HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1911-02-02, Page 2"
'..11*-,TtagOly ..4;t
OtarrE4 'ig„*(dc4t7.4)
.44e1 so thg clays voit 'fiti itOith
.neat. wan. added' their drnIY toil..
Eaelx morning Ralph would set
. With thtt, of P0§.Bible
havixonng, And that sbrao4
• * g. was pleasiirable-,antitipa.:.:
iniad imetimbed'
6' 'Oh° ,I*41300 juillAehee .of the
Sollaw eemrannieetett
•• Sktrting thef4esta. Wherever SIPA
P4Sbte, ancI 10110wing "the.; 1#014
•:of the ntenttnoth oine trees. when
459, t9114:41104,a. they
, sot 0 t
'the easet-ruenieg sled, 'With leng,
tttridEmp'"i:the. two 'neon, kept.
peee with. thorn eiirt their show -
shoes, Who hills weee faced by the'
sturele eminialse tabu int-.
.sisteuce• • or eFeitiires' 7fruow:
their P*4 incl(Mitable lieWerfi
enderantle. Whilethe elescente were
'Made Wit:kg SP:0041 N,V/Xieh W44:1;170'7
erued bl the .ineesaant use of'
NiCk'a polef : •• • . •
The .evelaing camp was
the shelter of the ore
:clogs fed. IrgraCiOASIY Arla 'on
their ram, APilt. for the fouraey was,
j.hert and the ProvisienePlentifill-
:The two their .ustial
Plain way:. • They elept in • their
fliOlnecl hagS. While the WOlfiSh
lintelenebearee8 &est* oerled,
•argeect Out their private qnarrehil
saeg ..ehoruS as • •the nerthern
lights .ineyed, fentastieellY in. the;
sky, andefinellye'ahrleCthereselVeS
in their , several anoW:beernwle.
shut out icy of the depths.
,below '• ' •
The camp Was struck ,at daylight
next -morning andethe-jeueneyeree-
enmed77The degs-raiidefreglreand-
.130011g:with and
eieree.d.evoneed . the
greedy hake which only a dog -
train „knews.• The white valleys
Wound- in a mazy tangle round the
loot of tremendaus , tine, eel -ping
the. swift -Moving .sled to look like
"There'seflleaueend eedollars ee-eraw ingeinsecte-in-theeevast--
1110111*111) H14110111W?
AT NON= 04.4140*
' • ,e.x-e-ree
an English*
r -•man, Said to ve 1104
, $040,000 in. a Month.
-NoW a,nd again one hears authooF
tic. inatitneee large sums having
been wen at the, gaming tables at
2ree it Boa at put druggisea, eueeeeeelee.,'
•vell melte itfe ceinforteble for yo e seen, „ .
Thoy reltexo tho worst headache In ee irilnutee er tem.
*Lima Masi 'mat claaakalCaraaear Casa,dastAmitt/ia • • •
• Piteted wate .08,r10, ••
AertAd4 'AEI be' well leant himself - One et' the mot fortunate .p147 -
against Et, heavy' whith titott4
ers at Monte Carlo for A, consider. -
by the
abletinie past has been Mr, ' W.
"W*. Ain't °Pelted it since last Darnbrough, ' Whose exploits' figur-
fall," red& Niek presently, after a ed in the newspaperse. few weeke
lenge and StfeadY;, Survey ' of the 014,:. ago,
jeet of their eceeeieede. .
, '
fiThere's ra deal in it." Aceording to one of the London
Halt* :feeelaed At the neek aids deilite, lie left with $ in his.
lelfeta thee•eiteenti0n 9f: ..4).0. craft* 8h4t4 watched Ims-.hrothe*'s paeleetfe. eivelie-reqult of a montlgs
. .
arttihiege' theengh. fermi !:105,13e, we 11 figure et up again. present all Darnbrqugh'i win -
L, and play.-:Biit.th:ii,:dicrnc-it'.re,-
the 11' *-40We'ro.'..ati„*C4444, 0004- :rnoveraents.,3 -, • . ,• : „ .
