HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1911-01-26, Page 4BANK OF HAMILTONii' IA of ill co h The feeling' . , ettao which comes wit.... the posaeafiton of a bank -k104' tit some- titin$ not td' 'be despised-=-iig matter? '• ,,Whatyour position& or proePeets. A bob?rant eliminates wpitry and , care--ganses,you. to feelthat yea have. soritething to fall back, Open in an in - o enter •Mince # Seth•, t)ne °Della'' -111 Start .an aeeo nt. ICkuOw #00:itW1 Published lluracal Mornia al ..:_., tateknow, Ont Sunacsu# oN pxrcn--$1.225 per annum' If paid in advance, $1.00 per annum U. +� bacri o num na ,50 1�. .. $1 P� strictly in advance. Editor and Publisher Advertising Rates -Legal and other Casual advertisements ;8c per notipariel line for, first. insertion, 3c per line for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements in thelocal columns are' charged 7c per dine for first insertion, and 5e per line for each • subsequent' in sertioli', regular advertisers Sc Per "line,. Contract rate made known Vin. applt canon. • All hand ;set.. display advertisements and chan es of 'advertisements must be in the punters' hands not. later•, than 6 p.m.' on' Monday • of the week for which intended. ' 0.5 TH TRBDAT, JAN, 26 . '1911, [OE STORE Having arvices ~d ►ork secured the a first-class: , ,n,, we are new ireared to ,give ° 'prom P nd 1. ' .atte:cal'i�fu attention oe -.,eP a rin c • • to all its tizens e advan -PL-AY FAIR ' ; In a letter which will .be , found in another , column, A Lover of,' Clean Sport" takes up a timely -suibject rthat �of�fair�pla mitt �hgckey�,trigt�e,�e�,'��t,. Iseenis difficult to keep hockey and .la- 'crosse a&; clean and as fair:` games, as spectators'.like to• see,' with, the result: that they donot, .enjor--the" measure of popularity that `.they. ;otherwise would. The • constantly, recurring- _roughness, perhaps, .belongs -as -much- to the -nature-. of•the. game,. as- to. .the nature of the players. The only remedy, if hockey . `"games'. firelo ;be tithing alae Min- a miserable'se'rimmage; as :to : nierc els y weed out from: a :team,. members, who have not sufficient Bence of : decency to. play the , game without striking their o onents. When this is not' done,.‘ . Pp n ,. a team' should get no public support: i:never 'tfre of 48104/others when ;tireF' ask;for good job printing-, , We Can:tiokle the most exacting-typho graphic appetite. People whohave partaken. of our excellent esrvke come badlrfota•seoond-serving:-'Our prices \are the Meatreaaonabli too. syr.depetid on us giving your orders the most prom't sits �tlon. Let ink submit ;our 'ammyl ,. BUILD UP A D w It is said, in connection,. with the re- eiprocity negotiations' between Canada and, the United' States,- that.-. the ' Cana-. -dian_millersfear..free:»vyheek- •that -is; the free 'eatport. of' ,wheat...from 'this country.tithe linitedrStates .,_They ?`ear fira', that they will then have. `. to pay the farmers more for' their wheat; • and ,second, ` that+ -•.the -United States-. millers, being .enabledto procure_ wheat in greater -quantities and; at lowera-priee- than, at present,, -may become active competitors in :the •Canadian • • flour market. Said Mr. Meighan president of the Lake of the Woods . Milling.; go:: "We 'don't• want reciprocitythe' United •Statas, and the best thing 'our Ministers- can do, is to come borne front Washington& " What the big Canadian, millers ;g'+'id- en'tlywant'is to Have 'tire farmer's wheat' 'shut iirthis' country `'so that"•they-' the millers- can buy it at a low price; and' • to . have -foreign,"Hour. shut -out sa hat. they' can force consumers to pay a' high price. , • •th'' wa That is ey,. according to . pro- -tectiobist philosophy, :to {"build.._up the industries of 'the country:'' .,It is the way to , build up the millers (to make milliiiiaires" of thein.rbut it just. as truly is the. way'te pull down the farm ers and all :those . Who' eat : br"ead=and --these; make;;, a goodly number in. this' "country:• ' The right trade policy to adopt is the one that will build up•7Oanada; .not' -one" portion -of :it- it the expense -Oil/hey-rest., 'BRING NESBITT BACJI CANADA* MINT The Monetary Times, which has is, .sued ail, excellent statistical review and 440441 cW. 