Lucknow Sentinel, 1911-02-02, Page 3A . . . . . . . . . . . . . A TV 'FOR $ E AVERAOF-VON W dce P mind Us of' tb bavi� the te To- Sta pay all do N E E ORE BLOOD Inv# iwayll'' re E gn in W UIR Ug _ y set Ulfgli. %[ JAR, 40 . 4P gully I'a, of' Pro - W v�ork. The ri T the rtling'W s a r. YS N"Tim of, th clanglife'r f 4 gar, P !ra, Benjamin Mooro je, Liv isheA fig KID . ................ SLY PILLS* b ---7= ­ I --' y OTIO"W-to 1501 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . -7 1;JVb'V* �Mpls 4, Igh a, A - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I L 0 V I - , I I _i_" -a natj4 nal. in D 11 Price. COW Ilriiiiii4 of solid, brass o"t, knew o-11.10 doubt-.4bout nj house;, There, is., ow $Ila home—th-P ly, - id .011LI94- that, coxt,,njo 't there As no bat r , is, a ever, go ot Pan le"On V I did the tTharo 21s4' Or the Present system "where- XM5*4. in wmda. clos6ly confined, 1. vice I am very fooil 'a SWO# 01 :popfeised,; ruefull. �o _.�w �.tq Pasalls 0;r4phy. wqs household n- dealer ever:iwhari.- If Acli Ir'p _ bLY,,-a,.mob. Of :��2000 ,§ PItligr th -1 ----- -- giv!fig device.. X or ink bf'L C list pu ";A- 0, moo WJtW4,1dp1xh, - ildrf. h , , .1 u`bde ish, d!optU -4 n WL"IT6 i"w dUtiea 0 r the care., oBrit sr bot Williams" Tink Pills are, "A *Vora$ ri or two. th the; prati4ce, earn on, A it, C f Vate. e, Tho Que clty� 0 Quit nv,. T r 'Ange, CO 4be. 'L . -Psk d:' Xm- 41 r w jnqre.days,� a 6 :140 -ve 'blessing, The avov -0, 1 Yet less, than $1,200, a, infer� .4, all. 4b ag eople All, -AbClut aer, aieur F691' Was greeted firot.m.4%pr dStrange P' 40 - -has ti ' blood gs,' es that,Vrofewr Noore. too lit e ting. point -AP 3 e I Asjly .6tated, Bla�, v by, a joyous Alfonso 'd OiCe"'L Kink t., Roae*4u. Lao, X wom ,e rdgmi4s the foreshadowed'l�gisla" Qr� Q START Mi ROUTB O -Ifevere over bis,fa . er do ut iseasIs beaming all C., ­ le k goes, So t -ion for inValiClity insurAz:iCio an4 sfQT.L rQVAptain ULc.Q ld vex little'thingol.,bas suics -of' disordered circulais'Zir Too. or one the re. nd iun,the. w944 rds I 0AUT1 " my WAY DC is, to. bim. Poo thvi re -4; tb ii, egnp0quently e4s- nd; �boc r form as a step., towa kaches WE WANT RELTAB04 by With the we- lVo:, All' right, Tab e official M46Xs, And I tocurO by Dipidd's Kid Y i And by pioSt of thd, his idegl-pf national, in t4p In, to be' studying. malad. has bee'n ,gmke�k I You, ily 136 P Ila e eS lni4tea for, An' eX_ b ho err W We Or 0,0'a'a ee Wil a b 0 Vink is t e expekie L tic. UnIttl ng Xoc ln6o man, wh ice. good Wages. , Ifor SM !of . o this place. a penditure of lqsi Tic nditiO ppi acquo,% h et6ugh,'!1 Aaid, hib� -father, la -4911: thaA C llig -it that's" so diM- 5 the: ero.t 