growths, he mould ..Pause,eTe he e' Apiph,:.10.11',in with his htethor:?s iiings, . "-• .. . '
rig:40A, .,hie, vine .to assure hioseit inggention,„ .and,.drew out the key To go a little intedetails 'en the
' Atilt:Wee Ilf* fil. woman, herbed Which Was securect'iound his neck. opening day ,Of- his Play he staked
$6,000, and won all along the line,
,..t.lie'-pattkole-rekblanket ,ofthe..2. lio--,Ualocice.ctille: -tlietYPaellticli and-
-Einbaldened-br -;lhip:-,---suecess, ..he
onstifoOt Indians, and iiiite0,,taog, „tifre,mr.,ORe4:tho.,14---Tifti eheee'reen'r:
c p gee rangagain
'n'n't::*,g.i'ai,.: saltgerti•,,,,"Ifii, sloiv7.-,,4a,id,194,041A-'4.43',0110tn burst- with 4:94t• i,::.:11 -*It
!..Xxiarielfeu.s lu.' eir.'--."-:
moving: 'undanatum .,. vas. .,deeply, Mg point, Ae -s cure y • tied with
stirred. '.- .',- - r- .... ! - I _.- ..rsw-hicleiA one .hag, 'half °full and . At one peeled his creek _balance
amounted to no less than $465,060,
..'rroM.,', 0,.beginning,Nature,has 'WM, and 'a, thick packet of Bank
but, from: this, Point' Daebe 'Fortune
spokeneere no uncertain, language._.-, •g• , Montreal bilis. , ' • .,
ceased' teLemile ' Upon 'him. . go
11',‘,.net'; IiVn.,,'i'"alonleif.N'ethet ',::-.'Xick .haelf 'devin,.. and •toOk , out
steadily LOSt from $.69,600 to $80,-
' 41,=.430k.it hiiiktedis We'hi,iis.• and see them on • one. side.'
-000 per day,' until, recogiiiiing-that
P:ffoi 't-,.9.-'104011 ,ereatiii, -ei:"::-Theio,-
a;,,welnalr'ihr:the'' world other ther'e he aid. , eE'lows they've ness of the world , about it. and 1 luck had turtecl-eagailist him, he
xv,44*,.,,,*(444.„1..0,4(..i4,..,44,.,10,*9.seo,,:., beeee.-eeeloneet .,eatelful." Thenhe nevera mistake in ' direction, was liaci sufaci6nt PtrEitigt41"-;°f"Iiii4a-t°
04 04.1iegan;itis*944:10 *4,.the.45lr'e4'lit4'6:01:g:it illb 'bags and- )-1-:914:-Inade-1'the' driver' Niek,.-, • To hien inert . his beck.. on the taoleg '' and
.forest„beasts .., ana ejeaty•i. eewo-P.Vedetli• enieSeven"-bagrAtei ..alle;etieyefieat•-eif "ite: wereemerked lay stantial-Winni0gS'..thate4t4;remairie
' 'e, •,, e lweiglem .-eqeal, hut we ain.t...]est well -packed snow; every landmark. e, ., • , . . • !, , .
2 elertlarYeaine'thetiner drag:, sure :11,039-''' 'r00.011'''.'dnst...th0 held'. was anticipated, every inch of that ,n.' autIth6! occasion a ' certain
o, 4.110a4Oilt the4.':theSe*.kni-,',8eve*,. t.'.,14;;,*,:Pk.9n i'efiectielY1 chaotie'land. was. an open book tob r f th ' London
well-knownt° khrneme'° s ide to have
e eheof,,:neee40';,4eek,.leefere,- l'Ith0T1-13,-ton't5e•es,i*,,,•nen!.., et ht4 - neettAneThe.,,,, unending ocean of ;noun, 2fef f ge was a. . with 4Ongor-4.atita,n4btelk,w.of t!iet.c,43 w,oni., „*Q•onuge got at :'eini.' teinerollei7s'004.'fereet troughs CO_', walked o rem • .puto, Carlo wi
eaaaahee.14,,, tz-u-r13--for '-his-2-brotheatS-inspeetion. I the -trail --was as--plainasethoug et rike jelejleeveey sub-'
inn,' WI,
hetle short • of ft00,000. This ,.re -
o • do., speculated ,madet s tinued- varietion; white,
+31' 'eetli •s' be ,ibteir4*eirtilo-focafFilli"dthit in white or ihadawed beneath the inarkahle performance 000asiPned
if r41(1-41.;',-bliYrili4e1,31e44,t.lie-er'PtiniP9S7; th-Osni good ,patehe'rehe of fereo`e creation. :Al; small amount of
:regpx4,1,14,.,hoketelhp., 4..oRst w,0-45•14)1..',. the ,hags itt black, fox ways tite enyetic,,greyetwilight ; the tne reoms, as seen an unusual
oeeetellekeneenthiisiasin. pelts. ,Howeinne I'd like to kneWe- gleanaing. ocean :of 'gl'acial
eeom.' thee ye, bags. el ero ns the dazeung .sparkle of
• nigi •an:16.7hree- pciure-e7rinegneSe xng_alr
atle e, • - ' _ , • stung the flesh. like the .sear �f
‘alialil-,toele,,the bag and Weighed red-hot iron the steady run of
hisS-•Of the
. • , •
' In eadasas, qt. -
1011.0112010g2,- PINICArg-iNg-1.4ENTA-
O ail borsoi.' conk, awoot; 'it to
• -
on their:tongues og in tbe feed put illohn's.Lbauld
Compound. Give the reniedY to, all of them, It
itch on the blood endemic's. 4 routes the disease'
by expellIngthe disemse germs. It wards off the
trouble tits mattet how they tirerftexposed.w Ab.
