HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1911-01-19, Page 3-tt Th'e Only G61)111110 r as. Th14 8,ig114t4rit01 Vibe , • a re _ 7'4 .172;17,- uctd,i,Ck Eays t sutaption Is .Steadi.] , . desplitariSrMIWTar-' r or says game very 'eneetiraging facts, were • id befere 1. the •Westhtti. Dairy, men 'S Convention,* held here last 'Week, by Mr.:J.', O. Dairy. Commissioner, in regard?' to: the _dial:0.°k for the :industry. • For4he cur del-ryoxpotts are estimated at only $25,250,000, Its eo,niparecl With $31,667;661 in 1903: 'Meantime, ' the •consuM,ption believed -to .1-iave ii.creaSecl,by ; that. the. production_ for. , the year. 'about endingLwill ree,11,y, be $8,582,439 greacer„than 1903; • ; For . the year eliding' with March „next the prixludtion seemstohave ineresied-niore:rapidly than in the year immediately ;.preteding, .0ause, While the -borne constmiptipn ;is • still growing, our .exports of -";dairy products.6r the current fiscal :will ' $2„90.0;00T) ahead of - thew Of "114M, Forinear : tiii th closmg the partial opening ef 7the .A.M.driean',:iiid-fliet- to- -Onr.--dairy„, -pro6ticts....is.largely.,responsible.• In the, ni„Onth_of_Augnst, •1909-; as. t of„ the reduction. of the United, States ''-duty pn ,gremit from zvo cents Oer r•Oaaci to,five cents, per gallon:, we. exported 1,050,, gallons rerelini,t,o., the, American:Market: the'sarne yearthis . increased -to 70,000 gallons. , For Octoter''hist•the iniOunt • was e lioma Increasing. 2.7.44X;tir 41, ,T!1=-01111,1)4.EX-14KJX,IIII,t- ,i'VOIT'Zett .AlOnd it( Palle1411.49,4110 -b Wini'peg A.;tleePhteh from YVitartipyg saYs !Three citildrenk. aged 4 yeara, Year' #2414 one month, Wore . to death in fire .which destroyed ,the. residence' 0;4 .Gaii°1141 13,441:03‘. :Thitsoluk, iti the' lijniwOod Tlittreday • afternoon:: the had left •the hewie,shortly -ter 1 d!elocki to go, to' the stpre,.'PrieeS of Cattle, Grata, , "Cheese -leaving the two. youngest children - asleep their cot. When She r 4 Cm4 Pradlla° at *Awn.° RULING PRICES Of ROPITTS 4E12- • • YOilYt TRE LEADINO E CENTRES OF ----4';`'frir--"'"-ter-b--' -irtkilt& 064 ga ns As e Aeve value .of expats ;ef dairY• Pro- ducts to the 'United States .for :the. year ending March next will bo. $3,000,000 as againat less ;than quarter "Of .a. the.'year be- fore, end Practically- nothing prior to:the-cliangelin_the.A.merican duty. The..total:value Of the milk produc- thin of Canaclailvai; prieed at $100;- 000,6a,o, and,it was said that an ad- dn of...,000.,lbs, of railk 'per cow to .the production,. seine - thing $10,000;00,0 to this., : _-. The predietion inide. that meeh 'Mere than this Will' be clone; that in .a feiv. years"a., Jailer Pro -- portion: of the two Million odd Cowa. in -the Doininion be made • increase their milk flo* by fifty -per cent: -Even. with this inereese,• Mr. 'Illiddick• contended, tlierikneed be no fear .of oVer-prediietion.If prtidnetion terneitrika-statiallaTY-; he.