07 s4lWAyS�"WQL1ian4­ the pt�re.:,of pr f me, Alt TjhQ, ye Part'? ' L� ,�ar en W� heait"troubl6l',' d "hi ' hpusehOW of: bosurnptld�, oro;drtiing dnAEw; -W A" .16r ffremq.A. 000 hil' or er. said' Mr EX that'the world iSL roiini pjeSC-of b f amen, sati, on all, raonthly, and br. �lhis asl the; hap' 'Jacques 'in "an iri to �the. nA 28 M lre!kj� Vie, dj., lip. . I I I -the lan AXF turns on, its 4 6 ellTicl SiLlIj. -Paoli raw at moment tekview,,. "And What d .Fror4 rl* rdsjtJ4WqL :guarrtead, eqn: ate Dr.,., Wil hi.ma. 1 Uptelis I - �o Vie -thut Pink Pill IN , bli� I'might ''follow, .:.guaiuntk the �bf t 0 di#41 �r by 1<010i 0 ly it! fu the­p�ola (ppl�'aad as Well ag'Lthe t IfeT thi yrid 1XIch. uey, Alts, May I t boib ;�k ache le4 :,to. Believe prolession, t an have used your spavin Cure fo� I ihouilli' $bepbeT4, ,Qiiv , ber',trai Ing X, t b, me terrupte t. r� she'd m - In L . . I t bite a4ti oblashed and that . I IiJio -Suf Y IQnz:tiMe and w9uI4 nat-b�,wi exttd, fiotn�, Kidne Pibfesscir Xo6re-. m�kes 'all r-aled 601n- the. Iliother of robe . -o. w viu by 49 WA"TED.. ifik��and tlxat it ed o* try tracti o c �e, I or Schein Saski says -am V, a L I' determin, hi e. killed a Bout Spa longitude and equa- lit stained with, WOO,: -and tears, rain- Disease, 40 1 large family and was worn o aAnd, zo' ing Aowii lie �Uat 1b0_ -b "y' Wo empli the to latitude Ana Pills. I b -Ought state uld 41000, net; 11kd lace beiabutk Dodd a kept goig ay� 1 6 Is It -lace aveage p aw -,;-w a 2; nd. , po 6. we k 'and -irritable. - I vempliag vel. 0 f r boxeis, and before -I bad finish- tors�at­an: annual. -Ole lonstahl 'And, y#t she . . - H plate Stripe ball.. - eveML.six_y�eeks 0 Saw, too" L u to earn t T dog-*, year 5 �.a 04=9 exper eqct in the past 40 years. 0 % t 0 W00 . 'in com- ir �v 1 0 for -and, ��7�Qd give me. som6thing 410' I ; I I . ray= _00,00Q, p_qA - y�eax - _W , L" W ' ' �ey_ OWL lk It= I oronsoll' t6Ahir'eqhO1d,, but-- the� 9 --ine-g6ing of, j jy*.'lin"L heart ht) longer-troubl6d mI longef.be sWeate (as, .�W keeipt ilger BT,; 0 Cub d he says,'they Or PaV il A9 SPW S*tft#� an hat od: CAMER,-Tumors, Lurn et low al lit. you. 13ui osit Was I yAn the map will, help:.You .1 Soon long, to, Clu. her early hap- am now in, iho'best)D ertern , cured -ithou p6iii -by d I got iun 4owla-zgizin, and al It jW�aa b tines,' et., U ,'afflainievessj- roi upine treatment. Write us before 6 On Y 40. erl' U are st by'11 we Y tx, -gal U w navigate YOUV' ship when gh fffe' -seemed haydly anished at I b ` itAll.to aKidno a d tbei�i 'quart late, the 0 Cbe4ue 6 StatA�. -Retidall'o apavin ctiie-curpr the- iln Y11? tholl . . I I lom the ) . -ould., te- not'wish'to diio bec, ; L " � -5 -_ 'd�oyanpe .4nd irouble-ma'ic'es.th I e he I a . herhood.