aolutely: free from' anything' !niarmut, 01134
oat; safety take it. :son aqd dr.00; 4.,$‘0 and Sumo
the dodlai 401d'br drugatitarand lottostssaators..„
EllstrIbitoreis.. " •
11111 Wbotelelev Druggists '
.,chentiots lirpd •Jrinclortoloetalts
• •,•GO,S1114-Kii1NO.4. -
wised ths salmi is leme:a ea sranill4
by airs! irtssisistidssum Wahl' en a
•IielessAyfteriside end
grocers._ if kst Os a.. battle:1AI]
alguty &Win 'wit 11 its 0041,y.,
l'odr.010.01i6 ev,•IfilMt citiassit4, Wk!
Strange Origin and Marvellous
••Improvement of AUstralian,
Pocket Wireless Machine, Tele-
graph Printer, and a Tele-
7 autograph. ' 1' ' •
0. ' E.. W. Beane of Sydney, , has Prof,,-Cerebotani, an Italian in-
writfen , in an A.ustr'a,lian paper of ;venter, have a private. of
the great sheep., industry. His his, agtonishieg wireless discoveries.
story .'is in, pareas follows . the' other day .in Paris berore Melee
,A century age when Australia wait, hers of the, Ministries' of War,,
130 a denipirig • ground. for. Eng-, Posts and:Telegraphs, and a .large
Land's seam, a British 'fleet receive number of scientists, including M.
ed feopea Spanish fleet- i, of Eiffel, ,the construetet etthe_Eiffer
,eident.envariebly does. e merino sheeti, ;at a thrie when to Tower, which is, now a Government
on-..embarkingeeineireireeeee, ,,expetterneeineas.from a 4, ti re A -
new . Appal tins em „
criininal.Offence. 'The' . fleck-- lo edewas a-- °chef viresieh
-oh-eregehee-e-e-eieeeiroe" reizeeeeerethe- ',92411:0(1,'Anstre.ria,..einelefr-em:etearef inee a. wireless• telegraph Pririte7-,
maximum on the same ' 'number, 'dineLem2rh'ilthhatiload-rar'eatomielAlic'unsot.raelire- learneattdoifiywahsie'l.:%11.rtres: graare. st3sti:
• Var„y4tous.' to, relate, at- each.'
vir;,4-ir, e
urngemen 5,
' 0.0rgeehPPek°
an e w-wliites-eree--
FL -elibiemi
1 1
,140170; he said. ' "There's 11'. .sled -runners.", On, on, with. 'no.
tire!eee,!eiWeightether• '•"--'' '7 ';',-:-- -thought af'''tiine-to-haress the mind,
Ni4esa:tpcsaibagategether: means only the ' destination -to think of, .
cW e "..,t,0-tWentY7' theesan!--.'doletee .and -the- joy-ofen. the
. .
'ti.ithie is mire • ,-,,tfait. Nide.. his ..eyes 4...ning kaees. e This ' is the ' °life of the
OgncYn'e...., . e • •- • ". .- . , .e. - : -? „ , • , . - • , • ' . • .
