HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1911-01-26, Page 10. 7 , • . 181,110•17870,010 VI LUCICNO ontAmop THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1911 '$),11g1e CopieS 3 Vent.% TOT NOTICES •f• Veed COM* • ' A •fult OuPply for sale byp;,MIER,Irr Grain'Bealer, 4 9:ds, Bracelet LOSt A lady's geld, expenelon hradelet. with .• signet top engraved-. "H. ••••$, , Pinder will Please leave "-same at thie effice. • • .: Lost , Oh* the road between Lneknow and Paramount,; a horst blanhet., Einder. ldndly lettvert the Sentinel Office " , . $3.50000 Valltpd t five Mortgage; abholutelyesiefe vestment. leer particulars,apply to e.p. _ J, E. AGNew, leeekeew, , Estray Sheep :Wale the premisW-",the,;iiiirs:F: signed, Lot 9, on. 9, Asheeld, about '2• weeks ago, 1 s leep, zneirly black in color. Owner may have same by prov, ing property and ,paying expenses' in- cluding Or ad. . 26-1-p • • pains SAtmantren p ...House_ For Sale' • library-buildere-was,-,finelly=induced WIT.AND 'HUIVIOR J. W. fieneellelefiSfertels* •a Big Crowee-. A Wit,* Poet, There was a splendid* 'audience in the Parnegie Hall Thursday evening to greet Mr. J. W. Bengough, who, in his role as cartoonist and I'm:nigh) en- tertainer, well ifiaintained his great reputation- • It was A well -pleased audience too, and the Methodist League tinder whose auspice e the 'e4- tertainrnent vies 'givenMust /eel grate ified.at the results. ", • As i his custom- Kr. Beegehgle worked in among his•sketohes e. few haying local subjeete. -Those who thus appeared on the,. can'vas were Robert Graham, - Jovnt, Sock Adanis and Steel Muraoh,, Mr. Graham -Was reading one of his latest, -peetiertl-productionsllir,Joynt-was in an attitude' Of persuasion adare3s- log Mr. Andrew Carnegie; who Wore a much pleased and waned expres- sion of countenance. This sketch Ke. Beiegough explained might be taken to represent a scene in New -York City when the millionaire - - - Or to : rent ' A good,*Tcourfortable: -tObnike'litri donation to the Village: ot . flame dwelling close to Campbell street. Apply ta • , , OCO.A Siddall' Mi. Adieeneewhoie picture' .was very '. ..• _ reae46.:liferwasdubbede,..Took-o-Ate ,.. and Mr. Murdoch was "taking :in", 'a gaineo'.stanesand,saying .in - charact- eristic - phase that he onee plaYedhim: selte ••. --:' ' • . ° '-''' , • " ' . . •, . . * Intiedtawiee of Mr. Joyire '• and .. House For Sale ."Andrew", Mr. Bengeugh' displayed iiiejeja4 gerriue,-PeShal*the:-m-1484 ' .. . _ Or to relit. A e comfortable dwelling An anything else, that lie did during. ....; house, with stable. Apply to. : . t-f-cthe evening. , Mr.„,ernegie is. a , fain- . •D. 412...TA.Y4°R, LocknPw: tint figure with him; but he. saw MC. Joya,f„9.1..'„onl*,,a4ws-v :mem. nts..' ie—ii. a • , '----.104. ,,, , , tatelt =0 i 1 , till r : Btilleirrtchit,Ph et' ; , elee100;00--enf Private-funds,-,tn ,portrait net sketch of him,' yet his 1.0_418ilit.._ per cent per :Iiiiinue,:on "Opt: drawing ,would :he instantly ree,ogpieed • inertgegeesecitY.-e-APPlerto,e2- e6-1:11 --layeetiiii0filenO,wiligtthee'erigi-tial• . • . .. T, G. ro-dw,--Barriater-, • , . ;-, t.is-notoften,that-a,Z--iillage---and- . ' ' ''.• citilt7- couetryeaudiencee-hieteete he -Pie -614e •For Saler of meeting 'and' being enterteined by , 7- . . . ' • a person of such .:. raret. and -i 10 House for :Sale . • - A good. House and Jeeee Campbell St or particidars apply to -R. .stot , • • 261 p. 