HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1911-01-26, Page 5• Thu anuaq ,26th;1•9x V ..iiiE" Kaxi'�M7' vi Tetter to, The Editor,. - . - _ ..-Tetrad; , ovenip ,o# last week - :�' - . ,A.N IDEA14_,114.7:,7°,14:,1.C:._ H4IR TONT J 't1ie:` t:water oytsk � R a -the _ __fIn_ loving memory of Mrs,. Robert :M . , Tpe t h ey team -ph yed Iran w!lio dt, J -Toil 1191- . , 7>_',_z - --. . • w i e, Loriue :rink. The • . ie heli. alch in th anluoe;though: fair] fast was too: ane- Dar1mg.sistsr you have left •tis 1. Parisian Sage is: compounded on ided to Abe of much ixltereat or excite- In this weary world of woe, - • the. Prost adve•noed scientifleprid:ciples, ><rient, . The home. learn, l al `�$lent.lie. in yonder ehurehyard' •„ a othin on, '-the mark t, :to da y% 1 and.nothing ... t o e d. rn,. a payed Witb the dismal rave below,' y cronnd their opponents wmnn, ea9sly, • - -.. �....: n.•com are with Ito it:aceom 1 hes. (�►. p t p. is by the sec+.rp .s�f.1.8 4. %ittle did I thi>at"k dear :rioter,. : it seems: toe bad that these friendly Last • time 1 bid•" ood b e to thee, -. bO:inuch more than the ordinary.tonics� a ' cannot . ' i ` e Y That itas lest o :earth, ' :'z.• - and does it. so uiokly that. user3. are, � ,- , w .the lest _.t .. rt earth . • ... a .. mea. cannot be carried an iii. a. • astonished. •• . •. .- gentlemanly or sportsixianlike• Manner, 6 That I would. ever speak to thee. , • - *Me .of the . players have evido nt l .s' Parisian Sage .• kae' . the dandruff. p . .- . . ely Felrewe.l ister,you.are haPPY... I .. sl} --- - , never yet. learned the meaning, of ;real Ha with .the angels now. gins a'nd eradicate dandruff,. stops sort: O Tuesday v .. _ Happy l• ale s ru . , p n . ue ay a .,ening: the: writ Husband weep jnot, ohijdren grieve not, . all'n air itchin o the 1 an_. f r. g. h, ,� ng.DE sra-p d, er wase the wtneas"•of some: very ,dirty Try to smithyour troubles•. o Qr. ,. ., ., • • y spl tting° hairs in two weeks or • •we. ' hot;key on the,' part, of one • or ' two, Y dear sister, ou have us . - •: Ia ere One of:,the 'roeal-s, 'not ::coli- es ylefts . will refund: your money 1' y H ere to morn on earth below • trot with having Maliciousl. y and' in Parisian Sage. gives ' .a `' fascinating tentionall cut o .en .he ch'eck's - head my heart it yearns with sadness A dy P • . .•when 'X enter in'her:doer: lustre to women'e hair and make s it in reeswater, finished off' by striking; 4 lieaut'fu1.. It mak s the. hair row him with hisfist in the mouth under oDarling sister now will journey •' i , e . • nu •v. ' ''' In'the world' of ein.no more,•, luxttjriantly if is the . daintiest and` .. Pro oration whatever.. If this .: , , .. . ';yuan ,than' of, his. lust "deserts: h •But.aho till doe; hover ger'. as, moot refreshing hair .drethaing ' that sh. uld:net o l u e .A,nd wilt..be:our guardiu star ' 'science has produced, and has not -•a o . n be put Mit of the game M � . , •- ' but fined to the full extent of the. law; Farewell-:Eliii,a,•:darling sister, partical of greese•or. atiokinoss in it. N'either:fs eta rs nor layers.. should Mother ii^itois•_a, brothers. '•' *Ali ,po', Patisian Sage costs;• 59 cents at -.your ., . is .. 1? Y .. p a" : -h ro r iet- ' ' � •dru'ggiat oi� poste, Yd from t e�,p ,pr _ " Scutt:.t:en.:<pr'�a::thia.sorh-of: vubL!£ aiid;t.ia -,._:_.t 4 , . '�i>'tdre_.�. .'^ _. ':_ •_. unfair tea:the ii'est.of the team•tosuffer. er she's sleeping with the Angelo -ors, The Giroux sifg Co. Fort : -Erie, n blame begaus of the d t' • theGolden- River Shore. ' Ont..: The girl with the Auburn hair, oily e .. it y lac By d. F on ever package. Sold and guar. tars; of one of their number^ ' __B her sister, `Mrs: W. J., 1V IeNa11:'' n � teed by3.Garnet Armstrong ' Lover of Clean Sport... I', + ng • • .