-hoi--fi'W7r-kiar "d expattSi2n • continnes at the present rate,. will dairy industry' ten years hence.. In • addition to*this, there is the A:M.,•, erican, "market,. Although the United States -is the.. largest prci-- deeer dairy lines in the . World, that country imported nearly. -$7,1.: 000,000 . worth'. of:butter-and. cheese in "the calendar year of 4909, and will imNid larger- quantities:in fu tures aiA turned, she . .found the, house in, • and Abroad. - , to gain access to the children, but _ 4.BREADSTUFFS. the Aerderiess Of the gamea beat ...:,Toroutp, San. her away. The fire brigade was ter wheat 9.0, per cent. patents,. siimmoned and seen had the Are. $3,60 at seabord. Manitoba...flours under control, hut on entering the -First patente, $0,40; second pat - ruins, the badly charred ,hodie•s„ of 'eats, $4.90,• and strong' bakers, the children were faind: • $4.70% Qn traelcz , Toronto. thanes and made frenzied, efforts nem tee' ri Canada's faltorit6' iYea. st over'a quar;er 'a '.century. Enoug4 for 5 t,t) to*procitice Pck large loaveo of fine; wholesome, nOur. ishing',..beime-ma'ae bread. ricio not experiment:-tbere liothhig if.164,Kas go04.1 - 1 -E w. 411.1.ETT Ro.1.7o, . , ivinniriers.79rtrr°' 9.4." montree' 4'1'44 highestilowns et • aliEzposigees.. --" • " * •Manitoba wheat ---No. 1 -.Nort •• . .S41 1%T CUUB&flIL1 ern, $1.04 to $1.04.%, ...Bay, ports No 2 D0;111'0'104 .4.04.1t.dr4gioici party,.Given andN ON; 614t3AltqLn'$ gHo110:Sr; j(xyports,p4rts UP as I,gt 'Inns - • Ontario wheat -6 and sie gat' .$4.5 to -$5.25 Ante -leers, pf,35. SPateh ••.froM,1 40,0 : We for N.. .2. :red--andL.white „re:- 1,1onfreal,;•• . _Choice . . • , • • maeoan; .0e-blogjeal speetiViO. . .• - Steers Sold at• el/a Vox 6Xe, gOod 4 . wrecked lest 'September in 4 gale 5$° eetskie) ancl tee4 48 0.50° out- and the. tower gra:des at 4 to 41/c - off wager Inlet, Hudson Bijy, and si e. per lb. The -demand for hogs was Qte SuiVoy,' Whe, with liis party was. Barley--kkiting qUalities, 56 ttO, .6 to 6Xe, fairly goed a,t 53/2. to bye' , • oats N hit,e, 35c, on track, active, •witb . sales '474' ,fle' • -••-•-•te';'; °;1-:•it,,t7=,',7-X.Y4,..s.;,.,..A.,41•71.., S".`161V,Cfr 4'11' 't__-23=1:1,-tit42r4k7i47.212.bilw•mttV 77••;z731rar-IM _,Sre`freYilr'Sitirpliteti a 1,000 -mile walk, accompanied by • . . No. 3 at. 37c,, may RoFkat Ang forward 'aresinall, ler. which Cern-New No. 3 ; American t the demand is good and sales were. 52% to 53c; prompt 'shipro.ent, made at 44to 43c per. lb. :LambS. roto freights, • were 'firm 'under a. good demand' at' Peas -No. 2 Shipping_ lots 80 --to 63/-• 6.14c per lb.' A..fairly good 1c 8ic outside. • trade was done in ealves, at priceS R 'e-�. 2 at 61 to 62e Outside. quality. dog traiiwCarrying outhts and supplies, headed for whence this news cornes by wire. The -re- port arrived' at Gimli by- the .first mail -stage to....reaCh there ,f tent_ the IsTiirth'this Winter. -Maeourtis party -rceehed-Fort--0-hurehi-1-1--abou-t- Dee: ' • KILLED BY SNOWSLIDE T, Bartlett,. a•RetiredAtinister, • TIIE D'Ay. A-PARAGRAPP ' tirrENIN6S .011014 4.1414 ovElt THE: GLOBE • NUTSIIELL. Canada,. the,'EMpiref,aint the World la. General', Before' "Your. Eyes; I ,. . - . ' It Is..estiniated, that occ000 immi- ntaTiO devernment propes-; 11 certain puld-con,_pcs-• • lark and his claughter; M. Irungrivere:robbed--.1,3y-rh' wayineri near- Hamilton - ' The Lord's bay, A,Iiialice• finds • 1het conflict' of • laWs. Preventa pro - ,et* enforcement in Quebec. ' • . eases, Of m.alicions-, damage -to -the •Hydro-electrie - transmission line'. -Sivie been roper fed ,at' London. ' bi''225,013Q Annually. . • Norman. McMillan, the youhg son, or J. W. McMillas-,strnek:and- instantly_Iilled..by:, a Grand_ Trunk express , train at Stratferdi- Tiday.