wi WhenAbe haii' s �out tri xn&4tiII.has..'Tt ibm. th, him !in hj;:L -.the. tqly-- on " t- bald.s.,pot isgett.. ou- N�w Me is lumber woods bf'tbe'hdAd. and the.,' 6 f ill't-than-they. h, v 1flk0_y_t6_be_ jgb i e, is -the condition6ur N�w Me years t'li�,oti-ld�§i�tm-.that,jiow'is, a' Ugh.the Roki6s, in South AmerL ific�:reiedy td apppa ritt get. been for �b 1ARAN-AZEb'TO hro r in public, do tretited.piseities of'31in, for alm AVe ba, cost'lul 0 .9 ns a �66d tlni6to buy. AsThe pa, in. China, and'.. wh bra ever:, else his' diacQ.ardg6 !�M. go - to� time qud-U,-D not bdve t6 egperiment. V00--itt 6.0 %jUU V. U pr1C T ny tasie Are,ln-mg -Our CHARGE these, Furs' vdri,&d car6er-iias -ta zn&'ask, &r..,Nrisian FREE OF ide--of- belo p 1,aId-Jis,s-se6n­-;-eVbr ypu at, 4�y are s 9 .i '50b UN a, i�x,4,0 15, %,,but -if- it does -Casew 0 his �foigh way . up, agaA i4, � r a I At not sell d D VARICOSE VEINS, BtO OD them 'at' 'these prices te�inenjou i odds, ao - 4lipse wh not, c1luse1lair to grow where the kaii NERVOUS EBUM. o. re _,.q'har'ge`- them' Better UNI Dj!�EASES� Q T,* BLADDER and' for. its to. cdrry w in,, is thinning bat nothiii . on t is earth im say that, - d6ep. do n g h 1i_JRINARY*AND kIbNE'Y. COMPLAINTS This beart-hev ha in S-elV6 tht ouio 8 ji�ct wil B"Wa�tirf-D"aaes of Men-.-,-alf-iunable-to�.r4 At e&. -ti ar. every ;WdA -fio i ne : seson,, eoW we nto Aim by ...vtife for xt - &Jew inciples instill.. ME r Fyv�np r womaqand`6,hiId, tUt ON j1S'F FORj`IO _TMENT f his ffiglitand-.Par�nts.- Tbt'thig tfAinw qvjEsn e uctj s Wonderful Nervous ge; 1-9 L WON"& e., red I �6 th .1 stock., his been 'it'. .,serious ha'ndicap n Yo have ur m6iiey back if Pai i i'n Iqj itys., ains a tlt6-besflyair-,ro,werj,-�: 29 to"- P" qf�;I more ig 1. ' Ir saver, ydique, be'i sly pover. gr -an - an ra cure on s trenaefi&t. 0 d d d DRS' EN EDY&RmNEDY ful man; p, n, a is, ve 0� ay. ' 1 '' A�i. ' Mich kel t d .-Clispositib 1;, ar C().f.- c g n and cor. .:.. d fail*' h ps silent,' Very, -shy, 1�ery mo,des un. ing sea pan ing air tL M etter addriss gpn n 'un an A F C Stoles, to the r6aA* rdi Y, TICE 'to',-6ur. CaiiiiAiqn Corrisp6b& doubted 8 -s from Canada inust be adies! �Fur the- transition,. and make h�Ar.. &ow, thi(.k �and ab- Ik All adies' F L d' 11 d�iiggidi. 6veryAere, Ur Ruffs 'i , ftotli a, ti 4q, 6� meat in Windsor Ont' - you deg.ke to se risia see vs pesi Il Pa �u- Sagit :or posf� - - I ai& fr[y catlat our M e-aiiii eat v4y grid lumber. edirips. of th6*iea�ly. edical lnsiifute� k as'we Se' the'Girodi t - Coi -Imt. Storie-Mait nall etrbj ynr--very -pretty, price 1 only. M A N armo, e-$7-'-5 -5`00 i t Stol .6. ;one�. would cill. bira an, jn - our