'LOCAL PlEVVS' NOTFS . - Mr. Ed. McLean: who"' Visited here' for a couple of weekhas returned to raYntien,Sask. ',. Mr, and'Mre. John' Henderson Of. .Franklin, Mae. are visiting friends in Asbfield. and Kialoss. Reevea:Mitchelli of Lucknew, and 31.0;• Donald Of Kiplees; are. in., Walkerton attending • County .Council . Mr. T. A. Gervie; of Saskatoon, Beak. who: was herete attend the mediae 'Of ssisteanirb has e.retrer. e. Mr. end:Mrsdenerain ofRiven Township entertMned. few. of their neighbors lest week, au Mpoetee very* • . . : pea Mr. R. 13, Melienzie, of ethe 12th Con Ashfield • was , yeSte rday' • united in marriage to a Cliutort lady: Fun: ther details aro not to band, Dr J3rown, Ee, E, Nose and ...Throat; Will be at, thee -Cain House, Lueknow on Feb. 1st: Hours .7 a.M. to • lep.m. Eyes tested and glasses supplied. Leirr.-on Catorbeil St. Lueknow, during Christmas week a jet neck- lace, finder,pleese leave at .this- office „or,delivee to Hug b McCrestie's • near Belfast. • , • • Mutdie ' -& Sutherland. , hale& flee' • Care chestniitcoal on the way, • ,Which • they eXpectteearrixe-by---t-he---ea---of- This vieek.-•• They will -then e be - in a positiari, to Meet all depearidee - • The Weaken's" Thetitifte- At "Home will he heldeiriethe. Connell eheintele of the new town hall on Friday even- ing *Jon. 27th: The members. and •• OBITUARY 10E4 1e0gicr NoWBRAY AOlcuLTORAL SOCIETY amieeeeseetiege-jele Directors Re-elect. . ,a1.-Affati in geed shape The' Pinknow Agrieultural' Soeipty held its 45tli A.nries1 Afeeting Council Chamber of the Town here' on Friday last. President, W. A. Wilson occupied the 'chair, a,nd in, the course of his reeearke, •stated ;that -the .meeting was One of, the besteetteeded recent yeers. • - • • ., • Afr.'Wilson was..:reeleeted...:Predidente J MeDiarreid, let Vice-Pre*e.; arid:. A, McKay,' 2'4V -ice -Pres. of "the Sooiete; ,and the mernhete showed thebeeeppreer- LOtHALS11 . , Cm,arect.,4-:-MeDeriALD ., . . ,_:, The premetnt'e and unexpected death, The eome of Mrs. Finlay McDonald of MM. Mowbray, recently, at her tether's, ochalsh, Was the scene of e very pretty reeldence on the4thconceesien of Kit.e• wedding on Wednesday eveiai9g; Jen, loss, east a .gloom. over a wide circle 180, when her eldest daughter, Isabel, of friends and, acquaintances, • Her was United -in the holy bonds of „Matti:. maiden name was. Effie, the eldest IngoaiyniittoopA,te, John, Iliadle).? CamPbell_, a. ..dalightei, of 'Mr. Duncan lVfecintyre, mud Was merried to, Mr. Robert Mew-, .. , Miss Sadie Harris. Played Mendel -4o bray 9f Mitchell, now of, Toronto, 'six esohn's wedding inarelr0 the sounds of years ago.,- Naturally of a quiet and whic.liz th'e bridtd party Marehed down 'Amiable diape4itiont. her intimate friends. Stairs and Into the sliaciOus ' . parlor, .e1Wiere dalled.hef good girl: She was . where a heentifal arch . els evergreens -iio less a tfOrthy :Partner to her suteiv7 'hod been 'prepared, ,..: The bride P,cerhe in 'jag leashand, whinerens hie• loss. At :leaning on the•arm. Of her: brother, • Mr, . tt. eoMParativele earlYageneshe.rheeathe a atton 'of the work ,dene byethe direeters T. MeDona,ld„.whe gave her away, theulicher. ' iSnhetnwitas' °Ijeeninitin4Oentedi°4 Ivirgilh :tth4ee' •fliF lanie%beYr'yr'r'Qettarq.1411•44b.ethbetaint!.11. ig'TgeOttfist'cie:'. ----tre' .11.1,-,6.fieg•611114ird3TY"oti)nrofeliktislt hilt ttha South .Kinloss Congregation - until .she: tuted as follows:t-A; :Nicholson,. H. epreeence of about, one hundred and left for her •,:ireW horn% . '..118 43tich she •Mathers, Kinloss; W. Hunter, James twenty neighbors and friends. Muse , born 11,.. becoming -Christian" dliaraoter,- Lane, Ashficld; W. MeQuillie, W. ,'S: Belle McKenzie of Grandee'. Alberta, .and -perseeeeed faithfulli to the end. McCrostie, NV, WawanesheW.:W. Smith, acted ae bridesineid, while Mr. Croot of Although-herphy,sicalestrength,seemede --These-Meeree:--Hur, ereree ---:Snkl rithr --ainiltenrsupriortecl-the-groonti---MiSS on the decline .ferethe last• two.. years, Luckhow: • ' ' - . : e- - • , Selena McDonald, niece of tlii heicle, her friends had not