- Reart: Disease is one of I wood,, Ort.: pate," -said 'hiaL fa- -I- Mot Col Jug cap ain. or a rse. oniltf,wid ivin from- -unheal-thy- lieve 0 -em .'of t e ai g' -blei-,-,that-7eomec di -0 t -and sar�s nioney.for tha owner, eaving'-my-L-, little fAil to str n t wa of me in son. Ing u.. billp t AnYo -M-ari4, the Xing, bLrougbtr and dis, Xidneys. �T ey. be, %leari:i,morO arith li u hav6 pOiitinued- lik this. 'for Years 7 6 -bilt 't9nded Suits would look �etifw Oyod. linosgiont Is in mie leisure, to keiip -in tolic., zs�epa ttleAwaysatba or th' tt u e,.. bd I .061y. w Tiiiib,5n fp7enoug ',striko out those impurities are bound to. A" the dtowti, write: dIreet'tauLnJre%I,,JD01!4 7 eW--.ia any. other pro It n which is - t p rltlsh Am�srloan 6yeth 00, P30. -they , youngfAther',- feci'the, -ligai be, engine. with- the rapi r9greas of medical for $L Good for man an lipeas.t. Ask cater fQT (ree copy of our book ure and - got -a. i wil. your d "0, It's, about tinountains Bupply;'�of Dr. t114,e'- blbOa Wrough'the F rb tn t point, Of pe� you think of that �ropels Ite as. Y hdL , ­ - Now I liams, Pill bi I W hat do h; - -Wn .'1A . Treatise On The Hop ar�.. so hard 'to got 6 TIP- ti�-Oy 0 Y Bur Dodd?p Kidney would Ji�ense. wreg be, endid th!k." ia�ys­ be ini Y% Pri:sO-j-�befbre,1:.hbLdi,beeiiytaking them art to.- prevent� lie cps rat one n. canadis. to4ay pro. �.Shte bad alkid .,for tep min- es PU1S;L ai�e: in -the photogra�hi;' 10�g�Tb�ean to fe,4f like A.differelit a �tl ride keep I withbui� a break'. .!'But wh were tone4," up. PAIN' 'Ar;N-D. ADAMANt. WO-terac 4616 rA a I --subw -05 91 ortaSt overed with' 9' a Foi f Agents' or co, 11, woman. I still' con, nery I : going to, sayj�P.Aeguly.�,_.When 'I healthy ..:-by -:using e te Write Zbn't.everL'int6nd to get�married.'! jfie�jlist 4topd still for see th Pills 'for YOUP .0 If. - ig� about Calaves- in . U Eage U it . ere I -viill �atad,'&trong P 1,6 ilroad B ade � Inc. A' %a Any. %ni, o t -over- Once--moie' Atrix;',"-,gAj4:,tbe -you.ng m. dro t ia smok. ind bubble 'and .,wish. to I �L Tdro dent' Alizeid -to _seve�,. and roe a I grabbing 'OF IN--� - , 1. - r L ... . . . r . . I L . I w.aIId'Spit-6Ut.Azpam k W40 -aii.d. loilking. at —,A -COUS H bad* atteck -a L w .1 q 'yro uld enjoy thorbughly, as going o a aVe you I&* on -ei6rthquake' have d e so ever., since. ik u� -Woman �Jn er'al achini" I Yt�cf knw,th ThGL80Ul�0fsL#1AnC0,9ft a' hud, make s. aild. 16.nd I nevei The� lmv ed th Pills. for h the nIH 0 d- to- _ye 40 Nervous: roi b o_x' erdt --,ow de h' tbev'changeL go I'? -off. Up . Or %Wxt h t '' , bus, Sys em-;� -and--wheft -t e tdma�rch-� �ve,-la -thw thrO;e- a m Aga ik bfr t gtr -ts lie. 0 is biala�feSt- i fathe --there a -ti Y.O'U tioxi. -of ri.. �Mill4ou plea e there_� You chest. fe wha you mean, y . 