�r E] a. STORE This firm• • ays special .attention to .. -arnssand keeps onJ an'd a large 'assortment .othediferent -kinds n general demansd '!actor ,YarnsScotch Yar$, eehiveY rn r besides a. rent va a Yarns._ . :We . have .:a.:.great varlet of ualities rices ' kinds' : and colors. �., g Y q p as a. W1pay-s�ecial attention to our stocks P. of Linen Towelli the h th - n s and t o thrift•house 'kee • er cal pearl. always depend orr._ ett• . .P Y_ y. P g ing. just what=shy^=-w-ai t -s=-1 er_e ac= prices,-; 'that cannot., be : beaten anywhere. ,..Our Crashes are noted fol' their fie wearing -and-washin " ualities -and-the--satne -ma '--•- be said -o€ -our -an- d-H•uc;kaback : tow-.. g ellings The- range of prices is from 5 .,to 20: bT t=we s.peciall c- rnmend our 'values -- at'. roc :and:', i2.fc per :yard.. Try: •Mair dach's_Cxa,sh_arid...Brown• and'_White • Stripe...e<, ..i Crash' at •10c per yard., • We keep.Ladies' Rubbers to fi :. al • l .4•um' • shoes, low n edI kinds s and st�`aes of o d a y b , , es. _. o .��ri` ..h4.h � ..n r_i•o_w .o . .ro - of _. r or lg eel, a r b ad,. that. is the . shoe �� ro' heels.. :Rubber t 6 A • p _ e • ''--nd:_ ndwbe n er_a - e>l•1' •will-�w-ear,-Letter ., ar, more satisfactory in ever} way, We keep, -;.great variety OtalL_the popular styIes, .. • all. sizes �i:ome ', qualities, and prices;n w n.s from 2 a to 8. - .. - -:;h 'our oc of omens Fine' Shoes In going..- thi�� , o, . , st �.. • . e=find -a •number :of..: -broken --sizes' anuLodd. airs, . ,an as, is W ,. p Or rule '. a halve''made' • these u' into three lotsWto clear a� o w .P ,very low:. prices as.follows. Lot 1 Consists of 2.5 pairs of. Woine%'s fine Dongola Kid and Pa• tent' Colt, . Goodyear, Welt and. McKay Sewn, lace )bots, low, medium' and high heels', sizes 21x, 3;',3i, 4, 5, 6, 6i and 7. Prices were 2.50, 3.00, 3.50 and $4.00, to clear ' '!%t $1.95 per Pair Lot 2 Consists pf 34' pairs of •' 'Women's , fine Patent- -Colt and - :bon - gels, • ,lid, .:1 Goodyear,. Welt and McKay Sewn, '.button -and lace Boots,• low, Medium and high heels, Ci ban and Paris, sirci 21, 3, .31,, 4, 41, 5, 51, 6, 6i, ,or• •». • and • 7 in,'lbt, Prioes%Vere .: 3;00, 3.50,'4.00 • and -$4.50, to' clear at '$2;50 pee' .pair., Lot"3 8 pairs Women's very. high cut Boots, • in fine Box Calf laath- :Price- . was $3,5U, to 'clear' at hill£ price or' $1,75; a fair range of sizes. . :INLOSS`COUNCIL .'Holyrood,. January 9th, 191Lx. As regal, ed_by Statute, the -„neem -- hers elect, of the .Kinloss Cou eil • met on the abovedate;; and having ” sub- scribed to the ;necessary, declarations, took their.seats at; tlie: board as, ,fol; lows• • •'Ree e:-�Llon ald A. DfoD onald:•.• Councillor3;-- John , McDiarmid,, Henry' Blathers, and Alex; , McKin- non. John Hodgins, being snowbound. in the north, failed p reach here.: Tlie ihinutes of last meeting were read and signed, On "notion .of Mc- Kinnon and 1MIoDiarmid•,, -a • ByLaw was passed fixing the salaties, and ap- pointed ---the -officers for the- year -as Clerk Glen;'0': Mefilit, salary $1JQTM. Treasurer,. Toter Corrigan, salary anti attendance,y $110,; ksee=sox, salary, $5U • • Aud.tare,�.']"ii'os. Murray i►nd Wma Stewart, eaoh...$8 00. edical.Heal , • M Health, Officer,'D,' D,. lam:. feson, $20.00. • And `that 'tl e' Clerk 'receive • appli Cations for Assessor and 'Caretaker of Hall, up till,' next meeting, of Council. . loved -by .