eaS ti.-;,•',of,:,,kiii'Ait,ikiiiiit,..0,7t1w..,AoRgW,•,-• ,„ - - . .. ,. trail dogs, eme ehe...eeep. whe.o.aim
i ni ere.'eager'''re'r th*' :;.,.;.`at.';4013:',t...'4..i.tislitIV.:.141917,0,",,.s4.id. -.t14 4ottherg-iiimmiailrwpild;:-----7, ,
0. a, of. their , eagek_i:: Its,1011;.. ,,,Aw.d:, . 4,..gdodisli ' •wede .I, ' And ;When, !they • .•carne ta „ little
s . was not A. to seek. -,.;,,,-.2.h6s,:....i• lows; . ' ., : . ..,. _, ,., QheYeUse Greek they were weleenr-
• '•,';!.ae‘..t Itlfhteed '
,04, •,::Nipk,„.ieturned.,....the 'store to 'the, •e4 in person .loy Victor' Gegliere He
4i,,::400,siff.ii . fresh;, -words- Ajogoow`hieh.,,Ralp . relocked. , I awaited them at his threS11914:. Tho
04iiit,.,0•014 ,:wit,o' _ ., - -.7INVIVeT1H;asked ,,,Niele,e glancing elumay.,' stockade -of -- lateralpint
eeettelejeeetateeieteetlieie, .10eeeet, ,eiiiid-the•A]m hi felar.-W of a aee.'a e .logs, a relic Of the old Indian days.,
when it wAs'eeceseeey.for-eyery-fu*
men• store to 'bee,a 'fortress, . was now a
' -Iiiiiikitiii '..Iiiaid 'Ralph' after, wreck. -A _five upright peek' were
iis6,1...,:', '•flgaYbe-it11-be'tel-ble standing, but the rest had long 2 since
' isafe iher'2*'':'' -. ; . .: -. ',.':, been MICA, to bank thevateVes with.
• e , master,4',411.0,0aAlle:* who A':-1,1,4'fer.greitter security the•ehest ... The afternoon,wassnentan,,Lbar,„
• l '
tlienii.M.1104:v1togg iih0 :sc!ilisP,O.SEld,', '',. Th--.'-wOrlc-.'was7ter,.ao the time was otie aeleeane.
,, •---, .
ho::','.teeiL, •W„ith elnh. Oickly,k'donee and the, clay,'floor,..ing gond-nature, for Victor, was a
,,.* 'i.iii,ei.'tva.t..,,,,,ciliel,,,. Ityt14-0444745f7VViittY;-‘10-0.33614,. :shrewd.: ,„-(7. 2, alefi., and. -the , twoe-bro-
4A:they, iliFir. iiiii4Ife,IL:OOPlie4,4 il4ft$1.t14'''' iittit41 ' OnCCOOth ' appeitralice tilers had little real • estimate of the
' ' .. '-the . le7 efetlie abode. again. Thea:;r4he-hrothers 89iight:' Value 'of •money. They .sold their
and if: aw,litst aii' it should be, :for .their rest., - ' ., • , - , . • .pelts•in setc.:tega,rdless of qualitye
he as ::,,OU'a':Veiv.'.:nattire,,,:..whicii.! :;t•.•.-4,-;Atedaybreekleaineethe start, Nick and when. the-•lest*WaS.tradeae and
•-eciuld deal :.with the.sioallwctetaiis 'barnetka the .dogge five great line-", iVictor had: Patted the value in
ef..8ttelifteeek4:' :slIcii,.,,-,tihiv...#000[iJarge kielf.Whe 'kited ,in • the shelter of 'a' 'stores , grid ' pestle 1 • there came a
and .„heitig..iiii :lie:, eeeee:::,0e.),400.:e0 ,keoah,ehed.outsid4 the'hut when if strong feeling of relief to the'ttala-
, e404,''.41;;;SteirT-:''Silt-in''44..:tfilli:: i.ettiflitki;lcut cutiod--,tsiezioeives-'-ur, -pers. '-NOweforetheirebriefeholidaye-
.-Pei'ffiraft., :' itehr probable that •'. he ' b
..A t..6.0f0W,' or prowled?, baying thd
itioon,'Wheir:•, the. night was -fine.,
"Fieree,loOking, brutes• “these,; with:
shoulders :and .deep,, chests, their
drooping ,civarters which were
inressed-Witli• -made-might- doten, .to.
•the higher l sinews - of their ..great
feet.' ' Their_ feroeity' was. chiefly
ariiinal antagonism for their kind.;
,witli.,,,,Riek.they,,tvere:. wily ,,,e4oligh.
dutieri lidiiieolecte, „. _
" hole in tlie_ffoor
le" $5,01204.-4'..tio thehuskica; obey
the betteteraela. ••
wluoh endettein:sleep. Tobacco
'Snouted the atniosPhereof :the hut
• :With nelieeeinedii!-that *A-S-dOie„Se,t'
ing.,7,Eaelf-man--aat upon his"hlan-
'trete 'alternating betweee his panei-
kin: of ;coffee and ,his.pipe, With eyes
'-'upon the glowing stove -In -earnest; •to-handle4-fere. all .,had _been well af: scraping -out worn!' strains' uponr
- unseeing +contemplation. broken beneath' the heavy lash an ancient fiddle. -In thia land,
The eight • before the appointed which -the -man 'kneW7better than -where life-wris-nlwa,ys- seri:owe-he-
' .ditY, 7for lstarting . „Came liouncl, T61 :8Pate': . : " wag': right- 'companion for:
."...thorrew'e • e be.,._;_a*nLiging. While tlie`dogei were being hitched seeh men to Nick and Ralph, and
along • aver the: enowy *earth with into their places Ralph secured the -.the nietry evenings in his company
;eetheirelogaliaulitig-their-laden•sIed. .donreefetheedugeatee,Theitewere no at the store were will thought of.