• . The British Parliament . 'be opened,' by 'the Eing 4;iri 7February Mr. A. J. Balfour says:the, fiscal controversy retains its old•place on the Unionist programme. . ---- A bull dog kept a dozen- London 'Policemen a,t 'bay when they tried to enter the room in which:its mas- ter. had committed snicide.• • ITE.D_...:STATES. • Canada has spored -a- dipleinatic- --victory-'-ozr-the-fisheries-eitiestion;,,, The "•Americitti Section, Of the In- ternational WaterWays -Commission Ioi-re4t)VerffilferiVeentrel-ef Sault -Rapids power. developrient., • • ,GENERA.I.., The Kaiser's, speech at the open-. of- the Diet offeiide-d-the Demo: crits and Liberals. • . • Sir Wilfrid Laurier /has given nor . _is .officially denied. thet Persia, . „ - 'fOr ei the Pa,ciAn steainslicp aborateTentative' --Been_ Co -A.rrange„ „en,ts Have " ''t •• ' • deSpatcli. from. London says:, he'execiftive Conunittee hit lit arg the planslin 'Connection with, .1 nor' titian of King CeOrge, flit and-eomPl'eted terta- - genictits; .whidh wilt,, if , • vtiiing; be on a more ..oxtenv.e. wan than'ai 'the time .Of King Ed- iard's coronation. ..; • The route of the procession- te Westminster Abbey on Juno 92 13o_ the same as ow: tho; hist .occa;-, )1,60; 'and the. royal' -.progress' • lbrotigh fhe Capital after the ere - 31 • pony,: whidi was pestporied in F.d- • .ward's ,time, „owing to. the King's delicate health, 'will •occur, on June 2. Still another royal procession to the guild hall for. the :coronation entertaintaent° has been arranged for 'a, subsequent day'. The 'Coronation festivities will ex.,. tend from: jun° 19 to June 30, and Will itictude ti' navel .review spithead, at wili'eh,tho.li:ing• will be prZsent', probably a military .review and royal reception 411 honor of the colonial end foreign envoya. • Why let that headache foil your day's work or plealure'} Take 'A .cle'spatch fron e1oB1O., , .. ,... ilebep ''' PioVinoe Leads'. 411 the Dominion .. . In, Produot o ? „:,..„.....,. , s • ,A desnate from. Ottawa says i Spruce and halsaM,ofnrnished nine.' According in statistics colleeted by ty-nine per COAL of the /5440 'lig v ' - the Forestry Branch of the Depart-: in the Making ' Of. pulp;. ,POpla,r). Ment of the -Interior, there were hemlock and jack pinewere alsa 622,126 cords of pulPwood uSeci in usedt. Three-fifths �f the pulPwoo4 Canada dnrieg. the year .i909 : Of cut 'iXt Canada during .1909' was ex- , Obi- the. total value ta thomill Was' Ported to the. United '''. States,' for . annfaetifte4Tearly-ell4his 'Wood' rangmg from $3 to $12 each, a,s.to. 50,4.64,080.--In-apiteof Buckwheat- 1 a o . outaide. - • e :Bran-ManitObas, $20, in, bags,. Totonte,, and •shorts, $21, in bagsaoks, :To i"Orits,rie Toronte,,,, and shorts, 422., • - • • COUNTItX PRODUCE. says :,Fed E. .Bartlett, a resident , ' in' the .:Shican ‘district•for'seventeerv' ..Apples-SpYs, $4.50 to .$6; Bald - years, was 'killed:et Silverton.lv a *ins,. $4 to $5; Greenings, $4 to 00Woicie. froin the teed of One of $4.50 ; , No. 2. assorted? - $3.50 to. $4 the buildings at the Galena •Parin per barrel. , • , mines.' He was an ,ordaised C0117" '; Beans -Car lots, 1.60 to, ,-1.!70? gregatiOnalist minister, ,but :deaf. and sine]. lots., 81.80 to $485., ness had. compelledlinn to leave the Honey--Extracted,-i tins 10% to. lc .ner ._11;N:.;_. No g. 