�dathers,:seconded¢ -by. McKinnon, that the tender of • the f.ucki5'ow.Sentinel, to do ,the' Township printing -for 191,1 at $55.00, be accept- ed. -Carried; , ..Cheques issued:-LThos+ oekh'grt, fixing bridge,: 250; percentage on wire fence,„$,L25. ;$'l 50. Jos -Hodgins,, percentage:.. on: -wive-"efenne, ' $1 25; ,llfurdie : & . Sutherland, battot box, • $2 50: ..Municipal'= World, supplies, X13- 90_ 7 strbscrlptions,-$5r;.75, J:;w J_ iThnderson, • on-aeCou it: of tile,.' Wouid. their report bring bitter Wars, pe the sunshine of a srnile'i Alit couldthey speak fruui week to week, "'(lf'liorie't;t �ui�rlt"ave ll, Julie,`' _ Ol welt -used; powers in .steady hours,, fairness in .the fun? Of thankful • thought for. kindness;• wrought 4.. Whbre homes :are rich 'and' glad" r ',Of tender'care to give or share Where homes are poor or .sad. , Of p teadant ways in dark; dull ;days; P Y � ,Of little, gentle deeds; : •' - Of earnest hours.arnong heart's flowers In pliieki lg,hii'l•'fuj'w.eeds? Can the r ' patience meek Where grief year yea: speak . o f ief has stopped awhile, O•ceurage.bold, for the weak •snd 'old -:E1. loving word or smile`4 MethiOm. .the -year .xmi { t teeth- -most dear . Lf -thus its speech can':be, O'erfull wi"h jet's for girls' and boys : •Ar, year of jublee. , [Selected, . . TBS YORKCOU • NTY LOAN • Show Process of igisi ing up Vit iy, over five years since 'tjie 'York County ,Loan and Savings Co; went into liquidation, and yet '• there are _1Q,D00 Rhe:rpholders;aho haare ade: ,r no application .to • the National- .'Trust Co,, liquidators . 'fors the amount of their claim .against -the . de£unot. corn- pang,.,- The winding up order •'.Was made• on Deco'.16,. 1905. -At that. time, or.within two years afterwards, 114,000 shareholders sent in the..• pass books to. -claim the Smut. t...rlue:_the n An-inapsetioi -of:-the' books ':by-- the liquidators showed.;25',00.0' with • bal-. antes" to their credit . who . Md not ient,4n.,.Liieir'Books -Dai' these pug-. books liave dribbled in, `Na week passes but some ma ,to A petitron -was presented`: tb the- handot,: and recently . one camcoe from m Council,.: playing fot_the_submission'•of. waled Oh a IP.n the last three years a By•Law, • to' raise the necessary of the: missing 35 000 books . 1'5 000 funds bv`General rate 'on'' the Assess have coine>o hand,^•but Here are,�still; ment of the Township to eonstruct, ii 'T0,000.shar:eholders • with claims am: geneYal -`I`elepbane- System. in t e g'regatiug '. roughly w h Towape'hip; books.have"•-not been$60snt000in. Ifose •Moved by J :_McDiarmid, seeonded ` these people now send , it their:- pass. by -H. -Mathers,,4hat-the•Cler-k:. be ,-in- •-books-they:- -will- -at- onr e-,: receiv a -.� struoted prepay By •cv4oi^ h , - tFt f re.th- 1r'tiral `` purpose to.be''submitted to the rate-. cent. payers at, an earl dike. Carried ` Therork elf lie l il�idtEi is leas re The=Gpuneil -adjourned , to: meet- . 1 the = ek='� lric 1 s-•zn-~steacf =- • Before conl►mencin ur ,..-.- Q ... a►xl►n •'Stock -tan we. are < xiou . g►n s to • tel . Out some lines ` of Winter Goods and ' Will therefore -give r g 'IiI1E, Special Paces ort all the foil .0 lin tee ross- ead4.e-feehieatingfiove�wh.. - i"< we: Will offer at- e ccept'ionally low` prices is ... • for iftlick sale, Established -1,868 i againon the stall -of the'Clerk::to eon- ".nr'ipress:.4aoYn---old ,•Onta'rio.•-tio cider the Telephone .By -Law West;.:_ The indications aae'th at this G 1,MoFFA-T. Clerk, 'T -is -a seiioue nienace'to ClliT On io, as in•the case.. of the:thri is farmers. who. - •depesited. their Saving 'vith•:':the YorkCcnity* Loan, and; a ;real nutnbei^ have. moved out td the prairies .