4 1, ...... tie. de4lei,s -or. MOT t 19 weti, b__ th t�, HIS ingothe wji-o. —was pillff -_0iQ,__b_y _A1 our sho l4ers*, dgb n. I lnedici� p�. dR t OL e' 07 4D F _Irr'.1!g ;ill "a -re— n e e 1 �my 'eusle. A e bteakfist Porri re ir�fqqt eryou,.in Vie fir j4 Consider,%ti�n-', PABT!81 Offr A70EMAr OL for' C redo 14 &.tt e _f�4,Wjll Arike� er �IS Lnb Action; 'an Wil- fendatit is Tespons con- the S t -o-v —e, oxbs for $2r.50" f bl i6 to iestiire, the enubt CO -e h -ind '11141 'Bido'kvifle, -*a-;-' )me lei 1-i od -th -ario -A—PI A.' f,.Za -Buk put YOU right. -Tak(i dy or this':,thqn,.. arm '-beam'lngupon'Ahe� Cod' 0 Ila L V elee's- Ve-� m ---or b' WAST in- r ADES. &, and-Ahe 'Pills. 'AlsOLUag", I Rubbisro, Eto. Ne -,'that if possible; 'FikA 6F ALL 61t, -th _hot r bath . r .Thousands ; chi getable! --Bpi o. at little- Corn my is -hkh gWed' the,. guarantee df. sep,614d t� ousin.s';.: �kst itntL t4b th h 'LL..A11 Naud a YL Cil2e, W a ..,A e'st. iiio' -vist ot eW4 pi 5 -in Cut.:t oumar . ru A�. broi r n J - L, Onf h - nam, ones,. a�,& yqllow lav W I' ea "El rmaTleed biff es. a Governmeiat, ;,tnl�st d�.. er J l"witli Zam-BUk.. Ing ne vo SoT ers wel us to artlitulars.:T Main; -Opia M 76 Berkley St., . . : , ... Porridge and bur . n you, 'I," "Yest6tday she'broke a' -B. Gor plate, ov4r to te orphilae, o -k- Other harm h -wer -Cousins .w .)ny t ey' m6thef's the zn�ans e -w -we boy-... stood -,,b Y-h�ttd--�-,�Vhat-*;-'wd'ti,!,d4ou iul 'ThiaL eks t er h ;ndfathe-f- _T_o_r_6ntd- -�Wites .-Ye-p e -d Iffe-, to' -d-01 fl��r —can'giTo 'Ifeiing from' a o h d 'su by, n his mot tat s'siae an. my grand 90. .: ` , . . . A Wi y 'i-nfii-t4e- .: was e�an p eep 6&c Wr Stiron With a of,lit- fl It Oh, that son shoui Porri;dge-pt,', where YQ b�.y lea ba I settle& 1II MY- . I t - . a re L 6$!lf might Qung�St, bsojut� date father. -on mother!s 'aide, were bad.coldi' which', ha< an so Tea% h es, see* sins an : :6 Cones w ; ere rising and:"burding,, d h" '-Stepmoflier ibrtiat "ohest and limbs., .1 tried all marry tj Thousands, of. m, is and n41- coU her'.._ "WIlr give 'no '0 to their f ther Ing bits of �th-_ porii'96, With NOW.. tA e On BOY., wthe mediii 'dox married husap kndsr don't 'k fpr'tha� r du'rwtion ofSwellipgs, 0 a* d r found very li the hidden.steam Tinie; - tries ill t jfter: big- j"i M6W6 f tiLl e'�Sh�Q. ThiekL .-Gland ulai Enlar b* as 4ittl oties'.. The-Tablets'eafinot. r ttle r6lie un uiied Sough 'a _7_Sii&iii_9 a a�xl k. Ily 't si -Vi 8 Up bar thby� od. Whe)i i a- ring Antil0o Always. do. 6 died and brrothdr,.7 e�-gnd:- ni�-- -ZamtB-�z sn!