'Conib wholesale Irarb-enr-taretakere-of-he7-041en _2,4(14,k20. per- diTielPFNA-6---- Farm mines: • • ' • • wholesile,...$1:75:.tO a2-7Tfell'adnnt7"7' Baled .1. at. $12.50 to .$11. `- • , , ' strew$6.50 ". , . tteek, Torento., • • Potatoes -par. iota,: 76 -te. 90e per ,ta, ,says The' city assessor s. stag , POUltrY,- WholcSale price ,�f' has about cerapleted: the assess-ciresseci potil.try.:L'-qliekens, 1,2 to J.W.,,e_per lb. , fowl, 9 to 1tte per lb. ; • • ducks 13 tir-1.4c --per"-K ';• turkeys, 17 to .1.,9c,per lb', and 'geese, 12..to, 1214e :.per lb. Live; 1 'toL2c •;less. CALOAIrrksASSESSMENT., _ • „ • The rotal Expected to ,be Over • ' 'S45,000,000. - -A despateh frem Calgary. pld boundaries, and, while, no ee- tual figures are, available, it is, es- thnated that the ' total assessment reach $45,000;000 or $50,000,- •000. .The $50,000,000Ttrark will like rbe eiceeded..-whenliroperty which WilLcome into the_eity 'limits when eitensiorri`s- ale annexed is Tircluded SPANISH MINE. BIS A 59cg.A. . . • . -Onc. lIfintdred and ..Ninety Work- men EntoMbed by. ''despatch • from Santander, Spain, :says: One 'hundred, anil ninety .Worknun in- the •Aiiita, :mine at' cestro, tirdiales, were entornped and.farty W;pre-killed *hen ;the roof Of' theinine .eavelLinlen,,AorinesilaY Rescue. patties, were able .to; -res - Cue the ternainirig. 150 ,reiners; five Of Wheni.„are-sci-bedly,:injured,..th-at. 'it is feared they will : : •_ . , , COMB PIERCED •HER -London--„Woniat-Injured-by-Failitig , • , IcY.PaYelnellt• • • A despetch"f sayS When crossing the icy pave- ment at the corner. of 'Talbot and' -Dundes streets 'on ,Thursdays,' John Westrnan of Dundas street ._east,. tell, 'striking her:. head •on the''-grottirok penetrated the:Sea1-p-and--eaUsecl-41.- Setiolus. wound, and 'her right hand, -meats ,,,aretif 60. ;do.. seconds., THE' DAIRY MAREETS. Eetter-Dairy prints, 22 choice dairy ..solids.„21_ in- teriesic-'-18--to=19cl_choice., la.rg,e 21-..t4,22c Creamery,...2.7 te 38c _per, 113,'• for rolls,. 25e. for:, Solids, and_ 24 25c .for separator, prints. . . Eggs -Case lots .Of pickled bring 27c ;.old stOrageto728c-; select- ed,' '30e, 'and strictly: neW-laid; 35 to 38c• per dozen. ' Cheesef----Large are 'quot&lat-i2Me and - - fIoG PRODU ekar;'12 ff123O .:_pshe9rrlib..e.tii;ce$S4:.lots,';'thess.poirk.,"$2,4; , heavy, , 15�; 12)Ae 4 -ciers77iNeHyreakfas-V-baco'ny,48e.4 backs (pea ,meal),.18%cy: • Lard -,--Tierces, 12,%c; tubs, 12 ; BUSINESS ..IN .340NirltEAL. Montreal,..jan. 17.L-Dats-dantv. 40 to 4032e; - :ear lots ex itpre;:extra-Nd.-1:1-Ced,. 34 to 39%c; No: 3.0. 38% .te, lee'ar Ste.' Flo-urMapitoba Springwheat . , . . Toronto, Jan. 17.-Sorne of 'the choicest butcher, heifers and • steers solein the neighborlioed oe$5.80` the price of pulpwood -the • value of, the, wood consumed increaged 'more than ,„$550,000 over '. that used in .190a.k,..thltAtill9S3'_Rseed grnre to $5..90., were' ecotisiditiab- than thirty eeoi. in-.,•watanee stenslY-Lte-..otthat,-Used---bijlie-previous-yearit;• 'fi$5r78.5- POenreedwet.A.,1.7-Hpoagisciv-sahsOWIliglhhc.lais'. 