HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2017-09-14, Page 3THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2017. PAGE 3.
Overbride on Greenwa to be re aired
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The Blyth rail trail bridge
overpass, part of the Greenway trail,
will be reopened and considered for
some needed repairs in North
Huron's 2018 budget.
According to a report from
engineering firm B.M. Ross and
Associates Limited presented at
council's Sept. 5 meeting, the
structure of the overpass should be
able to withstand the weight of
walkers, snowmobiles and the trail
grooming equipment used by local
snowmobile clubs.
"We have analyzed the structure
for [the trail groomer's load]...," the
report said. "It is our opinion that the
existing steel beams, in their current
condition, can safely support the
load of the trail groomer.
"It is our opinion that the bridge is
safe for normal pedestrian use and
for the [seven] ton trail groomer for
one year in its current condition if
the gap from the missing deck plank
is covered from curb to curb with
plywood," the report said. "Within
one year, the wood deck should be
replaced or re -assessed for strength.
The other work should be done
within five years"
A report from Director of
Recreation and Facilities Pat
Newson explained the bridge had
been closed earlier this year due to a
rail tie failing.
Newson explained that the total
cost of rehabilitating the site, which
B.M. Ross suggests be done in the
next five years, would cost $38,300.
Within the next year, the wooden
deck of the overpass should be
replaced at a cost of $9,500. The
remaining $28,800 of the project
includes replacing barriers, cleaning
and painting the beams, scaling
loose concrete from abutments and
engineering and contingency costs.
Newson said it is the opinion of
staff that some costs can be saved by
having staff do the work.
Council approved New son's
recommendation, which included re-
opening the bridge and directing staff
to discuss the issue with Goderich-
to-Guelph (G2G) Rail Trail
representatives and the North Huron
Trail Groomers snowmobile club.
Not all of council was optimistic
about the future of the structure,
"I think we should go ahead and
approve temporary repairs because
they are relatively inexpensive but
we definitely have to revisit this
issue as far as whose responsibility it
is to fully repair the bridge,"
Councillor Bill Knott said, further
stating that the land may be cared for
by G2G Inc. when North Huron's
lease runs out. "I don't want to
spend time or money on something
N•INc. 5
'Four Heaven's Sake'
The annual reunion of the Huron Pioneer Thresher and Hobby Association held its annual
reunion over the weekend. Sunday's church service in Shed 3 featured the musical stylings of
Four Heaven's Sake, a quartet from Chalmers Presbyterian Church in London. Pastor Randy
Covey of the Clinton United Church led the worship. (Shawn Lough;,, photo)
[G2G] may not like and may change
Newson said that G2G Inc.
doesn't have funding to assist with
the repairs this year, but is hoping
the group can earmark funds for it
next year.
Councillor Brock Vodden said he
wanted more than the bridge taken
care of, saying the area around it was
also in need of work.
"That used to be a very attractive
area," he said. "There are great
photographs of the area and, when
you walk through that area now, it's
absolute trash.
"I think it's part of our Blyth
vista," he said. "It's ugly... We
should start thinking about ways to
improve that area."
Council approved opening the
bridge for use and will consider
repairs during the 2018 budget
Weather a mixed bag
for Threshers reunion
Happy birthday to Edgar Daer
who celebrates Sept. 15; Tricia Daer,
London, Sept. 17 and Larry Badley,
Sept. 20. Happy birthday everyone.
Come join the Friends of the
Village of Blyth at the Memorial
Gardens at the end of Drummond
Street for the 15th annual
Remembrance and Dedication
Service on Sept. 17 at 1 p.m.
Take a walk around the gardens
and enjoy. Please bring your
lawn chair.
Although the weather was iffy on
Friday many enjoyed the weekend
of the Huron Pioneer Thresher and
Hobby Association. There were
many, many things to see. On
Saturday and Sunday Mother Nature
co-operated and the sun was shining
and it was just the right temperature
for walking around outside.
Broken Washer?
Blyth Laundromat
191 Westmoreland St., Blyth
Behold, I am coming soon!