� # the only rneuti' Ittl'po' ii r.e 3at An Chest- isn?t, �fe :41- thQ top, 4hi& Aid od the :tesit.of'years it now h,6_h has marr I found. such e a*se d .'.not has sto 4�tsban a', rothe'r* ar�ry. A .. ­., 11 .1 L k,r-- - L% in, the 'w -4\nd- 'd ISappear, 10. ever.! ggerL -a r frZnr­4liW iightl).A�s quickly.'re-. digestioh_;�Colie-; heri-lie-bas.worms, all stages, d. C.Ure be 't a CUp.IS_r r& i� air -or his teeth .,�but-L�,..jxiit-.,:bo'.ir�--dlbSe��, deterbilneL q -use *nly -ved and. positive y. cure t-.6itbient, of,t:a1l: ilrfientg -of the are.- iO.ublingL hi C11' t lVe Ungs. n �k Y� your- sumeringr an� by's 0w'. a wl 13)"ve a-re, .,but VV4 pi ing- -crus but t�--ff w solid ill softerb. 5. always looked on ij ILjlSo. tubbed it On to Nfi-�4ARD*S LiN j'MF.'.1;T 0 quietly SI L. roa e' 'm�'St aing theni t 'f,c -f e; ic, - "Q- to o'litside-1ill npw: titile �Olcarroes and ':.fibilu� -th �StubOrll their worth. Conce r OuSi I blt.4b rb6u'mat S"se" to' P' 'leo will do it n. limbs wtherer Ul rig a n Plat Its, -.1 haVC' used,. your -$-I a'box' r 6 boitis. Islailed on eOU9 iqving p, r het 7-M- e fAd the la"W".' pa�int. -in th' ai days frbnrthe�time ror the Oa�t 2 d h by. reli th' te' 5 years, an . r k aA St,6 rgans"r 4m�Buk I- ,ihilst I. have occasiopellLyul. d nS1 ii ; thi�oat nsaleiy, s nd to the iiffect�d to -a - "Uuse. BAib r1i Own -.Tab] other'lini 'What Ma ts S. write �y -f'LL--bl I first beg4p�L4plyibg . 6 . . .., . Wil1­61idw __fb� 06'eSL -yer Y� er fbe-Iny ev and y That I havi�ll 1RON10. peepihg�' "6e litl he o n Inc Ca a icine ur-� * -and",chest 'and. als L o hand d eruinati com Uulder.* ou -oug 0 its ue. 'Try.if mid,bo .�'onVin't d yoprs.. . b thtit any e�uaftq Val erthetii.th�'ve* beg.t medi the ila S avid If iubbed -Setween be eiod TbeT "Thi hicia - e ures ing the teet in er� chari�cfei d'd- in frequini never ­fail .'to ticapher. Y" 1 e, of it hi D' kn is my �Vill eui It thiig L that. be. -found. a Why,. he -ve at -25 bebts-4 ox Y Ae.fieaA� in nty'lur bo ts. al�t sold bi b LL cold-in-Ith "-h46--vO I Call zam-'B, 1 1. awe f4ewer7,.---.peo0le- C �_Xe_10E i3per . RC5 es sibrain§ es medicine AeL alers -or dir clia so th-6, M cru The D_f Williams Mi$nj7 ite, III, rsl U co nds frost" . --l'havI3 been; ha 'Yours truly e In. pen o� n ''Y81172 ose soie Sea P _Zollos Col. al�f bi St. No*. heie" :'wber6 Your to �,'than brut �Were ou--rg6 e obelts 10 o. LIE. .7 elvor"Sill marrit na or jindw46rm,.. in kme t4hes DartmPi)tb,-;-,, t n6ar..,tlie minarl's 11.1nimen 09irget ..W irUNIA t.�% .burns,' bruises -and skin' L ei e . ­ _. C as-- very, pretpy. utch e'r'= IT I r . . 