--e-The-morrevewould-seetheMon-their half...measai'esliere.:The door 4was To. be. coitinued.)
, way tO. Littlel:Ohoyettso .Clreek;, on
bank O'rvihith ' titood Victor.
Gagnon's storee, , "
• There was an atitioaphere s",up-
pressed exeitemerit in the deings of
that eight.• There was •much to be
.':dorie, and, the annsual.aetivity al-
' most .seemeda bustle in so quiet in
• abode. ()aside the door the sled
stood piled with the furs which eepe
hie -this Rumbei earl:Le:up great'. and WealtliYe-edespite-hee:evritereLeved'* eireleast'etelienttg--
.e. .- • • e - • smaltpapulation. -' • - . graph whieh 'enables "persons to
MAN' 0-.13/tOltE-TAE -43AStic, - -me ern- -sign-their-eignatures lar-eas,
- Recognizing that this might be merino for -tlie original of a '1.-2, wireless -Waves reach. •
,• -Pc'unda'-t°-arfreeee''haa'been 'raised •THE POCKET APPARATUS '
hue 'leaky da, the "fortunate Play
pounds, and there are rams in . • .: ., . , . '.
'er' wended hie:way to the gaming to 12.
room and put the maximum on Australia which shear 40 pounds. , is a little :larger than a pair of
-three' 'Of:the tables there: To -Iiiii - Nowadays -the---good--}and-neat -the field-glasses-and'is•operated bjeate
lemezement...h,eliend,;•,thateat ,eaeh Oast ig beingegivene oyer tO''agri- taching its antennae to a; poet 7or
cult:line, and the sheep are driven tree, which,. at the height of fifty
feet -exiables communieation to- be
Made Within a radius of . two •. or
three miles. ' The. etekprieter,-- a•
. .
he had selected the right color.-• -
According to one of the head
croupiers, -this. was the 'worst day
that the rooms had had for some
time. He 'gave it as his opinion,
back further inta the desert.
it is at times, where not one green
leaf Can be seen when the red dust
'local contemporary explains, es a
Too,__. that. ,what. the • Londen, ..stoele. ..: simple little inetrument with a key--
beoken'hael netted by his•..ePirited eiltahyLivhichet ii eeveeed gets blown board like .a typewriter, Wind-a:can.
and only the bare , -hard he file.ctolinye-telegraph-ox7—feler.
play was little less than theme:hint "'"
above mentioned.e N beneffeafethee'earth ere' left. ' Then
__Sheep--die-b-y:the'rallion for waet,
,, • One Of ,,the meatesuccessfuleplake
Of the smallest scrap :of nourishi-
era at the Monte Carla:tables wee
the once „arent,ltnd ire sometimes killed by,
popular rwhincr'iisTaieetQarldlinsgeng, '. '` b roke the thousand because ie is hopeless,
;theneithr oki'ill'itshei4reEr'ke 7,3_,,w,itati_.ta:,centht; =t°2rhexePcbtmthesk-tel:rthiteinm'ealnicleag 4i-1-33; wireless.-- This should be interest -
miracle the Whole land is" inh :to railway officials in patticet
_wylnarrisitiaggsf._,w:rheeivniohLs;.tdaolki:4gTba,:t,ti4dt a alagle
-green, in; the flocks increege put lir, sinte stich_a machine coelci be
and envied... . •
In ten days he was said to have
made upwards of $200,000- et ; the
tableri 'after -starting with •sce, inadt
:phone , transmits
messages. which appear oh printed
slips:at the -Other end„, but it has the
advantage of being infinitely more
.simple than anything yet: invented,
and, be,sides, can be used with
of all bis,d•and the men Who 'put at the 'disposal of all signal-
have been nearly ruined, naake new mere.. pointsmen; station:masters
fortunes in a few years. . That jES ,1•,id others, ' peemitting _them to
happening now. From 1096 to 1903 communicate quickly a.nd accurate-
• -occurred_ _.___the.•-higgest-edrought,
est ae-cApital-age$2-;0004-e-e7It-eneast
. not he forgotten,/ however, , that. ku°wri,'..anci. , ma13.7 . station holders
It was custom On the'occamore
of -these visits to . make itterry In .a Wells, denied this/ at his trial,,Stat- lost their all. Siiiee'then there.' has
..- '
temperate way., ,Victor Was never eeg, that all he- made , was. $35,000 been wsteidy succession of good
averse...tin sueh_deingsjortat -thre.nOr,lintr ---consecutiie sit- Seasons and the problem now is
here was _.:
Prench blood ift his yeina, He could tings. .Even- then he claimed to 'What to do with the enormous over-
shig a song, and most ef his ditties have in thesend .run out, a loser. Plus of old ewes. Such are the vieis-
were •-either.of :the..old _days :Of thesitneles of thee strange -land- the
Red River Valley, or dealt with the
early settlers round the Citadel of
Quebec; ,Aeriong the accomplish-
ments which he possessed was that
nailed up securely; and a barrier
of legs. set befere it: Then, when
all, was. "reedy, themen toOk their
pales endellick:brOke out the frost, -
bound runners of the sled. , At the
magie Word"Mush!" the * (legs
AtirlAg At their' breast -draws, itudi
the Sled glided aWa,y clown the slope'
• with Niel( running bedide it, end
Ralph:feillewing doe behind..