•. and manv',Jiave moKed leaL%,in no trace ot:: theirwhereabouts,..and there are 'now . in the hands of the °.liquidators'' 3,000' letters containing :dividend .checks' Pails g.91;1 'Debt; The :Chapman -Alexander revival meetings -in Tor .nto appear to,be=doing some good.. So'at least•two Goderich •business then think The . other day one" of thein..receivod `''a: letter. • from •.Toronto:containin 50 cents•= "consci.. which ;liaise been. ret irne'ci undelivered•. once money": ' • The .name of"the writer,• • They were 'tent out to, the bust address ox the.exect ',reason' for which• the en the files .of the Coinpany, Sail have money was sent, was not given The ".failed to locate the persons to whomr' merchant who received the letter hall,- they .were son t, These letters repte, pening to .mention. the: incident to-. sent•; dividends aggregating about•; another man wlio' . does ; ..business ou• $t,000, and•nay, be had by,.the persons•' the square, the latter made the sur to; whom: they?are addrested if . their' prising statement: that be; too.' had .re- correct address is. sent in to the liquid-, .cetved such !a letter,• with :$2:00' en' • ators. closed for conscience' sake. ` .A coin-. As illustrating the wide ca'.tnifica- b ar'si it of i io the handwriting e . 'w i the a' • P . g f _:two tions of the ilefunt;t�com any; cheques : letters:indica'�tes'that '.they are from. 1 e ]leen tent out•to s areholders `in : the same;,pee ohT. _• The .two Merchants : `arn' in.;Siwedea--end :in S'svit erinn have recetvod, tew1i;lil.t.on the . value It is•stated "that most' of these claims of`religious revivals originated, in Winnipeg, where a large, f< _ 'foreignpopulation took adva_ n tape : of HEi1�A Is.M the-prospeets;offered b'y-the-•Yorz.-G-'o-- Loan.C.o. aiad these :foreigners have) GUREI):BY.,'BQdTH'S' KT.DiaTEY gone back to•their' homes• and:- their '• dividend cheques:'lirast _bo.._sent":;?>;ffter, =' T E. Foster, -of St Jolie St.,: '.Fred. The .first. dividend was paid on.'Nov. ericton,:d , ,_;.says . T=-=ha.ves._faund: l.st, 1909. •The;date-of the secoad de• more actual relief frotn� Booth's Kid• • pends on rate ';at which the assets 'ire 'hey, Pills than in all ;else I have: ever ' realized,' :It'takes $7x0,500 to pay'_'a tried fox rheumatism: PM ' pains in 'dividend of 25 cents on th.d4011ar., and though there.is this: 'ainount already r in sight it' will -be..some'.inon.tbs.-,be£.or-e it is,realized. The ;second 'dividend; which it is hoped will•bepaid by the end 'rf'ths"year, will. not; a fel dividend; though•hew much. 50 cents on the dollar .pwill bo,. 'aril .. altogether -cannot yet be said, Nine �tonths•'of•�tliowreal-est:tt0 ltas--�Ircarl' • h been sold, there being about 5,500 feet still for, sale, which has .an '.estimated • value of $150,000. • It is. anticipated' that:this will. be disposed of .by Sept. ember, The property is mostly rest. .dentia], only about 2tl'0 feet being • in bausiness sectie•.a. ` . . • my limbs have lessened .'greatly- and:I am better. end stronger.. than. ; Yrr •years previous: • My.. .ppetite his 'built' op and "' I cert and' sleep better' ,t_ an: I' have an- over three years, _ My'general health is greatly:improved' and .1 can. credit this only' to Booth's ,Kidney Pills.,' This •is the 'Booth Kidney Pill.' catty, These,wonderful. Pills are sold ' uut�er a guarantee to refund•.your. money if they tail to. relieve; any sufferer frorn Rheumatism or any trouble having its origin in the Kidneys:- They cure' backache, dull shooting pains, think and cloudyurine, ravel . and stbee,e rheumatism and all .diseases of 'the kidneys and bladder. • . Booth's Kidney Pills are soldby all: druggists and dealers; No, box, or postpatdItirin_TTd Il "7':::`'IIootlli`=to.;... Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont. So1d•'atid guar- anteed by J. Garnet A.rnistrong^- A THE OLIh 11EAR If -all-the old year's days 'couldspeak, 7 wonder wbat they'd say -e. The snowy .days, the blowy days;.' The flowery day of May; The summer 'days,when shady wayt Were made for children's feet; '' The country .was.sa sweet. Trail tho old y'ear's clays could'speak- Just think of it awhile -7; tnk ;dotes .at 6,13; to except Satter' 1V, Iiw�S l' HURON COUNTYNOTES. "A newspaper -not- an.organ."