0 Ininj*urres- generk y'. -'All' drug th psirt of The -girl w r �J, __:� nis: b :t at -IS can - ----- 0 cov- I kly, 'at", on so- egr&&r coldno, k the 1, D& ba ..a ih- W -e ta@ej, e bo vii.th pround apd-st6reg. Sell At 5t OT TUF Un the at's" --awful a" ic a ove,, an ��bOX _ I 't - -Said to thelpiitiC­ 4"Andr_�jh�tj 011M C e awe'll ea orate rs; k.lirphy "Th Ing 'HAir��the first time a propps Pro ess- �ovliig'-Xe polar re;. IS 'you be,4bou-ty-P St., in, fi... b� of -any think that it.. is, tr.0 C;JXY hat' 0- - I �No dear yo :lRitst xid lneat been reading -mooch Ity a 0 this spitting and xplo 013Y as 7, gi ii, All re e replied., "Oh, professor,!,. -she P-rovidenc�that . . .... ... .,-O.f - Steam &C18 �We ro I -otid' b '3_ -weigh V R -much eCojrja a*entik -MURIN-E-S ters'of others 9 ]Eyes �atad, she ktitpWa- -',a Solid- That Terinentlail, so 0 tb*$ atilds yo hasn't been ig4e-d, this *11 P Motber�('I p6ally don'! rrow-, e -w..h at we since WSIQliv soothmg, yft u wretched foi aea;'Weak; ;Watery. ixTit-rivi Yzins br -left-. on the last, W A1161116 'be Doesn't. PlLE§. CURED IN 6 To 14 DAYS.., npas iiea used. for over 0 -8116, of, q4J rtlat'rf�rmi,,Cifi Inbar.*111 314it come boAk if YOU take orni g '!�, . tat if--kltM_tW %lea* When YoQrrt and GranulateO byelldsi M lii� ]a Ul LUCINS of MOTHERS tot their- CHILDREN WHILN, vek.y. back 'of the stave ' t��r br�4kmn Lung B, lire" I's iaw and illiefund . ...... TZI af d'' It IRFF Th dralrable MM44Y is, free from opluna; Sinart--4othe's. Eye Paln'.,` Druggists Y6 CTAING, with.Pit Cr'9UCCZSS- It 130OT11W on itaittlall the a -thInWr d, but #6111116'11P $,-beat rsMed.V'_f*1f­_% an -an 18 3he GUNS.ALTAYS all PAINV _Jth� at�- S_SO, th lajlWIo"e AbOl mMenthol. plisstor.-- Milan Tb 15t OVOrY 'V&l Of she 41 "1169 and piqajl� Will nake YPU #A 1pt4W jig U .0 an wo 4;_ An in ------ -.00; Ey, Books "'In I I Tweni Ott, —Young Golightl 941) AgeptieVubei' 26c', fl Yo?J see a salbt go nde'ring iarth's lorther we g� -1jr 4 D &L h ot i Prua AP11% a6v6r' two hunded,vol-. ',Ila .,next to yi�lu;engaged, and BY -Advice Plr466L_ y -Mall, ... .... .. . . e It tpbr There. are the seat -Remedy iaj bi-sur- 1e- is�- fri p b Ipin, but V urine b iota ging� to pi t et ill- Arriest man ut tE Ay bd an -e rathek�"YU, eird of ]ROSE NEW e y. t* trust sor Ali b, tie oth.6r olcanCi�a are a, a d n' leirway ext, statit5h."' 46S in tt, t o --h h -,Out 0Y _.Qo _ , r. _ ___ 1 1. V - Medicine'. g I I ­, -&� _T Irolaoiqw __jCuVaILDIS srni3i1*,w -yeLgi-6'kd&y'tl'-----r""-,"-.-."' 7­ fainaOdl Lininloql: ai� itter- S-,a t?,d Wt t,io ni I�god at; havo-tCpe'oun feitet'" lit 6,g nsy nd Tons . des tl,.