resented their 'vinter's' catch: The ,
dogharness was spread out,' and
. all was in readiness., Inside the
hut the, two limn were packing away
the stuff they Must leave behind.
Although there was no feat of their
• kerne being ineaded, it was their
• • eustain to take certain pfecautioxie.
Besides, there were all their sav-
ingte in -that hilt,- to lose -which -woUld
meati to lose the fruits of their life's
labors .• ,
• Nick had inst-moved a chest from
the depths of the patchwork cup -
beard in *kith they kept their
food: -It Was • a -small reeeptaele
hewn out f a 'solid pine:leg. The
Aid was -attached with heavy raw-
hide hinges, . and was secured ..by
an iron hasp hem by a clumsy-lo'olr-
ing peelloelt. He set if down upon
his plankets.
LetAA' • h this ?" he.,,,m1cAd
. Ralphlookett. at it with thought-
- tut ';eyes, • .
newir iianitiolerin'." oh
• Down they dropped into the
depththe silent valley, Nick
guiding Ms dos by wotcl'af mouth
alone. The lead dog, an especial-
ljevile-tempered -husky, needed no-
thing but the oft -repeated. "Gee"
And "Haw" where no packed path
was, and when anything approach...,
ins a trail was struck Niek's corn-
• Mande were- silent. These' etea--
• turei of the Wild knew ' their
work, loved it; lived for it, as all
:who have seen thom laboring over
'snow and ice must understand.
By .the route they must take it
was'', one --hundred to Little
•Choyeuse Creek, One hundred
miles Of virgin siaoiv,` soft to the
feet or, the laboring dogs, giving
them no foothold • but the sheer
aneherage of half -buried legs. It
was a temper -trying journey for
.1.1....ani4,4,4,6110, g
at oath Otherel hear,'nut The men
remained . siteflt bugging their
own, thoughts and 'toiling amidst
• the nlealium of anticipation.
Has Resistance ef 1,800 Tons . Per
, • . :Square root.
:Glass Pet to the:einshing test is
lia,rder than granite, It has- a, re-
sidence of 1,800,, tons. per square
foot, while that of 'granite is 7
tots, li.MeStOne 625 tons, briekWork
60 tons and concrete 97 tons. In
view of 'these figures it is surpris-
ing that glass has not before enter-
ed into seriona competition with the
other building materials, Glass
bricks are being introduced fora
number of purposes, and they are
xecoaunended for their strength and
lutedness - of • surface, which is -a
guarantee against. • thipping and
cracking, and entirely sanitary un-
der all conditions. The glass brick
consists of a shell with two flat sur -
form the e*Po.s,e4:1,.
thins when in place, and atter be-
ing laid, wet eeraent ia -poured in-
to- the open ends so the bricks are
boand tegether in a solid mads up
on the hardening of the Concrete.
quick** atOP's coughs. engem (*Ida. heals
tbo thettet 'nod s * • i! ' 20 cents.
-The :reader can take his_choice of
the two statements;, but amongst oldest part of the earth s exposed
undoubtedly- are oc-
cnte surface' -
frequenters of the rooms at 1V1
•Ca,r16 it is generally, considered int-ITUGE, LONELYRUINS
pasible- to amass' large winnings, ,Sonte',.OL,the.greatAcep time cov• e
Without risking large stakes. Eteu :er a million acres, or about • 1,560
then the chances are a thousand' to square -miles. Each rue is divided
onelnefavor ofthe-banake. •. Inte",paddock-seewhieh cover alrAus-
Yet-there {India. The a,yerage western - pad-
'cassionally wins running:into .feur
or 'five figures, •
-Itt a review of receet progress on
British railroads, presented -before
the British Assodiation, Prof. 'W.