'intilheerel.)aormeinjramn,e'. asnixdtyofl!,uthlpeaoniiriers:: cations of easing off.' • . " . ..forts Were. reoeived.'frara,Afty. Half ,/ of these mills' are in Quebec 'One, **TROOPS KILLED ELEVEN: fifth,. in •Ontario, And. the. rest' are , • • . • located' • in New Brunswick,: 'Neva, Riati' in, Baonmilbta,hyo llsehtilchesn. . Sunni. tes pSciootyteeaidonQiniteibesh.,o'Clottlitreisbhiecia,..:,:eTyhper • • . • . half the POD, wood, Ontario gave' . ..deslia:teh from Rainhat ',says.: Tob-4-0:4*Weitat,-en—: --,Thntsdayr r several voll•eys to the crOid; e even an wounding. fourteen,- persona: Each went, from Quebee,. The 'atVerage. Price .rec,eiVed for ;it was only forty'-. five:cents more than was paid at 41e Quebec shipped from Canada' in '1909 'fur. , -n464--10--per material usetrby the ninety pulp mills of the° State of New Xtrk,' :and ,taitappreeiabie part011 of. that Used by .the .ntilia of New;.England " and Pennsylvania, The •manufae- • , ture of the, pulpwood exported in 1909' kept .69 of the' 251 ,pulp mills , 'of the United States'. running .at, Tull Capacity. for Vie. year. ,,,Had- onethird„ •While the_ rest Was, ob-. it- been- neanufattdred in Quebec). £oitia. . of the same . size as these twining mil -year-riots-a-naric,,,,the-,Celebrationef_ the kuhirrara; firSt'' inonth .the -Mohammedan year,..when trou- ble IS, bennd,:tO arise' between the• Sunnites, or orthodox section, and the :Shiahs, •the second:treat' di- vision of Mohammedans. A ;great. procession was arranged forlbarsr day-totinark-Jbe_vlose errata festival, but this- -*as pro-. "Rintingbe gan and Mobs , gathered. in ,large. force,'' The police were stoned and found themselves Unable to .stop.. :the fighting. Then troops :were. rushed to the•70cene, ,oi_tho*fier_cest_ rioting ..and .orders :were given to fire . -the. 65E. --Iril.:Probable- 'that nittif30"reteiveik'nfitrar--wounds- in addition to 'the -fourteen aceolint- ed fot. The.bodies of the:killed lay -IU-the.-istreets. a...Pensiderable time after the rioters' were -..dispers, wag- ieiWely-bmisa. The PhYsiel.:115,10.7-*W-h-W-eat' patents, an -in, chatge st-11.-0 it would:be som •timebefore 'Mrs: Westman would I:id-Around again.. . , . ottOiVitl‘liT store ,r49 to .50d. •Cern-Arnerican 1,5. to $5; strong bakers, $1.90, straight rollers, $4,35.to,$4,50 ',bags,- $2 ..to $2.10.,. Rolled ,outs -'-- Per bbl., $4:45 bag.,of90 119.; $2.10.. Bailey -Feed, 'car lots; ex :Life's 2 -greatest „ •oPpOrtunitieS .N•04 -yellow -c,444:0 --5-8c. 'arc not, like tlie great ships Whieh' an, OntariO; $19 to'$20; Maul., "it frt'llt;t11°. -0110E: Pcyris ..og tkle. toba; $18 to $20'; Ontario middlings world, which 'Sail and come 'again , $22 to $22,50; Manitoba sherts, p.21 -4-t -tgati---intervIrl floni the -same -,.-- to822 . --SeleCted, 32c; fresh, 45 to 50c, ports. Th, great chances 'touch priceat the pier.of our lives, -throw out the planksia OpPertunitY over which our feet' May pass, ring their signal hell's dn. our ears, ,and. then sail out of the harbor ancl•aWay into the eternal sea and never coine The little. ehences linger' and. return, but the greatschances eotn 'and 'go and neveroeme itgain. :If with illtithitiated sight we coUld look baeleOver the lives of the peo- ple by Whom w6,aro snirenntled, howneiny great and rich oPPortun- idea woitld we seethat