Windsor. offices which: Are coi enc .0, The 5,00,; ays , -IN . �n Uonly,B mi MAanj: W , , f dres lett tt 2 h' d ppgasumt- t -1ron ll�axq.... pis. �eeiAhf�t-th�—.'iir.'I-,,-with—tlie- -A-qbttr Gana4iatr1u"siness­on- y -Ad adocate of mperanceLLe j.1 - , -V0 ' �jIJLIA co) I . - . Ulue - 0 :.:-7 is lop Wf _'Vfm�ri says Sir n "9-,O Dpa h ig co ur, ap Writ for on; 1 6 aly Genuine 8 h ' 11 id A -emlied;. the' strongost. t,6m� guaranteed by arnet amstrong I only ink,' fine Fue, and e�xcelle4 wear e pt PV rauce­ser $4600 4 for ble h i erma kj ar r au price: r r i�only�,-br6*n-lo'iiLY4-con"'toles..-. for 5.00-�- $010 fo - -- - ----- 11 oni Dark Bro Ti -Opposum) long and 6udsom� for &.0.0 li_��L. -Thi oxilv'Alink 01 for. 13. 0 bet, 97 ,for 5.OQ, ex Yoril'y t IWx -Ly Jfvd Ovi foe" . 10.,60 oprilyDyed C6 n.. 4$10.00 for 5.00 4 only I Genuine Sable ....... _,:,�ery Ane'Persiaii Lamb Fillow'. Muff' MiOG. ...... $10'00 f6r .5 6nly; Ta�bella s Persian Laillb Pillow Mliff �$A.00 for 10A p o urn ...... $10.00" foi' 7. 0 1 on '00, $6 50', 450 f onl Gilat. Muff.', .­' 4 , . 1. . -Z'00, - I h B in for on y rown y .00, for' O 0pPoSsjim4....­..'.,$50O U1 nly Germad 'Alink PiII6* "Muff $10,00 f9i 7.50 $9.00 for ��'50 for. 50 -I only 1131 -own Oppossum Mu'ff I only Cooh 8�.O.0.,­ for ...13.50- J only.,Black O�jjossutn Rug-MV...AlO.AO for'7:5.0 ..... . . Opposb t�. 6.00 I only Grey 4amb Ri1. ail u �fo .5100 I only 3' �Sto no Martin Aound Muff 6.00 foe 3.70 w 6 I only It v I ro , il Oppoasam $9.0) for 6.0 I only Bhyek�Oppoqsum'. o'7 50 Tho.boyc,Rufkare very prettily' trimrnea with ak6 Vol yjlatt� afid aomfok`� L . ... heads ati . - , ". .11 t- - . ,,, d! .Tlat, o ftbie addili' ns Lad -ie' C I Y, oautifully lined or 1 Alissian Caracul Long 'Coat, b, Ia Very stylish, and d o wea T_ - I spfon�i 0 at,to ' i $75,00 0 'with brocaded white "tiri, length Win., site .38: se r R the Ladies'. 4n1d kisses hrows for' 6U.00. ai 'long'- sizds, 36, rice, rei hampion 1, on r! 0�raeul Tkfig Coat- lined with' white.., �d�- 1pi or aiin 42: 'chea,. nd swall.Nedk ftrso' 4W S S ts' 8.q.,00. ly.blck Astraebarl e gtbs, and o50"00� , ' bi cui al ack ts, V�rioua le� 6w. 3,00 for, '2.00 sizbE , i'$32,00 for 'KOO, 00, :cake pproose;l jaoid'Violot Tilt 00 for 20.00 and 0 for 4 00 '$50- Of V NAD vidia Throw, 12.00 460 $MO. 2 bril black y 4.rab da RAU N"k Sable Coon Teow $90 fori' '6 00 Idng $40.06 for -30,00, 32.016i 26.00. A -HARD 6 0 'I only A 6rachdn'Cap�, 30 in, idng $80.100 for 20,00 MWOBA lour. Atills co", IITAT ....... 1�jrnited, Ire,, clos6s at 6, ep p - ni, exe t u re.6 W DI'Ve, i e. Id. Do r ,e ER H r"S '-A-- -7k- jj12 � Y. ucknow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K