'eatl k!Wi her, retninds pita:' it dery ',that less thane ' three Canadian Mint at Ottawa, Y the anal an 1!d ; , taxa han .coined..anda received for issue; 44,316 gold, 18,703;086 silver;• and ; ,320,4' 2'' bronze pieces of .money. These had' a totat'.va ue of 02,760,332, The 'geld coinage has heretofore•. been intim: • form. ofsovereignsa the gain receiving gold from any;applicant, and turning it 'into. sovereigns on a commission basis. With. the;. establishment of .a. Canadian. -gold;. .coinage, and ,the devolopeinent. of Can,-' adian gold fields, the future for this branch of the big establishment is very bright...• Many .Canadians may be unaware that an Aft .providing, for a gold.coinage• was passed by,1'arliapient during 19110, The Dominion's .five dollar gold• piece; will have 'King Georges>:head oni ontl. side and the- arms of Canada ' on the, other. 'It will-be.egtiivalent in intrinsic value `,to the American five=dollar, piece. It may be`news to most people that the _Br_iti_sh coinsi_„thou h. finer than the American,; weigh less, and hives, fract Tonally smaller , value. •:"While- Canada will have; its own gold: ,coinage,'. Amer?-, can' pieces will still -be legal tender here;. and the British sovereign will. be legal tender at "a ',valuation of $4:86 2-3. £anada's five -dollar' piece • will contain nirie.hundred parts of fine gold and one hundred of. alloy. ' . While silver coins are relatively -purer (925 partsof fine 's silver :td., 75-.6f ' -alloy), .. the. l4tint..makes:_ a substantial' profit on silver coins, and practically none on gold. There is• by .;no means quarter's'' worth of silver in _a quarter, itis the market • now. stands ' Nor will the big '`eartwheets" -Bich :Canada is to coin at British Columbia's request con- tain, a dollar's . worth, of .the precious metal. The margin is such that cost' of -uttfta , , - fnantifn tune -410e reach' the facevalue of 'the coin, For 9 this`` -'reason` a counterfeiter can: nowa -days make -e, silvet coin .which-canzhard- ly be detected fronrthe._geriuine-•article; and yet make it at a profit' Despite 'an unnecessarily "large _•. portation':of. British -coined" silver and ,lbronzeiust rior. to the e'stablis'hment of the Canadian ' Mint, the Dominion coined Told, silver, and bronze •- pieces: Valued at nearly three mullion., dollars' 'from the first Of 1.908 to the -end .,of. October, 1910: , With her 'own- Mint, and,her own gold • silver;;. and copper; Canada will, be in an . unrivalled posi :ticn as.a.coiner' of money. The time may yet come ,when, : instead of < receiv- ing her coins from the English Hunt, as'. she.: did up to', a few•' years ago, the, Dominion will. do much of the coining for 'the Empire. And if a nickel coin: is ever thought ;; •advisable—and •. it has' many, advocates=_Canada has the great- est nickel-=su Pp y. l 1 y in -the --world-upon We have in stock•aad at r asonable'rices the.. following: g: fide M'a le Lea£ Racer Cross 'Cut Saw.: The Lane Cross' Cut Si" The .Qom Coin Cross t utSaw. (all; .guaranteed. • Saw aria' Axe 'Handles. Thugs , jafuar ► ,fib _nbleaehed--Onexeelle Always,: nilorIn Our best .*Advertisementis the Flow •itself. 