Dalby calls attention to the
maxkable 'results .a,chieveelewith au-
toteatic power -signaling on the un-
derground lines of London. At the
Earl's Odurt .Tuncrion box 40 trains
per -hour- can -be -passed each way,
making 80 trains per hour'handled posts, which is probably a, line of
eloek Contains 100_ square nnleg. --If
one fenee ie on the horizon behina.
the_other '4 -over the horizon ahead:.
_ .tou Could walk !':iten clieq in that
paddaCk.'witheut seeing a Tence•
.Lost men have before' now found
the feriee.ancl died alongside of it
before it.led them anywhere.
• •Thete may be a •hire in each paet-
dock With a, bckindary ridereesome-
tiraes -twa, living together. Every
day 'Ojedept Sunday, the hounda,ry
rider is expected to be out id his
paddock, About one day in twe he
naay ,seibt something like A line .of
1.0.3r a single signalman.' Facing the 'sheep itynlirage on the• • horizon.
Oceasionally he cuts through
wing of them. He hoes a man, e'r
lets a niail, perhaps; •
And,yet, the boutdaty Men get, to
Alike the lonely life. ,
Then, there, is " the bos's ° the
lotti-of-many. aereS, a, Man of' strong
character and a, liberal educalion?
living A. life not Unlike that of an
English country gentleinan itt his
remote home, buteearrying on his
wqrk with the- ability and keenness.
of n man who has been trained ins
The third body of-meri who live
by the sheep industry are the
'shearers, who • wail; through -the
country from -north to south, malt-
y e
igiteliCahtscrIP11;14-11he fat of th
AS they pasd from on ehed to the
)other. • They. areit.elaSs unlike any.
other.' _ 7
signalman is a; window containing
15 small. frames. A ,click in the
box announces the approach of a
train, and -simultaneously a tablet
appears in one of the frames, show-
ing; by edde the destination of the
train. The signalman presses a
plug,'Anct a. einiilar tablet appears
in the next 114 . -an the proper line,
As the train passes, the signalman
presses another plug, and the warn,'
ing tablet disappears.
traveller for a firm of mer-
chanta gives a terrible account of
the intense cold 'in Sweden:-' In
Haparanda, the day befere-I left,
/ attended a performance At the
theatre, • It was a, tragedy. Every-,
e tears ef t ,et Spee_
tors iii the upper galleries fell like
hail -stones. among the occupants of
the pit":
also be exceedingly uSeful -for
out-of-the-way Post . Office's,
since no special training or prac-
tice is necessary to opeta.telt.
pit apparatns, -whichcap also he.
affixed to any telephone or tele.
.graph 'line. ' By this a 'signature.' a
seript written with _a penci Lfixed_to
flexiblecarriage is cotlied exactly
.Lb n maehnie at the other,. :end.
-Hence- a-inan- in .Paria-ntrain-sig.tr a
daeumenfe ineAlgieese
tare in Algiers •conld. be' verified
from As if theae wonderi,
were not already sufficient, Z5.....13..t5
'further assured that; the , gloater
the distance the better trio machine
will work, although 'we have net
been told why this should ' e , so
The tracing �f' one's signature,
seents.to be no more difficult then
with ae pen, and a peacil re-
peats it 'autoinaticallY wherever we
'want it, even should it be at the
Aptinodes, e• •--
, . ••
. .
'Another invention ot the profes-
sor is an instrume'nt rok preserving
the 'secrecy of wirelesS xpessages.
As is ivell knewn,. ainesiage scbt,
out by -a, Wirelesix.itatioa is reeieiv,
.ed by all stations within a cerieiti
-radius, althoughtehe intended . for
one of them,' .beeause the,- llertnian
„waves. ,sentrout affect riul receiver's
alike. This new inachine„ however,
allows eaeli cif a large ntini'v,r of
stations to have its identifiettion
number, and when the. Hertzian
• waves are set, going with the trans-.
WHITEit',4-AYS T1144 UPA
'won Ivo ,topro;.
Facts About ringer , 401
teattlittritisS-01 .