neticipatedthat the 54 MACTigtq. direetbaare: D. McKie -hole acted rie Bowe". gie1.1'-lliss'',Tiower ' me - end was so lie*. . • • -, ...,• e, ...Ed..leirviS,_ Kinloss; J. Alton,' 'Me J. „Dopald of.Brushstreetereceivede at the ' :She came from Toronto ' to spend ...McKee, AshfieleleK. CeMeren, G. Greer;. ;dear, and was dressed in black silk. Xmas pleasantly it home.in bright hopes We Wawanosh; A. Thompson, allobere- , The bride looked Most charniieg in n ofe•etureing in a few weeks to °muff a -son, Hume; ee U. MindoCh, j,...'LYopete.:cestume•ef :'white • Duchess Satin, :and new house in the City. However, the Lucknow, ".......• . .. , ' ..., a„.thlle veil with orange blossoms- •.: She Mater eingendehe had, .. _ • The tteasueees• aatnient showed a • carried a shower bouquet ef, _white roses. as the fieends . hope, )vell prepared to balance 9t„:§40. On hanslj ilot So large ,The' bridesmaid, ' whocarried: a 4ovely., _retell" to Occupy "the hause. apPelietecl a sure as soiree' previeue statinentishowe bouquet eat carnations, were .:o: Mauve For all living." . , . •••. .: . ed, a.fact accounted .for by expenditures silk dress with creain evexilekee • . • , eay3 ..siegular coincidence e She was die. ''''") • in hill)reyeeing. the 1.?;;Aqc amt ',build- ,,e6earittinThegreielefia.friegnifetektoia'eteheebtridwej:thev_iii4 a evetedto eeme to • t old 'h.' -ter -ir'se" ' - - - --- " - ' breathe her. last ieethe presence•••ofeeher: .The eecretary read le ,eone4eieatiene ..4i9ird-i;•'-toetlie-eleridesenaicle-an......ehereeier afFeCtionatelareats to ,whom..the....matia-,. _ lietibn of being preserie at her. death" -might have keen denied if had died in the. city. ' • • : • • - ..• 'The last 'stage of !her Hitless was .from. the egereterryaif theeeketereo toilet...set; brush, comb, mirror; and eli-IseeitlionexPlaiiiineapeopeeed scheme to Sieeeellareis, a' • napkin ' ring, fee -en -swine,: societiesagainstloss on Heeds sang a Soto . While accenuit Of bad Weather on the. fAl,fer .t ho register. was 'being •signed,„. after day. The, meeting_vatediiirtavor of Which, the wedding party betook teeM.4 • . . . • . the schereeeroe:-eillenitted. Tide leen: seivbe to the dining.reein, wheresesurepe, families-areeeOreliallv---invitedeeter-ebe epneuthemae--e-All-that-etheeskill--of her phyeeciao eorild apply; togettimekettee , • - • • ,, - , ....• „eeevae'rereatle-ei0eieed ip'The--Sehtinele tueus .ret -awaited them. • - -• ' . . . :attendare,mota.,_ 'trained, ' me, . was .doeb, A vete on the advieabilif"e ofentering , Alter slipper, the' tables were, •cleared it4eIt is reqeepted thateall members, ot • era arid everything. made . ready .for a ,,.ernirt.sherwoo4.5,ortv,rdei ,.._1:trycy--ithe e&venr,L1..i.)flhhge kilt lquiinitlyt. ,A71T.gielpe , _the Sfiendirig GrainCemPetitioe result- C favombly, so Vliat the;sotietY will he .iiiglit's merriment. loinCh ,waa, eerier” .- - ,about twe o'clock, afte _Which:everyiene of ForeSterS:meet in their Court Room. reapeaeiewhieivai.te4r624e AL t 6 cern etition fo 191.1•-• •• . w n ...H1I0-7.`g i . analog , WI. reeiewe.4;._ _r - - A ineetine of the'dirbetops.,, wee .helee. .. jvniredaidridilhMt untie 8:15, in the ;morn- iiiitnediatel; after :the. annual ./ilcon,ig.: ,When.'0, G Lecke wirseeeeeeepeinted kee-. : P tread-their.laSt measure ;tetary„ and 1),...N. Lawienee, was re-ap:., • . graceful Scotch , dancers Theebeideeeirevellieg „Costume was -ea eeeetetretreeserer, president 1., lso bleeetellored Sul .atieTe blue beaver hat alla' Art': W.:*M6Cr6strerfi'-0,9 aPP, °,,i1?1;.- -t;o:-Inatch Tiviiifa.loyely set of Mink. furs. ..