- Thenewspaper for the man who courts open-minded dis- cussioiion all public questionssand...who expects support of right -of justice .and of decency in:the trz atment ofi_pubhc;:affaitu... -A-newspaper with definite o inito a oa ail olid' P A , p calrsopal. and moral questions -has the' courage of its convictions -whose editorials are. fair --minded s - - o d minded ,hon4st±^and written by some oa the cleverest writers in. Canadian Journalism to -day -lust','` ' such ' a .newspaper'Y ' •' as aa -aggressive -Slid iiitelli�ea�t- Cana�iaa people w'1i 1 enjoy and readw th profit.• i 50 a Year y7rz'o paper-and--tho—T'oronti~bait '-3'tar-fo ether for •oae year for •$2.20.; fIE'S' -1ED1•GA I1' 54T11.11; ;ILflaI.E.RfC.w OWNED AND•OCCUPIED BY,DRSS.., K. & K. YOLTNG.OR MIDDLE.41GED MEN who -need theservices of expert specialists why waste your Stoney in treating. with. s doctors you know nothing of, why waste your :money with worthless electric belts or drug store;nostrums, when you cap get . guaranteed, reliable, successful treatment from:these Master Specialists. Drs. K.& K. have ',treated patients throughout Canada. for over 20 years and are responsible' fizian- clally. They accept only curable cases and should'your este prove incurable'It need. not cost you a real. If ydu are"unable to call at di r roflice for a Personal eta,nination • we will send aouestioa L1st'for you to fill up fro which we end diagnose your case and. tell you whether you are"-c0rable- Or not. Then we•'wiil presenbe specific remedies for your .individual case which you can take:ht home, We have no lure -all remedy that -we send to everybody alike •as. most specialists do, but we prescribe the rem- eules required for each individual date to bompieteacure. That'soneof the secrets of our wonderful success when otherti tail: Send for our' Fres Booklet On Diseases, of T„riende' of. tamest lIfie, -illan, .the brilliant young O.uutdian musician (son' of 'Rev. Alex, Ma%:Millan• ferin_er- 1y of Auburn ani Carlow).'twil.i ' lie•. glad to know that. tt•, cablegram.. bat been. received iutimatii g. that ire has -succeeded in 'the examinations for -the' -'F ollo�v c�tr. the l �oyl College og rganists. 'Tins distinetiiln has naVer'before boon gaine:l at thcj early .age of seventeen.' - 511 ' Mac- Millan Is pbw working at hie ' finale for 'the d4grce;of btti;lieloe,01 music'of. Oxford; University. • Judge P. W d'nhi ster,.of Algoma' District, one tithe reeve of tits town. ship of` Gpdei•ich, aiirl •war:l(7n of .tbo county died of linetimtirriat iii the 11,is pita]:at +'.1anit, St Marie +itt ]mind ..s of b'cf sons and two daughters. Mgrs.. ,l°t•,litt ston and the daughters are at, present id England. ' • Mer (illustrated.) CURES • GUARANTEED OR NO PAY 'We .Guarantee. to Cure' , Nervou'sDehdiiy, Blood Disease.. Vartaore r Veins, Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases -CONSULTATION FREE If unable to call, write fora Question Blank for Home Treatment • I�. KENN1EDY& IKENN EDY Cor. Michigan Aye. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.' NOTICE Ai1.ldtters.frpttt Canada ntits%11e addressed � ■ to otir. Canadian Correspbndehce Depart iU . inent in WiiidSot',, 'Out. If you desire to etc' a orsonelly call' at our 'Medical Institute'in Detroit as we See and treat Laboratory for Canuli.in'bu,iltess only. Adrleets all letters. at followt. OAS. 14:ENINIL Y d't KEN(slabY, °Windsor, O'nt.. •S%rit a:tier eurprivateadrlrcat• { .,y•va,«uwh:,�Nyu..:.w..'tw W4W'•"..: Yn..+v4 •«.0