1. •
• If you bclieiro,that a person
trying to.deceive YoU .watiott ful
Auinini; TheY are en, unerring in,
'clez: to the asserts a writer .iu
,Lendon ,Auswers. _
:. Should, he be telling' the truth',
the :thernbe-,will relax And Point,
•away frointhe• palm, 'In. the other,.
case, they will be invariablYediatell
.14..eueel hidden by the baelc of. the
' The thineb, is' • f,in ;indisputable
tale -teller. It is'a. giiide. to the Jn
telligenbite and a foreteller of pat
'efteentellY week personn;
mienty;iiineeasea.out- of hinideed,\e
chiratterleis, 'arid eling clesely ,
theside ' thehand. Prominent', ,
wellecleyeloped thumbs are a,ins
mental arid:physical etrength./ ,
alySis patient, the physician ,
ilaibbit it the :thumb's .long be
fore thediseaeeshowa” ittielf' else.
'where.. An Operatien to• alert tin
calamity is -frequently e performed.
on that part of the.brant which it
- • '
1111-U-Ildit-..-C-ENTRE," •
and the thumb itself watched fel' . •
any sign of favorable ot,..ter re- •
• sults of the. operation : • • ,
The-geeaAediffer-enee-the-hxind-of -
.ae.aPe.andanalui lies in thethembe
In the hurnin hang -the thump can r•
beernade to touch any of the fingere '
of the .same...hand This the Monk:
..ey is linable to do. • .•
• The reason' why the.palme, of the,
hands and the soles Of the feet are' .
composed of 'cushion's, of fat is in.
•order.that.sudden jerks and violent,
.blows mai be successfully resisted,
So-that:lie injury -it .donteeeterAbe
Muscleeandbones Yl3e• •
em. . .
The` nails, similarly, verve -a „.•4
•protectien to the tips ••of the .,fine
/sensitiveness 'Of touch 'Preveils::
nail grows at the' rate.Of about Orie-
aixteenth of an inch a weeke, hut - -
daring illness, Or -after an accident.
or, in. tiraei of mental depressicin„
both.. _
, There are many peteliar factse
-ahout the nails: ThoSe On. the'
right hand grow more- rapidly than
those' On the left.. MoreoVer, , the
*growth varied With the le,ngth of thee --
finger, and isfastest on the middle
finger, nearly equal in -the Ord' on
-'the 'thumb; .Ai. it_ and e,11
grow more rapidly, than adult's!:
while the process is slowest in the.
aged. tha,Summerjhe- nails
the average &tali are renewed an
la& days; while' in the 'Winter a new
-crop cann.ot grow ;
Out at: every 'hundred kinetics
and criminals; fiftylitive White line*
across the thunabor finger nailee •
Of '..late yeass much •imortapeo'.
• has been attached, to the 'study'of
-firrger,-prints. Eery
ped Scotland detective and most'of.
the crimirial investigation efficets
•'in the lepal centres &try ono ox;
ness'TOr..exarnitiation of -the accuie
in g /fin gerepeinfe
• The -different patterea 'formed,. hy:
thefiee ridges and hollows thtt,.-"--‹ollIF-
finger tips are divided into four
Main groups -the arch,. the. whorl, -
theleibpranifilie7Cornposite varie-
t,ye_eGf. these 'by.-ia,rthe-''corririzeriest .
is etheeloopi ich
occurs On sixtY"
finger tips out of a hundred. '
Finger prrtita never change Fbo
pact4h- iast-
• • • •
Little Town IS Shut in ',,by • Gates
PLeV: -..T.tilrie;tiritiiice'klifiel,ig.ogaesrtoLr of th'e
American church in Berlin; when
in Angsberg, Gernany, a few -week*
ago,found h little eity it the heart • • .
of e City, that was shut in :an be,
itself with' twegates, ateleis•-•called
the" It is 86 genet. • -
because •the one" hundred' and Ellbl
houSeS within it were all built With
money left by Fugger, the' weAlthy
sixteenth century banker, who hat
been ,called -the I). Morgan 'ol
the country. ' When he died; he di-
reeted that these houses should bi
bixilt and 'then given to. Poor aged ,
have four rooms and kitchen; with
a little front garden and a little
garden Christian
Herald.' • . •
itter a, certain. number, only •, NOT PEitr.ECT,
the itati a bearmg. the corresoual-
lag Mut er can receive, the Mess-
ages% all the, 6th6r8 being,cut off by
chort circuit arrangement. '
milady stood condhat. cure* cold/. heels
Ms *mei nod Ishilso "di' • Ze ea
horse dealer y;as Showing a
horRe to a prosPectivo buyer, After
running turn baek and forward or •
a few minutes; he stepped' and said'
to the uver x "
-cy roa-toa t ie danctal"
The buyer notieftlg tlket the florae
Jind the, lieaVcs; i4' 6S4 1
like' his cat all iAI'Tdout
• e his Pants:`,