• • -- , ed•represenratives to the Prevenceie ,e air • 7 The bride, who is one.of Aeheeld's most 'highly eateemed young. ladies, received :nerterees costly and useful 'presents, • - -which, themselves ;testified to her-i-pOpu. pair light sleighs, nearly new, corn- plete with platform; 1 'speeding cart With eraaaa Mr' 11:16141:1'" steel tires, 1 Rotary Setting' Machine; a a capital 'humorist bo• is , neeer' splendid machine with a • 71year guar- does not need- to resort. -to-coarseness-in-order--te-he-entertain. mg. lirs Int and humor areoeiginale The recitations he gave are ,of his Oen' cornpesieion, for,besides being a cartoonist and entertainer Mr. Ben.- gough is a poet of -• no Mean (A voluine of hieee,Verses Grave and Gay', is to be found in our Own library) Not that only, but he is a scholler and a man of culture. Even, such - subjects as political eeonoin3;' apd. the --antee.---A snap for buyers.---Apply...to_____ .26 1 p; T. Webster, -iRoss St., loicknow. Farm for Sale , -7-±North lialf14ots 33 and 34, end-f.ot-'24;: 2, Kinloss !fp-. containing 200 acres of 'Choice land, first-class ;barn and dwel- ling, well watered and fenced.;--e--eeerilleb sod:reasonably. ' Apply to - Dan 24cIntosh, ,Langside„. P. 0. „.c •-:-----4IVrafelF10-.40an -- , . . Private and Compaq, funds at the lowest Possible ratee. . GEO. A. Sinnerx,... ' ,Lucknow. -6-11-C. .. • -.Furs-Wanted- All:kifids. Highest cash pr -ices i at the tannery: _ • am Robertson Lnektipaa. SpwltIg-Dcnr•- -11t, A lady in 1,--11----4(plain preferred)r Mira w-itt open to do all jarasta'ortessidevdencegs' Or at bele Pearce 01 t'venee.° Partic.ulars at -•,,.the Sc,nt • -- House to Rent `A. good cOmfortable dwelling handy to Caippbell St. • Apply at this office. Lumber. For. Sale • . Ilendoth luMber„ joist and barn tim- ber. For special sizes. order _early, so 'that I can got thV) logs: cut.to necessary' sizes in the bush. Joint Bueeme,Lucknow. Farm, For Sale South half lot 40-41-42e don. 1 containing 200 acres, first class barn and dwelling, artesian well. Will be field reasonably. Apply to , eAe A. Purvis; Lucknow P. 0. 13 1,11 -Pd. . . „ __,: • Logs Wanted liv.e hundred thou'sana feet' of loge, , is follows:,--flard'and.soft Maple; Birch; Basswood; Ash; gock:-.ittin; . soft Elm; . + Hen:dock; and'a limited quantity of good /100eb; for which, ,I. Will pay :highest ' Market pieces. .Special prices for . large ' • Soft Elm COM..11''St0,8k, Ca , ant), office • 1• ,et the FitiiittnielactOrtrinleget particu-4, '.'. 14rs before cutting logs. • John"' Button, , .---eeiiewe1 , --4-ce. ........lick..- .:, .. ; Teridersee--,•••• . . Applicatloitswill be received 'by the ntidersigned-ini•to 12o!slock neon ' Of• . the 7tIrdaY of February, ' 1911, for: the • following; Village -Otfioro for the year 1911,,vfzi„ Clerk -and Treintuter, salary S200.00; Asitaitoi salary $50.00; °Alec- er, Betsey. $75.00; Constable, salary . ...$100.00;• Engineer leratertveikie salary $460A and a free house. ., • .. . • Also tenders will be received ' for 4. , . . foot'Oreen or Dry Wood, and tendere-for .q#4,000.141,0„... , : PerSons ,taiideifiit -sirele-qiies ,:to Sate quantity :And quality of Weed in- . tended. to be seppliede also price, per tad. Wood to he delivered • at water», worka:ungitit Hetet or Town Hall. . t 2 0, • - 1. IC •40trroti, tlerlt.: , . „ • .CHURCH ANNUAL ME-011p4I * Large Allegiance -Smears* Raport,00: A Serial Soar, , Ith;TtioanktaQuawrpeoresngr.bgtennacleurei4eeting'iiet on Wednesday evening of _lastweek hwisaat:rn;O7ftl4theein4slatistnt. gotin7fTlerein was a.Very- large attendance and the reports' fwrrrktshheowvedarrarkdeedPPd'rretginreEgt"thai of tbekon: the line; •Tbe finances are in good ton- -• dition, contributions to both the ;•home , work and miseieuis showingnn increase over the previeu, s year. These'. Meets. s: • • . will in •the near future, be _ptiblislied in the Annual Report: ' Following the business meeting was a , reception to the minister, lies!. Mr. Duncan, and his wife, who but recently . had arrived homefrom their wedding , trip,. The reception was held, in the ' Ohurch basenient and- -was a) very pleas - ant feature Of the evening; lefreshiaents being served, and all members' and ad, • herents of the -having an oPpor.: "unity to Meet Mrs.:Duadan: . • e- Gieoce . or the inonth -of January vie,w1.11 offer . - 'sonic 'snaps in China „ - in order to clear; out. on Monday -30th tristr.