*y thenn. The __0 ivas dis- eand Iillg_ popert Diphtb�ria, Qu thecessary, rough-' e Th6 "P,e t oghjr, p"'I lectric Oil in thti treatment.of many. A Physic an Is 00 Oki ard dear, thme nurs 'ry g -n her� a. 'b' ithoui it bett#r tdL dUre a $01"6 throat it!', ar If just sudden couX 9 andf colds -by kee I uld 11!e dJVC of ]K� gil e�fttg would. not e, a t ,aTid [Ila -Alfonso alid nes th vl�o in "videanus, 'fhe W00'ag L - irb e in bed or: 1, 6., needs, il.eaec,ofat g Wh t' to, b the Pre A in the It is truly' It house- -Ady or, two' 4 tutes thati is bob -on* ".rainkiller perry you sum6st foi 1-INVoirlis fe� Just,keep V&rG,__L2&a, and. 600,' 1. tipbn the Vilt�lfty 'of Dipliiheria. iL ine altid effe that's h&W.,they, got their ir ves, �tive,, weeks With 'in. tn. I" ciii1dieri 4nd "enaxii-er 6 Hamllns.., , izard* .0il the house. no would think thdt the'shdow" 'W Clacer na e . 04M Kenneth. 0 �th many,ordinayy edfa '9 - , , , in -dealing- wi -which tit ere .,Slynpl AbL jeffe "eVL'rr thdUgh't, befobb I i ng And.g114rding to. e ctive pure, is. You. Cannot sweetn: tbe' wbl;ld PlAints it is cheap6i -than a do�- There it no poisonous ingrediprit "Yea%,4 Do ou thlilk 6mit..L Would thor St O q pi'et you. pan re7 ofr,ortions 'have to Su Joti 'SQ,L keep' It at.',hdndi� theIlRELAN. B with o tit in 1161loway's a %bet your lesson tiow?" Asked never be legs weltome,than Ito a; it-m4y-oo 0 -mos UneXpeCt___T1Te dxpo-r-tS-of live. stock to GXat- 'tn be U -84d, witbout tria r q, tiger of in Call to ere twice as _N4�V.d's I.I.P.1ithiint cures Cold illan Paoli, to ,whose toit weddiring to-morrowo M' , il .. . Britain, was he boy. Mbng.,Xavier is . I , . .. , . I in: sfrom �fl otber soil r.ceg bried too some The oill�, lonely p"plewre -tho, al ij filileb more lot it fell to saftgqar King A lm Iiianson?st to 'be mar . .1. 1 p , nwow, but I caWn't.-think I Faith is in fosigna- butter Ireland Was 'secolW,. who car) find no- o 'o io I 'thought 'it 'Vas. tonso artoCl thd` kriheiess Etna' , `6 Second to., Russia; A L 91 . tr Xatur inAtlifost, not to Deh�- fo flon. to' fate� bUt III fideiityU als. inatrk. Fainci&-"This Ma alb ',Why-,' co U 'A.,Vl that in7 of his n ilded name.') States and � Dexi I guess every bo� iill Stirring third L'nth�',' rb to riiarry herybur- To CU OLD IN ONE,DAY braw. Thb,16a- 'terpstihi; period, 'Mingird's LIA 94 aild ex- XATIVE IMON10 '.Rulnino, Tablej, ihat Iniank,turts,0iPhther it' rk in ham and bac6h, otb6 61d ma you' to It. Wha t her wil worid�V q'hoW, We yo - 11, �g ki�'j 4i�cepted,it wit self." ,BYL'JOVC! So,l­ar 'in polilw '."I would" but 11 other countr.y t refood inonoy,40jiat tat a so caft., vv;. *YO'utW :a-memry. 