(J.C. Ryle)
"At that time men will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great
power and glory!" Mark 13:26
The second coming of Christ shall be utterly unlike the first.
He came the first time...
in weakness,
a tender infant,
born of a poor woman in the manger at Bethlehem,
and scarcely known.
He shall come the second time in royal dignity,
with the armies of heaven around Him, to be known,
recognized and feared, by all the tribes of the earth!
He came the first time to suffer...
to bear our sins,
to be reckoned a curse,
to be despised, rejected, unjustly condemned and slain.
He shall come the second time...
to put down every enemy beneath His feet,
to take the kingdom of this world for His inheritance,
to rule them with righteousness,
to judge all men and
to reign forevermore!
How vast the difference! How mighty the contrast!
"Behold, I am coming soon!" Revelation 22:12
A Grace Gem
Submitted by: Immanuel United Reformed Church,
Listowel, ON 519-291-1956
Summer S orts Pagesp
r.;:` Coaches and parents Please have in
- . — we need your team's picture - by Sept. 15
j and players' names
01 I) '
.f 1. Please submit team . ""+
.a photo A.S.A.P. li
2. Please include players -.
A - and coaches' names '
v �> a�;l�lele„„
for under photo. �� i ' o.,,,:,,, eK
^e^�enC NWkFOI eye�H�M1ea Elven M,c_Ne "kY Coles. coe
yk D
Che”-- K -,,Z X10^. 4, .'„ Mr cM1
• Soccer • Baseball
Please help us get ALL the summer
sports teams published.
413 Queen 5t., Blyth
The Citizen 541 Turnberry 5t., Brussels
al1.61Y_'} 519-887-9114
A' Email: infoC�northhuron.on.ca
[G2G] may not like and may change
Newson said that G2G Inc.
doesn't have funding to assist with
the repairs this year, but is hoping
the group can earmark funds for it
next year.
Councillor Brock Vodden said he
wanted more than the bridge taken
care of, saying the area around it was
also in need of work.
"That used to be a very attractive
area," he said. "There are great
photographs of the area and, when
you walk through that area now, it's
absolute trash.
"I think it's part of our Blyth
vista," he said. "It's ugly... We
should start thinking about ways to
improve that area."
Council approved opening the
bridge for use and will consider
repairs during the 2018 budget
Weather a mixed bag
for Threshers reunion
Happy birthday to Edgar Daer
who celebrates Sept. 15; Tricia Daer,
London, Sept. 17 and Larry Badley,
Sept. 20. Happy birthday everyone.
Come join the Friends of the
Village of Blyth at the Memorial
Gardens at the end of Drummond
Street for the 15th annual
Remembrance and Dedication
Service on Sept. 17 at 1 p.m.
Take a walk around the gardens
and enjoy. Please bring your
lawn chair.
Although the weather was iffy on
Friday many enjoyed the weekend
of the Huron Pioneer Thresher and
Hobby Association. There were
many, many things to see. On
Saturday and Sunday Mother Nature
co-operated and the sun was shining
and it was just the right temperature
for walking around outside.
Broken Washer?
Blyth Laundromat
191 Westmoreland St., Blyth
Behold, I am coming soon!
(J.C. Ryle)
"At that time men will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great
power and glory!" Mark 13:26
The second coming of Christ shall be utterly unlike the first.
He came the first time...
in weakness,
a tender infant,
born of a poor woman in the manger at Bethlehem,
and scarcely known.
He shall come the second time in royal dignity,
with the armies of heaven around Him, to be known,
recognized and feared, by all the tribes of the earth!
He came the first time to suffer...
to bear our sins,
to be reckoned a curse,
to be despised, rejected, unjustly condemned and slain.
He shall come the second time...
to put down every enemy beneath His feet,
to take the kingdom of this world for His inheritance,
to rule them with righteousness,
to judge all men and
to reign forevermore!
How vast the difference! How mighty the contrast!
"Behold, I am coming soon!" Revelation 22:12
A Grace Gem
Submitted by: Immanuel United Reformed Church,
Listowel, ON 519-291-1956