-7-a-V`WrdloCki,akai'--T as ,bnaitiess. of iinportances will te'' in- troduced consideration.& -Graham „ ' • . , ..„„ • . etirkeikelitne-,eeeetiry-oleleeres-.)-. edent Kinlose Townshipe' who lived a shore distance nortleOf the 'leiteknoW 3 R: steam'died, last .:Friday ,morning, at 'the 1,46 of 82, :The :fun- eral took place on Saturdayeafeernoon to the Kinloss Cerieetety: . Peeniar ree*e. Tof Paisley .Wat8 the eucceeefele Cand date for Wardenship of Bruce: He ad two oppotia,nts:..J. Se Hunter of -Kine dine, and '..pobson. Southampton. T vete steed,: Sehunieker, -20; Hatter;_ and • , seyeneyecOlenrin ,weekly paperenakleg teapecialty-ef all waiters ofeeifeiriessearidesOcisleititeeerstetneelliee farmer and his family. The Sun's, mar- ket 'reports atn'aclinitteelly the. best . ,and_inost accurate published. • •.3.t, has no e,qual in the field. , , . . Murdoch, a ,forther _ resid- ent oneielitiove nowofZealandSaske as ,renewing ,aceptaintances in town- sincerSaturdae last, and ' idmitally doing a little business. He:bee Open, ed a temporary :office, two doors Weet. •',9f The•Seetinel and is offering "ieeinee ements--nr-western---rea-lestiete.-Wee • would direct :attention to his . big an- neuncenient on page eighe of -tide • -sciencee-ofe egoiernment have -their- - attractions for hiin. .He is a devout follower of Hairy George in his tax - reform theories, and ' in matters , of government is a progressive democrat. "TATZ-441[Cirs.nroson. 'The following eccountof ' recent esoeial-nvente-ate-eFlesheribeff-ii elThe Advance" of that eA very pretty, Wedding took % place at the henraof -Mr. and- .Mrs. eieL'. K. Richardson on Wedneschei afternoone Of last week, .When , their eyoungest 'd.ituebtee' was united; in wedlock to Mr.. Frank' Tate :of Lueknow. • . The :bride was dredeed in a fine soft beery !ratio, trimmed with..:pe.„.F1 an crystal Iffinmiiig,. and Wedding eel: She; .carried a beantifirl teipret, ' of -•oream.etosese links of -the .and - Maidenhair fern. The. bridesmaid,' Miss-CarriMe-Frost-ot-Oeven-• Sound, was dressed in pale bluefeerepe-de-chine and \ flower, igirlelittle Helen Wel:niters' looked : ex- eeedingly . a • white lingerie dress with :pink:ribbons. : Mr. Charles Richerdson cousin of the bride,. acted. as groomsman. The offieiating clergy, - ;thaw was Rev. Crawford Tate of St 'Cathetinee, &edited'. by e ReV'e*. Mr. Wellivoo'd. The dejeimer was served in the dining temp With blinds • down and lighted, by ,pink shaded candles' in braes candlestieles on small tibles. The decorations were and pinh carnations. °. Among ,the purnetees, beautiful. gifts was a lovely jardiniere. and pedestal, presented by..the young people iar the village, with, e helf dozen sterling. silver coffee spoons arid an Oil .painting of the bride, by her eifitteZ".2110.egtehliVe" gift to tic bride was eunbtrrst',.,te „ the .hridesitaid a pearl crescent • to • the flower girl a gold ring,, and to the eroomenian scarf pin: ' • -e. Among the guests from a .-distance Were Mr's. Jeilthgate of Seaforth, Mrs. Tate, Mr. Simpson and Mt Tate fronl grand .Valley; Dr. and • Mrs. Webstet; Dr. Richardson and George • Richardson of Toronto; Hon. , Lucas and Mrs. Lucas and So0; played' by Mrs. •Illiatburn.. he bride and!groora jeft on the afternoon train for Torontoamid the -wen WiSile3 of e host of /donde; .Tlity will reside In Ltlekre ' Kidough sympathy veitliThe heietieedwere4Own by the frinerel „procession, • half a mile: long.