they have permitted to 'drift by them • unim- proved..' " 44......simormowo) She -'he told Ane you told her. that secret I told you not to tell her." Ilo-"The moan thing! told her notO.feWyt ou / told her." .prornisonral. tell you she told me, so don't tell her I to you," • 25c. st'136 Guaranteed to ton sin no morphin *tbitionai Drug gin4 CbnmlcsL oinpany ol, at•your drug& 's, oplunvor ether poisonous' drugs, by the '30 ixottelei !Inked, 4" • • Meigtiteek ^ • , , 1. `stock, 27.3; .1\t`'). 2, 23, to 25c, Cheese: -Western,- 12. to .12 1 PR; eastern,. 11 to ii'/ Butte -Chi cost, '25%c ;. do:, -seconds, 23 to 250. :UNITED -STATES .34&111tE17; Buffalo, Jan, • 17.. Wheat -- Spring;-, No. 1 :Northern, cailoads store; $1....191A; Winter; ite offerings. "Corn -No". 2 yeller, 50e; No.. 4 yellow, 49b, on track, through bill- ed, Oats -No. White,-, 36.34ei 3 white% 36Y443;. No. • 4 white, 15140.. Parley -Malting, 96e to $1. Rye - No. 2, on track, 85c.' ••• • " • Minneapolis, San 17. -Wheat May $1.011% to $17698-8;. Jut $1.00%41 No..1 hard,, St,IGIX; 1 Northern $1.0934 to $1.10%; No 2 Notthonr, Si.oeNoo 01,08%4 No, $2/ to $21,50. 46 'Flou,r—First pat- ents, 1445 to ili8,35;.Deobila patent's, ••• • -;LE-VET.14ROSSING...FATILITX,, Daniel Wat-t 'Killed, and, His Wife 1, • despateh.:from .A.rnptiOr At • noon en Thursday the .comrau- Wes -thre-Wri-inteLgiooirLover_ the terrible aceident. bY -Which Mr. lo 'and: wife . received serious •injurieS: They were Coin-. to•rtown;- Irlonw:Dartiel, street;:, and: While etterripting--,.-td- ifross the -q 1eigh was streak by :the neon way. .f eight from the east. Mr. Watt's 4th- was; instantaneous. His ,left leg was pulled out at :the thigh -end hi.,s foot , severely cruelied• Vait-,,resPI:fed'W-fraiVAit`eititak Ond. W gib for •,oVer, an hour a a. half. The laories' were specieS ti --Wer,, -nara-7e. 111 ue - ii ioe-PreSident of Prosperty- o wdeit.eamichw- filroymo?tvoinr,qtr:pearisiaaey.iiSt: o,f the C; P.' i. :a Winnipeg, who itt-here :conferring, with Tboinas ShaughtlesSy,L:is • enthesiastm-siver the prospeets,oUthe west..:En ,speak-: 'orthe'sbuildbrot- the-neurditles; he said,: "During the: summer' there 'have: been 'cOnitructed. 662 Miles .1(' rail•Way,--. including -56 :miles-of:doa- ble traek. • We are new engaged on the programme for: this. year. and it is -.probable tAt,_.as xnveh 1911.: as done 'in 1910. Labor for railway Vuilding neVer s'o searde never so. '.• . ' 3-93b.ring the yoar 4:'cleterminect effort was back ea to varions' :Patti Of ;the . unitea States the A.meriean la,rmers whe "weilioVing sprfe, ef this .ciimpaigritY' interested .peo.-",-, - ple„in.,..itite :United...States. zhe mentof farmers irom. tiJimok„cOuntiy-.„ : than ..ever. The inerBale; gration 'from Eiti•Ppe. has also been- Considerable.,--and!--therechas--been • steady increase ,in • the: amOunt of land under 'cultivation. Capital his ' adme`into-ithe.,Weat in large y.o1:7:„,,,r. re never-ii,aa-a-year-when--7-,--• 'there were „so nia.ny•Englishniau ' the country seeking:. reniimerativa -investmentOor , their capital,:_-.on4_, there never was a year when there ,' was sOictuch mOney actually,inve'at- : , • • • --- • 111001SSIIIINE . Two Attu Loge Their- Lins 'gear Ste..Agathe; (inebee. • . __A...despatch from:Mentreal saYs . Illegally • thanufaeturedWIlskey batised the death of-, tWo Men near -Ste: Itzathe;---whe-re:- u -moonshine'',. liquor, flooding the " Whole distri.3t. After taking the raw liquor the men Werejound • uncbniciotta, 41,n4 never reCovered. , An, 'autopsy • on Gilbert Legate; •one . victim,. proVed_, that l'e„ had died' from the effects of Potaih, mike& 'with' the liquor. to ,give it the- flavor of inattired spirits. FORTX PER CENT. DIE.. Plaine Sitaatien thuria, *cry >Serious. • * A :dPspatch • Ircim Washington Says : Official reports to the State Depaitment , indicate ' that the plaguesituation at 'Harbin, Man - Chum., is very serious. During the last fifteen,. days • 4 total of 600 .death have been • reported.' New TOO dailyo with ik,mertality, of. 40 por tont. ." ' with poisonous eleITIOAS„111,i haS Detective Sayers Fatally, Wounded carumbia.. -- • sp.,. says 0:'Sayers, said .to be 1 a detective', , was broere-,en. :Wednesday in a-743,ring condition 'froin Alberni, where'. he on Tuesday night had a .desperate Aglit :Van AV -anted' -Saskitidiffikdie fer highWay 'robb'ery there 'and for brealsing:'open bOx-,Cars' -en; the: _0:rapd:,• 'rrunk. e 'story is that he traillThe wo hien from the latter place and' „eang„1.4.,•ii_p :With-. then). ,in a 'Camp' n4tx. Alberni.. , ffe, „posted 4.p ue of his inert outside,' while, he himself entered the camp to mike th ar- rest, A desperate' fight' ensued, in winch Sad -was .shot 'An -three 'lsla-ces;-bnt7witir.=.what•utrength -he - hadleft he backed. up' against • wall and there. fought till heifell lrom. loss -of bleed: , The -4eirctracl-"."-••••--7'1.-. 4 . . howomr-i-: succeeded in arresting the men, Whir., are .held at Alberni. 'Sayers- . • '-e'elitrrnittdeseverafarrests `single- . handed. in', Ec.1, son. . .PIP 111,14.4ohn-Sownian-antI...1.As 'sister& Meet Death_ at: Prince 'Rupert., •. detiefeli'lroni Piiiiar-Riirett; • A. goy .6841: JOhrt Bowman of Ke!.'' • tiers,. Ont., and four foreigners Wert killed by'as ,exPlosion on the.'0: P. grading, work on. the •Flarhor front, 'all being ' blown into thlt water, on Wedneaday. Mr::BeWman • has a brother: rarming in Manitoba. „ • Boafcla of. Trade of iVL�titzeaLa to Ask Legis16,tion. 'oronto , • A.dsj:mt,cli Irorn Montreal Says i Skewed: that during , list year '114., 600,000\ dozen of eggs ' in 'CaOodati *As thei, reSUlt of united efforts on ;rr' the:part Of the_ Montreal Prodtice -Were endeed unfit for consump; OM by -late, Marketing, The loss' I Me relneritsi, AsSecietion;.' the Mont- , by * ails . . vi, e it invited 4t, $8,400., t, 'ktottilli el3:thcli'.(10iTt'rrerdie44,6,iiindat.ttelln!pttli:n00ili, 126,0p0A0o .cloze of eggs a year in , Out of a. total Produttion of 1 ' be it -MO -to satire iegialition mak- Canada,. iewak esbi' a to thatifully ,, ing:.it ,crimitialto offer ter <sal -bad seventeen Per .eent4 Wak SPOilt by i eigge;:' .. . ' , • „ ' „ ' delay 'in, . marketing. PreSidelif . At a ineetirig ot the '' gontreal GifnU'annotiiited that, effOrtS We4, Produce Merchants' Asseeiation On being 'made to secure 4 tlYkteiti ,or nelnesda.t, --..the.....rnafter as liron standardizing e ,gs and alSo to haV up:and .rresident Gunn, statcd..thar tit lini4.10 erfill'iniai,. ' ence771,5' figures:prepared by tile 'asSoabition H'bita eggs, ., , r • , . ' • ' , • * r