0 pop 'and ave1.4(17k are more in demand than .ever before.' Their quality; sell 'them everywhere. • Try ' a , sack and let us:' . prove . it. We' want y aur, wheat -and; all'- of ELEAVEN'BROS. LUCKNOW 5.1 1 Ner ons .a Proshation For `*nT ', hree Years • "Dr. 1Vf ilex' Restorative Merv. aperiod red me of of Inc gored nervous prostratiOn of over t years uration,. and ,the A� • 1?aia Pdills are .as necessary.; us as . the roof �i our ho They :have been household rem-' edies;.with' its' for many years, • • 1NM. J, tltLOeri'nUeGHStRA , N. Ca Philadelphia, Penna: lViuch sickness tsddue to Harv- ous• troubles. F eedaicI e, dims ziness, epilepsy and •insanity arc k, nervgtiS: troubles : `y'hen there • is ,:a: large class 'Of disordelrs Which arise from. a weakness .of the ,nerves of an organ orspart' as weak lungs, heart, . stoinach, kidney, ' bladder., eyes, etc., r ter Dyspepsndigestion are . usually the result of nervou. disorders.ia ' • '� ,Reatp rativ&Nervino s'' soothes the. irritated nerves, and-: assists the nerve cells to gener s ate . nerve force.' • `"`R' Price $ .oe it your druggist. He should ` supply you. if he does not, vont' price. , to us, we forward prepst51 DR..MiL6a"Mu m:AL CO., Toronto, -which to>draw. ' We have stocked`lteavy in order ,'to• .meet the demands -of .the,riiany wire have acted in accordance with our .last.week's ad: We are re. • ared to supply 3our needs in Go r Fruits Etc ccres' . ' . .. _ ..cereals.' Best American ,Coal Oil. Hi h- g• est pr ccs aid: •f iT 1• i • kinds :of Produce: And arson Block' Phone 'Ontario justiceshould go t,othe ends, of earth,-if"nncressary, to -b ring. . Dr. )eattie Nesbitt to 'trial. -especially -is this necessary in view of the politic, al prominence of the man for whom, the police are looking It should not 'rest in the mouth•of anyone to suggest �"- `that justice iept`wkiie friend ofthe Governmenent made good his escape.' London -Free Press _ Right you are. Saw Sets, Saw •Jointers and files ,of the best quality. Y. No DANGER 9 •. Stock Feeders' Supplies 1o lbs. Salts for 25 cents' 10 114. Sulphur for 25 cents. Dr:. Scott's Stock Food 5o cis. pkg.. e Petr .3' lbs Salt 25 cents. Raw Oil always in stock' d. wood cook stoves .2 second hand coal 2 second hand cook .. ranges, in first class condition at reasonable prices. 'Siitherlaiict�rdie &. Lucknow` Ontario, -. . ' • - Sherwin Wiliatn.Itainb§: h'OIf AGENTSi tint'd .: • . l?arsid Roofing National cement As Canada is rapidly grow'‘g''into a great and prosperous nat` n under the protection .. system;th,e ' Laurier Government would de w ll to keep,up' the tariff wall :and.guard the growing youngster from the assaults of'foreign foes. -The Bruce 'Tinier. . No danger of Laurier throwing down the •walljast tow. Years ego the "Young- s*. on the form of the•protected indust ries) got big enough to take the Govern- ment ' (Liberal or. Conservative) by. the throat' and make it- do its bidding. the first thing for the farmers to do fs to pull off the'"youngster." MODE BOGY TALK Germany's pressure upon Holland to''fortify Flushing recalls Napoleon's famous saying that "Holland and Bel gium are a pistol levelled at the heart of. England,"r•-Toronto -Daily News. What of'it, ii the pistol can't he used?' rril'i tl , y" EC 3' ILuil r► a Mr 1 ii 'want to hurt Tritain, perhaps CENTRAL /ir STRATFORD, ONT:.. free d - Write - 1Vrite us at once for ,o ' • catalogue and: leach what , is beingdone .inthe.' ieadiiig::busi, ness college . in Canada ' Our "graduates secure good positions, :•`' and meet • with success. Busi- ness men say, they are the best. • , Co K tctAi, :_SzIoirxANn:.