„,4one.e_het_e•4 cemeteeleheeleereeeedeperents -are- eetieled to deep sYmpathyTi-ntIng--.Wthe lose: of two • excellent .daughters, Mrs. Keith Mee Mowbrey. ineless there than. three:•yearee-Contrilmted. • • Westford:,. , . ..e. i'Quito atiinb,ey. froni. here .attended the ball at •Kihiorighee last Priday • .., . , evening and alt repert a good- time. • -Seralkerton th's . 1-- °it "-d,-- thtr .in Hamilten 'wherel/Ir Campbell is , in 1 ' Ive '''' a " lag leurnie-'-sse ,-Tlidie Many friends here- and. .• - Mise Kate ' end 'me.: wile le ei 'County ijOuncil Mectin4 • • '- -• - ...spent...Thitriday evening -withe 1Mte and - e, _Mrs_ Bert. Reid hs Ieecee on the sick i;_p A 4.,.-.: elsewhere, unite in wishing then'. long , MM. Peter' Linehan , . ,.. • • - • ' ' list. for -the iniproyinC..--- and '''''.4-4Pi"s.C. - - - , -°--. ,Sitra. Peter Murray and- • ker • sister . Mee. Gee. Irwin eetertainecl A few. Of te: Joe. PuevierierdeleAlphonse '-"theteiglibere Ope-hightelereereereeek,7 and I t Thursda -----• - ' - 4 niesterieoyable evenitee*aespent.. :7 , . ereayevisitedefriends.:_ate:lielYrood; e-Mer-fliirry. feroien• Of Rieersded.0 visited his uncle :INV:. Thomas,: Brown one, day lust Week. ' Mr:. and Mrs. .George ..Bennerman _ _ , , , elessearationewliieh is to 'meet iii Toronto . . . on February 8th. . . • ' Seotid,..C.on. . Mr. Dan. McDonald, 'bur Reeve isein After a•- brief honeynioon Mr. and Mrs. Cainpbell will take upe residence, setiooirmiseiPALENtiaagir-,:'-- t,•-.i,-4,f.rr.W:irCla.-1-,rwitt•-ha.s:lieesn-',.bits-y..'attend . , . . S...W.iii,.t.e7, ,o__:,..,:_f--,St_,...__. Th..omas, to ..Ta.ke. .hir, . .., ing parties for the:past week; ..'. , • ; . MiSs . Kate ,Nacholeen of: reicknoee Was visiting on the: line lest Friday,' . • ,. . . . The •leeel• SChool Board have' . just - tWerse. Piiii.-7-',A*------ . , - - - ..--.. ..• . -.come7through.a.k.usy and .aManus week; Of. near Riveradale Snedayed: et ' MM., Thursday evening at the horpe of Mr: bait is noWea satisfied.liOdee'having 'Cheise Hetheiinetin'i •• • . • • ...._• e-ee•-e SaniMeGeir&s-arideelleerepert-eaeemoefe inadrArrangeiienta to". -have the school e Quite n. number frcimbere attended „daloYable, time ., 1 .4 • .. • ,,e -i-. work carried;eTTvillierietestrimis•"eliner-, Mr.Peorge.:HodgM's..stile on Tuesday.. .... Mr. Laughlin McKinnon thirike there reetien. , 'AA adyeetisereeet for .a prin- . Mr. and Mrs.. D. Murray and : mr,. .is iiei place like the Second and is spend- e 4011110,4. ebroolutghlieta,..poi)niliyea,. Hiscox. visitednt . Mr. john. 'Pirrvia's, „hit hie 'tb.ne. rigm witil his'•eld ' Aeigh; nIwts!c•eautl,Pne:tt•eirms'-'. ' : • . . . :: :. , , .e. inence Until Areil., • The other Was from PurvisMred9 6 : „ C le ad Y.- 116i ee -De- :iv e n •L on sg e p 1 " b 'S 11. e ' ' ' . Aolvily_rroolt.*:___Iast . Murray .Siaidayed Lt Chita:: Tlidnip- son's- Teemirtitet. ' ' - .. ..- , . - Of the young people- t --pent. -last --'-Oheer-up4-boyseand-girieetheeepdttier are.only'st_ arting for the winter season. cConid oisleeeipaieabieSesptactfo,iruend6indt. cnee and daefitevr. ' that an "agreeMent, was filially made HOLD VOtilt1)RCH-ARD$ . . „ with hine,at-a- salify off kl;259 peryeat. Mr. White eomee'Inglily reeennrnended; . OWE THEM AWAY but u feetunately • cannot take charge untir. . Alvin Reevie is hennefieeni Stedit •St •• •• • •e• • ' _ ___ . ,Marie.' • . • ' • . •• ' ' ' . ' '' ;)1. . " leaiie" "1-5-- . . . . t8u.be.prpvx ed ,for. . This. difficulty, a . ieend of thiementhelrebrua : , , . . . . i .. . • ..• 174ualtnowi. Ont. Jan. ...• st, 1911. • J., H. . Cliaprima *is in Toronto' a few ' • ie 'tor 43, 00 Sentlnel4 ;- is :...--_,--,i.___•_,, fiik" obard eXpects to-oyercoriie: by eeeme Tiede** er-vieitecl_Ateelr.e.S.uth apnea._ on Supcieeee - . e• . ' • .. '..: • .e . . , . ;MA and Mrs,. Wire"' Mellough.e.oe eielien.ofelies...astewe.ek'',..eitet_e the Dree'Biiiiiiiid, 7. -",ea. rTS. jAr,''7-7*-7";•1_•__ '''.,' i•!' t '''':"•,, • ' .., . . 7. ,`'.filtortlileo.7Z,d,bs,;61yf,:titt;:"I.,,:_gego,a1- rw---t.6. il..,,, ._.__.,..,..__,7,..„_;.,..a.,_,,... ., , . wurpeuy nee. owe tootrentehel, ee ee. • The •• Canadian Ceder Ch 'F''. ' d' , , ,. , osew nen s• • 7VitIFfia4.-6-titdraIri.h-irblif.iif Teronto. cull ire..ut derivayto 'this' end; With, pros-" .. • . . -.. , . ra ha . cane • for the purpose Of leasing' up. peete of eucceese ' - . stili progressing initiated fere new - Miss Stanley of Kinloss •..erad• .Mr: . .-chdatee•laet-Freclayeeverneg, e . ...• , available cominereial' Apple Oreher de . :. ,• _., , • ..... ,..,. e ee.e. D:-"Hiiiiiiith-Of-SailtCifigitida".174t7..Mr.., 4.-0.0ntatifoloric•-•trOni-birli!Oni4seVen.itci' .-7447.--r-----:.----'''''''';-.'"'''"*: -' - • Tifik 'Riebert MeCoiniell'e last eweele. . -• ' 04 liockey tcainvisitedSoUthamptOn . • . • , kr.; . It,. .F., 'Ilodgkinion• visited thieeeneleterplare; friendly-egieei-e--efor tea years,..: . '' .. : It will bewell -Our fariners ` arid . - . the BoWirian Tre.p4t, (Particulars un- ., . .• , friends :at Aeniovv Hist week.lir. - . . . , .apPle, reweralo., be. rttheir4:- -guard : .. .Aftetqlfe:-.thaw.--Ive-...--iire--Aritving a ' lir& 4saac-Pinnell:of-our-burg-bas- kne. we .3e' 4°7' ' ' ... . Jelin Harresand Shire. Bowers went -76e- ore 'berterine• away for 'ti ' noiiiiiiir ''' 'treat of. good -road -S.°. . • ... , • been tinder the:weather for ithe . past - -- 'Miss' Bes.sieeleariehyeeieleedelte- Nee ' ' to TO ei " i - k t ' ' ' • d 11 ' ' " leraile holdirieee'-iii: -the- . . , r lite o t -o, urday an wi.. Join Sinn'their. vit fen. days suftrieg:StOril an attack . of . • .... . .. ., remount a feW .elaya.leet.Weelre.....• • ' '• . ' the lieckey.teani at South eto . ehepe, of 0,0plettreeS.• _ ' • -,:... - • .' Lagrippe • We hop ' f • If ''' ' . glee . johheorie 'out echo.ol teacher , „ . . " .: . e or er speedy ......, .... •. ' . P'm n' . reoevery, , • ' • • ' ' • tjAnes this • Week • • - •• ' ..,. • the.far•in than a• few ,acves of aPple ' Theieele no more valiabicias'set, ',on: Nis. A..M. Treleeven is 'visiting it 'spent Sandayeet home.: `• Mt, 'Mrs. and Miss' Pinnell f Gt A lublic Telephene.Meeting 'will he. trees:Lof ,the standard varieties And i° all • . Nr., un %4n held a •yeey success •visited friends in our, but .1 't • .. - .. weekeTd in the cw Towns ip.Half oti • eb, Iliet.iien(ededie-:fli$11- 'leirted-.'eatif•Me --"fari•dlid'rbee-on -;T•I‘iii-e-arday,Tast analii. , ‘, . : • • . , .. .. • • „ fith, (Wednesday). at_.....e 0clOck p. in- taken. of -the-trees in-, ordei.• to ;return , the.everring treated: the :Wood eutteiS The. Sp UI ow .. hu iit reported' last week, teas concluded on „Wednetday , : 1 pee,ton,fer.to.havea telephone . Systeln 0, hansome,:.profit... . ',• . . ,. : ' : : , te:: &dance asAisted.' Very Jiandso„melt. tub:. , , -411. report ----. • ,forthe- ptirpoSe of considering. the pro-. evening. M • Mark- Johnston proved -estriblished.' in the, TOwnship- of - Ituron. , It is tiii?, iiitiintion'of ft 'lumber, of . liy, the Remb itrv ,-.0- to be 'the 'creptain'of the successful kr •, Geo:•Finiseon, a...Es .1.;. C4'. M, of 'Part). .' The losiiig •sicle.' .was • hea,cled .., thel...0. 0.-F: Glammie W4 killed ,in ' by Mrejohn Meyarlaire and to/ pro ve. it.grayei leie At • Glattiliii8 On sitttitday, that there ate worse things.' than de. last end sem° of the member's. • of •.N..o.. feat the loeutereentettiiiterd,theevietore • e7 ItiPley.' attended :•elie. funeral -eie and".invited :frienii,s et' at ' assembly Tueedee„ eilth hist. . .. • , - ,• .The Epworth League was.. 1)ostpotiec,1 this.'weelcon accomit of the services before stock taking, reb: rst.. tart..-theeW :Year right..by ..buying at The Hub. • PHONE 26. --- We repeir , Watches, Checker- ande4ewe1erref all kinds. " . • We do . itright, tam Make things- afegcodas new anereometimeibetter: We guarantee every ar- tiele we repair.. Oar mot- - to is to please. ' • 1 rm,4094,00111,dre . . -• . • . . gehtiemen who:are intciristecl in the splendid thee ,* • ,prodeetion . of good' friiit,. tO hold a, Mr. ..loriald :Campbell of LuckneW number of niCetingi.• this syinter, the: paid aviiit to our ' purgh. one meetings to. beeiddeeseed 8181). who day last wt. -a. • : • are tl,i0MI.Otigf)iy,•:ep: ifl1 apple • raisiug.•• Zesasljars, And Afaggy Rivett for pi•otie e.21,t these / inOttiings the wok, the .gueats of AESS.Ataty Swap Meteor, (if forming,...ksSocititions Will be: a fow. ;lays JAst week: - • dismissed. . It is a clehaterible question '1Vedding' • are ringing' nearer. •Knox.. -Church waineet rie.ktr•--week- Icl$1,)e8t191.*-04A _grower ..19 in tnn.kon cf social ovdiiitig at the .aet individnully er fer• a, •netriber Of' home of 'Miss Ethel -letight„The., SIttmaw,,.k4 itt„thvitite_d:in oui Leave' from- :010briiill'alio• he - there fort141; 00r*itp.ted. Fruit - to provide the prog1arrune:„.7.: "t.e, fIIIII 1,1,4t;Ni:ciyieir.hassinfputhrr.cli_iti‘steid: Sin th intends gong 'West in the 'spring, . -Quito ri number from around her in the ,(:,-ro‘Wing, of grain heee or took in the Bengough concert andere- beOf I ve'nturethe ;• opinion that .port a gixel time' e • if they flo this that in a your or tivii" .• Mr. B. -Be Henderson intends leave. no• man could(mine, along and' fora ing for the west on Friday.. , ' sn:in t."16". :far -in" t() s :\L't1;',1 Irt,g eN 11\77 IL LI: ill1;11:YW i(t)f t1:611% t7. 1'7 It 1 Pie Mt 17,1, 1,,"71.111,1!,[70.3• (It farm • * • •'•;Mr. Sant :(Clrk intends creeting a hig fbaiii ilo coining spring and • M r. • -. Yoiti:s Otte. Interested in 'the Itaieleg T. -E, Henderson has. been Awarded' the contraeia ' • • held in the Orange Hall' oh Friday eyehinee Invited guests were present, from WeStforde-Holdrood,and -Purple Greve. ..A.•'Enost, enjoyable time was spent in. daficing until. the ' wee 8811e hours of the morning -Where, all return:. ed to their .hornes well pleased with the night's ente'rtainment, . DID : Frieraieee•tn LuCknow, Ont.. on dap. 13; 1911, Cetherine M a rg uotite, • Ales. R. E. Finlay, aged 6 months ' and 1,days, Kinloss, Ont-, Je,neary 201 1911, Charles Milne*aged - „partm • Wnoli,-the Evangelist is hold: thilig'IA. fig UP dm °"ch•t1118,11't Ing,ievival services m Knox' Church g.rowert4 tAlge-•file 81111e ttlt:t11f.in. thai , this week being the third and „ last. defeirtinctit bf fw arm (irk athy • ov do These are the meetings of the :greatest revival ever held in this, town arid • are showing great results which Will greatly. Multiply as time goes Om Mr. Weeds" is very mud': appreciated in all his 'work he Tlarge ,congregations which gather everynight you& ior this. • Last Mon - taw night the rernarks et the other rein - ...um, Mr. McLean, Mr.\Riters arid Mr. retArter Wgre Veti powerfnl,„. , ; .tantor, PAO, . : Opticians and Jewelers seeekeeaeleeee • en elsoll nitzsleilfs Stom Reduce rices . • For quick 'clearing we offer- , Tiger Bra id:XI/tool:and Fleece.; Lined Underwear; Sweaters and Sweater -Coats for 'men and boys at .reducepl Wrapperette 36 inchos wide: at per yard to cents; - ---1-lev.y-Weigh.t, Li noleu rn--pe r Yard:431. If four are intending. to buy,. 4, suit -for yourself Oryour boy ' it Will pay you to o),canline our 'stock first, MOildelsoo: St •Alitzstei0.: Ili1itstyfarket Prie.:\sTO*rItIV kinds, tt, • Raw rum