0 9 Wben fhe*L S signAtu to Is 0 cVbox. it!ic, Y. litisbApd ght Oti- h. s Coni- --Wgf. gracd in- tb; woAd'. -Perh'a lve 'ot',6ah b' V in matneil go'.. muc r he did �so- because th.G.FrenchnIft"I e;rCl . s.ti, re, 0 -bo -it - A M� 1pa M-_� -can­-ge Was a -man of tact and entiment; ages, pasitt'thiia u -at FIGA, 660ill tftd, -.V&Inr JIKL*�* ah"ttm'9' tbe Cbriji'm6s,'pack .,m icine r "I .... .. MIST Ceiitoinly -be- aamfbd- - of - -his 'ed d4igns. net nt4su d6nitungtion 'but are his, b ortg I jC)f 1j, *ag when'We se� or, 'that�" 4�his knite and it 8 Tile dinet� drdpp syrapath ndt, long updr! the stomach Halown loosens the 6;uth and hoali Inflaoi lIjL ' Alr4t tided that certain iiftgr�ili- Xdt XMA of Opium in It.. askedlihh, with the '04g 00: thm; Vrk With, platter, a6lits f it iiiiss 'unalterW 'through 111C) 13111m) Sala CU 20, HIS LP hit. 11ACK" I" he diied. ing d6sird of evry !over tall the stomach. to find ..action in the Tn ito &11140411611061 "f)16' ansaic tha wgitot, d" "Yeo, gir" wttheart ptdise lesson on th 0 a b ' t wet Ir rt Xvillizimo Nov, IiWhats this Auff demstladW "She"s nioej Isn't she?" then there Lv,avail�ble' A *"as giving. a. nibind; JJW, if.r 1 f ha ' bieii,tiouble4with a lanlo� aCL b*wLels b, . I & IND oew(3 Atf�ress ' print _tw6nt3rL)ra -And'ItSve o -A Ii le lata3bs. two young .116 piiigativ4c�and r4ilit of DA�Iel in. the lion'lir j6j5n;' had thiii ed on ve 0- itt pgjta Vega� W at 0, you -think *49 tb lout efter, accompaftl I Ili tht Wh6k 11t,- aftiltiveness. h e, first I'Why� 'uot 4f,all Btid- 1?lasterssd ,steik. Sir, 'I jbink i eIt C§ - 'Ca last 111tiled Gilt Pffig, w,hjch,pro�cd 'pills ate bf this o git closely, Iyes, Me court, Sought u beautiful . spot tii1)lj nWait( thaM' I to '­ 46 ir -ega'inining )npk ilen she; After t at Ing, An � won I -garde f thoo. Vill& r' MbUris. Srb &6, bost '&1l During bf, tho Hit rbasi it. is unusuali 6, who hAs -a Strai0d or abt, It'ar steaki sir." in the n Use 'a Small girl. c any n lkere�g no 401 tya been W a, moment's' pa Wit thlt is' �-dur home, now,' and, I ta, r th6l UeSS'L e. 0 CO U7- he telephoned ti. ttARKNE9S. h 4hitablifshod tht6m- pipM out, -"-e "G aifd Wis"perfo4it Y p or Ing: pill, us nihe Rldn4by thento &s.inti,othef pill h&6';-don6., honib, lid, t e sty he was.tdl 4yer for voulQ-Pub stA, On a. n U$6r t t I - to hit o� AW06 ItIt kc 11' it =10ull-i' holding two youot soilvbs 7- by -t e r Ay.. to )r L .1 Jda Kidoy. th silt _J, on mid$, mutrij itaforii, fiL tback 466 eth6od Itil bo. 'U86 ulldlig �b me .A e on Thursd a.' V o it Iql the re!,ni it, W ul,� th 10 V.90 M ilyolz*re taitkii .1�, i hon ou'r only obuttin m4bla, to to rob r for me 114VO mg. A.11 amp 6 be Ia W Ila v 401 SiftitiCAl or In Ad prilited' -on woftie# "TUos 4YS a &$It Oth 'a too il