-::.and _ xutacRan',IiY...,::. Wegive-individual; instruction and' you may enter at any tinge. D. A. McLAGHLAhi " - Principal. ' This is :the timeto: buy Stock, Fcod. We have '•: Ro a 1 Purple in oc acus .cis arra is o` nil's��' • Dr..l-1e=s'.Poultry 'anasea and Stock, Food; arnafac in 25c, 5pc, and $1.00 lots, . Louse Killers for f+'wls and stock. Better use ' • them now' than in. the Spring. Eggs are scarce and' dear: You can easily get more. than you do, by`..feeding---the- :hens _,oma stim'ulant --food, • �: of BUSIN ESS and - PROFESSIONAL ke LY,e o,. Barrister,.v4sHeitor,-Conveyancer a etC.- Solicitor tvr, .he.Mclsons Bank ')ftice:=-Jo nt, Block Lucknow, Ont - At Ripley: every Wednesday.. , Boys: and C rls: • Should learn .thoe subjects. by which they can'ea'rn a Mg.,' 'Spotton's'Business Col leges, are the largest • trainers' in Canada, and our graduatee. seeure the. -. beat''.' -positions.. You can study 'a home, :or partly at home o rid finiih at the College. ` _ . / individual instruction Enter any day . Write for parriaulars WINGHAM 'BUSINESS COLLEGE SPOTTGI ,• —Principal.• 4bo.p e _ Cuttet Almostallrr nrs new:models , lair 'for, this season in the Turlhtpe cutter,line, oiving•to theolrl'_pa,tterns all _ha.vingheendestroy. . ed by :fire in Sept.,l900, frr,rn Which cause they were :unable to fill any cutter orders a year ago.' eighs Vie have a good ,qupE,lytr ]?hula, farnoul sleighs s on hand,. Yon will Hind that. this sleigh will give VOu the hest satissf u : for all kinds of•orr inary work. Thi TheSe lrsighwarrs`espe ially noted for staying on,the roils .wren heavily loaded. w ' }jt►F other sleighs will 'crit off:: • See. t1 e'' lied lxifr,,rc , br yinK• Y - P A. ga►lcofinson ; BARRISTER,, soLIQI.o; .CoNVEYAIicER,SP Rte. Kincardine and I,ucknpw. ,' At Lucknow office every Saturd:' .,: During balfinle, of • week all work:done in eon- - �vlti'uYo'4 rug, tam€em elo;ns !uv"ill be attendeitto-by Mr . J. E. Agnew. under. ;`my„ supervision direction, . 1NSiild&E`: Agency for the `dif%rent lines' of Iusurance. First-class.'comp L ..anies guaranteed. The 'only res - 'dent es `dent agent of' the London Mutual -HJ. Lindsay - Lucknow • I A, MAcK13N SIF, : sells, Farm, ' Fire .'. Accident and Fidelity 'Insurance. The leading :Canadian companies, including The London Mutual Also Real Ustate of every description , bought, sold or exchanged. Money 'loaned• on. real estate at lowest' -rates. --J. 4. MAD - 1 . ' ' NEW TON & "C• DEN.TIST,.,• Oiflce:•-Asia• Block, Lucknow. GIS • Ali modern methods used; `great material .' furnished. Crown and bridge, work.. Painless extracting by the use of • thehtest, simplest and safest remedy, " `. SoM>Nol:oRM,.':Newe'st' .thing iu•artifcial -teeth. =Aluminium- plates non -breakable: JOHN 'SUTHERLAND INSURANCE FIRE-81—MARINE- GUELPH' ONT Geo.'=ASidd'all Reid Estate and Money Lder LU.CKNOW ONT. • Money to .loan ' on . 'first . and mortgages on: farm property, and oil single and joint notes. Sale notes also =shed. Fire insurance in allits branch OkNicn-HouRs:-' 10 a.m, to -4 p;m..-- • SOCIrTIES I.UCKNOW T.oD'on, Independent_:_'Order • of Poreaters meets_,?''? the Oddfellowa', Hall on the last Tuesday. of,each month at: 7.30 o'clock, Visitingbre- three are . corially invited to attend.. WJ�Itvigrt,,sL`.R HJ,)t,INDSAv,it:,5ecr..-. T.. R.'LAWRENe*,'Rec. Sec, OLD ;i IGHT', A. F. A, M. G. ,R C. meets every Thursday night' on or. before the., full moon,in the Masonic. Hall, Havelock- Street, Lucknow,. ARCIirn'AT,DI3ARBOUR '' A. B. MAclriOx W.M... SecY . LUCKNOW Canon No. 112: ;"meets "ev-. cry lrrkiay evening at s' o'clock in their hall,. Campbell St.- 'All brethren cordially invited. Noble Grand.—A. MCCAitRorr: ,Vice Grand --W. H. JOE1N$roN. Pin. Secry.•-b, PA-t*Rsorf.. Rec.,,Sec'.y.•--A. H. Bove Treasurer- ,A. Ross. " . C. 0; p'. COURT SHERWOOD No. 5b, • ruck'now, . meets every first Monday of, each month iii oddfgllowe' Hall; :Vibiting brethren' are cordially invited. lticCniixor t,,: